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We Are You
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    We Are You

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    Join date : 2011-09-19
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 21 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:03 am

    Perspective and Triggers and more...
    In This Update...

    Perspective and Triggers
    2012 Journalist Panel on Extraordinary Year, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012
    Announcing the First-Ever 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona – October 26, 27, 28, 2012. Tickets on Sale NOW. Limited Seats
    Suzanne Lie: A Message from Gaia
    Sananda: Be With and Of the Creator
    Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of September
    GaiaPortal: Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window
    Connections by Suzi
    Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa, Sedona, St Germain and Sport – The Light Agenda Tomorrow
    Enlightenment, Ascension and Evolution
    Sudden vs. Gradual Ascension is the Topic on “Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond”

    Perspective and Triggers

    By Vina – September 4, 2012

    It’s been months since I’ve written an update.

    For the most part, I’ve been playing the silent witness and neutral observer to my own radical inner shifts and also within other circles of connections.

    Watching the pendulum swinging wildly from one extreme to the other and back to centre – but only fleetingly – before finding myself surfing the next tsunami, has been such a trip.

    I know I haven’t been alone in that energetic roller coaster ride. The manic states, loony-bin laughter, euphoric bliss and everything in between is much like taking a huge psychedelic trip followed by a gigantic spliff from Puff the magic dragon.

    Yes, I’m being metaphorical here, but if you haven’t already been in the galactic spin cycle – wash, rinse and repeat a zillion times – just wait your turn. I’m reminded of a character in Hunter S Thompson’s ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ – only it’s ‘Frolicking and Levitating in Los Limbos’ for me. You can take that as a warning or exciting anticipation.

    We seed and create our own reality. What are you creating?


    What I have come to appreciate is perspective. Some months ago I found myself ‘homeless’ and spent a night out under stars, quite literally on the streets. It brought me to a different level of appreciation for life, for love, for things that matter. Being on social media also gives me a lot of perspective, witnessing what others are going through – the transitions of loved ones passing on, the trials and tribulations of this journey of ascension, heck … just life in general – more importantly the beautiful souls who have every reason to break down and cry, yet are online daily, posting supportive comments and inspiring others during these shifting times. These are the people that have my utmost respect and compassion.

    A lot of what I post resonates with where my journey is at. We’re all taking slightly different routes and that’s okay, so while some articles resonate more with some than others, my general slant is that if there is a kernel of wisdom in a message – whether that is one line, one paragraph in a channeling or commentary – then that is what was needed at the time. For me, it doesn’t really matter who the messenger/writer/author is – the method of distillation is such, that if one is open to accepting the ‘concentrate’ or ‘joie de vivre’, one will get it.

    My shifts come fast and furious at times, so to even begin to express those rapid shifts to myself, (let alone on a blog) escape articulation more often than not. I find that someone else has tapped into that experiential akashic field and written it for me, so it’s a welcome source of comfort. I could write pages and pages on the irritations and vasanas that came up for me all year, but luckily I wasn’t in writing mode for much of the year. I even let my own blogs fall by the wayside in the last two years, as I went through the repeated tumble-dry episodes. I have since re-vamped my blogs and will soon begin to share some of my own musings once again there.

    Decipher and Discern

    I usually don’t write commentary on articles I post. I believe in leaving it to one’s ability to discern and decipher the information to their own jurisdiction. Of course, that’s just my take and not the case with all editors. It’s also informative and entertaining to read another’s perspective, but it does/should not detract from one’s ability to form their own opinion and draw their own conclusions. There have been times when I haven’t felt like reading articles here or anywhere else, for days at a time. Truth be told, I haven’t even listened to any of the radio shows but I do read (some of) the transcripts. I’m more of a quantum speed reader who prefers to take in the downloads that I am guided to or drawn to.

    I find it helpful to be energetically discerning, even discriminating with what I read and allow into my space – if something feels heavy or dense, I skip it. I don’t force myself to read anything that requires effort or seems to lower my frequency or attention these days. I think many of us are getting good at that. It also helps to be mindful of the energy we bring to any situation or space. Instead of being immediately reactive, take the time to recollect with your own thoughts and vibrations before consciously responding to situations, and do so with the highest possible outcome for all souls involved.

    Multidimensional Super Powers Activate

    What I wanted to share is the rapid rate of multidimensional abilities many of us have been gifted with. You may have noticed incredibly expanded senses and skills – even more so than six months ago. Straddling the thin veil between two dimensions has been a wild ride!

    Not just in the visual acuity department, but the creative and mental faculties have increased exponentially. Remembering slivers of moments, memories in this life and past lifetimes seems to be a deep soul cleanse and re-calibration in process for a lot of us. Little things like being able to use your non-dominant hand, or writing poetry again or having a sudden ability to take up something creative and soul expanding.

    Let’s not forget the acute telepathy and seeing through people’s BS. It’s almost like being a multidimensional human lie detector. You just know when someone’s pulling your leg and not being straight with you. For the empaths (like me), the chaotic energy of the world comes knocking at your door in a fierce way. Everything and everyone has the ability to have a psychic hold, unless you maintain vigilance and keep those energetic boundaries intact.

    I know that can be easier said than done sometimes and there are varying modalities out there to assist us. Find what resonates. Personally, I like to keep things simple. My soul knows all it needs to.. deep down inside, music can lift my spirits up as can curling up with a good book, or a long hot steam bath. Dancing saves me often, as does crying watching a heart-wrenching film or laughing hysterically at just about anything.

    I’ve been on extracurricular activity in my sleep time as a sentinel – guardian defender. Heavy duty dream stuff. Some of you are doing this too, various roles in various domains and dimensions, for the most part in silence without the limelight or accolades. In fact, there are many of you who are doing incredible light work, without tooting your own horns. You are showing up as amazing beacons of love and light with those around you and I just want to acknowledge you for the beautiful souls and multidimensional beings that you are.

    I posted an image and quote from the Arcturians a couple of months ago and it went viral on Facebook and someone put the quote on the image I posted. Maybe you’ve seen it? It was even re-posted by people like Gregg Braden. I thought it was a beautiful reminder. Not all of us are meant to be on the front line or in the lime light.

    Some of us do the most important work behind the scenes in sacred silence.

    Watch those Triggers

    I’ve noticed that the last week or so (preceding the blue moon last Friday) was an intense time for many – going by my newsfeed on Facebook. Many were finding themselves mired in the psychological quicksand stuck on groundhog day. Perhaps someone from your past re-emerged making ridiculous demands trying to drag you back into their drama. For me, I had three separate episodes of this. And boy, did those hairy curve balls come out of nowhere.

    If I wasn’t conscious of the shift, I might have freaked out. Despite the diligent conscious clearing and integrating work, I noticed that another ‘incident’ triggered many as they found themselves reeling headlong back in those old patterns of guilt manipulation and shadow knee jerk reactions. Take heart. Be gentle with yourself and remember to have compassion for those around you.

    Whilst we don’t post astrology on this blog, if anyone is interested in reading more about triggers, here is a timely piece and resonant monthly update that explores this theme:- September Forecast – Triggers

    Share and Shine

    You are warriors of conscious love and light. Your soul shines bright from the heavens and galaxies afar and you are definitely not alone. Maybe this is something we all keep hearing ad nauseum, but whatever hardships we may be currently enduring, stay connected with those who understand and share this monumental shift we are going through – soul community – whether it is on a discussion group or kindred spirits on Facebook.

    Sometimes, I have to remember to take my own advice. I’m very much a recluse and introvert and prefer my solace over group interaction, but whatever the outcome, I am treating this journey as a beautifully wacky and wild experience. Stay in your heart space, no matter what swirls and whirls around you. Be an emissary of Love.

    We have always had the key to the portal. The stargate has always been within us.

    Don’t forget to make peace with and enjoy as much of 3D as it is now, find the magic and see it all around – amidst nature, children laughing, feelgood films, beautiful music and all those soulful moments when and where, as often as you can. And lastly, just chill out and breathe… (so I keep reminding myself)

    I won’t be able to attend the 2012 Conference, but …

    “If you want me, you can find me, left off centre, off of the strip
    In the outskirts and in the fringes, in the corner out of the grip.”

    ~ Suzanne Vega

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    2012 Journalist Panel on Extraordinary Year, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012

    2012 Journalist Panel
    by Extraordinary Year

    Tue, September 4, 2012 08:00PM Pacific Time

    Our panel: Lisa M. Harrison – ; Steve Beckow – ; Dr. Joe Marra – Universal Talk Radio ; Kauilapele - Kauilapele’s Blog

    Call in to speak with the host: (858) 956-2147

    The demise of journalism independent of corporate sponsorship has coaxed the Truth and 2012 Awakening movements to churn out a new kind of journalist – and a gutsy sort at that. These folks are willing to put livlihood and reputation on the line in order to say things that aren’t popular; things that practically invite ridicule from the general public and even harrassment from the powers that be.

    But for the growing number of awakened souls on this planet, these folks represent all that is going right in the world. Many start their day by checking feeds and email updates, or eagerly awaiting word of a new YouTube upload, just to get their fix of “the news” about what they know is truly important. News they know they won’t get from the mainstream.

    On this special episode of Extraordinary Year, a panel of this new breed of reporter comes together to compare notes, discuss recent events, and what’s next on the road to Awakening.

    We Are You wrote:
    Suzanne Lie: A Message from Gaia
    2012 September 4
    tags: Dr Suzan Caroll, Gaia
    Posted by Andrew Eardley
    A Message from Gaia

    By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 3, 2012

    Dear Gaia,

    Please repeat what you told me last night.

    Dear One who has heard me,

    I am pleased to repeat what you heard during your meditative time. However, first, I will soften the blow.

    As more and more of my humans are discovering, they are not alone in this reality. They have seen movies and had visions, dreams and “fantasies” of “little green men”, a title given to the majestic Galactics to soften the fear of those who were still in denial.

    However, that denial must come to an end, or those who refuse to accept the Truth that the Galactics are coming NOW, will miss the most momentous moment I, Gaia, have experienced throughout this entire 2,000 years of the Kali Yuga. This darkest, dark before the dawn has been difficult for my SELF and for ALL my inhabitants. My planet has not known such worldwide destruction since the falls of Lemuria and Atlantis.

    Fortunately, the time of destruction is ending, and we are poised on the precipice of an entirely New Earth. I want to thank my Beloved Ones who toiled through the long dark night, hiding their true identity and presenting the Truth to anyone who would listen. You, my Beloved Leaders, have made this peaceful transition possible.

    Yes, my/our transition into New Earth will be peaceful! However, it will not be easy for those who still slumber. For my brave warriors who have fought for Truth through the many years of restriction, my return to SELF will be the most glorious experience of your myriad lives upon my earth body. Therefore, my dear friends and companions through the process of our transmutation, I speak to you, so that YOU can best speak to others.

    Beloved humanity, the Time is NOW! This is NOT another “dress rehearsal.” Therefore, open up your High Heart and Third Eye, fasten your seatbelt and shift into high gear. People are going to need your leadership and counsel, as they will be receiving truths that will rock their perception of reality. We can wait no longer for those who will not see. Therefore, they are unprepared for what is about to commence.

    You, my dear Leaders of fifth dimensional Earth, will be called upon in many ways to assist those in need and to bring order to any ensuing chaos. The Wisdom, Power and Love that you have had to keep a secret through our dark night, must now come into the Glory of our Dawning World.

    I ask you, my fifth dimensional Leaders, to take off your masks and reveal your True, Multidimensional SELF. When the newly awakening ones see that their fellow humans are of the same ancestry as those who have come from the sky, they will be greatly reassured. Then, as you assist them to understand their own multidimensional nature, they will swiftly adjust to their new world.

    However, YOU will be the vanguards of that world. YOU will be the Light of Knowledge as the revelation of the myriad lies comes into public view. YOU will counsel others through their fear and sadness when they realize that those whom they had trusted had no concern for them in return. Most important, YOU will guide them into their New World.

    My dear Leaders, I invite you into the Core of my being where you may learn more from your Lemurian family. They will advise you as to how you can best prepare others for their resurfacing into “normal society.” Of course, your society will never feel normal again.

    As your third dimensional perceptions are neurologically integrated into your Multidimensional Operating System, perceptions of your third dimensional reality will continue to dim, while perceptions of the fifth dimension and beyond will become “normal.”

    You, my dear Spiritual Warriors, have fought for me, your planet, in many ways. Through your dedication to the planet on which you live, you have expanded your consciousness into Planetary-Unity Consciousness. Now, with the landings of my inhabitants from my past and protectors of our presents, you are expanding your consciousness into Galactic-Unity Consciousness.

    As your Higher Expressions of SELF from your various Homeworlds meet you, their grounded and ascending Earthly Self, your consciousness will expand to embrace ALL the memories and information of your Multidimensional SELF. This meeting of which I speak could occur either within your consciousness and/or in a physical manner.

    Hence, just as my many plants and animals know when it is “time” to sprout leaves and grow flowers, mate and give birth, you my human ones, will KNOW that the season for change has come to you NOW.

    In return for all that you have done for me, I have come to you in this NOW to offer you my assistance. You may ask, “How can a planet assist me to transmute my form?” I will answer your unspoken question by sending each and every one of you, collectively and individually, my unconditional gratitude and unconditional love.

    Please take a moment NOW to deeply feel my gratitude for all that you have done…

    Feel how I AM embracing you, just as you might embrace one of my trees or animals…

    Feel how my gratitude spurs you on to do one more thing, to contribute one more task. Then as you absorb my gratitude, please pass it on to all those who have assisted and worked with you.

    Now, take another deep breath to absorb the unconditional love I have sent to you…

    Feel how my love lives within you as a blue sky, a clear pond, the dawning Sun shining through the forest…

    Feel my unconditional love within every molecule of your earth vessel…

    Allow this unconditional love to transmute those physical molecules into their higher expression of light…

    Experience the light coursing through your body…

    Hone in on individual cells that are having difficultly accepting my love…

    These cells are the places in your body where you have stored fear. Therefore, these molecules are the most resistant to change. Fear hates change and love embraces it.

    Hence, focus your unconditional love on these wounded components of your body…

    Send each wounded molecule your deep gratitude for having the courage to protect the rest of your body by holding the fear within its cellular structure…

    Observe as the density of fear disarticulates from each molecule…

    Now, send unconditional love to these dear living components of your earth body…

    Also, send this love into your fourth dimensional Elementals…

    Thank them for their service to your Spiritual Essence and send them your unconditional love…

    Now, feel your gratitude for the assistance of your Galactic Family…

    Send that gratitude off in a wave of unconditional love…

    Please do this exercise as often as you can. Feel free to alter it in your own creative way. Remember, my dearest humans, I AM your Mother. I have loved you through your myriad incarnations on my form. Sometimes you were a hero, and other times you were a coward. You were royalty and peasantry. You were deeply asleep and fully awakened.

    You, my Ones, have completed your journey through time and polarity and are ready to return to the NOW of the ONE. Hold on tight Beloveds. We will be moving very fast now, and YOU will be called upon to be the Doing of your Being.

    Time is ending, and the NOW is returning. Can you see my New Earth through the dimming veils of illusion?

    Yes, I knew that you could. That is why I, Gaia your Earth Mother, have called you to: Remember to BE your SELF.

    We Are You wrote:
    Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window…
    by ÉirePort

    Dissolved patterns may briefly arise in consciousness as Light input from Higher Realms expands during the 9-6 to 9-12 window. These patterns become visible only in thought at lower levels and will dissipate after the 9-12.

    This applies to individual and planetary thought patterns.

    Higher Dimensional Light grids have stabilized and are now allowing beams from the Inner Light Gaia to flow outward to the so-called surface of the planet. Previously "released" dark shadow concepts are illuminated, and thus appear, then dis-appear, in consciousness thought only.

    Reaction and response to the appearance of these former patterns are not desired. Only observation, and non-attachment.

    Current Higher Gaia Grid structure supports this final pattern unveiling and dissolving. Many patterns of old paradigms will be exposed, and dissolved.
    ÉirePort | September 4, 2012 at 08:01 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
    Melchizedek ~~ Your choices: where there’s a will, there’s a way! ~~ 04/09/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
    by melinelafont

    Where there’s a will, there”s a way. This saying is most appropriate these days! What you earnestly want to bring to manifestation will be the way to your personal Ascension process. So continue on with creating your thoughts, and certainly continue persevering in this regards. The road is being cleared more and more in such a way that only tiny hindrances remain, so do not let the ones remaining deter you or delay you from reaching your goal. These are mere distractions and dirty games which are unfair, so don’t invest your energy in them, they are not worth your while.
    Focus primarily on yourself and your inner world, on your beautiful spark full of colours and love and give your world that particular personal colour. Send it out, scream it out if need be and fight against the very last illusions which are still trying to get you distracted. You are defenders and warriors of the Light; keep your light torches high and enlighten the whole world ; don’t let even the smallest particle escape from your loving and warm embrace. Indeed, you are Lightbeings, your are Uppergods, Masters, Angels, Starseed, Stars, Suns, Love, Lightenergies …. You are all incarnated with just one purpose : your Ascension! So let’s get on with the show and let’s do the things you came here to do ; join hands in cooperation as this is the way to go. We are all One, never forget that.
    Humans and souls, splendidly beautiful creations in which the spark of Love has extinguished, will all be reignited in an effort to lead them to full awakening. We anxiously await the reactions that will come about with the present intense energies and what the endresult will be. Will there be a mass awakening or not? That is the big question for us in these days. Many souls have already found their way back to the Light and many will follow, that’s what we foresee and it brings us much joy. Let’s focus more specifically on yourself as the inner evolution and the inner changes will have an impact on the outer world that surrounds you. This is your personal approach and contribution for this world : to simply be Love and Light.
    Certain souls, with specific tasks pertaining to them, are now receiving the knowledge so that afore-mentioned tasks can be performed. The first of these souls have already begun and many more are to follow. The soul tasks have everything to do with raising the vibrations of this world. We wish to give you a pat on the shoulders and a warm hug as a way of saying thanks for your choice to be here in this present moment and to represent the Light. Certainly no easy task, as you know by now, but for you it was an easy choice when this question was asked to you. Without a shadow of a doubt, most souls made the choice to return bringing you to where you are now on this planet.
    What is happening now is historic in scope and you are all part of it. This is much appreciated not only by the numerous galactic civilizations, to which many of you belong, but also by the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy as well as by all of the Lighted Realms. Together we are strong and as one unit we are going to cooperate. The veils between our worlds have thinned considerably and you can now more easily see and feel us which will facilitate our cooperation. Get used to this change, you are all most welcome, you are loved deeply. Very soon all will return to the original state of being and your assistance and experiences on this planet of duality will become a thing of the past. We welcome you very soon now in our higher world and embrace you all with arms of Love and Light.
    I Am Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you cordially for the opportunity to share this message. Namaste.

    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
    melinelafont | September 4, 2012 at 10:01 | Tags: Ascended master, Melchizedek, Meline Lafont | Categories: Channels | URL:

    Sananda ~ Be With and Of the Creator ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 3 September 2012
    by franheal


    Greetings, beloved Lightworkers. I come before you today to speak of more assistance in your ascension process.

    You are all progressing very nicely in your process. The last energy surge and influx was instrumental in bringing more and more of you on-line. Now you are processing what you have received. The influx continues but you are more prepared and ready to receive than before.

    You all are unique in your process but all contain the seed of Divinity that is ever growing in strength as you progress.

    Take a moment now to ponder and assess your Light Body. Are you feeling more aware of it? Are you feeling more energy surges throughout your body as we speak, a kind of pulsing and expansion that is ongoing? Excellent. Allow that, dear Ones.

    As you pull your awareness away from your thoughts and more into your Heart, it is becoming more and more your World. It is self-sustaining and nurturing and nourishing. Let that become your complete focus from now on, what you build in your Heart, as you allow more Light and Love to infiltrate your Being, as you become engorged with it.

    For all intents and purposes, you have changed your focus a great deal as you allow Love to be who you are. It rules your actions now more than ever. Things around you naturally fall in line and rhythm because of it.

    The frequency of Love is building in all and is affecting all around you, including Mother Earth. Your body is transforming to house it in greater capacity, as you embark on this new path of your ascension which is becoming more streamlined and potent.

    Let go of your pre-conceived ideas of what ascension is, and just experience it as your Heart fills up in greater capacity. You naturally let it flow out to the universes and everything is caught up in the raising of frequency.

    Beloveds, it is not necessary for you to grasp everything on an intellectual level anymore. Allow the surge of Light to envelop you and transform you and rejoice in the wonderful feeling of Joy that is part and parcel of this transformation.

    Be the Love in your Heart; allow it to influence everything you do and say. Accept the vibration of the Creator to the fullest every moment of your life. Let it overtake you, let it rule your thoughts, let it Be your thoughts, from now on into eternity, dear Ones.

    Accept that you are not the same as you were yesterday. Accept that you are so much more than you ever dreamed - so full of Love, of Divinity, that you are becoming it once again, not just for a moment in the day or for the time you devote to meditation, but let it rule your World.

    Create from that, dear Ones; create from that growing Love in your Heart and you will be surrounded by miracles in a constant flow. Now is the time to let that appear in your lives. Now is the time to surrender to the Creator’s essence that is you.

    Now is the time to surrender to who you really are, not just the outer casing of you that was designed for experience, but the strong Light of Love and Divinity, which is your true Essence.

    Roll up all those experiences and negative thoughts and fears into the Love you are allowing to build in you and release them like you would a butterfly from the tip of your finger. Shine the Light on the remaining limiting beliefs and issues that still inhabit your psyche and love them and release them. Now is the time to soar with the newfound Lightness you are gaining.

    May you continue to experience peace through this process. You are encountering the last leg of your journey so do not let a moment go by without attending to it.

    I stand ready to lend you assistance. I am Sananda, at your service.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
    franheal | September 4, 2012 at 02:51 | Tags: Ascension Process, Be With and Of the Creator, Divinity, Fran Zepeda, Frequency of Love, heart, Joy, light body, Lightworkers, Mother Earth, Peace, Sananda, September 3 2012, Spititual Transformation, World | Categories: Channels, General News | URL:

    ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~ | The Galactic Free Press
    by Laura

    Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

    Greetings Love Beings, We have shared and many others as well, the energies will continue to intensify more each Moment. This will make way for a Smooth Transition from the old to The New Paradigm. The Light Will continue to grow exponentially and there is no where to go for those who would like this Planet to remain the same. This Planet is forever changed because of the Efforts of Love Beings Awake Across the Planet and there is Only Up from Here.

    The Arcturian Group ~ Marilyn Raffaele "Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened. Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living. You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.

    This new world[Planet][ is represented through new ways of living and yet, it is not new at all, for you are simply now awakening to the realization that you are and always have been, One. All living things are connected by virtue of their being in and of the One omnipresent, One omnipotent, and One omniscient Consciousness. As the manifestation of Source, you are also one with every Divine Idea within Divine Consciousness. Think upon that dear ones–you are actually one with Divine ideas of abundance, joy, peace, intelligence, completeness, wholeness, and much more. These Divine ideas are held in place by law..." End of Quote

    Sunspot 1560 poses a continued threat for Earth-directed M-flares. Credit: SDO/HM

    The Sun has Been Active again, and we have a Strong Chance for M Class Flares. Earlier today we entered a Geomagnetic Storm which is now subsiding. We have had alot of Earthquake Activity today. None of these Large quakes produced any reported damage or tsunami's.

    Brilliant EarthRise Report:

    Messages from The Earth Allies:

    Quoted from Bella Capozzi" If wishes are intentions and intentions are wishes, then I wish that, finally, the people of Planet Earth could live in a state of peace and abundance. I wish that Mother Gaia could at last spread her wings, and that her children could breathe fresh, clean air; the wars and the suffering would come to an end, right now, and the land and the water would be pure, unpolluted and thriving with life. The veil of secrecy is so ridiculously obsolete, and I fervently pray that it be ripped away to expose the magnificent paradise of 5D Earth, which lay just on the other side. Yes, it’s real-honestly- and it’s there, ready and waiting. Now all that’s left for us to do is to choose the correct road to get there, check our baggage at the door and move in. The horrors we leave behind in 3D will be only a distant and incomprehensible memory; hard lessons never to be repeated." End of Quote

    All of Humanity was Ignited to Awaken in 2007 when MotherEarth=Heart and Father Sky=Sun Connected in the Physical Realm for the First Time In 19 Billion Years. Then On December 21st 2007, The Planet Entered the Photon Belt. For the last 5 Years Humanity has been Flying through Space through the Photon Belt. On December 21, 2012 Mother Earth=Heart will reach her destination to the Center of this Universe, which represents the Heart=Oneness. Those choosing to Ascend with Mother Earth=Heart are About to Take a Huge Leap Forword in Conssciousness. More and More are Now Awakening and this is Getting really exciting. The More Who awaken, the Brighter and Lighter The Planet Becomes and a Smoother Transition Will Manifest.

    Quoted from Emmanuel Dagher "We have the opportunity right this minute to hold a sacred space of love and compassion for the world as a whole to step into, even if many are still caught up in the seeming upheaval and fear mindset. Each one of us is powerful and fully capable of being able to hold this sacred space of love and compassion for the world[Planet]. I've always felt that even if there was only one person on the planet holding a consistent space of love and compassion for the masses, eventually that one person will create a domino effect allowing the whole world to match the same vibration of love and compassion that the person was able to tap into. However, thank goodness we have an abundance of radiant beings around the world[Planet] committed to holding a continuous space of love, which is allowing the collective transition to move more quickly...

    Up until the end of August, the energies had been relatively quiet. This brief pause allotted us some time to integrate with the intense energies that entered the collective consciousness back in July and first few days of August. Now, a general sense of anticipation is slowly building back up as we enter the final quarter to what has already been a paradigm shifting year....

    By now, it's no longer a secret that great personal and global changes are taking place. Some of these changes can feel blissful while others may feel the complete opposite. The key to moving through it all is to remain grounded in love." End of quote


    These Incoming energies will serve All of You In Many ways. They are cleansing Humanity of the program mind, they are bringing forward all the Lies and The More this Unfolds The More The Truth Steps forward Onto the Main Stage of Planet Earth=Heart. They are Assisting in the Clean Up of the Planet, they are Activating All Divine Decrees for Manifestation and All Divine Contracts of Service to Love, and they are Bringing in Higher Energies for Grander Experiences of Joy. Love, Loves Surprises and Love, Loves to Give Surprises. Lucky Humanity They are All Made of Love!!

    Decreed by Heaven, We are Now Spiriling Quickly Together Into The Present Moment of Now. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

    Join US Live for the Internet Love Party Beginning at 10:30am Pacific Wednesday September 5th.

    ~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~

    Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!

    ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

    We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

    If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

    Its Because of your continued Love and Support through all avenues which is bringing The Truth to the Forefront. Thank You for Honoring us, as We Honor You Every Moment in Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Love You! Thank You for Keeping US Going and sharing if you can~


    Funding Goal $3000

    Total Shared $371

    Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.

    Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party. Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

    If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

    If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:

    If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us At

    ~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


    Artwork Thanks to


    (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

    ~WE are Going Home~

    ~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~

    ~We Love You Unconditionally, US. Love, Mother and Father God Amon Ra

    WE are Here~ It's US and Your'e Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~

    Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~777 ~ The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.

    Street~Wise Ascension

    From the Joy of Mt. Shasta


    Great Presence that You are,
    I speak in sequestered space with you,
    and through you to the many.
    I Am the Self that is Free.
    You have chosen Freedom too.
    For the many here, like you,
    have not known True Freedom as a family,
    the planet included, for far too long now.
    Those expressing True Freedom here
    have been hunted down and snuffed out for eons.
    Blah, blah… Now, here we are and we –
    the Earth Herself and people – are free,
    even though the last lingering piles
    of conflict are still appearing.
    Know this for us!

    Give Great Honor to the Younger Generation.
    They are to manifest your wildest,
    most totally Free, Field of Dreams,
    with Us or without Us.

    Never forget Who You really are – God.

    ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~ | The Galactic Free Press.
    Laura | September 4, 2012 at 09:44 | Categories: Channels | URL:
    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
    Join date : 2011-09-19
    Location : Here

    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 21 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:04 am

    SaLuSa to Me – Antarctica Pyramids

    QUESTION: Good afternoon dear SaLuSa. Ana and I are very excited about the Antartica pyramids. We are wondering why has nobody found them before? Can these now be seen because of the ice melting? Will we find more amazing buildings there?
    REPLY from SaLuSa: Good afternoon. I am glad for this question, because this matter illustrates what is taking place very well. It is important to notice that the photographs were leaked. They were not officially released as part of a press conference. In actual fact the research team is under strict surveillance, and everything that they discovered is top secret. There are also military people in the same area as them. All information release is being controlled by those in power.
    The same thing is happening in regards to the Baltic USO. The Military comes along and take control of the area, especially when independent research is taking place; I mean when the findings are not controlled by the governments, by various scheming, and by funding these projects.
    Another reason why corporations are eager to drill and exploit the Antarctic is because this will give them control of the area. They intend to dig and keep the findings to themselves, under the exclusive guise of resource exploitation. Once they find the “treasures” they are looking for, their plan is to destroy all evidence of advanced civilisations, of ruins and of technology. This has been used on many sacred grounds all over the entire world: in Ireland, in the United States, but also in war zones such as ancient Mesopotamia.
    In truth we have been hiding, or cloaking some of the sites which could be used as tools for Ascension from the military. And we are revealing some of the important sites to more independent researchers when we deem they are worthy of trust with potential findings. We try to do so in a timely manner of course.
    The people who leaked information and photos have done so for their own protection as well as for the pyramids protection from being erased and all evidence being destroyed. Those photographs were never allowed to be seen by the general public. Many of you had an inner knowledge of there being pyramids on Antarctica, you knew of their existence ever since your time during the Atlantis period.
    Indeed there is a connect between these pyramids and Atlantis, because this was a Galactic and global civilisation, highly technologically advanced, as well as spiritually developed in the earlier period. These pyramids pre-date the ones on Egypt, because the initial builders of pyramids lived on the continent now called Antarctica. Therweather conditions were not so extreme when these were built, although a definite weather pattern was already foreseen for that entire continent millennia ago, by their builders.
    There is great knowledge inside of them, left there by your forefathers, knowing this period of time you call Ascension was ahead of you. These humans were so advanced that many left Earth in order to explore Galaxies, while others have ascended. Some of them entered Inner Earth and stayed there, and others again were connected to your sister planet Mars.
    These pyramids have the potential of releasing much knowledge for your civilisation. These are great potential tools, used in the right hands. These pyramids are located at the main chakra for Mother Earth and can play a major role in planetary Ascension. This was realised by brave scientists who leaked those photographs for all of you to see. They realised the enormous importance of their discovery, and have also realised that darker forces are at play in order to downplay or hide their existence.
    I am SaLuSa from Sirius and it is a pleasure to discuss the importance of this discovery with you all today.
    Thank you, SaLuSa
    Channeler: Multidimensional Ocean
    We Are You wrote: Perspective and Triggers and more...
    In This Update...

    Perspective and Triggers
    2012 Journalist Panel on Extraordinary Year, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012
    Announcing the First-Ever 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona – October 26, 27, 28, 2012. Tickets on Sale NOW. Limited Seats
    Suzanne Lie: A Message from Gaia
    Sananda: Be With and Of the Creator
    Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of September
    GaiaPortal: Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window
    Connections by Suzi
    Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa, Sedona, St Germain and Sport – The Light Agenda Tomorrow
    Enlightenment, Ascension and Evolution
    Sudden vs. Gradual Ascension is the Topic on “Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond”

    Perspective and Triggers

    By Vina – September 4, 2012

    It’s been months since I’ve written an update.

    For the most part, I’ve been playing the silent witness and neutral observer to my own radical inner shifts and also within other circles of connections.

    Watching the pendulum swinging wildly from one extreme to the other and back to centre – but only fleetingly – before finding myself surfing the next tsunami, has been such a trip.

    I know I haven’t been alone in that energetic roller coaster ride. The manic states, loony-bin laughter, euphoric bliss and everything in between is much like taking a huge psychedelic trip followed by a gigantic spliff from Puff the magic dragon.

    Yes, I’m being metaphorical here, but if you haven’t already been in the galactic spin cycle – wash, rinse and repeat a zillion times – just wait your turn. I’m reminded of a character in Hunter S Thompson’s ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ – only it’s ‘Frolicking and Levitating in Los Limbos’ for me. You can take that as a warning or exciting anticipation.

    We seed and create our own reality. What are you creating?


    What I have come to appreciate is perspective. Some months ago I found myself ‘homeless’ and spent a night out under stars, quite literally on the streets. It brought me to a different level of appreciation for life, for love, for things that matter. Being on social media also gives me a lot of perspective, witnessing what others are going through – the transitions of loved ones passing on, the trials and tribulations of this journey of ascension, heck … just life in general – more importantly the beautiful souls who have every reason to break down and cry, yet are online daily, posting supportive comments and inspiring others during these shifting times. These are the people that have my utmost respect and compassion.

    A lot of what I post resonates with where my journey is at. We’re all taking slightly different routes and that’s okay, so while some articles resonate more with some than others, my general slant is that if there is a kernel of wisdom in a message – whether that is one line, one paragraph in a channeling or commentary – then that is what was needed at the time. For me, it doesn’t really matter who the messenger/writer/author is – the method of distillation is such, that if one is open to accepting the ‘concentrate’ or ‘joie de vivre’, one will get it.

    My shifts come fast and furious at times, so to even begin to express those rapid shifts to myself, (let alone on a blog) escape articulation more often than not. I find that someone else has tapped into that experiential akashic field and written it for me, so it’s a welcome source of comfort. I could write pages and pages on the irritations and vasanas that came up for me all year, but luckily I wasn’t in writing mode for much of the year. I even let my own blogs fall by the wayside in the last two years, as I went through the repeated tumble-dry episodes. I have since re-vamped my blogs and will soon begin to share some of my own musings once again there.

    Decipher and Discern

    I usually don’t write commentary on articles I post. I believe in leaving it to one’s ability to discern and decipher the information to their own jurisdiction. Of course, that’s just my take and not the case with all editors. It’s also informative and entertaining to read another’s perspective, but it does/should not detract from one’s ability to form their own opinion and draw their own conclusions. There have been times when I haven’t felt like reading articles here or anywhere else, for days at a time. Truth be told, I haven’t even listened to any of the radio shows but I do read (some of) the transcripts. I’m more of a quantum speed reader who prefers to take in the downloads that I am guided to or drawn to.

    I find it helpful to be energetically discerning, even discriminating with what I read and allow into my space – if something feels heavy or dense, I skip it. I don’t force myself to read anything that requires effort or seems to lower my frequency or attention these days. I think many of us are getting good at that. It also helps to be mindful of the energy we bring to any situation or space. Instead of being immediately reactive, take the time to recollect with your own thoughts and vibrations before consciously responding to situations, and do so with the highest possible outcome for all souls involved.

    Multidimensional Super Powers Activate

    What I wanted to share is the rapid rate of multidimensional abilities many of us have been gifted with. You may have noticed incredibly expanded senses and skills – even more so than six months ago. Straddling the thin veil between two dimensions has been a wild ride!

    Not just in the visual acuity department, but the creative and mental faculties have increased exponentially. Remembering slivers of moments, memories in this life and past lifetimes seems to be a deep soul cleanse and re-calibration in process for a lot of us. Little things like being able to use your non-dominant hand, or writing poetry again or having a sudden ability to take up something creative and soul expanding.

    Let’s not forget the acute telepathy and seeing through people’s BS. It’s almost like being a multidimensional human lie detector. You just know when someone’s pulling your leg and not being straight with you. For the empaths (like me), the chaotic energy of the world comes knocking at your door in a fierce way. Everything and everyone has the ability to have a psychic hold, unless you maintain vigilance and keep those energetic boundaries intact.

    I know that can be easier said than done sometimes and there are varying modalities out there to assist us. Find what resonates. Personally, I like to keep things simple. My soul knows all it needs to.. deep down inside, music can lift my spirits up as can curling up with a good book, or a long hot steam bath. Dancing saves me often, as does crying watching a heart-wrenching film or laughing hysterically at just about anything.

    I’ve been on extracurricular activity in my sleep time as a sentinel – guardian defender. Heavy duty dream stuff. Some of you are doing this too, various roles in various domains and dimensions, for the most part in silence without the limelight or accolades. In fact, there are many of you who are doing incredible light work, without tooting your own horns. You are showing up as amazing beacons of love and light with those around you and I just want to acknowledge you for the beautiful souls and multidimensional beings that you are.

    I posted an image and quote from the Arcturians a couple of months ago and it went viral on Facebook and someone put the quote on the image I posted. Maybe you’ve seen it? It was even re-posted by people like Gregg Braden. I thought it was a beautiful reminder. Not all of us are meant to be on the front line or in the lime light.

    Some of us do the most important work behind the scenes in sacred silence.

    Watch those Triggers

    I’ve noticed that the last week or so (preceding the blue moon last Friday) was an intense time for many – going by my newsfeed on Facebook. Many were finding themselves mired in the psychological quicksand stuck on groundhog day. Perhaps someone from your past re-emerged making ridiculous demands trying to drag you back into their drama. For me, I had three separate episodes of this. And boy, did those hairy curve balls come out of nowhere.

    If I wasn’t conscious of the shift, I might have freaked out. Despite the diligent conscious clearing and integrating work, I noticed that another ‘incident’ triggered many as they found themselves reeling headlong back in those old patterns of guilt manipulation and shadow knee jerk reactions. Take heart. Be gentle with yourself and remember to have compassion for those around you.

    Whilst we don’t post astrology on this blog, if anyone is interested in reading more about triggers, here is a timely piece and resonant monthly update that explores this theme:- September Forecast – Triggers

    Share and Shine

    You are warriors of conscious love and light. Your soul shines bright from the heavens and galaxies afar and you are definitely not alone. Maybe this is something we all keep hearing ad nauseum, but whatever hardships we may be currently enduring, stay connected with those who understand and share this monumental shift we are going through – soul community – whether it is on a discussion group or kindred spirits on Facebook.

    Sometimes, I have to remember to take my own advice. I’m very much a recluse and introvert and prefer my solace over group interaction, but whatever the outcome, I am treating this journey as a beautifully wacky and wild experience. Stay in your heart space, no matter what swirls and whirls around you. Be an emissary of Love.

    We have always had the key to the portal. The stargate has always been within us.

    Don’t forget to make peace with and enjoy as much of 3D as it is now, find the magic and see it all around – amidst nature, children laughing, feelgood films, beautiful music and all those soulful moments when and where, as often as you can. And lastly, just chill out and breathe… (so I keep reminding myself)

    I won’t be able to attend the 2012 Conference, but …

    “If you want me, you can find me, left off centre, off of the strip
    In the outskirts and in the fringes, in the corner out of the grip.”

    ~ Suzanne Vega

    • Email to a friend •

    2012 Journalist Panel on Extraordinary Year, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2012

    2012 Journalist Panel
    by Extraordinary Year

    Tue, September 4, 2012 08:00PM Pacific Time

    Our panel: Lisa M. Harrison – ; Steve Beckow – ; Dr. Joe Marra – Universal Talk Radio ; Kauilapele - Kauilapele’s Blog

    Call in to speak with the host: (858) 956-2147

    The demise of journalism independent of corporate sponsorship has coaxed the Truth and 2012 Awakening movements to churn out a new kind of journalist – and a gutsy sort at that. These folks are willing to put livlihood and reputation on the line in order to say things that aren’t popular; things that practically invite ridicule from the general public and even harrassment from the powers that be.

    But for the growing number of awakened souls on this planet, these folks represent all that is going right in the world. Many start their day by checking feeds and email updates, or eagerly awaiting word of a new YouTube upload, just to get their fix of “the news” about what they know is truly important. News they know they won’t get from the mainstream.

    On this special episode of Extraordinary Year, a panel of this new breed of reporter comes together to compare notes, discuss recent events, and what’s next on the road to Awakening.

    We Are You wrote:
    Suzanne Lie: A Message from Gaia
    2012 September 4
    tags: Dr Suzan Caroll, Gaia
    Posted by Andrew Eardley
    A Message from Gaia

    By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 3, 2012

    Dear Gaia,

    Please repeat what you told me last night.

    Dear One who has heard me,

    I am pleased to repeat what you heard during your meditative time. However, first, I will soften the blow.

    As more and more of my humans are discovering, they are not alone in this reality. They have seen movies and had visions, dreams and “fantasies” of “little green men”, a title given to the majestic Galactics to soften the fear of those who were still in denial.

    However, that denial must come to an end, or those who refuse to accept the Truth that the Galactics are coming NOW, will miss the most momentous moment I, Gaia, have experienced throughout this entire 2,000 years of the Kali Yuga. This darkest, dark before the dawn has been difficult for my SELF and for ALL my inhabitants. My planet has not known such worldwide destruction since the falls of Lemuria and Atlantis.

    Fortunately, the time of destruction is ending, and we are poised on the precipice of an entirely New Earth. I want to thank my Beloved Ones who toiled through the long dark night, hiding their true identity and presenting the Truth to anyone who would listen. You, my Beloved Leaders, have made this peaceful transition possible.

    Yes, my/our transition into New Earth will be peaceful! However, it will not be easy for those who still slumber. For my brave warriors who have fought for Truth through the many years of restriction, my return to SELF will be the most glorious experience of your myriad lives upon my earth body. Therefore, my dear friends and companions through the process of our transmutation, I speak to you, so that YOU can best speak to others.

    Beloved humanity, the Time is NOW! This is NOT another “dress rehearsal.” Therefore, open up your High Heart and Third Eye, fasten your seatbelt and shift into high gear. People are going to need your leadership and counsel, as they will be receiving truths that will rock their perception of reality. We can wait no longer for those who will not see. Therefore, they are unprepared for what is about to commence.

    You, my dear Leaders of fifth dimensional Earth, will be called upon in many ways to assist those in need and to bring order to any ensuing chaos. The Wisdom, Power and Love that you have had to keep a secret through our dark night, must now come into the Glory of our Dawning World.

    I ask you, my fifth dimensional Leaders, to take off your masks and reveal your True, Multidimensional SELF. When the newly awakening ones see that their fellow humans are of the same ancestry as those who have come from the sky, they will be greatly reassured. Then, as you assist them to understand their own multidimensional nature, they will swiftly adjust to their new world.

    However, YOU will be the vanguards of that world. YOU will be the Light of Knowledge as the revelation of the myriad lies comes into public view. YOU will counsel others through their fear and sadness when they realize that those whom they had trusted had no concern for them in return. Most important, YOU will guide them into their New World.

    My dear Leaders, I invite you into the Core of my being where you may learn more from your Lemurian family. They will advise you as to how you can best prepare others for their resurfacing into “normal society.” Of course, your society will never feel normal again.

    As your third dimensional perceptions are neurologically integrated into your Multidimensional Operating System, perceptions of your third dimensional reality will continue to dim, while perceptions of the fifth dimension and beyond will become “normal.”

    You, my dear Spiritual Warriors, have fought for me, your planet, in many ways. Through your dedication to the planet on which you live, you have expanded your consciousness into Planetary-Unity Consciousness. Now, with the landings of my inhabitants from my past and protectors of our presents, you are expanding your consciousness into Galactic-Unity Consciousness.

    As your Higher Expressions of SELF from your various Homeworlds meet you, their grounded and ascending Earthly Self, your consciousness will expand to embrace ALL the memories and information of your Multidimensional SELF. This meeting of which I speak could occur either within your consciousness and/or in a physical manner.

    Hence, just as my many plants and animals know when it is “time” to sprout leaves and grow flowers, mate and give birth, you my human ones, will KNOW that the season for change has come to you NOW.

    In return for all that you have done for me, I have come to you in this NOW to offer you my assistance. You may ask, “How can a planet assist me to transmute my form?” I will answer your unspoken question by sending each and every one of you, collectively and individually, my unconditional gratitude and unconditional love.

    Please take a moment NOW to deeply feel my gratitude for all that you have done…

    Feel how I AM embracing you, just as you might embrace one of my trees or animals…

    Feel how my gratitude spurs you on to do one more thing, to contribute one more task. Then as you absorb my gratitude, please pass it on to all those who have assisted and worked with you.

    Now, take another deep breath to absorb the unconditional love I have sent to you…

    Feel how my love lives within you as a blue sky, a clear pond, the dawning Sun shining through the forest…

    Feel my unconditional love within every molecule of your earth vessel…

    Allow this unconditional love to transmute those physical molecules into their higher expression of light…

    Experience the light coursing through your body…

    Hone in on individual cells that are having difficultly accepting my love…

    These cells are the places in your body where you have stored fear. Therefore, these molecules are the most resistant to change. Fear hates change and love embraces it.

    Hence, focus your unconditional love on these wounded components of your body…

    Send each wounded molecule your deep gratitude for having the courage to protect the rest of your body by holding the fear within its cellular structure…

    Observe as the density of fear disarticulates from each molecule…

    Now, send unconditional love to these dear living components of your earth body…

    Also, send this love into your fourth dimensional Elementals…

    Thank them for their service to your Spiritual Essence and send them your unconditional love…

    Now, feel your gratitude for the assistance of your Galactic Family…

    Send that gratitude off in a wave of unconditional love…

    Please do this exercise as often as you can. Feel free to alter it in your own creative way. Remember, my dearest humans, I AM your Mother. I have loved you through your myriad incarnations on my form. Sometimes you were a hero, and other times you were a coward. You were royalty and peasantry. You were deeply asleep and fully awakened.

    You, my Ones, have completed your journey through time and polarity and are ready to return to the NOW of the ONE. Hold on tight Beloveds. We will be moving very fast now, and YOU will be called upon to be the Doing of your Being.

    Time is ending, and the NOW is returning. Can you see my New Earth through the dimming veils of illusion?

    Yes, I knew that you could. That is why I, Gaia your Earth Mother, have called you to: Remember to BE your SELF.

    We Are You wrote:
    Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window…
    by ÉirePort

    Dissolved patterns may briefly arise in consciousness as Light input from Higher Realms expands during the 9-6 to 9-12 window. These patterns become visible only in thought at lower levels and will dissipate after the 9-12.

    This applies to individual and planetary thought patterns.

    Higher Dimensional Light grids have stabilized and are now allowing beams from the Inner Light Gaia to flow outward to the so-called surface of the planet. Previously "released" dark shadow concepts are illuminated, and thus appear, then dis-appear, in consciousness thought only.

    Reaction and response to the appearance of these former patterns are not desired. Only observation, and non-attachment.

    Current Higher Gaia Grid structure supports this final pattern unveiling and dissolving. Many patterns of old paradigms will be exposed, and dissolved.
    ÉirePort | September 4, 2012 at 08:01 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
    Melchizedek ~~ Your choices: where there’s a will, there’s a way! ~~ 04/09/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
    by melinelafont

    Where there’s a will, there”s a way. This saying is most appropriate these days! What you earnestly want to bring to manifestation will be the way to your personal Ascension process. So continue on with creating your thoughts, and certainly continue persevering in this regards. The road is being cleared more and more in such a way that only tiny hindrances remain, so do not let the ones remaining deter you or delay you from reaching your goal. These are mere distractions and dirty games which are unfair, so don’t invest your energy in them, they are not worth your while.
    Focus primarily on yourself and your inner world, on your beautiful spark full of colours and love and give your world that particular personal colour. Send it out, scream it out if need be and fight against the very last illusions which are still trying to get you distracted. You are defenders and warriors of the Light; keep your light torches high and enlighten the whole world ; don’t let even the smallest particle escape from your loving and warm embrace. Indeed, you are Lightbeings, your are Uppergods, Masters, Angels, Starseed, Stars, Suns, Love, Lightenergies …. You are all incarnated with just one purpose : your Ascension! So let’s get on with the show and let’s do the things you came here to do ; join hands in cooperation as this is the way to go. We are all One, never forget that.
    Humans and souls, splendidly beautiful creations in which the spark of Love has extinguished, will all be reignited in an effort to lead them to full awakening. We anxiously await the reactions that will come about with the present intense energies and what the endresult will be. Will there be a mass awakening or not? That is the big question for us in these days. Many souls have already found their way back to the Light and many will follow, that’s what we foresee and it brings us much joy. Let’s focus more specifically on yourself as the inner evolution and the inner changes will have an impact on the outer world that surrounds you. This is your personal approach and contribution for this world : to simply be Love and Light.
    Certain souls, with specific tasks pertaining to them, are now receiving the knowledge so that afore-mentioned tasks can be performed. The first of these souls have already begun and many more are to follow. The soul tasks have everything to do with raising the vibrations of this world. We wish to give you a pat on the shoulders and a warm hug as a way of saying thanks for your choice to be here in this present moment and to represent the Light. Certainly no easy task, as you know by now, but for you it was an easy choice when this question was asked to you. Without a shadow of a doubt, most souls made the choice to return bringing you to where you are now on this planet.
    What is happening now is historic in scope and you are all part of it. This is much appreciated not only by the numerous galactic civilizations, to which many of you belong, but also by the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy as well as by all of the Lighted Realms. Together we are strong and as one unit we are going to cooperate. The veils between our worlds have thinned considerably and you can now more easily see and feel us which will facilitate our cooperation. Get used to this change, you are all most welcome, you are loved deeply. Very soon all will return to the original state of being and your assistance and experiences on this planet of duality will become a thing of the past. We welcome you very soon now in our higher world and embrace you all with arms of Love and Light.
    I Am Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you cordially for the opportunity to share this message. Namaste.

    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
    melinelafont | September 4, 2012 at 10:01 | Tags: Ascended master, Melchizedek, Meline Lafont | Categories: Channels | URL:

    Sananda ~ Be With and Of the Creator ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 3 September 2012
    by franheal


    Greetings, beloved Lightworkers. I come before you today to speak of more assistance in your ascension process.

    You are all progressing very nicely in your process. The last energy surge and influx was instrumental in bringing more and more of you on-line. Now you are processing what you have received. The influx continues but you are more prepared and ready to receive than before.

    You all are unique in your process but all contain the seed of Divinity that is ever growing in strength as you progress.

    Take a moment now to ponder and assess your Light Body. Are you feeling more aware of it? Are you feeling more energy surges throughout your body as we speak, a kind of pulsing and expansion that is ongoing? Excellent. Allow that, dear Ones.

    As you pull your awareness away from your thoughts and more into your Heart, it is becoming more and more your World. It is self-sustaining and nurturing and nourishing. Let that become your complete focus from now on, what you build in your Heart, as you allow more Light and Love to infiltrate your Being, as you become engorged with it.

    For all intents and purposes, you have changed your focus a great deal as you allow Love to be who you are. It rules your actions now more than ever. Things around you naturally fall in line and rhythm because of it.

    The frequency of Love is building in all and is affecting all around you, including Mother Earth. Your body is transforming to house it in greater capacity, as you embark on this new path of your ascension which is becoming more streamlined and potent.

    Let go of your pre-conceived ideas of what ascension is, and just experience it as your Heart fills up in greater capacity. You naturally let it flow out to the universes and everything is caught up in the raising of frequency.

    Beloveds, it is not necessary for you to grasp everything on an intellectual level anymore. Allow the surge of Light to envelop you and transform you and rejoice in the wonderful feeling of Joy that is part and parcel of this transformation.

    Be the Love in your Heart; allow it to influence everything you do and say. Accept the vibration of the Creator to the fullest every moment of your life. Let it overtake you, let it rule your thoughts, let it Be your thoughts, from now on into eternity, dear Ones.

    Accept that you are not the same as you were yesterday. Accept that you are so much more than you ever dreamed - so full of Love, of Divinity, that you are becoming it once again, not just for a moment in the day or for the time you devote to meditation, but let it rule your World.

    Create from that, dear Ones; create from that growing Love in your Heart and you will be surrounded by miracles in a constant flow. Now is the time to let that appear in your lives. Now is the time to surrender to the Creator’s essence that is you.

    Now is the time to surrender to who you really are, not just the outer casing of you that was designed for experience, but the strong Light of Love and Divinity, which is your true Essence.

    Roll up all those experiences and negative thoughts and fears into the Love you are allowing to build in you and release them like you would a butterfly from the tip of your finger. Shine the Light on the remaining limiting beliefs and issues that still inhabit your psyche and love them and release them. Now is the time to soar with the newfound Lightness you are gaining.

    May you continue to experience peace through this process. You are encountering the last leg of your journey so do not let a moment go by without attending to it.

    I stand ready to lend you assistance. I am Sananda, at your service.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
    franheal | September 4, 2012 at 02:51 | Tags: Ascension Process, Be With and Of the Creator, Divinity, Fran Zepeda, Frequency of Love, heart, Joy, light body, Lightworkers, Mother Earth, Peace, Sananda, September 3 2012, Spititual Transformation, World | Categories: Channels, General News | URL:

    ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~ | The Galactic Free Press
    by Laura

    Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

    Greetings Love Beings, We have shared and many others as well, the energies will continue to intensify more each Moment. This will make way for a Smooth Transition from the old to The New Paradigm. The Light Will continue to grow exponentially and there is no where to go for those who would like this Planet to remain the same. This Planet is forever changed because of the Efforts of Love Beings Awake Across the Planet and there is Only Up from Here.

    The Arcturian Group ~ Marilyn Raffaele "Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened. Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living. You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.

    This new world[Planet][ is represented through new ways of living and yet, it is not new at all, for you are simply now awakening to the realization that you are and always have been, One. All living things are connected by virtue of their being in and of the One omnipresent, One omnipotent, and One omniscient Consciousness. As the manifestation of Source, you are also one with every Divine Idea within Divine Consciousness. Think upon that dear ones–you are actually one with Divine ideas of abundance, joy, peace, intelligence, completeness, wholeness, and much more. These Divine ideas are held in place by law..." End of Quote

    Sunspot 1560 poses a continued threat for Earth-directed M-flares. Credit: SDO/HM

    The Sun has Been Active again, and we have a Strong Chance for M Class Flares. Earlier today we entered a Geomagnetic Storm which is now subsiding. We have had alot of Earthquake Activity today. None of these Large quakes produced any reported damage or tsunami's.

    Brilliant EarthRise Report:

    Messages from The Earth Allies:

    Quoted from Bella Capozzi" If wishes are intentions and intentions are wishes, then I wish that, finally, the people of Planet Earth could live in a state of peace and abundance. I wish that Mother Gaia could at last spread her wings, and that her children could breathe fresh, clean air; the wars and the suffering would come to an end, right now, and the land and the water would be pure, unpolluted and thriving with life. The veil of secrecy is so ridiculously obsolete, and I fervently pray that it be ripped away to expose the magnificent paradise of 5D Earth, which lay just on the other side. Yes, it’s real-honestly- and it’s there, ready and waiting. Now all that’s left for us to do is to choose the correct road to get there, check our baggage at the door and move in. The horrors we leave behind in 3D will be only a distant and incomprehensible memory; hard lessons never to be repeated." End of Quote

    All of Humanity was Ignited to Awaken in 2007 when MotherEarth=Heart and Father Sky=Sun Connected in the Physical Realm for the First Time In 19 Billion Years. Then On December 21st 2007, The Planet Entered the Photon Belt. For the last 5 Years Humanity has been Flying through Space through the Photon Belt. On December 21, 2012 Mother Earth=Heart will reach her destination to the Center of this Universe, which represents the Heart=Oneness. Those choosing to Ascend with Mother Earth=Heart are About to Take a Huge Leap Forword in Conssciousness. More and More are Now Awakening and this is Getting really exciting. The More Who awaken, the Brighter and Lighter The Planet Becomes and a Smoother Transition Will Manifest.

    Quoted from Emmanuel Dagher "We have the opportunity right this minute to hold a sacred space of love and compassion for the world as a whole to step into, even if many are still caught up in the seeming upheaval and fear mindset. Each one of us is powerful and fully capable of being able to hold this sacred space of love and compassion for the world[Planet]. I've always felt that even if there was only one person on the planet holding a consistent space of love and compassion for the masses, eventually that one person will create a domino effect allowing the whole world to match the same vibration of love and compassion that the person was able to tap into. However, thank goodness we have an abundance of radiant beings around the world[Planet] committed to holding a continuous space of love, which is allowing the collective transition to move more quickly...

    Up until the end of August, the energies had been relatively quiet. This brief pause allotted us some time to integrate with the intense energies that entered the collective consciousness back in July and first few days of August. Now, a general sense of anticipation is slowly building back up as we enter the final quarter to what has already been a paradigm shifting year....

    By now, it's no longer a secret that great personal and global changes are taking place. Some of these changes can feel blissful while others may feel the complete opposite. The key to moving through it all is to remain grounded in love." End of quote


    These Incoming energies will serve All of You In Many ways. They are cleansing Humanity of the program mind, they are bringing forward all the Lies and The More this Unfolds The More The Truth Steps forward Onto the Main Stage of Planet Earth=Heart. They are Assisting in the Clean Up of the Planet, they are Activating All Divine Decrees for Manifestation and All Divine Contracts of Service to Love, and they are Bringing in Higher Energies for Grander Experiences of Joy. Love, Loves Surprises and Love, Loves to Give Surprises. Lucky Humanity They are All Made of Love!!

    Decreed by Heaven, We are Now Spiriling Quickly Together Into The Present Moment of Now. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

    Join US Live for the Internet Love Party Beginning at 10:30am Pacific Wednesday September 5th.

    ~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~

    Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!

    ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

    We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

    If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

    Its Because of your continued Love and Support through all avenues which is bringing The Truth to the Forefront. Thank You for Honoring us, as We Honor You Every Moment in Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Love You! Thank You for Keeping US Going and sharing if you can~


    Funding Goal $3000

    Total Shared $371

    Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.

    Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party. Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

    If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

    If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:

    If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us At

    ~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


    Artwork Thanks to


    (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

    ~WE are Going Home~

    ~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~

    ~We Love You Unconditionally, US. Love, Mother and Father God Amon Ra

    WE are Here~ It's US and Your'e Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~

    Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~777 ~ The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.

    Street~Wise Ascension

    From the Joy of Mt. Shasta


    Great Presence that You are,
    I speak in sequestered space with you,
    and through you to the many.
    I Am the Self that is Free.
    You have chosen Freedom too.
    For the many here, like you,
    have not known True Freedom as a family,
    the planet included, for far too long now.
    Those expressing True Freedom here
    have been hunted down and snuffed out for eons.
    Blah, blah… Now, here we are and we –
    the Earth Herself and people – are free,
    even though the last lingering piles
    of conflict are still appearing.
    Know this for us!

    Give Great Honor to the Younger Generation.
    They are to manifest your wildest,
    most totally Free, Field of Dreams,
    with Us or without Us.

    Never forget Who You really are – God.

    ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~ | The Galactic Free Press.
    Laura | September 4, 2012 at 09:44 | Categories: Channels | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:28 pm

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Your Birthright Restored! ~ September 4, 2012

    10 Eb, 0 Zip, 9 Eb

    Dratzo! We return with much to discuss. A great change in your banking system is getting ready to appear. As you know, a dark cabal runs your world by maintaining a tight grip on the global banking system, which in turn controls everything else. This grip has been loosened recently by the inflationary nature of its fiat currencies. Added to which, it is impossible to perpetuate a system based on debt and expect to simply add to the debt indefinitely, but this is precisely how your present financial system is expected to operate.

    In fact the true extent of the hidden debt accrued by this cabal is staggering. On another front, these ones sincerely believed that the block placed by Heaven on your reduced genetics long ago to prevent further tampering by the dark could actually be breached by using the alien genetic technology which had fallen into their hands around the end of WWII. This mistaken belief now forms the basis of their defeat and is leading to the restoration of the Light on planet Earth.

    Heaven knew this was happening and in the early 1990s requested us in the Galactic Federation to set up a first contact mission for Gaia. This mission is to make known to you the truth about many things, including the major reasons for the coming of your new reality.

    The first stage of this dark-into-Light operation is to use the new financial system to rapidly increase the instability of the present setup, as the inherent precariousness of the old system will precipitate its own collapse. One major aspect of the new system is transparency, and this will immediately expose the immense corruption and the prevalence of 'cooked books' that all the world's major banking corporations have used. As this comes out banks will begin to fail at a startling rate, while the old fiat currencies will be trumped by the arrival of a number of major currencies backed by gold.

    The world economy will go into free fall and this will force the adoption of global debt forgiveness. Crisis aversion will demand the detention of those complicit in the corruption and collusion between governments and financial conglomerates, and with their removal the dark cabal-controlled governments will pass away. Once this flurry is over, the more interesting stuff can begin!

    A key item on the agenda is disclosure. Since the 1940s, the major nations of your world have promulgated a wholesale denial of our existence and benevolence, while covertly engaging in agreements with several dark members of the Anchara Alliance. From 1940-90, the Illuminati factions on your world came into closer cooperation with each other as a result of signing a series of treaties with various then-dark Alliance members. In 1994-95, the Treaty of Anchara came into being, the Anunnaki joined the ranks of the Light, and the dark ETs abandoned their projects on Earth and reneged on the treaties.

    With the cohesive factor among the Illuminati gone, Heaven began to exercise the decrees it had issued when 'the time of the dark ones' began some 13 millennia ago. Now the Light is in the ascendancy and the policy of excluding us and of active belligerence to our presence is to end. The next step revolves around the watershed proclamation of disclosure and will open the door to some truly startling announcements!

    It will indeed be shocking for many to learn that the major reality-concepts drilled into them since childhood are false! In effect, disclosure inaugurates your collective awakening from limited to full consciousness. It is the point where you abandon the 'notions of childhood' that have long veiled your amazing potential, and it is our role to help you realize your move into adulthood. Then you are to take your divinely inherited gifts and create ways to unfold the Creator's plan throughout your vast realm.

    We are in joy to be given the heavenly mandate to accomplish this and to mentor you through your transformation into full-conscious Beings of Light! Gaia is also well pleased that your long and harrowing journey through the dark realms is finally to be over. You have delayed your leap in consciousness for far too long. The dark made you believe in the supremacy of the physical, and regularly forbade you to discover your powerful, spiritual essence. These are some of the things to be made known to you as you greet the many branches of your family, including those in Inner Earth.

    Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!

    We come with more news. We have instructed the secret sacred societies to prepare to come forward. Once the first disclosure announcements are made, the true spiritual element of your globe needs to reveal its many doctrines and teachings. We prefer to make ourselves known to you only after these statements are read and joyously explained to you. Disclosure is a process wherein many false and artfully rearranged beliefs are straightened out.

    These explanations will form a foundation for what we Ascended Masters wish to convey to you. Our teachings will assist the work of the personnel that the first-contact team intends to bring down to your world, shortly after their many announcements are finished.

    These waves of information are part of a catch-up program to get you ready for your brief time in your individual Light Chambers. We are concerned about how to soften the impact of all that you need to learn. Over the millennia the Anunnaki weaved a discouraging tapestry of half-truths and misrepresentations for you to believe in, when in fact 'reality' is very different from what you think you know. It is also very wonderful! It is important to both our space family and to us that we come together with you to discuss in detail all the things we have to share.

    Your glorious Mother Earth also dearly wishes you to know much about who she is and what she expects of you. You have been kept in the dark in so many ways and for such a long time, as the Anunnaki removed and kept most information from you, and then largely misconstrued the rest. Our information will allow you to see yourselves and your world in an entirely new light and permit you to take back the powers that were taken away from you over 13 millennia ago.

    The powers you lost back then were key to maintaining your full consciousness, and you will be given the first lessons on how to get them back. They comprise initial prayers and rituals to get the ball rolling, and then the rest will be completed in your cocoon-like Light Chambers. We, together with Heaven, are assigned to be with you throughout this wondrous process, and when you awaken fully conscious from your Light-sleep, your space-family mentors will also continue to play a major role in the training-period of up to 10 days, in which you will be familiarized with full-consciousness etiquette.

    With your birthright restored, you can become active members playing a major role in the vast panorama of unfolding the Creator's divine plan with Love, grace, and unending joy! We greatly welcome this time and know how special are the Souls who have been allowed to incarnate upon this honored world at this unique time in Gaia's long history!

    Today we continued our discussion about what is about to happen on your world. The very complex process of freeing you from the clutches of the dark is accelerating. The time is near for all of us to come together and freely celebrate the advent of your new, free, sovereign reality! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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    Post  We Are You Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:22 am

    You are on the edge of a massive disruption to normal life – 09/05/2012 by John Smallman
    Posted on September 5, 2012 by Multidimensional Ocean/ Laura

    1 Vote

    09/05/2012 by John Smallman

    You are on the edge of a massive disruption to what you call normal life, which will be sensational in its unfoldment while inspiring and uplifting you. You have been working very hard to reach this point in your spiritual evolution, and you have truly earned the monumental accolades and honors that are shortly to be bestowed upon you. You know all this, but while you stay within the confines of the illusion the memory of that knowledge remains hidden from you. What is required of you is that you continue to hold the Light on high as you trust your Father to deliver all that He has promised you, as you truly know He will.

    The Light that you are bearing before you with such forbearance and determination is a beacon to many who are aware that something strange is in the air, that all is not as it seems. Your constancy and imperturbability are amazingly effective stabilizing influences on all in your vicinity, and on all who know you, even though you yourselves are mostly unaware of the powerful and supportive presence that your loving behavior constantly demonstrates.

    Love is the power, the energy, the creative potential that gives life its spark. Life and Love are one — a divine dependency that is infinitely fertile and infinitely abundant. Within the illusion, you experience only the smallest intimation of what this means. You have writers, painters, poets, composers, and performers who manage to pass on to you a mere inkling of the fantastic possibilities that life offers you, but until you dissolve your illusory reality and awaken fully, your understanding of what this truly means will continue to escape you.

    You all have deep yearnings for so much more than life as you presently experience it can possibly deliver, and so you remain dissatisfied, disgruntled, in fact deeply disappointed with what it offers you. Many of you drive yourselves to achieve and, remaining displeased with the results, drive yourselves even harder, but to no avail. What you seek and so desperately desire is not of this world, which is one extremely good reason for changing it beyond all recognition, and that is what you are in the process of doing.

    Pay close attention to the amazing plurality of information that is being increasingly promulgated all across the world, as more and more who are in positions of trust disclose much secret knowledge that has been hidden from you in order to disempower and control you.

    This dictatorial secrecy can no longer be enforced, or even maintained, because those employed to file and organize information of any kind are being permeated by the divine Love field. They are awakening to the need for transparency in all interpersonal, interdepartmental, inter-organizational, intergovernmental, and international communications. As a result they are feeling spiritually inspired, motivated, and encouraged to take into their own hands the responsibility for releasing information that previously they would have absolutely refused to divulge in this manner to anyone unless expressly directed to do so by a very senior member of the corporate structure or organization for which they work.

    The authoritarian and Byzantine groups who have been running the world and controlling its citizens are disintegrating. They never truly trusted one another, and have always taken enormous precautions to ensure their interdependency through dissimulation and concealment. There was never just one controlling authority, and now, as more and more secret information is released into the public arena, their distrust has intensified to such an extent that they no longer feel safe in supporting each other, and are going their separate ways. Confusion has become endemic and is leading them rapidly to their ruin.

    You could say that the end game has commenced and that it is turning into a rout — a defeat of unimaginable proportions for those who would control and suppress you. They know neither where to turn nor where to run – indeed there is nowhere – and what is happening is totally beyond anything they could have foreseen or prepared for. They are in total disarray.

    As you have been frequently told and frequently reminded, Love is the power, the energy, the wholeness of God. There is no judgment, vengeance, punishment, or restitution in Reality, for there is no need. Everyone is in total harmony and agreement, being one with each other and with God in an eternal state of transcendental superconsciousness. No one is lacking, no one wants to see another harmed or called to account, because no one would or could do anything to arouse such a desire in another.

    Within your illusory unreality this is not the case. Your laws were framed to judge the wrongdoers and to provide restitution for the wronged – if they could afford to engage attorneys and employ the law! This inequity will change. The divine energy field enveloping your planet and intensifying is causing a realization to dawn that the old ways were self-perpetuating – your laws have been very harsh at times, and people nearly always fought back against unfavorable judgments – and could never bring true peace and harmony.

    Nevertheless, while the illusion is dissolving, a means of containment is necessary to prevent those who control and punish you from continuing to do so. Containment means just that. It does not mean judgment or punishment, but merely the discernment and the competence to harmlessly hold and restrain those who intend to harm others.

    While contained they will be lovingly cared for, like the apparently abandoned children they feel they are, and offered endless opportunities to understand why they are being contained and to understand that the way forward for them is to release their vast amounts of dammed-up pain and suffering about which they are in total denial. They will have all the time they need to do this, and they will succeed. When they have completed the release of all that toxic waste buried deeply within them, there will be an enormous space within their hearts that will fill very rapidly with Love.

    Remember, that every sentient being is one of God’s beloved children, and that He never gives up on or abandons anyone. All will return Home. However, those very badly damaged ones, who are or who will become contained, will not interfere with the mass awakening towards which you have all been working so enthusiastically and determinedly. A marvelous and amazing future awaits you.

    With so very much love, Saul.

    Johnsmallman’s Blog.
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    Post  We Are You Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:19 am

    Cosmic Alignments Proceed in Harmony with Gaia Illumination…
    by ÉirePort

    Final Cosmic alignments in preparation for the 9-6 to 9-12 window near completion. Simultaneous Inner Lighting of Gaia is occurring, with concomitant upsurge in Portal activations.

    Planetary (within Solar System) arrangements support Gaia-ic Illumination during this phase.

    There is no returning to former energetic patterns as they are non-supported. Such grids have dissolved.

    Gaia based Hue-mans aligned to Cosmic communications flourish during this time as such communications clarify.
    ÉirePort | September 5, 2012 at 10:24 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:57 am

    Leadership 3
    Posted on September 3, 2012

    As I informed you in the previous two posts at this site, I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was previously published on June 18, 2009.


    I am happy to rejoin you and share the approach to organization that we would hope to implement on your planet. Intuition is to be cultivated in both the leader and the participants of his team. The value of it in decision-making and action is to be recognized. The opinion of either the leader or a participant, based on one’s intuition, is to be honored. It is a matter of feeling comfortable with this way of decision-making, as opposed to analysis.

    Meditation practice is an important part of the new leadership and participant mode. Meditation will serve to connect everyone to a higher way of being. When all members of a team are mediating they will more easily join together in proper decision-making and action. No formal way of achieving meditation is proscribed.

    Meditation will lead to a direct connection with God. Only when that is firmly established will the true meaning of Oneness within the team become apparent. Functioning from a place of Oneness with all will create organizations like no other. Seeing projects in Oneness will make their accomplishment not only easier, but will facilitate the highest good for all involved. Training all members of a team in these practices will bear plentiful fruit.

    One this is accomplished, the ability to communicate telepathically will follow quite naturally. If one’s conscious mind can be quieted through a meditative practice, then the door to telepathic communication opens. When a leader and his team members are all joined in this close association there is no room for private agendas, nor room for deceit or manipulation, and no room for maneuvering or game playing.

    Since you have all be taught to compete with each other, to see each other as different, and to seek your own welfare, this type of functioning will be quite a new experience. Seek out those people who will join with you in this type of an organization. Let the natural leader emerge. Within a short time an experience will emerge in which everyone communicates openly, everyone recognizes the strengths of each person, and in which there is a free exchange of ideas.

    There are many other aspects of leadership and organization, such as ethics and leadership training for children, which we will share with you. These will become known, Mark, as you build the leadership institute we have requested of you. By this message we are recruiting those who might join with Mark in building such a teaching institute for Leadership in Oneness. We see such an effort as essential to creating a new civilization for Earth, and have promised to assist in its success.

    Leadership 2
    Posted on August 31, 2012

    As I informed you in the previous post at this site, I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was previously published on June 16, 2009.


    It is my pleasure to share the following. A leader is to access those who are to participate with him. In them he must see their Oneness with him. He is no better than they; they are no different from him. His job is to inventory their talents and desires, and utilize them to best advantage.

    In Oneness is the ability to truly see the other as a unique expression of God. In Oneness is the ability to see each other as brothers and sisters of the same or different oversouls. In any dimension, there is a unique physical expression of the underlying soul. The leader must see this in each participant and appreciate it.

    Those who are attracted to the vision of the leader will comfortably express to him their talents and their desires. Those who would be a part of his team will show him how they will fit with him and others. It is the leader’s job to listen to each of his potential participants and to ascertain what they are saying about themselves. It will take wisdom and openness on the part of everyone involved for this process to work.

    Inherent within this is a lack of structure, yet some form of structure will be achieved to move forward. A leader will make decisions for the team, the group, the community, or the state. The participants who are closest to him will absorb his vision and make it their own. They then can convey it to others. It is through this approach of mutual appreciation, shared vision, and Oneness that a new type structure will emerge.

    If physical things or animals are to be utilized, they too will be appreciated for their Oneness with the members of the team. Rocks, plants, animals, birds, and fish are part of Oneness. Team members will come to see their Oneness and importance. If it is the task of the team to find, chop, and deliver wood, then the trees must become an integral part of the process as will the mode of chopping and delivery.

    Recruiting members for his team is the job of the leader. Volunteering to be part of the team is the job of those who would participate with the leader. Members of any team have opportunities to join with various leaders. How they select whom they wish to follow is an individual decision. It should be carried out with both deliberation and purpose. The entire process must be transparent; there must be no hidden agendas on either the part of the leader or participants.

    Note that I did not use the word, “follower,” when speaking about those who would be associated with a leader. Follower implies less than a fully conscious union. Only those who are aware can participate with a leader in Oneness.

    Leadership I
    Posted on August 28, 2012

    At our recent workshop, Transformation 2012, Taugth spoke about Abiquor and its role in training Caretakers of the New Earth. I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was published on June 15, 2009.


    I am most pleased to be with you again. This will be a series of lessons about leadership in Oneness. This type of leadership is different than any other leadership, although it bears some of the same characteristics. Once you accept the Oneness of all people, plants and animals, and the Oneness with Earth and the universe, everything changes. So it is with leadership also; everything changes.

    First a leader in Oneness will see that everyone and everything is conscious, and will treat everyone and everything in that way. Others are neither less nor more than the leader. The leader is not above others, is not better than others. The leader merely has the ability of leadership. It is talent, nothing more or less. It does not confer special privilege, rewards, or status. The leader is the leader simply because he or she possesses the talent to lead.

    Leading is seeing what needs to be done and crafting a plan to do it. This vision comes from the ability to foresee. It is intuitive within the leader to be able to foresee a way in which events will play out, to take into consideration all factors that will come into play, and to see a path through the morass. Thus we see that one aspect of the talent of leadership is vision. Not everyone has this ability. Other people have different abilities for which they are to be honored, but a true leader will have vision.

    In addition to foresight, a leader will put him- or herself in front of others in a public way. This is done by writing, speaking, counseling, and/or with energies. In doing this, a leader will be willing to risk criticism and revolt against what he or she is speaking about.

    A true leader will have the ability to not only speak out, but to phrase things in such a way that other will relate to what he or she is saying. What is presented will be neither too complex nor too simple to appeal to the listener. In addition, he or she will have the ability to motivate others to act. In many cases this means changing the way in which others think and behave. So a leader will be able to inspire others to change.

    Finally, a leader will be able to garner participants about him- or herself; for one cannot lead if others will not follow. The more revolutionary the path that the leader is treading will be the more difficult it will be to get others to follow him or her. So it behooves a leader to propose a path that is possible for those whom he would have follow him. It does no good to propose a seemingly impossible path for others, even if the leader sees it in this way, and may be prepared to follow that path himself.

    Contrast this with the autocratic style of the so called, “leaders,” of your corporations and other institutions. They enrich themselves at the expense of their customers and employees, both of whom they consider to be their inferiors.

    So the above are the characteristics of a leader in Oneness. It may seem rather basic, but on further reflection it will become more meaningful to consider someone who is leading participants who are all in Oneness with him and with each other.

    Posted in: Abiquor, Andromeda, Bren-Ton

    Happy End inDeeD (beyond 7,001 views)

    Sep 6 2012
    Jaya Gaia Sister Deva


    no tale so sweet
    a spirit claiming kinship
    nothing less or more

    a secret
    not to deceive
    but to house her sorrow
    her mischief and delight


    a sound
    clear and sharp in the stillness

    the call was a signal
    for need and instant
    no time left to us
    great hounds had been loosed

    and the light in the night
    saw proper

    showed no distance
    a new and deeper feeling
    of kinship

    “The Window”…9-6 through 9-12…2012… and The Mission…
    Posted on 2012/09/05

    Why I am calling this period of days, “The Window”? It has felt to me, for some time now (weeks, months?) that this 9-9 window was the most potent of the three windows, 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, prior to the 12-12. There is no “evidence” I can present to you about this. There is nothing I can say to prove it. This is simply what I have been “feeling”. And it’s been a pretty deep “feel”.

    Also I have been getting this “in your face” passion calling, or desire, to go to a particular place for this 9-9 window, for some time as well. This “going to a particular place” deal is what I often call a “mission”. To BE in that place… to DO something in that place… and/or to LIGHT UP something within or around or via that place. It’s always a very deep calling. And it’s always a very deep Joy that does the “calling”. So I have made arrangements to BE, DO, LIGHT UP… in that place. There. Wherever “There” is. And that will be revealed only after I am “There”.

    (Most likely. Unless Guidance tells otherwise.)

    I’ll just list a few Highlights about what has come to me about this window.

    9-6 through 9-12… a 7 day period.
    9-9-2012 = 18+5 = 23 = 2+3 = 5. That number has a strong Andromedan connection (to me).
    The 9-11-12 is the 11th anniversary of 9-11-01. 9-11… the 11 anniversary. To me it stood out that we have 9, and 1111.
    9 = completion. 1111 = a Grand New Beginning. A Grand Apocalypse (unveiling, uncovering) beginning. About the 9-11-01 events.
    So here we have the 9-9, which opens a portal, a window of opportunity, shall we say. Followed by the 9-11 11th anniversary. A perfect time to close the past (9) and to begin (1111) to unveil the actual events, and what was behind the events, of that day.
    12-12 to 12-21… a 9 day difference. Another 9. And both “12-12-2012″ and “12-21-2012″ add to 11. A 9 and 11 again.
    This is a worldwide “New Portal Opening” period. A bunch of new ones, whose locations have been veiled, will be activated and start doing their “thing”. Whatever that “thing” is.

    Okay, a lot of that up there may just seem like “playing with numbers”, but these connections have kept coming up (several times) again and again during the past couple weeks.

    11 Points of Connection throughout the Planet

    Some of you may recall that I spoke earlier about this 9-9 mission, in this post. And here are a couple points from that message.

    “If you thought it was intense these past ten days, just wait… It’s only just begun, and it will get more and more and more… Intense, that is. During the buildup to, and through, the 9-9-2012 portal.”

    “More of this message, was that I was given a mission… I am not to unveil any details of this until it is finished, but it will be a connecting mission meaning it connects with several other points throughout the world.

    “A few of you to whom I’ve been guided, will be sent something to assist in this mission. I know of a couple of you, but I’m not sure who the rest are… yet.

    “While this “pressure” is building, I have got that it is most helpful and “important” that we remain in close contact with our Passion-Self…”

    So there you have it. That was the prelude. As things progressed, I was moved to send packets of a certain Hawaiian sacred material to 11 people throughout the planet. Here are the locations of those individuals (and the number at each location).

    Japan (1)
    Australia, west (1)
    Australia, east (1)
    Hawaii (1)
    California (Los Angeles) (1)
    Oregon (1)
    Illinois (Chicago) (1)
    Costa Rica (1)
    Ireland (3)

    This was strictly a Guidance thing. I had no idea, until a few days ago, to whom these packets would go. And one at a time, it became clear. And off they went. It just “happened” that there were 11 points to which they went. Again, we have the 9-11 connection. So we have 9-11, 11, 11.

    I will also have one of those packets. And will connect it with the water, where I will be located.


    Instructions for those 11 with Hawaii Packets

    The only instruction received for this was that these should be connected in some way, with water.

    At the 9-9-12, at 9:09 AM (your local time).

    Other than that, follow your Higher Guidance. If it tells you something in addition to that, please feel free to follow. If it tells you, go here, then please do so. If it tells you, go there, then please do so. Only you will know where you need to go.


    So What is Happening Here and What is All This Going to Do?

    From what I have seen (and I’m sure I am not seeing everything at this time), this process is to open a multitude of new portals throughout the planet, through which some type of “new” Higher D Light may shine. It’s almost like this Light will be coming from within the planet, up through these new portals, out to the surface, and casting a whole new Light perspective for the bulk of humanity.

    This may very well be part of a 9-11 wake up process. This may very well not have anything to do with that, but I’m getting a very intimate connection among the fact that here is 9-9, 9-11, 11 (th anniversary), 11 locations. 9-9-9-11-11-11.

    The three 9′s to me indicates a very strong closing down (completion) of something. The three 11′s indicates a very powerful activation, or beginning, of something brand new.

    It likely involves the 9-11-01 event, but goes far, far beyond it.

    So that’s what I’ve got. I’m supposed to publish this on the 9-5-12, so I’ll stop here. But all I can say is, hold on to hats!

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus/Gemini

    I have been writing daily energetic reports for many years. I am no stranger to the borderlands of light and dark, and on a daily basis (in my day job and with my Oracle Report work) I endeavor to bring light into the dark. In all of these years, I have never seen the conditions that we have been under since the middle of July. If you have been following these reports since then, you know that we hit a hinge point at that time and things began to dramatically change. Since the middle of August (with the New Moon) we have been going along not knowing what was going on. We have been floating through the days, watching and waiting for things to come back into shape. This has been very unnerving and it has left us feeling somewhat “displaced.” The saving grace has been 1) knowledge that things were going to change and be in flux and 2) knowledge that grounding ourselves with the planet (Sophia) would keep us sane while others came unhinged. People have come undone, no doubt about it. Everyone has to some degree or another. But there is a purpose to this: correction. We have been energetically dismantled in order to be reshaped into something different and something better. I have tried to relate this message since July. If you remember, prior to the ”turning point” in mid-July, we worked on creating a space for something new to enter. I did not capture the full essence of what was happening then, although I do think it helped to prepare us as much as possible. What we created was a connection with our Source (Sophia), which was an opening for her to enter. She did and she put things in their proper order. The configuration of our energetic fields was changed. When we change on the inside, our outside world changes – but it takes time for this to happen. That’s what’s been going on since July. The “reconfiguration” was so deep and so thorough that it is taking at least this long for things to come back together in their new form. It will take through the Third Quarter Moon phase of this month (around September 12), but it may take longer. I do not know yet. Today’s report serves only to clarify what has been happening. I don’t have much else to say, other than even though it has been difficult, it will be better. This much I know for sure and I hope that it brings you some sense of comfort if you are struggling (as many who have written me are). If you are doing pretty well, well then lend a hand to someone in need. (Note: Today the Moon will make the last conjunction with the Black Moon while it is in Taurus. This will press to the surface all of the issues that I discussed in this report, so be aware that this is happening.)
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    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
    Join date : 2011-09-19
    Location : Here

    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 21 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:12 am

    Instructions for those 11 with Hawaii Packets for the 9-9 Mission
    by kauilapele

    I am putting these in a separate post, just to be sure you all see them.

    Instructions for those 11 with Hawaii Packets

    The only instruction received for this was that these should be connected in some way, with water.

    At the 9-9-12, at 9:09 AM (your local time).

    Other than that, follow your Higher Guidance. If it tells you something in addition to that, please feel free to follow. If it tells you, go here, then please do so. If it tells you, go there, then please do so. Only you will know where you need to go.

    Thank you all for your help with this.

    Instructions for those who did NOT receive a Hawaii Packet

    Several of you sent an email or comment saying you would like to be of assistance to this operation. Because of your desire to assist, you have already become a part of this. As with everyone else, please feel free to follow your Higher Guidance and go where you feel moved to go, and participate in whatever way you feel is best... for you.

    As I mentioned above, the connection, in some way, with water, seems to be important for this mission.

    And thank you for your service to Gaia, and to this Universe.

    [note: after the mission is over, I intend to open up comments (on another post) for those who wish to share their experiences]

    Aloha, Kp
    kauilapele | 2012/09/06 at 00:13 | Categories: Kauilapele message | URL:

    Lauren Gorgo: Into the Flow of All Good Things and more...
    In This Update...

    Lauren Gorgo: Into the Flow of All Good Things
    Brenda Hoffman: You’ve Cleared Your Fears, Move On
    Valerie Donner: A Message from the Master St. Germain
    38,000 Australian Bank Customers Win Largest Class Action Over Fees
    Lee Harris: September Energy Forecast
    Valerie Donner: Straight from the Heart
    Hurricane Isaac Delivers ‘Fresh’ BP Gulf Spill – from 2010
    A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council
    Wes Annac: Solara – You are Experiencing a Rapid Growth (Part 2/2)
    Summary: “Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond” September 3, 2012 Program
    Obama Supports Amendment Against Unlimited Campaign Donations
    Major UK Soap Star Talks Publicly of “Golden Age”

    Lauren Gorgo: Into the Flow of All Good Things

    Into the Flow of All Good Things

    By Lauren Gorgo – September 5, 2012

    The new (universal 5) energies (9/2012: 9+2+0+1+2=14 = 1+4 = 5) of September are finally here, which begins the wrapping-up cycle of all the changes from the entire year.

    Can you even recognize who you were when the year began? As if you didn’t notice, this 5 year (2+0+1+2) has been all about breaking thru to new ground – to a new paradigm of freedom – which ultimately means moving beyond the karmic (duality) cycles of our 3D past and entering into the 5D, christed (unity consciousness) energies of the present.

    There is the usual, almost melancholic feeling of endings in the air as we wrap up a season and prepare to enter a new one, but this year September feels different than all others because we are bringing a very important phase of human life to completion.

    We only have a few more months to step fully into our authenticity and say our final goodbyes to a life gone by – a past (3D) life that we created from a split mindset and with less than our full connection to universal LOVE.

    It’s time now to bring our full attention to the 5D energies starting to ground into the physical dimensions as we continue to break thru the old ways and align with the upgraded version of our new selves/lives.

    Simultaneously, while the energies of the past recede, we are all – in one way or another – receiving the “new orders” sent forth from our spiritual blueprints – the information that we need/have been waiting for to get our vessels sailing in the right direction after an entire season of wildly flailing around in the open seas of our limitless potential.

    Tiny glimpses of freedom will break through the mire this month as we begin to navigate our new lives with our updated maps (divine blueprints) and our finely tuned compass (5D heart).

    Flipped Over

    For those of us who have been diligently working toward the fulfillment of our divine contracts, the part of us that is here to serve the planet by way of BEcoming the expanded, 5D version of our human-self, we are now in position (alignment), wired and activated to receive what the Pleiadian High Council calls the bounty of creation.

    Apparently, the energetics that once served the 3D world are now fully “flipped over” and in position to serve the 5D world.

    From the perspective of the Pleiadians, this means that those who have consciously suffered in 3D (aka, those who took responsibility for and worked thru all the lack-goo) due to the unwavering unwillingness to settle for less than the full scope of our divine potential will now begin to receive the graces that deeply we knew were in store for the faithful.

    New Spiritual Gifts

    For those who are fast approaching the full embodiment of your divine template, and due to the recent bump-up in frequency that we were tortured working thru all summer (winter in the south) long, you can expect another round of opening of new (christed) gifts of spiritual alignment.

    I am hearing that the gifts that are bestowed upon each of us will have everything to do with our galactic-genetic constitution – that it will be a time of realizing our full capacity to create, as well as our individual and uniquely encoded offerings to this planet.

    I am also hearing that for some of you, your life “work” will be changing drastically as we enter into new-level contracts to serve in ways that capitalize on these new, higher level gifts. If you’ve been feeling especially lost/disconnected from your purpose since Mercury went retrograde in July, this is likely why.

    New Level Service

    The PHC want me to quickly touch upon the ways in which many of us will be called to service for the remaining months of the year. Basically, they just want us to understand that with the birth of this new energy dynamic – unity over separation – comes the alteration of service from DOing to BEing.

    I talked about this in greater detail in the July report, but the unseens say that it will become even more pressing in the coming months that our contributions to the world are anchored in our ability to maintain and harness the energies of unity.


    Lastly, the PHC comment on the ways in which we are beginning to handle the downloads of energy as we ground into our physical bodies…

    “You may have noticed a slight change or alteration in the ways in which the solar energies in particular are affecting your physical body and cells. The changes that we speak of are energetic in nature, but the effects on your well-being are lessening to the point that each of you at the front of the light parade are able to integrate more rapidly and handle more energetic infusions with less distortion.” – PHC

    That is definitely not to say that the process has been effortless by any means, and I am not even sure I agree with their perspective entirely, but maybe some of you are beginning to integrate these energies with more ease now? (If so, I would love to hear from you!)

    Our (lower chakra) core wounds are heavily up for review because our souls are being scoured of impurities in order to handle these very high frequencies. In other words…still no rest for the weary. Not yet, anyway.

    Catch you on the “flip” side! ©Expect Miracles, Inc. 2012 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, intact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.

    • Email to a friend •

    Brenda Hoffman: You’ve Cleared Your Fears, Move On

    You’ve Cleared Your Fears, Move On

    by Brenda Hoffman

    September 5, 2012

    The phrase “Today is the first day of your life” has an altogether different meaning than when it was first penned years ago.

    You are you and will remain so as long as you are of earth.

    But the you of today is different from the you of tomorrow, next month or next year. Not that your center core will change, but you will have different interests and skills.

    Perhaps you wonder what new skills will become part of your everyday repertoire. This we cannot tell you. You are the entity who created your skill set in conjunction with the many other entities who felt the need to explore the New Age on earth at this time.

    No other entity can complete your role. That thought is not to frighten you, but to inform you of your importance in this wondrous event. Of course, there are substitutes for your role – perhaps even a different path for all if you decide not to use your new skill set. But the path, the map, the grand plan created by you and others eons ago will not move forward as planned without your input.

    It is a bit like your spy movies in which all the pieces have to come together for the ultimate glory of the characters you feel are the ‘good guys’. Does your heart not seem to skip a beat when a key character is caught or nearly caught?

    And so it is with this New Age transition plan. The plan is succeeding, but it will be much more successful – and yes, easy if your complete your role as you promised before entering earth at this time.

    Some of you feel as if you still need to clear issues that have haunted you for eons. Some of you are losing interest in the entire venture. And others are afraid to move forward. All were expected and planned for. But contingencies for such impediments to this transition only slow the process – a process that can no longer be stopped.

    So let us answer your concerns.

    Many of you feel you have not cleared enough of your fear belief patterns to be a role model for others. Such is not the case. You have been clearing for years – and that activity most definitely increased in the past eight months. Now you are clearing beyond what is necessary to complete your role. Such clearing, such activities delay your role and serve no function for you or the Universes. It is time to stop emphasizing clearing.

    A few months ago, we stated it was no longer necessary to solve past life karma – your karma slate was wiped clean. The same is now true for your clearing fear beliefs. Your clearing slate is empty. There is no need to check the corners or dust one more room. You have cleaned all the fear and pain you need to clear to move forward. In truth, some of you have even returned to the Old Age martyr role you were trying to rid yourself of with this extra credit cleaning.

    As for your fears of moving forward. There is nothing to fear for you have faced your deepest fears during your cleaning/clearing processes. You will not be isolated, shamed or punished for activating your role. The New Age has arrived.

    Perhaps you feel as if you do not have the strength for one more New Age action. Please know that you are most definitely ready to move forward. You are equating the New Age with work of the Old Age. Any movement from this point is about skipping down the street – not picking up and disposing of trash.

    It is time. You have cleared, cleaned and processed. Now it is time to play – the games you created before your current entry to earth.

    Play with your new skill set.
    Maybe a skill you thought would be tremendous fun on earth during this time is somewhat boring. Move on.
    Maybe a skill you thought would be helpful is cumbersome. Edit that skill much as you would a letter composed on your computer.
    Maybe a skill you thought would be inspiring is boring to even you. Adapt. Change. Create. Shift. You are a god/goddess. You are no longer a follower of the dictates of others. You are a creator of the glorious New Age of joy and love.

    Which returns us to our initial thoughts of your ongoing need to clear the fear parts of your being. Those costumes/ illusions are no longer part of your repertoire. Your physical, emotional and spiritual beings have joined together to form the totality of the new god/goddess entity that is you.

    Do not hide behind your fears. Do no hide behind society. Do not hide behind anything. You are a god/goddess of the Universes.

    You have completed the first two phases of this New Age transition. You brought in the New Age. You cleared your being of fears and by doing so allowed your physical being to shift in a multitude of ways including sparking dormant DNA and adding those splinters of your totality that would best help you in your New Age role.

    You are ready for the next stage – testing and refining your personal skill set.

    Do not feel the need to ask others how or what to do. Just allow your inner-being to direct you to fun activities and you will automatically test your skill set. Do you suppose that the God you created in past lifetimes felt the need to check his actions with others? Why do you suppose you have to?

    It is time to change your thought processes from follower to leader.

    To accept that you know what is best for you and therefore, the Universes. And you will discover that by following your joy. So be it. Amen.
    UFO/ET Disclosure, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, Ascension, and the Golden Age

    5. 2012 FOR BEGINNERS
    8. THE 2012 SCENARIO
    12. 2012 HISTORY
    14A. MEET-UPS
    14B. MEET-UPS II

    Valerie Donner: A Message from the Master St. Germain
    2012 September 6
    tags: St. Germain, Valerie Donner
    Posted by Andrew Eardley
    A Message from the Master St. Germain

    By Valerie Donner – August 29, 2012

    I channel Mother Mary once a month. She and St Germain are close. (She was Mary, Jesus’s mother, and St. Germain was Joseph, her husband.) He had an incarnation as Merlin, William Shakespeare, Sir Frances Bacon, Leonardo Da Vinci, and was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

    He precipitated, actually appeared, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. He represents freedom and the I Am Presence. He also brought forth the Violet Flame for transmutation. He named this country Iamerica but the “ I” was dropped to America. St. Germain speaks after Mother Mary in these classes. He loves the United States and continues to be involved with the governance of America.

    This time St. Germain (who loves to play with words and can be funny) spoke the following:

    Greetings, I am Saint Germain. I almost thought I wasn’t going to get any time tonight so Mary is graciously letting me speak with you shortly. How are you doing? Did Mary say something that stopped your comments? I’ll have to speak with her afterwards. So there are some pretty interesting showdowns coming up, particularly in your government. You know I’m a lover of the stage, but I’ve never seen so much upstaging in any political campaign.

    “Staging up, staging down, posturing here and posturing there,

    They practically show their underwear.

    Some are right, some are wrong,

    But heaven forbid don’t make it into a song.

    Sick and tired, sick and tired, for all these things they should be fired!

    Speech writers and lobbyists – people who get paid for the silliest.

    Notions and potions and all sorts of bad deeds coming together

    Just making me want to recede and change the weather.

    Who’s telling the truth and who isn’t?

    I’ll make my speech and let them know the truth and that’s that!

    I’m so tired of dealing with some of this and some of that!

    I really don’t have the patience of Mary.

    I have a much shorter fuse and I sometimes let it go.

    I told the people in D.C., with whom I’m quite familiar,

    That if they don’t start shaping up they’re gonna start seeing a lot more of me.

    We have a divine plan and we’ve planted LOTS of thoughts,

    But over and over the whole system rots.

    I’m sorry to get on my soap box but I just have to be poetic

    Because that’s how I feel and that’s where I can do the most.

    I love to play with words and sometimes make a toast, so here I go.

    Do you want a toast?

    I think it’ll be more like a boast.

    I put them all up there and I called them all forth and said: How many more lies do you have?

    Can you walk the line – the straightforward line,

    Like the sobering truth that may not be so sublime?

    Can you stand up to the Light and really be true?

    To come forth and shine a new hue…?

    I speak to your hearts and ask you to purify and sanction your hearts,

    And to clarify that you work for the people instead of yourselves.

    And for that I’ll even give you some elves!

    We’ll give you all the help you need,

    It’s time for you to do some good deeds.

    But if you can’t walk the straightforward line we need to ask you to turn around and leave.

    We need you to leave your office and never forget that you are withholding from those who believed in you, who trusted the government, and who stand up for freedom.

    It is time now for you to stand on your soapboxes and see it through their eyes.

    Stand for the truth, the Light,

    Because you are the mighty, you are the ones who have to be right.

    There are only a few of those who aren’t really icky,

    But you’ll make life too sticky.

    Just hear my words and purple will transform you.

    So there you are, hanging on the clothes line, embarrassed.

    Can’t you see their faces? We washed all the dirty laundry, and we still have a few more things to do to improve their places.

    I’m telling you now that the whole of it is right in front of us.

    We don’t need ill deeds, we don’t need service to self, we need good people who are here and are all around us.”

    Yeah, I got on my soapbox and had a lot of fun but in the long run I mean it.

    I don’t just speak for myself, I speak for our Creator, angels and others.

    We Are You wrote:Athabantian
    Leadership 3
    Posted on September 3, 2012

    As I informed you in the previous two posts at this site, I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was previously published on June 18, 2009.


    I am happy to rejoin you and share the approach to organization that we would hope to implement on your planet. Intuition is to be cultivated in both the leader and the participants of his team. The value of it in decision-making and action is to be recognized. The opinion of either the leader or a participant, based on one’s intuition, is to be honored. It is a matter of feeling comfortable with this way of decision-making, as opposed to analysis.

    Meditation practice is an important part of the new leadership and participant mode. Meditation will serve to connect everyone to a higher way of being. When all members of a team are mediating they will more easily join together in proper decision-making and action. No formal way of achieving meditation is proscribed.

    Meditation will lead to a direct connection with God. Only when that is firmly established will the true meaning of Oneness within the team become apparent. Functioning from a place of Oneness with all will create organizations like no other. Seeing projects in Oneness will make their accomplishment not only easier, but will facilitate the highest good for all involved. Training all members of a team in these practices will bear plentiful fruit.

    One this is accomplished, the ability to communicate telepathically will follow quite naturally. If one’s conscious mind can be quieted through a meditative practice, then the door to telepathic communication opens. When a leader and his team members are all joined in this close association there is no room for private agendas, nor room for deceit or manipulation, and no room for maneuvering or game playing.

    Since you have all be taught to compete with each other, to see each other as different, and to seek your own welfare, this type of functioning will be quite a new experience. Seek out those people who will join with you in this type of an organization. Let the natural leader emerge. Within a short time an experience will emerge in which everyone communicates openly, everyone recognizes the strengths of each person, and in which there is a free exchange of ideas.

    There are many other aspects of leadership and organization, such as ethics and leadership training for children, which we will share with you. These will become known, Mark, as you build the leadership institute we have requested of you. By this message we are recruiting those who might join with Mark in building such a teaching institute for Leadership in Oneness. We see such an effort as essential to creating a new civilization for Earth, and have promised to assist in its success.

    Leadership 2
    Posted on August 31, 2012

    As I informed you in the previous post at this site, I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was previously published on June 16, 2009.


    It is my pleasure to share the following. A leader is to access those who are to participate with him. In them he must see their Oneness with him. He is no better than they; they are no different from him. His job is to inventory their talents and desires, and utilize them to best advantage.

    In Oneness is the ability to truly see the other as a unique expression of God. In Oneness is the ability to see each other as brothers and sisters of the same or different oversouls. In any dimension, there is a unique physical expression of the underlying soul. The leader must see this in each participant and appreciate it.

    Those who are attracted to the vision of the leader will comfortably express to him their talents and their desires. Those who would be a part of his team will show him how they will fit with him and others. It is the leader’s job to listen to each of his potential participants and to ascertain what they are saying about themselves. It will take wisdom and openness on the part of everyone involved for this process to work.

    Inherent within this is a lack of structure, yet some form of structure will be achieved to move forward. A leader will make decisions for the team, the group, the community, or the state. The participants who are closest to him will absorb his vision and make it their own. They then can convey it to others. It is through this approach of mutual appreciation, shared vision, and Oneness that a new type structure will emerge.

    If physical things or animals are to be utilized, they too will be appreciated for their Oneness with the members of the team. Rocks, plants, animals, birds, and fish are part of Oneness. Team members will come to see their Oneness and importance. If it is the task of the team to find, chop, and deliver wood, then the trees must become an integral part of the process as will the mode of chopping and delivery.

    Recruiting members for his team is the job of the leader. Volunteering to be part of the team is the job of those who would participate with the leader. Members of any team have opportunities to join with various leaders. How they select whom they wish to follow is an individual decision. It should be carried out with both deliberation and purpose. The entire process must be transparent; there must be no hidden agendas on either the part of the leader or participants.

    Note that I did not use the word, “follower,” when speaking about those who would be associated with a leader. Follower implies less than a fully conscious union. Only those who are aware can participate with a leader in Oneness.

    Leadership I
    Posted on August 28, 2012

    At our recent workshop, Transformation 2012, Taugth spoke about Abiquor and its role in training Caretakers of the New Earth. I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was published on June 15, 2009.


    I am most pleased to be with you again. This will be a series of lessons about leadership in Oneness. This type of leadership is different than any other leadership, although it bears some of the same characteristics. Once you accept the Oneness of all people, plants and animals, and the Oneness with Earth and the universe, everything changes. So it is with leadership also; everything changes.

    First a leader in Oneness will see that everyone and everything is conscious, and will treat everyone and everything in that way. Others are neither less nor more than the leader. The leader is not above others, is not better than others. The leader merely has the ability of leadership. It is talent, nothing more or less. It does not confer special privilege, rewards, or status. The leader is the leader simply because he or she possesses the talent to lead.

    Leading is seeing what needs to be done and crafting a plan to do it. This vision comes from the ability to foresee. It is intuitive within the leader to be able to foresee a way in which events will play out, to take into consideration all factors that will come into play, and to see a path through the morass. Thus we see that one aspect of the talent of leadership is vision. Not everyone has this ability. Other people have different abilities for which they are to be honored, but a true leader will have vision.

    In addition to foresight, a leader will put him- or herself in front of others in a public way. This is done by writing, speaking, counseling, and/or with energies. In doing this, a leader will be willing to risk criticism and revolt against what he or she is speaking about.

    A true leader will have the ability to not only speak out, but to phrase things in such a way that other will relate to what he or she is saying. What is presented will be neither too complex nor too simple to appeal to the listener. In addition, he or she will have the ability to motivate others to act. In many cases this means changing the way in which others think and behave. So a leader will be able to inspire others to change.

    Finally, a leader will be able to garner participants about him- or herself; for one cannot lead if others will not follow. The more revolutionary the path that the leader is treading will be the more difficult it will be to get others to follow him or her. So it behooves a leader to propose a path that is possible for those whom he would have follow him. It does no good to propose a seemingly impossible path for others, even if the leader sees it in this way, and may be prepared to follow that path himself.

    Contrast this with the autocratic style of the so called, “leaders,” of your corporations and other institutions. They enrich themselves at the expense of their customers and employees, both of whom they consider to be their inferiors.

    So the above are the characteristics of a leader in Oneness. It may seem rather basic, but on further reflection it will become more meaningful to consider someone who is leading participants who are all in Oneness with him and with each other.

    Posted in: Abiquor, Andromeda, Bren-Ton

    Happy End inDeeD (beyond 7,001 views)

    Sep 6 2012
    Jaya Gaia Sister Deva


    no tale so sweet
    a spirit claiming kinship
    nothing less or more

    a secret
    not to deceive
    but to house her sorrow
    her mischief and delight


    a sound
    clear and sharp in the stillness

    the call was a signal
    for need and instant
    no time left to us
    great hounds had been loosed

    and the light in the night
    saw proper

    showed no distance
    a new and deeper feeling
    of kinship

    “The Window”…9-6 through 9-12…2012… and The Mission…
    Posted on 2012/09/05

    Why I am calling this period of days, “The Window”? It has felt to me, for some time now (weeks, months?) that this 9-9 window was the most potent of the three windows, 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, prior to the 12-12. There is no “evidence” I can present to you about this. There is nothing I can say to prove it. This is simply what I have been “feeling”. And it’s been a pretty deep “feel”.

    Also I have been getting this “in your face” passion calling, or desire, to go to a particular place for this 9-9 window, for some time as well. This “going to a particular place” deal is what I often call a “mission”. To BE in that place… to DO something in that place… and/or to LIGHT UP something within or around or via that place. It’s always a very deep calling. And it’s always a very deep Joy that does the “calling”. So I have made arrangements to BE, DO, LIGHT UP… in that place. There. Wherever “There” is. And that will be revealed only after I am “There”.

    (Most likely. Unless Guidance tells otherwise.)

    I’ll just list a few Highlights about what has come to me about this window.

    9-6 through 9-12… a 7 day period.
    9-9-2012 = 18+5 = 23 = 2+3 = 5. That number has a strong Andromedan connection (to me).
    The 9-11-12 is the 11th anniversary of 9-11-01. 9-11… the 11 anniversary. To me it stood out that we have 9, and 1111.
    9 = completion. 1111 = a Grand New Beginning. A Grand Apocalypse (unveiling, uncovering) beginning. About the 9-11-01 events.
    So here we have the 9-9, which opens a portal, a window of opportunity, shall we say. Followed by the 9-11 11th anniversary. A perfect time to close the past (9) and to begin (1111) to unveil the actual events, and what was behind the events, of that day.
    12-12 to 12-21… a 9 day difference. Another 9. And both “12-12-2012″ and “12-21-2012″ add to 11. A 9 and 11 again.
    This is a worldwide “New Portal Opening” period. A bunch of new ones, whose locations have been veiled, will be activated and start doing their “thing”. Whatever that “thing” is.

    Okay, a lot of that up there may just seem like “playing with numbers”, but these connections have kept coming up (several times) again and again during the past couple weeks.

    11 Points of Connection throughout the Planet

    Some of you may recall that I spoke earlier about this 9-9 mission, in this post. And here are a couple points from that message.

    “If you thought it was intense these past ten days, just wait… It’s only just begun, and it will get more and more and more… Intense, that is. During the buildup to, and through, the 9-9-2012 portal.”

    “More of this message, was that I was given a mission… I am not to unveil any details of this until it is finished, but it will be a connecting mission meaning it connects with several other points throughout the world.

    “A few of you to whom I’ve been guided, will be sent something to assist in this mission. I know of a couple of you, but I’m not sure who the rest are… yet.

    “While this “pressure” is building, I have got that it is most helpful and “important” that we remain in close contact with our Passion-Self…”

    So there you have it. That was the prelude. As things progressed, I was moved to send packets of a certain Hawaiian sacred material to 11 people throughout the planet. Here are the locations of those individuals (and the number at each location).

    Japan (1)
    Australia, west (1)
    Australia, east (1)
    Hawaii (1)
    California (Los Angeles) (1)
    Oregon (1)
    Illinois (Chicago) (1)
    Costa Rica (1)
    Ireland (3)

    This was strictly a Guidance thing. I had no idea, until a few days ago, to whom these packets would go. And one at a time, it became clear. And off they went. It just “happened” that there were 11 points to which they went. Again, we have the 9-11 connection. So we have 9-11, 11, 11.

    I will also have one of those packets. And will connect it with the water, where I will be located.


    Instructions for those 11 with Hawaii Packets

    The only instruction received for this was that these should be connected in some way, with water.

    At the 9-9-12, at 9:09 AM (your local time).

    Other than that, follow your Higher Guidance. If it tells you something in addition to that, please feel free to follow. If it tells you, go here, then please do so. If it tells you, go there, then please do so. Only you will know where you need to go.


    So What is Happening Here and What is All This Going to Do?

    From what I have seen (and I’m sure I am not seeing everything at this time), this process is to open a multitude of new portals throughout the planet, through which some type of “new” Higher D Light may shine. It’s almost like this Light will be coming from within the planet, up through these new portals, out to the surface, and casting a whole new Light perspective for the bulk of humanity.

    This may very well be part of a 9-11 wake up process. This may very well not have anything to do with that, but I’m getting a very intimate connection among the fact that here is 9-9, 9-11, 11 (th anniversary), 11 locations. 9-9-9-11-11-11.

    The three 9′s to me indicates a very strong closing down (completion) of something. The three 11′s indicates a very powerful activation, or beginning, of something brand new.

    It likely involves the 9-11-01 event, but goes far, far beyond it.

    So that’s what I’ve got. I’m supposed to publish this on the 9-5-12, so I’ll stop here. But all I can say is, hold on to hats!

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus/Gemini

    I have been writing daily energetic reports for many years. I am no stranger to the borderlands of light and dark, and on a daily basis (in my day job and with my Oracle Report work) I endeavor to bring light into the dark. In all of these years, I have never seen the conditions that we have been under since the middle of July. If you have been following these reports since then, you know that we hit a hinge point at that time and things began to dramatically change. Since the middle of August (with the New Moon) we have been going along not knowing what was going on. We have been floating through the days, watching and waiting for things to come back into shape. This has been very unnerving and it has left us feeling somewhat “displaced.” The saving grace has been 1) knowledge that things were going to change and be in flux and 2) knowledge that grounding ourselves with the planet (Sophia) would keep us sane while others came unhinged. People have come undone, no doubt about it. Everyone has to some degree or another. But there is a purpose to this: correction. We have been energetically dismantled in order to be reshaped into something different and something better. I have tried to relate this message since July. If you remember, prior to the ”turning point” in mid-July, we worked on creating a space for something new to enter. I did not capture the full essence of what was happening then, although I do think it helped to prepare us as much as possible. What we created was a connection with our Source (Sophia), which was an opening for her to enter. She did and she put things in their proper order. The configuration of our energetic fields was changed. When we change on the inside, our outside world changes – but it takes time for this to happen. That’s what’s been going on since July. The “reconfiguration” was so deep and so thorough that it is taking at least this long for things to come back together in their new form. It will take through the Third Quarter Moon phase of this month (around September 12), but it may take longer. I do not know yet. Today’s report serves only to clarify what has been happening. I don’t have much else to say, other than even though it has been difficult, it will be better. This much I know for sure and I hope that it brings you some sense of comfort if you are struggling (as many who have written me are). If you are doing pretty well, well then lend a hand to someone in need. (Note: Today the Moon will make the last conjunction with the Black Moon while it is in Taurus. This will press to the surface all of the issues that I discussed in this report, so be aware that this is happening.)
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    Post  We Are You Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:47 am

    Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 3 – Archangel Michael
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow

    (Continued from Part 2)

    Now let’s look at the views of Archangel Michael expressed through Linda Dillon, Ronna Herman, Celia Fenn and Michelle Coutant. Archangel Michael puts out a “sudden” view of Ascension but cautions us that there are multiple dates on which people may ascend, Dec. 21, 2012 being one of them and the most important.

    I think what’s stirred among lightworkers when they see apparently-different messages from respected sources is the fear that Ascension will not happen. Archangel Michael did not see a problem with multiple interpretations. In An Hour with an Angel on Sept. 3, 2012, he said:

    “Do you not think the heart of One can hold several perspectives at once? Of course it can. But is there only one unfoldment and plan? Yes.

    “Can there be many interpretations of how that plan will come to be? Yes, because it is influenced and in the hands of the human collective in tandem, not solely, but in tandem with your star brothers and sisters, in tandem with the Ascended Ones, in tandem with this Council and in tandem with All.

    “So it is not a matter of one view being accurate.” (1)

    In a personal reading I had with him through Linda Dillon on Aug. 17, 2012, I asked him if there was any chance that the Plan for Ascension would be delayed and he replied: “This is the Mother’s Plan … [and] there is no plan for postponement or delay.” (3) read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 4 – Archangel Michael
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow


    Archangel Michael described the dislocation we would feel immediately after our shift to Fifth Dimensionality.

    “There will also be in that period, which can be moments or a few hours, [a sensation] of feeling disassociated, that even if you were to open your eyes, even if you were to look at a floor, you would see that it is simply made of particles, subatomic particles, quantum particles, that it is not solid. So you have begun immediately to have the real sensation or vision of how things can be seen, and how they are seen, maybe, from this side.

    “So there is a sense of unreality. Now, if you wish to make things solid, you will just simply say that you want that, and it will appear. But the knowing that that is simply a construct that you are creating already is there in full consciousness. When you decide to open your eyes, how you see the colors, the textures, the richness, the air, will be very different. What you think of as your senses will be heightened, oh, at least a thousand-fold.

    “So, there is a little adjustment. And we are with you, and we obviously take care of that, because this is completely a joyous situation to be in. Think of it as being spiritually orgasmic. It is the union of all. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    2012 Scenario Discussion Group Passes 1,000 Members
    2012 September 5
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    tags: 2012 Discussion Group, Andrea Scully
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    2012 Scenario Discussion Group Passes 1,000 Members

    Stephen: Over 1,0o0 people from all across the world are now members of the 2012 Scenario Discussion Group – and more are joining every day. If you’d like to share your life, stories, Ascension journey or other interesting posts you have seen within the group (with poster’s permission), see the instructions at the end of Andrea’s update.

    By Andrea Scully – September 5, 2012

    We’ve passed the 1,000th member mark, and at last count had 1,010.

    Since one of our moderators, Allen, started keeping track on August 18, there have been around 240 members who’ve joined, mostly from hearing me speak on the radio, but also from the article posted on the 2012 Scenario blog inviting people to come and share with us.

    With all the members who have their own blogs, their own healing businesses, their own realm of networking and influence, it’s easy to imagine how far this pyramid may go and who our discussions may reach in some form or another.

    A very, very exciting part of the influx of new members is that we’ve been seeing a number, although small so far, of members from far-flung places, like China and India. We’ve had some people with us for some time from Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America, all over the US and Canada, the Middle East, and the island nations in the middle of the ocean. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario

    UFO/ET Disclosure, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, Ascension, and the Golden Age

    5. 2012 FOR BEGINNERS
    8. THE 2012 SCENARIO
    12. 2012 HISTORY
    14A. MEET-UPS
    14B. MEET-UPS II

    Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 3 – Archangel Michael
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow

    (Continued from Part 2)

    Now let’s look at the views of Archangel Michael expressed through Linda Dillon, Ronna Herman, Celia Fenn and Michelle Coutant. Archangel Michael puts out a “sudden” view of Ascension but cautions us that there are multiple dates on which people may ascend, Dec. 21, 2012 being one of them and the most important.

    I think what’s stirred among lightworkers when they see apparently-different messages from respected sources is the fear that Ascension will not happen. Archangel Michael did not see a problem with multiple interpretations. In An Hour with an Angel on Sept. 3, 2012, he said:

    “Do you not think the heart of One can hold several perspectives at once? Of course it can. But is there only one unfoldment and plan? Yes.

    “Can there be many interpretations of how that plan will come to be? Yes, because it is influenced and in the hands of the human collective in tandem, not solely, but in tandem with your star brothers and sisters, in tandem with the Ascended Ones, in tandem with this Council and in tandem with All.

    “So it is not a matter of one view being accurate.” (1)

    In a personal reading I had with him through Linda Dillon on Aug. 17, 2012, I asked him if there was any chance that the Plan for Ascension would be delayed and he replied: “This is the Mother’s Plan … [and] there is no plan for postponement or delay.” (3) read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 4 – Archangel Michael
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow


    Archangel Michael described the dislocation we would feel immediately after our shift to Fifth Dimensionality.

    “There will also be in that period, which can be moments or a few hours, [a sensation] of feeling disassociated, that even if you were to open your eyes, even if you were to look at a floor, you would see that it is simply made of particles, subatomic particles, quantum particles, that it is not solid. So you have begun immediately to have the real sensation or vision of how things can be seen, and how they are seen, maybe, from this side.

    “So there is a sense of unreality. Now, if you wish to make things solid, you will just simply say that you want that, and it will appear. But the knowing that that is simply a construct that you are creating already is there in full consciousness. When you decide to open your eyes, how you see the colors, the textures, the richness, the air, will be very different. What you think of as your senses will be heightened, oh, at least a thousand-fold.

    “So, there is a little adjustment. And we are with you, and we obviously take care of that, because this is completely a joyous situation to be in. Think of it as being spiritually orgasmic. It is the union of all. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    2012 Scenario Discussion Group Passes 1,000 Members
    2012 September 5
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    tags: 2012 Discussion Group, Andrea Scully
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    2012 Scenario Discussion Group Passes 1,000 Members

    Stephen: Over 1,0o0 people from all across the world are now members of the 2012 Scenario Discussion Group – and more are joining every day. If you’d like to share your life, stories, Ascension journey or other interesting posts you have seen within the group (with poster’s permission), see the instructions at the end of Andrea’s update.

    By Andrea Scully – September 5, 2012

    We’ve passed the 1,000th member mark, and at last count had 1,010.

    Since one of our moderators, Allen, started keeping track on August 18, there have been around 240 members who’ve joined, mostly from hearing me speak on the radio, but also from the article posted on the 2012 Scenario blog inviting people to come and share with us.

    With all the members who have their own blogs, their own healing businesses, their own realm of networking and influence, it’s easy to imagine how far this pyramid may go and who our discussions may reach in some form or another.

    A very, very exciting part of the influx of new members is that we’ve been seeing a number, although small so far, of members from far-flung places, like China and India. We’ve had some people with us for some time from Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America, all over the US and Canada, the Middle East, and the island nations in the middle of the ocean. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    GaiaPortal: Cosmic Alignments Proceed in Harmony with Gaia Illumination…
    2012 September 5
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    tags: EirePort. GaiaPortal
    Posted by Alice C
    GaiaPortal: Cosmic Alignments Proceed in Harmony with Gaia Illumination…

    By ÉirePort, GaiaPortal – 5 September 2012

    Final Cosmic alignments in preparation for the 9-6 to 9-12 window near completion. Simultaneous Inner Lighting of Gaia is occurring, with concomitant upsurge in Portal activations.

    Planetary (within Solar System) arrangements support Gaia-ic Illumination during this phase. (1)

    There is no returning to former energetic patterns as they are non-supported. Such grids have dissolved.

    Gaia based Hue-mans aligned to Cosmic communications flourish during this time as such communications clarify. read more…

    from → Ascension
    Peggy Black: Life is an Inside Job
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Vina
    Life Is An Inside Job

    Morning Messages by Peggy Black

    September 2012

    Emotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not meeting your expectations.

    There is usually an old mental program running. When this happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation, as well as satisfaction. The picture of what you want in your life and the actual reality of your life are not a match. Remember this is an illusion. Everything is created within and then projected out.

    So the key is to look within and see the unfulfilled expectation within.
    Life is always an inside job. You are always the key … you are the creator, you are the observer, you are the lover, and you are the loved. So be gentle with yourself and return to that space within where you honor your joy and gratitude. Those are the vibrations, the stepping stones out of the emotional spins. read more…

    from → Ascension, Awakening
    Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow

    In this edition of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael discusses the gradual and sudden views of Ascension and tells us that his view is that we will ascend on Dec. 21, 2012 to the Fifth Dimension. However, he does not want to focus on that date lest people put off their preparations till closer to it. He reports on the success of containment in regards to international affairs, the economy, and Disclosure.

    He looks at all our “what if?” fears around Ascension and other matters and suggests that the fear of “what if?” will slow us down in preparing for Ascension. He discusses the wise course of action for listeners in China and how international audiences and readers will be coming to an awareness of 2012 and want to reach out to connect around the planet. Thanks to Ellen for such a swift transcription.
    An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, September 3, 2012

    Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.

    Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

    Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And welcome, Lord.

    Archangel Michael: Welcome. I am Michael, archangel of peace, of love, of Ascension, and yes, in many ways, messenger. Welcome to this time of conversation, to this time of expansion, to this time of unity of One. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    Wes Annac: Solara – You are Experiencing a Rapid Growth (Part 1/2)
    2012 September 5
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    tags: Solara, wes annac
    Posted by Alice C

    Wes Annac: Solara – You are Experiencing a Rapid Growth (Part 1/2)

    Alice C: Once again this is in two parts to enable better absorption of the message. Part 2 will be published tomorrow.

    Channelled through Wes Annac – September 4, 2012

    The realms of our beautiful Sun are brimming with the energy that is being gifted to your beautiful world in increasingly pure doses. We notice many of you beginning to assimilate these energies and it is wonderful for us to perceive of you finding the resulting higher dimensional perceptions which the delivering of such energy has always been meant to help you to gain.

    You are working to assimilate this energy in every moment and while this energy is being sent through your bodies and while you find the resulting expansions, many events of a turbulent nature seem to manifest that are meant to act as catalysts for your immediate growth.

    No frustrating events that occur in your Lives happen by coincidence, and we ask you to understand the hollow nature of even the assumption of seemingly random events occurring on your world being coincidences. Everything that happens which seems to rub you dear souls the wrong way, is meant to see you understand the reasons why such things hurt you so and the reasons why you take to feeling frustration upon the manifestation of such things in your Lives.

    read more…

    from → Ascension
    Jesus: Love Is the Key to Awakening
    2012 September 5
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    tags: Jesus, John Smallman
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    Jesus: Love Is the Key to Awakening

    As channelled by John Smallman – September 5, 2012

    Here in the spiritual realms, where many of you will soon join us, we are watching with pleasure and gratification as you make your way determinedly forwards along the rugged path you have so valiantly hewn that is leading you to Heaven.

    It has been a long and arduous journey, with many excursionary digressions along the way, and now you have reached its final stages.

    You have indeed been stalwart of purpose as, despite the many alluring distractions that have from time to time drawn you away from your path, you have always staunchly and courageously returned to it. Each time you have steadfastly reset your course after temporarily falling by the wayside, and your undying sense of purpose has provided much needed encouragement to the many waverers whom you have encountered, and who seemed to have lost their way.

    No one can really lose their way because everyone always has divinely inspired guidance available; they have only to ask for it and they will find it. It is not elusive; however, many are poor listeners to that inner voice which offers and provides all the guidance needed, the voice for God, whose one purpose is to lead them out of the illusion and into the Light. At that moment all will become clear — as eternal joy replaces the fear, befuddlement, and confusion that are the illusion’s hallmarks. read more…

    from → Ascended Masters
    Pedestals are for Statues
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow

    Pedestals are for statues

    As we approach the culmination of 2012, there probably will be a tendency to look for heroes, to focus attention on a few people, to try to reify and concentrate our feelings in ways that are not necessarily always healthy.

    We’ve done this all the time in our society – with movie stars, athletes, explorers, soldiers, and sometimes even the odd politician. Often in the process we give away our power, which has landed us in difficulty in our political and economic lives in recent times – as it may have been meant to do.

    We’ve been manipulated by the planetary controllers through hero worship, adulation, the cult of personality, the cult of the star. Our attention has been diverted from what’s really important.

    We’ve been given circuses instead of bread. The dazzle and glitter substitutes for substance and compassion and we wake up with the social equivalent of a hangover. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    Archangel Uriel: In the Flow of the Creator’s Abundance of Love
    2012 September 5
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    tags: Archangel Uriel, natalie glasson
    Posted by Alice C
    Archangel UrielArchangel Uriel: In the Flow of the Creator’s Abundance of Love

    Channelled through Natalie Glasson – September 3, 2012

    I, Archangel Uriel, draw close to your energetic system observing the presence of the Creator emanating from your being.

    I express myself as a golden angelic figure of light, shimmering brightly. Focusing upon your hands, I extend my energy to embrace your hands, sending my energy into your being in a gesture of respect and honour. It is the deepest essence of my angelic love that I have come to share with you today.

    The love that I carry is flowing directly through my being from the fountain of love which is the heart consciousness of the angelic kingdom. This energy is drawn from numerous dimensions and from the central core of the Creator’s soul. In truth you are being embraced with all that is the Creator, the greatest and most expansive love available.

    It is your mission to allow yourself to open up completely to recognise that this expansive love is available to you from the Creator, available through your being and can be expressed to you from other beings such as myself and those upon the physical plane of the Earth.

    read more…
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    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:15 pm

    1- We will dive to deeper depth in the Atlantic rift.
    2- We will continue dreaming about our relationships with family and work relationships.
    3- Work with our twin in relationships with others.
    4- Focus on work with our 3D/ incarnated twin flame:
    • We should not be concerned if our expectations of a happy relationship in 3D are not fulfilled for now, or even if we have not met him or her yet.
    • This incarnation is for both of us to deal with karma, so no need to worry if we are not together now in this life. What matters is the inner connection with each other.
    • What matters is what we have learnt from this incarnation
    • Ascension is about the awakening of the energy within and letting go of the physical body.
    • The higher connection between twin flames is always present.
    • The Dreamflights give us the opportunity to resolve any issues from eons between us.
    • When we can remember our dreams, these come into our awareness.
    • Don’t be afraid of experiencing and bathing in our twin flame’s energy in our body at the same time, because this helps our awareness and waking up process also.
    • We can reunite with our twin in dreams and in meditation when we bring our attention to our body, and we can share a lot of knowledge and love in this manner.
    • Once we resolve our issues with our twin on the higher levels, this would lead to resolving our issues in 3D and there will be no more obstacles between you.
    • In this dreamflight we will work on resolving (sometimes psychologically) unresolved matters with others, which impact on your relationship with your twin. Once these issues are resolved we can move forward and ascend.
    • Ascension is an personal process for every being individually and we will get help from our twin in order to ascend, whether our twin is incarnated or not. You will help each other ascend even if you don’t know each other, because we are always connected with our twin no matter where he or she is.
    We Are You wrote:Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 3 – Archangel Michael
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow

    (Continued from Part 2)

    Now let’s look at the views of Archangel Michael expressed through Linda Dillon, Ronna Herman, Celia Fenn and Michelle Coutant. Archangel Michael puts out a “sudden” view of Ascension but cautions us that there are multiple dates on which people may ascend, Dec. 21, 2012 being one of them and the most important.

    I think what’s stirred among lightworkers when they see apparently-different messages from respected sources is the fear that Ascension will not happen. Archangel Michael did not see a problem with multiple interpretations. In An Hour with an Angel on Sept. 3, 2012, he said:

    “Do you not think the heart of One can hold several perspectives at once? Of course it can. But is there only one unfoldment and plan? Yes.

    “Can there be many interpretations of how that plan will come to be? Yes, because it is influenced and in the hands of the human collective in tandem, not solely, but in tandem with your star brothers and sisters, in tandem with the Ascended Ones, in tandem with this Council and in tandem with All.

    “So it is not a matter of one view being accurate.” (1)

    In a personal reading I had with him through Linda Dillon on Aug. 17, 2012, I asked him if there was any chance that the Plan for Ascension would be delayed and he replied: “This is the Mother’s Plan … [and] there is no plan for postponement or delay.” (3) read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 4 – Archangel Michael
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow


    Archangel Michael described the dislocation we would feel immediately after our shift to Fifth Dimensionality.

    “There will also be in that period, which can be moments or a few hours, [a sensation] of feeling disassociated, that even if you were to open your eyes, even if you were to look at a floor, you would see that it is simply made of particles, subatomic particles, quantum particles, that it is not solid. So you have begun immediately to have the real sensation or vision of how things can be seen, and how they are seen, maybe, from this side.

    “So there is a sense of unreality. Now, if you wish to make things solid, you will just simply say that you want that, and it will appear. But the knowing that that is simply a construct that you are creating already is there in full consciousness. When you decide to open your eyes, how you see the colors, the textures, the richness, the air, will be very different. What you think of as your senses will be heightened, oh, at least a thousand-fold.

    “So, there is a little adjustment. And we are with you, and we obviously take care of that, because this is completely a joyous situation to be in. Think of it as being spiritually orgasmic. It is the union of all. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    2012 Scenario Discussion Group Passes 1,000 Members
    2012 September 5
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    tags: 2012 Discussion Group, Andrea Scully
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    2012 Scenario Discussion Group Passes 1,000 Members

    Stephen: Over 1,0o0 people from all across the world are now members of the 2012 Scenario Discussion Group – and more are joining every day. If you’d like to share your life, stories, Ascension journey or other interesting posts you have seen within the group (with poster’s permission), see the instructions at the end of Andrea’s update.

    By Andrea Scully – September 5, 2012

    We’ve passed the 1,000th member mark, and at last count had 1,010.

    Since one of our moderators, Allen, started keeping track on August 18, there have been around 240 members who’ve joined, mostly from hearing me speak on the radio, but also from the article posted on the 2012 Scenario blog inviting people to come and share with us.

    With all the members who have their own blogs, their own healing businesses, their own realm of networking and influence, it’s easy to imagine how far this pyramid may go and who our discussions may reach in some form or another.

    A very, very exciting part of the influx of new members is that we’ve been seeing a number, although small so far, of members from far-flung places, like China and India. We’ve had some people with us for some time from Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America, all over the US and Canada, the Middle East, and the island nations in the middle of the ocean. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario

    UFO/ET Disclosure, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, Ascension, and the Golden Age

    5. 2012 FOR BEGINNERS
    8. THE 2012 SCENARIO
    12. 2012 HISTORY
    14A. MEET-UPS
    14B. MEET-UPS II

    Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 3 – Archangel Michael
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow

    (Continued from Part 2)

    Now let’s look at the views of Archangel Michael expressed through Linda Dillon, Ronna Herman, Celia Fenn and Michelle Coutant. Archangel Michael puts out a “sudden” view of Ascension but cautions us that there are multiple dates on which people may ascend, Dec. 21, 2012 being one of them and the most important.

    I think what’s stirred among lightworkers when they see apparently-different messages from respected sources is the fear that Ascension will not happen. Archangel Michael did not see a problem with multiple interpretations. In An Hour with an Angel on Sept. 3, 2012, he said:

    “Do you not think the heart of One can hold several perspectives at once? Of course it can. But is there only one unfoldment and plan? Yes.

    “Can there be many interpretations of how that plan will come to be? Yes, because it is influenced and in the hands of the human collective in tandem, not solely, but in tandem with your star brothers and sisters, in tandem with the Ascended Ones, in tandem with this Council and in tandem with All.

    “So it is not a matter of one view being accurate.” (1)

    In a personal reading I had with him through Linda Dillon on Aug. 17, 2012, I asked him if there was any chance that the Plan for Ascension would be delayed and he replied: “This is the Mother’s Plan … [and] there is no plan for postponement or delay.” (3) read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    Gradual vs. Sudden Views of Ascension – Part 4 – Archangel Michael
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow


    Archangel Michael described the dislocation we would feel immediately after our shift to Fifth Dimensionality.

    “There will also be in that period, which can be moments or a few hours, [a sensation] of feeling disassociated, that even if you were to open your eyes, even if you were to look at a floor, you would see that it is simply made of particles, subatomic particles, quantum particles, that it is not solid. So you have begun immediately to have the real sensation or vision of how things can be seen, and how they are seen, maybe, from this side.

    “So there is a sense of unreality. Now, if you wish to make things solid, you will just simply say that you want that, and it will appear. But the knowing that that is simply a construct that you are creating already is there in full consciousness. When you decide to open your eyes, how you see the colors, the textures, the richness, the air, will be very different. What you think of as your senses will be heightened, oh, at least a thousand-fold.

    “So, there is a little adjustment. And we are with you, and we obviously take care of that, because this is completely a joyous situation to be in. Think of it as being spiritually orgasmic. It is the union of all. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    2012 Scenario Discussion Group Passes 1,000 Members
    2012 September 5
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    tags: 2012 Discussion Group, Andrea Scully
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    2012 Scenario Discussion Group Passes 1,000 Members

    Stephen: Over 1,0o0 people from all across the world are now members of the 2012 Scenario Discussion Group – and more are joining every day. If you’d like to share your life, stories, Ascension journey or other interesting posts you have seen within the group (with poster’s permission), see the instructions at the end of Andrea’s update.

    By Andrea Scully – September 5, 2012

    We’ve passed the 1,000th member mark, and at last count had 1,010.

    Since one of our moderators, Allen, started keeping track on August 18, there have been around 240 members who’ve joined, mostly from hearing me speak on the radio, but also from the article posted on the 2012 Scenario blog inviting people to come and share with us.

    With all the members who have their own blogs, their own healing businesses, their own realm of networking and influence, it’s easy to imagine how far this pyramid may go and who our discussions may reach in some form or another.

    A very, very exciting part of the influx of new members is that we’ve been seeing a number, although small so far, of members from far-flung places, like China and India. We’ve had some people with us for some time from Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America, all over the US and Canada, the Middle East, and the island nations in the middle of the ocean. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    GaiaPortal: Cosmic Alignments Proceed in Harmony with Gaia Illumination…
    2012 September 5
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    tags: EirePort. GaiaPortal
    Posted by Alice C
    GaiaPortal: Cosmic Alignments Proceed in Harmony with Gaia Illumination…

    By ÉirePort, GaiaPortal – 5 September 2012

    Final Cosmic alignments in preparation for the 9-6 to 9-12 window near completion. Simultaneous Inner Lighting of Gaia is occurring, with concomitant upsurge in Portal activations.

    Planetary (within Solar System) arrangements support Gaia-ic Illumination during this phase. (1)

    There is no returning to former energetic patterns as they are non-supported. Such grids have dissolved.

    Gaia based Hue-mans aligned to Cosmic communications flourish during this time as such communications clarify. read more…

    from → Ascension
    Peggy Black: Life is an Inside Job
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Vina
    Life Is An Inside Job

    Morning Messages by Peggy Black

    September 2012

    Emotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not meeting your expectations.

    There is usually an old mental program running. When this happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation, as well as satisfaction. The picture of what you want in your life and the actual reality of your life are not a match. Remember this is an illusion. Everything is created within and then projected out.

    So the key is to look within and see the unfulfilled expectation within.
    Life is always an inside job. You are always the key … you are the creator, you are the observer, you are the lover, and you are the loved. So be gentle with yourself and return to that space within where you honor your joy and gratitude. Those are the vibrations, the stepping stones out of the emotional spins. read more…

    from → Ascension, Awakening
    Archangel Michael: This is the Unfoldment of the Promise of the Mother
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow

    In this edition of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael discusses the gradual and sudden views of Ascension and tells us that his view is that we will ascend on Dec. 21, 2012 to the Fifth Dimension. However, he does not want to focus on that date lest people put off their preparations till closer to it. He reports on the success of containment in regards to international affairs, the economy, and Disclosure.

    He looks at all our “what if?” fears around Ascension and other matters and suggests that the fear of “what if?” will slow us down in preparing for Ascension. He discusses the wise course of action for listeners in China and how international audiences and readers will be coming to an awareness of 2012 and want to reach out to connect around the planet. Thanks to Ellen for such a swift transcription.
    An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, September 3, 2012

    Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.

    Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

    Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And welcome, Lord.

    Archangel Michael: Welcome. I am Michael, archangel of peace, of love, of Ascension, and yes, in many ways, messenger. Welcome to this time of conversation, to this time of expansion, to this time of unity of One. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    Wes Annac: Solara – You are Experiencing a Rapid Growth (Part 1/2)
    2012 September 5
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    tags: Solara, wes annac
    Posted by Alice C

    Wes Annac: Solara – You are Experiencing a Rapid Growth (Part 1/2)

    Alice C: Once again this is in two parts to enable better absorption of the message. Part 2 will be published tomorrow.

    Channelled through Wes Annac – September 4, 2012

    The realms of our beautiful Sun are brimming with the energy that is being gifted to your beautiful world in increasingly pure doses. We notice many of you beginning to assimilate these energies and it is wonderful for us to perceive of you finding the resulting higher dimensional perceptions which the delivering of such energy has always been meant to help you to gain.

    You are working to assimilate this energy in every moment and while this energy is being sent through your bodies and while you find the resulting expansions, many events of a turbulent nature seem to manifest that are meant to act as catalysts for your immediate growth.

    No frustrating events that occur in your Lives happen by coincidence, and we ask you to understand the hollow nature of even the assumption of seemingly random events occurring on your world being coincidences. Everything that happens which seems to rub you dear souls the wrong way, is meant to see you understand the reasons why such things hurt you so and the reasons why you take to feeling frustration upon the manifestation of such things in your Lives.

    read more…

    from → Ascension
    Jesus: Love Is the Key to Awakening
    2012 September 5
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    tags: Jesus, John Smallman
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    Jesus: Love Is the Key to Awakening

    As channelled by John Smallman – September 5, 2012

    Here in the spiritual realms, where many of you will soon join us, we are watching with pleasure and gratification as you make your way determinedly forwards along the rugged path you have so valiantly hewn that is leading you to Heaven.

    It has been a long and arduous journey, with many excursionary digressions along the way, and now you have reached its final stages.

    You have indeed been stalwart of purpose as, despite the many alluring distractions that have from time to time drawn you away from your path, you have always staunchly and courageously returned to it. Each time you have steadfastly reset your course after temporarily falling by the wayside, and your undying sense of purpose has provided much needed encouragement to the many waverers whom you have encountered, and who seemed to have lost their way.

    No one can really lose their way because everyone always has divinely inspired guidance available; they have only to ask for it and they will find it. It is not elusive; however, many are poor listeners to that inner voice which offers and provides all the guidance needed, the voice for God, whose one purpose is to lead them out of the illusion and into the Light. At that moment all will become clear — as eternal joy replaces the fear, befuddlement, and confusion that are the illusion’s hallmarks. read more…

    from → Ascended Masters
    Pedestals are for Statues
    2012 September 5
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    Posted by Steve Beckow

    Pedestals are for statues

    As we approach the culmination of 2012, there probably will be a tendency to look for heroes, to focus attention on a few people, to try to reify and concentrate our feelings in ways that are not necessarily always healthy.

    We’ve done this all the time in our society – with movie stars, athletes, explorers, soldiers, and sometimes even the odd politician. Often in the process we give away our power, which has landed us in difficulty in our political and economic lives in recent times – as it may have been meant to do.

    We’ve been manipulated by the planetary controllers through hero worship, adulation, the cult of personality, the cult of the star. Our attention has been diverted from what’s really important.

    We’ve been given circuses instead of bread. The dazzle and glitter substitutes for substance and compassion and we wake up with the social equivalent of a hangover. read more…

    from → 2012 Scenario
    Archangel Uriel: In the Flow of the Creator’s Abundance of Love
    2012 September 5
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    tags: Archangel Uriel, natalie glasson
    Posted by Alice C
    Archangel UrielArchangel Uriel: In the Flow of the Creator’s Abundance of Love

    Channelled through Natalie Glasson – September 3, 2012

    I, Archangel Uriel, draw close to your energetic system observing the presence of the Creator emanating from your being.

    I express myself as a golden angelic figure of light, shimmering brightly. Focusing upon your hands, I extend my energy to embrace your hands, sending my energy into your being in a gesture of respect and honour. It is the deepest essence of my angelic love that I have come to share with you today.

    The love that I carry is flowing directly through my being from the fountain of love which is the heart consciousness of the angelic kingdom. This energy is drawn from numerous dimensions and from the central core of the Creator’s soul. In truth you are being embraced with all that is the Creator, the greatest and most expansive love available.

    It is your mission to allow yourself to open up completely to recognise that this expansive love is available to you from the Creator, available through your being and can be expressed to you from other beings such as myself and those upon the physical plane of the Earth.

    read more…
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    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:04 pm

    Your time has arrived, dear ones. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
    Posted on September 6, 2012 by Oracles and Healers

    1 Vote

    The topic we wish to discuss today is the opportunity you have at this time due to the opening of the nine-nine portal. The build-up we promised you has begun. You will have a full week of opportunity without precedent to realize more of the new selves you desire to be. Each of you has been working on different aspects of your lives.

    Your Higher Selves, those immense beings of whom you are facets, know already what those are. In fact, more than likely you have been guided by them to those things. Some are trying to manifest new skills or talents. Some are trying to clear old habits. Some are trying to heal. You may stop trying now. Place yourselves into the care of your Higher Selves and your Creator. Make it your aim now to intake and assimilate all of the available love and light that you are capable of at this time. Understand that we are speaking of the consciousness of which you are made. Your prayers and desires have been heard. Your needs are known. We would guide you to open, allow, and trust. Breathe in all of these new energies that you can and, in gratitude, allow them to make all the changes in you that are needed.

    If you have reached a point that allows you to feel the incoming energy in some way, imagine it flowing into you and increasing as much as possible. Who do you want to be? Imagine that. What do you wish to do? Imagine that. Imagine it in your hearts. If your mind is still raising reasons why you can’t be that, or why it would be difficult, remind it that the force which has created universes will have no problem with such small things.

    Your time has arrived, dear ones. Most are picturing this portal as some kind of opening for incoming things, and perhaps it is that, but let it be for you a doorway home to your true selves. Enter it now with playful enthusiasm.

    This short message is enough for today. We will speak several more times before this doorway closes. We are walking beside you each moment. Know we are here with you. Be well.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

    French Nuclear “Incident” Raises Concerns
    by Laura
    By John Daly | Wed, 05 September 2012 22:46 | 0
    Benefit From the Latest Energy Trends and Investment Opportunities before the mainstream media and investing public are aware they even exist. The Free Energy Intelligence Report gives you this and much more. Click here to find out more.

    In the 1960s, as the U.S. “Atoms for Peace” program got into full swing, promoting civilian nuclear electricity propagation, no European country bought into the concept more deeply than France.

    Seduced by the concept of electricity “too cheap to measure,” France began developing a massive nuclear energy program with minimal public debate after the first oil crisis in 1974 and continued to support nuclear power even after the 1986 Soviet Chernobyl disaster. The March 2011 debacle at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex heightened the French public’s concerns, but France abandoning nuclear power is an order of magnitude more difficult than neighbouring Germany.

    On 30 May 2011, in the aftermath of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster two months earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced an "energy revolution" and that Germany would close all of its 19 nuclear power plants (NPPs) between 2015 and 2022, which produce about 28 percent of the country's electricity. The shortfall was to be made up with an increased emphasis on renewable energy sources.

    French nuclear energy giant Areva SA, majority owned by the French state, operates the country’s 59 nuclear reactors, which generate 78.8 percent of France’s electricity, the highest percentage in the world.

    Six months ago France’s Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety) issued its 2012 Barometer IRSN Perception of Risks and Safety for the French.

    Issued annually since 1988, the IRSN Barometer is designed to measure the changes in public opinion towards the nuclear and radiological risks to which the public are subjected. The 2012 edition of the IRSN Barometer introduction states bluntly, "The confidence of the French people that government action will protect them from nuclear risks is severely damaged (because of Fukushima) and the population is increasingly likely to be concerned about the risks associated with nuclear power plants."

    That confidence is taking a further hit because on 5 September Electricite de France, denied reports of a fire at the Fessenheim nuclear power plant (NPP) in eastern France even as it acknowledged that two workers there suffered slight hand burns in a blast of steam at the country’s oldest nuclear reactor (opened in 1978.)

    Seeking to ally public concern EDF downplayed the incident as simply a “release of steam” related to handling of hydrogen peroxide, which occurred in an auxiliary building which had “no environmental impact.”

    Not quite what France’s BFM television reported, which stated that six other workers were slightly injured as well and said that local authorities said the incident was "the beginning of a fire."

    Nothing to see here anyway.

    Fessenheim NPP manager Thierry Rosso told the press that the steam venting had activated fire alarms, but that “there had been no outbreak of fire. There is no impact on the environment. The incident did not occur in the reactor building, but in an auxiliary of wastewater treatment building. Oxygenated water was injected into the plant for cleaning circuits. This is an operation that we conduct regularly.”

    Oddly enough, Rosso was unable to explain the reaction caused by the release of the hydrogen peroxide. Rosso’s aide Charles Thierry added, "During the preparation process of the products, a chemical reaction occurred in the container, which led steam and liquid discharges. Obviously, we must understand how hydrogen peroxide, a powerful corrosive and oxidizing agent, reacted like that… but as regards nuclear power, this was a non-event."

    Despite Rosso’s and Thierry’s soothing observations, the “incident” at Fessenheim NPP in fact raises troubling issues about aging French NPPs.

    But Fessenheim NPP has become a political issue, which the incident will do little to dispel. Six months ago, eleven months after Fukushima, former French President Nicholas Sarkozy visited Fessenheim NPP and dismissed calls to shutter Fessenheim, stating that it would be a huge mistake and a "scandal" to close it and lay off its workers while insisting that there was no doubt about the NPP's safety.

    Today’s incident indicates that Le President’s observations may have been overly optimistic.

    By. John C.K. Daly of

    French Nuclear "Incident" Raises Concerns.
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    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:33 pm

    Forgiveness - The Key to Freedom

    Can we forgive those who have hurt us? Most if not all who read this, will at the surface think that since forgiveness is a Supreme tool for the establishment of Unconditional Love, that forgiving those who have hurt us would not only be the right way to go, but would also be the most desirable way to go. While I agree with that, forgiving, being a grand tool for Unconditional Love, can be much less easier than it seems to be. Think back upon your Life, to those souls who have hurt you most, who have hurt you in ways so painful that you wish to keep yourself and your energy away from them at all times. (Not tryin’ to be a bummer here guys!)

    Now, imagine such souls coming to you for forgiveness and understanding. How would you feel? I mean how would you really, truly feel? It is easy to think upon this hypothetical scenario and say to yourself, ‘I think I would be able to forgive’ but if actually faced with such a situation, would you be able to find, deep within your heart, the compassion and understanding that would require such forgiveness? Or would your mind simply conjure up all of the pain, all of the grief and seemingly unnecessary trauma that the soul in need of forgiveness, may have put you through? For me, this is another issue in which the surface usmy find very easy, but when actually faced with such issues, we realize it is actually much more difficult and complex than we could have imagined.

    These are the types of difficult karmic issues in which 2012 is already beginning to bring to us. Part of me is still trying to exist in 2011, though we have passed on from that marvelous and at times, very painful year. 2011 saw many wonderful advancements and developments toward our evolution as a collective and as individuals. If you consider this blog of mine and my commentary to be helpful and informative, than it can be said that this blog and my own spiritual presence on the internet is just one of the helpful developments that 2011 brought us. Many of you may not know, but this blog did not exist until late June 2011, and I did not start channeling until June as well. But I digress.

    For me, 2011 was a year of preparation while allowing of the experience of karmic issues in which I am ultimately to grow out of. It was also a year of establishment, such as the establishment of this blog and the establishment of my own role in these end times. For me, 2011 was about realizing my own Divine destiny and spreading my newly-acquired Light and knowledge with this world, while still indulging and staying in the lower energy of habits and addictions, which again I am to grow out of. Now that we have entered 2012, our Angles are letting us know that things are not going to be the same anymore.

    I have found that my usual methods of indulging in addictions which form a direct bridge to the lower dimensions, is beginning to be severed as the energies of Mother Earth are now beginning to allow only the purest expressions and manifestations to be produced on Her surface. For many souls still steeped and rooted in the lower vibrations of fear, separatism, lust and hatred (among others), this year is going to be especially difficult as those are the very energies and vibrations now being cleansed and purged from Gaia’s surface. However, the developments and manifestations occurring on Gaia’s surface will not all be bad, though they will for the most part be very intense.

    With that statement, we come back to the original point of this post. I am beginning to learn first-hand that the issue of forgiveness ofothers who may have hurt us, in some cases very deeply, is going to be a big lesson for many of us this year. 2011 turned many of us as inside-out as we felt we could go, and I now have the feeling that in 2012, we are to realize that we can in fact, be turned inside-out even more, and expose even deeper-rooted pains held inside of us for so long. It is not going to be easy, but Earth never is!

    So I wish you to ponder and truly ask yourself, if a soul who hurt you in the deepest and most twisted ways (whether in this Life or past Lives) suddenly came to you for forgiveness, how would you treat the situation? Would you be able to turn within for the Love and compassion needed, both for yourself and the other soul, and realize that the pain behind the actions of another may have served to teach you a very needed lesson, or will you choose to continue to bury the pain associated with the actions of the soul seeking forgiveness, and deny them their wish?

    This will be just one of many, many difficult lessons and decisions we will have to make in this already magical year of 2012.
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:34 am

    The power of love and forgiveness is absolutely miraculous « Jesus through John
    Posted on September 7, 2012 by Laura

    1 Vote

    September 7, 2012 by John Smallman

    The unloving are, in truth, crying out for Love. Their faith in the divine creative Source of all existence is very weak; they feel alone, lost, threatened and unsafe. As a result they attempt to build strong defenses with which to devastate those they fear. But they are afraid that those they fear will become ever stronger and more threatening, and develop the power to destroy them. So they try to build even stronger defenses.

    It truly is a Catch 22 situation. Don’t buy into it, because it distracts you from your spiritual task of bearing your Light on high for all to see so they can be re-assured all is divinely taken care of. God’s Light shines on all indiscriminately, but sadly many turn away from it in fear, believing themselves unworthy of the Love it offers.

    They choose to demand scientific proof of the existence of God, of a supreme Intelligence, to justify their unbelief, knowing that that of course is and will remain unavailable because science is blind to anything other than what it decides can exist. Your history shows you this very clearly time and time again when science is proved wrong. Unfortunately, science remains obdurate. Due to fear of the unknown, it wants to explain things through its own premises, based on historic experiences that lead to unwarranted assumptions, which it then refuses to question until forced to do so by unexpected events and new discoveries.

    Being unable to prove the existence of God allows them to indulge their fears that the world is a hostile and threatening environment, and to justify behaving as though the life they are experiencing is best used solely for their own personal advancement — “he who dies with the most toys wins!” And so personal agendas drive their lives, causing divisive situations to erupt into them with monotonous regularity.

    Within the illusion you see violence and suffering destroying lives and livelihoods, and it seems that you must take enormous precautions to protect yourselves and your loved ones. It is extremely difficult for you not to worry about the future because you believe that it may bring disastrous and unforeseeable events into your lives; and many make their living by encouraging these worries.

    Letting go of fear and embracing Love is the only satisfactory response in any situation. Those who take the plunge, despite their fears, and embrace loving behaviors and attitudes find that life flows far more smoothly. Difficulties continue to occur but do not crush their faith in their ability to deal with them; so they cope and their confidence grows. Their loving natures influence and inspire others, and they find themselves no longer alone in life’s struggle, as others appear who cooperate creatively with them, helping to smooth out difficulties that had at first been quite daunting.

    Love finds Itself and joins with Itself wherever It is welcomed, expanding Its communion to embrace all inclusively, and dissolving any barriers that would separate It from Itself. It welcomes all who choose to enter Its fold where there is no hierarchy or order of merit. It indiscriminately accepts all who would join with It. It is God, the supreme Source, the divine Consciousness of which all that exists is an irreplaceable and essential part. All that is required of anyone who would join this exalted community as a member is the recognition that they are already members!

    Fear is the belief that it is possible to be apart from God, that it is possible to be unworthy of His Love, that it is possible to think, say, or do something that makes one unacceptable to Him. The insane actions and conduct of those who live in fear and engage in war on an individual or an international scale are unreal, despite the apparent reality of the pain and suffering they cause. They are engaged in an imaginary competition with those who believe themselves separated from God, and therefore from each other. It is an unwinnable attempt to curry divine favor by demonstrating the unworthiness of others and the worthiness of themselves in the sight of God. That premise is unwinnable because no one is unworthy.

    The way out of this sorry and confused situation is to forgive those who have been judged, and to forgive those who have done the judging. Forgiveness allows awareness to expand out of the narrow and biased field of focus that judgment creates, enabling the field of divine Love to penetrate, suffuse, and dissolve it. Stress and hostile tension, which severely contract and reduce awareness, then dissipate, giving way to a vast extension of sentient consciousness. A complete reassessment of a situation that had appeared hostile occurs, and what had caused the dissonance is found to be far less divisive and unacceptable than it had previously appeared to be. Whereupon, a resolution that rewards all is quickly achieved.

    The power of love and forgiveness is absolutely miraculous, and is constantly available in whatever situation you may find yourselves. Do not let your fears discourage you from taking full advantage of these wondrous divine gifts which can amazingly resolve every issue in your lives. When you fell into the illusion your Father ensured that these gifts went with you, so that when you chose to do so you could use them to dissolve it and return to your heavenly Home. That time is fast approaching.

    Your loving brother, Jesus.

    The power of love and forgiveness is absolutely miraculous « Jesus through John.

    Sep 7 2012
    The Sun: The Heart and Mind of Our Galaxy

    by Dieter Broers

    Until recently astrophysicists believed that solar flares were a completely random phenomenon. But in recent years, patterns of solar flare cycles have been discovered using supercomputers. And what’s amazing about these cycles is that they coincide with the periods in the Mayan calendar.

    In addition to the Tzolkin calendar, which consisted of 260 days, the Mayans also had the Haab, whose 360 days and 5 so-called “nameless” days make it essentially the same as the modern lunar calendar. The Haab was mainly used to determine the most propitious time for planting and harvesting. Another Mayan calendar, known as the Long Count, is based on astronomical calculations of the solar year, and in terms of our calendar extends from 3114 BC to December 21, 2012 — which is also the end date of the Tzolkin calendar.

    Inasmuch as the Tzolkin (like the I Ching and Kabbala) describes an intermeshing of cosmic constellations and eras of consciousness, one possible explanation for the mysterious and abrupt end of the Mayan calendar is that the Mayans believed that on December 21, 2012, a consciousness-changing event would transpire that would be of such magnitude that it was pointless to make any calculations beyond that threshold. On the other hand, it is also possible that they understood this date to be the epicenter of a cyclical change with transformative effects that would develop over a period of time, ultimately leading to a transformation of planetary consciousness and civilization that was beyond their capacity to express in stone and symbol.

    From the Mayan perspective, it is possible that after the culmination of this epochal shift, neither the movements of the heavenly bodies nor the course of life on Earth would be the way they were before — a prophecy that has provoked a mixture of dread and anticipation ever since people first heard about it. And this in turn may well prompt you to ask yourself fundamental questions such as these: What will become of us? What will the explosive power of this transformation feel like? Will it feel threatening — or will it bring salvation?

    For many years now, even the most hard-boiled scientists have come under the sway of these predictions, for there is overwhelming evidence that the time frames of the Mayan myths and our astrophysical prognostications coincide. In point of fact, a comparison of the solar flare activity in the Tzolkin and Gregorian calendars clearly shows that something very unusual may occur on December 21, 2012, or in the time after it. This is also confirmed by a NASA report, which warns that a “perfect storm” could penetrate the Earth’s magnetic field if solar flares reach the level of the solar storm of 1859 (known as the Carrington event), whether during the spring or autumn equinox of 2012, or at another time.

    The Earth’s orientation at certain times may make it particularly vulnerable to particle bombardment. In any event, we are currently experiencing an increase in solar activity, along with a weakening of the Earth’s electromagnetic fields — and a weakening, also, of the heliosphere, the protective sheath of energy put out by the Sun. This means that our planet is becoming evermore susceptible to the transformative effects of cosmic radiation and solar winds. The Mayans’ focus on December 21, 2012, could be similar to the prediction a physician might make when choosing a due date in a pregnancy: the birth is not necessarily going to happen exactly on that day but is almost certain to happen at some point around it.

    The Carrington event refers to an extremely powerful solar storm that was observed in 1859 by British astronomer Richard Carrington. It had far-reaching effects, such as the northern lights being visible from the Rocky Mountains to Cuba (which is not normally the case) and the collapse of the telegraph system. This so-called white-light event is the strongest known event of this kind. The Carrington event occurred without warning in the middle of an average solar activity cycle and had a powerful effect on the Earth.

    According to the NASA report, far more severe eruptions than those of the Carrington event may be in store for us. And in view of this fact, the lack of awareness of this threat on the part of governments and the general public is mystifying.

    However, the NASA report may change all that, since it warns that millions may perish during a massive solar-storm event. NASA says this would genuinely be the mother of all cataclysms — the absolutely worst-case scenario. Whether it happens on the exact date of the 2012 winter solstice or in the following period, such an event would be devastating because of our modern dependence on artificial technologies and vast supply lines that deliver goods each day to our stores and supermarkets.

    Comparable albeit weaker solar storms have wreaked havoc in recent memory as well. In 1989 a solar storm knocked out power in the entire province of Quebec, resulting in the total disruption of everyday life. Computer systems, traffic signals, and mobile phones were disabled, and the province was on the verge of chaos. This incident showed that normal daily life simply grinds to a halt in the face of a massive power outage. Elevators were stuck, the entire province was plunged into darkness at nightfall, and all airplane flights were cancelled because the province’s control towers had no data.

    A similar event occurred in Sweden in 2003, resulting in a sudden power failure. It later emerged that a solar storm had knocked out the country’s electrical grid.

    These two events provided a frightening taste of the destruction, chaos, and hysteria that an even more severe geomagnetic event could wreak on our cities.

    It is still a mystery how the Mayans were able to create calendars that could forecast astronomical events, such as the orbits of Venus and other planets, so accurately. It is likewise unclear what will happen in the period after the Mayan calendar breaks off. Many modern thinkers and visionaries, after studying the Mayan fascination with this mysterious threshold, have offered their own interpretation of what this event may mean for humanity and the Earth: As we enter the next age by passing through the solstice portal on December 21, 2012, a new light will shine on the Earth and will usher in a new era. Such an interpretation has also been offered by contemporary Mayans and followers of other indigenous cultures with prophecies about this time.

    But what “light” are these visionaries and contemporary Mayans referring to? Is this an allusion to what Carrington termed a white-light event? Also, what do the Mayans, other indigenous people like the Hopi of Arizona, along with many visionaries, mean by a “new era”? From a study of the Popol Vuh and other sources, it seems clear that the Classic-period Mayans were not only anticipating an event in nature, but also — and above all — envisioning a transition that would affect the spiritual dimension of life. But then where exactly do astrophysics and myth intersect in such a situation? In our rational culture, do we even have the capacity to consider a spiritual reading to be plausible?

    In Western culture, we tend to put far more faith in quantifiable facts that can be proven empirically than in observations made by other cultures — despite the fact that the Mayans even predicted the demise of their own civilization. Nevertheless, the correlation between solar activity and human behavior has been scientifically proven. This issue formed the subject of the highly regarded bestseller The Mayan Prophecies, by two Canadian authors, Maurice Cotterell and Adrian Gilbert. The Mayan Prophecies demonstrates the undeniable association between solar cycles and the rise and fall of kingdoms. Cotterell and Gilbert found a direct temporal association between specific solar activity cycles and political changes, from the Babylonians to the Mayans to the Romans.

    An important point in this regard is made by José Argüelles in his study of the Mayan calendar, in which he discusses the significance of the Sun for the Mayans. Apparently the Mayans knew that our Sun is one of many celestial bodies and that it orbits around other suns. While on a literal level, there is no evidence that the Mayans understood that the Earth orbited around the Sun, on a symbolic level, they understood that all suns in the universe rotate around a center, namely the Hunab-Ku, or “heart of the cosmos.”

    According to José Argüelles’s interpretation of the Mayan calendar in The Mayan Factor, Hunab-Ku, the enormous black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, will subject the human race to an immense “Galactic Synchronization Beam,” as Argüelles termed it, around the year 2012. In the interest of exploring this theory I will now discuss the galactic system in a bit more detail.

    The Mayan observation that our galaxy contains a “central Sun” is accurate in light of current scientific knowledge. Astrophysicists refer to this phenomenon as a black hole, an entity that is thought to be located at the center of our galaxy and around which our entire solar system orbits. One such orbit takes a staggering 225 million years.

    In recent years an exceptionally large amount of activity has been observed in this center which, to the consternation of scientists, does not square with their current picture of the universe. One manifestation of this phenomenon is radiation that has been detected at increasingly short intervals and that “is directed at the Earth like car headlights.” This radiation, which is referred to as gamma ray bursts (GRBs), chiefly originates in the farthest reaches of our galactic center (i.e., from the black hole).

    Here too the scientific data and visionary interpretations of the Mayan prophecies seem to agree. Argüelles described a “Galactic Synchronization Beam” that is emitted by the central Sun at certain times and affects the Earth’s electromagnetic environment and our level of background radiation, spurring evolutionary changes and mutations. This beam also calibrates, according to this hypothesis, the mental and psychic existence of human beings by setting off vibrations in them that are transmitted via the Earth and the Sun, and that are emitted by the central Sun, an enormous black hole or Hunab-Ku.

    Esoteric though this hypothesis may sound, it is confirmed by the findings of modern astrophysics. During a solar storm, massive amounts of gases known as plasma are emitted from the solar corona, which is the outer layer of the solar atmosphere and is visible at sundown as a pearly, faint halo extending a great distance. These “mass coronal projections” (as experts call them) spew hot plasma into space at speeds amounting to millions of miles per hour. But unfortunately for us earthlings, the particles that compose hot solar plasma carry an electrical charge, and if these particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they can provoke magnetic storms and polar lights — which in turn affect the geomagnetic field and thus all life on Earth, all the way down to the cellular level.

    Far fetched though it may sound, we humans are extremely susceptible to cosmic electromagnetic forces and gamma radiation. Human DNA apparently exhibits a property that acts as an “antenna” for gamma radiation. Our DNA contains carbon crystals that react to radiation like a resonator. Moreover, all of the atomic elements of our DNA have the capacity to pick up electromagnetic energy like a radio antenna, whereas the carbon crystals amplify incoming electromagnetic signals, which is a mechanism we know from broadcasting technology.

    And pretty much the same thing happens with our cells, whose structure enables them to receive electromagnetic signals from the cosmos. Furthermore the resonance frequencies of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are the same as those of the elementary particles of our atoms, thus setting the stage for far-reaching changes in our bodies and brains that probably also include complete restructuring in both.

    These are the factors that make the prospect of a consciousness-changing “synchronization beam,” in alignment with Mayan calendrical wisdom, so Earth shattering from a scientific standpoint. A beam of radiation, emitted from the center of the Milky Way and synchronized with the solar cycles, could transform — in a sense, reencode — the double helix of our DNA.

    The quantum physicist Brian Swimme became one of the first researchers to raise this possibility, when, in commenting on and expressing agreement with José Argüelles’s theories, he stated that actions and worldviews (i.e., the mindsets of entire cultures) are determined by the properties of galactic tides whose code may have been received and transmitted by the Mayans both mathematically and symbologically. Swimme furthermore observed that, in the parlance of quantum physics, one could posit that an electrodynamic exchange occurs between solar electrons and human electrons.

    These insights explain a number of phenomena that have long defied explanation based on mainstream medical concepts. For example, why is it that at certain periods the incidence of mental disorders that are not transmitted bacterially or virally increases? One possible explanation was formulated in 1963 by American physician Robert Becker of the Albert Einstein Hospital in New York. He demonstrated a direct correlation between mental disorders and cosmic events, in that the number of patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals was found to increase significantly during particularly severe solar eruptions. Based on his clinical work, Becker also reported that solar wind- magnetosphere interaction and extreme susceptibility of hospitalized psychiatric patients coincided down to the minute.

    The conclusion that can be drawn from all the research findings in this sphere is as plausible as it is noteworthy: humankind is in the midst of a transformation process whose consequences are still very difficult to foretell. However there can be no doubt that this transformation involves far more than just a paradigm shift or the advent of new political systems, for it will affect every aspect, level, nook, and cranny of life and will catalyze a dynamic that will sweep before it all evolutions of all living things.

    The advent of this cataclysmic event is concretely signaled numerous times in various aspects of Mayan culture. Making interpretations based on Mayan glyphs, theorists ranging from Argüelles to Cotterell and many others have proposed that the cyclical transition has a cathartic function: they speak in terms of “awakened human beings” who will carry out a “sacred mission” and will “cleanse the Earth” — and for whom a new consciousness and new form of civilization will be ushered in once we pass through the initiatory threshold represented by December 21, 2012.

    excerpted from Solar Revolution: Why Mankind Is on the Cusp of an Evolutionary Leap
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    Post  We Are You Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:23 pm

    Awakened Western Women are the Key. This is a sentence I have heard over and over again in the past few months, although different words and descriptions have been used. Many male spiritual leaders have spoken it, as well as many female spiritual leaders.

    But what does it mean?

    If you are reading this article you are either an Awakened Western woman, know one, or are a man who knows at least one woman.

    The concept that spiritual and social change is brought about by women is not a new one. It is well established.

    When one, just one, woman learns a method to raise her personal vibration, in other words she starts ascending in evolution, she will share it with her friends, she will teach it to her kids, and will also share with her family and partner. Or try to.

    This is why women have been the target of religious and social programming for as long as we can remember. Because it is through women that belief systems, teachings, social rules, and reality, is spread into our human collective.

    Let's think of children, and who forms them. Most teachers are female. All mothers are female. And yes, what you do in your pregnancy does affect the fetus. So even if a child is being raised by men, he or she had a big programming session for nine months inside the biological mother's womb. Most religious followers are women. Women who then take those teachings home and teach them to their kids. Or to school, where they teach it to their students. And most of this is done unconsciously, unthinking, just through actions, and emotions, and the sharing of interest.

    I have been working for two years now with Lucia Rene, who is fully dedicated in teaching women to stand in their own power. Her mission, and journey, has been met with horrendous resistance. She was even killed once for it. But she came back. For most of these two years of working with Lucia, I did not understand her passion, her unwavering stubbornness in her mission of working only with women. Yes, her teachings are available to men and women alike, but her personal work is only with women. Then I got it! I was able to experience what power a woman has, and what an unstoppable force a group of women can be, at a global scale.

    Just like Lucia Rene, there are hundreds of thousands of women out there. A few of them in the public eye, but the great majority working quietly and unanimously. Unwavering in their mission to empower other women, to empower children, and to empower men. Hundreds of thousands of women warriors, teachers, healers, speakers, mothers, sisters, daughters and friends.

    Imagine what will happen if we add a few million to the list!

    This is what we can do, we teach at least one more woman how to easily and quickly raise her personal vibration. There is no mystery, no gurus, no religion, and no qualifying characteristics on how to do raise one's vibration. Learn how to do it yourself, and teach at least one woman how to do it.

    I placed the tools I use to raise my personal vibration on the Tools menu tab of Use these, or use whatever resonates with you that you already know, but do it and teach it to at least one woman today:

    Thank you for actively partaking in this fantastic shift!

    For your Newsletter Subscriber only content go here:

    Inelia Benz

    Konstantinos: Some significant signs-A parable from my Arcturian Family ‘The Experiment’
    by kp40

    Hello dear friends. Yesterday I was outside. While I was walking, I was thinking about the future when suddenly I saw in front of me a paper stuck on the front side of a clothe store…’TELOS EPOCHIS’ which means ‘END OF SEASON’ regarding the discounts. But in Greek ‘epochi’ (epoch) means also ‘age’…’END OF (old) AGE’! That was the first sign.

    Later, I got the bus to return at home. After some hour, I looked at the bus clock and the time was 20:12 (year 2012) and right at that moment, the electronic voice said ‘Next Stop: Analipsi’…’Analipsi’ in Greek means ‘Ascension’…get it ? (-_-). After these two signs, I heard the six beings from my Arcturian family telling me that these signs was an ensurance, so I didn’t have to feel frustrated and then they told me briefly a parable, which they repeated extensively this morning. The parable’s title is ‘The Experiment’.

    Warm greetings, Dear Ones! We wish with this message to transfer to you a significant teaching through a story…a parable. It has been proven that a parable is an excellent tool for the comprehension of complicated concepts and meanings by the souls who live in the 3rd Dimension. Furthermore, a story is something entertaining and exciting, especially for the little children.

    Our parable is starting with a human, a young man, Hank, who recently inherited a big amount of money and a successful enterprise from his uncle. Hank was not like the other people of his age. He got himself busy with Spirituality and he had confirmed to himself a lot of Spiritual Truths through his personal experiences.

    But it came a time that Hank wished to make an experiment, in a period that he was facing inner upheavals, in order for him to assist his faith and remove pessimism and doubts. He had observed a specific area of his city, where a homeless man was coming often and he was looking carefully in the only trash can that was there, in order for him to find something that he could use. Some inches away, there was a bench, where frequently, a wealthy middle age industrialist was sitting and reading his newspaper for 60 or 90 minutes. The industrialist had never eagerly chosen to give something to the homeless man. This situation had been observed by Hank for a week. Hank considered this case appropriate for his experiment.

    So Hank by pretending that he was randomly passing from that area twice a week, he was dropping, before the homeless man appears, some papers with 400 dollars in the specific trash can. Then, he was hiding behind the nearest building that was across from the trash can and he was waiting to watch what would follow.

    The homeless man appeared, as previously, at the usual time and searched the trash can where for the first time found money..and he started to jump full of happiness. Jumping and dancing, the homeless man thanked God for the unexpected gift. Next to him, as previously, was the industrialist who was surprised with the incident. ‘It was just luck‘ he thought.

    But this ‘luck‘ was repeated 2 more times. The industrialist started to lose his patience and cursed the Heavens for the happiness of the ‘unworthy vagabond’, although his bussiness was continuously successful. From that time and on, the industrialist decided to keep an eye on the trash can, waiting for the money’s sender.

    Hank continued his usual move, but this time the industrialist was already there. So, he went discreetly and took the money, laughed sneeringly and left. A little later, the homeless man appeared and when he did not find any money, he continued searching for something else to use. Then, he looked up to the sky and said ‘I may haven’t found money today, but at least I keep finding things that are useful to me. Thank You my God for this, as I also thank You for giving me the chance to help with the money I found, other homeless fellow men too. I am grateful ‘.

    Hank was surprised by the Love that was coming from this homeless and weathered man, in contrast with the wealthy and ‘thief’ industrialist. All was going according to Hank’s plan, who was feeling that he (himself), the homeless man and the industrialist could benefit deeply from this experiment.

    The industrialist continued his strategy two more times. And a little later as before, the homeless man, though he did not find any money, he continued be grateful. But Hank was aware about Karma and the Heavenly Justice (it has nothing to do with punishment) it represented and he was waiting patiently.

    Indeed, the next time, the industrialist appeared again, but this time he was displeased. ‘I hope for the police to catch this robber who stole the money I had found in this damn trash can! ‘ he shouted and then, after not finding any money in the trash, he left. Yes, Hank had been confirmed. A little later, the homeless man appeared and though he did not find any money he expressed his gratitude for finding useful objects. Then, Hank appeared to him and said ‘What we give, it comes back to us. I admire theLove you give to the Creator and to the people around you. Additionally, you assisted my faith with your example. Would you like to work for me? ‘.

    ‘Are you the sender of the money? ‘ the homeless man asked. Hank confirmed that. ‘It would be my honor if you accepted my suggestion‘. The homeless man accepted. Hank and the ex-homeless man created a beautiful friendship and partnership and created a care home for the city’s homeless people. As for the industrialist, never got back to the area with the trash can, but by feeling that he learnt a lesson, he started giving monthly and generous donations to the care home of Hank and his ex-homeless friend.

    The teaching of this parable is this: It does not matter how many ‘obstacles’ you will meet, because Love will override them as the Invincible Force it is. With Faith to the God inside you and with Love to the ones around you, you create and pull your desirable reality…for you and the ‘others’. Next time, we will come with another parable.

    We are leaving you for now, although we are constantly with you (laughs). We Love you a lot.

    RAnlAn, AnrAl, MonEn, TherAl, SilEsio, AnOn from Arcturus.

    As received by Konstantinos.

    PS: For anyone who wish to read the previous messages, here is a link:
    kp40 | September 7, 2012 at 16:27 | Categories: General News | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:38 pm

    The Greatest “Disclosure” Event Ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation
    Posted on September 7, 2012

    The Greatest “Disclosure” Event ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation

    The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology

    Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, our invitation now goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders

    To attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).

    As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012.

    The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.

    With this second invitation (to take place on 6 Sept, 2012) we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.

    The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:

    On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

    From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance.

    This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.

    The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet.

    The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.

    The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.

    The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.

    How we have done this?

    For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession.

    (Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)

    Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.

    In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.

    The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens.

    Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.

    According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world.

    The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation.

    This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.

    We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.

    By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you.

    Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.

    Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation’s teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide.

    Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.

    At that point there will be two choices:

    Either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or

    The advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.

    We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting, so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.

    From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another,

    Because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.

    There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now, as the leaders of small regions of the Earth, it is

    Your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology, everyone’s basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.

    The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand.

    Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them.

    If you ignore this invitation, your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.

    We call on your nation, to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.

    We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through.

    In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other, and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone, at the same time, and in the same measure.

    M T Keshe

    The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation (The Netherlands).


    Further reading:

    To view an ‘intro video’:

    Please, take the time to check out this statement from the Keshe Foundation concerning war with Iran:

    Related articles

    The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology (

    Critical Breakthrough: Study Overturns Theory of ‘Junk DNA’ and more...
    In This Update...

    Critical Breakthrough: Study Overturns Theory of ‘Junk DNA’
    President Obama’s Re-election Part of the Golden Age Master Plan
    Groundbreaking 9/11 Truth Events in New York, California and Maryland, September 8-12
    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians Part 6
    “Sign That Document!” St. Germain Addresses the Continental Congress
    Melchizedek: It Is Time…The Next Phase Of Your Journey Is Beginning
    Credit Suisse Exec Faces Extradition For Role In 2001 Argentine Debt Swap
    Sangeeta Reports from India
    And Masumi Shares About Spirituality in Japan
    The Lightworker’s Mission
    Jesus: The Power of Love and Forgiveness is Absolutely Miraculous
    Adamu on Opening the Path to Unitive Consciousness and Acceptance

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    We Are You

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 21 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:52 am

    Attuning to the 9-9-9 Amplified Grid Energies
    2012 September 8
    Posted by Vina
    Attuning to the 9-9-9 Amplified Grid Energies

    Message from the Council of Light

    through Meredith Murphy

    Telepathic Transmission – September 7, 2012

    Beautiful Beings of Light,

    It is still up for grabs how you will participate here and now. You are seeking that which has the greatest affinity, while being aware that some things which have affinity do so because of habit, others things have affinity because of resonance with your essence.

    These are two different things and you are wisely attempting to sort this out and come into newness that is about the trajectory in this lifetime, the evolution in this lifetime of your soul essence through this particular aspect embodied here and now.

    As you live your life and allow yourself to notice the newness all around you, you are inspired in many ways. It is really going to become abundant, the inspiration flowing into your life, and so it is up to you to choose what to bring forth now, what inspiration you will support with the form of your being and action, so that energy from the inner planes can manifest in the outer planes, in your experience and in your world.

    As life goes forth this season, and the weather of change is underway in obvious and powerful ways, it will be very easy to lose your balance. This is not the same as losing your way. {Smile.} Remember this when you feel uncomfortable with the energy flowing through you.

    You are continually receiving more and higher frequencies within your energy field and you will continually need to learn how to flow, use and ground these energies. There will be, as such an ongoing, seemingly relentless sense of newness. It will help you participate to embrace this.

    At present the energy is amping up to the 9-9-9 window, which is an acceleration point toward the December Solstice. All the triple date days this year, carry amplified resonance with their originating date when particular aspects of the crystalline grid came “on-line” and as we approach the full connectivity of this new grid, these key points in the grid matrix are highlight in ways that are palpably felt.

    To organize yourself and enter into these alignments and this upcoming period of incredible upliftment and fulfillment, you will simply need to stay in your heart, listen to your body and your self and trust your inner sense of what’s right for you now.

    Throughout this arc of energy toward the December Solstice, it will be very important that you let this be true, regardless of how it differs from your plans or from what you thought you might do when anticipating this time earlier. Flexibility is a powerful ally in allowing these beautiful energies of truth to manifest your potential in being.

    The reason we call forth you attention at this time is to begin offering you much more frequent updates as the dynamics and cycles of energy will be rapidly changing and being attuned with greater regularity will serve you well.

    We offer this in the spirit of love and companionship.

    We are the Council of Light

    © 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved.

    You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute this content with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
    Preparations for Gaia planetary ascension activation of world wide portals is complete
    by ÉirePort

    Preparations for Gaia planetary ascension activation of world wide portals is complete. Precise timings of activations via Gaia ground personnel will be followed. As each feels drawn, follow.

    Individual awakenings to Higher Levels commences in full as of the 9-11.

    Gaia current grid structure transforms to allow penetrating of individual and group consciousness, and can not be rejected at this period of time compression.

    Those who arise in consciousness will blossom. Those who resist, will split and be reunited at a later time.

    Rest with this Gaia Wind of Change.
    ÉirePort | September 7, 2012 at 22:17 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
    We Are You wrote:The Greatest “Disclosure” Event Ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation
    Posted on September 7, 2012

    The Greatest “Disclosure” Event ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation

    The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology

    Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, our invitation now goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders

    To attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).

    As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012.

    The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.

    With this second invitation (to take place on 6 Sept, 2012) we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.

    The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:

    On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

    From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance.

    This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.

    The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet.

    The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.

    The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.

    The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.

    How we have done this?

    For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession.

    (Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)

    Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.

    In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.

    The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens.

    Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.

    According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world.

    The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation.

    This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.

    We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.

    By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you.

    Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.

    Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation’s teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide.

    Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.

    At that point there will be two choices:

    Either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or

    The advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.

    We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting, so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.

    From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another,

    Because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.

    There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now, as the leaders of small regions of the Earth, it is

    Your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology, everyone’s basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.

    The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand.

    Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them.

    If you ignore this invitation, your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.

    We call on your nation, to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.

    We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through.

    In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other, and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone, at the same time, and in the same measure.

    M T Keshe

    The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation (The Netherlands).


    Further reading:

    To view an ‘intro video’:

    Please, take the time to check out this statement from the Keshe Foundation concerning war with Iran:

    Related articles

    The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology (

    Critical Breakthrough: Study Overturns Theory of ‘Junk DNA’ and more...
    In This Update...

    Critical Breakthrough: Study Overturns Theory of ‘Junk DNA’
    President Obama’s Re-election Part of the Golden Age Master Plan
    Groundbreaking 9/11 Truth Events in New York, California and Maryland, September 8-12
    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians Part 6
    “Sign That Document!” St. Germain Addresses the Continental Congress
    Melchizedek: It Is Time…The Next Phase Of Your Journey Is Beginning
    Credit Suisse Exec Faces Extradition For Role In 2001 Argentine Debt Swap
    Sangeeta Reports from India
    And Masumi Shares About Spirituality in Japan
    The Lightworker’s Mission
    Jesus: The Power of Love and Forgiveness is Absolutely Miraculous
    Adamu on Opening the Path to Unitive Consciousness and Acceptance

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 21 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:21 am

    Translate this Vision into 58 languages Click Here to Translate into 58 Languages
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    The Vision Alignment Project

    A Vision for Mercy

    We envision a world where mercy has resurfaced in the collective awareness; where all fighting has stopped, all arguments resolved, all violence turned to creativity, and all vehemence transformed into love. We see a world where soldiering is unneeded because no one wants to harm anyone else; where we've all realized that it is far better to help than to harm, to uplift than undo, to bless than to badger, beat, or bomb others into submission.

    We see a world where all guns are holstered, all knives and swords sheathed, all weapons destroyed, dismantled, and reformed into tools for the betterment of our lives.

    As a result, we see peace everywhere, and humanity, as a whole, breathing a collective sigh of relief because every person who walks this planet has stopped what they were doing long enough to put themselves in the shoes of the other; where every person knows, beyond any doubt, that we all need each other, that we are all connected to one another, and that to bring harm to another only brings harm to oneself.

    And we envision our hearts open and our minds unfettered and creative now that our bodies are safe because we have learned to give mercy in all situations; to let others go free so that they can live out their entire lives without our interference or imposition.

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    Mercy lets others go free
    ~ Tony Burroughs

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    We Are You wrote:
    Attuning to the 9-9-9 Amplified Grid Energies
    2012 September 8
    Posted by Vina
    Attuning to the 9-9-9 Amplified Grid Energies

    Message from the Council of Light

    through Meredith Murphy

    Telepathic Transmission – September 7, 2012

    Beautiful Beings of Light,

    It is still up for grabs how you will participate here and now. You are seeking that which has the greatest affinity, while being aware that some things which have affinity do so because of habit, others things have affinity because of resonance with your essence.

    These are two different things and you are wisely attempting to sort this out and come into newness that is about the trajectory in this lifetime, the evolution in this lifetime of your soul essence through this particular aspect embodied here and now.

    As you live your life and allow yourself to notice the newness all around you, you are inspired in many ways. It is really going to become abundant, the inspiration flowing into your life, and so it is up to you to choose what to bring forth now, what inspiration you will support with the form of your being and action, so that energy from the inner planes can manifest in the outer planes, in your experience and in your world.

    As life goes forth this season, and the weather of change is underway in obvious and powerful ways, it will be very easy to lose your balance. This is not the same as losing your way. {Smile.} Remember this when you feel uncomfortable with the energy flowing through you.

    You are continually receiving more and higher frequencies within your energy field and you will continually need to learn how to flow, use and ground these energies. There will be, as such an ongoing, seemingly relentless sense of newness. It will help you participate to embrace this.

    At present the energy is amping up to the 9-9-9 window, which is an acceleration point toward the December Solstice. All the triple date days this year, carry amplified resonance with their originating date when particular aspects of the crystalline grid came “on-line” and as we approach the full connectivity of this new grid, these key points in the grid matrix are highlight in ways that are palpably felt.

    To organize yourself and enter into these alignments and this upcoming period of incredible upliftment and fulfillment, you will simply need to stay in your heart, listen to your body and your self and trust your inner sense of what’s right for you now.

    Throughout this arc of energy toward the December Solstice, it will be very important that you let this be true, regardless of how it differs from your plans or from what you thought you might do when anticipating this time earlier. Flexibility is a powerful ally in allowing these beautiful energies of truth to manifest your potential in being.

    The reason we call forth you attention at this time is to begin offering you much more frequent updates as the dynamics and cycles of energy will be rapidly changing and being attuned with greater regularity will serve you well.

    We offer this in the spirit of love and companionship.

    We are the Council of Light

    © 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved.

    You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute this content with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
    Preparations for Gaia planetary ascension activation of world wide portals is complete
    by ÉirePort

    Preparations for Gaia planetary ascension activation of world wide portals is complete. Precise timings of activations via Gaia ground personnel will be followed. As each feels drawn, follow.

    Individual awakenings to Higher Levels commences in full as of the 9-11.

    Gaia current grid structure transforms to allow penetrating of individual and group consciousness, and can not be rejected at this period of time compression.

    Those who arise in consciousness will blossom. Those who resist, will split and be reunited at a later time.

    Rest with this Gaia Wind of Change.
    ÉirePort | September 7, 2012 at 22:17 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
    We Are You wrote:The Greatest “Disclosure” Event Ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation
    Posted on September 7, 2012

    The Greatest “Disclosure” Event ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation

    The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology

    Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, our invitation now goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders

    To attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).

    As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012.

    The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.

    With this second invitation (to take place on 6 Sept, 2012) we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.

    The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:

    On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

    From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance.

    This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.

    The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet.

    The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.

    The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.

    The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.

    How we have done this?

    For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession.

    (Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)

    Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.

    In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.

    The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens.

    Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.

    According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world.

    The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation.

    This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.

    We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.

    By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you.

    Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.

    Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation’s teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide.

    Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.

    At that point there will be two choices:

    Either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or

    The advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.

    We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting, so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.

    From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another,

    Because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.

    There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now, as the leaders of small regions of the Earth, it is

    Your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology, everyone’s basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.

    The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand.

    Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them.

    If you ignore this invitation, your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.

    We call on your nation, to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.

    We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through.

    In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other, and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone, at the same time, and in the same measure.

    M T Keshe

    The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation (The Netherlands).


    Further reading:

    To view an ‘intro video’:

    Please, take the time to check out this statement from the Keshe Foundation concerning war with Iran:

    Related articles

    The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology (

    Critical Breakthrough: Study Overturns Theory of ‘Junk DNA’ and more...
    In This Update...

    Critical Breakthrough: Study Overturns Theory of ‘Junk DNA’
    President Obama’s Re-election Part of the Golden Age Master Plan
    Groundbreaking 9/11 Truth Events in New York, California and Maryland, September 8-12
    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians Part 6
    “Sign That Document!” St. Germain Addresses the Continental Congress
    Melchizedek: It Is Time…The Next Phase Of Your Journey Is Beginning
    Credit Suisse Exec Faces Extradition For Role In 2001 Argentine Debt Swap
    Sangeeta Reports from India
    And Masumi Shares About Spirituality in Japan
    The Lightworker’s Mission
    Jesus: The Power of Love and Forgiveness is Absolutely Miraculous
    Adamu on Opening the Path to Unitive Consciousness and Acceptance

    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
    Join date : 2011-09-19
    Location : Here

    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 21 Empty beyond 7,222 views

    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:15 am

    heartMessage from the Angels
    My dear friends, we love you so very much.There is upon your earth at this time a great deal of movement both within your planet and within human hearts. There is great release of pressure that has been building up within. As a result many of you are experiencing feelings coming to the surface that you thought you had already dealt with. Many of you are experiencing physical symptoms that result from bottled-up emotional energy. Many of you at e experiencing life changes you didn’t consciously ask for and yet dear ones, your souls are always in charge.

    It is a wonderful time to get rid of the old junk you are carrying around both internally and externally because it is a time when your souls are seeking forward motion and you don’t want to e burdened by the shackles of your past. Are you still holding on to upsets, grudges, unforgiveness, sadness, etc. from your past? Ask us for help because we love you and will gladly help move these old energies out of your system. We will gladly help you live in a greater and more loving truth. We will be honored to help you see that unforgiveness is a perceived way of protecting yourself from pain… that in reality simply holds you in a painful past. We will help you see that output sadness is only love and that you love yourselves enough to create better. We will help you understand that your frustrations, angers, and upsets are simply pointing to areas in your life where you need to take greater responsibility for your energy and or own well being.

    We never judge you for being human. Earth is the toughest school in the universe. Instead we love you and we will help you find the love that you wish to bring to the surface. We will assist you in releasing what no longer serves you. Ask us to help you find and release the love within your beautiful hearts into your own lives and therefore into the world. It is time to let go of old patterns of thought that no longer work. It is time to release stuff that no longer serves you. You want to move forward in your lives but to do so you must pull up anchor, so to speak, and let go of what feels safe, familiar, and yet never really comfortable. Keep only those thoughts and things that bring light an inspiration into your lives, for those reflect your deeper truths.

    God bless you. We love you so very much.
    –– The Angels
    We Are You wrote:
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    The Vision Alignment Project

    A Vision for Mercy

    We envision a world where mercy has resurfaced in the collective awareness; where all fighting has stopped, all arguments resolved, all violence turned to creativity, and all vehemence transformed into love. We see a world where soldiering is unneeded because no one wants to harm anyone else; where we've all realized that it is far better to help than to harm, to uplift than undo, to bless than to badger, beat, or bomb others into submission.

    We see a world where all guns are holstered, all knives and swords sheathed, all weapons destroyed, dismantled, and reformed into tools for the betterment of our lives.

    As a result, we see peace everywhere, and humanity, as a whole, breathing a collective sigh of relief because every person who walks this planet has stopped what they were doing long enough to put themselves in the shoes of the other; where every person knows, beyond any doubt, that we all need each other, that we are all connected to one another, and that to bring harm to another only brings harm to oneself.

    And we envision our hearts open and our minds unfettered and creative now that our bodies are safe because we have learned to give mercy in all situations; to let others go free so that they can live out their entire lives without our interference or imposition.

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    We Are You wrote:
    Attuning to the 9-9-9 Amplified Grid Energies
    2012 September 8
    Posted by Vina
    Attuning to the 9-9-9 Amplified Grid Energies

    Message from the Council of Light

    through Meredith Murphy

    Telepathic Transmission – September 7, 2012

    Beautiful Beings of Light,

    It is still up for grabs how you will participate here and now. You are seeking that which has the greatest affinity, while being aware that some things which have affinity do so because of habit, others things have affinity because of resonance with your essence.

    These are two different things and you are wisely attempting to sort this out and come into newness that is about the trajectory in this lifetime, the evolution in this lifetime of your soul essence through this particular aspect embodied here and now.

    As you live your life and allow yourself to notice the newness all around you, you are inspired in many ways. It is really going to become abundant, the inspiration flowing into your life, and so it is up to you to choose what to bring forth now, what inspiration you will support with the form of your being and action, so that energy from the inner planes can manifest in the outer planes, in your experience and in your world.

    As life goes forth this season, and the weather of change is underway in obvious and powerful ways, it will be very easy to lose your balance. This is not the same as losing your way. {Smile.} Remember this when you feel uncomfortable with the energy flowing through you.

    You are continually receiving more and higher frequencies within your energy field and you will continually need to learn how to flow, use and ground these energies. There will be, as such an ongoing, seemingly relentless sense of newness. It will help you participate to embrace this.

    At present the energy is amping up to the 9-9-9 window, which is an acceleration point toward the December Solstice. All the triple date days this year, carry amplified resonance with their originating date when particular aspects of the crystalline grid came “on-line” and as we approach the full connectivity of this new grid, these key points in the grid matrix are highlight in ways that are palpably felt.

    To organize yourself and enter into these alignments and this upcoming period of incredible upliftment and fulfillment, you will simply need to stay in your heart, listen to your body and your self and trust your inner sense of what’s right for you now.

    Throughout this arc of energy toward the December Solstice, it will be very important that you let this be true, regardless of how it differs from your plans or from what you thought you might do when anticipating this time earlier. Flexibility is a powerful ally in allowing these beautiful energies of truth to manifest your potential in being.

    The reason we call forth you attention at this time is to begin offering you much more frequent updates as the dynamics and cycles of energy will be rapidly changing and being attuned with greater regularity will serve you well.

    We offer this in the spirit of love and companionship.

    We are the Council of Light

    © 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved.

    You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute this content with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
    Preparations for Gaia planetary ascension activation of world wide portals is complete
    by ÉirePort

    Preparations for Gaia planetary ascension activation of world wide portals is complete. Precise timings of activations via Gaia ground personnel will be followed. As each feels drawn, follow.

    Individual awakenings to Higher Levels commences in full as of the 9-11.

    Gaia current grid structure transforms to allow penetrating of individual and group consciousness, and can not be rejected at this period of time compression.

    Those who arise in consciousness will blossom. Those who resist, will split and be reunited at a later time.

    Rest with this Gaia Wind of Change.
    ÉirePort | September 7, 2012 at 22:17 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
    We Are You wrote:The Greatest “Disclosure” Event Ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation
    Posted on September 7, 2012

    The Greatest “Disclosure” Event ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation

    The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology

    Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, our invitation now goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders

    To attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).

    As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012.

    The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.

    With this second invitation (to take place on 6 Sept, 2012) we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.

    The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:

    On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

    From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance.

    This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.

    The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet.

    The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.

    The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.

    The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.

    How we have done this?

    For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession.

    (Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)

    Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.

    In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.

    The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens.

    Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.

    According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world.

    The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation.

    This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.

    We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.

    By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you.

    Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.

    Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation’s teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide.

    Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.

    At that point there will be two choices:

    Either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or

    The advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.

    We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting, so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.

    From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another,

    Because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.

    There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now, as the leaders of small regions of the Earth, it is

    Your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology, everyone’s basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.

    The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand.

    Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them.

    If you ignore this invitation, your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.

    We call on your nation, to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.

    We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through.

    In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other, and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone, at the same time, and in the same measure.

    M T Keshe

    The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation (The Netherlands).


    Further reading:

    To view an ‘intro video’:

    Please, take the time to check out this statement from the Keshe Foundation concerning war with Iran:

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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:03 am

    The Oracle Report
    Posted on September 8, 2012 by Laura

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    Saturday, September 8 – September 9, 2012

    Saturday: Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini

    Sunday: Third Quarter Moon Phase – Moon in Gemini/Cancer

    Saturday brings catharsis. Things that have been held inside will have trouble remaining that way because they are being forced out. This could be in the form of anger, an explosion of ideas, or laying feelings out on the table. It’s important to let this happen because it cannot be resisted any longer. But with this, we need to make sure the release is truly related to what we think it is. Is it that situation or is it really another one? Some will respond to this energy by throwing tantrums. Sometimes a tantrum is exactly what is needed to clear the air. With all of this, do not place emphasis on the way things appear on the outside. It is what is inside that is important. Don’t get caught in a trap of insecurity based on images and appearances.

    Sunday’s energy has us seeking answers. We are on a quest to learn or understand something, especially where the changes since the “turning point” and the subsequent month of reformation are leading. This is the beginning of our understanding of what everything has been about. It’s going to take a while longer to see the new forms things are taking, but clarity begins to break through today. We start to see how we are being guided and protected as things re-form. Remember the Sabian symbol at the New Moon? It was “after a dark storm, a rainbow.” Sunday begins the Third Quarter Moon phase – technically the last phase of the month. The rainbow is on the way. We should not expect things to be completely in place and concrete, but it is the beginning of that. The energetic changes from mid-July took place at the deepest levels. Manifestation of those changes in our lives will take a good bit of time.

    As I mentioned on Friday, this is an especially strong time for communication with Mother Earth. Signs and symbols in the form of nature will abound.

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    UFO Over Tokyo, Sept. 7, 2012

    UFO sighting over Tokyo, Sept. 7, 2012. Thanks to Geoff.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

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    Transcript: Archangel Michael “The New Earth will be far More Magnificent than you Imagine”

    Transcript: Archangel Michael “The New Earth Will be far More Magnificent than you Imagine.”

    Graham: This is the Heavenly Blessings transcript from our 8-30-12 radio show. Archangel Michael tells us we’re not dreaming big enough and that the new earth will be far more magnificent than we imagine. He says that many are well underway into the 5th, 6th, 7th dimensions and beyond. He talks about the emerging Cities of Light, Inner Earth and we discuss karmic dispensation among other things. The introduction has been removed. Click this link to listen to the show:

    Graham Dewyea: Tonight we will be following up on a comment that Archangel Michael made on our sister program last week, An Hour With An Angel, where he said we’re not dreaming enough, that the new earth will be far more magnificent than we can imagine.

    Archangel Michael: Greetings I AM Michael.

    GD: Welcome.

    AAM: And welcome to you beloved friend, beloved friends, beloved of the planet, welcome and thank you. Thank you for your generous invitation, thank you for listening, thank you for being observant enough to hear and to digest and to understand what I say to thee.

    Yes I come to speak to you tonight about creation, about dreaming, about bringing forth your heart’s desire. I come to speak to you about Ascension for all of these are one piece and they are a piece of the dream, they are a piece of the promise, they are the Mother’s unfoldment.

    They cannot be dissected or separated, so do not even try my beloved friends. There is no Ascension without dreaming, without hope, without trust, without joy, without love. Without hope how do you spend your days? How do you look forward? And how do you even look back? How do you stay in the place of now?

    It is the same for love, for trust and even for surrender. My beloved friends, you have been diligent in your work and I in no way have meant it to be disrespectful when I have said “You do not dream big enough.” But I do speak to you from the perspective and the knowing of being in the retinue of the Mother’s Archangels, of being in service to the One and of the understanding infinite and eternal of the plan.

    Now the way most of you have been constructed and the ways that we have, in fact, guided you and taught you and pointed the way has been to travel within to the depths of your internal heart, your expansive self, the knowing of who you are and the wonder and acceptance of who you are. But most of you when you are thinking about dreaming, creating, becoming, expanding are also doing it within the confines of what you think is your accepted reality.

    And I do not even mean the old 3rd dimensional reality, for most of you have advanced and adventured far beyond that and you are well underway into the 5th, 6th, 7th, and far beyond. But what you tend to do is to think what is acceptable to you, even within the definition and parameters of what you know as your physical life.

    Now while on the one hand that is important and understandable because part of this Ascension process is remaining and taking your physical form with you, but it is also expanding far beyond what you think is acceptable to you in terms of what you choose to create.

    And yes we understand that many of you think in tangible terms and you have need to know that not only do we understand this mechanism, we support it. But when you think, for example, of having enough, for many of you are in that place and many of you are in that place because you have volunteered to be the way-showers, that you are strong enough to be in this place.

    But when you think of food on the table and a roof over your head, I do not encourage you to think of mansions in the sky. But do you think, my beloved ones, of food for all, not just physical food but manna, spiritual, emotional, mental? For you will be in a form. Do you think of shelter for all? Do you think of Gaia being in a place where she no longer feels the need to shrug or to express or cleanse to gain attention?

    Do you think of magnificent places, of light and harmony where neighbors truly do love one another? Not simply that they live without fear or without strife, but where this place of love exists, where you can look at your neighbor and without even concern or fear, but with excitement and joy see the expression of their hearts, of their magnificence, of their wonder. Where you can look at their dog and see the same thing.

    Do you dream of being the single catalyst in harmony with a million-zillion other creation codes? Because that’s what you are, is simply a creation code. Do you think of dancing in harmony and bringing forth the creation of the new like never before? And certainly never before upon this wondrous planet that was created, that birthed, that volunteered to be the planet of Love.

    This is not about just a transition where control or food or money is an issue or not an issue. This is about transcendence. And how does this occur? I tell you my friends, it does not occur without you. It occurs in that dance of harmony within your hearts and minds, within your fields. It is your dreams, your inspirations and you truly reclaiming your place as Creator Race and being with us in the fullness of partnership.

    This is not an invitation to ego. We are very happy to dance with your egos. There is no desire to destroy ego or any other part of your sacred being. But it is the harmony within you and when that is in harmony then you can be in harmony with all, with each other, with us, with your star brothers and sisters and the creation of the new. Your ego, your personality is joyfully welcomed, it is the diversity, it is what you think of and call ‘the spice of life.’

    Do not limit your dreams. Do not shut down in the Divine inspiration that has been placed within you and is continually placed within you each and every moment of each and every day; the wilder the idea the better. Do not think “Well, that can’t happen.” “How would I do that?” It does not matter.

    Allow the dream to float, to dance, to be part of your field. Allow it potential to grow, to soar, to take form. Gather the codes throughout the universe. You are not simply limited to what is in front of you, you never have been. But now, now you know this, you’re coming to truly understand this.

    When the Mother has asked me, and she has asked me different times, several times, many times, to go to the heart of darkness, to restore light, not just to bring light, not just to eliminate darkness, not just to do reconnaissance, but to bring, restore, create. I did not stop and say to her “How shall I do this?” because like you there is full knowing.

    If I am asked to do this, then I already know how and as long as I align with my core of truth, with my sword of peace, then I am in alignment with One and I am guided just as you are guided. Everything you need is within you and around you. You are not an island.

    That is why tonight I have taken you out into the universe and asked you to claim a star so that you would be constantly reminded that you are part of the greater whole. And that the greater whole is part of you. We cannot be separated, it is not possible, it is not the creation.

    So my beloved friends, dreamers extraordinaire, where would you wish to begin?

    GD: It’s hard to follow up on such a beautiful vision, description, invitation that you have for us a Creator Race, the Creator Race for the planet in creating the planet of Love and I hear your invitation for us to think more globally and think about others and think about Gaia as we dream.

    And think in terms of wild dreams and infinite possibilities and if I could just keep this going a little further and I think about the power of visualizing and holding an idea or a thought or a creation in one’s mind and I appreciate that we are the Creator Race and you don’t want to create for us or lay out the blueprint for us, but could you give me some examples of some wild and infinite, amazing creation possibilities that we haven’t been discussing on the shows or we humans haven’t been thinking about in general that maybe some other planets have done or perhaps maybe something that could really just open us and really get us excited when we think about possibilities?

    AAM: Yes because Linda has talked to me about this as well. Let us give you a very concrete example. In the year that you know as 2000 we began working with you, we began, your star brothers and sisters began, and your future wing-maker selves began working with the Cities of Light.

    And these Cities of Light are not simply etheric forms but let us suggest to you and tell you, share with you that in the beginning these Cities of Light were 800,000 years in your future. The work has been done and it began with a plea, not only from us but from your future selves guiding the actions, the decisions, the choices, the dreams, the inspirations, the desires that you, in human form right now have to create Nova Earth.

    And they begged you to make wise decisions because the decisions that you have made starting at that conjunction and continuing on, almost on a daily basis would affect whether they would come to be in what you think of as a physical reality and existence. Now the Cities of Light emerge, many are seeing them and they have been forming all over the planet gloriously, yes the first one was ‘The New Jerusalem’, Phoenix to Sedona. But there has been one ‘The Atlantean City of Light’, ‘Terra Tralana’, ‘Idaho’, many, many, ‘Michigan’.

    We have spoken of this when we have spoken to the people of China about the City of Light that is forming there. This is not simply something that is a dream. Many of you, yes with your 3rd and 4th eye, but with also what you think of as your human eyes, are seeing and observing, coming into form in your reality, something that you have pulled into your time and space albeit fully anchored in the 7th.

    But you are also approaching, they are approaching, you are approaching, coming together to build places that are of Nova Earth, places where business, what you would think of as commerce, are places of beauty, of light, of community, of creation. Temples of learning where wisdom is shared, not hoarded, information is the tender that is to be equally shared. Where star beings from many galaxies that you have never even thought or heard of walk the streets freely and gaily, where families live and thrive, where there is no pollution, where all the needs are attended to.

    Gaia is a bountiful planet, she is an Archangel incarnate, and she has taken this role very seriously. There is no need for struggle, that came out of human experience and lack of faith, lack of hope, from a very, very dark time in history, both of the planet and of civilization. That is a very concrete reality and there are many of you out there who are very conscientiously building and working daily with the Cities of Light.

    Do not think this is simply a pipe dream, it is not and you are seeing the fruits of this. You have your websites, yes of course the Council of Love, the 2012scenerio, but many, but you have built concrete platforms for discussion, for community, for truth. This is not simply something that is esoteric or etheric, yes it is electronic, it is ‘in space’ as you would think of it but it is tangible, it is real. You can even print it, touch it, eat it if you wish.

    These are tangible dreams coming true. You are building situations where your community is coming together. No I will not be giving away the news but these are tangible ways in which you are saying “We are united in heart, we are united in purpose, we are not united by those who believe they can control, we are not united by anything but love and by hope and by vision for a very different future.”

    GD: Beautiful and most hopeful. Thank you, thank you.

    AAM: You have, in your society, many different formations of family and knowingly or not knowingly you have created new paradigms of what family needs where sometimes there are combined, conjoined families with several adults tending to the love and care and nurturing and the bringing up of children.

    This is a microcosm if what you are building for the future. So look to what has been laid in front of you, what you have already begun to create and build on it. You build green, you recycle, you tend to your gardens, you eat in a different way. All of these are your inspirations and creations. So do not think you have not begun my friends, you have begun brilliantly. Now build.

    GD: Wonderful, thank you. I’d like to switch gears just a little bit and give our callers an opportunity to chime in on this discussion, it that’s ok?

    AAM: I would like that.

    Cecile: What more can I possibly do to help with the Ascension process?” What I personally do most of the time is just share all the messages with everybody, like I say ‘I’m planting seeds’ and share with everyone and do some group meditations, but I’ve mostly been on my own path on my own and just read and research everything.

    AAM: Beloved one. First of all, you are doing well and I say that not only to you but to all of you. But there is this part of you inside that knows ‘I can, I wish, I desire to do more.’ Now many of you are consumers of massive amounts of information and I do not say this in a way that is to discourage you from that but discernment is always the key of course. And the discernment does not come from us, it comes from your heart, for you know very clearly what resonates deep within and what does not.

    But the dreaming, the meditation, the ritual, the doing the Ascension process, the gathering with One, the allowing the expansion that comes through the meditation and the connection to All, that is vitally important. Because when you are in that place of connection, of heart, of love, not only does it fill you, sweet angel, it fills your field, it fills your home, it fills your neighborhood, in fills your community, it fills your state.

    And then when you emerge from the place of deep connection and meditation, what you are doing is bringing that expansion; now you are continually expanding, do not let me mislead you and say this expansion is only taking place when you are in meditation, that is not so. But when you are in that place of deep connection, of a conscious connection on an entirely different level, what you are doing is allowing an exponential explosion of your field and what you are capable of.

    You are allowing the inspiration to flow into you so it can be reclaimed as you regain your conscious, go about your day thoughts. So do not ignore the meditation and if you say to me, as many of you do, “Michael, I have trouble with meditation”, then come with me, drift on the infinite blue of the Mother, climb on my back, wrap yourself in my cloak and allow me to take you. Meditation is necessary, it is where you will feel the love and sharing the love is your mission and purpose, dear hearts.

    Jean: I have a question about the possessions we have here in the 3D reality. When my ex-husband went to another country he left me with a large workshop and garage full of every kind of power tool a man could dream of. “Will those be obsolete that I might find them another home, while somebody could still use them or after the Shift will there still be some use for this type of thing?”

    AAM: Think of it this way, there are many on your planet who love antiquarian tools, ancient chisels coming from the prehistoric times, to the shards found in the remains in Egypt and Lemuria and Atlantis, to the tools of your forefathers of your countries. Nothing is ever wasted. So yes dear heart, you have been left with a legacy and unfortunately sometimes it is a painful memory.

    So, one of the things that you are doing is thinking of yourself as a custodian of these treasures that will remind the human race of the history and the evolution of the collective. But if you have someone who wishes to share with these, to use these tools, by all means do so.

    Phil: Well I recently had a session with a well-known individual who I don’t want to name and I was told that I was a starseed and I was helping channel a lot of energy and light right now and my question is “How do I work out karma that I’ve acquired while here doing this work? Is there a special way for me to clear any karma before the Ascension?”

    Linda Dillon: Hi there and this is a great question, thanks for bringing it up. And Michael is still talking; this is what happens when I’m channeling, I get to share a little bit of space. We were given, and I say we, all of us, were given during this period of time a wonderful meditation that I would like to share with everyone tonight, because it’s important and it’s a meditation called Karmic Dispensation.

    We are in a period right now of karmic dispensation. Now karmic dispensation doesn’t just happen, you have to ask for it. The last time that we had this kind of a gift was at the time of around Jesus, Yeshua; you know there’s that whole Christian, Catholic thing ‘oh he died for our sins’. Well actually what they’re really talking about is that during that period of time we got a huge karmic dispensation. It was like wiping the slate clean. It’s a rare gift and it’s an important gift so I’ll share with all of you what I do and how it’s been given to me and how I share it with you.

    Go into meditation, anchor into your heart. How I picture it is I’m going down a hall, a long hallway and I always invite my guides, but if you have someone that you cherish, Michael’s correcting me, you can bring them along too. So say you have a partner or anyone you love, bring everybody, and you go to this thing and you’re going to see on the door “Karmic Dispensation Board”.

    You know, when I walk in, probably due to my background, but it feels quasi-judicial, it’s like there’s a big boardroom table in front of me and on the far side of the table is the Karmic Board, you know those beings and I usually see between five and seven and you have to ask. So what you do is you request that all karma that you have incurred, or that has been incurred by either actions that have been done to you or that you owe. So it’s not only what you owe, it is also what is owed to you.

    LD: OK, so we’re asking for a clearing of everything. So it’s a blessing not only to you but to many and you ask that all karma be cleared. I’ve never run into a situation where the board hasn’t said immediately “Yes”. So you take a minute, you go into your heart and you thank them from the bottom of your heart and you leave.

    And that’s that. Now we all do things, me-a cul-pa, me-a cul-pa, we all do things from time to time that we think ‘oh gosh, I really shouldn’t have done that.’ So don’t hesitate to go back and ask for further dispensation. It’s not license, it’s forgiveness and it’s dispensation and it’s a huge gift; it’s one of the many things the Company of Heaven is giving us at this time to help us with this Ascension process. So thank you for asking this question. I know it’s going to help a lot of us.

    Harriet: “I wanted to know from Archangel Michael if it’s true that we have to go to inner earth to lie in the crystal chambers in order to become fully conscious beings?” Because we’re told that our brothers and sisters of inner earth have prepared crystal chambers for us which are to transform us to fully conscious beings. Is that true?

    AAM: You are asking a question of truth or false? There are places dear heart within inner earth that contain crystal chambers that some of you will be drawn to. But understand it is not simply the connection to inner earth, it is the connection to Gaia, it is the connection to your Mother Earth, it is the connection to the healing properties that she has and that she has always had and offered to you.

    That is the root for the conscious raisingness; it is also similar to the healing chambers that your brothers and sisters of the stars offer you but understand all of this also exists within you. But yes, connecting to the heart of Gaia whether you see it as a council fire or a crystal chamber is going to assist you mightily. Is it the passport and the necessity to prepare you for Ascension? No. The key to your Ascension beloved one is the purity of your heart. And Harriet, the purity of your heart is already known. Go in peace sweet angel.

    Dave: I had been a professional musician from the age of 14 and I did that for 40 some years, you know, and I ended up having a child at a late age and she’s 9 now and I have just been, I totally quit doing everything that I once did, that really got me to a place I didn’t want to be, and I unplugged most things and I just feel stuck.

    I unplugged the things I didn’t want and didn’t like and it doesn’t seem to be anything there except for my beautiful daughter and my relationship with her. So I’m just kind of wondering where I’m floating and hovering in this world, or this physicality and needing money it’s really just not working for me.

    AAM: You have felt that you are in-between worlds and in-between realities and the key ingredient that you are missing is love. You have, as you have put it, unplugged from those qualities of life or those aspects of your life that were not serving you. And what you have not done as yet, my beloved brother, you have not plugged into what is feeding you, what is inspiring you, what is holding you, except for your beloved daughter who is magnificent and who, of course, has chosen you and who has been entrusted to you. But it was never designed that you would simply live or exist in abeyance for your daughter.

    So I am extending you a very personal invitation, to come back into your heart. You have lived in your external world and you have lived in your mind, in your head and you are a very physical being and that is part of the beauty and the grace of who you are. And when I say this to you, I say this to many. Your heart, what you think of as your heart, your soul, your spirit, you have been skirting around it.

    Yes there has been pain and there has been injury but part of that is also a leeriness on your part to fully accept the worthiness, the brightness of your being. And you get impatient and I do mean this in a negative way but when you go still and you begin to dream and allowing your mind to wander and fill with the love, you think “Well this isn’t working” but you are not giving it enough of your time and space in reality. There will be a return to healing music like your planet has never seen.

    Yes, there are many gifted musicians, artists who are beginning to emerge, but the sound of the spheres, the healing music, the sound of the universe, the new music that is going to emerge is going to be far beyond what you are thinking of even right now with some of the most gifted “New Age Music” you are listening to at the moment. So what I am asking of you brother is allow yourself to be plugged in in a new way, but the first thing that we must re-plug is your deep sense of knowing of your worth, of your light and that you are loved, that you are loved and lovable and deserve. Will you accept my invitation and come and we will begin right away?

    Dave: I do, yes.

    AAM: I give you my gift of hope, of trust, and I ignite your flame of truth again. It is a new adventure and it is a new adventure for you, it is a new adventure for many on earth. And sweet angel, it is a new adventure for us as well. We are co-creating the new and we are doing it together.

    Shaunie: “I’m just wondering who I am and why I’m here on earth at this time?” Because I’ve had a lot of people tell me a lot of different things about that, but I’m finally at a point where I would like a succinct answer. And I know Archangel Michael knows me so…

    AAM: Alright then let us begin because I say this to not only you Shaunie , but also to many. Why do you want to limit who you are? Yes, each of you have brought with you the full array, the fullness of your soul design, of who you are, of your talents, of your abilities, and they are much bigger and grander than you can dream of, although I am asking you to.

    Yes you are a sound healer, you are a healer, you are part of the creation of new sound, you know how the vibrations move. But there are also many of you out there who have so many gifts, do not slot yourself, do not say “I am a channel”, “I am a healer”, “I am an entertainer”, “I am a writer of music”, “I am an artist”, you can do so much. Allow yourself free reign, no not in a way that you would have thought of in the past as being a dilettante, but in focus, in bringing your energy to what you want.

    Don’t just take the center of the photograph, paint right to the edge of the canvas and see what you are capable of. Do not box yourself in. That is why I invite you to come and float throughout the universe with me. Your star shines brightly; do not limit what you can create. You are mighty. I recognize this in all of you. Thank you.

    GD: Archangel Michael, as we start to close the show is there anything you’d like to say in helping us wrap up tonight?

    AAM: Yes. I have asked you to dream big, I have asked you to receive inspiration from your own divinity and from us, from your star brothers and sisters and Gaia, from all the kingdoms. But what I also ask of you, dream big for your sacred self. Do not be afraid, do not limit yourself in what you want for your life, for your capacity to create, to conjoin with others, for your family, for your friends, for the ability to enjoy the bounty of Gaia and the miracles of creation.

    Do not think I ask of this just for humanity and the collective, I ask you, each of you, do it for yourself as well, do it for me, do it for the Council of Love, the Company of Heaven because we love you and we trust you. Go in peace.

    Channeled by Linda Dillon 08-30-12
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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:54 am

    Sep 8 2012
    Questions Answered: A Message from St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin – September 7,2012
    Beth Trutwin

    Elizabeth Trutwin asked a friend to pose questions to St. Germain regarding Changeover and 911. The following questions were posed to St. Germain tonight and these are his answers:

    1. It’s said that we need to all personally change our view on things in order for change. So that means no TV, no media, etc… anything that can alter our opinion/views/experience on Earth and keep us in fear. Once we feel we’ve made that change, because we’re in 3D, we need others to realize this fact and make changes themselves. Eventually, we hit a tipping point whereby enough souls understand this. Is that tipping point then when we get disclosure and announcements? If so, then what is the tipping point that Ashtar talks about (and others) that we have supposedly hit already?

    The tipping point has been reached as Ashtar said. This means there are a percentage of Souls living on Earth who understand the Truth and hold the Light for all. Many Souls recently have woken up and look beyond their everyday routine to answer the perennial questions we all have about life acknowledging they individually effect the whole.

    Change. Change comes from persistent attention focused on a vibration. If there is an Earthquake, human attention is there. If there is a mass shooting, humanity focuses its attention there. The media then hold too much of the Light Focused Energy where they deem on fear episodes.

    When Lightworkers focus their attention on one goal for a persistent focus on one mutual goal then they will have achieved all they hope for.

    2. Can you elaborate on what exactly needs to be done in the financial world to bring forth arrests and announcements? What is going to be the last thing the day before we get arrests/announcements? We’ve read about LIBOR rates, bonds in the Philippines, crashing Euro and dollar and other major things, but there is going to be something that’s going to happen whereby the next moment/hour/day things will change.

    What was needed has already occurred. I personally took charge of the final last thing that needed to be done. All the rest – the failing banks – indeed they are simply shuffling papers now. The LIBOR scandal, bond buy backs and all the rest are simply the house of cards falling in on itself.

    I personally went to every mega billionaire in the World and asked them to give away all of their money to charity. They know that their wealth will be taken away from them at the time of reparations but they are not willing to face that truth. They feel they will get away with something. Dissolution means just that. It is inevitable and absolute. Cosmic Law is Absolute Justice. No human can escape this fact. Reparations means everyone will start on an equal playing field. If you now have more millions than the reparations all will receive then you too will lose it. When I asked not one Soul agreed to give up all their money. This was the final financial consideration needed. This was the last chance. Now each One who I approached will be dealt with in a way reflecting their choice. This exercise was done to move forward the plan. Since none who could help came forward it changed the level at which we may intervene. Changeover can happen any moment now. We are doing everything that is possible to move forward with the plan now.

    3. I understand ascension to be a personal experience that each soul learns. When the changeover happens, the souls that are not ready for ascension – will they see the ships and the new economy or will they be stuck in the old paradigm in their own little world?

    When Changeover happens and Earth enters Zero Point all the veils will drop. Almost every Soul on Earth today holds false beliefs regarding the financial sector, secret government, the cabal, extraterrestrials and more. There will be a lot of new truth to take in because the truth has been denied the people for so long. There is a Plan in place which is so loving and compassionate the transition will be made as simple as possible and will be all inclusive. Those who hold resistance to the beauty all around them will be offered help. Each individual will be given the choice to see the changes or remain in the old paradigm. Those choosing to remain will deny they see changes. This is their free will and accommodations for these Ones have been made.

    4. Dates cannot be given because even the Galatics have no idea as to when things are going to happen, but they must have the technology to know just how close we are. A couple years ago, we were told that we were days away from changeover. Can you give an honest answer as to exactly how close we are? I know that we are sometimes given false information in order for us to learn a lesson but I would like an honest straight up feeling of how close we are as a planet – because that tipping point number needs to have everyone on board.

    Every date that was ever proposed changed due to a situation which was an opportunity to make a better outcome. When someone channels the future they are seeing the details from a place of no space and no time and sometimes changes seemed nearer than they were. Also each Soul perceives these messages a different way which helps them along their Spiritual Path, whether in joy or sorrow. These emotions move us toward a goal. I can give you an honest answer. These changes will come in 2012 before the end of 2012 – It is so because the Collective Conscious made it so.

    5. Will Missions be offered immediately after changeover or will that be individualistic?

    Missions will be offered as immediately as each individual desires. Many will want a vacation to rest with their families and celebrate Earths good fortune. Some will want to speak to the High Beings who will be here to serve as Mentors and answer all the many questions which will arise. Nothing that appears as it is today will be the same after. It will all be BETTER. Will twin flame reunions be immediate or again, will that be on an individual soul level?

    Twin Flame reunions will be offered as each individual desires. Many who relish the arrivals of their twin flames are currently married and raising children with a partner not their Twin Flame. Some have been living alone and celibate 20 years. All will be handled in a fair and kind and graceful manner. As it could be imagined at this moment it will be BETTER. No one will suffer as Souls gravitate to their ultimate happiness because all will be mutually BETTER.

    7. Will all secret societies be abandoned or will there still be some around that will be working for the good of Man/Earth?

    The idea of secret societies has a most negative connotation. Those negative groups will all be completely dissolved. There are always a hierarchy amongst Souls and the level they have attained in their Consciousness. The Higher Teachings are kept secret until the moment when One is Ready and has prepared themselves. At this moment all secrets are revealed.

    8. With the advent of materializers, we’ll have all of our food and clothing – and probably a bunch of other things. What do we need money for then? How will it be doled out – in gold certificates that we change over into some paper money?

    The reparations will be given out to a bank account to each individual – every woman, child and man in the world. This money will be exchanged by a swipe card. Every person will have a card tied to their own account. All of the monies will be metals backed by silver, gold and platinum held in the banks around the world. This has already been created. We need money because we have held that as the energy exchange so long. We need money due to the enslavement of humanity. Souls will need a period to adjust. They will need time to phase away from the programming that they need money. When everyone is comfortable with the changes then Earth will no longer use money or swipe cards.

    9. Everything is in the NOW moment – there is no past or future, so disclosure and arrests have already happened (because there’s only the now). How are we able to hide this from ourselves? How are we able to hide this perception?

    We agreed to the forgetfulness. We agreed to the Veils. These are a condition to living on the great school called Earth. Veils are tied to karma. They are a compassionate act and are intrinsically tied to these conditions. They are why a tipping point of Souls was needed who had woken up and prepared themselves to do away with the Veils for the end of time.

    10. How SPECIFICALLY does 9/11 tie into arrests/ascension/disclosure? There are MANY people that know that it was an inside job, but what’s the main tie-in?

    9/11 SPECIFICALLY was THE wake up call to humanity on Earth. It was necessary for such a gross and massive psychological trauma to happen to the Collective. It would take this level of misconduct to have permanent change. Before these two wars the deceitful actions of the cabal were not evident to humanity.

    11. How many people actually died in 9/11? The number that passed on the 16 acres at Ground Zero is around 80,000. Millions more civilians and Servicemen and women died in Iraq and Afghanistan. 3. What was the main reason for 9/11? Was it a sacrificial ritual? To start war in the middle east (for oil or the stargates)? Keep us in fear? Bring out the legal controls that they brought (Patriot Act, etc…)? All of the above? Am I missing something?

    9/11 was pure greed. Period. A lot of money was made that day. There were many many traders prepped before the day making inside trades on all the industries which gained from that day. They also dropped stocks beforehand which dropped that day. They thought the computer hard drives inside the trade companies located at Tower 1 would all burn and some were reconstructed and the inside trades became known. There were deals made under the table for the war machine where so much money was made – trillions. War was declared on Iraq about one month later. The MAIN reason for 9/11 was to destroy the computer banks held in Tower 2. There contained the computers holding all the banking information for NESARA Law and the changeover from Federal Reserve Notes to Rainbow Bills. NESARA was to be announced September 11, 2001 (...)wanted it stopped forever. He will not succeed. Greed will not be served.

    12. Is Mitt Romney tied into 9/11? Will Mitt Romney’s arrest coincide with disclosure?

    There are a few hundred in the United States in government holding back the entire world from freedom. Try to remember that this is a great illusion. Steps have been made behind the scenes where arrests have already taken place. What you are seeing playing out on the grand stage is a gigantic illusion. What controls the public in sound bites and the nightly debate about the election is not even real. This is why we may now intervene on deeper and deeper levels. The arrests are done and what you insist on watching and arguing about is fake. FAKE!

    13. Was 9/11 an attempt to rip the timelines like Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment? And if so, were they hoping to destroy our ascension process?

    No. What ripped the Timelines at Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment were actual time traveling science gone bad. 9/11 was mass murder. J.K. Rowling brought this out in her book series. Hermoine was using a time turner. She said to Harry they must not be seen when traveling back in time. She said terrible things happen to those who mess with time. These Souls will have to pay a price for the damage that was done to the Timelines. This is no small criminal charge.

    14. What is the spiritual meaning of 9/11? Bush Sr. on 9/11 in 1990 with the New World Order speech, 9/11 in 2001, each with a difference of 11 years. 11 years from 2001 is 2012 – therefore what is the potential that will happen this September 11th, 2012?

    September 11, 2012 holds the potential for more revelations about NESARA and Full Galactic Disclosure. We are winding down the year and each day rushes us forward to Changeover. 7. What was under the twin towers and in building 7? Were they demolished purposely to take gold that was stored underneath? Where is that gold now?

    It was not gold. It was the NESARA Announcement and the computer servers. In Building 7 was all the intelligence offices where the truths were held by staff there and on computers. A tip to the then Governor Giuliani moved his staff early that day away from the crashing towers before they crashed. They needed to keep their fall guy alive.

    15. Is all the gold that is talked about (millions of tons) in the hands of the good? Can you expand on Neil Keenan and his lawsuits? They make sense and we have to take the system down WITH the rules of the system – so is this the final straw (that lawsuit and the liens on the federal reserve banks)?

    The millions of tons of gold have been robbed from the rich and moved to storage in the hands of my own men. This was done in broad daylight and took years to accomplish. Some slight of hand was employed. This gold is held in chambers in several locations in several countries and guarded by military working for me. NESARA Law was signed after the United States Supreme Court declared fraud in banking systems not only in the United States but also banks with accounts in other countries. This Law required the arrest of all involved in the original fraud and land schemes. Millions and millions of dollars in fraud was robbed from the people. This is why there will be reparations – it is the settlement for the suit. The Keenan Lawsuit and liens on the federal reserve banks are too big to keep out of the media. The media control of spoon feeding what the cabal wants you to know have deleted many many more arrests and lawsuits – happening nonetheless behind the scenes – from the public eye. The rules of the system are working to dissolve the entire banking system now in place.

    16. The numbers that are being tossed around are a lot less than the 10 followed by 43 zeroes that NESARA seems to ensure. Can you expand on why these numbers don’t seem to add up? I think some people think NESARA is BS simply because of the sheer size of the numbers.

    These numbers being tossed around are guesses. The books from the NESARA Law were sealed to protect the lives of those who made it a success. NESARA Law took almost 20 years to make it through the courts and several White Knights were killed in the process. President Obama and his family continue to have death threats everyday. When the President was visiting Columbia there was an attempt on his life from a Secret Service Agent. This man conned his way through the entire vetting process which is extensive for one mission – to end finally the Presidency which will enact NESARA Law. (...) is working with the dark cabal and was One responsible for 9/11. He is in place so he may be kept in his place. The next day the Secret Service was ripped apart from the seams.

    There was a silly sex scandal story put in place to hide the truth and further protect the President. Heads rolled. Some people think NESARA is made up because they do not have eyes which see. There are detailed explanations on the internet explaining the almost 20 year process involved in signing NESARA Law which are true. It is the massive fleecing of America which is really hard to believe. In many ways it cancels all we have stood for our whole lives – the whole lie about freedom not being free, Apple Pie and Mom is always right. We blow all our programming of what was held dear in the past generation by believing in NESARA. That is what is hard for Souls to take. Our parents, teachers, government, military, doctors, professors, scientists and priests all lied to us and they did know better. We face up to that and we end the illusion and gain true freedom.Hold Your Vision For Change. It is inevitable NOW!

    This is St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 7, 2012 © All Rights Reserved.,,

    An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus.This is a question and answer session on video Skype and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit
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    Last edited by We Are You on Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:31 pm

    by Laura

    By Ute Posegga-Rudel

    Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

    Please also read update from 21.8.12

    Watch on YouTube (recommended)

    Message from our God-Self

    I AM always Eternally your own deepest and purest Self, always available to you. You always depend on Me, you always live in Me, I always live you. But your mind does not know Me. Your mind is not surrendered to Me and does not serve Me.

    You are slave of your mind, and therefore you do not notice Me. And you even have forgotten Me. Although I Am the Substance of your existence.

    But you live on the surface of your own Truth, and you are engaged in all kinds of businesses, nice and not so nice. It does not matter, but then you miss the mark.

    You are always searching for THE thing, THAT “wow”!!!!, THAT final fulfillment, somewhere in your outer world. You are struggling, you are uneasy and not at ease, always. Why? You like complication, you like excitement, you like distraction, you always hope for a big bang, that finally ends all your searches, so phantastic and so unique and unsurpassed, so that you would be satisfied once and forever.

    The illusion is that you seek for Me outside: in your world, in your relationships, in your ascension, in your skies and higher dimensions, in your space brothers and sisters.

    But I am always Untouched and I Am Simplicity, and I AM always here. What you hope to get from higher dimensions and your space family is ultimate relieve, the escape not to have to pass the test you have been incarnating for on Earth: to transcend the lower vibrations so that you would be able to move on to higher dimensions.

    Your space family cannot take this from you, this work, this conscious process of spiritual growth.

    Your planet would have already ascended with you if you would truly vibrate with the Truth of your own Self, untouched from your world, as difficult as this world might be for you!

    But this is your task: to be victorious in the midst of it! To vibrate with your heart’s Truth of Love and Simplicity and to not allow to step down into the lower spheres of egoic self-identification, which you are not.

    Your only mission is to rise like the morning sun, untarnished by the clouds of self-doubt and reactivity to the currents of life, and exist as that light, that love in the midst of apparent darkness. This is the greatest service, the greatest help you can offer to yourself and to your human family, even to all your space families!

    Because your rising sun enlightens all universes to awaken, as much as every star that brightens up with Divine Illumination, ignites your heart to recognize your own Truth.

    There is no separation, all beings and universes are One in Divine Consciousness, which Is your Own Self. I AM THAT.

    You will not find Me, your Glorious Self just because you ascend. It has nothing to do with it. I AM Untouched by all moves and changes, by all densities and dimensions, by your body and even by your spiritual searches and practices! These are all preliminaries, full of complications and errors and many illusions.

    It is the endless repetition of your mind that leads you astray. While I AM always simply here and Aware, utterly Radiant, Light of Lights and Love-Bliss, while all the dramas are played out, high or low.

    You can develop your body-mind as much as you like, I AM still Untouched from all of that, from all your highest aspirations even, because I AM neither high nor low. I AM beyond opposites, and I cannot be worked out, mind cannot describe Me.

    But you still seek somewhere else, constantly escaping Me. It is your mind that does and creates all these things, do you understand? It is wandering in illusion-land. It cannot be enjoyed without knowing Me. I AM the ultimate Enjoyer. Living truthfully in the higher dimensions without Me is not possible.

    Dear Ones, never forget to keep your awareness in your heart, no matter what. Do not allow to descend to the lower vibrations below your heart, do not allow negative mind to prevail!

    So you will more and more know Me. When you enter into the depth of your own heart and persist in locating Me, I will reveal Myself to you, because I AM no other, I AM the Real You and I AM always here. Do not allow yourself to be content with substitutes of Me. I cannot be substituted, not even with your spiritual self that is fascinated by subtle and out of body experiences, time traveling and the visits in other worlds!

    Your enlightened space family is always with you, waiting for you to wake up to your own Truth. This is what will change your world for real and will invite them to join you because you are truly aware of who they are. Know yourself and you know them.

    Be that Light, that Love that Bliss That I AM.

    I AM your God-Self

    Message conveyed by Ute

    Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
    Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

    Laura | September 8, 2012 at 17:16 | Categories: General News | URL:
    Let go and Shine
    by Yamyah

    Beloved All

    i feel the changes in the air. The massive shift we have all been waiting for is here at last for all of us. To some, times might feel harsh and difficult to bear as we draw closer to December, there is much clearing going on still. Allow the clearing to happen gracefully and without a fight. Welcome it in whatever form it might come. Surrender with the mindfulness that all that is shattering and leaving isnt there for your highest good anymore. Accept. Let it all go, fear thought forms, karmic patterns, let them all go! Then go ahead, Celebrate and rejoice in the newly found freedom your heart sings to. The less resistance you offer to changes, the less struggle you will experience throughout the entire process. Let the river take you where you need to be and trust that it will. When you align your heart and Will with Source, you are tapping into your higher self's infinite wisdom, guidance and power. When you listen to the guidance coming directly from your higher self, you can be certain you will be where you need to be. In this vibration of Love, you can manifest anything you want, you create magic and miracles.

    Last week, i was taken by surprise when a few souls i know had been deeply affected by the blue moon and the new planetary alignments. All at once mentioned they werent feeling well and their mood was shifing backwards and forwards dramatically. One person actually acted in a non appropriate, unexpected manner. I recall channelling a message around that time in which Metatron spoke to me "be the beacon of Light in their fogginess" and i saw how spirits from all places and all times would pass through me, both incarnated and non incarnated. I am a portal of Light to them and this is what Archangel Azrael meant when he spoke "You and I are messengers of the body" . I remained as heart centered as possible as i understand this is the best i can do for myself and them. If we rise above drama and dont react to it externally and inwardly, we shift the collective cycle of All involved in the one same cluster drama. We are the beacons of Light, transmuting all drama and lower energies into higher vibrational energies. I understand the greatest attachment of all is the I self, the belief we are the struggling entity who gets caught up in drama. A few weeks ago a friend asked me "how can you be so calm and light hearted when so much crap is going on in your life?" the answer is simple although it might not be as simple from an attachment point of view: Let go of it all. And Shine your light so strongly so that all you see in yourself and in those around you reflects back nothing else other than that Light. Lately, i feel that i am the watcher of drama more and more and more rather than the partaking actor, even when the drama might have involved me directly or indirectly. I can detach from it and watch it from outside the I self most times. And if i happen to get caught up in it for moments, my awareness shifts back quicker and quicker to the place where the I AM presence shines. If you outgrow the I self perspective (ego) and take the view of the watcher instead, you are remembering the I AM presence you are in All you see, in All you do, in All you observe, in All that feels.

    I've just come back from a Light crusade to the north of Wales. I was greeted by sandy beaches, mountains, horses, endless foundations of Rock Quartz and two amazing lightworkers and light bearers who are my sister and brother in Spirit. Several times i'd noticed how i would think of something to say and seconds before i was about to verbalize it, one of the two would. This happened 5 or 6 times that i noticed and i smiled and felt it didnt need mentioning. this is the "new" faster communication that is blossoming among those who have stepped into their Christ Self and are therefore tapping into their higher self and with all others who are aswell. Telepathy. Our footsteps were synchronized too and so were my clothes and Light body language with the Light sister. I envision the entire planet living in such synchronicity and harmony sooner than we think. Metatron, the seraphs and Archangel Michael have been with me the whole time. One night last week i travelled all the way up to Archangel Michael, i was spinning and it felt like he was in the center of source where all is white and Gold, waiting outside what looked like portal doors, behind those doors, God is there. Behind those doors, LOVE endless. I was going up and up and i knew i was about to see Spirit and had an "appointment" with it. I heard the angelic choirs music coming from the spheres above as i spoke "GodLove" three times and AA Michael took me me there. When i mention i hear angelic music i mean i hear it with my physical senses as i hear their voices this way too now more and more. They do this now all the time because they are reminding me about my clairaudience. It is my strongest pyschic gift and they suggest i use it to help others.

    On my train journey back home i downloaded messages from the angelic planes and from the elders. Metatron showed me what was happening to my chakras and which Light beeing, master, angel was working on each. They have turned pure crystalline and spin differently than i remember. I then saw a crystalline rainbow grid and i knew this was my aura and that i am almost ready to step fully into my Light body.

    here are some photos taken during my Light crusade. Notice how the photos got whiter and whiter as we expanded our hearts and connected as above and so below. No camera settings were messed with. the next photos were back to normal "light". This Light is the Light of our Light bodies.

    Love and Gratitude for all

    in all places and all times










    Yamyah | September 8, 2012 at 4:55 pm | Tags: guidance, Higher Self, I AM, Love, surrender, Surrendering | Categories: Angels, Ascension, awareness, Cosmic, Guidance, I AM, path | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:15 am

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    Next Steps on the Journey – The Council of Nine to Me, September 8, 2012, by Tazjima
    Posted on September 9, 2012

    The Council of Nine to Me – “Next Steps on the Journey” – September 8, 2012, by Tazjima

    We are the Council of Nine. We wish to speak of the next steps of your journey, communion, the coming into union with your Higher Self and twin flame.

    In the days swiftly approaching, the large unwieldy structures of the old illusion will be toppling of their own weight and entropy. They were constructed by those who fear change and desire control. They were built of straw and the winds of change have come to blow these structures away. Crouching behind these structures like the proverbial three pigs in their straw house, the powers that were, will soon find that they cannot keep the wolf from the door or karma from removing their ill-gotten gains bought at the cost of many lost and destroyed lives.

    Also sheltering behind the crumbling structures are many people confused by the sudden onslaught of unfamiliar light and change into their lives. They are ones who have refused up until this point to wake up and see that their lives are about to change for the better, if they decide to stay on the planet.

    The braver ones of these confused individuals will have many questions and queries that will need to be answered by calm, committed and awakened Lightworkers – you, our dear readers.

    For those of you have ventured into inner space either through meditation or contemplation of life’s questions, you know of or perhaps have already begun to experience a gradual sense of becoming more of you. A blanket of calmness, a balm of wisdom, a serenity of heart and mind has fallen over you, keeping you sheltered from the growing clamor outside the doors to your inner sanctum. From this high vista, you can calmly observe just how hysterical the voices of the media and politicians have become, in an attempt to keep the populace in fear, under control and diverted from their spiritual path. However, all the stories of murder and mayhem, the threats and rumors of war, the latest stupid laws and designed harassment of so-called authorities cannot reach your sanctum within. The remaining collective miasma of misaligned energies lingers at the bottom of the Valley of Darkness, but you, the wayshowers, have now climbed up out of that illusory mist. You have emerged from that caustic sea, walking forward with head held high. Without fear that you might turn into a lump of salt, you look back and hold out your hand and heart to those who follow in your energetic footsteps. And they will come, stumbling perhaps at first and then walking forward with increasing courage as their eyesight clears.

    Do you not realize, dear ones, that hu-man kind is a collective soul, destined to experience and learn for its creator all there is to learn through the process of separation from Source. This separation is not experienced in the higher lighted dimensions to which you are now heading, first the wayshowers, next the bulk of the Lightworkers and then, yes, then the general as yet unawakened populace who have chosen (perhaps unconsciously at this point) to remain with the planet.

    We and many other voices have emphasized the importance of individual focus on one’s own ascension process. This phase is necessary in order to develop self-awareness, courage and self-confidence. Not all wayshowers have the opportunity to spend years in a monastery or place of learning mentored by a highly trained teacher in order to learn the skills necessary to ascend. No, most of the wayshowers have intentionally chosen another path, one undefined by centuries of spiritual practice. They have chosen to ascend directly from the depths of the valley, from the confines of the matrix, from their everyday lives. Why? To prove it can be done and to carve the energetic pathways for those who follow, common everyday people. First to arrive will be those who are still sleepy and in need of a cup of coffee, but awake enough to question what is going on in their collective world.

    Then the masses of still reluctant ones will come, following in your energetic footsteps. Yet among these sleepy ones you will see miracles happening, as stories of some awakenings that now take seemingly moments to occur – the individual sleepy one moment and wide awake the next.

    How can this happen you might ask – especially those Lightworkers who feel somehow superior to their sleepy compatriots, brothers and sisters? We tell you that these awakenings can and will happen because of the work done by the wayshowers, extending back into the past to beloved Buddha, Yeshua, Mohammed and the many saints and holy figures from all cultures and coming forward into this time to your efforts on behalf of Gaia and all life here. And please remember that every man, woman and child on this planet, lightworker or not, is a god / goddess in disguise, playing out a selected role for the sake of the education of their soul. It is time for the actors to rip off their masks, to remove their respective costumes of duality and to display their true nature as light beings, sons and daughters of the Divine, creator gods in training.

    For those of you who are a bit further along on the winding road to ascension, it is approaching the time for reunions. Since the advent of this extraordinary year of 2012, many wayshowers have been drawn to “join” up as crew members of various galactic light ships, for Saturday night adventures and missions, as well as training in fifth dimensional living, and meeting their galactic counterparts and families. We realize that this group is relatively small even within the ranks of Lightworkers, but it is a group with the potential for increasing influence as the time for disclosure approaches. These ones will perform the duty of emissary and representatives of their various star nations, as well as teachers, mentors and examples for the new seekers who come behind.

    When the call from Gaia went out for assistance, it was apparent that the native people of the planet were caught up in an insurmountable replaying of lifetimes, unable to break free from the relentless wheel of karma, due to the manipulations of the governing elite and their own self-created misaligned energies. The great Councils responsible for the evolution of this planet realized that they must work within the confines of Divine Law – the law that prevents outside forces from interfering with a developing planet – so as not to incur karma for their own people. So a solution was hit upon – send volunteer souls to embody in amongst the native populations. The primary purpose of these volunteers was to act as a stealth force to anchor the light on the surface of the planet so the bastions of darkness would finally be penetrated and resistance to change broken down. This long-term solution, as described in the books of Dolores Cannon, brought a succession of waves of galactic and celestial volunteers, who answered the call and took on physical form on the planet.

    All of these volunteers were required to take on the veils of forgetfulness, losing all memory of their galactic families, their origin and even their purpose. Despite this, by becoming human inhabitants of the planet, these lightworkers began to successfully anchor the light upon the planet, turning the tide against the forces of darkness. Most often these lightworkers were (and still are) unaware of their purpose in being here, but by the strength of their own heart flames these pure souls have followed their intuitive longings, sense of yearning for something different, sometimes crashing through the underbrush and then, most unexpectedly, finding a faint trail pioneered by someone else ahead of them. Following this faint trace with a sense of growing excitement, they have learned to trust their own inner guidance and to question outward authority and established custom. These pioneers have often suffered qualms of self-doubt, but have been driven to seek out answers. In time, new horizons and possibilities have begun to emerge – a glimmer of light could be seen in the distance. Before long even that vast distance has shrunk, the wastelands have been passed through and the edge of a new world can be sensed and in some moments even seen.

    With growing courage, these pioneers have forged on despite all appearances to the contrary, despite their self-doubts, despite the criticism of others, their own disappointments and yes, even their impatience for change to manifest in some manner outside of them, in the form of disclosure, the disbanding of the military industrial complex and the arrests of corrupt elites. However, despite their perceived hesitations, these pioneers have begun to sense a change in the air. This change has come because they had changed, from within. The change corresponds to the growing awareness of their connection to Source, with their galactic families, the spiritual realms of Light and with all life.

    Since these lightworkers have carried the sacred fire within, the crystal cord connecting them to their Higher Selves and the crystal pineal gland within their brains, there has been a hidden doorway constructed into this benighted world by which the light could finally penetrate the overgrown thickets. So the light has waxed in its influence, flowing through the bodies of the ground crew who have been and still are acting as anchors and transformers. For over 50 years now, this penetrating light, now combined with the increasing level of cosmic rays reaching our atmosphere and planet, has worn away the collective gunk of misaligned energies, allowing fresh air to penetrate into the depths of the forgotten Garden of Eden.

    With the increase of light from cosmic sources, the lightworkers are becoming aware and awake to their missions. Sometimes their mission is simply to be here; by their presence they bring peace, light and an air of calmness to their environment. Others have a more active role, that of being a teacher and example for their loved ones, family, co-workers and neighbors.

    As it has been necessary for these lightworkers to forgo their place in heaven or their galactic homes, so they have embodied into an assortment of family schemes, sometimes intentionally taking on difficult life circumstances in order to transmute genetic karma. Now as they break through the last vestiges of their own personal and familial clearings, they begin to gather at the edge of the valley, at the edge of the haunted forest, for the next step in their journey towards ascension. The next step is the conscious joining up with their twin flame and Higher Self.

    Many lightworkers and starseeds have come into embodiment alone, leaving their twin at Home, to serve as guide, mentor and even as life line in time of need. Other twin souls who have both embodied have been for the most part up until now, unable to live very long or at all together due to karmic attachments to others or karma built up from other lifetimes with each other. Until a certain amount of personal clearing has taken place, they would be unable to stay long together. Any darkness still remaining would automatically trigger a reaction in their twin and vice versa as it is the blessing and curse of twin souls to mirror back to each other what has not been cleared from each person’s heart and mind.

    Now the pioneers are discovering that the union of twins does not always require physical proximity to be a potent remedy for the loneliness of the seeker. As our scribe herself has recently experienced, the reunion of twin souls can take place within the secret chamber of the heart, as the alchemical joining of two into One, as another step on the journey Home.

    And with this reunion close on its heels comes the reunion with the Higher Self of the twin souls to lend further guidance and comfort to the awakening ones.

    We see this process becoming apparent with the conscious awareness of our pioneer lightworkers. Though their lighted example, so too will follow the rest of hu-manity, those who chose ascension. It has taken a long time for the darkness to break up, but the Light is now shining through the storm clouds of illusion. The next steps along the way have been marked out and humanity is on the move into the light of a new dawn.

    With blessings and encouragement, we are with you always in the eternal Now.

    Thank you, beloved Council of Nine.

    Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:31 am



    September 9-16, 2012

    Beloved Ones,

    And so we come to an even greater increase in the energetic waves of Light that are bombarding your Planet. This energy will continue to bring up all issues and subconscious belief systems that anyone on Earth holds within themselves that have not yet been addressed or looked at. This will create stress for many people and it behooves the Lightworkers of the World to maintain a calm and peaceful state within your own energy fields in order to create and hold a steady balance to counteract all that might take place. Hold the space of love, empathy and compassion within your hearts and minds for all your loved ones and your sphere of influence.

    Take time to be out in nature in order to connect with Mother Earth and send her your energies of love, empathy, compassion and support. More and more, your work here at this time is to be the stabilizing force, the uplifting force, the steady, calm force. Breathe deeply so that you ingest the higher pranic energies through your breath and hold these inside you for as long as is comfortable before exhaling. This will help you maintain stability as the World around you goes through the gamut of experience, both the high and the low. Every polarity that has ever been felt and experienced throughout the ages is coming up for review, dissipation and transmutation. You have been through the worst of it as the forerunners and now your task is to be here now as the grounding force.

    Go with the flow of events as they unfold and stay in a space of peace and calm as much as possible. Affirm often that all is well and everything is perfect and is a part of the Divine Plan for the Earth and her inhabitants. This helps more than you can know, Dear Ones. Also be cognizant of the fact that you are also continuing in your integration with your Higher Self, your Holy Christ Self and your Divine Monad. Much is occurring on many levels and dimensions and you are capably giving assistance to the immediate tasks before you, even if you have no waking memory of it. Know that it is so.

    Each of you is being led to those on Earth who can facilitate further openings and initiations as you become ready for them. This will continue to happen as your Higher guidance takes you to the people you most need to connect with. If funds are needed, ask that you be given what you need, then have faith that it will be supplied and given back to you. Your Higher Selves know what is required for you to move forward during these times and they need your absolute faith in them to take action in whatever way you are guided to in each moment. Stay aware and awake, Beloveds, and be observant to the synchronicities that take place.

    These times you are living in ARE the Ascension and you are in it NOW, Dear Ones. Keep focused on your highest visions for a sparkling new World and let nothing distract you from it. Set the highest vision that you can for yourself and do everything you can to maintain this in the days to come. Connect within to bring up all the wondrous gifts that you have had locked away until the time was right. This IS the time and the puzzle pieces of your life begin to fall into a semblance of Divine Order and a much clearer picture of your purpose on Earth emerges.

    Until next week….

    I AM Hilarion

    ©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

    Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.

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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:39 am

    Aurora Theater Mass Shooting Was False Flag Inside Job : Court Document ~ UFOs 2012|UFO Sightings|Alien UFO Pictures|What Are UFOs|2012 Solar Strom|Mexico UFO
    by Laura
    September 8, 2012

    In past we had reported on Aurora Theater Mass Shooting & The James Holmes Conspiracy

    Now in latest development, a newly released court documents in the Aurora, CO theater “Batman massacre” case reveals startling inside accusations about who may actually be behind the shootings that left at least 70 people either dead or injured in the early morning hours of July 20th.

    Friday's report by the online version of Denver's Westword Magazine details shocking claims made by, what appears to be, a new victim in a case that has throttled a community still in morning over the tragic events.

    According to the court documents an individual, whose name has been officially redacted from the documents, came forward to file a “Motion to Intervene” for the right to be reasonably heard under the Crime Victims' Rights Act (a)(4), for the purposes of presenting newly discovered evidence to the court.

    Interestingly the newly discovered evidence, thrown out of court by Judge William Sylvester days later, details stunning accusations against billionaire Philip Anschutz, Police Chief Dan Oates, Arapaho County Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers and, according to the alleged victim, the Illuminati as being potential co-conspirators in the crime.

    The stunning accusations, dated August 27, reveal a startling story by the claimant as having been visited at home by police chief Dan Oates and Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers where they forced the unnamed individual to testify as a fake victim of the shootings, under the threat of being arrested for prostitution and escort services and charity fraud, for the purposes of garnering an easy conviction against alleged shooter James Holmes. But not before being shot by the police chief in “non-life-threatening areas” of the body, according to the motion, to appear as having been shot by James Holmes himself. The motion also claims that it is likely some of the victims in the theater were merely paid actors working on behalf of the conspirators and wants multiple individuals involved in the situation to take polygraph tests to prove their innocence.

    Claiming that their conscience will not let fraudulent testimony contribute to an improper conviction of James Holmes, the new mystery victim asked that the judge submit the case to the FBI and the US Congress for further investigation into the alleged conspiracy.

    The judge, however, instead of taking a closer look, decided to strike down the motion as fraudulent, claiming the motion as likely being forged by an individual or individuals unassociated with the events. The judge also suggested the situation be investigated by the Arapahoe County Sheriff's office and those responsible for the motion be taken into custody by the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services and “referred to the appropriate mental health agency.”

    But it may in fact be the judge that needs the mental attention as all the evidence collected in the case thus far seems to point toward mostly agreeing with the individual who filed the claim, despite the media and the court's attempts to suppress any evidence that doesn't support the official story. Multiple and corroborating eyewitness testimony stated what appeared to be multiple individuals involved in the shooting, including supporting official dispatch audio. Individuals interviewed by local media immediately after the event also claimed to have seen teargas canisters being deployed in the theater simultaneously from two different directions, in addition to side-by-side images of James Holmes prior to the shootings and the orange haired individual taken into custody as the alleged lone gunmen after the event looks startlingly like two different individuals. There also seems to have been two different gas masks found at the scene, in addition to other damning evidence that doesn't jive with the official version of the events.

    The individual who filed the motion also added that they wanted their portion of the charity to be donated to James Holmes' prison commissary, after using the money to find Mr. Holmes “real” attorneys who are actually willing to act in the honest defense of James Holmes.

    The motion, as certified by the Arapahoe County Dist. Atty. And public defenders offices, was sent via the United States Postal Service, then was quickly denied and subsequently released days ago to the public for reasons yet to be determined.

    Perhaps one of the most telling aspects of the circumstances, however, happens to be the creepy dead silence about the motion by the media, especially considering every little detail about a situation like this is normally scrutinized at every angle after being groomed with a fine tooth comb and examined under a microscope.

    It was just weeks ago that certain local media outlets were considering suing for access to court records because, according to those outlets, the community had a right to know so the victims and the community could more easily begin the healing process and find some semblance of closure. Perhaps information that may open new wounds, however, regardless of how accurate or important that information may be, may not be the kind of information they were looking for.

    Source :

    Down below is court document scan copy, click on link to see it and watch other videos:

    Aurora Theater Mass Shooting Was False Flag Inside Job : Court Document ~ UFOs 2012|UFO Sightings|Alien UFO Pictures|What Are UFOs|2012 Solar Strom|Mexico UFO.
    Laura | September 9, 2012 at 15:19 | Categories: General News | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:40 am

    Aurora Theater Mass Shooting Was False Flag Inside Job : Court Document ~ UFOs 2012|UFO Sightings|Alien UFO Pictures|What Are UFOs|2012 Solar Strom|Mexico UFO
    by Laura
    September 8, 2012

    In past we had reported on Aurora Theater Mass Shooting & The James Holmes Conspiracy

    Now in latest development, a newly released court documents in the Aurora, CO theater “Batman massacre” case reveals startling inside accusations about who may actually be behind the shootings that left at least 70 people either dead or injured in the early morning hours of July 20th.

    Friday's report by the online version of Denver's Westword Magazine details shocking claims made by, what appears to be, a new victim in a case that has throttled a community still in morning over the tragic events.

    According to the court documents an individual, whose name has been officially redacted from the documents, came forward to file a “Motion to Intervene” for the right to be reasonably heard under the Crime Victims' Rights Act (a)(4), for the purposes of presenting newly discovered evidence to the court.

    Interestingly the newly discovered evidence, thrown out of court by Judge William Sylvester days later, details stunning accusations against billionaire Philip Anschutz, Police Chief Dan Oates, Arapaho County Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers and, according to the alleged victim, the Illuminati as being potential co-conspirators in the crime.

    The stunning accusations, dated August 27, reveal a startling story by the claimant as having been visited at home by police chief Dan Oates and Dist. Atty. Carol Chambers where they forced the unnamed individual to testify as a fake victim of the shootings, under the threat of being arrested for prostitution and escort services and charity fraud, for the purposes of garnering an easy conviction against alleged shooter James Holmes. But not before being shot by the police chief in “non-life-threatening areas” of the body, according to the motion, to appear as having been shot by James Holmes himself. The motion also claims that it is likely some of the victims in the theater were merely paid actors working on behalf of the conspirators and wants multiple individuals involved in the situation to take polygraph tests to prove their innocence.

    Claiming that their conscience will not let fraudulent testimony contribute to an improper conviction of James Holmes, the new mystery victim asked that the judge submit the case to the FBI and the US Congress for further investigation into the alleged conspiracy.

    The judge, however, instead of taking a closer look, decided to strike down the motion as fraudulent, claiming the motion as likely being forged by an individual or individuals unassociated with the events. The judge also suggested the situation be investigated by the Arapahoe County Sheriff's office and those responsible for the motion be taken into custody by the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services and “referred to the appropriate mental health agency.”

    But it may in fact be the judge that needs the mental attention as all the evidence collected in the case thus far seems to point toward mostly agreeing with the individual who filed the claim, despite the media and the court's attempts to suppress any evidence that doesn't support the official story. Multiple and corroborating eyewitness testimony stated what appeared to be multiple individuals involved in the shooting, including supporting official dispatch audio. Individuals interviewed by local media immediately after the event also claimed to have seen teargas canisters being deployed in the theater simultaneously from two different directions, in addition to side-by-side images of James Holmes prior to the shootings and the orange haired individual taken into custody as the alleged lone gunmen after the event looks startlingly like two different individuals. There also seems to have been two different gas masks found at the scene, in addition to other damning evidence that doesn't jive with the official version of the events.

    The individual who filed the motion also added that they wanted their portion of the charity to be donated to James Holmes' prison commissary, after using the money to find Mr. Holmes “real” attorneys who are actually willing to act in the honest defense of James Holmes.

    The motion, as certified by the Arapahoe County Dist. Atty. And public defenders offices, was sent via the United States Postal Service, then was quickly denied and subsequently released days ago to the public for reasons yet to be determined.

    Perhaps one of the most telling aspects of the circumstances, however, happens to be the creepy dead silence about the motion by the media, especially considering every little detail about a situation like this is normally scrutinized at every angle after being groomed with a fine tooth comb and examined under a microscope.

    It was just weeks ago that certain local media outlets were considering suing for access to court records because, according to those outlets, the community had a right to know so the victims and the community could more easily begin the healing process and find some semblance of closure. Perhaps information that may open new wounds, however, regardless of how accurate or important that information may be, may not be the kind of information they were looking for.

    Source :

    Down below is court document scan copy, click on link to see it and watch other videos:

    Aurora Theater Mass Shooting Was False Flag Inside Job : Court Document ~ UFOs 2012|UFO Sightings|Alien UFO Pictures|What Are UFOs|2012 Solar Strom|Mexico UFO.
    Laura | September 9, 2012 at 15:19 | Categories: General News | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:42 am

    Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 9/8/12 ‘Blueprints for Your New World’

    Turning another page of this storybook of your lives and your journey here, we come to the final few pages of the chapter that will close out your incredible story in sensational and suspenseful climax. It has been many long eons as many of you now better understand since you began to write and live your own story, your very unique tale that has brought you to the brink of annihilation at times, and at other times very close to complete and total peace and harmony. Your story has ‘run the gamut’, many times taking you far to both sides of war and to peace.

    It has not always been just one or the other, peace or bloodshed, poverty or boom, instead it has been more a seesaw ride for you, as it was foreseen that it was this seesawing affect that would enable you to learn greater lessons and advance sharper your learning curve and that is just what has occurred here. All of our planning as well as yours together has paid off exceptionally well for you and for we, for we too have learned such a great deal from assisting you, for being your eyes or your Angels in the sky, so to speak. So it is with great joy and honor we too reach these last few pages of our tale, for we too are ready for a long rest or vacation, removed from our assignment here.

    This will be, as we have planned for ourselves a jaunt, a trip if you will, that will take us far away from here and our duties and concerns just for a little while, and we will then return here and continue our work. We will not, of course, pull out of here in our entirety, as naturally we will leave great numbers of our ships and our personnel here to watch over you, to protect you, to make sure there are no repercussions or revenge vendettas at the hands of the cabal who we foresee in many cases will be quite unhappy in defeat and will, for at least some time, continue to plot and scheme to thwart our mission and our progress together with you here.

    We will always until it is no longer necessary monitor the movements, the meetings, the phone calls, the letters and electronic mail and other forms of communication of the cabal, their secret societies, their members, associates, affiliates and minions, all of them. Each and every one of them is now fair game to us and to you, our Earth allies, and even in some ways to the people of Earth, the citizenry of your planet, for it is each and all of our responsibility to govern our new world, to manage our new world, to protect and secure our new world. No more will the tasks that are necessary for the overall good of this planet be entrusted to just one group or one person. For now on, each and every area of concern in the form of governance, management, security, cleanliness or efficiency will be entrusted to each and every individual who calls this planet their home, and it will be all of our responsibilities to watch over, protect and help manage and operate all of the systems that go into running what will be your new highly technological advanced society.

    We have come across some ‘murmurs’ we shall call it, some complaints if you will, that your new systems will be technological in nature and that your new world will be a technologically advanced place to live. This is the ‘name of the game’ dear ones, where worlds advance from the state that you are in now to a highly advanced and efficient technological world. This is the natural progression of things. There are those of you who may wish for all green pastures and fields and no technology whatsoever, and we tell you that this does not work if your planet is going to harbor and be a nest for humans or any intelligent sentient life forms.

    You see, there is always going to be a need for food, for shelter, for clothing, for transportation, for pollution purification systems, for waste management systems, and we say to you how are these things going to be furnished if not for technology? This is our question for you today; do you see another way here? Do you see how you could possibly leave your planet in its pristine natural state without any technology being designed and implemented anywhere and yet be a safe, efficient and pleasurable experience for the sentient life forms that inhabit it? We say to you, to cut right to the chase, that no, this is an impossibility.

    This has been tried, yes. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, in all our explorations and missions and experiments have tried many different setups or scenarios for a world. We have planned some worlds with very limited technology and some worlds with great levels of technology and we say to you we believe that we have devised what we consider perfection, or at least very near perfection in regards to this delicate balance where there will be plenty of areas of your world that are left in their pristine natural states, and there will be other areas of your world that will be achievements of technological breakthrough, advancement and implementation. We see this as creating a very viable as well as pleasurable, exciting and beautiful landscape across your entire planet. We strongly believe that you will too, our brothers and sisters. You too will see, enjoy and respect all of these benefits of these two different types of systems, peacefully and harmoniously coexisting throughout your entire world.

    We believe we are very experienced and capable planners and builders, and if we can add one more essential element to this mix, and that is your confidence, your trust and your faith in us, teamed with your cooperation with us, then we say to you in the years to come your planet will be so beautifully transformed that there will be many of you today who will barely recognize her. Yes, your beautiful national parks and mountain ranges and rivers flowing and grass fields growing will still be there and they will be purified, their air, their lands and their water, and they will be even more beautiful than they are today. Many of you do not know what clean air looks like, what purified air smells like, what it tastes like, what it feels like on your skin, but you will, and you will be very happily surprised and you may not even believe that you have never tasted clean air before, for many of you feel when you travel to the mountains or to the beaches you may be breathing in fresh, clean air, but we tell you there is barely no fresh, clean air throughout your entire planet as it has all been polluted and contaminated.

    Yes, we must report this to you as we do not hold back any truths from you. Your planet is extremely polluted, from its oceans through it soils through its air, all throughout and into the higher reaches of your highest atmospheres. We say to you it is one great contamination zone. This is one of the reasons why your planet has been held in quarantine for so long. This kind of pollution, this kind of destruction, this kind of rampant disregard and irresponsibility for your planet and your own people could not be allowed to spread to neighboring worlds, and we made sure that this would not happen. Please understand the quarantine of your planet was not made to imprison you here, was not implemented to make you inmates of your own world, no not at all. The quarantine of your planet was for the safety and welfare of others in this universe from a people that have yet to learn responsibility, have yet to learn kindness, decency and empathy for others and have not learned to treat others with respect and also honor laws, rules, regulations and policies that have been set throughout this universe, and these worlds cannot be allowed to reach these other worlds simply because they have achieved technological breakthroughs in the form of space travel.

    Do you see the problem here dear ones? Could we possibly allow your fighting forces of your secret space commands to take their highly destructive weaponry to other worlds and invade them just like today here in your world? Your cabal run governments invade other countries at will. Today in your world your cabal still walks across borders as if they mean nothing and ransack other nations, killing the innocent and stealing all of the wealth and possessions of another. That is what is going on when you see that there are wars, battles or ‘skirmishes’, as your news teams whitewash them, all over your planet. This is your cabal stealing more from others. That is all that is going on.

    These wars are not in the name of religion or in the form of national or governmental disagreement. These are not even wars of territory, as no one is really interested in some of the land that these other people possess. What they are interested in is getting their greedy little hands on more wealth. They see some of these nations with oil or they see some of these nations with gold or another resource and so they invade them under the pretense that these nations were hostile or planning their own attacks or invasions on these larger nations. Do any of you really believe that these smaller nations would ever pick a fight with your superpowers of your world? If any of you believe these lies, it is time you sat down and thought about this long and hard. Do you really think that these small, almost defenseless countries compared to your superpowers would instigate war with say the United States, Russia or China? You are only fooling yourself if you believe that this is the case.

    This is what your news reports to you, and this is why we ask you why do you watch these news programs, as they are nothing but thirty minutes or one hour of one continuous and great lie. They fill your head with disinformation, propaganda and outright lies simply to convince you, to persuade you, to trick you, to con you, to scare you into following their agendas and supporting their agendas and not do anything to speak out or stop or slow their agendas. That is what your news programs are, even though once in a while they will throw in a few minor stories to perhaps peak your interest and keep you watching, but even these minor stories are reported to you in such a way as to keep you living in fear, insecurity and even paranoia. That’s what your six o'clock news teams are paid for and they do their jobs exceedingly well, and we again advise you to turn off the news, turn off your TV sets completely. Leave them off as long as you can throughout your day, for the damage you're doing to yourselves in body, mind and spirit is, in many cases, borderline irreparable.

    You must, because it is your responsibility to protect your being, your essence, who it is you are, and who it is you are is someone far smarter and far wiser and far more experienced than to turn a television set on and sit in front of it with your eyes wide open all day and all night long, for you have come too far on your journey through this universe to allow something as unrewarding, unproductive and unhealthy as television programming to harm you and slow your progress now. We tell you these things not because we wish to nag you or to run your lives, we offer you this advice for it is constructive, it is helpful, it is the truth. We never tell you anything that we are not sure about. You do not hear many ‘maybes’ and ‘this may be the case’ when we speak to you. We say to you that this is this way and that is that way because we know it to be this way or that way, for we have lived it, we have experienced it for ourselves and we have studied all of the subjects that we discuss with you.

    We do not throw out wild hypotheses and possibilities when we speak to you about certain subjects. We know our business, and from our perspective we better know our business, we should know our business, for we have many tools and years of experience behind us and we have many great minds here who study in the light of truth, unhampered, unhindered, un-coerced and uninfluenced by those that today in your world thwart most of your attempts to get to the bottom of just about everything in your lives. Your scientists, your researchers, your historians, your inventors, all of these people have never been allowed to do their jobs the way they could have done them. This goes on to this very day, where there are scientists and researchers trying to get to the bottom of your diseases, your illnesses, your pollutions, your transportation and energy problems and we say to you that all of these problems could have been solved by now and not in recent years, but many decades ago. Yes, this is true.

    Your scientists could have cured even your most common and fatal diseases. You could have already been operating your systems with free, pure and clean energies. You could have transportation systems that would take individuals from one corner of the world to another in just minutes my friends. Yes, you could have already had all these things and in some cases some of these technologies do exist on your planet, but they are only offered to the few, the extremely wealthy, the very powerful, the elitists of your societies. Does that not sicken you dear friends? Does that not cause you to drop what it is you are doing and get more involved and get to the heart of these matters and do whatever is you can to rid your world of these parasites, these insects that have done this to you, that have kept you living in an antiquated state, far beyond the time periods where these technologies should have been and could easily have been introduced to your people through the ingenuity and the effort of your scientists, researchers and inventors who are members of your family, the true human family, not these imposters, these intruders, these counterfeiters who today rule over your world.

    It is you, the people, that have reached these technological breakthroughs through your hard work and sweat, drive, motivation, determination and ingenious vision and imagination. They do not possess these things. These people herd you like sheep and they have no more ingenuity or intelligence or genius than a sheepherder. That is all they are. They are individuals with stick in hand and they poke you and scare you into moving in certain directions at their call, at their whim, at their discretion. This is all they are. They are not the geniuses of your societies, they are not the talented, they are not the sophisticated, they are none of these things. They are what they are and they are not much, and we do not say this either to insult them or to poke fun at them. No, we say this because it is truth, and from us you will always receive the truth, no matter if it hurts someone's feelings or not.

    This kind of behavior is unique to lower dimensional worlds where one will not speak his truth for fear it may hurt the feelings of another, for you see it is the individual who allows their feelings to be hurt by truth that is exhibiting the lower dimensional behavior, not the being who speaks his truth. We wish you to always remember that especially when you are reading our words and some of you are allowing your feelings to get hurt so much you discontinue reading our messages or even block them entirely from you or your web pages, where at one time you were sharing these communications to those they were intended for, but today you are boycotting them for you feel that they have insulted or talked down to your people. We say to you that nothing we have ever said is insulting or condemning, and we do not in any way talk down to you, for we see you as our brothers and sisters and even in many cases our elders for you, the people of Earth, have experienced in some cases a great deal more than we have, for you have been blessed with the opportunity to experience this 3rd dimensional realm and through this experience you have molded yourselves, sculpted yourselves into great, powerful and very wise and experienced beings. So how is it we would even think we could speak down to you?

    The truth is we do not. We offer you advice and suggestions and tell you how things are, how we see things from our higher and broader perspectives, this is all. We do not demean you, we do not speak down to you, we do not insult you and we do not make fun of you. We would never do these things and we never have. We say to those of you who have occasionally found problems with our messages and ask you exactly which parts of our messages are you not resonating with, you are not agreeing with, that you think are insulting to you or defaming to you, that put you down, that make you feel bad, or inadequate, or unintelligent or immature in any way.

    We ask you to share your feelings with us because we wish to gain greater insight and learn just what it is that we are saying to you that you disapprove of or that you feel is insulting to you or condescending to you. This is what we ask of you today. We ask you to share openly with us your feelings about these messages and which parts of them you feel you could do without, that you do not need to hear, that are unimportant and only serve to insult you or put you down or make you feel bad about yourselves. This is what we look for today throughout your comments and we, as we always do, greatly appreciate and thank you for your insights and your assistance in our mission together here with you.

    We encourage all of you to get involved in these discussions. Do not worry about those few dark or negative or cabal paid individuals who leave their comments here and there under our messages. Just completely ignore them. You will in just a few days time memorize the names that most of these individuals go by, and even if they change their sign-in names which they do occasionally you will immediately recognize their bloated and inflated opinions of themselves and their perspectives and you will recognize the usual slanted rhetoric designed and posted to divide you, to cause argument, debate and dissension within your ranks, and you will learn to not even read another word from them as soon as you recognize where it is their usually long comment is going. Just skip over and go to the next comment. You will in time immediately begin to recognize a comment left in the light, of higher vibration, or one posted in the darkness of a negative vibration and at the hands of an individual who exists, acts and behaves through the pulsation of a low, slow, dense or negative vibration.

    We say this to you for we wish to encourage more of you to join in on our conversations. We remind you that we read all of the comments that you leave for us, and we encourage you and we wish for more of you to get involved, for we wish to learn and to gain greater insights and a larger scope of what you are thinking and what you are feeling and how you are progressing throughout your journey here and on your mission here, and we have no other ways in most cases of learning these things, so we ask you to join us in our conversations.

    You will notice that we have begun to do our best to incorporate in our messages answers to some of your more popular questions. We make apology that we cannot answer personal or specific questions that are not asked by the majority of you. We must, because it is the proper method, respond to questions and concerns that are asked by the majority of you, and that is how we are proceeding at this time. In time, we may be able to ‘dwindle down’ the list and begin to address questions that are asked by only a smaller percentage of you, and we do see a time period where this will be more likely than it is at this current period.

    So again, we say to you we look forward to your comments beneath our message today throughout your online communities and we thank you once again for participating and say to you your efforts are not in vain and they are assisting us greatly assist you, and that's really what it's all about right now, that's the name of the game. ‘Help us help you’, and we will do just that.

    We are your friends and your family. We are those helping you help yourselves make your world a better, cleaner, safer, more prosperous, rewarding, fun and educational place for all of you. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

    As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish

    All the power of Heaven is assisting you

    09/09/2012 by John Smallman

    Time is the most difficult part of the illusion for you to accept as illusory because moments pass continuously – you do something, it’s over, time has passed – in one direction only, and there is apparently nothing you can do about it. Approximately 13.7 billion years ago, the Big Bang occurred and the Universe started to form. It has been moving outwards ever since then, spreading farther and farther from the starting-point, unremittingly and unrestrainedly. To you it all seems awesome – the universe, and the flow of time. And yet each one of you is far vaster than all of that!

    You are God’s children; you are infinitely powerful. But you have allowed yourselves to access only an infinitesimal part of that power. You have become so accustomed to your smallness in comparison to the universe’s vastness that is very hard for you to believe this.

    However, those of you who have truly opened your hearts in love have discovered within yourselves a sense of limitlessness that has amazed and awed you – and that is only the beginning of your understanding of what you truly are. Amazement beyond your wildest dreams awaits your awakening!

    What you are is magnificent! You are beings of infinite Light temporarily experiencing darkness – a state that is unreal. However, you have succeeded in persuading, no, convincing yourselves that it is real. It is not, and the suspicion that it is not is finally seeping into your collective awareness and demanding investigation and action.

    You see the results of this questioning all around you as people seek answers to the endemic states of disempowering authoritarianism that have been enforced on so many for so long. It is unacceptable, and people are rightfully demanding change, and they are making it happen, peacefully.

    As they do so the Light that is your heritage shines ever more brightly through the darkness of the fog, smoke, and toxic fumes in which you have been smothering and choking, seemingly endlessly. The Light is burning off this deadly overcast so that you may once more breathe fully and freely, and enjoy the renewed and reanimated energy that is leading to your awakening.

    As your life force intensifies you become aware of the love shining out from all sentient beings and wonder how you did not see it before, because you can now see that there is nothing but love in each of them. And then you briefly remember the intense darkness, as the last remaining wisps dissolve in the brilliance of the Light surrounding you, and you understand how constructing the illusion led you to deceive and confuse yourselves so effectively.

    The Light of Reality is wondrous, and the energy that you have been expending in order to hide and disguise It has been enormous, leaving you very little for yourselves, hence your fears and anxieties. And what an incredible waste of energy it has been, because all that you have done is to terrify yourselves and disable your divine abilities to enjoy and delight in the wonder of your eternal existence.

    A non-existent realm that is of absolutely no consequence has obscured from you, for what seems an unconscionable amount of time, Reality — your divine and natural state — and replaced it with an environment filled with betrayal, disharmony, and intense suffering. Now you are choosing to release yourselves from this self-imposed bondage, and all the power of Heaven is assisting you to do so. You cannot and will not fail.

    Knowing this to be the divine truth, do not let yourselves be discouraged by further illusory but distressing events that you see or hear reported by the mainstream media. They are just a sign that great changes are in progress which will permanently alter your perceptions of one another, allowing you to at last recognize each other’s divine magnificence, and pay yourselves the honor and respect you so unreservedly deserve.

    With so very much love, Saul.
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