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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Thuban II - Orthodoxymoron Discourses March 14th to March 22nd 2010 AV1 part 2

    Post  Raven Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:18 pm

    Thuban II - Orthodoxymoron Discourses March 14th to March 22nd 2010 pt 2

    Didymos Today at 10:16 pmI received the following responses from posts I have made on the internet. They don't sound human.

    'Y'all love fantisizing over my ancestral decorations, places, spirituality that you don't get, the greatness you won't achieve, and the melanin you'll never have. This depiction of my ancestors is pathetic. Y'all always make them look just as degenerative and recessive as you. Anyway, play and have fun as much as you still can. Yes you are running out of time, and to be honest, there is absolutly nothing you can do about it. I have no mercy, you lie and mock and blasphem all the way to hell.'

    Very human egocentricity orthodoxus.

    On another website...I received this message:

    'You know this isn't funny! The Lord God will judge you for claiming God ship. Just because God showed you a little bit of His secrets you think you know everything. He will NOT have mercy on you!' [orthodoxymoron note: This was in connection with me fictionally using the name KRLLL - causing me to wonder if someone equated Godship with the name 'Omnipotent Highness KRLLL'?]

    Very human ego mimicking the divine ego of God (who does not judge and is always full of 'mercy').

    I once heard a mocking, sing-song, high-pitched feminine sounding voice...emanating from a usually deep and masculine voiced televangelist...directed toward public...almost shouting 'That was gooooooood!!!!' reaction to a polite, well intentioned, and well reasoned comment by me.

    Even more so human ego-based, accentuating separation and not the natural unity of God.

    This was a short unedited internet exchange I had some time ago:

    ME: What if the aliens who have been here for thousands of years are the 'bad-guys'? What if we will need the help of good aliens from elsewhere to get rid of the demonic aliens who are already here? Could this be viewed as a hostile alien attack? I really don't know. I am just speculating.

    THEM: Try not to think in terms of good or bad. Understand this is not your planet. Then, understand nothing can be done to you that you don't do to yourself. Know that there are quadrillions of planets and they don't have a massive climate change every 26,000 years and violent deranged people like yourselves. Why on Earth would any race want to live here with you knowingly? The most intelligent life on the planet is not human.

    This is basically true, but omits the 'inner human core' whch IS in fact the most intelligent cosmic lifeform (the planet belongs to All) - yet remains hidden in the superconsciousness ONLY accessible by the Individual Logos partnering the Cosmic Logos.

    ME: I'll try not to think of the Iraq War in terms of good or bad. I'll try to be morally ambiguous. I might even become CIA or a CEO. Hey, maybe violent and deranged is neither good nor bad...but thinking makes it so. The aliens who are here need us to not get our acts together. If that happens...they'll probably have to live on Nibiru...or worse. Sorry for being a smart-XXX. Wait...I'm not's neither good nor bad. I couldn't resist. I mean well. Really.

    THEM: And your point was?...............

    ME: Who owns earth? Where do humans belong? What is the most intelligent life on earth? If they are so smart, and earth is so bad...why are they here? I may be deranged...but I'm not violent. You sound as though you are not human...are you an alien? If so...what kind...and from where? My point was that ethics are supremely important. I don't hurt, kill, terrorize, or abduct people...but some aliens apparently do(as do some humans). They should stop.

    THEM II: Don't we like...create our own world? We're destroying our own world because our society isn't healthy.

    Now THEM has become a projection of earth in a true mirror imaging.

    ME: Our planet is how we plan it. Perhaps we need to fire some people in the planning department. You're right...society is sick...mentally ill. Perhaps our world is the Devil's Island Insane Asylum of the Universe. But it seems that some of the inmates are getting well...and helping other inmates to get well. Jail Break! Jail Break! Free at Last! Free at Last!

    No further comments in this exchange. My questions went unanswered. The silence was deafening.

    THEM had given the 'game away' in imaging themselves as earthling cionsciousness.

    Here is another internet conversation I had with someone who claimed to be a hybrid...which I found to be very interesting:

    Veronica: Mad humans always existed, just don't blame their actions (if existed) to the Reptilians. Is too easy to say people are been led by other species evils than admit that there are humans nuts by themselves. Reptilians are good, they only approach a human when they fall in love, and to do good to the beloved person. Satan is a word that means "attorney" in the original language. It is not an individual, the word can apply to many alien lawyer that have nothing to do with humans.

    Veronica is from Thuban in the words above.

    Orthodoxymoron: Is the Old Testament God really Satan...a Reptilian. Could the "attorney" definition have something to do with the legalism seen in the Old Testament? We humans are pretty disgusting in our own right...but I suspect that evil spirits and evil aliens make things a lot worse. Who is responsible for abductions, mutilations, etc? And what about the frightful appearance of alleged Reptilians. I'm not anti-alien...just anti-evil.

    Veronica: Thanks for commenting on my post, and for the opportunity of bringing up this subject. The Old Testament Satan came from a species called Man of Tri. He was a good guy, having a beautiful personal trajectory of defending social rights on his planet, extremely intelligent, only bright and right lawyers are chosen to be a Satan. At the time he arrived on Earth, unfortunately, he had become insane, and he did a lot of harm, but it was because he was ill. His species lives 8.000 to 10.000 years of Earth, and he stayed much of this time here, doing harm. As there was few personnel from other species working here, few angels and lots of work to do in those days, nobody caught him. I am not aware if Eden destituted him while he was alive, but he did not act as a Satan here, though he had the Satan seal because he was a nominated Satan ( by Eden High Council). He acted as an insane man, because he was maddened by an illness. See, there is Good and Bad, and there is Evil. Good and Bad are complementary in a context. Evil is out of place. This is because the source of Evil is an illness. It is a virus. We call it virus of Tri because was first detected there. This virus attacks a small percentage of most populations. All species are united to find the cure, all species have problems with maddened guys, and, as humans, in all species most individuals are good guys living by common sense and good social rules.

    Yes, Veronica is still Thubanese, but has begun to filter too much data from 2nd Order into the many many many polarity labels of the 3rd Order.
    Recall, the 1st order is Unity internally and externally undifferentiated.
    2nd Order is Polarity still unified externally, but internally differentiated as a Oneness - the Cosmic Hologram of the Holographic Universe has not yet become 'shattered' in dispersion.
    3rd Order is Polarity differentiated both within and without.

    Orthodoxymoron: Your website is very interesting. I'm wondering if you have heard of, seen or read a book titled 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen G. White? If so, what is your opinion? What is your opinion regarding the Teachings of Jesus? What is your opinion regarding the U.S. Constitution? What can you tell me about the New World Order? Is it really the Old Alien Order? Who was ultimately responsible for 9/11? Satan as a mentally-ill attorney is a fascinating possibility...

    Veronica: I will bring the answers here later, just stopped quickly now to thank you. The FAQ is stuck for lack of questions and you really do good ones.
    I don't speak alone, I am supported by Lucifer embassy and by Eden. I got a long message from a Messenger Angel about these, it will take a while to translate, but I will let you know. Basically, about the book of Ellen White as well as the Teaching of Jesus, the message focus on the fact that we are the ones making the history now, there is no need to focus on history to know anything important. Each happening of history is fit for the time it happened. Constitution, summary: the real law is the law of Nature, not clearly understood yet, and the value of the C. relies on its closeness to the natural laws, not imposing limits to it. The C. is to assure freedom, but the freedom only exists when there is no need of law, be to limit, be to let free, other than the nature. As an overview, the U.S. Constitution is advanced, but not finished. Nature allow development and technology, as it works for the Aliens. What changes is the concept about life. New World Order never existed. If humans made their organizations, they were never powerful to threaten the entire world. Never existed an Alien Order, they are ordinary civilizations, with teachers and accountants and social philosophies, living well and satisfied, solving their problems as everyone else. I know it is hard to believe after all this negative marketing, but they are just here doing routine. About 9/11 the answer of the Angels is: All that participated of 9/11 are already dead.

    Veronica is still acting under the Shadow of Thuban - she is strong in her intent; but as you can see, she is requiring help from the Luciferic realm to answer your questions. This Luciferic Realm IS Thuban.

    I will put the answers here if you don't mind, not to overload the comments on the video. You are welcome. The old testament is genuine, it was transmitted by Eden, and the prophets translated the best they could, but the angel's language is not a piece of cake, and there are many misinterpretations, specially after translated to other languages and analyzed. People have the right to know how things are. I am a fallen angel, you probably heard that we born in human form. We have being trying to tell these things for many millennia, but the kings always kill us and burn our books. But this time there is Internet. I am telling this things on You Tube because I am still not sure if the powers of human will not try to burn the books again, if we start to speak to many people at once. Though the world is more civilized now. When you feel comfortable you can visit my blog, there is many more there about the Creation. There is also a book for download, it is a poem done by me with the angel Ariel, that is my brother. It was done to heal the heart, when people sometimes feel tired of the harshness of life. All material there is free and Creative Commons, we don't want anything from anyone. We speak because it takes us closer of home. Have a great week.

    Veronica's disposition is becoming more 3rd Order, but she realises some very important principles, such as:
    All material there is free and Creative Commons, we don't want anything from anyone. We speak because it takes us closer of home.

    Veronica's agency as a messenger from the 12th dimension remains valid.

    About spirits: The spirits disturb, really. The fact is that spirits must remain sleeping, and when they are awake they do disturbance. What is important to understand is that never had, and there is not yet, personal enough to suffice the demand of work in Earth. The grays are the responsible to collect the lost spirits, this is part of their job and they are paid to do it and do well, but they are few with few equipment compared to the quantity of ghosts. If someone feel that is being disturbed, he must ask to the gray of his area to chase that specific ghost and the problem will be solved. They usually focus to sane the problems where more humans are being affected. To call the gray just make the request near one of their communication devices. These communicators are discretely placed where the community gathers to discuss the problems, such as churches or community centers, and by what they hear on these places they know where to act to solve the problems affecting more people at once. If someone speak to them directly pointing the problems, they can act more effectively.

    Veronica is describing 3rd Order information from the polarised perspectives.

    Mutilations: Aliens never mutilate. Not even the criminals. Simply because third dimensional material has no use for anyone but to those who live in it. Most aliens can jump from 3rd to 4th dimension, but their feeding and living is done in the 4th. The 3rd is just for work, tourism or study. For any alien species the bodies of the 3rd D are troublesome to deal with directly, and is pointless. The cattle mutilations are done by rats, birds and small animals. There is plenty of analysis of these supposedly mutilated by abduction corpses, and most of them point to very understandable causes, though there might be something bizarre on nature that we cannot understand. If you wish to research deeper, there is a complete article done by a Brazilian magazine called UFO with legists doctors examining many of these cattle. All of them concluded the mutilations were done by rats, that choose the soft parts to eat first - eyes, nose, mouth, ears, reproductive parts, and from these to inside. The opening made by the small creatures who live from corpses are generally perfect and round, and they eat first from inside, it is easy to see at an apple eaten by worms. From outside it can looks good, and the small hole is perfectly round.

    Veronica is describing 3rd Order information from the polarised perspectives.

    Real abductions: The Grays are the "nanny" of human species, as the human species of Gaia is young and still entitled do receive special care. Is the grays duty to assure that all human on the group under their care gets food, shelter and sanitary conditions ( not richness, it is only about the health). So, they ionize the air to kill bacteria, influence for resources to reach hospitals, researchers and sanitary organizations. The abductions occur when a special human individual gets ill, the "special" relies on fact that the person is a hub for the distribution of resources to many others humans. If that person gets ill many will be without resources and will be consequently ill too, so the grays operate this hub person so he can keep up as a resources distributor for that area. It is expensive for the grays, done rarely. But as humans start to communicate directly with the grays they might even buy this operations perhaps, paying by sending resources to other humans in need from that gray group. They do these exchanges with some sensitive's, sometimes.

    Veronica is describing 3rd Order information from the polarised perspectives.

    Reptilian appearances: The Reptilians are moved by the heart. They fall in love with humans more frequently than you can imagine, then they try to approach the person and everyone gets scared. They are an old, old species, with all existential problems solved, so they live in search of love and adventure. They are scary, of rude gestures, and cannot communicate well with humans, so the misunderstandings and confusions they cause are huge, but there is always an impulsive Reptilian in love behind, usually he does not succeed in his affair, sometimes do. They can fall in love with a person, with a population, with a politic system, with a project being made, by an object or place. It has nothing to do with the "take the world" theories, even because they don't have to take, the Earth belong to them, and the Angels protect Earth because of them ,as they don't fit anywhere else, while humanoids can be taken to other places. They are rough in the outside, and most sweet on the inside. Here is their place, the humans just need to learn to understand them, and I am sure will be great for all. They love to have other species living here, when a civilizations ends they long for the next.

    Veronica is using words from 3rd Order has however returned to the Thuban perspective in attempting to define and describe the Human+Dragon=StarHuman equation.

    I hope this information has a use for you. It is not something I read or heard, the source are the own Alien representatives. I took the task to clarify the misconceptions on the media on my group, and the intention is only to inform our point of view. I chose to speak person to person, with those who are interested on the issue, as being half-human myself.

    Yes, here Veronica is 2nd Order Thubanese again.

    Veronica: Hello friend, You Tube is making me tired. It is like a rally road and I don't like it, I am a girl. Here are most boys trying to combat, not to fix on the subject. For discussion, only you were interesting. Keep my e-mail if you wish. You are welcome to discuss anytime.

    Veronica the Dragoness - how interesting and enticing for the Dragons protecting their treasures in their lonesome caves.

    Orthodoxymoron: Thank-you for your answers and comments. I hope that the internet and You Tube will help people to learn how to communicate more effectively and nicely. I hope things turn out well for everyone...humans, aliens, everyone. I even hope that Satan can learn to be happy without being mean and causing trouble. I don't want anyone to be miserable. Life should be enjoyed. I hope this universe can get past war. We should compete constructively...not destructively. Peace to you.


    Satan is the IMAGE of the True God/Source/Creator in the Mirror of 11D - both inside in 10D and outside in 12D.

    The true Satan is SATANIA and has never left the Mirror and cannot leave the twosidedness thereof UNTIL the 11D-mirror becomes Onesided.
    Then Satania will merge with the ascended Gaia becoming HER GLORIOUS HERSELF in the cosmic sexchange operation behind the dramas and the theatres.AA

    Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron:

    abraxasinas...I haven't been following this thread...due to it's difficulty, complexity, and obscurity. I have wished to take a couple of days to focus on it exclusively. The time may have arrived for me to do so. I wish to see both the forrest and the trees. Thank-you for taking so much of your time to answer everyone's questions. Forgive me if a lot of the following questions have already been asked. To me...taking a long, hard look at Solar System Governance (SSG) is the key to extricating ourselves from this mess. This includes looking at who controls DUMB and Secret Space Program activities throughout the Solar System. It includes an honest and penetrating look at Theology and Theocracy. It includes why we are here...and how we got here...and any major ancient or contemporary binding deals which were cut with Human or Non-Human Races. There may be some deals and situations which have existed for thousands (or millions?) of years...which may be nearly impossible to get out of.

    If we are Prisoners of War on a Prison Planet with Grey Guards and a Reptilian Warden...what are our options...exactly?

    Simple ortho, internalise the lot. Put the 'Grey Guards' as a galactic hive-race into a cell in your kneecap and 'imprison' them within yourself in a metaphorical association and a topographical map-making.
    You can map entire continents in an atlas, thus is the nature of a holographic universe.

    Are various Earth Nations in league with various competing Alien Nations?

    Yes, the alien nations map onto the kingdoms of the minerals, the flora and the fauna found on this planet. As the environmental vectors 'compete', so do the aliens.

    Who really and truly are the three major factions in this Solar System?

    You appear to have made up your mind about them. It is now your responsibility to 'map' them and to 'give them live' in your capacity of the cocreatorship.

    We need to look at the very deep and hidden underlying factors, factions, and individuals who really determine what goes down in this Solar System. Who really writes the scripts. Someone does. I keep feeling that we are running out of time...and that we are actually living on borrowed time. I feel that we should beware of Cornered Megalomaniacs. If we push their buttons...they might push some very nasty buttons. The friend...may be deep beneath the Western United States...and the United States of America may have very little to do with it. Is the Subterranean United States really Babylon?

    The United States is clearly archetyped as the 'Church of Laodicea' in Revelation. Away from this definition, many associations and correlations can be made by individual co-creators of the physical-emotional-mental realities. These labelings then are not required to be congruent in a general convergence of the 'individual creative licences' of the authorships.

    Which nations, religions, and races are associated with (or are in league with) the Annunaki? With Nibiru? With Aldebaran? With Sirius A? With Sirius B? With the Pleiades? With Andromeda? With Interdimensional Reptilians? With the Greys? With ET Humans?

    All of this is 3rd and 4th order labeling and your labels would be as valid as anyone elses on this level of the taxonomy.
    I have given the higher (2nd) order labelings, linked to say the four beasts of Revelation and according to Thuban before:

    North=Earth of Arcturus=Bull of Luke=Pachyderms of Samaria
    West=Air of Sirius=AngelMan of Matthew=Canines of Jerusalem
    South=Water of Pleiades=ScorpioEagle of John=Cetaceans of Jonah
    East=Fire of Andromeda=Lion of Mark=Felines of Judah


    1=Kinship of WhiteSkins of Father-Sky in a Rainbow Arcticus Cyani
    2=Kinship of BlackSkins of Mother-Earth in a Rainbow Antarcticus Magenti
    3=Kinship of GreenSkins of Elemental-Child in a Rainbow Indianus Oceanis
    4=Kinship of YellowSkins of Elemental Fire of the Lights in a Rainbow Pacificus Boreas OutSim
    5=Kinship of BrownSkins of Elemental Earth of the Lands in a Rainbow Atlanticus Eurus InSim
    6=Kinship of BlueSkins of Elemental Air of the Winds in a Rainbow Pacificus Auster InSim
    7=Kinship of RedSkins of Elemental Water of the Seas in a Rainbow Atlanticus Zephyrus OutSim

    1='The Land of my Lost Sheep and my Found Goat'=EPHESUS---{Revelation.2.1-7}
    2='The Land of my Origins in the RNA'=SMYRNA---{Revelation.2.8-17}
    3='The Land of my Grapes and Sounds in Om and Noises'=PERGAMOS---{Revelation.2.12-17}
    4='The Land of my Theatres and my Crowns'=THYATIRA---{Revelation.2.18-29}
    5='The Land of my Rising in Sadness and Hope'=SARDIS---{Revelation.3.1-6}
    6='The Land of my Oracles of Love and Poles'=PHILADELPHIA---{Revelation.3.7-13}
    7='The Land of my Loaded Dice and Lead in Coins'=LAODICEA---{Revelation.3.8-22}

    Which nations, religions, and races are associated with (or are in league with) Zionism? Teutonic Zionism? Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom?

    Your labels are as good and valid as mine.

    Which nations, religions, and races are associated with (or are in league with) the United Nations? The Vatican? The City of London? Washington D.C.?

    All of them.

    What are the ten most important binding documents, agreements, covenants, and treaties in the Solar System?

    The 10 principalities as published here numerous times.

    Which nations, religions, and races are associated with (or are in league with) Gabriel? Michael? Lucifer?

    All of them.

    Who are the Founders or the Ancients? Where are they? Who are they loyal to? Who is loyal to them?

    Alex Collier calls them the Paa Taal. I call them the Thubanese. many ETs circling the earth know them as the timetravelling starhumans.

    Are the exotic 'Secret' Technologies and Nuclear Weapons Really Ancient Human Technologies?


    Are the 'thus saith the Lord' statements in the Old Testament really Reptilian statements?

    Yes, basically this is correct if you qualify your statement by understanding that these (analytic) 'Reptilians' are NOT 3D entities, but astral and etheric entities. These 'Reptilians' are however physical in the fauna you can observe in a reptilian park or a zoo or the wild.

    What is the true nature of Original Sin and the War in Heaven?

    Good question ortho.
    SIN=IGNORANCE Period. The 'war in heaven' is a war of archetypes between the True God and the usurper God, who IS the true God's Image in a Mirror. Understanding this, will allow you to understand what the unified duality or polarisation represents in the greater order of things.

    YOU ortho are BOTH God physicalised AND imaged in a Devil-God in the mirror you are looking into.

    So 'shattering the false images' in a archetypical mirror (the SEA in Revelation from which the 'Great Beast of Babylon' ascends from) will HEAL the cosmic fakery.
    The 'war in heaven' so circularises a linearised system in the Red Dragon BLENDING with a Blue (Christ Dragon) to neutralize the colours in triplicities:
    Red+Green+Blue=White (in Radiation) AND =Black (in Paint)

    Anticolours are:
    Cyan/Skyblue+Magenta+Yellow=White (E=hf quantum law) AND =Black (E=mc^2 Einstein law).

    The 'chucking out' of the Red Dragon from heaven (Revelation.12) onto the earth so allows this BLENDING to become happenstance in the earthplane as a miniature universe.
    This frees heaven (the ETs 'above the earth plane) but puts the pressure onto the earth - for the processing and the 'war on earth' - between spiritual archetypes (it does NOT have to be physical, but will be, because the earthlings do not understand the power of the archetypes).

    Who are the Gods and Goddesses of This Solar System?

    You may name them yourself in your ambassadorship of Adam and as a Son of God {Genesis.2.19}.

    Who are the Gods and Goddesses of This World?

    The dozing and slumbersome humanoids.

    Who owns and operates the Solar System?

    God, the Logos and the Laws of Nature.

    Who is Babylon in modernity?

    You are - and your brother and Jim Smith and Sharon Jones.

    Who owns Humanity?

    You do - and your brother and Jim Smith and Sharon Jones.

    Thank-you for your answers abraxasinas. You are speaking a language which I have yet to learn. I keep thinking...if you can't convince them...confuse them...and in their ignorance...bind them. Just my feeling. I'm very paranoid and disillusioned. I trust no one. So my whole life...I have found no one who has honestly answered my my language. I end up talking to myself...and answering my own questions. I am my own best friend...and my own worst enemy. I have found no one who I truly identify with. My search continues...but I doubt that it will ever be successful. Nearly seven billion people...and no soul-mate. I often think that I'm not from around here. Maybe I really am from Pleon. Sorry for the rant. No more questions. Actually...I see eye to eye with Buxtehude, Bach, Widor, Vierne, Franck, Durufle, Cochereau, Roth, Choplin (Pope Sophie )...and Mother Nature. All else is folly. 1. 2. (I used to be able to play this one!) 3. 4. 5. 6. I guess music is the universal language. Perhaps music is the true basis of ecumenism. Hmmmmmm. Again...thank-you abraxasinas. I am now beginning a complete read of (your) thread. You are very different...and I respect that. I sense that (your) thread is partially to help you transition from isolation to communication and fellowship. Just a guess. I sense that you may have been 'above it all' for a very long time...and that it is therapeutic to converse with us 'common folk'...and I am not being sarcastic. I appreciate what you are doing.

    New orthodoxymoron comment (no response):

    If the Devil Himself (or Herself) tried to become a Good-Guy or Good-Gal...some of us would try to crucify them...rather than try to assist them on their new path. I keep saying that I want No Gods...and that the first and last commandment should be 'Thou Shalt Have No Gods'. This goes for All Gods...good and evil. I don't discriminate. I also keep saying that, at some point, I would like to share a bottle of fine wine with Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer...and I mean it...even if they are Draconian Reptilians. I'd even have a beer with Satan. I want all of the Bad-Guys and Bad-Gals to become Good-Guys and Good-Gals...but will the sanctimonious and triumphalistic Do-Gooders allow this to occur? Even Jesus was courteous and respectful when he talked to the Devil (the God of This World) face to face. Viewer discretion advised on the next link - actual exorcism Who are you gonna call? Can't we all just get along? Why is this so hard?

    Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron
    Once again...thank-you abraxasinas for what you are doing. Proceed in your own way...and in your own fully reveal to us who you really are...and what you have really done...throughout Universal History. I think I have a pretty good idea...but I'm not talking! I'd only be guessing anyway. I'm going through this entire thread (slowly)...and I'm amazed. You are a very special individual. Much love and gratitude! Namaste abraxasinas.

    So are you orthodoxy, so are you.

    Once you know how special you are, you will understand.
    The Council thanks you soo much of presenting the CURIOUS and INQUISITIVE nature of the Prime Creator himself.
    We love you very much dear friend of the council.
    May I suggst to you to read the messages from the newest to the oldest? Your quest to understand would be greatly accelerated.
    You see out of the chaos emerges the order! So the later posts will exhibit more order and simplicity, than the earlier ones.
    Have you eaten your dragon yet? Once you have done so, you shall enter the council - #1451.

    Love the Sirebard of the Hissing Om.


    Read Leviticus 21 regarding requirements pertaining to the sanctuary service. Is this chapter Christ-like in nature? Sacrifice (including human sacrifice) is found in Pagan religions and rituals. Were these religions inspired by Christ? Do we serve a blood-thirsty God? Does God require death and blood? If not...then who does? The sanctuary service and substitutionary atonement are all about death and is the eucharistic liturgy...especially if one includes the doctrine of transubstantiation. There is no body of evidence to substantiate transubstantiation. Christ hanging (bleeding and mostly naked) from the walls of churches around the world is sick. Isn't this a bit like placing pictures of the Kennedy assassination in government buildings throughout the US? Did Jesus tell us to build churches, and conduct rituals centered in death and blood? If He didn't...who did?

    Are Leviticus and Romans equally authoritative for us today? Did Paul follow the Great Commission...or create a New Theology? I would love to know all of the behind the scenes details of how and why the various books of the Bible were written. How much of the Bible did you write abraxasinas? I perceive that all of the Bible writers were inspired...but that they wrote what was possible and expedient in their particular circumstances. I'm trying to read between the lines...rather than taking the Bible as a set of gold plates inscribed by God...intended for us to take very literally today. This goes for the writings of Ellen White as well.

    The unfortunate part of religious debates is that a lot of people get caught in the crossfire...and lose their faith. One night I overheard a female student crying that the Bible was not the word of God. A pastor authoritatively countered that the Bible was the word of God. The student was weeping.

    I have repeatedly noticed a Christophobia among Christians. They prefer Paul. Some seem to prefer Ellen White over Jesus or Paul. Some prefer Desmond Ford. Is there a Christian Constitution? The U.S. Constitution is simple and concise...yet comprehensive. This is to avoid confusion. Don't we see legion theologies in Christendom? Historically, doctrinal purity has been obtained through dogmatic assertions, persecution, and execution. Wouldn't it be better to do what Jesus told us to do? I sometimes wonder if the next few years will be a contest between Jesus/Constitution and Pope/Vatican. Why can't there be an integration, rather than a stand-off? I'm not fatalistic regarding the future of our world. I'm hoping for a happy ending(or beginning).

    The investigative judgment is an extrapolation from the sanctuary service and the substitutionary atonement. You were correct in stating that Daniel 8:14 and Hebrews 9:12 are not related. It is a non it not? I have found the traditional scriptural arguments to be rather weak. This judgment only makes sense if it is a Satanic requirement, rather than a Divine requirement. Desmond Ford (Was Des a student of yours? Was he a Jesuit?) is correct in saying that God doesn't need an investigative judgment. God already knows them who are His. It is a courtroom scene with Christ and Satan going head to head in a custody case...with the future of the human race hanging in the balance. Satan is the legalist...not God. Is Satan the Old Tesament God? Is the Old Testament God the Creator God of the Universe? Are we really dealing with Jesus Christ vs the Old Testament God? I can almost hear Christ exclaming, "They're mine...I bought them with my life, death, and blood! Give them to me, and then go to hell!" To which Satan shrieks, "They're mine as long as they do what I tell them to do! Do they follow your teachings, and do what you told them to do??!! They don't, do they?! And they won't!! They haven't for 2,000 years, have they??!!"

    QED? Case closed?

    Originally Posted by Céline
    nice to see the Love on this thread

    Indeed sweet Celine - WE know this!


    I hope these are positive comments...and that they were not regarding my last post...which was completely academic in nature...but which might have appeared to be unloving in some regards. Even the question about Bible authorship was I am entertaining the possibility that abraxasinas (or someone who abraxas is closely associated with) has been at the center of a lot of things throughout history. Obviously I can't know this...but I asked the questions as though I did know. Some might interpret this as sarcasm. I have to repress myself to a degree you wouldn't believe...but even then I get into trouble. Anyway...can you feel the love tonight?

    Indeed dear orthodoxy.

    I was away for a while recharging batteries after running almost empty after the recent razzamattaz.

    What I said to you about my human ID was true. I have not lied on this forum EVER and never will.
    I am in some way sneaky or clever like anyone else. For example 'infiltrating' the chatroom as Anubis.

    I am in no manner affiliated with Any PTB; Australian theologians at Pine Gap or otherwise (Anderson).

    I DO have however a selfrelative DIRECT mental connection to the Cosmic Logos. I do not expect, require or need any validification from anyone or anything about this.

    This connection became effective in a 'soul merger' or 'walk-in' from what I term THUBAN=FREEDOM=ANUBIS=THE MAGIC=THE NAME=WOMAN=66=...
    This in practical and in scientific terms is well justified to become labeled as the 'Council of Thuban' in the 12th dimension. There was NEVER any deception about this, just misinterpretation by the many.

    From this walk-in, occurring March 24th, 1995; a personal and intimate partnership with the Serpent-Word developed and evolved to awaken my own individuated Christ-Consciousness,
    So all I have ever done in practical terms, really, is to 'channel' my own higher self.

    Mystery solved, dear orthodoxy.

    In regards to your other post about Priestly Rites and Hebrew chastity-cleanliness laws; these are passe' in most instances as the misunderstandings of the scribes of the Torah and the OT. First Jesus' new dispensations and now this 2nd renewal of the remembrance will do awy with the violent and jealous god of the OT; requiring 'sweet smelling' carcasses of sheep and goats to be pleased - give it a break Orthodoxy.
    There are two go9ds in the scriptures. One is a fake image of the other true one, the Abba of our master temple/templar.

    Love to you dear brother in the spirit

    Abraxas in the name of John Zebedee, author of the Revelations.

    Indeed ALL can FEEL the LOVE tonight - beginning here at Avalon and Noah's Ark!

    Thank-you abraxasinas. What you have said could point toward my Hathorian Hypothesis...if not in you...possibly in an apostolic succession of Hathorian Humans...which could be similar to you. Leo Zagami could be an example of this sort of thing. This is obviously more speculation on my part. I have fostered a certain theory of how things could very well be...and I keep seeking meat to place on my skeletal construct. has to believe order to see it. Everything in this area of research and speculation is nearly impossible to prove...yet after one has tried dozens of roads...which all turned out to be dead-ends...certain roads appear to be more promising regarding ultimate reality. However...I do expect more dead-ends...and this could be one of them. I will continue to identify your material more with your avatar than with your profile I inch further and further out on a limb. Look out below!! What would Shirley Maclaine say? "I am God?" Please take that other post seriously...point by point.

    Yes Shirley is right being Eve in the Image of Adam, who as You IS the true image of God.
    Inquisitive and ever searching for the truth Heshe is in you.



    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One in Ee*=1

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:23 am

    I have neglected this thread - but I will try to go through it today and tomorrow. With all of the dragon talk on AV1, and with my current speculations and questions regarding the souls of Humans, Reptilians, Greys, Hybrids, et al - I really would like to know the true nature of the soul - and whether this type of soul is common to all of the above - or if each type of being has it's own type of soul? Do they all have reptile or dragon souls? Do they all have human souls? Or - is the soul sort of generic - with no particular racial or species identification? Some would say that all reptilians and dragons are demonic in nature.

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:12 am

    very interesting thread, an more updates to it ???

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Owlsden Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:28 am

    Yes.. I have much reading up to do on Oxy's work.. Very very interesting - indeed..

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:31 am

    imagine all the fun, if everyone would work together Wink

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Owlsden Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:33 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:I just finished reading again Rok comments and I agree with them . I think the Divine LAW is actually the LAW of One which does not resonate with me . I thinks that Law expects every human to live like a monk and be totally uncritical of the surrounding .
    I think that Insider is an apologist for the crimes of his brothers in the Elite . It is obvious that the ELITE , the ones that direct the orchestra and write the musical score , are the same people that gave mankind tools such as : the faulty economic system , wars , terrorism , famine , rigged stock market , rigged currency market , globalization , exploitation etc, etc, etc.
    He says that we are the perpetrators but in my view the Elite are the Kapos in the concentration camp . Saying that the Elite is doing a job by Divine command is just as discredited as saying to the tribunal " I was obeying orders ".

    There's only one Law.. Do what you will but create no harm, for what you do will come back to you.


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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:58 am

    "all the magic, is always, and, in all ways found within the mirrors" - susan lynne schwenger

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Chimpsky Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:20 pm

    This thread backs up one of my pet theories that most of these labyrinthine topics, like all the 2 hour YT "interviews" are nothing more than narrative to distract folk and stop them thinking for themselves. Hypnotize

    There are a number of people (forum regulars )who could easily play the bloodline insider, I think they had a few empty days and did it for a laugh, maybe as an experiment to see how hard it was for "Charles". Heh heh

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:52 pm

    there is a formula that does work
    - perhaps someone should interview The Team at Thuban Wink
    or, at least interview Tony

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider - Page 3 Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:52 pm

    we eXposed hidden hand, and, undid their very bad magic
    -anyone else can, but simply reading those threads

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