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    Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System


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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:06 am

    43. Advent.

    The subject of the return of Christ and the end of the world is often dealt with in a quick and somewhat evasive manner. It's a very touchy subject! But I am going to go where angels and most clergy fear to tread!

    The Teachings of Jesus and the writings of Paul imply a soon return of Christ...2,000 years ago! What went wrong? Is this a case of wishful thinking mixed with false advertising? Is the return of Christ and the end of the world to be understood figuratively rather than literally? Are there prophecies which point to this present age as the time of the end?

    Each generation of Christians have looked forward to the second coming of Christ, when wrongs will be righted, the righteous rewarded, the wicked punished, and pain and suffering eliminated! Heaven will be the new home of the righteous, and Hell the new home of the wicked! This is the common perception, but what is the reality?

    My belief is that this earth is to be our home for a long, long time! If this belief is correct, then we need to take very, very good care of planet earth! My further belief is that few have internalized the principles of the teachings of Jesus, and truly loved neighbor as self, or been responsible caretakers of planet earth!

    Perhaps the second coming of Christ involves us coming to Christ for the first time! Perhaps Christ, the angels, and Heaven are already here! Perhaps when we become Christ-like and truly responsible human beings, then we will witness the 'return' of Christ! If one doesn't take proper care of a Ford, why should they be trusted with a Ferrari?! We treat our 'Ford' existence like we are in a demolition derby rather than a Concourse de Elegance!

    For 2,000 years, Christianity has not made the Teachings of Jesus its doctrinal foundation and its rule of behavior! Even the writings of Paul are not expositions of the Teachings of Jesus! Did Paul preach a different Gospel? And throughout the centuries, Christendom did not make Christ's teachings first and foremost! The Roman Catholic Church didn't do it! Martin Luther didn't do it! Perhaps the Devil made them not do it! The Protestant Reformation was not primarily based upon the teachings of Christ! For most Christians over the past 2,000 years, Jesus has been a sacrificed savior, nailed to the cross, and nailed to the wall of the church...but not Lord, and His words have not had veto power over all others! If we love Jesus, we will do what He told us to do! Have Christians historically done what Jesus told them to do? Do Christians currently do what Jesus told them to do?

    If we think we are impatient regarding the return of Christ, can you even begin to imagine how impatient the Holy Trinity and the angels are for the 'second coming of Christ!' It is our duty not to simply look forward to this event, but to help bring it about! It is a cooperation of the Divine and human which will make Heaven a reality rather than a figment of the imagination, or an opiate of the people!

    I do not believe that life in Heaven will be a problem free existence, but rather that the absurdities and atrocities of our present life will cease to exist! We will truly love each other and take proper care of our beautiful yet fragile planet! We will walk with God, as Enoch did!

    What about the wicked! Will they burn in Hell forever and ever?! Absolutely not! If they did...with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit presiding over this inferno, what monsters the Holy Trinity would be! And would the righteous really enjoy Heaven while their friends, neighbors, co-workers, and relatives screamed and writhed for countless millions of years as sinners in the hands of an angry God?!

    On the other hand, will Adolph Hitler be joyfully welcomed into Heaven, to enjoy its benefits with those he sent to the death camps?! Absolutely not! I believe that the irresponsible, unrighteous, unloving, unrepentant wicked will get a Devil's Island to live on, to reflect upon their folly, corruption, and outright stupidity! I always knew the moon was there for a reason! What if earth is a sort of Devil's Island? The door from this hellish existence to the bliss of Heaven will remain forever open, but with very stringent conditions for obtaining a passport! These conditions would undoubtedly involve facing the reality of one's shipwrecked life in excruciating detail! And subsequent repentance, restitution, and a complete reformation of character! This might take a long, long time! It might never, ever happen!

    Admittedly, the above paragraphs are general and speculative! But I believe that they are reasonable, and consistent with the teachings of Christ, especially in principle and concept. They are rough sketches of something that is undoubtedly a magnificent masterpiece! World without end!

    44. Teachings of Christ Mass.

    Wouldn't it be neat if there was a day celebrating the teachings of Christ?! A non-commercial celebration of what Christ actually said to this lost world?!

    It's interesting: the two biggest days on the Christian calendar, Christmas and Easter, have nothing to do with the teachings of Christ! Some even say that they are Pagan! These two days celebrate His birth and resurrection, St. Nicholas and the Easter bunny! But the words of Jesus are in the background! In a sense these days are ways of remembering and honoring Christ without having to be troubled by what He actually taught!

    Christmas and Easter offer something for just about everyone! But I am for remembering and honoring Christ for what He came to teach us! And to actually dig deeply into these teachings on this proposed special day! How about December 31st? What better way the end one year, and prepare for the next?! One could celebrate the responsible freedom found in Christ with fireworks at midnight! Then the constitutional responsible freedom found in the Constitution can be celebrated with fireworks on July 4!

    45. Musing About Music.

    Have you ever been to a Trans Siberian Orchestra classical/rock concert! I did recently! It was really cool! And also really loud! They used orchestral and rock instruments, narration, dance, hot pyrotechnics and some even hotter instrumental and vocal soloists! Their Winter Tour is highly recommended! Check them out on YouTube! It might be neat if there was a church service like this! I guess I'm a radical traditionalist!

    I'm really torn over the subjects of entertainment and church services! I like the loud and wild, but I also like the quiet and solemn. Sometimes I like the traditional, with lots of pomp and circumstance. Sometimes I like the totally informal and unorthodox! If it's done with life and spirit, I like a high church Anglican service. I've enjoyed services at the Crystal Cathedral in the morning and services at the Vineyard in the evening! I have especially enjoyed services held out of doors, singing with guitar accompaniment! And there is absolutely nothing like a great French organist performing an improvisation on a French Noel, on a French Romantic pipe organ, in a French Catholic cathedral such as Notre Dame! Check out Variations on a Noel by Marcel Dupre. Also, check out Saint Sulpice and Notre Dame on YouTube.

    I guess variety is a good thing! To each, his (or her) own! Competition keeps everyone on their toes…looking over each others shoulders to see and hear what the others are doing! Competition improves the breed. Even in church! As long as it's constructive competition! But sometimes, all the options, and the controversy they spawn, makes things confusing, unpleasant and frustrating! I guess each of us needs to find where we fit best, and then positively reinforce what we approve of!

    46. God, the Universe, and Everything.

    How do you explain God? Who is God? Where did God come from? Where does God live? Hang on to your hat! Here we go!!

    One prime argument of creationists, or those who believe in intelligent design, is that given the complexity of life, it had to have a creator! It couldn't have just happened by chance, could it?! An illustration of this is the watchmaker argument. If one takes a watch completely apart, and places the parts in a box, and then begins shaking the box, how long will it take for the watch to assemble itself, and then keep perfect time? The answer is obvious...never! So...we didn't just happen either! We had to be created by a Creator God!

    Well, I partially subscribe to the above argument, but not totally! If, because we are too complicated to come into existence by chance, there had to be a Creator God to design and create us…then God must be even more complex than we are! And if that is the case...then who created God?! God couldn't have come into existence by chance! We started out with the answer, but then we got dumped into deep quicksand! Help!

    What if we don't know? Is it OK to not know? I think so! No, I know that it's OK not to know! And just because one doesn't have the answer doesn't mean that there isn't one! Having said that, let me slide down the slippery slope, to the edge of the precipice, and attempt to at least hint at a possible solution!

    What if, by processes unknown to us, God and the universe came into existence by some mystery of nature? We all know for sure that the universe is here! Millions of people know for sure that the supernatural exists, at least! They know by experience and observation! If the above is true, then is it really that much of a leap of faith, to believe that God exists? This argument doesn't prove the actual nature or power of God, or that there is an eternal life of bliss to look forward to, for sure! But it gets our heads above the surface of the quicksand!

    At this point, allow me to issue a warning! Please do not delve into the supernatural! I never have! I never will! Pray, but don't delve! Pray to God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and with the power of the Holy Spirit! Thus far, and no farther! Just because the supernatural exists, doesn't mean that it's completely good and safe! I believe that God and the angels exist! I also believe that Satan and the demons exist! One should not reach into a snake hole to find out what kind of snake lives there! You know what they say about curiosity and cats! It's a good thing they have 9 lives!

    Speaking of which, people speak of experiencing their past lives! Well, even if we get recycled, I have enough trouble experiencing my present life! What if I came to find out that I was Hitler! Now, would that clear everything up and give me peace?! I don't think so! I further believe that we are easily deluded and corrupted, and that placing oneself in evil’s way is a sure way to become deluded and corrupted!

    I have many things to tell you, but even if you can bear them…I've had enough! More tomorrow! What if Jesus had said that?

    47. A Simple Question.

    What the judgment, whatever your concept of the judgment, Jesus asks you, "Did you do what I told you to do?" What would be your answer? Would there be any supporting evidence to validate your answer? What if your life was instant replayed to the two of you? What would the preponderance of the evidence be? If disregard, disobedience, and outright insubordination was overwhelmingly evident, what would be your excuse?! Just following orders from the church or state, instead of following orders from the Teachings of Jesus?!

    One might say, “I established and led a 10,000 member mega-church in honor of your name!” But Jesus might reply, “Did you preach my teachings to the people week after week…and then walk the walk after talking the talk?” Pardon my paraphrased imagination…but you never know…

    48. The Nicene Creed.

    The following is the Nicene Creed:

    We believe in one God,
    the Father, the Almighty,
    maker of heaven and earth,
    of all that is, seen and unseen.

    We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
    the only Son of God,
    eternally begotten of the Father,
    God from God, Light from Light,
    true God from true God,
    begotten, not made,
    Of one Being with the Father.
    Through him all things were made.
    For us and for our salvation
    he came down from heaven:
    by the power of the Holy Spirit
    he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
    and was made man.
    For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
    he suffered death and was buried.
    On the third day he rose again
    in accordance with the Scriptures;
    he ascended into heaven
    and is seated at the right hand of the Father,
    He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
    and his kingdom will have no end.

    We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
    who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
    With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
    He has spoken through the Prophets.
    We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
    We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
    We look for the resurrection of the dead,
    and the life of the world to come. Amen.

    Do you say the Nicene Creed every week? Do you have it memorized? I do! Do you believe every word? I don't! I believe 95%! I won't say which 5% I don't believe! I just won't say that 5%! The controversial Bishop Gene Robinson, Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire, recalls, as a young student, not saying the parts of the Nicene Creed which he had problems with! He was advised to do this! What would Bishop John Shelby Spong say? What would Jesus Christ say? Come to think of it…the Nicene Creed doesn’t quote Jesus! Should Christians be required to say it? Should it be a test of faith? Should a concise summary of the Teachings of Jesus be recited instead? Oh, the problems of unity and diversity! We yearn to belong, yet we yearn to be free! At least it keeps the doctrinal purity analysts employed! Church leaders want their members to think...alike!

    49. The Common Denominator.

    What is fundamentally Christian? What is fundamentally American?

    Allow me to submit that Freedom and Responsibility answer both questions! Sure, one can say that the Bible, in general, and the teachings of Christ, in particular, are fundamentally Christian! And that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are fundamentally American! All of the above is true!

    However, if you don't get the fundamental principles straight…you won't get the fundamental documents straight! And you won’t get the proper relationship between Christian and Church…or between Citizen and Country…or between Church and Country…or between Country and World!

    In other words, focus on Freedom and Responsibility, and everything falls into place! Focus on Something Else, and everything falls apart!

    Please, study and think, long and hard, regarding the above! It's easy to say, "Duh, I could've told you that! You're wasting my time, Einstein!" But to think through the implications and ramifications, and to apply them to our lives and to our world, may be that which keeps this planet from descending into a darker midnight than any in history! I believe we are on the brink of something very good, or something very evil! How we handle Freedom and Responsibility will determine our destiny!

    Walking down the path of Freedom without Responsibility, will result in anarchy and the inevitable loss of Freedom! Walking down the path of Responsibility without Freedom, will result in Irresponsibility! One must walk down the path of Freedom WITH Responsibility to retain either! It's all or nothing! Don't walk down the Primrose Path! And don't forget to pray!

    If we do not educate and discipline ourselves regarding the above, drastic measures will undoubtedly be implemented! We may not survive these measures! We live in a very wonderful world, but also a very dangerous world! Let's get our act together before the big hook yanks us off the stage of life! Let's learn to fly right and live right, before we're shot down! Let's learn to swim properly before we are ordered out of the gene pool! He or she who has ears to hear…let them hear…

    50. Decentralism and Jesus.

    Jesus didn't exactly promote the idea of mega-churches, did he?! He seemed to promote the idea of highly moral people disbursed throughout society in a non-regimented, non-ritualized, decentralized manner! He didn't instruct His followers to build a temple to His glory and honor, so that He could be worshiped and praised! He simply wanted people to treat other people properly! And to understand that how we treat people during this physical life will determine our destiny when we breathe our last breath!

    Throughout history, when there are large groups of people marching in lock-step, with God on their side, or simply believing that they are superior to others, people start being treated poorly, or even being killed! Some call this collectivism!

    The concept of collectivism is that when human individuality is smothered by the momentum of large groups, the voice of reason and conscience is silenced, and people behave inhumanly toward other people! People identify themselves and others by their group, rather than by the individual content of their characters!

    So...Communist Russia, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan.....and Democratic United States were all collectivist societies as they fought with each-other! Each thought they were right, that they were completely justified in slaughtering the other inferior or wrong people!

    Liberals shouldn't be smug, 'cause wasn't Communist Russia atheist left-wing liberal?! And sorry conservatives, wasn't Nazi Germany right-wing conservative?! With God on their side?!

    I noticed a bumper sticker the other day which read, "Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups!" That wasn't a very nice thing to write, but it did make me laugh and feel a bit smug! Maybe it was because I felt superior to Those Stupid People in the large groups! Hey! Wait a minute! Doesn't that reaction indicate that I have a collectivist mentality?! I think so!

    The collectivist mentality separates people by skin color, national origin, religious affiliation, political party, education, ad infinitum! It judges a book by its cover, rather than by its content!

    "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." --- 1 Samuel 16:8 NIV.

    "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment." --- John 7:24 NIV.

    51. Low Key Politics and Religion.

    Often political or religious discussions are heated, loud, and even angry! Why is this! Many preachers and politicians give angry sermons and speeches! Why is this? Is this the way it has to be? Is this the nature of the beast? Is this the nature of the beast within?

    One of my favorite bumper stickers reads: "I Don't Want a Solution...I Just Want to Complain!" Sometimes I think the path to world peace is the path to the nearest bathroom, judging from the expressions on so many people's faces! Many are Retentive to the Nth!

    Maybe preachers and politicians should have to take a series of anger management classes before they are allowed to speak publicly! These angry young and old men and women infuriate me!! I heard a true story about an anger management teacher showing up half an hour late for an anger management class! The students were really ticked-off!!

    Some talk show hosts seem to go out of their way to make people angry! If you agree with them you are mad at the stupid people they're attacking! If you happen to be on the receiving end, you're mad 'cause they're attacking you! So whether you agree or disagree with the host, you end up mad! This just makes me livid!

    Finally, another bumper sticker: "Jesus Loves You! But Everyone Else Thinks You're a Jerk!" Perhaps it should be: "You May Love Yourself! But Jesus Thinks You're a Jerk!" Or how 'bout: "I Don't Discriminate...I Hate Everyone!"

    OK then, I got that out of my system, but maybe I shouldn't have! Do you think less of me now? Did I go too far? Are you mad? I think I went too far, and I'm mad at myself! But I'm not going to change this post, so no one will have a false impression of me, and be disappointed later...sorry, no primrose path...

    52. Christmas and the Environment.

    Is it responsible to chop down millions of evergreen trees for Christmas, use them for a couple of weeks, and then put them in the trash? And then worry about whether to use paper or plastic bags at the grocery store?! What about all the wrapping paper? And all of this in honor of the birth of Christ? WWJD?

    How about skipping the trees, and giving gift certificates or cash, and then shopping the sales after Christmas? And sending the money you save to your favorite charity?

    Also, what did you think about the Pope taking issue with the Global Warming issue? He called Global Warming a dogma, and urged people to take a scientific view of the environment! He should know a dogma when he sees one, shouldn't he? Isn't this a case of the Pope, I mean pot, calling the kettle black? People who live in glass houses...Oh, he's at St. Peter's...not the Crystal Cathedral! Would he encourage people to take a scientific view of Christianity?

    If we believe that Jesus will return soon, and that we will get a new earth, then maybe we don't have to worry about the environment! If the return of Jesus is on hold, or if His return does not include a new earth as part of the deal, then we need to take environmental issues very, very seriously, even if Global Warming is just a bunch of hot air! WWGD? What Would Gore Do?

    I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas!

    53. Would Jesus Drive a Ferrari and Wear a Rolex?

    Can you picture Jesus driving a Ferrari, wearing a sweat-suit and a Rolex watch as He pulls out of His beach-house driveway? Most would recoil from such a thought! Some would say that to suggest this is irreverent and inappropriate!

    Once again, I am conflicted! I love Jesus, both historically and within my heart! However, I would love to have a Ferrari, a Rolex, and a beach-house! Could I have my Jesus, and my Ferrari too?! Is this the New Rich Young Ruler?

    Allow me to suggest that if I ever became a Wall Street wizard, a best-selling author, or a song-writer and singer, it would be entirely appropriate, as a Christian, to have a Ferrari, a Rolex, and a beach-house! Gasp! Shock! Disbelief! Disgust!

    Now that I'm in deep water-front, allow me to try to escape the do-gooder sharks! The money making activities listed, if done honestly and ethically, are entirely appropriate! If a lot of money is made, the books are properly kept, and the taxes are honestly paid (even though the Federal Income Tax appears to be unconstitutional), the car, watch, and home are just rewards of the free enterprise system!

    The Ferrari could be a $60,000 used F355, rather than a $360,000 (no kidding!) new F430! Likewise, the Rolex could be purchased from an estate sale instead of on Rodeo Drive! The beach-house could be a small, modest property, located far from Malibu! If purchased shrewdly, all of these items could be excellent investments, and yield large financial returns!

    Then, the majority of the income of all of the above could be donated to a variety of worthy causes! And one could drive said Ferrari to a Habitat For Humanity project, and pound nails for 8 hours! And the upper crust friends one would make on the job and on the golf course could be encouraged to go and do likewise! And they would have the resources to make a huge difference in this miserable world! Have you heard of Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Warren Buffet, Jimmy Carter, and Bono? I'm not sure that they started out to be Christ-like, but they sure are giving away lots of time and money! Maybe we Christians have been too narrow in what we define as Christ-like! I know I have! I'm trying to change!

    The Ferrari dealers make money to send their kids to college while people enjoy the nice cars! The Rolex employees make money for the necessities of life while people enjoy wearing these nice watches! Likewise, the construction and real-estate people make money to make their mortgage payments, while buyers enjoy their nice new homes!

    Part of the rationalization for this materialistic daydream is that good, ethical people should be well rewarded for their success! The bad, unethical people should not be well rewarded! They should be stripped of what they have, and locked up! I know I'm living in a dream-world!

    Having said this, one probably doesn't need a Ferrari collection, or 3 waterfront estates throughout the world! And one should never, ever be unethical or dishonest in the pursuit of money! People should pursue money and then become philanthropists! And they should never, ever look down on anyone! They should never, ever stop being nice to everyone!

    I like the ancient Egyptian body position of reaching up with one hand, and reaching down with the other! Taking and giving! I also like the phrase, "Stand tall, and lift!" Striving for success and then helping others to climb higher! We must not neglect the top or the bottom! And the middle-class should be getting larger instead of smaller! How about one big, happy, stratified middle-class, with incentives, but without extreme wealth or destitute poverty?!

    So, yes, I think it is possible at least, that Jesus would drive a Ferrari, wear a Rolex, and live in a beach-house! He probably would do it incognito to avoid misunderstandings! But Jesus hung out with just about everyone, from rich to poor! And maybe we should too!

    As an afterthought, it should be just fine to not have a car, a watch or sweat-suit, and live in a studio apartment with no view! I have! The historical Jesus didn't even have a house! We shouldn't look up to others, or look down on others! We should all look straight ahead at each-other as children of God! By the way, don't take this too seriously! But don't dismiss it entirely, either!

    54. Despair and Hope.

    Years ago, I read a book by Bertrand Russell entitled, Why I Am Not a Christian. It was a negative, critical, pseudo-intellectual book! I do not recommend it! The thought from the book that stuck with me is that we are an accident of nature and the only solid philosophical foundation is "unyielding despair." Those last two words have haunted me! So much of human history and contemporary life is best described by "unyielding despair." Was Lord Russell right?

    Allow me, if you will, to cautiously suggest that a philosophical foundation of "unyielding despair" results in a catastrophic building collapse! A sunny Pollyanna philosophical foundation of "unyielding hope" also results in a catastrophic building collapse! Deluding ourselves into thinking everything is rotten, when it is not, is disastrous! Deluding ourselves into thinking everything is fine, when it is not, is equally disastrous!

    A solid philosophical foundation consists of a healthy mixture of unyielding despair counterbalanced with unyielding hope! We must see the problems of humanity with excruciating clarity, and then seek and find as many solutions as we possibly can, and then keep seeking and finding even more solutions! We must also see the beauty of the earth with ecstatic clarity, and then positively reinforce all that is right with the world!

    A doctor must see the patient's problems in the most realistic and horrible light, and then formulate and implement a plan of action to correct and heal! But the medical profession, and all of us, should seek to prevent illness and injury with even more urgency than we seek a cure!

    The above implies a war within! Not peace, but a sword! Onward Christian Soldiers! We must struggle! This is painful, yet rewarding! The Christian life, of following Jesus, is a life of tempered turmoil! It is a battle and a march, repeated over and over!

    I am proposing Positive Response Ability! Not exclusively Negative Thinking! Not exclusively Positive Thinking! But, rather, Solution-Oriented Thinking! Facing problems squarely! Battling with them furiously, with God's help! And emerging victoriously from the battle!

    If I could only practice what I preach! Maybe someday! But for now, I'm just going to go back to my little dream world! It's such a nice place!

    55. The Complete Gospels.

    The following is from the back cover of a book which I recently purchased, entitled The Complete Gospels, edited by Robert J. Miller and published by Polebridge Press:

    From the editors of the bestselling The Five Gospels, The Complete Gospels presents for the first time anywhere all twenty of the known gospels from the early Christian era, offering a fuller and more fascinating picture of early Christian origins than found in the four canonical gospels alone - or any other source. Each of these gospel records offers fresh glimpses into the world of Jesus and his followers, including:

    Gospel of Thomas reveals that Jesus, contrary to the popular image of him as an apocalyptic preacher of damnation and salvation, was actually a wisdom teacher who taught about the true origins of humankind.

    Gospel of Mary suggests that women held prominent roles in the early church, and provides a startling look at what may have been the first attempts to suppress their leadership.

    Sayings Gospel Q, the controversial reconstruction of the first gospel used by Jesus' original followers, contains only Jesus' sayings and none of the dramatic stories about his life later told in the New Testament gospels.

    Signs Gospel is almost entirely a catalog of Jesus' miracles, intended to demonstrate that he was the Jewish Messiah, the Anointed.

    Secret Book of James relates that immediately prior to his ascension, Jesus imparted a private revelation to James and Peter, which James presents here as a letter.

    Gospel of Peter contains what may have been the original passion narrative later adapted in the New Testament synoptic gospels' accounts.

    Four new pieces have been added to this third expanded edition: the three Jewish-Christian gospels and the Greek fragments of the Gospel of Thomas. Each gospel is translated into lively, contemporary English, recapturing the spirit of the original. Exciting both to read and to hear, this Scholars Version (SV) translation has - as one reader put it - "a vitality that jumps off the page."

    The editor and contributors to this volume are members of the Jesus Seminar, based at the Westar Institute in Santa Rosa, California.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, they have to go and change everything! There ought to be a law! I'm sure there is, but I can't seem to find it! Hey! Wait a minute! I found the law...why it's Canon Law! If only the Treasury could find the law authorizing the Federal Income Tax! Was the Sixteenth Amendment ratified by a sufficient number of states?

    The Jesus Seminar has become known for sifting through the words of Jesus, to determine which of them are "genuine" and which of them were added by others. These folks sure are complicating things! And I'm a simpleton! Remember Simplicio in Galileo Galilei's book, Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences? That's me! I'm Simplicio!

    As for the Scholars Version (SV), I was a bit disappointed! It seemed a bit choppy and crude, without the majestic flow of words I have experienced in most other translations. But who am I to question the scholars?!

    What do you think about all of this? Is it faith building or faith shattering? I found it to be both, so the two aspects seemed to cancel each other! Sort of like out of phase waves, in physics, cancelling each other out!

    I am impressed with the variety of source material, which lends support to the thought that the Gospels were not simply pulled out of thin air! But there is a variety of content in the various sources, which makes everything more confusing, as if it wasn't confusing enough already! And just when the Synoptic Problem was becoming less problematic for me!

    I try to identify the principles and concepts in all of the source materials, and then apply the rule of reason, to make sense out of the life and teachings of Jesus! And thank God I am not the last word, the first word, or anything even close! I have enough trouble attempting to take responsibility for my own life, let alone, coming up with definitive interpretations and explanations with far-reaching implications and ramifications, affecting and effecting people everywhere, now and for all eternity! I think Atlas has it easy! He should have to deal with all of this! If he did, I'm afraid he would drop the ball!

    56. Tell 'Em About Jesus!

    The brother of one of my childhood friends was a young boy when the first Russian satellite was launched into orbit. At Christmastime, his church school teacher asked, "the wise-men looked up, and what did they see?" The little boy quickly answered, "Sputnik!"

    When the first manned Russian spacecraft reached orbit, the cosmonaut said that he didn't see God...

    Nearly a decade ago, I witnessed the re-entry of a Russian spacecraft…in at least half a dozen pieces…all brilliantly burning as they streaked across the night sky! An intoxicated man next to me thought he was hallucinating, and was relieved when I saw it too! By the way…I have never had a drink in my life…really!

    Fast forward to February 1, 2003. I was working a night dispatching job, and at around 4:00 a.m. I told a fellow worker about the spacecraft incident. I hadn't talked about it for a long, long time. Then, minutes later, I heard the tragic news about the disintegration of the space shuttle Columbia. Probably just a coincidence, but I put the two events together in my mind, and it made a deep impression on me. While I was telling the story of the fiery spacecraft re-entry, the 7 Columbia astronauts had only minutes to live, and no one knew what was going to human anyway...

    Evelyn Husband, wife of mission commander, Col. Rick Husband, tells in the book High Calling of Rick's last written message:

    "Prior to launch, each astronaut fills out papers containing information for the Astronaut Office to keep on file in event of an accident. On the last page of this packet, titled 'Special instructions for Funeral Services,' there is a section called 'Other Special Instructions.' In this section Rick wrote, 'Tell'em About Jesus! - That He is real to me.' That's what Rick wrote down in case something happened. He wanted people to know about Jesus and His love. Rick's request has now become my life's mission statement, and I communicate that every chance I get."

    In this Christmas season, honoring Jesus Christ, and throughout the year, let's live Christ-like lives, and when appropriate, tell others the old, old story of Jesus and His love!

    57. A True Christmas Story.

    The following true story was printed in the December 2006 issue of The American Organist magazine:

    The brand new pastor and his wife were assigned, as their first ministry, to reopen a church in Brooklyn. They arrived in early October, excited about their opportunities. Unfortunately, the church building was run down and needed much work. They set a goal to have everything done in time to have their first service on Christmas Eve. They worked hard, repairing pews, plastering walls, painting and cleaning, and on December 18 were ahead of schedule and almost finished.

    On December 19, a torrential rainstorm hit the area and lased for two days. When the pastor went to the church on the 21st his heart sank when he saw that the roof had leaked, causing a large area of plaster to fall off the front wall of the sanctuary just behind the pulpit, beginning about head high.

    He cleaned up the mess on the floor and headed home. On the way he stopped at a local business that was having a sale for charity. One of the items was a beautiful, handmade, ivory-colored, crocheted tablecloth with exquisite work, fine colors, and a cross embroidered right in the center. It was just the right size to cover up the hole in the front wall. He bought it and returned to the church.

    By this time it had started to snow. An elderly woman came running from the opposite direction attempting to catch a bus. When she missed it, the pastor invited her to wait in the warm church for the next bus 45 minutes later. She sat in a pew and paid no attention to the pastor while he got a ladder, and hung the tablecloth as a wall tapestry. The pastor could hardly believe how beautiful it looked, and it covered up the problem area perfectly.

    Then he noticed the woman walking down the center aisle. Her face was white as a sheet. "Pastor," she asked, "where did you get that tablecloth?" When he explained, the woman asked him to check the lower-right corner to see if the initials EBG were crocheted into it. They were. These were the initials of the woman, and she had made the tablecloth 35 years before.

    The woman could hardly believe it as the pastor told how he had just gotten the tablecloth. She explained that before the war she and her husband were well-to-do people in Austria. When the Nazis came, her husband forced her to leave for her safety. He was going to follow her the next week, but he was arrested and imprisoned. She never saw him or her home again. The pastor wanted give her the tablecloth, but she insisted he keep it as a Christmas gift to the church. The pastor offered to drive her home, feeling that was the least he could do. She lived on the other side of Staten Island and was only in Brooklyn that day for a housecleaning job.

    The church was almost full for a wonderful service on Christmas Eve. At the end of the service, the pastor and his wife greeted everyone at the door and many said that they would return. One older man, whom the pastor recognized from the neighborhood, continued to sit in one of the pews and stare. When the pastor spoke to him, the man asked him where he got the cloth hanging on the front wall, saying it was identical to a tablecloth that his wife had made in Austria where they lived before the war. He was amazed that there could be two tablecloths so much alike. He explained how he and his wife were separated by the Nazis 35 years before, and had never been able to find each other over all the years.

    The pastor asked him if he could take him for a little ride the next morning. They drove to Staten Island and to the same house where the pastor had taken the woman several days earlier. He helped the man climb the three flights of stairs to the woman's apartment, knocked on the door, and witnessed the greatest Christmas reunion he could ever imagine.

    If you are not in should be…

    58. The Trinity.

    I offer the following as a suggestion rather than as a dogmatic assertion. It seems to make sense to me, but it is not orthodox or widely believed! It could be considered to be heresy! So burn me!

    The Trinity is avoided by a lot of clergy! It's a lot easier to speak of loving neighbor as self, than it is to speak of one God, in three persons! And we haven't seen any of them! That we know of, at least!

    Is God the Father the one who sends fire down from heaven, makes rules, orders people to kill other people, is overbearing and authoritarian? Or is God the Father the same as God the Son, Jesus Christ? Jesus said, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." So is it the first or second option? All of the above or none of the above?

    Allow me to gingerly suggest that God the Father can be equated with what I refer to as God the Concept: The most ideal, yet realistic conceptualization of God, which changes constantly as times, knowledge, needs and perceptions change! God the Concept can be male, female, or a composite of the two! A combination of reality and fiction! There is enough reality for believers to believe, and enough fiction for doubters to doubt! I believe that God exists, but that it is still necessary to invent Him, or Her, at least partially!

    And believe it or not, I say this with the utmost reverence and respect! I believe that God wishes for us to be open-minded and honest! If we are wrong, God can work with us on that! That is forgivable! If we are narrow, closed-minded, arrogant, and dishonest...well that comes very close to sinning against the Holy Spirit! God can't do a lot to help us at that point!

    God the Father, as pictured in the Old Testament, was the conceptualization of God necessary to accomplish the foundational development of religion, with the door left wide open for future representations of God, and the advanced development of religion!

    Is Jesus Christ the only Son of God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father? Has God appeared in human flesh only once in all of history, and for only 33 years, and of that, with only 3 years of high-profile visibility?

    Allow me to gingerly suggest that God the Son can be equated with what I call God the Human: The most God-like human, male or female, alive at any moment throughout human history, and inclusively, but not exclusively, Jesus Christ!

    For practical purposes, to avoid confusion, and because they are true and ageless, the Teachings of Jesus are the absolute foundation of the Christian Church! They build on the moral teachings of the Old Testament without including the ceremonial and ritual teachings!

    In the fullness of time, prophetically, Jesus Christ emerged as the most God-like person on the face of planet earth! Indeed, he was, and is God! No other human can make that claim! But Jesus said, "greater things will you do!" How could the followers of Almighty God do greater things than God Himself?!

    Jesus set the standard, and drew a line in the sand regarding character and behavior! But when Jesus came to planet earth, He was on a mission-trip, not an ego-trip! Would you really respect someone who expected to be worshiped and praised? I do respect someone who walked the walk, talked the talk, and simply asked to be loved and taken seriously! In mind, character, and personality, others throughout subsequent history undoubtedly equaled the spirituality and morality of Jesus Christ! But it has not been their role to be the benchmark of humanity, the gold standard of righteousness!

    In one sense, others have been God the Human, but not in the same sense as Jesus Christ! They have more precisely been God's Ambassadors to Planet Earth! These highly righteous people did not become the new foundation! These people must keep referring back to the life and teachings of Christ! That is the standard! It is their role to live the life of Christ, and to apply the teachings of Christ to their time! As Christians, we are followers of Jesus Christ! He is the foundation of the magnificent structure being constructed on planet earth, called the Kingdom of God!

    Is the Holy Spirit really real, and really God? Is the Holy Spirit the most real, most presently present, and most agelessly God?

    Allow me to gingerly suggest that the Holy Spirit is the most God-like spirit being at any moment throughout spirit history! Not a single entity! Kindred spirit beings represent the mind, character, and personality of this primary spirit being to human beings here on earth! Corporately, these spirit beings constitute the Holy Spirit! Omnipresent! They represent to us the living Christ, based upon the historical Jesus, and especially the teachings of Jesus! But the adaptation is contemporary!

    The inverse of all that I have said above would constitute a Satanic Trinity! I believe in this reality as well! This is a very, very dangerous reality! This is why I plead with you to pray to God earnestly in the name of Jesus Christ, and with the power of the Holy Spirit! Pray! Don't delve, or play spiritual games! If you experiment rather than pray, you will undoubtedly end up playing with the Devil and the Demons!

    I am saying this to scare the Hell out of you! Have I succeeded, or do you feel lucky? Satan would love to have you go ahead and make his day...

    59. Words of Christ Mass.

    Merry Christmas everyone! Did you go to a Christmas Eve service? I did! It was very nice! They even had a Thurifer in charge of the incense! They use incense 3 times a year! I love incense, but some people are allergic, so they don't do it often! They also had liturgical dancing, which was very cool! Happy Birthday Jesus! I know it's not the actual birthday, but it's the day celebrating the birthday of Christ! Wise men, and women, still seek Him! From East, West, North, and South!

    Do you believe the Christmas story? Or do you think that it's just a nice children's story? Sort of like Santa Claus? Do you believe in the virgin birth? Why don't they call it the virgin conception? What a concept! Was this a case of artificial insemination? What if the virgin birth is a myth? Some say that the Christmas story is an example of Christianity laced with Paganism! What did Jesus say about the circumstances of His birth? Is it important that the father of Jesus be God, not man?

    Jesus is silent on the subject, and I don't consider it to be important! As always, what is important is what Jesus said! The words of Christ stand on their own! They don't need props or supports! Jesus was the Son of God by virtue of His role and His character! The actual genetic aspects are interesting, but not important regarding the mechanics of salvation!

    Speaking of the words of Christ, there are very few words of Christ associated with Christmas! And this is the biggest day of the Christian liturgical year! Did Jesus instruct His followers to celebrate Christmas? Did God, or man, institute Christmas? Jesus commanded His followers to listen to, and live, His words! Why do the followers of Christ seem to pay more attention to the commandments of men than they do to the commandments of God the Son?!

    Perhaps we should observe Words of Christ Mass on December 31! On this day, the Sermon on the Mount could be recited by the pastor or priest as a sermon! Ideally this should be from memory! Maybe one should have to memorize the Sermon on the Mount before being ordained! Robert H. Schuller used to deliver the Sermon on the Mount from memory! How many pastors and priests throughout the world do this?

    I hereby issue a challenge to all Christians: Celebrate Words of Christ Mass on December 31! Memorize the Sermon on the Mount! Live the Sermon on the Mount!

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 58

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  HigherLove Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:13 am

    Hi Oxy -

    Thanks for bumping this up. There is a lot of information here, and threads that do not get responses can disappear.

    This is the first I have seen of this, but I wanted to let you know I was paying attention. I don't know if this will sound right, but I like the way you ask a question.

    This is a reminder to me to stay awake.

    This being "in love" business has been blissful. But, as a "Virgo" ("I analyze"), I have moments when I wonder if the beautiful being at my side every day is just a wonderful distraction presented to me courtesy of The Matrix.

    Love of my life, or red herring?

    Either way, I have been sidelined from my studies...

    However, to end on a positive note, it is my intention to spend some time with the material you have presented.

    Many thanks.


    Posts : 13421
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:43 am

    60. Secret Societies.

    What do you think about secret societies? Are you afraid of them? Are you paranoid? Some people say I'm paranoid. But just 'cause I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get me!

    Frankly, I have no problem with secret societies, if and only if, they are not corrupt! If groups of people meet secretly to discuss the problems of the world, and seek solutions, to make the world a better place for everyone, we all owe them a debt of gratitude! And it's better to kick ideas around privately, rather than going off half-cocked in public! If people are donating time, energy, and resources, with love for neighbor as self as their modus operandi, then they have my highest regards!

    However, having said the above, I have a sinking feeling that all has not been, and is not presently, well! The tendency is to manipulate people and situations, even resorting to violent and illegal means, for self interest and power, to the detriment of just about everyone. Everything that I have heard or read points to corruption in many of these groups. Some of it is unfathomable alleged corruption!

    I once emailed a secretive organization with a sincere and polite message supportive of the U.S. Constitution as an alternative basis for globalism. And I’m sure they made an immediate tangential paradigm shift because of my little note! Right! We need to communicate with everyone…including those we may disagree with…but we need to do it with tact and genuine love. Let’s not demonize…let’s just make this crazy world work!

    My hope and prayer, is that in this enlightened age, that secret societies will clean up their acts, and seek the greater good for all people! That the words of Jesus will be read in their meetings! That they will earnestly pray to God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and with the power of the Holy Spirit! That they will kick Lucifer aka Satan, and Illegal Aliens, completely out of their secret organizations, if they haven‘t already! I’m a dreamer…

    I really don’t think that people deliberately set out to do the wrong thing, or to be evil. I don’t think that there are very many people on this planet who wake up in the morning and say, “how evil can I be today?” Most people try to do the right thing, but often times, exactly the opposite gets done! Some well meaning people are simply out of touch. And if some of us were in their shoes…we might be a lot worse than we think they are! We all have a long way to go…and a lot to learn and unlearn! Instead of fighting with each other…we need to positively reinforce what the other persons or groups are doing that we can agree with…and then once we are trusted friends…we can work on the difficult subjects!

    Watch out for Silas!

    61. The Constitution and the Gospels.

    I am convinced that we need to study the Constitution and the Gospels side by side, and notice the underlying principles in both! They both need to be studied in both a devotional and a scholarly sense. One needs a complete understanding of both the spirit and letter of each of these foundational documents!

    I believe that the common underlying principles in the Constitution and the Gospels are Freedom and Responsibility! I have stated this elsewhere in this site, but it is worth repeating over and over! And these principles must always be joined at the hip. They must never be separated! If they are not together, they are not at all! They cease to exist!

    If you haven't noticed, there are a lot of conspiracy theorists these days! Everyone is out to get us! Including the government, so they say! Much of their claims seem far-fetched, yet some of them seem credible!

    Well, let me go out on a limb, and alarm paranoid theorists and would-be tyrannical dictators alike! Crowd control is necessary! Law and order is necessary! Anarchy must be resisted! But who wants to be bullied by a dictatorial oppressor! Think this through from both the perspective of the controllers and the controlled! Who wants to be either! I don't! So what is the best means of crowd control? Self-control! Another way of saying this is responsibility! A situation where freedom and responsibility is simultaneously maximized requires very little, if any, authoritarian crowd control!

    When people are free and responsible, they are not rebellious and they do not need to be treated like cattle and herded into gated corals! So rather than lay plans for martial law, it's probably a better idea to educate the citizenry in freedom and responsibility! This sounds simplistic, but I believe that it is the only way to avoid the doomsday scenarios of the conspiracy theorists!

    Tangentially related to this subject is an observation regarding the Second Amendment to the Constitution! The gun-one! I know I’m a loose cannon, but I’m going to go off half-cocked anyway! The Second Amendment is a single sentence, but you almost never hear it quoted in it’s brief entirety! How come? It reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Shouldn’t this be interpreted as a non-dismembered unit? Doesn’t this imply some kind of organization and discipline? Some kind of responsibility, if you will? Does the term “well regulated” imply control? If guns are to fight the ‘Gestapo,’ shouldn’t we have a tank in every garage?! That’s an Arm, isn’t it?! I bet it would cost an Arm and a Leg! But it might come in handy when the black helicopters show up! I’m joking, but they weren’t laughing in Nazi Germany! Some people think Fascism could happen right here in America! Enter ‘Naomi Wolf’ or ‘From Freedom to Fascism’ into YouTube. You’d better be sitting down!

    Once again, Freedom must be Responsible, or Tyranny will step in to quell the disturbance! I see the point of both sides of the gun control debate! Tyrants always take away the guns! As a pragmatic solution, may I suggest that classes conducted by the N.R.A. in the responsible use of firearms be required. And that each firearm owner demonstrate proficiency and responsibility in the use of their firearms. Self-discipline will prevent State-discipline! And finally, that the firearms purchased be appropriate for the intended use. An M-16 under the front seat of a car would not be appropriate, would it? How about an anti-aircraft gun on the roof…and a bazooka in the trunk?!

    We the people often act like chickens with our heads cut off! No wonder reports surface that the government is preparing to control us forcibly! Both sides need to grow up! Both sides need to act like responsible adults! And the best way to do this is to become students of the Constitution and the Gospels! Both the government and the governed need to reverently study these documents, and then put freedom and responsibility into practice! This is no violation of the separation of church and state!

    The First Amendment refers to church and state, and is a single sentence! Why is it so often not quoted in it’s brief entirety? It reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This simple sentence sure gets twisted and manipulated, added thereto or truncated!

    We can’t have a Church of America, with the power of the State used to make people keep it’s commandments! But the Establishment clause should never be used to restrict the Free Exercise of Religion, the Freedom of Speech, Press, and Assembly, provided for in the same sentence!! A church should never, ever have it’s tax-exempt status removed because it criticizes the government, or because it is anti-war!

    Responsibility and Freedom 101 needs to be taught in our schools! This is simply Psychology and Ethics 101! The answer to 1984 is 1776! Do the math!

    62. Behavior and Being Right With God.

    In the Old Testament, Micah 6:8 reads "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." NIV

    In the Gospels, Matthew 7:12, 13 reads "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." NIV

    In the New Testament, James 4:7,8 reads "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded." NIV

    The point is, that in both the Old and New Testaments, under the Old and New Covenants, to be right with God, we need to be right with God! Not just declared to be right with God, while continuing to be jerks! But this does not imply sinless legalistic perfectionism, and never making mistakes! It does imply not being insubordinate to the teachings and Spirit of Christ! It implies being decidedly part of the solution, and not being decidedly part of the problem!

    A legalistic sin problem solved by a legalistic substitutionary atonement is no solution at all! Loving neighbor as self has always been required by God, and always will be required by God! What a meanie! Legalism, perfectionism, and hedonism need to go!

    63. Presidential Politics and the Gospel.

    What do you think about the presidential election? Have you decided who you would like to see as the new President of the United States? What is your basis for making this important decision? Does your faith play a part in deciding? There are several issues which seem to be of supreme importance!

    First: Which candidate has the best record of competently applying the Constitution to each and every issue and situation? How well do they understand the implications and ramifications of the Constitution? Will they vigorously defend the Constitution against all threats and abuses of whatever nature?

    Second: Which candidate has the best record of being fiscally conservative? Will they use our money properly and legally, or will they waste our money and squander our resources? Will they get us out of debt, and keep us in the financial leadership position in the world? Or will they place us further into debt and servitude to other countries?

    Third: Which candidate has the best record of utilizing our military Constitutionally and properly? Do they support us being the policemen of the world, under the direction of foreign powers? Do they support making friends throughout the world? Or, do they support making enemies faster than we can kill them? Will they properly secure our borders and ports and properly defend our homeland, and not just talk about it and waste billions of dollars accomplishing nothing? Will they go after potential terrorists? Or will they go after us?

    Fourth: Which candidate has the best record of limiting the size of the Federal government, and limiting the governmental interference in our lives? Would you pay a bully to bully you? This includes spying, search, and seizure without probable cause! Are we on the verge of a 1930's Fascist Germany scenario? Which candidate would stop this in its tracks? Which candidate would enable, or even promote, this scary governmental behavior?

    Fifth: Which candidate is the most Christ-like? Not necessarily the one who talks the most religious talk, but the one who is the most responsible and moral! The most loving and kind! Which candidate will respect the establishment clause most faithfully? Yet will honor freedom of speech and religious expression, even when it is critical of their administration and policies?

    I also have a very strong conviction that this country needs a well-established, genuine, strong and respected third-party…based on the Constitution…plus nothing…with no hidden religious or social agendas. An unbiased media network would be necessary to properly communicate constitutional common sense to the American people.

    Study the Constitution and the Gospels carefully and prayerfully, and think long and hard! This may be the most important presidential election in U.S. history! The stakes are very, very high...

    64. New Years Resolution.

    Have you made a New Years Resolution? If not, allow me to suggest one! The following is my resolution!

    To read the Declaration of Independence completely through once every week throughout the year! This is what got the American dream off the ground! Keeping this document clearly in mind will help to keep us in touch with the Spirit of '76!

    To read the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights completely through once every week throughout the entire year! It can be made interesting by thinking through every possibility and eventuality connected with this foundational document! It's what will keep us responsibly free if we study and apply it!

    To read the State Constitution completely through once every week throughout the year! This is a localized constitution which should be faithfully observed to keep corruption out!

    To read the Red-Letter Teachings of Jesus in the Canonical Four Gospels completely through once every week throughout the year! This is the foundation of Christianity, whether Christianity realizes it or not! These teachings, prayerfully and carefully studied and lived, will help us to understand the spirit and letter of the civil documents!

    The ultimate goal is for Freedom with Responsibility to reign supreme throughout our nation! This city on a hill will then guide the rest of the world toward the promised land! If we neglect our responsibility, this world will undoubtedly be plunged into a midnight of indescribable misery, and may not survive! Technological advancement without moral advancement will result in the extinction of the human race!

    Today determines tomorrow! Our planet is how we plan it!

    65. Everything v Everything.

    It's a confusing world out there, isn't it! One person tells you this and another person tells you that! A man was asked, "what is the biggest problem in America...ignorance or apathy?" Quickly, the man snapped, "I don't know...and I don't care!"

    Have you ever, as a Christian, with a simple childlike faith, enrolled in a religious studies class at a secular university, taught by an atheist who hates Christianity in general, and Christians in particular? You're away from home, struggling with a full academic load, working a part-time job, and as if that weren't enough, you get ambushed by someone who has devoted their academic career to destroying what you hold near and dear!

    At times like this, sometimes all you can do is do what you have to do to get through the semester without losing your mind or your stellar GPA, and sort out the problems during summer vacation! Is this a cop-out? Probably! But he or she who fights...and runs away...lives to fight another day! Just because you can't think of an answer right away, doesn't mean that there isn't an answer!

    I like the concept of testing any one thing with everything! In so far as possible, that is! But one should not do this in a self-destructive manner! Don't go downhill psychologically, ethically, or spiritually! Selectively exposing oneself to contrary points of view creates strength and understanding! But don't allow yourself to get swallowed up by the process! Take your time! Take a step back and reflect on a new perspective before you go nutty!

    If you are in a religious environment which discourages reasonable levels of free-thinking...don't for the nearest exit! Cults discourage free-thinking! But you must be prepared to back off if your free-thinking and free-speaking are becoming disruptive! This is a fine-line! Not everyone else will be on the same page as you are! This should be respected! But don't stop thinking! And don't think that you are superior to the others! Be understanding and respectful of their thoughts and feelings! Treat others in a manner you would wish to be treated by them if your situations were reversed! Where did I hear that one?! And don't forget to pray!

    Humility is also in order! We don't know everything about everything! We don't know everything about anything! Anything is related to everything! need to know everything about everything to be able to know everything about anything! Did I miss anything?

    66. Sexuality!

    Why is there so much agony and ecstasy connected with reproduction? Most people want sex, straight or otherwise, and find it supremely enjoyable, but why are there so many problems? Is the fact that sex feels good responsible for overpopulation? Why is conception pleasurable, while child-birth is painful? What if it was the other way around? Should sex be used only for procreation, and not for recreation? Why are there so many sexually transmitted diseases? Is AIDS man-made? Recreational drugs are illegal! Should recreational sex also be illegal? Why are various sexual behaviors considered sinful and/or illegal? Who decides which sexual behaviors are sinful and/or illegal?

    Christians are encouraged to think pure thoughts! But what is a pure thought? What is an impure thought? Can God read our minds? If so, does God sometimes blush? Did God invent sex? Is God sexy? Does God have sex? If so, with whom? Is sexual desire a part of original sin? Why do we wear clothes? Why is it illegal to not wear clothes in public? As if the above questions weren't enough, there are more! There are several cans of worms!

    Did Jesus have sexual thoughts? Was Jesus a hunk? Did Jesus have a girlfriend? Did Jesus have a wife? Did Jesus have sex? Did Jesus have children? Are these inappropriate questions? Do any of these questions really matter? If so, why so? If not, why not?

    Is a lustful thought sinful? Is masturbation sinful? Is pre-marital sex sinful? Is sexless dating realistic? Is extra-marital sex sinful? Is it sinful to be sexy? Is pornography sinful? Why is pornography mostly slam-bam and degrading!? And how do I know that!? How do you know if I'm right or wrong?! There's more! A lot more!

    Is homosexuality sinful? Does Jesus say it's sinful? If it is sinful, why is it sinful? Because isolated Biblical passages say so? Is it inherently immoral, with or without Biblical condemnation? Is it genetic? Is it a pre-disposition? Is it a choice? Should homosexuals become teachers and preachers? Should they become soldiers? Should they become the Bishop of New Hampshire? What about gay marriage? What about polygamy?

    Is birth control sinful? Is abstinence realistic or healthy? Is having too many children sinful? How many is too many? Does life begin at conception? Why doesn't it begin before conception? If life ends when the brain and heart stop working, why doesn't life begin when the brain and heart start working? Why is causing a woman to miscarry considered murder, when abortion is not considered murder? Why is aborting a 9 month old unborn baby not considered murder, when killing a 9 month old newborn baby is considered murder?

    Is procreation a created phenomenon, or merely the creation of evolution? Is procreation a marriage of creation and evolution? Is sex a spiritual as well as a physical phenomenon?

    Is extra-marital online sex and phone sex as sinful as extra-marital physical sex? If variety is the spice of life, does that make having multiple partners OK? Is it OK to experiment sexually before marriage as long as you are faithful to the one you marry? Should you be jealous if your partner or spouse is cheating? Should you be happy if they are happy cheaters?

    Should good abstaining teens grind their teeth while the bad kids have all the good times? Should businessmen screw their secretaries as well as their competition? And then go home to their mansions and kiss their beautiful wives and children, and read the scripture in church on Sunday?

    Does the church use irrational, impossible sexual rules and the resulting sexual guilt as a means of controlling the masses? And as a means of fund raising when the guilty flock comes to church each week to obtain the forgiveness of their sins, mostly sexual? Should clergy be celibate? Is celibacy a set-up for abuse?

    Why is making love considered shameful? Why is making war considered honorable?

    There was a young maiden named Wyld!
    She kept herself quite undefiled!
    By thinking of Jesus and social diseases!
    And the fear of having a child!

    Thinking of Jesus...He didn't touch 99% of the above questions with a 10 foot Man!

    As for me...I prefer to talk softly...and carry a big stick...

    The fact that there are so many controversial sex questions may help explain why our world is so screwed-up...

    67. Democracy and Freedom.

    As a teen, in 1975, in a hangar at the Hollywood-Burbank Airport, I recall watching and listening to Ronald Reagan state his intention to seek the presidency of the United States! I still have a copy of this speech, intended for the press! President Ronald Wilson Reagan invigorated both Democrats and Republicans with a message of freedom and limited government! Remember the “Reagan Democrats?” Here is what Ronald Reagan had to say about freedom and government, “…man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”

    Americans have been conditioned to believe that democracy equals freedom! But democracy means majority rule, and may be antagonistic to freedom! A republic protects pre-existing rights! Our founding fathers clearly understood this, as is revealed in the Constitution and the Federalist Papers! Democracy is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution! Our form of government is a republic, not a democracy!

    Freedom is freedom from government coercion! Our founding fathers created the least coercive government in history! The Constitution provides for a limited, decentralized government to primarily engage in foreign diplomatic relations, to secure national boundaries, and to provide a military defense of these boundaries! In other deal with threats from without! The states were given the responsibility of primarily protecting individuals against criminal deal with threats from within! Uniquely, our government was created to protect the rights, liberties, and property of its citizens! The founding fathers believed that a democracy could quickly degenerate into tyranny!

    According to the Constitution, redistribution of wealth is none of the government's business! Hands off! Well meaning liberals support taking money from one person and giving it to another through taxation! If it’s not voluntary…it‘s stealing! Liberals believe in a God-like government which exists to create heaven on earth! This creates a hell of a mess! Liberals once defended civil, political, and economic liberties! What happened?!

    Conservatives seek national greatness through all-powerful military and industrial strength! This creates a complex problem! Neo-conservatives are eager to create a one-world police state! Is this assessment inaccurate and unfair? Our military is in 130 countries! We are spending trillions of dollars overseas to violently promote democracy! Do the math!

    A theocracy is a democracy on steroids! No freedom here! Believe and do what the state-church says God says...or face persecution...including death! The Teachings of Jesus reveal a minimalist, decentralized religion! Certainly not a monolithic, dogmatic, dictatorial, arrogant union of Christ-less Churchianity with a New World Order!

    America is a republic, not a democracy! We need to remember that the Constitution places limits on government that no majority can overrule! Both liberals and conservatives have forgotten this! Conveniently?! No…they wouldn’t do that…would they?!

    68. The Eyes Have Had It.

    "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a women lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell." Matthew 5:31,32 NIV.

    Wow! Strong words! Too strong? Is this one of the hard sayings that Dr. F.F. Bruce wrote about? I think so! This is actually a new covenant teaching which is tougher than the old covenant teaching! The teachings of Jesus have veto power over the Old Testament! The teachings of Jesus have veto power over the New Testament! The teachings of Jesus have veto power over all Christian leaders in all of Christian history! If a Christian leader thinks they have veto power over the teachings of Christ...they are not Christian leaders! They are simply the bland leading the bland!

    It is always helpful to look for the underlying principles and concepts, especially if you like being able to see with two eyes! I was wondering...if you took this text literally and your heart was filled with burning desire for the married girl next door, and you gouged your right eye out...what should you do if your heart is still filled with burning desire for the married girl next door?! Thank God Jesus didn't say anything about the left eye!

    Seriously! How do we know when to take a text literally, and when to start rationalizing! Use your brain! It should be obvious that Jesus is using the technique of exaggeration to make a point! He is telling us to take sin very seriously, and to understand how destructive sin is if it is followed to its logical, or actually illogical, conclusion! Obviously, Jesus does not want people to gouge their eyes out! But think about it...if an affair with the married girl next door led to lying, jealousy, anger, and even murder...perhaps a missing eye would be the least destructive option!

    So...if we see an extremely sexually attractive married member of the opposite sex in a tiny swimsuit with a nice dark tan...what are we supposed to do?! Darned if I know! WWJD? OK...the general rule is to think through who would get hurt, and how badly, if you actually did what you are thinking! This requires more than a simplistic, "what's wrong with it?" It requires reasoning from cause to effect, and asking, "what's right with it?" This requires a lot of effort, and I'm afraid that most of us are moral wimps! Myself included!

    Thinking sexual thoughts is a part of life! For those that have a life, that is! If you don't think lustful thoughts, you are probably one screwed-up human being! The secret is to constructively redirect one's thoughts when they become destructive! And be honest about what constructive and destructive thoughts are! Do they teach this sort of thing in school? Are you kidding?!

    And what about hell? Is hell still a burning question? If gouging out your eye is not to be taken literally...well hell...maybe hell, especially an eternally burning hell, should not be taken literally either! Hell? No!! And the Devil...well he's a helluva guy (or gal)!

    69. Minimalist Church and State.

    “class...Class...CLASS...SHUDDUPP! Thank-you!”

    “Question: When does church + state + people = a bad thing?”


    Corrupt Centralized Coercive Government (Constitution ignored!)
    + Corrupt Centralized Coercive Church (Teachings of Jesus Ignored!)
    + Oppressed Irresponsible Citizens (Constitution and Teachings of Jesus Ignored!)

    “Question: When does church + state + people = a good thing?”


    Non-Corrupt Decentralized Minimalist Government (Constitution Followed!)
    + Non-Corrupt Decentralized Minimalist Church (Teachings of Jesus Followed!)
    + Free Responsible Citizens (Constitution and Teachings of Jesus Followed!)

    “Do the Math!”
    “Any Questions?”

    “Silas! Give me that knife! GIVE ME THAT KNIFE!! THUNKK!! Thank-you!”
    “Silas…are you Jesuit? Oh…Opus Dei…oh what a relief…you had me worried!!”

    “Lesson Learned?”
    “Class Dismissed!”

    70. Jesus: Truly Jewish and Truly Christian.

    I once told someone that Jesus was a Jew, and he became very upset! I don't know what his religious background was! Jesus is not a neutral figure!

    Do Jews have a problem with Jesus? I really don't think that Jews have a problem with Jesus, provided that they are the ones to interpret his life and teachings! Jesus is one of their own! Jesus was a Torah studying, Sabbath keeping Jew! He came upon the Jewish religious scene promoting a simplified, non-ritual, non-corrupt Judaism! Essential Judaism! Jesus was to Judaism what Luther was to Catholicism! Reformers walk a perilous road! They tend to make people mad! can't blame the reformers or organized religion! The reformers see the need for positive change, but organized religion does not want to be told what to do...they are the ones who will do the instructing...thank-you very much!!

    Do Jews have a problem with Christianity? How would you feel if someone called you a "Christ-killer?!" I wouldn't like it! It would hurt! But that is exactly what Jewish people have been called by some Christians! I really think that Jews have a huge problem with Christianity! What Christianity teaches is very different from what Christ taught! The character of Christ is very different from the character of most Christians! Hence, the Jewish rejection of Christianity is not necessarily a rejection of Christ! Did I see someone pick up a stone?! Shame on you!

    Do Christians have a problem with Jews? Most definitely! Christians accuse Jews of being spiritually blind by not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! Christians are troubled that Jews do not accept the New Testament! Some Christians want to take over Jerusalem, and make it the headquarters of a world-wide Christian Theocracy! Jews stand in the way! How would you feel about all of this if you were Jewish?!

    Do Christians have a problem with Jesus? Christians don't have a problem with the name of Jesus or Christian theology! Christians have a huge problem with the Teachings of Jesus! The Church of Christ is at war with the Teachings of Christ! How did this happen? Why has this been allowed to go on for 2,000 years?! Why does no one seem to notice or care? Christianity needs to repent, and make the Teachings of Jesus first and foremost!

    The Teachings of Jesus need to be the Christian Constitution! The Teachings of Jesus, may I very humbly suggest, should also be the Jewish Constitution! Choose you this day who you will serve! Where did all of these angry people come from! Put those pitch-forks down!!

    71. TWO: The True World Order.

    There is something attractive about the names United Nations and New World Order! They seem to imply a world at peace, with liberty and justice for all! Sigh! But sometimes things are not what they seem! Sometimes reality is exactly the opposite of that which is advertised! The UN and NWO are often described as Not being in the best interest of the United States and the principles upon which our country was founded, namely Freedom and Responsibility! A corrupt centralized dictatorship is often hinted at…with the United States at the back of the bus!

    Allow me to suggest a True World Order (TWO). You guessed it, there are TWO components to the True World Order:

    1. The Constitution of the United States of America.

    2. The Red Letter Teachings of Jesus Christ.

    And again, you guessed it, there are TWO underlying unifying principles:

    1. Freedom.

    2. Responsibility.

    The True World Order would be, and should be already, implemented here in the United States, and by example, not by coercion, the TWO would theoretically spread throughout the whole world! TWO would be a humble-minimalist-decentralized world order rather than an arrogant-theocratic-centralized world order!

    Including the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus Christ is not a violation of the Establishment Clause of the Constitution of the United States! Jesus does not call for the establishment of a literal traditional church! Just the opposite! Jesus calls for Christ-likeness, not ritual-traditional Churchianity! Respecting the words of Jesus, especially regarding the principles of freedom and responsibility, are a supreme safeguard against the establishment of any state church!

    And how about inviting the rest of the world to become part of the United States? Instead of 50 states…there might eventually be 500 states! Joining countries would abide by the Constitution, vote, pay taxes, and have senators and congressmen. This world order would simply be called the United States! It would be in everyone’s best interest! Everyone would be included…even the elites and the secret societies! Each region of the world would retain it’s unique cultures, religions, languages, etc. The Constitution would protect and defend everyone…except the corrupt and tyrannical! Obviously this isn’t going to happen overnight…maybe not even next week! And wait a minute…it won’t work…it makes sense!

    This country and our world has yet to see the responsible implementation of the Constitution of the United States and the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus! They are TWO sides of the same gold coin, a gold standard, and allow for a responsible pluralism! Minimalist Government and Religion! What a concept! The idea is 2,000 years old! The idea is so old that it's new! TWO is Number 1! Go TWO 4 Freedom!

    72. Try This!

    Have you found this site to be convincing? I can't imagine anyone not biting my bait, hook, line, and sinker! Just kidding! I have tried to provide an arrow, pointing in the right direction! Not a period, ending further investigation and discovery! If you don't believe in the Teachings of Jesus or the Constitution of the United States, or at least in combining them...I have a suggestion! The following actually applies whether you are a believer or not...believe it or not!

    1. Get plenty of rest, relaxation, and sleep every day!

    2. Get plenty of exercise in nature every day!

    3. Listen to the music of J.S. Bach every day!

    4. Examine everything carefully!

    5. Focus on Responsible Freedom!

    Try these 5 suggestions! They are basically simple, but it takes discipline to do them each, and every day! They will move you in the right direction! But please...give the Constitution of the United States and the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus a chance! They provide a historical foundation which will set us free...and keep us free!

    73. Commentary or Canon?

    It's obvious that I'm a salesperson for the Constitution of the United States and the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus! But is it enough to simply study these documents in a free standing manner, without outside assistance?

    Both sources speak for themselves and are their own interpreters! But interpretation and elaboration by brilliant and inspired commentators can be enlightening! However, these materials should not be authoritative and foundational! The foundational concrete has already been poured and has set-up! Think long and hard before commencing deconstruction with a jackhammer! If the builders have rejected the Cornerstone, and are building on another foundational site, then the name of the building must be changed! Lawsuits and firings should occur if the instructions of Christ have been, and are being, disobeyed!

    I had an organic(satanic) chemistry instructor who related a story about a chemistry graduate student who was reading a novel during a lecture! The teacher had filled 3 chalkboards with a very long and complex chemical reaction pathway! He noticed the inattentive student, and sought to humiliate him in front of the other students! The lecturer asked him what the next step in the reaction pathway was! The student lazily responded that there was no point going on to the next step...since the teacher had made a serious error at the very beginning of the reaction pathway! Oops!

    Christianity has done the same thing, whether by accident, design, or a combination of the two! In any case, we need to follow the blueprint revealed in the teachings of Jesus! Is there a 2,000 year history of reverence for, and observance of, the words of Christ?

    In any Christian tradition, the books written, and sermons preached, on the life and teachings of Jesus are good places to begin to follow Jesus! Bishop Fulton Sheen’s Life of Christ is an excellent Roman Catholic perspective on Jesus and His teachings! Have you ever seen recordings of his show? You can view them on YouTube. They were simple, dynamic, and effective! Ellen White's The Desire of Ages is an excellent Protestant treatment of the life and teachings of Jesus!

    The Constitution of the United States is a very, very minimalist document, and was not written in best-selling novel style! It's the application of the Constitution which makes it so fascinating and valuable! The Federalist Papers written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, is probably the definitive commentary on the Constitution, revealing what the framers really meant and intended! But again, this volume is not part of the authoritative foundation! The Constitution itself must be appealed to for ultimate authority!

    The words 'Canon' and 'Commentary' must never be confused!

    74. Sermon Material!

    I have made it clear that I support the idea of a Red Letter Lectionary, which focuses on the teachings of Jesus! And that each, and every sermon should be based upon the words of Christ! However, the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus must be applied to current events to have relevance for us today! Otherwise they become isolated into irrelevance! Relegated to Siberia, for all practical intents and purposes!

    A proper Red Letter sermon should freely mix the Teachings of Jesus with Constitution reverencing politics! Would Jesus avoid addressing the issues of the day if He were preaching the sermon? Would He look the other way at fraud, abuse, corruption, war, and human misery throughout the world? Would Jesus pass by on the other side? Or would Jesus deal with and heal our wounded world?

    Some churches have had their tax-exempt status challenged when their leaders preached political sermons, especially at election time! Why is this? What happened to freedom of speech? Politics and religion are two sides of the same coin! The preaching of a political sermon is not a violation of the Establishment Clause! It is an expression of Freedom of Speech!

    The mixing of the Red Letter Teachings of Jesus with the Constitution of the United States in books, sermons, and websites will prevent a corrupt theocracy from ever arising! This approach will ensure the proper separation of church and state! There are subtle distinctions here, and one should be very careful to not become a bull in a china closet!

    75. Think From the Other Person’s Perspective.

    In all of the posts on this website, I could easily have taken positions opposite of those that I chose. It is so easy to think that you are right and the other person is wrong. Sometimes I think one can be right…and still be in the wrong! One should be ever inquisitive and never dogmatic. I have tried to make the case for minimalist politics and religion, where one makes the main thing…the main thing…and keeps it simple!

    Again, the goal is to maximize Freedom and Responsibility! But, I could be totally wrong! At this point, I don’t think so. But if someone reads this 100 years from now, if there is anyone or anything left, they might think, “what an idiot!” Some of you may be thinking that right now. And you might be right! Don’t depend on any one person or guru. Question everyone…even Jesus! He’s tough enough to take it! Just don’t ignore the most significant Person in history! And please do not sin against the Holy Spirit! Even if you doubt the words of Jesus, do not stop listening to the Spirit of Jesus! You know what I’m talking about! Even you atheists and agnostics know…even though you are probably too proud to admit it! And you smug Christians know that you can learn a lot from the atheists and agnostics…even though we are probably too proud to admit it! Everyone needs to be humble and honest! Don’t hold your breath…

    My intent is to get you thinking about difficult, yet necessary subjects! I have barely scratched the surface! Please exercise Responsible Freedom, and study the great issues of our time! The world is getting smaller and smaller. We are facing a crisis that no other generation has had to face! Our information explosion is seemingly being accompanied by an ethical implosion! We have too much knowledge and too little wisdom! We are running out of time to get our act together. We may not get another chance to get it right…

    Try not to make personal attacks! This applies to history and today! If you were in the person’s shoes who you are attacking…you might be doing a far worse job! Stick to the issues, and don’t make it personal! If you don’t like the President’s policies, then go after the policies in an appropriate manner. But don’t go after the President personally! We need to make our point…but we need to make it nicely!

    If I have gotten it wrong or offended anyone…I am very, very sorry! I have been purposely brash, at times, to stimulate thought and emotion! I have attempted to deal with very controversial subjects in a unique manner. I felt that what I had to say is not being said generally. I have felt almost claustrophobic, in that what I am thinking might never be heard, and that it might be just the thing that needs to be said at this time! I’m too liberal to be conservative…too conservative to be liberal…and too polarizing to be moderate! All of this is painfully obvious in this website! But I’m hoping that this might be the beginning of the end of Satan’s romp here on planet Earth! Won’t you please help me to put out his or her fire!

    And please…don’t forget to pray!

    76. Jesus Christ: Super Star ET?

    There are some really crazy conspiracy theories out there! There are also some really crazy little green-men theories out there! The theories are out there! Follow the tin-foil hats! The following is a vast no-wing conspiracy theory…and does not reflect the even crazier conspiracy theories of the author…

    Was Jesus an extraterrestrial? He came down from Heaven, didn't He? Is this true for all of us? When He ascended into Heaven…was He beamed up into the Father-Ship…into the Most Holy Place of a Heavenly Sanctuary? Do you believe in UFO's? Have you ever seen one? I never have, but I have spoken with people who have. They seemed to be very credible. I met an astronaut who walked on the moon. We talked about life after death…of all things! It was out of this body…I mean out of this world! Some people don't believe in God. They believe in extraterrestrials from outer-space! Are God and Satan ET‘s? What if Satan is a little green woman? If we made contact, would it be a close encounter of the worst kind?

    If a UFO shows do you know if it's good or evil? Are there good and evil ET's? Did aliens supervise the construction of the Pyramids in ancient Egypt? Are we prisoners or slaves of aliens? Were Moses and Jesus…rebel Pharaohs...determined to set us free? Did Moses have a long term plan of salvation from alien oppression…which included writing the Torah and the Teachings of Jesus? Is the God of the Old Testament a bad ET…and the God of the New Testament a good ET?

    Did the Nazis build and fly UFO's? Did U.S. scientists help Nazi scientists build UFO's at Area 51? Do humans travel to other planets in UFO’s? Do Presidents make treaties with, and take orders from…aliens? Do we have joint alien-human bases on the moon…dating back to the 50‘s? Are nuclear weapons intended for aliens rather than humans? Did a future President order a limo driver to shoot a President with a pellet gun to keep him from revealing our involvement with aliens? Did a future President refuse the request of a President for classified information regarding the extent of our involvement with aliens? Did ET phone Rome…and then call 911? Were hijackings superimposed onto military exercises…and then the whole operation hijacked by someone or something else? Don't ask me...this is an alien subject and I'm not a rocket scientist or a ufologist! I’m not even a botanist or a herpetologist! I’m just living in my own little…Dreamland…

    This subject is a real minefield and crop-circle field, and frankly I don't know much about UFO‘s and ET‘s. I'm not sure I want to know too much! If I knew too helicopters would undoubtedly appear over my house! Men in Black would knock on my door! I’m already more nervous than Don Knotts! I’m already paranoid…but then they really would be out to get me! I once spoke with a UFO researcher who said privately that she sometimes wished that she had never researched UFO's! Researchers beware! Stay out of space! Especially the Moon and Mars! I spoke with a very beautiful woman who was instructed by Warner Von Braun to devote her life to keeping nuclear weapons out of space. I’m standing there talking to a gorgeous woman about nuclear war? What a dork I was! Are we involved in a real Star Wars? The Empire might strike back! Perhaps we could convince the Empire to strike Bach…instead of that silly five-note tune! Perhaps they have come to save_______________________________________________________________________


    LOG OFF……END SURVEILLANCE _____________________________________________________

    MISSION ACCOMPLISHED……THE_____________________________________________________

    HOMELAND HAS BEEN SECURED______________________________________________________

    OMNIPOTENT HIGHNESS KRLLL ______________________________________________________

    HAS SOVERIEGN CONTROL OF US____________________________________________________

    MJ12 - 666 - EYES ONLY - NOT FOR PUBLIC ___________________________________________

    VIEWING-S4 DEBRIEFINGS COMMENCING _______________________________________________




    __________________________________________________________________________________THE END.
     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Electrolyte

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:09 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 13421
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:59 am

    HigherLove wrote:Hi Oxy -

    Thanks for bumping this up. There is a lot of information here, and threads that do not get responses can disappear.

    This is the first I have seen of this, but I wanted to let you know I was paying attention. I don't know if this will sound right, but I like the way you ask a question.

    This is a reminder to me to stay awake.

    This being "in love" business has been blissful. But, as a "Virgo" ("I analyze"), I have moments when I wonder if the beautiful being at my side every day is just a wonderful distraction presented to me courtesy of The Matrix.

    Love of my life, or red herring?

    Either way, I have been sidelined from my studies...

    However, to end on a positive note, it is my intention to spend some time with the material you have presented.

    Many thanks.

    Thank-you for your interest. I think this analyzing business is important work, but I am beginning to firm up my approach with more of a pragmatic focus. The speculative thinking has taken its toll on me, in ways that I don't wish upon anyone. I want the good guys and gals to win, and in this solar system, they often lose. I want to change the system of rewards and punishments. The concept of a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System is intended to be a minimalist and non-corrupt union of politics, religion, church, and state. It is not intended to make everyone think alike, but rather to facilitate a common ground or common meeting place, which works in most every context and situation. I think that the best work connected with this thread, will be done by those who use this material as a springboard to arrive at their own conclusions.

    Posts : 13421
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:34 pm

    No comment? I must be from a different a different universe! Perhaps I should do market research...give people what they want...tell them what they want to hear...for a price. Problem! Reaction! :mfr_omg: Financial Solution! :original: But then I would become the dragon I am presently fighting.:sneaky2::lightsabre:

    Red Letter refers to the words of Jesus(or attributed to Jesus) which are printed in red in a red-letter edition of the Bible. It's sort of an oxymoron to refer to a Red Letter Church because Jesus didn't tell people to go to church. In fact, he told them to pray privately. Christ didn't raise money and build great churches in his honor. He taught mostly in nature...but he did teach also in the Jewish temple.

    Regarding Messianic Judaism...I attended a Christian/Jewish Sader(spelling?). It was fascinating. Also, I attended a Christian class which was also attended by a close relative of a famous Hollywood director. The Ebionites are an interesting Jewish group who like Jesus...but don't like Paul! I listen to a UFO researcher named Sherry Shriner (not an endorsement) who likes Jesus...but not Paul.

    I am a very, very conflicted person regarding religion, spirituality, ufos, aliens, politics, etc. I'm sincere...but easily confused. I currently am down on just about everything in the Bible except for the words of Jesus (or words attributed to Jesus). And there are some trouble spots regarding his words.

    The date information was fascinating. I don't get caught up too much in symbology and numbers games. The principles and concepts contained in clear texts are enough to keep me busy. I worry that the Bible can often make things worse when people endlessly argue about this and that...and end up being very un-Christlike.

    I guess I long for a secular/spiritual society where people don't go to church...yet are highly ethical and a down to earth and practical manner. I'm very interested in all of the material presented in Avalon and Camelot...yet I'm not really into a lot of the new age stuff. I remember attending a Whole Life Expo...while I was still attending two different Christian churches! I talked to Dr. Timothy Leary about Jesus! What a trip! Someone stood up in the middle of his lecture...and yelled 'Turn or Burn, Tim!! I talked to an actor's son about the possibility of doing a proper Jesus movie...complete with the latest special effects. He just smiled. That was before Mel Gibson gave it a bloody to speak! I saw advantages and disadvantages in the various approaches at the churches and expos. It's a real smorgasbord out there!

    At this point I'm almost making a religion out of the U.S. Constitution...because the principle of responsible freedom is central to both the words of Christ and the Constitution. I want to go completely modern...yet not throw out the baby with the bathwater. If things get too complicated...the battle for a better world will be lost. The Constitution is very short and to the point...and inspiration can be breathed into it from a variety of philosophical, theological, and spiritual sources. I want to be as inclusive as possible...yet highly principled. The words of Christ are about setting people free. I often think that Christ was fully aware of the reptilian stuff(or equivalent)...and presented that which was essential for people to be freed from the reptilian theocracy which enslaved(and enslaves?) them.

    The painting was very cool! But I just had a chilling thought. Some say that the PTB are planning a staged second coming of Christ. They have very, very advanced holographic technology...and who knows what else? We may really get jerked around in the next few years. Be careful! Sometimes I think that the imagination is the most useful spiritual tool. The painting is imaginary...yet one can gain a lot from meditating or praying while looking at it. I am tending to think that we need to contact the vast spirituality within us...rather than praying to an external god. This is not an arrogant view. This is not self-exaltation...because this is something available to everyone...not just someone who is chosen or special. I think the words of Christ are helpful to get us to this point. If the reps(in spiritual form) are all around us...then when we channel or pray to something outside of ourselves...might we really be contacting reptilian entities? I tend to think it's us vs we may need to be very, very careful in this area. I fear that many religious services...really honor Satan...without the people realizing that this is what they are doing. This is something which is very subtle...but I think Satan is in both the God and the Satanism business. He(she) may have a monopoly on monotheism! Both sides of wars get financed by the same demonic international why is it far-fetched to think that Satan 'finances' both sides...and plays the part of both God and Satan? This may be blasphemous talk to many...but take a very close look at the Old Testament God...and the God of Revelation. Is this a Christ-like God? I think not.

    I'm angry that all religions...including not follow the words of Christ. I think there may be a supernatural reason for this. If there are reptilians...and the words of Christ were designed to free us from reptilian imprisonment and enslavement...then the reps would really try to keep everyone away from the teachings of Jesus.

    I was going to take a break...yet here I am.

    Quote: I have some of the same issues that you have shared regarding religion, the bible and most definitely Pauline scripture. I think Paul was a plant to subvert the teachings of Christ. I do not like his energy nor his teachings that are so judgmental and misogynistic. As for the God of the OT vs. the God presented in the NT, I have some of the same issues.

    Response: In the Great Commission...Jesus tells his followers to teach what he taught. Paul...or everyone else in the New Testament...or even most everyone else in 2,000 years of Christian history...failed to do this. The Roman Catholic Church was not based upon the Teachings of Jesus. The Protestant Reformation was not based upon the Teachings of Jesus. Most Christian sermons are not based upon the Teachings of Jesus. Paul is most often the last word regarding Jesus...rather than Jesus being the last word regarding Jesus. The Babylonian, Egyptian, Jewish, Roman, (Reptilian?) Theocracy could not tolerate the Teachings of it made Jesus into a hood ornament...a crucifix nailed to a wall. Paul was an accessory in accomplishing this. In a sense...Jesus was like JFK...they both opposed the Old World Disorder Reptilian Theocracy...and were murdered. If this is an extreme view...and an error...please let me know...and explain why.

    I just want to say that I'm guilty of what I am lamenting. Even now...I have a hard time sitting down for an extended period of time...and studying the Teachings of Jesus. If I had been one of the key historical Christians...including a Pope...I probably would have done some of the same things they did. In a previous life...perhaps I did. My intention is not to single out people or is to point out a glaring historical and contemporary problem. I just think the human race has been massively screwed with. I think the human race is still being massively screwed with...and that the so called New World Order is ultimately malevolently non-human. I could be very wrong...but this is what I currently believe. I'm open to reevaluation.

    What did Jesus say about these aspects of his life?

    What do you think about this link? Especially as it relates to biblical history. Is this material accurate...or is it largely fictional? I really liked listening to it...but I don't know if it's true. There are 3 other parts if you like this sort of thing.

    Are the actual words of Jesus viewed with the same reverence which the stories and theologies about him are bestowed with? What did Jesus say about himself?

    Thank-you for the links. I liked what Robert Higgs had to say. Especially this:

    'It follows directly that up to this point the continued prosecution of the war has served the leaders´ interests. They may say they are trying to end the war. They may have secured their election or reelection, as many of the Democrats now serving in Congress have, by promising to do whatever they can to end the war. Yet the truth is that they´ve sold the public a bill of goods. When the leaders have considered all the personal consequences they expect to follow from acting to end the war, they have concluded that, all things being considered, doing so does not serve their interest, and therefore they have refrained from doing so.'

    Here is a link to Tony Campolo for you:

    Quote: About UFO Jesus, I wonder actually about connections to the Leonid meteor showers and comet Tempel-Tuttle, because: "The orbit of 55P/Tempel-Tuttle intersects that of Earth near exactly, hence streams of material ejected from the comet during perihelion passes do not have to spread out over time to encounter Earth. This coincidence means that streams from the comet are still dense when they encounter Earth, resulting in the *33 year cycle* of Leonid meteor storms."

    Response: I dunno. Does the Leonid meteor shower have an occult or Masonic significance because it occurs every 33 years? When it occurred in 1833...some people(the Millerites) thought that it was a sign of the times...signalling the second coming of Christ...and the end of the world. Think about it...33 year cycle...1833...33rd degree Masons, 33 degrees latitude, 33 degrees longitude, at 18:33, etc.

    Check this out:


    This is Ralph of 'Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs'. I don't know if this is true or not...but it would not destroy my positive spirituality if it was true. It would make Jesus and the Bible even more interesting. Please watch the whole interview. It is unique. Then...tell me what you think...what you really, really think.

    What do you think about the following?

    There are some really crazy conspiracy theories out there! There are also some really crazy little green-men theories out there! The theories are out there! Follow the tin-foil hats! The following is a vast no-wing conspiracy theory…and does not reflect the even crazier conspiracy theories of the author…

    Was Jesus an extraterrestrial? He came down from Heaven, didn't He? Is this true for all of us? When He ascended into Heaven…was He beamed up into the Father-Ship…into the Most Holy Place of a Heavenly Sanctuary? Do you believe in UFO's? Have you ever seen one? I never have, but I have spoken with people who have. They seemed to be very credible. I met an astronaut who walked on the moon. We talked about life after death…of all things! It was out of this body…I mean out of this world! Some people don't believe in God. They believe in extraterrestrials from outer-space! Are God and Satan ET‘s? What if Satan is a little green woman? If we made contact, would it be a close encounter of the worst kind?

    If a UFO shows do you know if it's good or evil? Are there good and evil ET's? Did aliens supervise the construction of the Pyramids in ancient Egypt? Are we prisoners or slaves of aliens? Were Moses and Jesus…rebel Pharaohs...determined to set us free? Did Moses have a long term plan of salvation from alien oppression…which included writing the Torah and the Teachings of Jesus? Is the God of the Old Testament a bad ET…and the God of the New Testament a good ET?

    Did the Nazis build and fly UFO's? Did U.S. scientists help Nazi scientists build UFO's at Area 51? Do humans travel to other planets in UFO’s? Do Presidents make treaties with, and take orders from…aliens? Do we have joint alien-human bases on the moon…dating back to the 50‘s? Are nuclear weapons intended for aliens rather than humans? Did a future President order a limo driver to shoot a President with a pellet gun to keep him from revealing our involvement with aliens? Did a future President refuse the request of a President for classified information regarding the extent of our involvement with aliens? Did ET phone Rome…and then call 911? Were hijackings superimposed onto military exercises…and then the whole operation hijacked by someone or something else? Don't ask me...this is an alien subject and I'm not a rocket scientist or a ufologist! I’m not even a botanist or a herpetologist! I’m just living in my own little…Dreamland…

    This subject is a real minefield and crop-circle field, and frankly I don't know much about UFO‘s and ET‘s. I'm not sure I want to know too much! If I knew too helicopters would undoubtedly appear over my house! Men in Black would knock on my door! I’m already more nervous than Don Knotts! I’m already paranoid…but then they really would be out to get me! I once spoke with a UFO researcher who said privately that she sometimes wished that she had never researched UFO's! Researchers beware! Stay out of space! Especially the Moon and Mars! I spoke with a very beautiful woman who was instructed by Warner Von Braun to devote her life to keeping nuclear weapons out of space. I’m standing there talking to a gorgeous woman about nuclear war? What a dork I was! Are we involved in a real Star Wars? The Empire might strike back! Perhaps we could convince the Empire to strike Bach…instead of that silly five-note tune! Perhaps they have come to save_______________________________________________________________________



    LOG OFF……END SURVEILLANCE _____________________________________________________

    MISSION ACCOMPLISHED……THE_____________________________________________________

    HOMELAND HAS BEEN SECURED______________________________________________________

    OMNIPOTENT HIGHNESS KRLLL ______________________________________________________

    HAS SOVERIEGN CONTROL OF US____________________________________________________

    MJ12 - 666 - EYES ONLY - NOT FOR PUBLIC ___________________________________________

    VIEWING-S4 DEBRIEFINGS COMMENCING _______________________________________________





    Thank-you for your thoughts no caste and RedeZra. I just want people to think about this subject...regardless of what conclusions they arrive at.
    We are all different...thank God.

    What I am very worried about is the destruction and subversion of the U.S. Constitution and the Teachings of Jesus. These words are designed to set us free...and keep us free...yet they are under attack by the very people who benefit from them. They know not what they do.

    These are confusing times. They are emotionally and spiritually draining times. People don't know which way to jump. Many people are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Things are heating up. Knowledge increases. People run to and fro. It's the quickening. Fasten your seatbelts.

    The church's one foundation 'tis Jesus Christ her Lord! Are the teachings of Jesus first and foremost in your church? If not, why not? Who's church is it, anyway? Are most, if not all, sermons preached from the words of Christ? If not, why not?

    The historicity arguments can be quite intricate and disturbing. They are fair game though...and you make a good point. I want to be a better person...every day...and in every way. If one is depending on the Bible for emotional and spiritual support and is rather hard to be completely objective. Much groundbreaking biblical research has been done by "unbelievers". They have done us a service. However...the devotional aspects of the Bible should not be trampled upon. My bias is that the words which are printed in red letters in a red letter edition of the Bible are fundamental. This, I suppose, is a more refined fundamentalism of sorts, but without a lot of the negative baggage! I'm leaning toward a New Theology Based Upon Humanistic Christocentric Egyptological Science Fiction. That's quite a mouthful. I'm just starting my journey in this I don't know if I'm heading down a dead end road or not...but I think it's going to be a rocky road! I don't think there is one right way to "do theology"...but the words attributed to Jesus are a good place to begin and end any philosophical or theological study. The science fiction aspects involve a lot of what is discussed within Avalon. Much of this is difficult to prove I am considering it to be science fiction. But just because it's science fiction...doesn't mean that it's not true! I'd like to see a lot of the contents of the Vatican Library made available online. I suspect that this library contains things that would leave us stunned. What would Bultmann say? What would Tesla say?

    [QUOTE=no caste;135680]Here's one exegesis I found:

    "Let us begin by asking: How many sons does the Bible tell us that God Almighty has?

    1. Jacob is God's son and firstborn: "Israel is my son, even my firstborn" Exodus 4:22.

    1. Solomon is God's son "He shall build an house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son": 2 Samuel 7:13-14.

    1. Ephraim is God's firstborn: "for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn." Jeremiah 31:9 (who is God's firstborn? Israel or Ephraim?).

    1. Adam is the son of God "Adam, which was the son of God." Luke 3:38.

    1. Common people (you and me) are the sons of God: "Ye are the children of the LORD your God" Deuteronomy 14:1. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" Romans 8:14. "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name:" John 1:12. "That ye may ...

    "What was he trying to tell us by constantly repeating and emphasizing to us throughout the New Testament "I am a human being," "I am a human being," "I am a human being"?. What had he foreseen? Think about it!.

    "Do Christians emphasize this aspect of Jesus? The New Testament Greek word translated as "son" are "pias" and "paida" which mean "servant," or "son in the sense of servant." These are translated to "son" in reference to Jesus and "servant" in reference to all others in some translations of the Bible (see below). As we are beginning to see, one of the most fundamental reasons why Jesus (pbuh) is considered God is due to extensive mistranslation. We shall see more and more examples of this throughout this book.

    "Islam teaches that Jesus (pbuh) was a human being, not a god. Jesus (pbuh) continually emphasized this to his followers throughout his mission. The Gospel of Barnabas also affirms this fact."

    Back to UFO Jesus, it was just a thought for me. I'm not into occult or Masonic interpretations. We'd have to ask 777 - I read in one of his posts lately that humans have *33 vertebrae*. I continue to consider the Leonid thing though - something about it... has a mysterious attraction. So, I'm just exploring its astronomical possibilities, in the sense that maybe we humans rationalize celestial events and transmute them into religion, myth, belief systems.

    That said, I do believe Jesus walked the Earth, was a super ethicist, street fighter (the temple!), was strung up like many others who historically kick imperialists' a*s. Is love revolutionary?[/QUOTE]

    Could we be dealing with several "Gods"...with big ideas for Humanity? Did they each have special sons, daughters, and nations? Are Gods, Goddesses, and Angels really Reptilian Beings (or Reptilian/Human Hybrids)? This is not meant to be irreverent or rhetorical. Is there a Divinity Within Humanity which is at least equal to that of the Gods, Goddesses, and Angels? Is this what Jesus was trying to tell us in a round about way? When God 'made' Humans a little lower than the Angels...was this really a genetic detuning and dumbing down...rather than the Creation of the Human Race?

    Lately...I've been toying with the idea of a non-penetential, non-sacrificial Ecumenical Namaste Mass based upon the Latin Mass...and I'm not a Roman Catholic. For further information regarding the Non Roman Catholic attraction to the Mass...take a look at the book 'Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail'.

    I keep thinking that there was a huge Human vs Reptilian War...where we got our @$$ kicked by the Reps...and that now we are Prisoners of War on a Prison Planet administered via a Reptilian Theocracy. Who knows...we may have deserved some of this. I really don't know. But whatever the historical case may be...WE NEED TO MOVE ON! WE NEED TO RULE OURSELVES IN THIS SOLAR SYSTEM! I continue to like the idea of The United States of the Solar System...based upon Namaste Constitutional Responsible the context of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of the context of the United Nations...and applied to the entire Solar System. If a quarantine is deemed necessary until we become at least a +3 civilization...then so be it. We may be a Planet in Rebellion. If so...we may need to temper our irrational exuberance into a Constructively Competitive and Responsibly Free Society.

    Please read through as a devotional exercise. I don't consider it to be 'the answer'...just another step in the right direction.

    The question "what would Jesus do?" is a popular one. It is a helpful ethical guide under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. However, there is an even more important question, I believe, "what did Jesus say?" Then it is up to us to do what Jesus said! It's almost too simple! Obviously real-life challenges are not so simple, but the words of Jesus, illuminated by careful-prayerful study and the Holy Spirit, provide an ethical-spiritual home base where we can formulate our positive responses to the challenges and perplexities of modern life!

    The term "Red Letter Christian" seems to cause many Christians to bristle! Why is this? Is it the manner of presentation by Red Letter Christians such as Tony Campolo? Perhaps. Tony is a very aggressive speaker and writer! But I think the Teachings of Jesus make us very uncomfortable when we are doing something wrong or are corrupt! Sometimes things have to seemingly get worse in order to get better. When one kneels at the feet of Jesus and looks into His face of love, one knows that they can do better (no matter how good or bad they are)! The experience may make us squirm, but ultimately it makes us better people, and the world a better place!
    The words of Jesus are not isolated from the rest of scripture, but they are central to scripture. Each and every Bible study and sermon should be centered in the words of Jesus. It's not about excluding the rest of the Bible, but rather about understanding the whole Bible by placing the teachings of Jesus front and center, where they belong! An ideal method of study is to take your favorite red letter, cross referenced version of the Bible, and read the red lettered portions, in context, and read all cross referenced texts in their contexts. Let the Bible be its own interpreter, with the Holy Spirit as your guide. But first, get plenty of exercise in nature, plenty of rest, and plenty of prayer! Lastly, integrate all of the above into everything. This isn't easy, and it's not for wimps! The texts are ancient and we live in a modern world which is becoming more complex, perplexing and dangerous by the millisecond! But if the principles and concepts of the Teachings of Jesus are not integrated into our modern world, we face negative consequences of truly Biblical proportions...


    Cool Thread! it was amazing to me when i began it that it started so many months ago, cause it "reads" like it was al written yesterday.

    Orthodoxy -- it "feels like" to me that you are presently undergoing a fairly intense, energetic, nervous-yet-curiously-peaceful, joyful phase in your spiritual development. and, speaking for myself, it's DELIGHTFUL to watch it progress!. You are SO SPECIAL, ODM .... thanks for always "keeping us guessing" (at what you'll say next! LOL), and for doing such a terrific, job of weaving together what may seem like drastically disparate strands of the truth about All-that-Is (and, i agree, the Red-Letter kind is an EXCELLENT starting-point for the weaving). and the strands are joined together into a lovely creation whose, diverse colors shimmer mysteriously before our eyes,inviting us to come home to ourselves, to our Source, to the tender familiarity and excitement of our most intimate lover.[/I]

    Thank you, Orthodoxy, for sharing with us so openly and innocently .... from your authentic-spot, your "little-child." May we each learn from you better 'n better each day how to be our little child. :plane::plane:

    your sister in Unity,

    P.S. i've been meaning to ask you ...... why the LATIN Mass?!? the "resonance" of the language, perhaps? just wondering (i'm Catholic). hhb[/QUOTE]

    Thank-you hippihill. People who appreciate other people are to be most appreciated...and you are one of those people. You are quite articulate. You write as though you might be a Theologian at a Roman Catholic University! Everything seems to be up for grabs...and somewhat chaotic...and I'm looking for common ground regarding the best wisdom to be found throughout the world. There is an information explosion...and it's hard to keep up! I'm not trying to stir things up. I'm trying to make things more settled and sane...even though it might not seem like it, at times.

    Regarding the Non-Penetential, Non-Sacrificial, Humanistic, Christocentric, Ecumenical Namaste Latin Mass...Celebrating the Divinity Within Humanity...I'm once again looking for common ground to legitimately unite people in a non-coercive manner. I love the architecture, art, music, robes, incense, and ceremony of the Roman Catholic Church...yet I am aware of a dark-side and problematic-side as well. Latin is sort of a Mass could be conducted in Latin world-wide...and people would feel right at home as they traveled throughout the world...or watched on television or the internet. Also...this would be all about being elevated by the atmosphere of reverence and awe...without being troubled by theological jargon and mumbo-jumbo which careful thinking might reject. It would be a Spiritual Switzerland. I prefer the glory, grandeur, reverence, and awe of the traditional service...rather than the 'Jesus is my buddy, show-up in shorts and a t-shirt, praise-song, hippie reefer-madness'. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

    In a sense...I desire a Minimalist Humanistic Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Theocracy. The United Nations and the City States need to be purified and reformed if we are to achieve a Perfected Solar System Inhabited by Perfected Human Beings...without eugenics or coercion. I want a Solar System rid this Solar System of the worst Human and Non-Human malevolent beings...without harming them. Some of these beings...I fear...are Playing God...and Using God's Name in Vain. But what do I know?

    Today I wish to focus on the 'Great Commission' in Matthew 28:19-20: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatever I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

    What did Jesus tell His followers to teach all nations? "To observe all things whatever I have commanded you."

    Was Jesus a Red Letter Christian?? Indeed! He was the first! He was, and is, the CEO! Have His 'followers' followed His clear instructions? In most cases no! Why is this? Does this constitute insubordination? There may be some surprises in the hereafter! More importantly, what are we going to do to correct this failure to carry out a direct order by our Commanding Officer???

    The following link is to a Coast to Coast program with George Noory interviewing Stewart Swerdlow: It seems that I'm becoming a bit of a reptilian hound. I don't like doing this...but I fear that there is a reptilian cancer growing on the human to speak...although the reptilians(if they exist) probably think that humans are a cancer growing on THEIR PLANET...and must be enslaved and exterminated to SAVE THE EARTH...and the reptilian race. Perhaps EARTH CHANGES(with the help of nukes under the polar icecaps and major fault-lines?) will be their method of choice to accomplish population reduction. Just always. I would much prefer to work cooperatively with them...on a planet Earth governed by responsible freedom...instead of tyranny, enslavement, and extermination.

    Author Stewart Swerdlow spoke about a Reptilian race which lives underground and first came here over 800,000 years ago. This information was imparted to him, he claimed, during the 13 years he served as an experimental subject in a government-sponsored mind control project in Montauk, NY. Between 200,000 to 300,000 people were experimented on in Montauk, and most of them did not survive, he said. Now, mind control can be employed worldwide via satellites, he noted. Among the details Swerdlow shared about the Reptilians: They originated in the Draco star system, and arrived in our solar system via hollowed-out asteroids. They colonized a Pacific continent called Lemuria and later battled with the Atlanteans. Eventually they formed a hybrid race with the Atlanteans. It is from this group that the Illuminati or ruling families descended. There are seven different species in the Draco empire. One type has white segmented skin, cat-like eyes, wings, and a pronounced jaw and teeth. The Illuminati are planning a "staged alien invasion" to trick people into forming a one-world government and they'll use holographic technology to project imaginary battles, Swerdlow warned. Ultimately, they seek to send millions of people out to colonize habitable moons of Jupiter and Saturn, he added.

    This interview link was previously posted on a thread...but the link no longer archived and read-only...and there was only one comment. That particular comment was critical of the thread poster...who just left Avalon...hopefully not permanently. The comment did make me realize that there were guidelines for Camelot and Avalon: 'Project Avalon needs to be about GROUND CREW MATTERS to do with building communities, safe places and making connections for the same. Project Camelot is about finding the truth, anything to do with whistle blowers testimony, aliens, ufos, conspiracies etc.' It does seem that Avalon is a real potpurri...with something for everyone...and even some evidence of competing factions! Can these diverse discussions be focused back toward the stated purpose? The speculative, gory, and upsetting stuff should probably be examined...but ultimately the positive building of community should be the real goal. I'm not sure how to do that. It seems that an intellectual safe place as well as physical safe places should be part of the mix. If we don't deal with the intellectual and spiritual challenges...there may be no safe places anywhere.

    [QUOTE=Egg;131370]Are reptilians real? yes. Are cloaked beings able to project and alter their outer camouflage real? yes. Are small, subservient beings that are created for roles real? yes.

    Are any of them native to this earth? no. Do they want to steal this planet and trick humanity into leaving? yes.
    Is this agenda hard at work as we speak? yes.

    How do we defeat such an agenda? by waking up, realising that earth, and only earth is our home, and we, humans are the only beings that should have dominance on it - no others. If they wish to visit and in a peaceful manner, agreed that is fine. If not? I have a message - "Earths full, go home"[/QUOTE]

    Posts : 13421
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:35 pm

    I know I sound like a broken record...but regardless of the history of the reptilian and human races in this solar system...with all of it's atrocities and injustices...we should simply base globalism on the U.S. Constitution...from the center of Earth...extending one million kilometers in all directions...and applying to both races. The alternative might very well be the complete extermination of the reptilian and human races...and the utter destruction of Earth. One Nation Under Satan: The Old World Disorder Reptilian Theocracy is not in either the human's or reptilian's best interest. I'm thinking that this may be a universal problem. There may be tyranny, war, and discord everywhere. Star Wars may be more than a Hollywood movie...a lot more. There may not be a Heaven anywhere in the universe. It may be one big mixture of Purgatory and Hell. Why not draw a line in the sand...and create a Heaven on Earth? A solution will emerge. Could that solution be Constitutional Responsible Freedom? It's a big idea. A True World Order. Who may be morning in the universe.

    [QUOTE=tone3jaguar;131384]Take it from someone who has done battle with the "Reptilians", Swerdlow's story is a great piece of fictional material. The Illuminati family bloodlines are human in origin. The Reptilian aspect of them is completely etheric and spiritual. There are negative reptilian ET's, there are also positive ones also. The negative ones that are connected to Illuminati bloodlines are ascended beings on the negative path. They are not part of the genetic makeup of the Illuminati families. The children in the illuminati families are born innocent and are forced to take on these negatively polarized beings and be loyal to them. That is how it has been carried on through the generations of those families.[/QUOTE]

    Are there particular bloodlines which are more receptive to these completely etheric and spiritual negatively polarized beings? Were you involved in exorcisms...or did you deal with physical reptilians...or both? In a sense...I tend to think that all of us do battle with regressive reptilian entities every day...some more than others. I wonder if Montauk Project participants got a lot of bum information from regressive reptilians? I don't trust anything of a supernatural nature. Hell...I don't even trust myself.

    [QUOTE=Humble Janitor;131391]Eh, I don't let the Reptilians control my life. Hell, I'd rather have a beer with a Reptilian than fear it. When we demonize things/people, we place all kinds of negative energy onto them and it just bounces back and makes us negative.[/QUOTE] I'd love to party with a bar full of reptilians...and I don't even drink. I tend to think that there are very few truly regressive and malevolent reptilians...but that they have incredible power over the others...and us. If the top of the pyramid was converted or removed...the others might turn out to be quite nice. Again...I don't know if they even exist...but I am simply considering the possibilities and options...if they do. How about a rebellion...freedom-loving reptilians? You have nothing to lose but your chains. Also...Eve probably ate the apple(had sex with a reptilian) because Adam was gay!

    Quote: The only physical reptilians that are on the planet at this time are an ethical peaceful race that keeps to themselves and has a base under the Atlantic Ocean. They do not interact with the population of the planet because if they did the good ET's would kick them off of the planet for violating the laws of non interference.

    Response: So...physical reptilians don't abduct humans, conduct genetic experiments on human beings or eat children? Do non-physical reptilians abduct humans, conduct genetic experiments on human beings and eat children? Which non-humans live and work in the Deep Underground Military Bases? Why don't the good ET's kick all malevolent ET's off Earth? The 1954 Greada Treaty? Also, Swerdlow indicates that the reptilians anciently lived in the area of the Pacific Ocean. Were these the malevolent reptilians? Did the benevolent group of reptilians live with the Atlanteans? Is Swerdlow generally correct...other than regarding bloodlines? Is the New World Order and the Alien Agenda one and the same thing? Sorry for all the questions. I have dozens more! Thanks!

    In a hypothetical human 'victory' against the reptilians...I would prefer that the reptilians be incarcerated in faraday shielded environments...rather than being slaughtered. I may be very naive...but I like to think that if their hard-line tyrannical leadership was converted(if that is even possible) or removed...that over a period of time(thousands of years?) that most of the reptilians would mellow...and become productive, law-abiding in harmony with human beings.

    In the meantime...thinking happy thoughts...while under reptilian tyranny...may be exactly what they want...for the stupid human peasants to be happy with their servitude. It reminds me of a savings and loan scandal victim...being urged to get he could be happy without his money. The guy said 'I don't want to be happy without my money. I just want my money!' I don't want to be happy without my freedom. I just want my freedom! Give me liberty...or give me death.
    Better dead than rep.

    [QUOTE=burgundia;131528]this is very convincing....where is part 2?[/QUOTE]

    It should appear on the main screen at the end of part 1 or to the right of the main screen. But just in it is:


    [QUOTE=Carol;131521]First off, this is a Camelot thread and will be moved to that forum.

    Second, yes, of course retilians exist and are real.

    Next, pray for them and for their spiritual evolution because that is what undoes them. How do I know? Personal experience. These particular beings do not have access to the higher spiritual dimensions.

    In addition also ask, pray for angelic intervention where they take these various troublesome beings to a dimension from whence they cannot escape. There are numerous angels looking for work. Please feel free to give them a job. :thumb_yello:[/QUOTE]

    When Antaletriangle posted this link...he was criticized for doing so. Is there something about this interview which hits a nerve or gets too close to the truth? I don't ask this in an antagonistic sense. I sometimes imagine that Avalon and Camelot gets flack from all sides...including members, staff, religions, governments, agencies, gurus...who knows...maybe even the reptilians. These are very controversial sites with very controversial subjects.

    I like to think that all regressive and malevolent beings can be helped to become progressive and benevolent...but I don't want to get pulled into the spiritual quicksand by them...when I try to help. I sense that they can be very tricky, deceptive, and destructive. Forgive me if I am too bold or flippant with this subject. This is undoubtedly due to my ignorance and inexperience. Other posters on this thread obviously have a lot more knowledge...and even first-hand experience. However...the issues I am raising and the questions I am asking would still be raised and asked if I didn't...and will need to be answered eventually. Perhaps this is good practice. I really don't think that the ultimate truths and answers regarding this subject are happy ones...but they probably still have to be revealed. I don't see an easy way through all of this.

    Steve G, that was a brilliant post. I agree with the 'radiate love' crowd...and I agree with your 'tough love' stance toward these beings. We need both aspects. I keep thinking that the principles and concepts found in the Teachings of Jesus...combined with the U.S. a one-two knock-out punch against the reptilians...and any other malevolent beings. You are correct...we need to get past the us vs us...and move on to us vs them. Our ultimate enemies are not human.

    First...these bastards need to be completely matter how upsetting this is to the people of the world. Some may go insane. Some may riot. Some may commit suicide. Who knows what people will do? But the secrecy needs to end. There is a window of opportunity, with the internet, for this to occur. I fear that this window may only be open for a very short period of time. Conduit closing.

    Secondly...globalism needs to be based on Constitutional Responsible decided opposition to One Nation Under Satan: The Old World Disorder Reptilian Theocracy. I'm becoming less tentative about this the more I see, hear, and think about it. When I make reference to the U.S. Constitution...I'm not referring to red, white, and blue nationalism...or American globo-cop world domination. What I'm referring to is a non-reptilian United Nations. I tend to think the NWO/UN crowd is terrified of the reptilians...and deceived or corrupted by them. These people need to be convinced to take a stand against the reptilians...and modify their globalist plans to be in harmony with the principles and concepts in the words of Jesus...and the literal provisions and guarantees in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. The reptilians themselves need to be encouraged to rebel against their tyrannical leadership. A critical mass of powerful insiders must turn against the reptilian agenda...or any effort to institute responsible freedom is doomed. We need the people and organizations we love to hate. This includes Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush, Cheney, Obama, Benedict, etc, etc. We should not alienate them. We should win them over. This includes key people in the city states, alphabet agencies, military/space/industrial/reptilian complex, UN, NWO, Illuminati, etc, etc. Immunity for Disclosure and Cooperation may be necessary. I don't want retribution. I just want the BS to stop.

    Some time ago, on a different site, I expressed similar thoughts...and received this response: "You know this isn't funny! The Lord God will judge you for claiming God ship. Just because God showed you a little bit of His secrets you think you know everything. He will NOT have mercy on you!" To me...this almost seemed like a non-human comment. I really am neurotic and paranoid...but that doesn't mean the reptilians are not out to get me. One YouTube comment stuck in my mind. It wasn't directed to was a general statement: "We're in your back". Supposedly reptilians can latch on to humans via the lower chakras in their backs. There is a book titled 'Aliens on the Internet' by Sherry Shriner. I haven't read it...but who knows who we converse with sometimes on the internet?
    The reptilians probably use Gray Supercomputers...linked with NSA Supercomputers...

    We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves, and for future generations...a True World Order. A world where Constitutional Responsible Freedom...not the Old World Disorder Reptilian Theocracy...governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful...and we will be...we have a real chance at this True World order in which a credible United Nations can use Constitutional Responsible Freedom to fulfill the promise and vision of the Human Race.

    [QUOTE=Christo888;131717]I like that... did you make that up?

    A True World Order; whereby each individual declares themself a Citizen of Planet Earth by and through inherited Sovereignty of Divine Intelligence. No signature required and no permission sought.[/QUOTE]

    I hijacked George H.W. Bush's New World Order speech. I think we should hijack the New World Order...and change it into the True World Order. I like what you wrote too. As Citizens of Planet Earth...we can keep all of our cultural diversities. We shouldn't all be the same. That would be boring and stupid. I'm not opposed to globalism. I'm just opposed to a corrupt, enslaving, exterminating, reptilian theocratic dictatorship. Otherwise...I'm easy. we prefer an Irresponsible Dictatorship without a 'G**D***Piece of Paper'? Dictators don't like constitutions. They get in the way.
    Could someone point me toward a constitution or system of government...which has been used historically, or is currently in use...which maximizes responsible freedom? Could someone also define anarchy? Could someone explain to me what happens in the aftermath of anarchy? How would you go about throwing everything out?
    If you were would you bring order out of chaos? What would happen at a Constitutional Convention? I have been cautioned by lawyers that a Constitutional Convention in the U.S. would be a disaster. Some say that we are very close to having one...if Martial Law...and the permanent suspension of the Constitution doesn't happen first. I agree that this corrupt world needs to be cleaned up...but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

    I don't hate reptilians. I'm still not absolutely sure that they exist...and if what form(s). I just have huge problems with evil, corruption, pain, suffering, enslavement, extermination, etc. According to Swerdlow...the ancient human Atlanteans were not necessarily nice people. We humans are historically riddled with problems and weaknesses...which the reptilians seemingly exploit. I'd love to give a benevolent reptilian a big hug...although I might have to be in a hazmat suit to do this, and live! I don't have a problem with sharing Earth with benevolent, progressive reptilians. Some of my best friends have turned out to be snakes.

    I don't endorse the following video...but I'm not going to attack it either: I agree with Steve G. I don't go to church anymore...and I don't follow the new age gurus. Sometimes I think I get more genuine spirituality by walking my dog in nature. In fact, the more people(and paradigms) I meet, the more I like my dog. Seriously...if there are reptilians living underground...they would want people to think about everything except them. They wouldn't want to be exposed...especially if they have been screwing with the human race for thousands, millions, or even billions of years. I'm beginning to think that studying the Nazi and Reptilian phenomenons...wherever it leads...and however upsetting and the best way to get at the heart of what is threatening to enslave and exterminate the human race. I really, really want a positive outcome for everyone...even the Nazis and Reptilians...but if we don't get to the heart of the problem quickly...we may descend into another dark ages...which is blacker than the last. We need to see the ugly truth very clearly...before we can do something about it. You know...I'd love to have a heart to heart talk with the 13 families who supposedly control everything...a real honest talk. I continue to believe that they are errand-elites for non-humans. Or...what if there is an ancient, completely human, underground society which is into very dark and powerful spiritualism...and has created the reptilian phenomenon? What if they are survivors of the destruction of Atlantis...and took ancient advanced technology with them underground? What if all we are dealing with are humans in physical and spiritual form? What if there is no such thing as a reptilian race? Or what if reptilian humanoids and grey aliens were created by these ancient humans via genetic engineering? Could this group be Giza Intelligence? mind is not made up...and I don't mind being confused by fact or hypothesis. Ancient histories could be fabricated. Events and sightings can be staged. Reality and perception are not necessarily identical. Thinking that one knows...and knowing...are two very different things. Many religions, philosophies, and paradigms can be created by those who ultimately control Earth. The search for truth may involve a rejection of just about everything...and bring one into conflict with just about everyone. It may take a person to the edge of sanity...or even over the edge. I worry that some spiritual pursuits are merely adventures in dreamland...and do very little to solve the real problems facing Earth and the Human Race. Having said that...I've had enough of this stuff...I'm taking a vacation. The special, rich, famous, gifted, etc. people who talk to ets, gods, dead people, etc, etc...can figure this out. Everyone thinks they know...but everyone says something different. I'm simply going to generate some bad karma...and attempt to make money...for the first time in my life! It's been fun!

    One more...before I take a break. This was a short unedited internet exchange I had some time ago:

    ME: What if the aliens who have been here for thousands of years are the 'bad-guys'? What if we will need the help of good aliens from elsewhere to get rid of the demonic aliens who are already here? Could this be viewed as a hostile alien attack? I really don't know. I am just speculating.

    THEM: Try not to think in terms of good or bad. Understand this is not your planet. Then, understand nothing can be done to you that you don't do to yourself. Know that there are quadrillions of planets and they don't have a massive climate change every 26,000 years and violent deranged people like yourselves. Why on Earth would any race want to live here with you knowingly? The most intelligent life on the planet is not human.

    ME: I'll try not to think of the Iraq War in terms of good or bad. I'll try to be morally ambiguous. I might even become CIA or a CEO. Hey, maybe violent and deranged is neither good nor bad...but thinking makes it so. The aliens who are here need us to not get our acts together. If that happens...they'll probably have to live on Nibiru...or worse. Sorry for being a smart-XXX. Wait...I'm not's neither good nor bad. I couldn't resist. I mean well. Really.

    THEM: And your point was?...............

    ME: Who owns earth? Where do humans belong? What is the most intelligent life on earth? If they are so smart, and earth is so bad...why are they here? I may be deranged...but I'm not violent. You sound as though you are not human...are you an alien? If so...what kind...and from where? My point was that ethics are supremely important. I don't hurt, kill, terrorize, or abduct people...but some aliens apparently do(as do some humans). They should stop.

    THEM II: Don't we like...create our own world? We're destroying our own world because our society isn't healthy.

    ME: Our planet is how we plan it. Perhaps we need to fire some people in the planning department. You're right...society is sick...mentally ill. Perhaps our world is the Devil's Island Insane Asylum of the Universe. But it seems that some of the inmates are getting well...and helping other inmates to get well. Jail Break! Jail Break! Free at Last! Free at Last!

    No further comments in this exchange. My questions went unanswered. The silence was deafening.

    [QUOTE=Humble Janitor;132287]It's certainly NOT my fault for anything. I see these beings as fellow travelers and not overlords. There are no overlords in my world.

    They're delusional if they even begin to think that they control this world. The illusion of control is far more powerful than control itself.

    That's all I gotta say.[/QUOTE]

    How bad would extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or inner-earth aliens have to be...before you would consider them to be demonic overlords...and not fellow travelers or brothers? Probably most of the Nazis and German people in the 1930's and 1940's would have been quite nice fellow human beings...but under Hitler, the 3rd Reich...and who knows what kind of evil entities...many of them did horrible and unspeakable things to their fellow human beings. The evil kingpins and kingmakers on planet Earth...both human and non-human...need to be dethroned.

    I agree that the illusion of control is more powerful than control itself. I tend to think that there is a lot of bluffing, lying, threatening, promising, etc, etc going on to control both humans and non-humans. Exposure and crystal clear revelations regarding all hidden evil in our world will end the reign of terror on planet Earth.

    The following is sort of related to this thread. It involves shape-shifting. David Icke talks a lot about reptilians and shape-shifting. I have been more willing to accept some sort of reptillian existence...but I have remained unconvinced regarding the shape-shifting claims. I've looked at the videos of people on TV who supposedly shape-shift...but I haven't been impressed. Even one video of George H.W. Bush with supposed snake-eyes didn't impress me. I see two side by side spotlights creating the appearance of slits. I'm not saying that shape-shifting doesn't occur...but I haven't seen it...until now: The facial distortion occurs at the beginning of the video. Is this a technical glitch? It probably is...but could someone please explain this to me? What would David Icke say? This was not a video clip used by shape-shifting believers to try to prove their point. Also, nothing else is distorted. That side of the face is normal at the very beginning...and then after several seconds of abnormality...becomes normal again. Talk about being a two-faced snake-eyed sob! Just kidding. I just happened to notice this strange phenomenon. If shape-shifting really occurs...I tend to think that it is non-molecular...but rather spiritual or perceptual. I don't know. All of this purported stuff is so creepy! I don't want to believe...and I'm not sure I want to know! I once unintentionally angered a televangelist...who reacted in an embarrassingly inappropriate way...and with a voice that didn't sound like his own. When he preached...he was totally different than when he was interviewed. It was almost like someone or something took over during sermons.

    Stewart Swerdlow and Alex Collier seem to have a lot of good information and concepts. I am finding myself trying to combine the work of Bill Cooper with that of Collier and Swerdlow. It seems to fit together. The real facts of the matter may turn out to be quite different than that expressed by these people...but I'm sensing that they were(and are) on the right track. Please consider what these people have to say...even if you don't agree with them. A lot of the material can be upsetting and disorienting...but I am thinking we have to go through that stage to get to the good stuff. If we bypass this material...we may miss the foundational building blocks of a better world...which I think we will be required to create. It won't just drop into our laps.

    I'm still waiting to hear an analysis of the first few seconds of this video clip: [url=""]YouTube - Joel Osteen Sermon Clip - "Step out of the boat"[/url] Is this an example of shape-shifting? I've been very skeptical of that phenomenon...but how do you explain the facial distortion in this clip. There is probably a technical explanation...but what is it? The background is not distorted. The other side of the face is not distorted. The distortion only lasts for a few seconds. Start and stop the video several times mid-shift. What's going on here?

    Sorry if I'm nagging...but please look at the above video and tell me what you think. Is this an example of shape-shifting or not? Does shape-shifting necessarily involve reptilians or reptilian/human genetics? Tell me what you think about shape-shifting in general. This is one subject I have a hard time accepting at face-value. Get it?

    I noticed that slit as well. This is really creepy. I've looked at a lot of the videos by people who are trying to demonstrate that shape-shifting is real...but I haven't been impressed or convinced at all.

    This video was posted by someone who obviously likes Joel...and the comments are mostly positive...with no mention of the facial distortion. One comment expressed that they hadn't seen him be so open before. Here is the comment: 'Wow! I've never seen him break down like that...I've often seen him tear up, but for him to be full like that...very humbling.' Could the extra emotion have caused this? I don't know what to think about this. I wasn't looking for dirt. I was just sampling some of the popular preachers...and happened to notice this.

    Again...the background is not distorted. His head doesn't move in relation to the camera. One side of his face is not distorted...but when he turns his head...the other side of his face is distorted and not blurred...but with new facial features which move with his head. They really seem to be a part of his face.

    Anyone have an idea or explanation to get Joel off the hook? What would David Icke or Arizona Wilder say?

    Thank-you. I have always believed in the existence of spirits...and tend to think that shape-shifting...if it a spiritual phenomenon rather than a physical molecular rearrangement. When Joel holds his hand close to his face...there is no distortion of his hand. It's not like something was placed over the camera lens. How could this be a technical glitch? Do reptilians have the ability to move between visibility and invisibility...and 'overlay' those who they wish to harrass or control? Can reptilian/human hybrids with a 50/50 genetic split...appear as either reptilians or humans...or whatever? This stuff is counterintuitive...and I really don't want it to be true. Someone please explain this away. I don't want to believe. Atheism and Fundamentalism are the easy ways. Everything being up for grabs all the hard work!

    Thank-you for the suggestion. I'm not into astrology...but what if reptilians, greys, and occultists are into astrology, full moons, etc...and their influence really does affect and effect things on Earth...including shape-shifting?

    Please rewatch the old series/movie 'V'

    "V The Final Battle" 1 (YouTube):

    "V the Final Battle" 1 (Google)
    "V the Final Battle" 2 (Google)

    I just noticed that the sequence in You Tube has been scrambled. When I first posted the link...the succeeding parts would automatically play in order. Now they don't...and the numberings are often incorrect. Some are missing. The Google version is screwed-up also. Interesting. Please try to watch all segments. Buy or rent a DVD if necessary. Please consider the information which has come to light since 'V' was produced. Also consider the possibility that 'V' may contain large elements of truth. Could the giant spaceships really be deep underground bases? Watch carefully...and read between the lines of the script. I don't know if any of this is true...but there seems to be an emerging pattern. Is One Nation Under Satan being solidified in preparation for open rule by malevolent non-humans? Is the New World Order really the Old World Disorder Reptilian Theocracy? Again, I don't really know...but I do see a disturbing pattern...especially when reading various materials and viewing a variety of videos which haven't been readily available until recently. Please help me to sort this out. I don't want to go off half-cocked...although perhaps I already have! I tend to doubt my religious well as atheism...or the new age religions. I am settling on the U.S. Constitution as a meeting place for diverse peoples and philosophies. I guess I oppose The-ocracies and Me-ocracies...while I endorse a We-ocracy. This would be true...whether or not there is an alien presence. When this is all over...I may have a very red face. All of us may have very red faces. The search for truth...and doing that which is in everyone's best interest...should have absolute veto power...but we the people should have the power to decide what that is.

    Here is a suggested order of viewing...ending with the 'V' series. Ideally one would watch 'V' first...and then go through the link list...and then view 'V' a second time...and notice what got missed the first time! This is time consuming...and I'm probably naive and impatient to expect busy people to take the time to do this. But what if there is a legitimate pattern...and this stuff is mostly reality? The problem must be clearly discerned before a solution can be achieved. This may be huge. An appropriate forum such as Avalon may be a testing see how people may react to a very strange reality. I don't know...but if it is even partially true...extreme tact will be required to avoid a catastophic overreaction by the general public...

    7. A. B.

    [QUOTE=Orion11;129021]my father used to watch this series when i was little.
    i used to watch it with him and loved it.
    i didnt know a movie was made of it. lol nice. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

    I guess the DVD I rented was a compilation of the series. I wonder if anyone took this seriously when it was first broadcast? Hollywood seems to know things that most people don't know. They seem to give us clues...packaged as entertainment. The following 'Lone Gunman' episode was eerily prophetic regarding 9/11...six months before 09/11/01: I watched the original airing...and it freaked me out on 9/11. Is there a connection between the subject of this thread...and 9/11? Was 9/11 an inside (the earth reptilian) job? Speaking of which...have you heard the recent Camelot audio interview regarding 9/11? She has a very nice voice! I'm in love! I suspect that most government employees are like Elizabeth Nelson...just doing their jobs as best they can.

    I keep getting the feeling that the powers that be, the powers that wannabe, the elites, the city-states, the alphabet agencies, the secret societies, the mainstream media, etc, etc...have a lot more to deal with than staying filthy rich, being as powerful as god, and screwing the little guy. I keep getting the feeling that they are dealing with something similar to the subject of 'V'. Humans are quite corruptible...especially if the corruptors are non-humans with superior intelligence and inferior ethics. I have a hard time hating the various power groups. I suspect that if I were in their shoes...I'd be doing some of the very same things they are doing...perhaps worse. But I don't want to let them off the hook too easily. It is fair game to second guess them...and try to figure out what's really going on. This, in fact, may make their job easier. If reptilians rule the world...and we initiate a successful global conversion/exorcism...then everyone will sleep a lot better at night...including the elites. If a world government was based upon Constitutional Responsible Freedom...instead of being One Nation Under Satan...the elites could keep their Chateau's and Castles...and drive their Enzo Ferrari's and Bugatti Veryon's. I could care less. Governance would be decentralized and decorrupted...but the opportunity to gain and keep wealth would remain. On the other hand...a heightened ethical awareness should lead to increased philanthropy toward worthy charities and foundations...but this would be voluntary.

    [QUOTE=Tarliam;129065]WOW synchronicity i have been thinking for awhile about almost the same thing what is the real agenda the visitors to this planet and our minds is and is it as noble as we think, wouldn't it be odd if the real powers that be are aliens.[/QUOTE]

    If you haven't already...check out the links on my first post. I tend to think the really good-guys are out there...but that the bad-guys we are dealing with are down there...underground. This stuff did not originate in my mind...but I am tending to focus on the interrelationship of governments, religions, reptilians, aliens, conspiracies...and the concept that we may have to save ourselves...and that our saviours are mostly not our friends. God save us from our Saviours.'s possible that Earth is as good as it gets in the universe. I hope this isn't the case...but what if it is? Constitutional Responsible Freedom may be something new in the universe...which could conceivably be ruled by a tyrannical universal theocracy...a Universal Church. Does God rule the universe? Do beings throughout the universe vote on various issues...or are they told what to do...without discussion? Are there elections to pick a new God every 1,000 years or so...or is the same God always in power...forever? Don't misunderstand. I believe in a very, very good and kind God...that is very, very good at delegating authority and power. A God who hoards power and demands worship and really a Satan. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    I'm very interested in hearing from other people regarding this thread. It's a way of asking 'am I sane?' I really want to hear from people who have seen it all...and know the scams and delusions. I don't want to insist on my current perceptions and concerns. I just want to arrive at a reasonable way of looking at our world and universe. The picture I see emerging is quite disturbing...yet I still see a light at the end of the tunnel. I just want to make sure that it's not an oncoming train. Please consider the links as a group...and tell me what you think. Please.

    Cool! What kind of et's did you see? Did you perceive them as being benevolent or malevolent? Did they seem to be physical, spiritual, or both? Are et's physical beings who can astrally project...or are they primarily spiritual beings who can physically manifest...or some other possibility?

    [QUOTE=burgundia;129248]I do not understand one thing. if they are so powerful and much more advanced than we are, why are they hiding?[/QUOTE]

    If they exist...and the reports can be believed...they are ugly...and not very nice. There may be exceptions...and I frankly don't care if they are ugly...I just don't want them to kill us, rule over us, terrorize us, abduct us, experiment on us, eat us...or otherwise screw with us. They may be very advanced in some ways...and very deficient in other ways. The reptilian and human races may have been fighting each other for millions of years. There may be some very bad blood here. Some have suggested that they need to completely control exterminating and enslaving most of us...before they can show themselves...and rule over us openly. Secrecy seems to be necessary to their alien agenda. If the people of the world decided to rule themselves with constitutional responsible freedom...and expose ALL of the secrets regarding these beings...the gig would probably be up. Game Over.:sneaky2::lightsabre:

    I don't want to engage in deep trench warfare with them. I don't want to hurt or kill them. I just want them to leave us the **** alone. This may necessitate a trial separation of human and reptilian races(separate but equal?) on different planets...with the possibility of integration(forced busing?) at a later date(Grey vs Board of Re-education[2054]?). I'd like nothing more...than a reconciliation with the Devil Himself(Herself?)...who is presumably a
    reptilian attorney/musician/architect/scientist/theologian/politician. I'd like to take organ lessons from a truly reconciled Lucifer on the organ at Saint Sulpice...or on the organ in a cathedral which I suspect exists deep within the earth...which probably puts St. Peter's to shame...and that's not a put-down. How about it Lucifer? Let's get this thing over with. No one worships anyone or anything. The U.S. Constitution applies from the center of Earth to one million kilometers in all directions. No hidden agendas or hidden meanings. The BS simply stops.

    [QUOTE=Lorien;129307]V was amazing. It was one of my favorite programs growing up. I still remember vividly a scene where a human girl who is pregnant goes into labor, and ends up giving birth to a lizard baby!! She had no idea. Lots of screaming follows.[/QUOTE]

    See what happens when you don't wait until you get married? Her boyfriend turned out to be a real snake! She should have listened to her mother!

    What if we have been given technology by the 'visitors' which initially seemed cool...but was decidedly NOT in our best interest? And what if we surrendered sovereignty when we accepted this technology? Further...what if we thought the underground bases, antigravity craft, nuclear weapons, etc, etc were for us...but were really for them? They may simply exterminate most of us(if we don't exterminate ourselves first with all of the fancy technology which we are morally incapable of properly using)...and use what we built for launch an attack on the rest of the universe. Obviously this is just idle speculation. Spielberg was said to be a fearful person. I heard this in the late 80's from a reliable source. What does Hollywood know...and when did they know it? Perhaps a top quality documentary or movie needs to be produced which TRUTHFULLY and EXHAUSTIVELY reveals just how much trouble we may be in...and hopefully offers a realistic set of solutions. The internationally broadcast movie or documentary could be immediately followed-up with a presidential address and press conference with those most qualified to deal with the subject. People would probably be stunned...and some would go nuts...but we would get over it...and move we always do.

    Please consider this thread and comment on it. I've been striking out with the few threads I've started. Are they irrelevant? Are they just old news? the grouping of information too upsetting to face head on? I'm not dreaming this stuff up. I'm just connecting dots. Have these dots been previously connected? I'd be happier if all of this was completely discredited. I want to be wrong. But please watch the video clips as a group...and tell me what you think.

    Thank-you for the thoughtful response Recallone. Fence riders form splinter groups! However...remaining for an extended period in observation and reevaluation mode can help one avoid taking a plunge into the abyss. How many people have been rushed into stupid decisions throughout history? The bankster bailout may be a recent example. All of this is so bizarre...yet how else should we explain our existence...and on what should we base any hope for a usable future?

    My reference to a good God is not limiting. I believe that the gods we have been taught about are Luciferian. All of them. Yet I see in the Teachings of Jesus and in my intuition...the distinct possibility of beings of greater intellectual and moral stature than we can possibly imagine. But for seems that we are left with Human vs Reptilian...with very little intervention from any other source. Some might refer to this as a Great Controversy between Christ and Satan. I don't know. I once heard of a copy of a book bearing this title...being torn in two...the hard unseen hands. Again, I don't know.

    If these reptilian beings exist...I would much prefer to unite around the concept of non-theocratic constitutional responsible freedom...than engage in pointless bloodshed on both sides. The reptilians seem to be at war with this idea. The Vatican also seems to be at war with this idea. Is there a connection here?

    You might find the Dulce Book of interest: The concept of reconciliation is repeatedly well as battle tactics, if required. I just think violence is always stupid. I hate violence. I don't care how different the Humans and Reptilians are...something can be worked out. The application of the U.S. Constitution to Earth and it's Moon seems to be the simplist way to unite the diverse peoples of the unite the non-human beings of the inner unite those beings who are unseen...and finally to unite all three groups...where no one is anyone's master or slave.

    The video clip was interesting...but more violence! We always seem to gravitate toward violent solutions. We need to evolve just a little bit more.

    Has anyone watched all of the video links in my first post? Has anyone watched them back to back? If so...what conclusions did you reach? I'm increasingly thinking that I'm in my own little nightmare...and can't convince anyone else to share it with me! It's one thing to hear a lunatic out...and then tell them, and everyone else...why they are wrong and crazy. But it's quite another thing to not even listen to them, and consider what they are saying. I'm amazed at the garbage that sells so many DVD's...makes so many people filthy rich, etc, etc. Perhaps reasonable conversation is a lost cause...especially if it is about something which is difficult to think about. If this is the creme de la creme of alternative thinking(I think it may be)...and few are interested in what I'm considering and questioning...where do I go from here? Where does the human race go from here? I could probably talk to some alphabet agency people...and I'm sure they would 'help' me! Hi guys!

    [QUOTE=burgundia;129934]can you be more specific? Who are they, what do they look like, how do you recognize them?[/QUOTE]

    Some people can see the unseen from time to time. I see objects which appear to be alive when I look at a light background...and very occasionally and briefly in a more pronounced way. I have seen physical objects manipulated intelligently by unseen hands. I don't go looking for this stuff. I recommend staying away from this stuff. Whether these are reptilian entities or not...I don't know.
    Here's a horrible joke: What did the search party say when they found the Donner Party? :mfr_omg: ICY DEAD PEOPLE!

    recallone, I rewatched the Sparta video clip. You are right. It is very good. I'm just a bit sensitive when it comes to violence. The following are my kind of videos:
    1. YouTube - Where the Hell is Matt? (2008). Be sure to use HD and full screen for this one.
    2. YouTube - MIG 29 FULCRUM
    3. YouTube - SR-71 Owns
    4. YouTube - Crazy French Low Level Flying. Full Screen.

    I'm still hoping to hear from someone who has viewed most or all of the video links in my first post. I'm very interested to hear if you see a pattern emerging...and if so...what that pattern might be.

    [QUOTE=recallone;130756]You do see the irony of this, right? I like the first one, for sure. It's right up there with the "[URL=""]Free Hugs[/URL]" one, but the other three are of jet fighters.
    The speed thing is cool, but they're birds of war nonetheless. Just because they're not actively engaged in killing people, their purpose is still very clear. Were you just seeing if I was paying attention?[/QUOTE]

    I keep telling people that we, as a world, need to get out of war and debt(death and taxes?)...and then use these beautiful birds for air shows, aerobatic competition...and giving rides to the general public. I simply like the speed and beauty. I'd also like to ride on one of those mach 2 trains linking the deep underground military bases. I'm not holding my breath...and in the meantime I'm watching these: 1. 2. 3.

    [QUOTE=recallone;130800]I like speed, too. But I'll pass on a ride on one of those trains.
    I can't hang with the price of admission.[/QUOTE]

    You're right. They'd probably feed me to the reptilians. When the elites go into their underground bases...the elites with good taste will serve the reptilians the elites who taste good. I'll take my chances in the mountains somewhere.

    I'm still impatiently waiting for evaluations(both positive and negative) of the net effect of the group of video links in the first post...or even a sampling of these links. This is sort of a research project for me. I don't really know about these things. I haven't been contacted...abducted...or even given the time of day by the greys. I'm not an insider. I don't know insiders. I'm not a prophet or a son of a prophet. In fact, some people think I'm a son of a *****! Jesus called the corrupt religious PTB 'sons of snakes'. Perhaps there was some literal truth to this statement. Jesus also said to be wise as serpents...and harmless as doves. Was Jesus referring to reptilian humanoids? I doubt that he was implying that rattlesnakes were wise. It also seems that he considered 'serpents' to be dangerous. I keep getting the feeling that these beings(if they exist) are very smart and powerful...yet very ugly, disfunctional, maladjusted, out of control, and extremely dangerous. If Lucifer had a change of heart...I suspect that the others would follow...and could be eventually reconciled with the human race. I sense that their governmental system is absolute tyranny and strict obedience. They probably want us to become completely subservient and obedient to them. I bet a lot of them would secretly like to be free. Lucifer probably has a delusion of ownership regarding humanity...and probably says 'If I can't have them...nobody can!' They probably need us more than we need them. The point? The current co-dependent relationship is reminiscent of an abused wife who stays with her husband...despite the continued verbal and physical abuse. The human race needs to just say 'NO!' to One Nation Under Satan: The Old World Disorder Reptilian Theocracy. Lucifer: 'Let my people go...and let your reptilians go. Then, simply retire...and take an extended vacation to Orion. You've earned it. Raising hell with the human race is a lot of work!'

    There is almost no interest in the subject of this thread. I'm sincerely asking where I might find someone with which to discuss this subject...other than with an alphabet agency employee who has orders to 'convince' me to pursue other subjects and interests?! Is this sort of thing considered to be a threat to U.S. national security...or is a discussion of this subject a threat to reptilian national security? Or are they one and the same? This inquiring mind wants to know. The information is available on a 'need to know' basis...and I need to know!

    I'm still interested in hearing from people who have sampled the video links in the first post. I'm particularly interested in whether you think there are parallels regarding what is happening today. I continue to be somewhat non-committal. I'm seeing an intensifying good vs evil battle in our world...but I'm having a difficult time identifying the players and the solutions. Help!

    Has anyone sampled the links in the first post? If I claimed to be a contactee or an alien...and lied like heck...there would probably be thousands of views...and hundreds of comments. What's going on here? I'm not seeking approval. I desire an objective evaluation of the subject of this thread by people with more knowledge and experience than I have.

    I'm trying to communicate the overall picture which seems to emerge after watching all of the links...including 'V'. In isolation...each of the links do not necessarily make a substantial impact. But as a group...there seems to be a pattern of connected dots. Do you notice any parallels with current events?

    I'm tending to think that the 'alien presence' may be underground rather than from outer space...and may trace back to Atlantis and Lemuria. I tend to think that people in the know are trying to inform us of something ominous without causing us to panic or go crazy. 'Disclosure' may be more horrifying and disillusioning than it is exhilarating and inspiring. I tend to think that most of the insiders are on the side of the human race.

    Thank-you. Again...I'm just fact finding...or at least narrowing down which theories might be at least partially true. Other than the internet...I don't talk to people about this stuff. This is sort of a mental laboratory. Hopefully people can learn something from this...and at the appropriate time...and in the appropriate manner...communicate that which will make things better. This is the sort of thing which should probably be kicked around for years before doing a lot of verbalizing. It's fascinating...even if it is 95% bs. I have determined that at least 5% is true...but I don't know which 5%!

    Wow! I don't know how to respond to what you have said. I'd be heading for the nearest exit in a hurry if I ever saw one. How does one really determine whether a being is benevolent or malevolent? Some people can be really nice and polite...while they stab you in the back. I would assume that the same is true for non-humans. My bias is that we are dealing with the bad-guys. I'd love to go for a joy-ride with a disk full of reps and greys...if and only if...I absolutely knew...beyond any shadow of a doubt...that they really were benevolent and angelic. I think that there is a lot of lying and deception going on. I've had a couple of experiences with unseen entities who manipulated physical objects in an intelligent manner...and perhaps they were reptilians or greys.

    Thank-you for your consideration and observations. My vibration is that we could be in the middle of a 'V' scenario...with underground bases instead of spaceships. Some claim that children are prefered food for reptilians. 1. 2.
    This possibility does not provide peace of mind. Do you think there are Deep Underground Military Bases? If many...and might they involve reptilian or grey
    non-human beings? Could this potentially have something to do with the New World Order? Could ultimate authority and control over planet Earth...reside underground...and be non-human? These are questions for everyone who reads this thread. I have more questions than answers. Regarding tithing: Jesus told people to give to the poor...not to the church. In fact...Jesus didn't tell people to go to church. Just the opposite. He told them to pray privately.

    I agree with everything you said...and I loved the video. I am pro human-race...the entire human race...not just certain people or a special group. And I am pro responsible-freedom. I will positively reinforce these priorities...and if aliens, spirits, gods, anyone, or anything get in the way...they will be speed bumps to me.
    We can do amazing things...and the truth will set us free.

    seashore: You're the best! You're hired! Unfortunately...I can't pay you...I'm broke...

    Once again...please consider these links...and tell me what you think...what you really, really think. Forgive me...but I once went to a Spice Girls concert and made a fool out of myself! Seriously...I think these links should be viewed at least once...whether you believe in this sort of thing...or not. I'm not sure what I believe...but I'm leaning in the direction of there being some truth to the material presented in this thread.

    Also, there is a character in 'V' which appears to be a CIA agent...who turns out to be a huge help in removing the alien presence. The common citizens he is helping don't like him...but they do what he tells them to do...because he knows exactly what's going on...and knows exactly what to do. This may be something to keep in mind if the excrement hits the refrigeration system.

    Please don't ignore this thread.

    I keep thinking that we have a three way universal brawl on our hands...and that no one is guiltless. I'd just like to break the damn fight up...and come to some kind of a crude stop hurting and killing each other. I may be highly delusional...but isn't brainstorming and speculation a legitimate long as one does not pretend to be an authority? I don't want any humans, reptilians, or greys to be hurt or killed...even the demonic entities. I think that humans, reptilians, and greys can be angelic or demonic. I think we have some seriously messed up beings in this crazy universe. I don't know who committed the original sin...or who has the most negative karma built up...but everyone needs to just stop. I'm tending to see humans vs reptilians as the biggest problem. The greys seem to be somewhat mercenary. Perhaps they are caught in the middle. Perhaps they keep us alive. I don't know. All of the above is probably error ridden...and possibly total bs...but that is how I see things a simplified thumbnail sketch.

    Thank-you. I'm checking out the link now. I pick and choose with Icke and Collier. I agree with their editorial bias...but I don't know about the details. I just rewatched Alex Collier's 1994 interview by Rick Keefe. I continue to think that he did a lot of research, soul searching, and channeling...and had inside sources...but that he didn't live aboard an Andromedan spaceship which was bigger on the inside than on the outside...for months at a time. I tend to think that he took solid forbidden knowledge...and placed it in a fictional get his point across. I could be wrong. I like listening to Alex Collier.

    I particularly liked this part: I could read this sort of thing for hours and hours...even if it were proven to be completely fictional. I keep asking myself 'Did Giza Intelligence link arms with the Vatican and the NAZI's?' and 'Was Nicola Tesla an integral part of this?' I keep thinking that studying Giza Intelligence, the Vatican, the NAZI's, and Nicola Tesla are vital keys to unlocking the mystery of aliens, ufo's, modern technology, world government, and world religion. I just don't have the resources to do this myself. I hope someone is reading this who does have the drive, intelligence, and resources to do this. But watch your backside! The various alien/human factions may turn out to be quite shocking. It may be difficult to know who the good guys and bad guys really are. What if the NAZI' the 30's at least...were trying to do the right thing? I'm not saying I believe this. I'm just suggesting that truth may be much stranger than fiction...and that all possibilities should be considered.

    When listening to Al Bielek...I heard him mention a change in NAZI/Alien affiliation in 1941. Does anyone know anything about this? Could this be why things went downhill very quickly...and such horrible atrocities were perpetrated? I continue to be very perplexed by the contrast of Hitler/Germany in the 30's and Hitler/Germany in the 40's. Help...somebody!

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:45 pm

    Check out the 'Dulce Book' by Branton: I don't know how much of this to believe...but the possibilities are enormous. How do we really know what is going on...or not going on? Again...I could read this sort of thing for hours and hours...even if it were proven to be completely fictitious.

    'V' really is going to be revisited. The visitors will be revisiting early as November 2009: [url=""]YouTube - ABC's 'V' - Upfront Trailer - with Elizabeth Mitchell - 3rd November 2009[/url]

    What are your thoughts about the new 'V' series coming soon on ABC? Do you think the original series revealed a lot of hidden factual information? Do you think the upcoming series will reveal a lot of hidden factual information? Why? Why not?

    I don't have a TV...but I think I'm going to get a cheap one to view this series. I tend to think this is going to be very big. Could this series involve the actual appearance of a UFO fleet...and possibly official disclosure by the US government?

    If there really was a genuine power struggle in our solar system involving human extraterrestrials in league with interdimensional reptilian beings against Earth humans in league with who knows would non-corrupt powers that be communicate this harsh reality with the general public?

    I tended to think that the original series communicated a lot of truth regarding an alien invasion that has been ongoing for thousands of years. I considered the possibility that the huge ufo's were really deep underground military bases.

    I worry that we do not consider everything from all angles all the time. We can reject legitimate and well intentioned warnings...or we can stampede with the rest of the herd...all too easily.

    Here's the latest on "V" from ABC:

    Just when you thought it was safe to come out of your Shallow Underground Civilian's starting all over again. "V" is on tonight on ABC. The horror.

    I'm going to spend the afternoon reviewing this thread...and viewing the original "V" series one more time. I suggest that you do the same. The horror.

    Consider yourselves warned. The horror.

    Siriusly...I just noticed two things as I started to rewatch the series. 1. The visitors wished to honor the U.N. Charter (not the U.S. Constitution). 2. The visitors were from Sirius. Hmmmmmmmmmm.......

    Thank-you Jacqui D.

    Sometimes I wonder if the so called reptilians are mostly (or completely) non-physical. Could the visitors simply be human extraterrestrials from Sirius...who are controlled by non-physical reptilian beings? Are there native reptilians who live underground...and basically leave everyone alone? But are they being blamed for all the trouble? Will the human et's from Sirius 'save' us from the reppies who weren't a problem to begin with? Then...would our demonically controlled human 'saviors' proceed to rule us with an iron keep us safe from those damned reptilians...who could strike at any moment? Could the non-physical demonic reptilians be the souls of a physical reptilian race who might have been exterminated in an ancient human vs reptilian war? Could this help to explain their supposed great hatred toward the human race? Do these hypothetical non-physical reptilian souls want to inhabit human bodies...and then completely exterminate the human race...and subsequently live in our homes...and work in our cities? What solid evidence is there that physical reptilian beings exist...and eat our children? Are the disappearing children really being used for another purpose...such as slave labor?

    Just a thought.

    Could it be that most of the elites thought they were in control of the alien/spirit/demon/whatever situation...until a few years ago, that is? Did the rude awakening occur in the late 1970's? Could shows such as "V" be legitimate attempts to warn the general public regarding what is really going on? I don't know. My gut feeling is that the Deep Underground Military Bases...the Secret Space Program...and the Secret Government are no longer in native human hands (if they ever were).

    I have speculated elsewhere that two rival theocratic human extraterrestrial factions (Pleiades and Aldebaran) have been engaged in a civil war for a very long time...and that both of them have utilized demonic (reptilian?) forces to fight with each other...and that this God-Contest has extended to Earth. In fact this could help to explain how we got here in the first place. I have further speculated that another non-theocratic human extraterrestrial faction (who does not deal with the devil)...has been seeking a Solar System Exorcism and native human rule of the Solar System via Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom in the context of a non-corrupt United Nations.

    All of the above is mostly based upon thin-air...but heck...if the FED can base the world economy on thin-air...anything's possible. I have tried to be internally consistent...and take a wide variety of sources into account...but a lot of the speculation is based upon reflection and intuition. I'm basically neurotic and insecure...and this drives me to look for answers...which I never seem to find. Hope springs eternal.

    Did anyone watch the first episode? I bought a cheap digital TV (so the TV can watch me while I watch the TV)...actually just so I could watch "V". I thought it was quite good. It actually made me cry. I just presently think that the reptilian phenomenon is mostly non-physical. But what do I know? Gotta go. The attendants are telling me that I have to put my straightjacket back on.

    Thank-you Jacqui D for your thoughtful answers. That attack sounds absolutely horrifying. We the people of Earth should not have to put up with this sort of thing. Here is a hairsplitting point: Does the ability of an entity to exert force and inflict injury really prove that they have a truly physical body? Do these entities crave the human body?

    I'm going to back-off of this subject for awhile...or at least I'm going to try. Too much of a bad thing or a good a bad thing. I really don't know what I'm talking about regarding this subject. I'm just trying to learn. I'm now turning my attention to world news...and I'm presently watching BBC World News. Even the bad news is refreshing compared to the reptilian and alien invasion stuff.

    Here is a link to wikipedia for 'V': Then click the top link...and then click the top link! For some reason I can't make the posted link work directly like they usually do. This thread was started in April...and the series was announced in May. Hmmmmmmmmm! You don't suppose. Actually the decision to do the remake was made in January...I believe. Certainly months before this thread was started. Someone in an earlier post mentioned the timing...and it made me wonder too!

    Thank-you Phtha. The linked review was informative. Whoever wrote it was quite thorough. I can't imagine anyone going to that much trouble to write a review like that! I'm feeling somewhat burned-out regarding all of this. I'm seeing two theocratic human/reptilian factions (Pleiadian and Aldebaran) battling for control of the New World Order...with a third non-theocratic human faction (Andromedan) opposing the other two factions. I'm further seeing all of the above as being both native and extraterrestrial.

    I think that both 'V' series (1983 and 2009) are attempts at disclosure. They obviously have purely fictional aspects...but I think there is a core of truth. I think that at this point...we have a short time-frame to sort through a mass of formerly classified information...and to then proceed to clean house in an orderly and thorough manner. The failure to do so may be most catastrophic to humanity. The following is my broken-record partial solution to the problems which seem to be facing the Solar System and Humanity: Please take a look at this thread. I could be very wrong regarding the proposed solutions...but the subject of Solar System Governance is very important and urgent.

    In case you missed it, or wish to rewatch is the first episode of "V" 2009:

    "V" is on tonight. I'll report back after it's over. I've rewatched the first episode on

    OK...I watched the second spite of reception problems with my broken rabbit-ear antenna. I'll have to rewatch it online...and get some new rabbit-ears. The series is settling into the plot...having moved past the wow-factor of the first episode. Everyone's lives are getting much more complex. There is a bit of a 'sanitized' factor...which doesn't quite square with what I would expect life to really be like if the V's really showed up. And how the heck do I know what that might really be like? Actually we might have real visitors sometime soon.

    If human beings were brought to Earth (rather than evolving here or being created here)...was anyone here when they (we) arrived? Could reptilian beings have been here already? Actual physical reptilians? Could human beings have possibly fought with them...and destroyed them...along with the dinosaurs? Are we now battling with the souls of these slain reptilian beings? Is there a remnant of reptilian survivors living deep within Earth? Could this be one reason why reptilians supposedly think Earth belongs to them...and why they supposedly hate humans? Do these disembodied reptilians want human bodies...and 'their' Earth? Is that why we hear of walk-ins, soul-scalping, soul-transference, extermination, etc? If this were the case...what would be the solution...for both races? Just thought I'd ask. I want the truth...but what if the truth is too hard?

    Question: where do the V's live? Answer: In a V-Hive.

    Have real V's arrived? Check out this thread: :mfr_omg:

    What do you think about 'V'? I really like it a far. I've also been rewatching the Stargate SG1 series. I was thinking that it would be really cool if both concepts were combined into one series. What would be even more if the complete and honest truth regarding universal history and the 'alien presence' were shown in a very high-budget 20 episode series. That might be the best way to handle disclosure. On the other hand...we're probably half-way through disclosure already...and we're still waiting!

    [quote=Phtha;185002]I've recently been watching the original series (there's an active torrent at mininova with all 19 episodes). I don't know how factual the information is, but here are some facts I thought kind of ironic and funny.
    The hybrid earth born child was named E-lizi-beth or a-lizard-birth, and two of the main commanders from the visitors, the ebil man eating reptoids, were named Charles and Diana, who were also to get married in the series.

    The new series is also up at mininova for those that don't have a tv. I haven't watched it yet, but a review came up at pp that might interest some of you:[/quote]

    Were they trying to tell us something about the Royal Family?! Calling David Icke!!

    In the context of 'V'...please consider this thread: It seems to me to be a simple yet effective escape method from some very deep quicksand. So far...there has been very little interest. I just wish to discuss the basic issues associated with Solar System Governance (SSG). Just trying to make common sense statements...and proposing reasonable solutions...doesn't seem to attract very many people. Why is this? Why does it seem to take crisis, pain, greed, fear, motivate people? Why doesn't common sense and reason...stated calmly...seem to work?

    Could "V" be related to the subject of "Gizeh (or Giza) Intelligence"? Take a look at this thread: I'm just trying to generate some discussion. I don't have the answers...just a lot of questions. Please look at the 3 linked threads in this post. I think they may be interrelated. But the subjects are in need of further study and refinement.

    Here is another thread which could be related to "V": It is somewhat inflammatory and controversial...but the discussion has been minimal. This puzzles me. I mean no harm. Where have I heard that before?! It has to do with who may be running the show here on Earth. It is mostly are most of my posts. I'm just trying to solve some of the world's problems (and my problems) by asking a lot of questions. Unfortunately...many more problems introduce themselves...uninvited.

    It won't be easy...but I think we're going to make it. Hang on!

    Thank-you Jacqui D. I feel as though we are under some sort of a spell. I feel like I'm fighting an invisible battle continually. It takes extreme effort just to make a little bit of progress. When this crisis is over...I think we will be absolutely amazed at how simple the true solutions really were.

    I just rewatched the first episode again...and I'll rewatch the second episode tomorrow on I really liked the special effects. The connection between the V's and religion/devotion is intriguing. I notice that they renamed the church for the actual broadcast. The church in the previews had a different name. Also...I'm wondering if Chad and Anna are conspiring to do the right thing? We'll have to wait and see!

    Thank-you Great One! The sun above the watery 'V' could be symbolic of the Sun God from Sirius ruling over the V's...and us! The photo would be even more symbolic if it was taken on Sun God Day! Your old Avatar might be driving the boat (USO)! What Would Anna Say (WWAS)? Perhaps 'they' are trying to 'wake' us up!

    I'd better stop. I'm going to rewatch part 2 now.

    Any more thoughts about 'V'? Have you watched it? What do you think so far? I think this series is huge...and could dovetail with some form of official disclosure. Reading between the story-lines might be productive and illuminating. Never underestimate Hollywood...for good or for evil. :original::sneaky2:

    Thank-you Jacqui. I think everyone will make it...but what concerns me is how much pain we may have to experience...due to corrupt and evil beings (human and otherwise). We could be facing a very rough and rocky road in the next few years. I'm hoping for the best...but preparing for the worst. The history of this world is not very confidence inspiring. It's been a tough go for most people throughout history.

    Try this link to watch the new 'V' episodes:

    Are we on the verge of a real live 'V'?

    I posted this elsewhere...but it seemed to fit this thread as well. Don't forget to watch the third episode of 'V' tonight. Think about the following while you watch.

    Could it be that Satan and Demons are really Interdimensional Draconian Reptilians who hate Humans? Could it be that God, Lucifer, and Jesus are Pleiadian Humans...and that even Lucifer is a good-guy or good-gal? They could all possibly be good. Could it be that they are all at odds with the Dracs...and that they simply have different philosophies regarding how to deal with them? Do they lead the three or four factions which I suspect are headquartered in underground and on the Moon? I believe in the literal existence of all of the above. With this in mind...consider the following link regarding God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, etc: Do the Dracs control the Vatican...against the will of the Curia and the Pope? Is the term 'Luciferian' really a cover for 'Draconian'? I keep thinking that the Dracs need to be kicked out of our Solar System. I keep thinking that no one should bow down and worship anyone...including worshipping God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, et al. We should simply reverence the Divinity Within Humanity aka The Christlike Holy Spirit. We should see Christ in All Persons. this correct? I continue to suspect that you would be ok if the Dracs were retired...and if our Solar System was based upon Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom. I still wish to hear you improvise on the Cavaille-Coll pipe-organ at Saint Sulpice...after this mess is resolved. Lucifer...can you use your Galactic Rolodex to arrange a Solar System Exorcism...and to arrange replacing the U.N. Charter with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights...and have this apply to the entire Solar System? I tend to think that you can. Perhaps you have already called in the strike. If so...thank-you in advance. See you at Saint Sulpice. Namaste Lucifer.

    Has anyone been watching 'V'? Does anyone know what the ratings are? What did Arbitron know...and when did they know it? Is the scenario believable? Previous episodes are availbale on The last episode will be available on Saturday. The final episode of 2009 will air on Tuesday. I won't be able to I'll have to wait till the following Saturday.

    I can't believe that the new 'V' series is not motivating a heated discussion here in Avaland. Why aren't more people posting? Has anyone watched it? I'm noticing a spike in views...but no spike in comments. I've also noticed this on the 'Gizeh Intelligence' thread. What's going on here?

    How do you think the fourth episode will play out? Do you think that 'V' will continue into 2010? Are there motherships really and truly surrounding Earth...even as I type? Is 'V' intended to prepare us for their decloaking? Is 'V' motivated by the good-guys or the bad-guys? Or is the bottom-line the bottom-line?

    I couldn't watch because of I'll have to wait till Saturday to see the fourth episode. I think we'll be here for a long, long time...but the question is whether we will live under an Extraterrestrial Human/Reptilian Theocracy...or under Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom.

    Isn't it a bit odd that there is such a long gap in the series? Perhaps by March 2010 we will be living 'V'...and won't have to watch the T'V' series!

    I just finished watching the fourth and final 'V' episode of 2009. 'V' End! But there is no closure. I don't want to wait until the spring of 2010 to find out what's going to happen. we now go live? The final scene shows a huge number of 'V' ships at the edge of our Solar System. Or...are they some other type of space fleet? Is something brewing? Hmmmmmm. After watching this you still want to get your damn vaccine? Don't vaccinate me bro!!

    Can the Pleiades, Aldebaran, Andromeda, and Draco be one big happy family under Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom (NCRF)? I don't really know if the four star systems are representative of the major factions at work in this Solar System, or not...but I suspect that NCRF would go a long way toward resolving a lot of problems. I just have the nagging thought that no matter what we do...or how good we try to be...things will still be $crewed-up. I really want to be optimistic about the future...but I'm preparing myself for a very difficult future. Even if we do the right thing...and make the correct major decisions...things will probably continue to be difficult for most of humanity.

    Thank-you TheObserver and recallone. Here is a link to a very cool episode of Stargate SG1. I'm watching all of the Stargate SG1 episodes (usually 2 or 3 each day).

    Tone3 dowses, I believe...but I'm not sure I believe.

    Has anyone considered the possibility that Anna is completely human (extraterrestrial human)? Could the reptilians be slaves or mercenaries for the elite extraterrestrial humans? What if Chad and Anna get married? Why didn't the series just keep going...right through the winter? What are the ratings? How has 'V' been received so far?

    I'm thinking that control and allegiance are what the 'V's are really after. Extermination could be done directly...without all of the fanfare, false overtures, and deception.

    I'm going to rewatch 'V' 2009 this weekend. Any more thoughts about the series? I noticed that Sherri Shriner of said that 'V' reflected a lot of what she has been saying for years.

    There is something I like about Anna and her daughter. I also like the technology. How would an ideal and benevolent extraterrestrial race look and act?

    Does Amen Ra = God the Founder = Intelligent Designer? Did Amen Ra create Reptilians as a slave race? ("Let us make man in our image"). Was Amen Ra destroyed by the Reptilians...or by Lucifer during the War in Heaven? Could Amen Ra exist on another dimension? Is Amen Ra present only in the Divinity Within Humanity?

    Does Lucifer = Eve/Hathor/Isis/Mary (brought us to Earth from the Pleiades/Aldebaran/Sirius IN the Moon aka Battlestar Galactica aka Ark of the Covenant)? Did Lucifer create the major religions...including being the major author of the Bible? Is Lucifer the Human Goddess of This World? Is Lucifer alive presently...perfectly possessed...and posting on the internet? Was Lucifer/Eve deceived by the Reptilians who offered technology, protection, and a new Earth (the Promised Land)...which was the equivalent of Eating the Apple? Is Lucifer in charge of the Deep Underground Military Bases / Stargate Temples / Secret Space Program? Or...are the Reptilians in charge?

    Does the War/Expulsion in Heaven (Lyra or the Pleiades?) have Garden of Eden (Pleiades?) and Exodus (Hyksosdus?) parallels?

    Are the major factions in the Solar System associated with 1. Amen Ra? 2. Hathor? 3. Horus? 4. Serpent?

    Does Adam = Earth Humanity?

    Does Winged Serpent = Reptilians / UFO's (Conspired with Lucifer against Amen Ra?). Does the Winged Serpent represent Nibiru and/or the Reptilian God of This World? Do the Reptilians provide technology, protection, and 'Tenant in Possession Status on Earth' for exchange for work, worship, and ? Could this be the Covenant? Did Horus/Jesus obtain a New Covenant?

    This is a very tangled hypothetical web which might be pure unmitigated poppycock...or which might be the biggest part of disclosure.

    I have a feeling that we will be meeting Lucifer/Eve/Hathor/Isis/Mary in the near future...and that she might be a lot like Anna in "V"...except with darker skin and an English accent...with exquisite musical abilities...and an astronomical IQ. Just a feeling...mind you.

    Now I need to take my medicine...before I go to my psychiatrist and exorcist appointments. Too hip. Gotta go.


    The accent was probably the least significant speculation...which I probably made because of Hollywood. What about the rest of the post? What are the strengths and weaknesses? BTW...I'm not saying that the hypothetical Lucifer/Eve/Hathor/Isis/Mary is evil. I'm suspecting a mixture of good and evil...which probably goes with the territory of being a God or Goddess of any world...not just this one. Once again...I don't think there should be any Gods or Goddesses...regardless of whether they are good or evil. It's the principle of the thing. The first and last commandment should be 'Thou Shalt Have No Gods'.

    We might be very, very surprised at what is within the Earth and Moon. Guess we'll just have to wait and see...or not see.

    [QUOTE=kriya;212042]A thousand apologies to you orthodoxymoron. I was just making an observation about accents without giving due thought to your post. I enjoyed V very much.

    The only thing I can comment on is the issue of Lucifer. Having not read this entire thread I apologise if this has been mentioned already. But from what I have read, Lucifer was God's most loved Angel (and By that I mean the one closest to God). Lucifer was in charge of creation, creating in God's name so to speak. However, creation wasn't meant to last forever, and was eventually meant to dissolve back into God. Lucifer was charged with this task and refused to obey as he had become very fond of creation and his own power. This is why temptation plays such a major role in keeping us imprisioned here.

    Hope that helps.



    No apology necessary. I was not aware that Lucifer was in charge of creation. What is the source of this information? I have recently speculated on this. This is fascinating. Could the Reptilians and Greys have been created by someone other than the Founders...such as Lucifer? Could this be continuing in the Deep Underground Military Bases? I really don't think that the visible governments and militaries of the world are in control of these very secret facilities. No inside info...just my usual.

    Regarding the the 1983 version of 'V' the female commander over John and Diana...has an English accent. I love a French accent...but in the context of Masters of the doesn't really work! English accents are probably the most refined and dignified sounding accents on the it was really a compliment. I guess I think in terms of Kings and Queens, Gods and being closely related. This is a 'Royal Model' of authority. There is something good about this...but the corruptibility factor should make this model obsolete. I also think about British explorers and archeologists in Egypt...and the 'British Museum' in Cairo.

    I don't wish to make light of this whole subject. I think this could be very serious business...and a mixture of good and evil, triumph and tragedy. I hope to meet the people behind the curtain someday (probably not in this life). I won't worship them...but I won't berate them either! We're all in this mess sickness and in health...for better or for worse...and death doth not seem to do us part! We can check out...but we can never leave! Welcome to the Hotel Solar System! It's a lovely place! Notice Isis (unveiled!) and Horus.

    The last scene in the fourth episode of 'V' shows a huge number of motherships...after Anna says 'it's only the beginning'. I feel as though I have met at least three or four people who have been instructed by a real life 'Anna'. It's just a feeling...mind you. As usual...I don't know. I sure wish I knew what was really going on in this Solar System. I don't have a problem with physical, mental, spiritual, ethical, and technological development...but I keep getting a sick and sinking feeling that what we may be facing is sugar-coated poison...which externally is love and light...but internally is extermination and enslavement. Sort of like "'come into my web'...the spider said to the fly." I don't want to be paranoid. I just want everything to work out well for everyone...everywhere and everywhen. But judging from history...this ain't gonna happen.

    I have no doubt that something is brewing...and that Earth is the Theater of the Universe...but I question the level of terrestrial and extraterrestrial responsibility. How do both relate to this thread regarding Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom and the Governance of This Solar System? The responses (and lack thereof) make me very apprehensive. To Be Free...Or Not to Be Free? That is the Question.

    "Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility." -- Sigmund Freud

    The Andromedan Perspective Regarding the Future of Humanity is "Responsible Freedom of Self Determination...Becoming Truly Self Confident and Unconditionally be Responsible for Oneself...Without Being Coerced to Accept Some Higher Authority." -- related by Alex Collier

    "We the People of Earth have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves, and for future generations...a True World Order. A world where Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...not the Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy...governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful...and we will be...we have a real chance at this True World order in which a credible United Nations can use Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to fulfill the promise and vision of All Races." -- my rewrite of part of a New World Order speech by George H. W. Bush

    "Like it or not, eveything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man...or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active, or abdicate...the future is in your hands." -- William Cooper

    For the "V" 2009...I like Anna and her daughter (so far anyway)...but I don't like the guy who is looking over her shoulder and questioning her all the time. Are these characters representative of the major players in this Solar System? Have they been here for thousands of years? Have we all been here for thousands of years? I'm beginning to think so.

    Here is another link which you might find interesting (John Rhodes):

    Here's yet another speculative intellectual ejaculation resulting from the masturbation of the mind:

    What if Reptilians evolved...but not Humans? What if the entire universe was Reptilian? What if there were no Humans anywhere? What if the entire universe was a Reptilian Universal Church Theocracy? What if Humans were created as a slave race? ('Let us make man in our image') What if Lucifer (Ptah?) was the Reptilian in charge of the genetic engineering project which resulted in the creation of Human Beings? What if Humans were mistreated as slaves? What if a group of Reptilians, led by Lucifer, conspired with Humans, to kill God the Father (Ra?)...and take over 'Heaven'? What if this was the Luciferian Rebellion which led to War in Heaven...and the death of God the Father (Ra?)? What if the Reptilians loyal to God (Ra?) fought against the Luciferian Reptilians and Human Beings...driving them out of the Garden of Eden (Heaven?) What if Battlestar Moon was used to transport the Luciferian Reptilians and Humans to Aldebaran, Sirius, and Earth...while being violently pursued by Nibiru? What if Interdimensional Reptilians aka The Spirit of God aka Amen battle with Luciferian Interdimensional Reptilians and the Divinity Within Humanity aka The Holy regain control of the Renegade Human Race? What if the New World Order is the Kingdom of Ra? What if the Luciferian Reptilians and a select group of Humans run Earth from underground bases on Earth and the Moon? Could this be Gizeh Intelligence? Could Reptilians and Humans loyal to Ra be Zionists? Could Reptilians and Humans loyal to Lucifer be Teutonic Zionists? Could a pacifist union of both factions be Followers of Jesus? Could Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom be the solution to this ancient mess?

    How much trouble am I in now? Probably quite a bit. But once again...this is just speculation...with no inside information whatsoever.

    I don't think that I have seen Lucifer...but one never knows! This hypothetical being could walk down a crowded city street...and no one would notice anything out of the ordinary. This would be a 3D dudess with lots of 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D connections...I think. Think Anna in 'V'. There may be remarkable similarities. Who knows?!

    I found the following in chapter 19 of the 'Dulce Book' on the website. I don't know if this is credible...but it really made me think. If the U.S. Constitution was the central authority of the Solar System...instead of any deity or one would be worshipped, humiliated, exalted, enslaved, etc. If Lucifer is the Godess of This World (and Solar System?)...and will not relinquish power to anyone else ('if I can't have them...nobody can!')...might a constitutional ultimate authority allow this being to retire with grace? I'd really rather skip the Battle of Armageddon. Does the following description refer to Lucifer...or to Satan? I'm leaning toward Satan aka God Amen...but there might be some similarities with Lucifer...who would have to have some communication with Satan...on an ongoing basis. Could the following experience describe the being who Lucifer rebelled against?

    Does Revelation 12 describe Lucifer or Satan? The ultimate leader of the serpent race's collective or 'hive mind' is the "great red dragon", the "old serpent", "the Devil" or "Satan". Lucifer was one of the three original archangels (along with Michael and Gabriel) who each had charge over one-third of the 'angels'. Mind you...I'm hypothesizing a very dark universe...where this crazy world is as good as it gets. This is a terrifying thought to me...but what if this is reality? The horror!

    "One of the 'targets' to which Mr. Brown's military RV trainer sent him was the Grey aliens' collective mind, and more specifically he was instructed to search out the ultimate command or control center of the collective.

    Shortly after this particular experiment began [one of many], Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He 'followed' the collective mind or thought-flow and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite 'heartbeat' of this massive collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing.

    He noticed, at one point, an unusual 'subspace' being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such 'subspace' beings which apparently entered the Greys' embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality.

    Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently controlled the Grey collective from a subspace or astral level, and found himself in an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were located. As he continued towards this 'center' the number of subspace or non-corporeal beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active in various pursuits. He did not know exactly where this was, but noticed that the closer he came to the control 'center' the more he sensed an increasing rigid atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was the central governing center of the subspace beings' activity, and in the center of this there was another area where a "council of 10" very high-level subspace or paraphysical entities congregated. These were apparently the governing principalities who were engaged in running the whole operation. The security here was absolutely incredible.

    Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 paraphysical entities... and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of his own subspace, astral or magnetic body which he had projected, and had followed this RV 'intruder' back to his physical source. Brown and his trainer felt an oppressive, dark 'cloud' enter the room and it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left, apparently seeing the two RV'ers as "small frys" who were not worth wasting its time on.

    Before Brown's expulsion from the command center however, he was able to perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was an extremely powerful being, but one with a twisted personality that was full of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed within this being a severe self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others. Brown was confused when he sensed that these subspace beings, and in turn the Reptilians/Greys, were actually COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self-indulgent and destructive activities. This being apparently wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or fear of punishment to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its empire -- as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy, and in turn throughout the Reptilian Grey's collective 'hive' society that they completely infested.

    Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE -- its perceived NEED to be worshipped -- that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence [strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being] and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown recieved a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!! Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble itself before its 'enemy', and the same might be said for most of the upper echelon of the hierarchy who depended on the praise of their fellow collaborators to maintain their illusion of self-importance.

    These beings, one might say, had long ago and of their own free-agency 'imploded' in upon themselves -- becoming 'spiritual black holes' with all-consuming appetites, absolute astral vampirial-like parasites, having extinguished all 'light' within themselves and therefore being unable to be brought back "into the light". Incapable of giving out 'light', they have become totally reprobate, devouring any and all life and innocence around them that they can possibly consume. The leader of this subspace 'collective' had long ago drawn these other dark beings into itself, like a large black star devouring other smaller ones around it. This irreversible state MIGHT not apply entirely to ALL of these "subspace" beings, as we will see later on."

    [QUOTE=JudgeMental;224588]Namaste. Those into the V thing and who are familiar with the symbol they use might be interested in google earth co-ordinates...

    Lat 17°59'44.46"S
    Long 70°15'39.50"W

    Some other interesting symbols as well.[/QUOTE]

    Thank-you JudgeMental. I'm checking out the coordinates...and I'm rewatching "V" (2009) on Why can't we have the good parts of "V" without the bad parts. Could Humanity interact with Reptilians...without either race dominating, enslaving, exterminating...or otherwise misusing and abusing the other? Isn't this Universe big enough for both of us? Hmmmmmm.

    Just when you thought it was safe to come back out of your all starts again on March 30!! The Horror!!
    For the latest breaking news about the Visitors...check out They are of peace...or so they say.

    abraxasinas and the Thuban material should probably be neither accepted or rejected...but simply evaluated in an open yet critical manner. The 'real' abraxasinas may be more subtle and obscure than one might imagine. If one had complete reincarnational recall...or moved from young adult body to young adult body via fully conscious soul-transference...century after century...and was able to utilize 100% of human brain capacity...and was perfectly possessed by a Draconian Reptilian Being...and had complete access to the Vatican Library and the Thuban Database (or equivalent)...what might one be like? They would be quite different...wouldn't they? I'm not saying that this describes abraxasinas...but it could. If it doesn't...I think there is a very strong possibility that such an individual exists...historically and presently. My current thinking is that this individual is an Anna-like (in "V") Human/Reptilian hybrid. I could be very wrong...but I think on one occasion...I may have seen this being. I don't wish to be more specific...and there is probably a 1% chance that the person I saw was really the one who I think they might have been. Still...I think that such an individual has existed throughout Human History...and has been the Best Friend and Worst Enemy of the Human Race...a being in conflict with itself. Think of the possibility of Earth Humanity as Prisoners of War on a Prison Planet with Grey Guards and a Human/Reptilian Warden answering to a Draconian Reptilian 'God'. The horror.

    But what the hell do I know? Rewatch "V" (2009) with all of the above in mind. Don't take anything I say too seriously. I really don't know. I just speculate...and ask a lot of questions. I speculate...therefore I am.

    [QUOTE=enemyofNWO;245652]Thanks Orthy for your thoughts about V . I have been following this thread for a while but some of the links provided do no work for computers outside the US . V did not come here to Italy yet . But it is coming on the Murduch network . However I downloaded the program "Vuze " . It is free . On the left corner of it there is window with the magnifying glass . I typed one of the titles of a V episode such " V a bright new day " and a number of different files came up , I chose one that I thought was suitable (AVI file ) and it downloaded .
    Are there any other titles ? I am downloading now " V there is no normal anymore " . There is also " V the pilot " . Is that all ? Or there are other episodes for the 2009 season ? . Thanks again and keep the good work .[/QUOTE]

    Thank-you. These are the first four episodes. The next one will air on March 30.

    1. Pilot
    2. There Is No Normal Anymore
    3. A Bright New Day
    4. It's Only the Beginning

    I sometimes wish I were in Europe...because of the art, music, history, and name a few reasons. I'd love to know what they really think about "V" in the Vatican!! Sometimes I think that even the Vatican is kept in the dark by those who really run the show here on Earth.

    I just feel as though the Vatican, the City of London, and Washington D.C. are told what to do...and that the higher one goes...the more orders one takes...and that you basically end up selling your soul to the Devil (or equivalent). When you get to the might not like the view.

    If spooks reasoned with 'problem people'...I wouldn't have a problem with them. But when they are downright dirty, nasty, and violent...I have a huge problem with them. The sneaking around...and ruining people's lives is insanely reprehensible. Arguing with someone online or at a public meeting is fair game...even if the spooks have an unfair advantage. The spooks should engage in Constructive Competition with problem people...rather than making the Mafia look good...and engaging in Destructive Competition. Monitoring people is probably OK (within reason)...but f#$%^& with them is not OK.

    Here is an interesting take on 'V' from abraxasinas's website: At this point...I don't know what to really think about abraxasinas and the Thuban material. It's quite bizzare...really. Be careful with this stuff. Some people have seemingly been sucked into something they weren't prepared to deal with. Remember...'V' continues on March 30. They are of peace...or so they say. But who are 'they'...really?

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:47 pm

    Please consider this thread in the context of the current thread.

    They say that all roads lead to Rome. This may be true...but is there a four-lane superhighway between Rome and Egypt? Do you have a problem with Christianity? Well just consider the source...which has very little to do with Jesus...and the words attributed to him.

    I really shouldn't do this...but if you want to view something very irreverent...then look on YouTube for the 'South Park - Merry @#$% Christmas'. It's so bad...I won't include a link...

    Thank-you Snowbird. The world is turning upside down...and if we survive...I think things will be 100% better...if we survive. I don't think that our survival is a done-deal. We shouldn't be too smug. I think we are at the center of a universal power struggle. The stakes may be higher than we can possibly imagine.

    I'd love to see a TV series with Ralph Ellis as an airline captain (which he is in real-life)...and Acharya S as the co-pilot...discussing Gods, Goddesses, and Mythology as they fly around the world. They could look down at a certain part of the world...and begin talking about the history and mythology of that region. Acharya S is sort of a female Daniel Jackson (from Stargate).

    May I suggest watching the Ralph Ellis 1. 2. , Acharya S , and David Icke interviews on over and over...until it really sinks in. Then rewatch the Stargate SG1 series on ...rewatch all of Alex Collier's, Bill Cooper's, and Anna Haye's videos on Google and YouTube. Finally...rewatch 'V' (1983 and 2009). Things should start to fall into place. But don't join any stupd cults...or get involved with dangerous hocus-pocus and mumbo-jumbo. You may even wish to keep going to church for the music, architecture, art, fellowship, bingo, food, members of the opposite sex, business contacts, insights of the preacher/rabbi/priest...but don't worship anyone or anything other than the Divinity Within Humanity aka The Holy Spirit. Even Jesus said that the unpardonable sin was the Sin Against the Holy Spirit. I reverence the Teachings of Jesus...regardless of their source. Lucifer/Hathor could have written most of the Bible...for all I know. The Teachings of Jesus could be the greatest hits of ancient wisdom written by Lucifer/Hathor. But I tend to think that a Reptilian Satan made sure that the Teachings of Jesus never got any traction.

    I think that Lucifer/Hathor may be behind a lot of the governmental and religious systems throughout history (under the watchful eyes of Satan/Reptilians)...and that this very human being is alive and well presently...and posting on the internet. I may have to eat my words, and eat humble pie regarding the last sentence...but this presently makes sense to me. Fasten your seatbelts...hang on tight...and don't go me. I think that cool, calm, and rational interdisciplinary thinking is essential to sorting this stuff out. Combine faith and doubt. Do not neglect either.

    Please watch this four part BBC documentary video entitled 'The Century of the Self':

    It chronicles the effect of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays, and others on marketing, mass manipulation, and politics...based upon the theory that the masses are dangerously irrational...and must be manipulated and controlled. This documentary should be viewed before researching the New World Order. Kathleen(in a comment) and Antaletriangle(as a thread which seems to not show up in a search) have previously posted links to this video. I thought it was too important to be buried or ignored. It contains foundational information.

    When I enter 'Century of the Self' in the search field...your thread doesn't appear. I also noticed that there were no comments on your thread. This video is too important to be ignored. But once again...if it's not a thread about the latest ufo flap or alien sighting...or something really exotic...there seems to be very little interest. Perhaps this supports one of the basic theories within the video...that just giving the people the facts, or telling them the truth, doesn't work...that they must be manipulated and controlled by philosophies, entertainment, and products which gratify the self...and produce the results desired by the elites. In other words:
    'Give 'em what they want. Tell 'em what they want to hear. And lead 'em down the primrose path by the hooks in their noses'.
    Sheesh! Now I'm starting to sound like one of them!:mfr_omg:

    vipassana: Thank-you for your link to the other thread. The material posted is very applicable to the subject video on this thread. Compartmentalization seems to be used to limit and control people. Multidisciplinarianism(is that a word?) should be the foundation of education. Everything is related to we need to know everything about everything to know everything about anything. This is Comprehensive Concentration. Did I miss anything?


    Once again, an important non-glamorous and non-sensational topic is attracting N:sleep_1:interest. I think I'm going to try to write the great alien novel...write some silly love songs...and do some negative-karma generating investing. I shall return...sometime before 2012.

    It's hard to be motivated without greed, fear, crisis, etc. I just thought this somewhat dull video contained a huge amount of background information regarding the masses and their rulers. I didn't mean to sound a bit shrill...but I'm very frustrated with the brutality and inhumanity which is seen historically and presently. We don't seem to be learning, or getting closer to getting it right. I don't see the arrival of 2012 as being anything which will magically make us better. Some suggest that there is enslavement and extermination in our future. I don't know. I used to believe that the second coming of Christ would wipe out the bad people and save the select few. I don't believe this at all anymore. It was a sick scenario to begin with. The New Age answers are no doubt intended to be an alternative to churchianity...but I doubt many of the new gurus and teachings. The answers which might save us, and bring us peace, may be very simple and boring. But God knows how many centuries it may take us to recognize and apply these simple and boring solutions?! I see decades, if not centuries, of struggle ahead...if we survive. This is not a popular view. The rulers of us all have huge problems, perplexities, and weaknesses. If I were one of them...I'd probably be doing a worse job. The masses may very well be stupid sheeple...and I am one of them. I simply see Constructive Competition, Positive Response Ability, and Constitutional Responsible Freedom as my answer, at least, to that which ails us. But the acceptance and implementation of these interlocking concepts may never occur to a significant enough degree to get the job done. I'm going to give it a rest for now. I'm sure we'll figure something out...hopefully by 3012!

    Freud was a dickhead...and Oedipus was a mother! :mfr_omg:

    Please give me your thoughts regarding the following people and videos:

    1. Bill Cooper:
    2. Alex Collier:
    3. Bill Still:

    These three prophets were speaking out in the 1990's. Have they been vindicated or debunked? If they have been more vindicated than debunked...shouldn't they be listened to more attentively than current, unproven prophets or whistleblowers? Have they stood the test of time? The information, principles, and concepts revealed...seem to be at the heart of resolving the human delemma. Please take the time to comment on this thread. It may not be flashy. It is not the latest thing...but should we really focus on the latest thing? I have a hunch that the Old World Disorder Reptilian Theocracy hates all of the above with extreme prejudice. What do you think? My bias is to base Globalism on the U.S. Constitution. This would be the True World Order. How about it Vatican City, City of London, and Washington DC? Let my people go. I'd love to celebrate with all of you when the global exorcism is complete...and the people of the world rule themselves with Constitutional Responsible Freedom. Full disclosure and cooperation in exchange for full immunity? Crime does not pay on judgment day. The universe is watching...

    So...who shot JFK? Are no alien abductions occuring? Are the reptillians and grays the good-guys...who really love us, and are trying to help us? Has the Constitution not been subverted? Is the New World Order going to make us happy and free? Who's your favorite guru?

    How do you identify a truthteller? Can you supply examples?

    Care to name any?

    Steve A: You are so correct and perceptive. Perhaps there should be a system developed which whistleblowers, prophets, researchers, speculators, etc. could use to inform readers, listeners, and viewers which of these mantles they are wearing...and what their level of certainty any given point in their 'revelations'. They could later edit the level of certainty rating to reflect futher reflection and information. Some wild-eyed, intoxicated, unqualified speculator might hit on a breakthrough concept...and might not realize they had done so. We are all probably part of the problem...and part of the solution. The goal is to responsibly eliminate the weeds without destroying the wheat.

    Josefine: I checked your link regarding Cooper's JFK assassination theory. He didn't recant. Here is another interesting Cooper interview regarding JFK: Also, Cooper believed that malevolent aliens had taken advantage of our obvious weaknesses, and our propensity toward power-worship, corruption, and self-extermination...not that they had caused all of the trouble in the world. In one of his lectures, Cooper indicated that he was questioning his sources and conclusions...which is to his credit. He wasn't just whitewashing his doubts to save face and sell books. I don't know if he was right or wrong...but what he said sure seemed to make sense...and connect lots of dots.

    Perhaps these people should be subjected to interrogations with truth serum, bright lights, and ex-KGB interrogators! Just kidding! NO ONE would dare to step forward! Perhaps this is exactly what the NWO has planned for the free-thinking do-gooders. I just found some Cooper material which someone might find interesting: I have only read part 6, which was intriguing...but I am not recommending it as factual. I met someone (who I prefer not to name, because it was a private conversation) years ago, who was mentioned in this part, who said things which lended support to what I read in this section. Namely, that the earth was involved in a universal power struggle...and that they sometimes wished that they hadn't gotten involved in ufo/alien research. Be careful...this is a rough game.

    The fact that Cooper used the term 'hypothesis' is to his credit. Oh...that fundamentalist preachers or the Pope would use 'hypothesis' to preface their pontifications....excathedra or otherwise. I missed the U-Turn! Did someone take down the sign? If the driver portion of the Zapruder Film has been doctored...why is this? What was so incriminating in the original version...that the Zapruder film had to be doctored? Does this not lend support to the 'hypothesis' that the driver was deeply involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? Why did William Greer step on the brakes...instead of stepping on the he was trained to do? Where does Cooper say that the Illuminati is not deeply involved with interdimensionals and extraterrestrials? Are you taking the position that demonic entities and malevolent aliens have not, and do not, influence or control human beings?

    Josefine: I wonder how much of the alien/ufo phenomenon is staged. I don't mean that nothing is occuring. What I do mean is how much of it is genuine travelers from other solar systems...and how much of it is humans, 'native-aliens', 'genetically manufactured aliens', spirit-beings confined to this earth...or all four? I have wondered if Roswell in 1947 and Muroc in 1954 were products of Project Paperclip? If treaties with aliens were signed by President Eisenhower(I don't know that they actually were)...did we really deal with an earth-based phenomenon...say Gizeh Intelligence? Did we unwittingly turn our government over to the same 'forces' who supported Hitler from the shadows? By the way...does anyone know anything about 'Gizeh Intelligence'? I've learned a bit from the Alex Collier videos, and via Google...but there doesn't seem to be a lot of information out there. Are they the basis of the Illuminati, Mystery Schools and Secret well as the modern USA UFO phenomenon...which Cooper speaks of? Cooper may have been realizing that this crazy thing was a lot more complicated than he thought. In an Alex Jones interview...Cooper maintained that our ills were homegrown from within the opposed to foreign manipulation. Jones questioned this...and I often do, as well. Oh, what a tangled web. I maintain that a focus upon, and obedience to...the Constitution of the United States of America...will reveal and correct most of the ills which plague us. I have a feeling Bill Cooper would agree with this.

    There has been some input regarding Bill Cooper. But what about Alex Collier and his purported encounters with the Andromedans? Was this a combination of research, channeling, speculation, and imagination. Or did Alex really go aboard Andromedan spaceships? Is this problem here on earth between the Pleiadians(us) and Reptillians(them)...or are there others involved? Would the involvement of the Andromedans violate non-intervention with an emgerging civilization? What do you think?

    What about Bill Still and 'The Money Masters'? Has anyone even watched the 3.5 hour documentary? He seems to be right on the money...pardon the pun. Taking this man seriously in the 90's might have saved us from the current financial 9/11. What do you think?

    Josefine: The following is from Bill Cooper's talk 'The Secret Government':

    '...Another plan is in force. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an alien race. IT COULD ALSO INTEND TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN AN ALIEN RACE THAT DOES NOT EXIST. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and TV programs depicting almost every aspect of the "purported" true nature of the alien presence. This includes the good and bad. Look around and pay attention. SOMEONE IS PLANNING TO MAKE THEIR PRESENCE KNOWN AND THE GOVERNMENT IS PREPARING YOU FOR IT. They do not want any panic. The unprecedented number of sightings worldwide indicates that public exposure is not far off. Never in history have there been so many official acknowledgements.'

    This is a confirmation of Cooper's ambiguity regarding the true source of 'the alien presence'. The more I think about it...the more I think that this presence is from the earth...or within the earth. I think there are others 'out there'...but that the ones we are dealing with or will deal with during this crisis phase of our civilization are either 'native-aliens' or 'aliens' and 'ufo's' created by human beings. Are the inner-earth native-aliens getting ready to come out of the closet, so to speak? Will most of us be exterminated or placed in concentration camps to make us more manageable by the 'aliens'? Do they really want Earth all to themselves...except for some human-slaves, human-food, and human-sacrifices(to Lucifer)? I have a feeling that Cooper was just scratching the surface...and was just describing the tip of the iceberg which is threatening to sink humanity once and for all...

    In light of the the following videos: 1. 2.

    Can someone please direct me to the nearest website where people are actually interested in the subject of this thread? Seriously. I'm afraid the answer is 'no one is interested'. I'm beginning to think we deserve the darn New World Order. Cooper was supposedly frustrated and cranky when people didn't become enthusiastic about the material and concepts he was presenting to them. Alex Collier withdrew in frustration from public appearances. Bill Still largely withdrew from the public, and was frustrated with the Anti U.S. Government people who were using his work. I think Cooper, Collier, and Still were on the right track. I do wonder if Collier actually was on board alien spacecraft...or if he imagined or channeled the encounters? Was Collier actually 'taken' to a hollow inner earth? Even if he went nowhere, the context provides a fascinating backdrop to consider the problems facing Earth and Humankind. I don't think they got everything right...but in principle and concept...they got it right. Does anyone else think so?

    I'm going to try this one last time. Can someone provide insights regarding Alex Collier and Bill Still? There has been some discussion regarding Bill Cooper. But in general, this thread has gotten no traction. I've only started a couple...and I hesitate to start another. I'm not sure where to discuss this sort of thing. Any suggestions?

    This is just a bump. I keep coming back to these three videos. I find them to be fascinating and compelling. I find an interconnectedness between the three videos. Is the basic information presented really foundational? I still have questions regarding the sources of Cooper's and Collier's information...but when one combines the information contained in the videos...the overall view seems to be consistent...and hangs together quite well.

    Howard Hughes inherited the Hughes Tool and Die Company. Some have suggested a connection between this company and the gigantic equipment used to drill the tunnels for the Deep Underground Military Bases. I'm pretty sure this is mentioned in the Dulce Book which I gave a link to in the first post. Perhaps an insiders knowledge of all the alien stuff contributed to Howard's eccentricity and later insanity. Just speculation.

    The recent 'accidental' sleeping pill/contraindicting medication near-death of former astronaut and genetics(alien?) researcher Dr. Claudie Haignere, and a simultaneous lab fire, in Paris, seemed suspicious. Search 'France's First Woman in Space' on this site.

    I'm not a Bible thumper...but the book of Revelation refers to the 'Seven Last Plagues'. Could AIDS be one of them? Revelation also refers to reptillians as being the bad-guys! Hmmm...

    Are there any organizations who exhaustively research the deaths of 'important' people...beginning with the crucifixion of Christ? If there isn't such an organization, there should be. But they would sure have to watch their backsides wouldn't they?! The following link reveals suspicious deaths of ufo/alien researchers: Stay out of space...or the Magicians will get you!

    You just know that there are some very high-placed people who are very, very afraid because of what they know...because of the perils to humanity...and the perils to themselves. This probably includes some of the people we love to hate.

    That monkey in the picture is a reptillian shape-shifter! OMG! It's David Icke!

    Please, someone comment on the overall message of the first post.

    This is my first thread on this site...and I obviously picked something that virtually no one is interested in. :sleep_1:It seemed to be conceptually very interesting...but it does require some work to actually read the included material...and then think about it. Is it plausible? If so...why so? If not...why not? What do you think? Do you think? Come on...think! I'm now beginning a search for something sensational...the latest thing...rather than something profound. I was hoping to discuss the possibility that an alien scenario exists which is very similar to the one described in the material I posted. I'm almost positive that it is fictional. Yet I think we should take the principles and concepts very, very seriously. Any takers? The water's warm. Come-on in!

    Einstein was certain regarding infinite human stupidity...but was uncertain regarding an infinite universe. Heisenberg was uncertain, as well. But at least he had principles! :roftl:

    Thank-you for your consideration. I guess I place the material I posted in the same general category as the Alex Collier 'testimony'. It may be exactly as represented...or it may be a composite constructed from a variety of sources, public and confidential...and placed in the context of 'alien advice'. There is just something special about imagining that you are in a spaceship...looking down at Earth...and listening to a benevolent alien tell you what you need to know to solve the world's problems. In fact, whether any of the above is true or might be a good mental imagine being the alien who is giving the earthling advice to help them save their planet. I'm simply trying to figure out what's wrong...and how to fix it. I don't expect to get too far...but I'd like to try to connect a couple of dots. This might help someone else connect even more dots. Then, one of these centuries, we might actually get it right!

    For anyone who missed this might find it interesting.

    Sorry about your friend Ammit. Researchers and free-thinkers should be careful. Of course...even if no one is out to get you...each incarnation is still dangerous and short. No one should terminate the life of another human matter what kind of a threat they are perceived to be. If someone is supposedly a problem...then debate them, reason with them, etc...but don't hurt or kill them. I'm talking to any bad-guys who might be monitoring this site...of course.

    14 Chakras: The exaltation of humanity needs to replace the exaltation of self. This is a subtle and somewhat complex subject to truly sort out...but it is central. I'm still not sold on the Archangel Michael. Shouldn't we simply do our best to sort things out...and let the unseen beings fight it out on their level of existence...and let them decide when and where to assist us...if we need assistance. I'm just paranoid regarding malevolents who masquerade as benevolents.

    Do you prefer this 'alien advice'...or that of SaLuSa? What are the fundamental editorial differences? Is either source really alien?

    Thank-you eleni. I respect your observations and information.

    Here are some music videos I can't stop watching. They mostly relate to topics within this forum. I hope you like at least one or two of them.
    3. - Sexy Cyborg!
    4. - Crazy French Low Level Flying

    Here is a two episode video series(6 parts in each episode) on NASA: - NASA: Triumph and Tragedy - Episode One (1 of 6) - NASA: Triumph and Tragedy - Episode Two (1 of 6)

    The footage and interviews in this documentary are amazing! This is one worth watching. I just hope that the secret and public space programs can become completely public and transparent...soon.

    The Right Stuff = Male...Mormon or Mason. All Others Need Not Apply. Of course if you were could be part of the Secret Space Program...and go to Mars. Or so 'they' say. If I sound bitter...I'm just very tired of very little making sense...and being an outsider useless feeder...taking up space...and being a part of an undesirable excess population. I feel so loved.

    This is a thread devoted to discussing the United Nations Charter. Here is a link to the U.N. Charter:

    Take a look at it...and tell me what you think...from the perspective of the country you live in. Is this a good is...or does it need to be rewritten? My bias is in the direction of globalism based on the U.S. Constitution. Are the U.N. Charter and the U.S. Constitution compatible and complementary...or are they at war with each other? I have vowed to attempt to rewrite the U.N. Charter with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights at the heart of the new document. Is this a good idea...or a stupid idea? Has this already been done? Would the patriot movement and people like Ron Paul support the U.N. if such a new charter replaced the existing document? What would Bill Cooper, Alex Collier, Alex Jones, et al say? What would You say? I would like to see global harmony and cooperation...but I do not want peace at any price. I oppose any hint of exploitation, enslavement, extermination, or tyranny. Is there an alien connection to the United Nations? Who really tells the U.N. what to do? How powerful is the U.N.? How does the U.N. relate to the Vatican, the City of London, and Washington D.C.?

    Please consider this thread regarding dictatorial theistic rule vs namaste constitutional responsible freedom. This thread undoubtedly steps on toes. It stepped on my toes...and I'm the one who is responsible for it.

    Our Planet is How We Plan It. It's Your World. Does 'Our' and 'Your' Include Greys, Reptilians, Humans...and Any Other Alien Races?

    Does a rival United Nations need to be established? What if we started a 'Shadow United Nations'(S.U.N.)? Could this be an 'Electronic United Nations'? Do we need buildings? Could we establish the S.U.N. in the center of the solar system? Isn't Avalon sort of an electronic U.N.? Avalon is a moon...right? Hell...the Dudes on Pluto could even participate. Membership in the S.U.N. might be granted after taking and passing an online class in international and intergalactic affairs...and paying a reasonable yearly fee to fund operations. Membership would be unlimited. Every being...human and the entire solar system...could be a member. Who knows what that could lead to? Peace and Happiness? Lucifer...even you could be a member...but you couldn't be the S.U.N. GOD. Can someone say 'AMEN RA'?

    A S.U.N. Resolution passed by a billion beings throughout the solar system would carry quite a bit of clout...I would think. I would like to visit Mars...but not as a slave or as an appetizer. I would consider working there for a while...if the price was right...and if my safety was absolutely guaranteed. I hear there's lots of work on Europa...or beneath Europa...I should say.

    That sounds like Omnipotent Highness KRLLL....from the 50's. Were reports of KRLLL's death greatly exaggerated? Did KRLLL reincarnate into a human or hybrid body? Hmmmm. In any case...if the United Nations, the Vatican, the City of London, and Washington D.C. were purified and reformed...with absolutely no malevolent alien or malevolent human control...we would be 95% of the way to Nirvana. But don't hold your breath.

    Is there merit to the idea of placing the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights at the center of a rewritten U.N. Charter...with all of the countries of Earth...and all of the planets and moons of the Solar System...treated as States? Various Alien Nations could participate...but they could not dictate. A President would simply be a spokesperson or PR person for the decisions of the General Assembly. Most of the communications and deliberations would be electronic...with actual meetings at U.N. Headquarters being mostly symbolic and ceremonial. Could this arrangement be considered to be the preferred alternative to a theocracy (a Universal Church)? Would this arrangement constitute a desirable non-theocratic union of politics and religion? Isn't religion really politics...and politics really religion? Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom would be the absolute standard and modus operandi of a New Universal Order.

    Have I completely lost my mind...or is this an ultra-simple solution to the problems which plague this solar system (and possibly the universe)? I am basing all of this on an unproven assumption that there is life throughout the Solar System...including, but not limited to, Human, Grey, and Reptilian life...and that the Grey and Reptilian life is not simply a non-physical demonic phenomenon. Obviously...there would have to be safeguards which would prevent a dictatorial take-over. All groups would need to be protected from themselves (competing internal factions) and the other groups. Mutually beneficial interplanetary and interracial interaction would be the goal.

    The concept is simple...but undoubtedly the details and implementation would be very, very complex. I'm guessing that powerful forces outside of this Solar System would have to agree to allow this to occur. I'm also sensing that some of the agreement...if it was granted...would be very grudging...with the view that it would never work...and that they would ultimately theocratically rule Earth eventually anyway. Who knows...this could be a new development in a very dictatorial, rigid, and violent universe. It could be Morning in the Universe. [url=""]YouTube - 2001 A Space Odyssey Opening[/url]

    Replace the U.N. Charter with the U.S. Constitution...OR...Get the U.S. out of the U.N...AND...Get the U.N. out of the U.S.

    Give me liberty...or give me death. Better dead than rep. No offense intended toward the reptilians. That was just a play on words from a cold war slogan. My intention is to not be dictatorially ruled by anyone...reptilian, human, grey...or otherwise.

    'Martian Reptilian Representative Lord Draco...Your Time Has Expired.'

    'Omnipotent Highness KRLLL...You Have Five Minutes.'

    'Lucifer...the Power of Christ Compels You to Sit Down and Shut Up!' 'Security!!!' 'Moziah!!!'

    We'd have to do something about those titles!:lol3:

    I'm leaning toward taking the U.S. Constitution and Bill of is...and simply adding the various countries, planets, and additional states. This is where things would get tricky and sticky. I think the principles and concepts are sound...but the implementation would be very difficult...especially regarding the determination of how many senators and congressbeings each region would receive. How would one properly balance something like that the Pluto Dudes wouldn't get left out in the cold?!:lol3:

    What would we do about the illegal grey and reptilian alien immigration problem in the western United States?:lol3:

    It would be fun to do something like this on a trial basis...with no authority whatsoever. You know...just set it up...and go through the motions...for at least a couple of work out the bugs (and the insectoids). This whole thing is just a brainstorm. But if this wouldn't should a solar system be properly run? Any ideas? A Theocracy...with Lord Draco, Omnipotent Highness KRLLL, and the Holy a Cosmic Trilateral Commission...a Council on Alien Relations...a Holy Trinity with Absolute Power in a Universal Church? Don't we have that right now? Next idea? Is there anyone else out there? What about you...Lucifer? You feel left out? I thought that you were either Lord Draco or Omnipotent Highness KRLLL? Was I mistaken?:lol3:

    Again...none of this implies nationalism, protectionism, or U.S. uber(A.)lles. A system of orderly decentralized decision making...with a significant history and track the focus.

    Does anyone want to be a founding member of a shadow United Nations...based on the U.S. Constitution...and applied to the entire Solar System...conducted completely in cyberspace?

    OK...I'm probably going to spend more time on this thread: I slightly streamlined and modified the U.S. Constitution...and I am calling it I don't intend to mess with the U.N. Charter at this point. The idea is to have something called 'The United States of the Solar System' which could be based at the United Nations Headquarters...but don't hold your breath! See you on the other thread!

    What do you think about the U.N. Charter? Muammar Gaddafi doesn't like it! YouTube - Muammar Gaddafi Speech To United Nations Sept 23, 2009 pt.1

    Thank-you for your response lucrum. A news event will be spun by the spinners any which way they choose. Of course I know about Gaddafi's past and his reputation...but I liked a lot of what he had to say.

    How do you think Muammar would respond to a proposal to replace the U.N. Charter with the U.S. Constitution? Would he consider this to be American Imperialism? Would making this change be in the best interests of most of the people of the world? Would this involve a loss of power to the current Powers That Be?

    Does anyone have an idea of what an ideal U.N. Charter would look like? I'm trying to be pragmatic suggesting something which has been in use for centuries...and which, if followed, actually works quite well.

    What do you think about the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' penned by Eleanor Roosevelt...and adopted by the United Nations in 1948? Should it supercede the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights? Should it be included in the United States of the Solar System? I agree with a lot of it...but it seems to go too far...and is somewhat socialistic in nature. I have the same goals, pretty much...but I envision a different route to achieving these goals. This document should not supercede the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights...and should not be included in the United States of the Solar System. I'm willing to keep thinking about this...and change my mind if a brutal gang of facts mugs me on some dark philosophical or political alley! Here is a condensed version I made for easy reading:


    Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

    Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

    Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

    Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

    Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

    Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

    Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

    Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

    Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

    Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

    Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

    Article 4. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

    Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

    Article 6. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

    Article 7. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

    Article 8. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

    Article 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

    Article 10. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

    Article 11. (1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. (2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

    Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

    Article 13. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

    Article 14. (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

    Article 15. (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

    Article 16. (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
    (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

    Article 17. (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

    Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

    Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

    Article 20. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

    Article 21. (1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. (2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. (3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

    Article 22. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

    Article 23. (1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

    Article 24. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

    Article 25. (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
    (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

    Article 26. (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. (2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. (3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

    Article 27. (1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. (2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

    Article 28. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

    Article 29. (1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

    Article 30. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

    Here is a 10 part documentary on astronauts and the space program. Enjoy.

    This one is worth watching. Listen (and read) very the words at the beginning of the documentary. Are they trying to tell us something?

    Please watch this documentary regarding TWA 800: Should all of the sad and violent episodes in the last couple of hundred years be reexamined in exhaustive and excruciating detail? Is there a common thread?

    Thank-you conjuredUp. Your post shocked me. I wasn't expecting a post like that.

    The military ship theory does seem strange. I would think that a small, very fast speedboat would make more sense...if someone did this deliberately. And I have a hard time believing that the military would mistakenly fire missiles in established airline airspace. Also...if this was to be a false-flag operation...there would be many other less visible ways to pull it off. A submerged-sub launched missile would seem to be more likely...but who knows? The missile theory makes more sense to me than the fueltank theory. But I'm not a pro. I just thought the video was fascinating. At the time...I thought they took forever to recover the wreckage. The question is...who really did it...and why was there a cover-up? There have been several bizzare assassinations and disasters...and seeming cover-ups...over the last several decades. What is so horrible and damning...that requires these cover-ups? I tend to think that the agencies involved in all of this are in a tight spot. They're damned if they tell the truth...and they're damned if they lie. How can the real truth be told without destroying the country? This goes for 9/11 as well. I hope that we can progress as a the point that complete honesty is demanded...and to the point where the public reaction is always measured and rational. Hope springs eternal.

    This video is really different. 'Little Dieter Needs to Fly' features a German man who survived dozens of brushes with death...and unbelievable hardship...during the Vietnam War(and as a youth in Germany during WWII). I found it very moving. We really need to completely eliminate all war:

    Im going to try this more time. Could taking a close look at war really be an integral part of spiritual growth and development?
    Is facing reality a necessary prerequisite for ascension? Any ideas or observations?

    Posts : 13421
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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:51 pm

    I just watched this Bilderberg video: The quality isn't very good...but what particularly interested me were the interviews in the last half of the video. These included an ADL representative and several Bilderberg insiders. There was almost no ranting and raving in this video. I liked that. It seemed balanced. What is the distinction between privacy and secrecy? We seem to reverence our right to privacy...yet despise the secrecy of the Bilderbergers. If these people discuss and advise in private...I see no problem. If they conspire, dictate, and threaten...I see a huge problem. Corruption is the enemy...not privacy. I often think that placing oneself in the shoes of Bilderberg members(especially the permanent members) is a good mental exercise. I'd love to see the U.S. Constitution become the cornerstone of a world government. Perhaps, at some point, the U.N. could make such a transition. Which country might object the most vigorously...and why? I keep thinking that this is a group of people who are not really in control of everything. In a way...I wish there was a group of well intentioned people, who were not manipulated by demonic forces of any kind, who privately, carefully, and reverently discussed the future of humanity...and had the ability to genuinely create a better world without tyranny. I see even the Bilderberg Group as a somewhat fearful gathering of powerful people who answer to an even more powerful absolutely hidden group of humans and non-humans. This hypothetical group would NOT be meeting at resorts and playing golf. I envision this group traveling to their meetings on submarines, underground leviton trains, and even anti-gravity craft. Likely meeting places might be deep underground military bases on earth...or even on the dark side of the moon. I'd like to say more...but a shape-shifting Delta Force soldier just materialized in my office...and is telepathically communicating that he's here to help me...

    I'm commenting to keep this thread from being buried prematurely. I would love to see the common man see eye to eye with the elites. This would obviously require changes on both sides. The more we understand about who these people really are...and what they actually discuss...the less us vs them mentality will be exhibited by either side. More people may need to read the CFR journal 'Foreign Affairs' so as to be able to better converse with the so called elites. I wish no ills upon the elites. I simply wish to bring them on board a populist movement toward a global government which is of the people, by the people, and for the people. One point of interest in the video is when Jim Tucker speaks of asking Henry Kissenger a question...and hearing him begin to hastily reply in a smooth non-Germanic voice...before reverting to his normal gruff Germanic voice! Start watching at 27:00. Is there such a thing as vocal shape-shifting?! I experienced this sort of thing with a televangelist who I unintentionally irritated! Hmmmm...

    I just rewatched this short documentary on Bilderberg...and I had a renewed conviction that We the People of Earth all need to become Bilderbergers. We need to think on that level. We the People of Earth need to become the New Elites in a Brave New Universe. This may be the key to a lot of things. Avalon should be sort of a Solar System United Nations. How do we really know who is observing or participating on this site?

    eleni...your experiences and stories are amazing. I'm a bit confused regarding the Zionist faction -American in relation to Aldebaran. I'm using my very faulty memory. Somehow...all of this links together...possibly in a D.U.M.B. right here in the good 'ol U.S.A. Who knows...the ultimate ET authorities may pit faction against faction...and sit back and laugh...if they laugh.

    Perhaps when people have been 'above it all' for too long...they get cold, hard, efficient, machine-like...and possibly perfectly possessed...whether they know it or not. I just wish there were a way to make them more like us...and to make us more like them. A properly operating constitutional representative republic would probably accomplish this. Unfortunately...the 'gods' in cahoots with the 'elites' seem to circumvent attempts at proper self-government...and give it a bad name. The cold, hard, and corrupt ruling the apathetic, ignorant, and reactionary is a very unhealthy and dangerous situation indeed. I'm hoping that Avalon, and the internet in general, will help the general public to wake-up and get with it. I'm also hoping that elites will post on sites such as Avalon. The video indicated that the elites find internet posts about them to be interesting and amusing. Perhaps some sort of anonymous back-channel internet communication can be established...wherein the elites and peons unite to save the world! Hope springs eternal.

    I seem to withdraw from people more and more as I spend more and more time on Avalon and other sites! I'm starting to feel mid-way between the elites and the peons...even though I'm still a peon...and don't want to be an elite! Come to think of it...I don't want to be a peon either! Sometimes I feel like I'd just like to travel through space on a UFO with a crew of benevolent Humans and ET's. I like my little dreamworld! Everyone is so nice!

    You know...if we were able to fire all of the elites...and exorcise all of the malevolent entities from this Solar System...we would still face such a huge mountain of problems...that most of us wouldn't want to touch with a ten-foot pole. We'd rather let someone else deal with it. It's a lot easier to delegate, blame...and look for a savior. Herein lies the problem.

    Here is a Coast to Coast program with George Noory interviewing Dr. Robert Temple regarding the Dogon Tribe and Extraterrestrials from Sirius. If you haven't been exposed to this will floor you. I can hardly type...I am so amazed. My crazy and disjointed theories are beginning to make sense...and I wish that they didn't. Fasten your seatbelts. Siriusly. - The Dogon & the Sirius Mystery Part 1
    Here is another video series on the Dogons. Do you think that North Africa(including Egypt) is the key part of the puzzle? I'm beginning to wonder. I'm just a wanderer...and not a seasoned guide. I'm seeking information and advice on this thread. I have been experiencing an incredible feeling of weight...sort of like I view these videos. Why is this? - The Dogon Code: Linking Egypt and West Africa Pt.1
    Could the following series of videos be relevant to this thread? - When We Ruled Part 1
    I am including the next two video clips because of Leo Zagami very strangely proclaiming that 'God is an alien from Sirius...the Prince of Sirius.' You people probably think I'm this point. Well...I think I'm crazy too! Does the following video clip depict an actual underground stargate temple from which Lucifer rules Earth? Care to comment Lucifer? Does the following video clip reveal the thoughts and words of Lucifer? Is Leo possessed by Lucifer during this clip...or could Leo be relating information obtained from a variety of sources? Listen carefully to his words...and imagine them being spoken by the androgynous being in the previous Stargate video clip. Mute the sound in the Stargate clip...and listen to the Zagami clip while watching the Stargate clip. Interesting...isn't it? Am I making a valid connection? Who knows? The shadow(government) knows...and so does Lucifer. Right Lucifer? Do you live in a Deep Underground Military Base in North Africa, the Western United States, Italy, or the Dark Side of the Moon? You should really arrange for the whole truth to be revealed...appear on '60 Minutes'...transfer power to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights...send the reinforcements back to Draco, Orion, and Nibiru...and then retire to a place where you are safe...and where you can regain your mental health. Is 'not guilty by reason of insanity' a valid defense in your case? I don't know. I suspect that everyone who tries to be God...goes insane...without exception. You could be an advisor to the reorganized United Nations of the Solar System...but never a dictator. I'm Sirius. Let's get this over with...Lucifer. Does all of the above somehow fit in with the 'Raiders of the Lost Ark?' What did Steven Speilberg know...and when did he know it?

    There are things I would love to talk about...but I feel like the frustrated housewife who is trying to talk to her husband...while he has his head buried in the newspaper...and who only mumbles a couple of 'yes dear.' I really don't know where to turn at this point. Thinking outside of the box is giving me a headache.:wall: What's the point?

    Thank-you so much for your responses. I have listened to Credo Mutwa previously...but I will listen again today. I was very impressed. I think that things may be crazy for a few years...and then they will settle down. We will always have problems and trouble...but I think that a better world will emerge. But we may have to wait for our next lifetime to enjoy it! I don't see heaven, hell, nirvana, paradise, etc. in our future. I guess I'm envisioning making purgatory a better place! I'm trying to be optimistic and realistic at the same time.

    The point of my rambling is that all of the above information...even if only 10% of it is a lot to digest...and may cause indigestion in the general public(of which I am one). The truth is emerging...but it's probably going to be a rough delivery...and a cesarean section may be necessary! We should have taken that lamaze class!

    I agree. I fear that some type of general public stampede is very likely. All of this is a perfect storm in the making. This will place law enforcement and the military in a very hard spot. If basically good people go nuts...what do you do? This forum is an example of the way a paradigm shift should an evolutionary...rather than a revolutionary...manner. I haven't listened to Alex Jones for at least a month...because I don't want to program myself with anger...and with an us vs them mentality. I keep saying it over and over...get informed without getting mad. We the People of Earth need to become the New Elites...but we can't do this if we are running in the streets with torches and pitchforks.:lightsabre::trumpet::tongue2:

    Who is the world's most knowledgeable authority on everything Sirius? I'm currently thinking that we are in Sirius trouble. Suddenly...everything seems to center around Sirius and the Sirians. I know very little about the subject...but at this point...I want to know everything...Siriusly.

    Lucifer...are you from Sirius? Have you considered retiring? Can't we just skip all of the eschatological cr@p? Just leave us to our own devices. We will probably continue to make huge mistakes...and we might even exterminate ourselves...but we need to be free. You need to be free as well. It's a win-win proposition. Tempted?

    Regarding your caste...about why I keep making comments to Lucifer...this is an attempt to deal with a subject which very few people deal with in a personal and concrete manner. Many people speak of Satan...or Luciferian this and that...or bloody Satanic rituals...or exorcisms...but few consider Lucifer to be an actual being who lives on or close to Earth...and who may be running (and ruining?) the show. I suppose that it's a literary device to make a point. I doubt that Lucifer monitors Avalon...but one never knows. I don't respect or disrespect this being. Does Lucifer wear Prada? I think that Lucifer is an extremely powerful being who has very low self-esteem and huge psychological and spiritual issues. I won't bow down and worship this being...or kiss his or her @ss or tail. I consider this being to be my equal...not superior...not inferior. I am not really concerned about being safe. We are so $ this point...that I simply want to help to make things better. If the $hi+ really hits the fan...there will be no place to hide...not even in the DUMBs.

    Is Sirius the primary source of reptilians and greys who are in this solar system? Is Aldebaran the primary source of humans who are in this solar system? Did an ancient human/reptilian/grey war in or about Orion move to this solar system? Did War in Heaven become Hell on Earth? Are we involved in the tail-end of an ancient human/reptilian/grey conflict? Can there be a happy ending for all of us? Can't we all just get along?

    I am NOT fatalistic regarding eschatology. I do not consider the book of Revelation to be a history of the future. It could be a script...or it could reflect historical end-times for other civilizations...but this does NOT have to be our fate. Hope springs eternal.
    Here is another piece of the puzzle: - Atenism, The Dog Star, Fallout, and The Birds of Paradise (HD)

    Yet another piece of the puzzle (start at 20:00 for relevance to this thread):

    Thank-you Grazzab. I'm just trying to get at who is really running the show in this solar system. I'm not a top level Mason, Satanist, or Vatican Exorcist...and I don't do blood I'm not going to be talking directly to the God of This World anytime soon. There are two opposite errors. One is to disbelieve that there is a being such as Lucifer, Caligastia, Satan, etc. The second is to cower before, respect, venerate, worship, etc...such a being. I'm trying to pursue a middle road here...which probably seems like insanity to many people. It's both to make a point...and to possibly influence such a being to do the right thing...if that is even possible. I just think that universal history is an incredible mess...and that countless beings throughout the universe...are trying to clean up this mess. I'm not into war, vengence, retribution, bottomless pits, eternal damnation, annihilation, etc. I just want the bs, death, suffering, corruption, etc. to STOP.

    I'm feeling really close to the truth...yet really far away. I'm thinking that Sirius is at the center of everything...yet I'm not sure exactly how.

    Could it be that the God of This World is a Draconian-possessed androgynous black human alien from Sirius who heads Giza Intelligence, the Secret Space Program, and the Deep Underground Military Bases...and who is the real Black Pope? Could the Ark of the Covenant be the UFO which brought us here from Sirius along with technology obtained from Draconian-demons in exchange for allowing the Draconians to possess the elite-humans? Is this solar system really part of the Siran solar system? Is our sun really Sirius C? Is the ancient depiction of three suns really Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C? Are the tall greys from Sirius, really just human beings? Did we all come from Sirius? Is there a stargate between this solar system and Sirius? Is all of the cr@p we have been in for millions of years really a Sirian civil war? Are we all different factions of Sirians? Would my pet project of The United States of the Solar System really have to apply to Sirius as well? Is Sirius the All Seeing Eye at the top of the pyramid? Is Sunday really Sun God Day? Is this sun really Sirius? Is the Roman Catholic Church all about Sirius? Are the Masons all about Sirius? Are the occultists all about Sirius? Is the layout of Washington D.C. all about Sirius? Is the Sirian Theocratic System really the Universal Church aka The Holy Roman Empire aka the New World Order?

    If you ever feel overwhelmed with the gravity of some of the threads...and life seems pointless...just watch this 8 part video...and you'll get 'The Point'.

    An animated story of an unusual kingdom in which everything and everybody is pointed - except for a young boy named Oblio(provided by Mike Lookinland, an actor best known as young Bobby Brady on the television series The Brady Bunch). Despite his round head, Oblio has many friends. But an evil count, jealous that Oblio is more popular than his own son, says that without a pointed head, Oblio is an outlaw. Along with his faithful dog Arrow, Oblio is exiled to the Pointless Forest. There, he has many fantastic experiences (including encounters with a 3-headed man, giant bees, a tree in the leaf-selling business, and a good-humored old rock). From his adventures, Oblio learns that it is not at all necessary to be pointed to have a point in life. Music composed and performed by Harry Nilsson ("Me and My Arrow"), who also wrote the story. Ringo Starr narrates.

    The following link is to a site devoted to a post mortem of the forced demise of Washington Mutual: Maybe it's good to take a 'break' from all of the esoteric and sensational topics...and simply begin to look at the details of the Financial 9/11 most of us have been subjected to. 9/11/2001 seems to keep being swept under the rug...and I suspect that the Financial 9/11 will also be swept under the rug. However...we should not be ignorant of the true facts of each event. The following is the short version from the linked site which details what happened behind the scenes, and reveals the how and why of this robbery that hides behind the word 'seizure':

    The history of the seizure of Washington Mutual is a long and complex story that appears to have started in April of 2008, when WMI/WAMU bank found the need to raise capital due to bad loans. JPMorgan made an offer, at that time, to buy Washington Mutual for $8 per share (1.7 Billion shares ourstanding equals $13.6 Billion). JPMorgan wanted to expand their banking operations to the west coast. This offer was rebuffed by Washington Mutual as being too low, and instead WAMU got the funds it needed through private equity. TPG and several associates pumped about 7 billion dollars into Washington Mutual.

    Many banks were coming under fire from short selling in the summer of 2008, and 19 banks were put on a list not to be shorted in July 2008. Washington Mutual asked to be put on that list and was refused. The American Bankers association also complained that more banks needed to be put on the “no short” list, as they feared banks not on the list would become targets. Paulson later admonished Washington Mutual executives that they should have sold to JPMorgan and that things would get a lot worse for them. One wonders if this was a prediction or a threat, given the things that happened to Washington Mutual within a few months.

    In September, many banks and other financial institutions began to have financial difficulties. Several had failed, and several had been saved in late September. (Later the determination of who would be saved became even more unfair as the government sunk $300 billion into Bank of America ) Washington Mutual was in the news often, after the failure of Lehman Brothers--reporters shifted gears to put the focus on Washington Mutual, claiming the bank was in serious trouble, and later reporting that the FDIC had announced WAMU had to sell itself. One CNBC account showed a long line of depositors at a bank, claiming it was Washington Mutual. By the time they corrected their error, one commercial later, the damage had been done. In the next 10 days, 16.7 billion dollars was withdrawn from Washington Mutual accounts.

    The OTS website press release reported that most of the money withdrawn was from accounts that were over the $100,000 FDIC insurance threshold. If this is true (and why would one doubt the OTS who had a birds eye view of what was happening) then the bank run would seem to be a self limiting event. Regardless, Washington Mutual came under fire from the OTS, after pressure from the FDIC and was seized and sold within a matter of hours. News later surfaced that the FDIC and JPMorgan had been in discussions about the seizure/sale for 3 weeks.

    Although is was never suggested that Washington Mutual was undercapitalized (in fact their capitalization ratio was 8.4% -- well above what was required), the OTS seized Washington Mutual on the basis that liquidity had become a problem and it contended Washington Mutual was operating in an unsafe and unsound condition. The OTS has never published any specific information on that, and indeed evidence filed in the Chapter 11 bankruptcy shows that not only did Washington Mutual have 4.4 Billion dollars in cash, it also had access to borrow 50 Billion dollars from a secondary window at the Federal Reserve in San Francisco. The Landefeld Amendment appears to demonstrate that indeed liquidity was not an issue at all. The question that remains in shareholders minds today is why was a bank that was liquid and well capitalized seized?

    The OTS ordered the bank to sell itself, but while Washington Mutual was trying to sell itself, the 700 Billion dollar bailout was pending, and banks were hesitant to make a bid, given that unknown. Additionally, the FDIC was going behind Washington Mutuals back and trying to solicit bids for the bank, offering those banks a better deal than Washington Mutual could. Two factors were working against Washington Mutual in the sale. The pending bailout, and the FDIC soliciting bids. The FDIC had apparently already made up its mind that it was going to auction off Washington Mutual, apparently ignoring Washington Mutuals ability to borrow $50 Billion in cash from the Federal Reserve Window in San Francisco, and the 4.4 billion. (Incidentally 3 days later TARP was passed, and the "struggling" WAMU's picture would have been very different.)

    The OTS planned to seize the bank on Friday, Sep 26, 2008 , but the seizure was stepped up to Thursday, due to a media leak. The leak was apparently a professor Roy Smith, with no apparent connections to the “secret auction” being arranged other than the fact that he previously worked for Goldman Sachs. The sale of Washington Mutual to JPMorgan was arranged with lightning speed. Within a few hours the bank belonged to JPMorgan for the paltry sum of 1.9 Billion dollars.

    It is interesting to note that the attachment, 3.1a , which purportedly contains a list of what was purchased cannot be located. JPMorgan indicates in recent court filings (Objection to the March 31,2009 deadline for claims) they are having difficulty reviewing the assets, and disentangeling accounts. Without the attachment 3.1a listing the conditions of purchase, how can anyone judge in restrospect what was sold. There is no document that indicates what assets JPMorgan purchased other than the bank available in the public domain.

    What happened to Washington Mutual is a travesty. Washington Mutual was apparently singled out for seizure due to the FDIC fear that it would fail. Washington Mutual never did fail. It was seized solely due to fear on the part of the FDIC, and we have seen since that the FDIC was not aware of the condition of the bank. It did not know about the 4.4 billion dollars WAMU had, nor did it know about the 50 billion dollars WAMU had access to through the Federal Reserve secondary window.

    Now, shareholders and bondholders have been nearly wiped out—due to the hair trigger of the FDIC, who pressured the OTS into wrongfully and inappropriately seizing the bank. It should be noted that WMI has received absolutely no compensation for their $307 Billion dollar bank, and the bondholders, and shareholders will get little to no compensation either.

    WMI, the parent company was forced into Chapter11 bankruptcy, and has been fighting for the assets which it rightfully owns ever since. Letters to Congress and other government officials (President, FDIC, OTS,FBI and SEC) have gone unanswered. An investigation was started almost immediately, but the results are yet unknown to the public. Washington Mutual has been ignored in the media, perhaps due to an unofficial “gag order”.

    Most people agree that what happened to Washington Mutual was wrong, and an action that was totally bungled by the OTS and the FDIC. The shareholders are paying dearly for their incompetence. Shareholders are seeking redress and protection from losing their stock due to re-organization. An equity committee has been denied as shareholders, and indeed Washington Mutual (WMI) do not know what their assets are due to stonewalling by JPMorgan and the FDIC. Shareholders do not have the opportunity to protect their interests, as an equity committee cannot be granted unless they can show the bank is solvent. The total worth of WMI is still unknown.

    Shareholders are still in shock…one could understand if this happened in Russia or China, but for this to happen in the United States of America speaks poorly of our system of justice. Is justice only for the people who can afford to buy it, or who have the proper “connections”? Apparently so….this “justice” has served JPMorgan handsomely, who has profited significantly in a mere 3 months, from the seizure and firesale of Washington Mutual.

    Shareholders are outraged, and continue in their struggle to be heard by the Congress, the court, the President, and the media. The fact that something like this could happen in the United States of America is disgraceful.

    The plot thickens:

    ANDERSON ISLAND, Wash., May 26 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is being issued on behalf of, Concerned Shareholders of Washington Mutual Inc. -- Washington Mutual Inc. shareholders are increasingly alarmed by the actions of federal regulators in recent months. They feel the regulators are setting dangerous precedents that will adversely affect the banking sector in the foreseeable future. They feel these actions do not just affect individual shareholders, but the financial sector in general.

    The FDIC's fire-sale of Washington Mutual Inc.'s (OTCBulletinBoard: WAMUQ) (PinkSheets: WAHUQ) (PinkSheets: WAMPQ) (PinkSheets: WAMKQ) assets to JPMorgan changed the game for potential buyers of banks. The new rule seems to be: "Get regulators to place the bank into receivership in order to buy the assets at a fire-sale price."

    It appears that bidders for BankUnited Financial Corp. planned to do just that. They recently asked regulators to place the bank into receivership and now the regulators have complied. Regulators have set a dangerous precedent in this action.

    Bidders for BankUnited Financial Corp waited on the side lines, hoping for the new form of behind the scenes bailout being offered by the FDIC--assets on the cheap. This has the potential to leave bondholders and shareholders out in the cold, just as was done with Washington Mutual Bank.

    Prior to the FDIC's takeover of Washington Mutual, banks would attempt to sell themselves to prospective buyers at or near face value, attempting to get the most for their assets, their shareholders and creditors. Now, having seen the sweet deal JPMorgan Chase received when it bought Washington Mutual's assets for a fraction of their worth, bidders apparently prefer not to deal directly with banks anymore.

    This new approach is a much better deal for acquiring banks and private equity investors, and a losing proposition for shareholders. It has been noted widely, that banks need to increase investments from shareholders in order to raise money, but that is not going to happen as long as banks can be whisked away from shareholders, leaving them out in the cold.

    A new Wall Street motto has been coined: "Remember The WAMU." The sale of WAMU bank, for pennies on the dollar, stunned investors, and has kept them from returning to stocks in the financial sector, especially as new laws are currently underway to increase the authority of the FDIC to seize holding companies as well.

    Changing the rules of the game doesn't appear to have been the FDIC's intention when it sold Washington Mutual for a pittance, but bidders are getting wise and are taking advantage of the way the "new" game is played. This does not bode well for banks, their shareholders or their creditors. Nor does it bode well for the taxpayers who get to pick up the tab once again. The money that is so badly needed by banks, to shore up their losses, is not going to come in the form of stock investments any time soon. That will leave the FDIC to pick up the pieces over and over and over.

    The name Rockefeller wouldn't have anything to do with any of this, of course...

    JP Morgan did OK...didn't they? Retrospectives can help us to properly evaluate new crisis as they emerge. Our memories are often too short term...and we repeat the same mistakes over and over again. :wall:



    Please watch all of the following videos (in order). They will help you to understand my perspective. I don't necessarily agree with everything in these videos...but they illustrate and support the general principles and concepts presented in this thread.

    1. Bill Cooper:
    2. Alex Collier: a. b.
    3. Commander X:
    6. Martin Luther King "I have a dream"
    7. Ronald Reagan - Alien Threat - United Nations
    11. V - the final battle - chapter 39
    12. 1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial
    14. Journey To The Solar System
    15. Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)
    16. [url] We Are The World - Michael Jackson Lionel Richie Cindy Lauper Steve Wonder Bruce Springsteen...[/url]

    What if - after all of this rambling, ranting, and raving - I finally got what I thought I wanted - and then decided that it was all a very bad idea??? We should be prepared to contradict ourselves, and reverse course, shouldn't we? Again - this thread is designed to make YOU think. It's sort of a mental-gymnasium. This thread should not be a security blanket. I still do not have the answer. I've just been scratching the surface of the way things are supposed to be. I don't claim ownership of any of this. This thread is mostly a rehash of other people's ideas. I truly hope that someone has seen the light from studying this material. Perhaps someday - I'll see the light too!!

    What if I became best friends with the Greys, Dracs, Hybrids, Amen Ra, Lucifer, and the Queen of Heaven? I could see myself being the guy pictured in my avatar. (talking to the Queen of Heaven?) Would this be considered to be 'selling-out'? I really don't know enough, at this point, to really know what the future will hold. I just hope that we all do the right thing - and evolve ethically. We have done a really crappy job ethically over the past several thousand years. We all need to do a helluva lot better. I agree with Raven, that I am a completely ignorant fool. I'm working on it - but there isn't a lot of progress. Hope springs eternal. If I ever had any power at all, I would delegate, delegate, delegate. Here's a video series which most of you might not like - but I really appreciate this sort of thing.

    How many of the moons in the solar system do you think have subsurface bases and cities? Should each of these moons become states in the United States of the Solar System? How would you like to be the Representative from Puck? What would Sherri Shriner say? I support solar system tourism. I think that all of the subsurface bases and cities should be selectively accessible by the general public, eventually. (within reason and respectful of all concerned) I wish to eliminate evil from this solar system. Period. I'm not necessarily anti-alien or anti-reptilian. But if you guys mess with me - it will be very, very difficult to gain my trust and compassion in the future. Be careful. I might've been a helluva warrior in a previous life. I hope not - but one never knows. I might stop singing Kumbaya - and start playing the Sonata on the 94th Psalm by Julius Reubke. 1. 2. 3. Look up the words. This solar system will be a paradise - but this won't happen overnight. I continue to be open - yet very wary. Beware of the Descended Disasters. Evil will be exposed and eliminated. Choose wisely. Time is running out - but there is still time to change the road you are on. Namaste.
     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Moons_of_solar_system_v7

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:57 pm

    Once again - I'd like to take a closer look at Bill Cooper, Commander X, and Branton. I feel quite close to them editorially - but I can't verify their sources or information. Some might think that they are out of date and obsolete - but the passage of time provides the opportunity to evaluate these people. I know who Bill Cooper is - but who is Commander X and Branton? Could they all be the same person? I will try to assemble links to their various videos and material - for quick reference. I have made it no secret that I am not happy with the church or the new age. I'm trying to find a Spiritual Switzerland somewhere between the two. Perhaps Bill Cooper, Commander X, and Branton can help me in my quest. I'm not pushing these sources - but they are the sort of thing I like to look at - which are not the old explanations - but yet which do not get into a lot of complex new age concepts and terminology. This sort of thing fits into my quest for a legitimate and reasonable solar system governmental system. Some of this may seem boring - but the overall picture which emerges is anything but boring. I've covered this territory before - but now I wish to take a second or third look at it. I keep saying this over and over - but just treat all of this fringe material as if it were science fiction - which might contain some elements of truth. Use it as a means to think in unconventional ways. But please don't take it too seriously - or get too upset by it. I'm probably preaching to the choir on this website - but one never knows who might be visiting. I think the insane asylums are going to be packed over the next few years. There is just too much conflicting and upsetting information available to the general public at this time. I support the freedom of speech - but I wish for a responsible and organized way to inform people regarding hidden things and forbidden knowledge. Perhaps this website can help to accomplish this goal. I just realized that I haven't been exposed to a lot of this material linked below. I will make going through all of this my highest priority. Believe it or not, I am attempting to be a Silent Partner of the PTB. I really am trying to imagine myself as being in the shoes of the individual portrayed in my avatar. I am speculating that someone similar to this, might be the chief administrator in this solar system - although there may very well be others above them. Again - a lot of this is speculation - with circumstantial evidence. Obviously - those who really know the full truth aren't holding press conferences to blurt out everything they know - and I can't say that I blame them...

    Bill Cooper:

    1. Wikipedia:

    2. Behold a Pale Horse:

    3. Mystery Babylon Series (Introduction):

    4. Mystery Babylon Series (The Dawn of Man):

    5. Mystery Babylon Series (The Ultimate Disaster):

    6. Mystery Babylon Series (Antiquities):

    7. Mystery Babylon Series (The Assassins and the Templars):

    8. Mystery Babylon Series (Secret Societies and Vatican II):

    9. Mystery Babylon Series (The Occult and the Third Reich):

    10. Mystery Babylon Series (NWO and Freemasonry):

    11. Mystery Babylon Series (From Christianity to Babylon):

    12. Mystery Babylon Series (The Godmakers):

    13. Mystery Babylon Series (Maitreya):

    14. Mystery Babylon Series (Osiris and Isis Part 1):

    15. Mystery Babylon Series (Osiris and Isis Part 2):

    16. Mystery Babylon Series (Gnosticism):

    17. Mystery Babylon Series (Initiation):

    18. Mystery Babylon Series (Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare Part 1):

    19. Mystery Babylon Series (The End of the Templars):

    20. Mystery Babylon Series (William Morgan Interview):

    21. Mystery Babylon Series (Ecumenism):

    22. Mystery Babylon Series (Letter by a Humanist Police Chief):

    23. Mystery Babylon Series (The UN Meditation Room):

    24. Mystery Babylon Series (Sun Worship):

    25. Mystery Babylon Series (Roshaniya):

    26. NASA Mooned America:

    27. The Legacy of William Cooper:

    28. Jordan Maxwell Interview:

    29. Lansing, Michigan Lecture:

    30. Atlanta, Georgia Lecture:

    31. Las Vegas (MUFON) Lecture:

    32. Day of 9/11:

    Commander X:

    1. Secret Underground Lecture:


    1. Wikipedia:

    2. The Dulce Book:

    3. The Omega Files:

    4. The Coscon Files:

    5. Secrets of the Mojave:

    6. Fire from the Sky:

    7. The Underground Nazi Invasion of the United States:

    I am both for religion and against religion - which is why I chose the name orthodoxymoron. I keep thinking of myself as a renegade reformer of the Roman Catholic Church - rather than being an enemy of religion and an enemy of the Creator God of the Universe. I simply have issues with how business is being conducted in this solar system. I probably couldn't do any better if I had the chance, but I feel a responsibility to attempt to help to make things better - in my own way and in my own time. An Episcopalian rector once told me that I looked as though I was carrying the weight of the whole world - and that I looked as though I had lost my last friend. When I was 12 years old - a girl called me 'Droopy'. A Catholic Priest told me not to be so hard on myself. He was a very friendly and animated person. I'd like to know what became of him. I'm truly afraid to know my reincarnational history. Bill Cooper, Commander X, and Branton obviously came from a Christian background - but they obviously knew that something was very, very wrong with business as usual. I guess I'm using their material as a home-base of sorts - as a point of reference - as I'm exposed to more and more disorienting material. I keep wishing to attend some type of church - but so far, all I'm doing is listening to classical sacred music and Latin Masses, while I read the Four Gospels, and assorted theological materials. You can stop going to church - but don't stop studying theology. I continue to think that theology is central to disclosure. Even abraxasinas thought so!

    Who is the most knowledgeable person in the world regarding Bill Cooper, Commander X, and Branton? Who is their rightful heir? Who is continuing what they started? I think a lot of people have been influenced by them - but who has really focused on them? Who has imitated their style and methodology? I'm going to focus on them for the next few weeks anyway. I think there are some Jesuits and Alphabet Agents who probably are the most knowledgeable people in the world regarding Bill Cooper, Commander X, and Branton - and they probably know a lot of damning things about them as well - but these people will probably always remain hidden from the general public. I would LOVE to see the Vatican, NSA, FBI, and CIA files on Bill Cooper, Commander X, and Branton!!!!! Can you imagine?????

    I continue to be skeptical regarding all of the naturally occurring Earth changes, Sun changes, Planet X induced changes, Crossing the Galactic Plane induced changes, etc. I suspect deliberate extermination events disguised as any or all of the above. I continue to think that we are being messed with in the worst way by those who hate us to the core. Is all of this cr@p a continuing human vs human civil war, which might include human/reptile hybrids masquerading as aliens? If any of you human/reptile super-soldiers are reading this - can't we just call the whole damn thing off - and resolve whatever issues exist - in a rational and non-violent manner? Perhaps some of you should consider changing sides. I stand by everything I've said on Avalon 1 and Mists of Avalon. I suspect a hybridization program gone bad. I also suspect an advanced technology program gone bad. But why does the madness have to continue? In 1994 or 1995 Alex Collier stated that the regressive aliens were a heck of a lot more responsible than our leaders (or something to that effect). What the heck is going on? Did some of the hybrids rebel against the Queen of Heaven? Are we dealing with several factions of escaped hybrids - throughout the solar system? Why can't we arrive at some sort of a non-violent solution? Why can't this solar system be administered in a rational, organized, and responsible manner - which guarantees responsible freedom for all races? I haven't decided whether there is a legitimate place for hybridization or not - but it sounds like a lot of the genetic hybridization might be horrific and highly unethical. Once again - I don't know what's really going on - so I continue my little guessing game - posting here and there on the internet - hoping that it does someone some good - somewhere and somehow.

    I just finished listening to the 'Dawn of Man' broadcast - and in it, Bill states that he is a Christian who follows the words attributed to Jesus - and that he does not follow any church or religion. I suspected that he was a Red Letter Christian - but this was confirmation. I am a Red Letter Christian, as well - but I have only about 5% of Bill's brains, guts, and determination. Bill supported the Teachings of Jesus and the U.S. Constitution - and so do I.

    In Cooper's 1989 MUFON lecture - he stated that the 'aliens' presented a hologram of the Crucifixion of Christ. Did ET record the crucifixion - or did they project a hologram of the crucifixion from a UFO? Here is a link to paintings of the Crucifixion of Christ - with UFO's in the sky. Notice the image near the middle of the first page, in which a UFO appears to be illuminating the crucifixion. Could the UFO be projecting a hologram? Just wondering.

    I've been listening to a lot of the Cooper shows - and when I finish - I'll start over again. Is anyone else listening to the linked shows and lectures in the first post of this thread? I think this is foundational information. Obviously, we can consider everything from every source, but I think that if we neglect the Cooper stuff, that we may very well get a lot of other things wrong. I don't think we have the luxury of getting a lot of things wrong at this point. Conduit Closing.

    I've been playing these old Cooper shows as I fall asleep - so I consciously listen to the first 10-20 minutes - and then I listen to the rest as I sleep. 'Uncle Bill's Bedtime Stories'! I'm trying to program myself with the Cooper material - for a couple of weeks. I am also playing the Cooper shows as I do various things throughout the day and night. I know I'm crazy - but I'm finding these shows to be somewhat calming - despite their controversial nature. Again - I don't wish to fight with the elites. I wish to understand them - and to ultimately partner with them on a higher road than they are presently travelling. I could possibly turn out to be their best buddy! I really and truly do not wish for anarchy and violence to sweep the world. Just the opposite. I think that most of us are deluded - and that we need to rethink everything. All of my internet posting over the last couple of years are my attempt to rethink a lot of things in an open manner. You folks who may have been monitoring my internet activities really don't have to guess about much. What you see is what you get. I've pretty much been blurting out everything - which really isn't that much. I'm too screwed-up to be much of a threat.

    I am a huge contradiction. I don't like crucifixes, Dagon fish-headgear, crowns, thrones, blasphemous titles, corrupt and violent intrigue, astrological theology, a bloody communion which focuses upon human sacrifice, indulgences, crusades, inquisitions, and other excesses and abuses. I actually like the bright colors of the robes and stained-glass windows, the churches and cathedrals (they are already built, and should be enjoyed and preserved), the processions, the pomp and circumstance, the fragrance of the incense, the Gregorian chanting, the Latin, the classical and even showy pipe-organ and choral music, the assembled faithful singing in one accord, and the educated oratory of Jesuit priests - but this must be accompanied by consistent Christ-like living which arises from focusing upon Responsibility and the Teachings of Jesus. I think that Pope John Paul I was on the right track - but he was mysteriously murdered after being pope for only 33 days. Consider carefully the number 33. Was the timing coincidental? I think not. Church governance and policy should harmonize with the U.S. Constitution - rather than being at war with it. Notice the Treaty of Verona in the 'Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom' thread. The princes of the church should be confident, competent - and humble. There should be a teachable spirit - with no hint of arrogance. I don't wish to reinvent the wheel. I simply wish to make it completely round and true - so that it rotates smoothly. There is the Constitution Party - but they have some fundamentalist Christian additions to the Constitution. There is no political party which follows the Constitution - plus nothing. There is no Christian church which follows the Teachings of Jesus - plus nothing. Corruption and Cruelty are at the top of my Fecal List. Politcs is Religion. Religion is Politics. The question is 'Shall we have Fascism - or Shall we have Freedom?' Responsibility is the truth which shall set us free.

    aragami wrote:pretty sure commander x was an amalgamation of several different people

    You may be correct - but the voice, concepts, and choice of words sound a lot like Bill Cooper. Commander X mentioned Bill Cooper by name in the video. Also - the length of the video is nearly identical to Bill's 1989 MUFON lecture. It's not inconceivable to me that Bill went underground after 911 to avoid really being taken out. He had legion enemies. The story connected with his death seems contrived and hokey to me. Bill spoke of dying on his doorstep - and then ironically - he dies on his doorstep. I could be wrong - and I hinted at this theory on AV1 - but I didn't blurt it out. It should've been obvious to the alphabet types anyway - without any hinting from the general public. Tangentially - Alex Collier hinted in a 1994 interview (I think) that Jesus was a composite character. I think this might be a distinct possibility. We may be in for a lot of surprises about a lot of things. They may need those damn FEMA camps to contain us when we go crazy. I hope not - but I am apprehensive regarding the true state of affairs in this solar system - and with the potential public reaction to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help us God.

    Carol wrote:I have to laugh about Alex Collier. However, I also read where the Pleiadians claim the following - "Before leaving Earth, left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent."

    Chew on that one for awhile.

    Thank-you Carol. I like Alex Collier a lot. I think he knows the whole truth. I think he has told us a lot of truth - but I think that he knows a lot more - but he has told us all that he is able to - at this time. I also think that he has had to mix the truth with a certain amount of fable and bs. I think this may have been necessary - under the circumstances. In the movie 'Contact' - there is a big poster (outside of the antenna array area) of Jesus - with the words 'Jesus Was An Alien'. What if Gabriel is the equivalent of God the Father? What if Michael is the equivalent of God the Son (Jesus)? What if Lucifer is the equivalent of the Holy Spirit (Mary)? I continue to speculate about a three-way power struggle in this solar system - going back thousands, or tens of thousands, of years. The Nazis, Masons, and Magicians? Teutonic Zionists, Zionists, and Christ-like Responsible Freedom Proponents? Amen Ra, Hathor/Isis, and Horus? I think the Archangels, Sirius, and Tibet may have a lot to do with everything. Did Mary steal fire (forbidden technology and hybridization genetics?) from Gabriel? Is there a hidden war between Gabriel and Mary (the Queen of Heaven)? Is Jesus trying to break up the fight - and bring peace to this solar system? Consider this video clip once again. Is the man in the black suit really Gabriel? Is Jesus really Michael? Is the woman dressed in red really Lucifer? Why can't Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer unite under the banner of Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom aka the United States of the Solar System? Why can't we keep the best of everything - and discard the worst of everything? Why does this have to be so damn hard? Is Saturday sacredness connected with Gabriel? Is Sunday sacredness connected with Lucifer? Or is it the other way around? Jesus didn't tell us to keep any day sacred - did he? I used to go to church on both Saturday and Sunday (I sang in choirs) - but now I don't go at all. I think that services should be offered every day - and that no particular sacredness should be ascribed to any day. Church attendance should not be expected or required - but it should always be an option for those who wish to participate - seven days a week. Thou shalt have no gods or goddesses - and remember to keep every day holy. World without end. I'm continuing to listen to Bill Cooper - and I'm liking what I'm hearing. I continue to think that this is foundational material. It's sort of like getting algebra and trigonometry mastered - before moving on to calculus. I would direct all new esoteric and conspiracy researchers to Bill Cooper first - and to get his material completely absorbed before moving on to other writers and speakers. He programs people with information - without programming them with anger and hatred. This is a good thing.

    Here is a Protestant view regarding the 'Woman Who Rides the Beast' aka the 'Whore of Babylon'. I am not endorsing this video. I include it only to provide another perspective. Obviously - I have been considering the possibility that the 'Whore of Babylon' may be the 'Queen of Heaven' rather than being a particular location or church. Again - I have no animosity. I'm just trying to figure out what has been going on throughout history. I have a feeling that most of us are deluded - including me. Does anyone know how much the Whore of Babylon charges? Fifty Cities? Why is she called the 'Whore of Babylon'? Because she babbles on and on and on and on and I'd better stop...

    The following comment is just a brain-fart. In the Mass - the wafer or host is round - and some say that it is representative of the Sun - which is representative of the Sun God. Then, via transubstantiation, it becomes the Son of God. Have you ever thought of it in this manner? Sun > Son? I continue to think that most of our research topics should be addressed with the Roman Catholic Church clearly in mind - simply because all roads lead to Rome - and the Roman church is really the biggest game in town. To ignore this aspect of world history and the present state of affairs - is to really miss the boat. I see a central role for a completely reformed church. If the church is not reformed - we are really and truly $crewed. I continue to think of myself as a Renegade Roman Catholic Reformer - who is attempting to liberate the church - and hence the world - whether anyone wishes to be liberated, or not! Liberated? Liberated from what? If you only knew...

    I've been listening to Bill Cooper a lot lately - and I like Bill a lot - but I am completely different than him. I am going in a completely different direction. I'm not opposed to Bill - it's just that my conclusions and goals are very different in nature and style. I am much more passive and globalist. I'm trying to invite myself to the elite's party - and move them to a much higher road - rather than engaging in trench warfare with them. But I'm much more naive than Bill - and I need his guidance. Now I'm going to listen to another show...

    The 1970 movie with Glen Ford - 'The Brotherhood of the Bell' dovetails with Bill Cooper's material > Once again - I do not wish to reinvent the wheel. I simply wish for the psychology and ethics of every faction and class to be significantly raised. I'm really not trying to be a Knight in Shining Armour - just a critical yet silent uninvited parter of the PTB. I'm trying to be both the worst enemy and the best friend of the PTB. Now I'm going to listen to another Cooper show. This is the clip I keep going back to > This clip should probably be listened to over and over and over and....

    Three of the links to the Mystery Babylon Series no longer work (Assassins and the Templars, Secret Societies and Vatican II, and Roshaniya). Why is this? What changed? Is this censorship at work? Any ideas? I've had two of my websites taken over (even though I was paid-up for years). One of my websites was taken off the internet completely (with no explanation). Two websites I have posted on have either been shut-down or closed to posting (with numerous technical problems). Numerous links on threads sudden don't work anymore. What the hell is going on?

    Bill Cooper continues to be a good starting point for those who wish to wade into the madness and bs. He didn't get everything right. He was a flawed human being. He didn't know about a lot of things which we are exposed to now. But he was really quite the trailblazer. Please consider the material on this thread. I mostly point people toward other people. I have been accused of being an egotistical ignoramus - and I quite agree. But I still have enough sense to point people toward people who knew, and know, a helluva lot more than I do. Bill Cooper continues to be my starting-point and reference-point in this crazy world of fringe-research. In a memo, President Bill Clinton referred to Bill Cooper as being the most dangerous radio-host in America. I think Bill got to the heart of the matter - especially in the early 1990's. I keep thinking that Bill survived that 'shootout' - and went underground - perhaps surfacing as Commander X. I will now rewatch the video you posted. Thanks again. I'm reading 'SS Brotherhood of the Bell' by Joseph Farrell, and 'Rise of the Fourth Reich' by Jim Marrs. We really are having to deal with some horrendous problems. I hope we survive.
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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:33 pm

    I just wish to say one more time, that I'm pretty much upset with everyone and everything. This whole mess is insane. I don't think it had to happen at all - and that once it did happen - the insanity was mismanaged. I might not have been able to do any better - but that's just the way I feel today. I have spoken with no one - online or in-person - who I really and truly resonate with. I feel very little warmth or love directed toward me - and my own love is growing colder and colder - each and every day. Could Gabriel be the Judge? Could Lucifer be the Jailer? Could Michael and Humanity be the Prisoners on Death Row? Just wondering. I am more disillusioned than anyone can possibly imagine. That's why my house and my life are a goddamned mess. I get the picture that the great big guns of the universe are poised to perform a great big extermination - with righteous indignation - and very little compassion - from their great big UFO's. I get the feeling that whoever created us is really disappointed with us - and looks upon us with disgust. That's right. I'm mad at all the damn gods and goddesses - good and evil. Go ahead. Burn me you bastards. But burn yourselves as well - and put yourselves out of the universe's misery. I might have this completely wrong. Please forgive me if I do. But think long and hard about these five video clips. What the hell is really going on? No one seems to be telling the truth. I'm beginning to think that the entire universe is some sort of a Regressive Theocracy or Universal Church. This might have been necessary in the past - but please make an exception for this solar system. We've gone through too much character building BS to go back to business as usual. If the rest of the universe wishes to live under Theocratic Enslavement - then so be it. BTW - when was the last universe-wide election???? Sinners in the hands of loving gods and goddesses???? Can you feel the love tonight????






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    THE END.

    This is just a renewed plea to go through this thread as sort of a study-guide. There is a fair amount of repetition, which is both by accident and design. I will be doing some editing and tidying-up in the coming weeks. Look at all of the links. Read all of the material - including the fine-print. I'm not a know it all. I'm just starting to grasp some of this material. Once again - this is a study-guide or a mental-gymnasium. There is more to this thread than meets the eye. I didn't just pull this out of an anatomical black hole. Even though it appears to be quite disjointed and random - it really is not. I am very concerned that as the general public is bombarded with all of the new information - that many of us will react irresponsibly - which could make things a lot worse. I have tried to be balanced. I have tried to inject humor, irreverence, sarcasm, speculation, music, etc. - to try to break the ice - and to hopefully help people to learn about some very upsetting information and concepts - in a light-hearted manner - hopefully to keep them from running in the streets, or going completely insane. I think a lot of people are going to lose it in the coming years. Take your time. Take it easy. Learn about life, the universe, and everything - in your own time, and in your own way. If it gets too overwhelming - STOP! I just returned from the funeral of a young person who died violently. This really made me face myself, and think. Life is precious! Life is ernest! Life is real! Reverence Life! I really wish for things to work out well for ALL BEINGS in this solar system - even for the regressives. They might be regressive for some very good reasons. I don't know. If I have hurt anyone with my speculations and brash internet posting - I am truly sorry. I just think that a lot of hidden things need to be revealed - and that a lot of crud and corruption needs to get cleaned-up. I continue to agree with Raven, that I am a completely ignorant fool. I talk endlessly about responsibility - yet I continue to be irresponsible. I am a hypocrite. The existing PTB are probably ten times smarter and more competent than I will ever be - but I still feel obligated to try to understand the hidden things - and to second-guess the PTB (human and otherwise). I'm really NOT a Vengeful Goyim! The PTB in the Hands of a Completely Ignorant Goyim!!!!

    Jenetta wrote:Orthodoxy have you ever considered putting all this material from this thread into a book? Happened to read the Lacerta files on this Thread (do you have the material in another post as well?) and find the material quite fascinating as I am interested in the evolution of mankind our species.
    I do believe that you are a genius who very few are taking seriously. Keep up the good work.
    Vincit Omnia Veritas
    Thank-you Jenetta. This material is so highly speculative and controversial, that I'm very afraid of putting everything into book form - and taking the show on the road, so to speak. I think I would either be assassinated, or I would fall flat on my face. I'm really just trying to develop my own understanding, by publicly posting, in a very limited manner. I tend to think that the right beings (human and otherwise) might occasionally read these threads, and that this might be somehow helpful to the evolution of life and governance in this solar system. I really think this is playing with fire - and I have a healthy respect for the consequences of getting it wrong. This is just an ongoing science fiction show, which I am living within, each and every day. I am trying to approximate what the esoteric reality might be - but I have no idea how close to the mark any of this is. The more I research and speculate - the less I seem to know. I would love to attend a lecture at Oxford or Cambridge - in a large and old lecture hall - given by a panel of Elites, Jesuits, Agents, Politicians, Theologians, Scientists, Reptilians, Greys, Hybrids, et al. You get the picture. Just the classified facts - followed by a fieldtrip through a Deep Underground Military Base! But then I would know too much - and we all know what that would mean...
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    If there is an underground reptilian society - should we look to them for clues regarding how to properly conduct human society - or are they too different from us, to be able to profitably implement reptilian models within human societal situations? I tend to think that we should carefully examine all societal models - both actual and imaginary - and then implement the best of that which we have examined - in the context of a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. I think we should look at all of the possibilities before arriving at any major decisions. Should human and reptilian societies interact with each other - or should they be isolated from each other? Segregation? Separate but Equal? Integration? Forced Busing? (Greys vs the Board of Education?) I think we should consider all of the possibilities regarding just about everything - all of the time. But this is easier said than done. If there has been a Reptilian Queen of Heaven and Earth - at the center of things - for thousands of years - should they continue with business as usual - or should there be a fundamental shift in solar system governance? I tend to think that credit should be given where credit is due - and that criticism should be leveled when and where it is appropriate. Most beings (human and otherwise) are probably a mixture of good and evil. The good should not blind us to the evil - and the evil should not blind us to the good. We need to learn constructive critical thinking, with extreme discernment. History is a mess - but if any of us had been in charge - would it have been any better? A lot of us are good - because we have lacked the opportunity to be evil. Perhaps most of us are Dr. Jeckyls and Mr. Hydes. Everyone has their price - and many of us sell out at firesale prices. Should important decisions be expected of those who have incomplete information and preparation? Is it possible for those with good intentions - to pave the road to hell? I am literally begging humans and otherwise - to study this thread - and then tell me what you think - in a polite, intelligent, and detailed manner. I'm simply trying to think about difficult subjects, by discussing them with others. I do not wish to play the part of the charlatan. I say that I don't know - over and over and over again - and this is not a figure of speech, or a becoming humility. I mean it. When I feel as though I am being set-up for something bad - am I just being paranoid - or are 'they' really out to get me? Is the lack of participation on this thread, really just the quiet before the storm? Are beady-eyed medieval scholars going through this thread word by word - and placing thermite and micro-nukes on its major supporting columns - to bring about the controlled demolition of the principles and concepts presented throughout this thread? I wonder. Things seem to be strangely quiet. If a solar system governmental change in the direction of the editorial bias of this thread ever occurs - beware of subversive scuttling efforts to sabotage any changes for the better. Again - I support evolutionary change - with plenty of continuity. We need to cure a very sick patient, without killing them. Again - I wish to change everything, without changing anything. Sometimes plenty of rope is provided - in the hope that an opponent will hang themselves. Am I just being fed more and more rope - while the big guns wait and watch? The subject of Solar System Governance will most likely be a long-term infowar - as it should be.

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Sierra

    If you or I were a reptilian being, who lived in an underground base or city, how would we react to a United States of the Solar System? If these hypothetical beings live for many hundreds of years, don't have to sleep, have complete reincarnational recall - lifetime after lifetime - and are governed in a theocratic manner - they would literally be living in a completely different world and consciousness. Would this existence necessarily be wrong or evil? Would they be able to continue their present way of life, in a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System? Would humanity understand them - or even try to understand them? Could the races ever forgive each other for past misdeeds, enslavements, exterminations, various and sundry atrocities? Would openness and disclosure - result in war (including yet another solar system wide star war)? I still don't know enough to properly answer these questions. What if both races are fundamentally flawed and wrong? I recently lashed-out at the gods and goddesses (good and evil - human and otherwise). I'm just frustrated with everything. I keep trying to be happy, figure things out, overcome my chronic fatigue and discomfort - but nothing seems to work. I really do not wish to fight with anyone - human or otherwise. I have spoken of the possibility of living on Phobos for a couple of months with some Greys and Dracs - and I really wasn't kidding. Is there a Human Jane Goodall - who studies the Reptilian Race? Is there a Reptilian Jane Goodall - who studies the Human Race? I'll bet there is (on both counts) - but we don't get to read about them in National Geographic! I desire that things work out well for ALL CONCERNED. I wish for cooler heads to prevail. Can't we just all get along? Even if the editorial content of this thread is not incorporated to any significant degree - and even if I continue to be a miserable wretch - I still think that RESPONSIBILITY should be focused upon by ALL RACES - regardless of their nature or history. I really do not wish to be a man of conquest or coercion. I really wish to be a simple and passive man. I really would enter into peaceful and rational dialogue with Lucifer, Amen Ra, the Queen of Heaven, Greys, Dracs, PTB, etc, etc. They'd probably all think I was a completely ignorant fool - but I would genuinely try to understand them. I am presently trying to understand them. I really don't like to fight. I bring peace - and not a sword. Don't be frightened. I mean no harm. I am of peace. Always.

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Alien Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Alien-weed2

    The Visitors said they were of peace. They lied. Are we primarily dealing with an Ancient and Ongoing Human vs Hybrid ("V's") Civil War? Do the Hybrids have the upper hand - even though they remain mostly hidden? Are they preparing to take over Earth completely - rather than simply ruling from the shadows? Will most of us be driven off-world, exterminated, or enslaved? BTW - no inside information - so don't pack your bags just yet. Did ancient Humans create all manner of hybrids - including the Dracs, Greys, and Annunaki - with forbidden technology (possibly obtained from Regressive Interdimensional Reptilians?). Did they obtain and/or invent computers, nukes, antigravity-spacecraft etc. Did they enslave the hybrids, and demand worship? Did the hybrids rebel (led by Lucifer?) - and confiscate most of the forbidden technology? Did the hybrids steal 'Fire from the Gods'? Are the 'aliens' really rebel hybrids - who we created? Does the 'Original Sin' involve all of the above? Have the renegade hybrids been raising hell with us for thousands of years? Are they presently considering exterminating us? If we somehow eliminated or removed the renegade hybrids - would all of the fancy technology be in the best of hands - or the worst of hands? Do we need the hybrids to reign us in? Should my fantasy of a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System include hybrids? If most of my questions are answered affirmatively - how should this mess properly be resolved? Is it going to take someone like Anna in 'V' to properly promote and institute a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System? Would this be a Supreme Contradiction? If there really is a Queen of Heaven who rules this Solar System - she might really have to sign-off on the concept before it could ever become a reality - and I'm very Sirius.

    If reincarnation is a reality - I am very afraid regarding what I might have done, or who I might have been. Progressive Interdimensional Reptilians vs Regressive Interdimensional Reptilians? The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan in the Conflict of the Ages? The horror. I'd really like to know the complete history of all types of technology, governments, religions, etc. The history of genetic hybridization especially interests me. I feel somewhat close to learning what actually happened - yet I feel as though I might never find out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I'd really like to know the true state of affairs just prior to the Luciferian Rebellion and War in Heaven. What were the motivating factors? How can we properly proceed as a civilization - if we don't know our true history? It seems as if we have been dumbed-down and held-down for thousands or even millions of years. This seems to be ongoing. What was the Original Sin? What really went wrong? Why is there a Continuing Sin? How will this madness be properly resolved? By keeping everyone in the dark? Is it possible that Lucifer stole all manner of technology (Fire from the Gods?) - including genetic hybridization - and got a multitude of souls (Fallen Angels?) to go along with him/her in this matter? Did an extensive technology and hybridization program commence in secrecy - while keeping humanity (as we know humanity to be) completely in the dark regarding all of this? Is the rest of the universe unable to do anything about this because we are being held hostage - and used as human shields? Or - are we all a party to the madness - whether we remember agreeing to the rebellion, or not? Someone needs to start telling the truth - with absolutely no bull$h!t. It seems to me that we need some sort of a changing of the guard in this solar system - or some sort of a solar system governmental change. I have expressed certain preferences - but I don't know the whole story, or what is really going on - so take everything I have said, with a boatload of salt. I certainly hope that those who are in the top positions in this solar system - really know what the hell they are doing - and that they are doing that which is in the very best interest of the human race. Of course, I wish for things to work out well for all races - but I don't have a clue regarding what any other races are really like. I'm just very tired of what seems to be an endless stream of bull$h!t. I want this to stop NOW. Sorry for the negativity - but I am simply trying to be honest. This is probably a mistake. The truth is so overrated. So many shows. So little time. I continue to think that the shows are an important part of research and disclosure. They help us to think about a wide variety of possibilities - so that the truth won't make us run in the streets, start a star war, or go nucking futs. A part of me would like to be involved in a real "V" situation (without a lot of the bad aspects shown in the series). Another part of me is very afraid of how bad and devastating a real "V" scenario might be. I'd really like to see a future where all races got along - and where there were tours of ALL of the Underground Bases throughout the Solar System. I see no reason why this Solar System can't be a Paradise rather than a War Zone. But I still don't know the whole story - and I continue to think that this old, old story is very violent and sad. No matter what happens - there will be no gloating or unkindness on my part. I just want the madness to end - for ALL CONCERNED. If we all got a bong - we'd all get along!

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:51 pm; edited 4 times in total

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:37 pm

    I'd like to take a positive and a negative look at the Jesuits. I sometimes joke that they monitor my posting activities, and that they're out to get me. Whether or not this is true, these people are quite controversial. I'm really trying to understand how the world is really run - and the Jesuits seem to be close to the center of things - for better or for worse. Here are some videos to get the ball rolling! So often, the subject is treated either as a nasty slam, or as a whitewash. I like the idea of calmly discussing various subjects - especially the controversial ones. My initial bias is that the Jesuits are basically good people who are in the middle of a very messy situation, which can sometimes be darker than midnight. I like the idea of the purification and reformation of the Roman Catholic Church - rather than just writing this organization off - in a condescending and triumphalistic manner. So I continue to think of myself as sort of a Renegade Roman Catholic - even though I have never been a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Do you see my point? I once attended a scholarly lecture given by a black Jesuit from San Francisco. They are quite the scholars, you know. It's the infiltration, subversion, and poison-cup thing that I have the most trouble with! I think that Jesuits know more about what's really going on in the solar system than just about anyone else. It's almost as if we need to be wise as Jesuits - and harmless as doves! Sorry guys! I couldn't resist! I'm especially interested in the relationship between the Jesuits and the Queen of Heaven - especially regarding the Jesuit General aka the Black Pope. Does the Black Pope meet regularly with the Black Madonna? I realize that this is playing with fire BIG TIME - but I have no agenda or hatred whatsoever. I actually like the current Jesuit General - but I don't even want to think about what he might have to deal with. But here I am - trying to think the thoughts of the Jesuit General and the Queen of Heaven - after them - as they travel underground at twice the speed of sound - on a magneto-leviton train. "Next Stop - Washington DC! The President is Waiting!"

    Gotta go! The St. Louis Jesuits are after me!!

    1. 35th General Congregation of the Jesuits

    2. A Year With the Jesuits (6 parts)

    3. Spoon Fed (7 parts)

    4. A World is Not Enough (3 parts)

    5. The History of the Jesuits (9 parts)

    6. Who Are the Jesuits? (2 parts)

    7. Bill Hughes - Jesuit Infiltration (6 parts)

    8. Bob Bush - Former Jesuit

    9. Alberto Rivera 1 - Former Jesuit

    10. Alberto Rivera 2

    11. Alberto Rivera 3

    12. Alberto Rivera 4

    13. Alberto Rivera 5

    14. Alberto Rivera 6

    15. Alberto Rivera 7

    16. Malachi Martin 1

    17. Malachi Martin 2 (9 parts)

    18. Malachi Martin 3

    I am looking for a big-tent solution - which does not involve peace at any price. Again - I am trying to unite the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, and the Latin Mass. I will attempt an analysis of this material in the next post. I am not trying to stir things up. I am trying to resolve things. Some might say that this constitutes hate-speech - but I include it to state the historical problem - which many think is a continuing problem. To solve a problem - one must understand the problem. There is a story - and I can't locate the source - which describes 'The Great Controversy' being torn in two (the hard way) by unseen hands! Could the chief administrator of the Roman Catholic Church be The Queen of Heaven? Could this be the 'Whore of Babylon' - rather than the RCC? See - I'm thinking that the RCC might have to deal with more secret and hidden problems than we can possibly imagine. I just watched 'Stargate Continuum' - and the scene where Ba'al and Katesh aka Vala are in their spaceship - and are preparing to attack and enslave Earth - particularly impressed me. Might the RCC have had to deal with something like this? Could there be a real-life Katesh (Vala) aka Queen of Heaven - who controls us by controlling the Roman Catholic Church? Please don't consider this post to be hateful on my part. I'm just trying to understand. BTW - are there any Jesuits out there who can point me to a book or website - from the Roman Catholic perspective - which analyzes 'The Great Contoversy' - from cover to cover? I know all about the Plagiarism and Investigative Judgment problems. I also know that most Jesuits have read this book from cover to cover - and have it in their libraries. Here is a possible positive future for the Queen of Heaven. I'm a real Pain in Uranus - aren't I?

    This is just a request to any governments, factions, or individuals - human or otherwise - to not do anything violent or destructive. We can argue, fuss, and fume - and try to work things out - but violence and destruction are not solutions. They simply create more problems. If there are too many people - we can institute a program of responsible reproduction. Undesirables can be educated and reformed into being desirables. Please consider evolutionary changes - rather than revolutionary changes. Human history is full of death, destruction, and incomprehensible stupidity. This needs to change - starting right now. Have a terrific day Satan, Lucifer, Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Archangels, Illuminati, Megalomaniacs, Reptilians, Greys, et al. I'd like to meet all of you when this mess gets resolved. We need a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System based on the U.S. Constitution and Teachings of Jesus (Responsibility).

    So - Lucifer - are you male or female? Who are you - really? Where do you spend most of your time? What the hell are you doing? Or - do you even exist? Is there really just a Council of Ten - or something like that - which rules the solar system? I keep talking about 10,000 representatives - of all nations and races - from throughout the solar system - as an ideal number - for a non-corrupt and organized-decentralized solar system government. But is this too many? What is the ideal method of solar system governance? Perhaps I have not carefully considered ALL of the possibilities, before arriving at my present biases and conclusions. Perhaps I should contemplate the general subject of solar system governance - rather than focusing on a particular type of solar system governance. Or - should I just shut-up, and not even think about it? Is 'One Nation Under Satan' the way things have always been - and always will be? Is everything else simply an illusion, and wishful thinking? Is the whole damn thing set in concrete? We're supposed to take 'baby-steps' - but if we can't see the big-picture - how are we supposed to know which direction to take these 'baby-steps'? This whole thing seems like a sick nightmare of a joke. Mumbo-Jumbo and BS are everywhere. What a mess!! So - when do we get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Or - is the truth so bad - that we would all commit suicide? How should one properly communicate with whoever the hell is running this $crewed-up solar system? Is anybody out there? Anyone???

    You know - I'm just going to imagine that The United States of the Solar System is already a reality - and that 2,500 of the 10,000 representatives meet every day at St. Mary's Cathedral, in San Francisco. I'll imagine that UFO's occasionally land on the premises - transporting representatives to and from the various moons and planets of the solar system. Am I walking into an ambush with this sort of thinking? Am I playing into the Deception of the Millenium? I'm just asking the Solar System PTB and Galactic PTB to read through this thread - to at least get a feel for what the Thoughtful Goyim are thinking these days. I will continue to communicate my delusional thinking to maybe a dozen people on this website. Perhaps something constructive will come of it. Freedom is key - and the key to freedom is responsibility. These two words should be studied endlessly. A constitution which maximizes freedom and responsibility should be sought - and Comparative Constitutions should also be an ongoing and relentless study. There probably is some sort of a dictatorial Council of Ten - with a ten-foot tall Drac serving as chairman of the board - because We the People are too irresponsible to govern ourselves. I'm pi$$ed-off at everyone - especially myself. I think we can all do a helluva lot better. This is probably the crazy-stage - where people are being hit with all sorts of controversial and conflicting information and concepts - of which probably 20% is actually true or constructive. If we survive this stage - then perhaps we can put together a more rational solar system view, and solar system governance. If I really spoke with Lucifer - they would probably point out how stupid and gullible we are - and why we are being ruled by secrecy, deception, manipulation, force, violence, etc. Lucifer might be a Devil - but we probably have what we deserve. Hopefully things will change for the better, sometime soon. I think we are too easy AND too harsh on ourselves. We treat ourselves and each other inappropriately. I think we are where we are by both choice and circumstance. I think we have been lied to and manipulated - but that we have allowed ourselves to be led around by the hooks in our noses. The past may have passed - but we need to study the past endlessly - or we will keep making the same stupid mistakes over and over again. It matters what we think AND what others think. Our thinking affects others. People suffer the consequences of our actions all the time. We are all interrelated - whether we like it, or not. I keep thinking that the editorial bias of this thread will be implemented - and then that the crushing weight of responsibility will be too much to bear - and that the universe will laugh in our faces when we REALLY $crew things up - and start begging for divine intervention. I sometimes think that no matter what we do - things will turn out badly. I guess I see nothing but trouble in our immediate future. But we should still do the right thing - no matter what. We should stand for the right - though the heavens fall - and they probably will fall - causing Atlas to drop the ball - and shrug. What would Ayn Rand say?

    Here is a short video of a member of Opus Dei. While not a Jesuit, this beautiful person exemplifies that stereotypes and Hollywood portrayals don't always reflect reality. This is probably true for both the Jesuits and Opus Dei. What if Roman Catholicism were considered to be an art-form, rather than a theocratic religion? Perhaps that's what I've been trying to get at with my references to Roman Catholic architecture, art, music, robes, pomp and circumstance, reverence and awe. Perhaps the people of the world should be lifted up with all of the above - but not spoon-fed and dictated-to. Again - this is tricky territory - and I don't know the whole story regarding what's really going on in this solar system. I don't hate the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church - but I am very wary of historical and contemporary Roman Catholicism. But I think that everyone should study Rome - and all of the roads leading to Rome - and out of Rome. If one fails to do this - one fails to grasp a key part of the puzzle - regarding life, the universe, and everything. What if some of my speculations about a hypothetical 'Queen of Heaven' are correct? What if she rules a 'Secret Government' which rules all of us? What if there has been corruption, abuses, and atrocities? What if all of this has been absolutely necessary? What if idealism and high-minded ethics are a recipe for disaster? What if the truth is overrated? What if we really cannot rule ourselves? This whole subject is scaring the hell out of me. I'd like to see a non-corrupt and transparent solar system government - but what if a lot of the secret stuff needs to be retained? Can we have our cake - and eat it too? Could there be such a thing as an 'Open Secret Government'? I understand the need for people to work behind the scenes in ways which might not be understood by the general public. I also understand that the general public is not being educated to be responsible. I guess I'd like to see everything change - without anything changing. Continuity should be a top priority as we transition into a Brave New Solar System. The universe is filled with contradictions and absurdities - and I don't expect this to change anytime soon. It's probably good to probe and ask questions - but it's probably a bad thing to push too hard, and ask too many questions. I continue to wish to be an observer of sorts - with access - but no authority. You know - sort of a Palmer Joss ('Contact') type of person - who likes to watch. What would Raven say? Are there people who presently travel the solar system in antigravity craft - travel from underground base to underground base in magneto-leviton trains - and sit in on top meetings (including the most secret and sensitive ones)? Obviously - such a person, or persons, would not be allowed to go and blurt everything out to the press. There is obviously a time and a place for everything. But how do we properly cut down on the corruption and absurdities which have plagued humanity for thousands of years? I'm an idealist - but I'm also a realist. Can you imagine being a lifelong student of Roman Catholic art, architecture, and music - without necessarily being Roman Catholic? Just think about this for a while. I have huge problems with Roman Catholic history and theology - but I adore the art, architecture, and music. I have suggested the possibility of thinking of Roman Catholicism as an art-form, rather than as a theocratic religion. Might this be it's proper role in modernity? Please don't fail to study the Roman Catholic phenomenon as you study about aliens, ufo's, dimensions, esoteric this and that, life, the universe, and everything. I tend to think that the Jesuits and the Alphabet Agents Worldwide are sort of in the same category. Again - I don't love them or hate them. I admire them - and I fear them - but I think they might be working for the wrong boss. If they were all only doing good from the shadows - this would be a good thing. But I get the picture that they get involved in some really dark activities, which are not in the best interest of the human race. If this is true - I hope things are changing for the better. I tend to think that they are. We will probably always need smart, brave, educated, innovative, disciplined people - working behind the scenes. I just want them to take the high-road instead of the low-road. That infiltration and subversion poison-cup bs is so passe and old-school.

    The further down the snake-hole I go - the more I can understand why the PTB keep the sheep in a little dreamworld. But a very rude awakening is in the process of occurring. I'm in favor of a proper disclosure - but obviously, the whole thing will be a big mess. Perhaps in a hundred years, things will start to calm down and make sense. I'm not expecting things to dramatically improve, anytime soon - even if people really start to do the right thing. The madness has too much momentum. What if all of us are ET's - spiritually and soul-wise? What if all of our souls are basically the same - whether we be humans, hybrids, reptilians, greys - or whatever humanoid beings there might be - throughout the universe? What if all of us are hybrids - with various percentage differentials of human/reptile or human/whatever? What if 'star-wars' are really 'soul-wars' - using various types of hybrid super-soldiers and advanced technology? What if we are the Orion-Group which Alex Collier speaks of? What if the 600,000 year human vs reptilian war was really an ideological battle - utilizing various types of hybrids and advanced technology? Once again - why can't this solar system become a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System - based upon Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution - with 10,000 highly competent and non corrupt representatives from throughout the solar system - with complete openness and transparency? Some of the biggest questions for me are 1. What is the true origin, nature, and destiny of the soul? 2. What was the Original Sin? 3. What is the solution to the Sin Problem? 4. Whatever Happened to Sin? 5. What would Karl Menninger say? Once again - I really don't know what's really going on in this world, this solar system, this galaxy, or this universe. If I did - my questions and conclusions might be completely different. I can't see properly. I can't think properly. I'm miserable, sick, and tired - and I sense that the problems are worse than even I can imagine - and that proper solutions will not be implemented anytime soon. But why be so negative?
     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Pope_-adolfo-nicolas Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 A-Jesuit Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Ignatius4

    I keep thinking that one has to become highly spiritually and ethically compromised to get the plumb jobs in this world. Perfectly possessed, soul scalped, chip implanted, programmed, and dark rituals all come to mind. I don't have first-hand knowledge regarding this - but this is still what I think. The Creator God of the Universe seems to be strangely absent from this Solar System - even though I see them revealed in nature, the Teachings of Jesus, and in the faces of those who I meet every day. I'm not sure exactly how justice will be achieved - but I am certain that it will be achieved. I think most of us have the potential to be quite evil - if we were placed in certain contexts and circumstances. If we have all been reincarnating for thousands of years - perhaps most of us have been involved in highly unethical and/or violent activities. I keep saying that Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. What would Lord Acton say? Are there exceptions to this rule - such as the Creator God of the Universe? What would the Archangels say? We do create a lot of our own problems - many of them imaginary. I model a lot of problems in my own mind - because I don't have access to a Cray supercomputer. So, my mind is bogged-down, and running very slowly. The Pope is a strange looking individual, at times - and does resemble Emperor Palpatine. The light at the end of the wormhole might be a closed iris!! Ouch!!! Robert Morningsky says to NOT go toward the light when we die. What is the purpose of a physical body, if we are interdimensionals or multidimensionals? I tend to think that physicality is essential, rather than being a hindrance.

    Who are the Archangels presently? What have they been doing throughout history? Are they warriors? I thought Michael was associated with Jesus - but most of the Michael images contain swords. But did Jesus say that he had not come to bring peace - but a sword? Are we dealing with battling archangels? Is there a peaceful archangel in the house? I am highly conflicted! Are the archangels presently inhabiting physical bodies? If so, what kind of bodies? How would one recognize an archangel if they saw one? Can an archangel cease to exist? Are one or more archangels facing demotion and/or annihilation presently? Can a fallen archangel be properly reformed and restored? What does 'fallen' really mean? What does 'regressive' really mean? Where art thou, Lucifer?
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    Carol wrote:beautiul pictures Oxy. When Raven comes back I let you two go at it and stay out of it. However, porn pics will be deleted. There was feedback from the members who thought you needed some protecting. Given how you keep calling Lucifer into play it seems you have more to work on. Only what you may have overlooked is that Lucifer is here and has changed his path. All that is left are those who are still committed to the path of endarkenment.
    I really don't wish to fight with Raven (but I will if I have to). I am just trying to understand a lot of different subjects. I'm less helpless online than I am in real-life. I keep referring to Lucifer and the Archangels (sounds like a rock band!) because I think they might be central to this ancient drama. If we don't get that part right - we get the whole thing wrong. I am not a Luciferian or a Satanist. I'm a Backslidden Christian. If I spoke with Lucifer in person - I would give them the same courtesy which Christ exhibited during his temptation in the wilderness. I do have more to work on. A lot more. Some on this forum have said that Lucifer no longer exists. I have doubted this. I have heard that Lucifer is facing annihilation. I prefer incarceration, reeducation, reformation, restitution, and restoration for him/her - if this is possible. But once again - I don't know the whole story. I like to think that Lucifer has changed his/her path. I have seen some evidence of this - so regarding the subject of Lucifer - I am not necessarily a completely ignorant fool (but I am on most other topics). It's probably hard for any being(s) to change directions - which is why I support evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, change for the better. Check this out.

    Definition Of An Archangel
    Before I get started, I must give the definition of the word "Archangel". An Archangel is a high ranking Angel. They are considered to be the "leader" of the Angels. Seven Archangels appeared before God in The Book Of Revelations. Only four were named in the Bible. Some of the information below will not be only from Christian faith, it will come from others that believe in the almighty as well. They are the devine messengers between humans and God.

    ArchAngel Michael
    Michael is probably the most well known Archangel of all the others. He is said to be God's champion and is usually pictured with an unsheathed sword. It is foretold that when the world is in jeopardy again, Michael will return. In the bible, it is said that Michael was the Archangel that told the Virgin Mary of her approaching death. According to Jewish scriptures, Michael is the closest to the Lord, for his name means "like unto God". As the eldest Archangel, he is given captaincy over all of God's natural phenomena, such as the rain, wind, fire, snow, thunder, lightning, and hail. He is said to be the battler and defender of heaven, and the Patron Saint of policemen. It says in The Book Of Revelations that Michael will lead the Angels against the dragon in the final battle. There are actually 8 main Archangels.Lucifer was also an Archangel, but he was cast out of Heaven, leaving seven main Archangels.

    Archangel Uriel
    The name Uriel has four meanings, "Fire of God, Flame of God, Light of God, or Sun of God."Some accounts say that Uriel is the head of the third order(or company)of Angels. Others identify Uriel as one of the seven Archangels before the Throne.

    Archangel Raphael
    This Archangels name means "God has overcome." He is said to be the Angel that supervises healing. Raphael is one of four Archangels mentioned in the entire Bible. Raphael first appears disguised in human form as the traveling companion of Tobias, calling himself "Azarias the son of the great Ananias."The Archangels protective influence is shown in many ways, including the binding of the Demon in the desert of upper Egypt.

    Archangel Remiel
    Remeil, meaning "Thunder of God", is a Grogori or watcher. He is often confused with Azazel, because he is also called Rameel(sounding like Remiel, Ramiel).There are some stories that claim Remiel is one of the seven Archangels in the Book of Revelations, while others say that Remiel is a fallen Angel, because he refused to take custody of Hell. He is also said to be the Angel of guidance.

    Archangel Lucifer
    There is alot of information about Lucifer, whether it is from the Bible, or from other religions. Lucifer was an Archangel long ago. Lucifer, meaning, in Latin, as "Light bringer, Bearer of Light." Lucifer is now known to the world as Satan, or the Devil. Satan, meaning "Adversary."Lucifer is said to have been cast out of Heaven because of "sinful pride", thinking that he was equal to God and rebelling against him. Supposedly the most evil thing that Satan does to us is tempt us into thinking that we are God. It is said that Lucifer is the first Angel to have sinned. Some say that Lucifer is not the opposite of God, but the opposite of Michael, the head Archangel. It is said that Lucifer was created by God on the 6 day of creation. The original theory is that Lucifer is the Archangel that rebelled against God and lead the revolt against him. Lucifer was jealous of the love that God felt against Adam. Some scholars actually believe that Hell is located in Heaven. It is believed that Lucifer aligned himself with one third of the Angels in an attempt to overthrow God and the faithful Angels, taking over the Kingdom. Lucifer and his Angels engaged in battle with Archangel Michael and his Angels and were defeated, casted down to earth.

    Archangel Gabriel
    The Archangel Gabriel comes from the Hebrew meaning"Man of God."Gabriel and Michael are the Archangels that figure most prominently in the Bible. He is mentioned by name in two visions of the Prophet Daniel. Here he explains the future of Israel to Daniel.

    Archangel Raguel
    Raguel name is said to mean "Friend of God."Some say that his role is to oversee all of the other Archangels and Angels to ensure they are working in harmony and order according to the Divine will. He is also considered "The Relationship Angel."

    Archangel Zerachiel
    Zerachiel is one of the main Archangels that leads souls to judgement. An Angel of healing. It is also said that he is the presiding Angel of the Sun, Prince of ministering Angels who watch over Mortals, and the Angels of children, particularly children of parents who have sinned. He is said to have dominion over Earth.
     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Archangel+Oracle+Cards+back Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Archangel-gabriel-322x500 Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Bigstockphoto_archangel_micheal_2791246_laoh

    I actually enjoyed getting cussed-out by Raven! Raven got banned for 100 days. I hope she comes back. I didn't even mind the porno pictures! But this is a site which is open to the general public - so there does have to be some moderation and limits. I'm trying to be good - without being too good. A perfect being who is retentive to the nth degree is not a perfect being. I am continually making politically incorrect comments and jokes. I frequently use thinly disguised bad words. Is this a sin? Is it possible that those who are highly critical of this approach might be the real hypocrites and sinners? I do tend to like to hide behind my puritanical skit - but I like to wear this skirt quite high...
     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Erb_Bruce

    Here is a composite of my posts from a thread which got out of control.

    This thread is not an endorsement. It is a look at points of view which don't get covered very often on this, or any other, website. I periodically listen to these ladies - but I am on a very different path. I think we need to look at everything from all angles - even those which scare us, or make us angry. Now - I introduce to you - Dana, Sherry, and TREEE!

    Dana: 1. 2.

    Sherry: Look for a Daniel Ott - Sherry Shriner - Greg Rinchich interview (half-way down the page). Warning: BIZARRE to the nth degree.


    I'm not recommending following these people - but listening to them might provide one with insights which might be otherwise missed. This whole fringe world is bizarre to begin with - but I suspect that some of it is real.

    Thank-you Raven. I haven't watched the videos yet - but I keep thinking about that first abraxasinas post on the Thuban Q&A - with the demonic fantasy. Sexuality, Genetics, Hybridization, Experimentation, Technology, Warfare, Rebellion, Self-Exaltation, Original Sin, Master Race, God, Goddess, Satan, Deception, etc and et al - seem to be interrelated. I am much more interested in why things are so screwed-up than I am with various positions. The position I take in my position paper titled 'Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System' is that NO ONE SHOULD BE ON TOP!!! Of course - the Queen of Heaven might be able to change my mind....

    Thank-you Raven. I'm about half-way through the videos. BTW - Jack is supposedly channelling Enki - is that correct? I once suggested to a very conservative theologian, that sexuality and spirituality were intimately related. I received hacking laughter as a response. I also think that making love and making music are intimately related. I learned most everything I know about sex - from Dr. Zdrock. 1. 2.

    But, to be perfectly honest, I have learned one or two things from former porn-star turned preacher (decidedly Pauline theology) Pastor Melissa Scott. 1. 2.

    I'd love to chat - but I gotta go do something!

    Thank-you Raven. That was good! I'm flattered! But I am in deep thought - wondering why priests and popes have to practice celebacy? Could it be that they are married to Mary? Might the Queen of Heaven proclaim, 'Thou shalt have no other gods or goddesses before ME!'???

    Thank-you everyone! Pastor Melissa Scott is actually not a bad preacher - but she seems really restrained and repressed in that role. I'm also not a fan of Pauline theology. I am a Red Letter Christian / New Age Agnostic! Melissa was married to Dr. Gene Scott - who was a real piece of work - money-hungry - dirty old man! This thread is going downhill fast. I really didn't intend for it to go in this direction. You know - my taking conservative religion seriously - combined with the whole Madison Avenue and Hollywood BS - BS male and female stereotypes and roles - plus the fear of STD's - really ruined the whole subject of sexuality for me. In many ways - I am repulsed by the topic. I think about it - to be sure - but it's more of an abstraction of spirituality, conflict, and reflection - which doesn't gel with anything in the popular culture. I live a very dull and boring life. The son of a prominent theologian (who I won't name - but I attended a lot of his lectures) was a journalist who covered the porn-scene in Hollywood - but got out of it quite a while ago. He was actually on '60 Minutes'. He said that most people who try to go into the porn business are so humiliated and repulsed by it that they quit pretty quickly. He converted from Christianity to Judaism - but I think he ran afoul of the Jewish authorities! He's quite a rebel and a genius. He's quite entertaining - but his story seems sad - and he's been an embarrassment to his parents. Oh well. Such is life. I'm considering starting a ministry to convert the hookers and porn-stars of the world to Christianity. I'm also considering starting Hookers for Jesus - and publishing Repent House Magazine. What happens when you put the batteries in backwards in the Energizer Bunny? Think about it.

    There was a young woman named Wyld
    Who kept herself quite undefiled
    By thinking of Jesus and social diseases
    And the fear of having a child

    Now - back to the priesthood and celebacy. Have you ever wondered why they call a theological school a semin-ary?? I once heard of a priest who boasted that he had lots of wives!! (true story) Skip to 05:00 for relevance. Have you ever heard of the lime-pits? I won't elaborate on that one. But really - could priests and popes be - in a sense - married to Mary? Could Jesus have been married to Mary? How much does the Whore of Babylon charge? Fifty cities! Why is she called the Whore of Babylon? Because she babbles on and on and on and on and....

    The bottom-line is that if this world focuses on RESPONSIBILITY - everything will fall into place - including sexuality. Think about it.

    Now - what about the three ladies this thread is based upon? Has anyone looked at any of their websites, videos, internet shows, etc? In a sense - I wish I didn't have to wade through all of this stuff. I really just want to focus on the Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System concept - and not spend a lot of time on the hard to prove, and creepy material. I really don't think it facilitates constructive mental health. I'm not sure I want to wake people up to all of the fringe confusion and BS. I'd like to keep the evolution of society and consciousness as simple and positive as possible. AV1 and MOA have been experiments for me. I don't talk about this stuff once I log off the computer - with a couple of exceptions. I deal with Roman Catholics all the time - and I never confront them about any of the dirt I sometimes deal with on the internet. The same goes for people who are into the goddess thing or pagan thing or whatever. I truly am into positive reinforcement - but websites such as this are probably appropriate forums to deal with the dirt - to try to formulate positive solutions and responses.

    Don't pick on the priest! Perhaps the nun has a bad habit...

    What do you call a sleep-walking nun? A Roam'n Catholic.

    What if the pope has been mixed-up with some really dark activities - but what if the pope is doing the best he can? I worry about who I think might be giving the pope orders via the black pope. Just speculation - but I still worry. I don't think that the Vatican or Bilderberg run the world. I think they implement that which has been ordered. ET Phone Rome? More speculation. Now - can we discuss Dana, Sherry, and TREEE? Dana has a lot to say about the RC Church. The whole world needs to be reformed - and not just the church. They just happen to be the biggest game in town - with quite the dark track record.

    I am genuinely puritanical - and I am genuinely reprobate - and I hide behind my screen-name - orthodoxymoron. I frankly get tired of looking at that which I cannot have - and my puritanical ethics and guilt complex prevent me from taking advantage of opportunities which present themselves. I really am $crewed-up. Once again - I don't play numbers-games. The Pope's VICARIUS FILII DEI supposedly equals 666 when you total the Roman Numerals. Many other prominent names generate the feared 666. Frankly my dear - I don't give a damn. Hell - with all of my blasphemous posts and delusions of grandeur - I could be the damn antichrist! I continue to be interested in a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System - based upon Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution. I am trying to spend more time reading the Four Gospels, the Federalist Papers, and the Anti-Federalist Papers - while listening to Latin Masses and Classical Sacred Music. But wine, women, and song - has brought down many a good man - so I'm not falling for it. But if I were presented with sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll - I might go for that! What would Hathor say? Could the Living Christ (The responsible, spiritual, and modern application of the Teachings of Jesus) be The Christ? Could the Queen of Heaven (presiding over the New World Order - which is really the Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy) be The Antichrist? Don't get me wrong - there's much about the old world and centralized administration which I admire - and I love the artistic aspects of the old world - but the historical corruption, misery, and carnage - is beyond comprehension. I wish to keep the best, and eliminate the worst - of all worlds. BTW - I'm not speaking of purges and exterminations. I simply wish to see a perfected humanity living in a perfected solar system - but only noble means will achieve noble ends. Now - back to the dirty pictures. One more thing, Raven - sometimes I wonder if you might be the real abraxasinas - and I wonder if Tony is just a front-man. Have you ever met TREEE - or might you be TREEE? Sorry for being so forward - but those pictures sort of loosened me up!

    Raven! Now you're getting nasty! You're so sexy when you're nasty! Does it sometimes take one to know one? Is this a case of the pot calling the kettle 'black'? Leo Zagami said that he was Christ (and that Amen Ra was his father) - so if I am opposed to Leo (especially in regard to his 'Prison - 2012 - Armageddon rant' - then I take that as a compliment. Once again - I wish for everyone to be happy - and that means everyone - including you, Raven. Namaste.

    No hard feelings, Raven. No, actually, I take that back. Think long and hard about that one. Speaking of back - I looked-up 'Djed' Speaking of Egypt - you remind me of Hathor. Double your pleasure by using both hands, Raven - but make sure that you have lots of Vaseline stockpiled in preparation for the coming earthchanges. These drawings were smuggled out of the Dulce Deep Underground Military Base by Thomas Costello. Incidentally - my primitive Red Letter Christology includes Egyptology. I really think this thing will work out well for everyone, including you, Raven. That text you quoted from the Gospels is interesting and troubling - and highlights my belief that the Bible is a mixed-bag and a big puzzle - which needs to be completely understood and solved. Still - I don't do the numerology and symbology thing very well - so I have left that to others - such as Dr. Desmond Ford, Dr. Erwin R. Gane, Dr. Tonyblue, Dr. Matrix, et al. At some point, I would love to speak with you, without the mind-games and nastiness. I realize that you are much more knowledgeable and experienced than I am - but I like ladies who are experienced, and who know what they're doing...

    Thank-you Raven. Was that Alec Baldwin's tail - or was it something else? The self-flaggelation is sad - but spiritual discipline is a good thing - such as extensive theological research, debate, and helping others. Namaste.

    Don't be frightened. I mean no harm. Thank-you Raven and SuiGeneris. Too bad that things got out of control. I wasn't offended - but this is a public forum. Anyway - I'm still interested in the Queen of Heaven concept - from Lilith to Mary. I don't know how much of this stuff is true - and I am using my imagination a lot - but I think that some of it is true - and that there is a good and a bad side to all of this. The dragon and serpent parts have me worried. What kind of car does Anna drive? A VW!! It all starts up again on ABC on January 4. My 'V' DVD's will keep me going until then. Namaste. Sweet Dreams. I am of peace. Always.

    Thank-you SuiGeneris. Your post was quite entertaining! But I don't do symbolic and numerological apocalyptic literature. Could we discuss the Sermon on the Mount and the Great Commission? Or, could we at least discuss the three interesting ladies in the first post of this thread? I'm usually quite easily sidetracked - and I often chase after red-herrings - but I have been more focused lately. We the People of Earth seem to be running out of time to get it right.

    I'd like to have a clear picture of the aspirations and dreams of the hypothetical Queen of Heaven - going back thousands, or even millions, of years. I would like to see this in all of its glory. Then, I would like to understand the negative aspects in all of this. What went wrong? Or, did anything go wrong? Is everything going according to the ancient plan? Can you imagine being in ancient Egypt, at the height of its majestic splendor, and standing (or kneeling?) before the Queen of Heaven? Is there a good side to this sort of thing? Is there a bad side? Should all of the ancient structures, throughout the world, be completely restored? Should we bask in the art, architecture, music, and culture of antiquity - while avoiding the harsh and cruel aspects? I welcome dignity and splendor - but it needs to be available to all people - not just to the elites. Should the royal-model and the servant-model be combined? You know - Humble Dignity. See - I really wish for this solar system to be highly refined - with elegance and excellence everywhere - but I do not wish for arrogance and cruelty to be part of this. Do you see my point?

    Perhaps Lucifer is the Hermaphrodite/Hybrid/Reptile/Human/Nephilim/Interdimensional/Physical/God/Goddess of This World (and the Solar System?). Is Lucifer both Amen Ra and Hathor? Did Lucifer create all of the mythologies, theologies, gods, and goddesses - including Jesus and Mary? Did Lucifer create the Dracs and Greys? Is there really only one faction of Annunaki - under the command of Lucifer? Is Nibiru ruled by Lucifer? Is Lucifer the Ashtar Commander? Are we all Fallen Angels - who followed Lucifer to Earth? Have we been left to our own devices by the rest of the universe? Is Lucifer the script-writer, director, and actor/actress of "The God-Father-Mother"? Are NASA's Nazis, Masons, and Magicians - all Luciferian? Does Lucifer rule the United Nations, the United States, the City of London, and the Vatican? Were they all infiltrated from day-one? Are the three stars (upside-down or rightside-up) in the Republican logo (and Washington DC) representative of the three City-States? What would you say to Lucifer if you met him/her? I might tell you a story someday.

    One more time:








    I would/will/have befriend(ed) Lucifer - but I will not give an inch. I wish for peace - but I will not be a sucker for peace at any price. I'm really sort of neutral about the whole thing. I don't love or hate Lucifer. I really wish for Lucifer to completely embrace Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom and The United States of the Solar System. I think this will ultimately be in Lucifer's best interest - and in the best interest of the human race (and any other race) - even though it might not seem like it right now. This thread (and all of my internet posting) probably makes Lucifer absolutely furious - and I don't blame him/her! I'd be livid too! Once again - I realize this is playing with very, very hot fire. I really just wish for things to work out well for all concerned - including Lucifer. But really - I'm continuing to treat this whole thing as though it were just a science fiction novel. I don't know what's true - and what's pure, unmitigated popycock. This is just one big nightmare. I'm so numb - I almost don't care anymore...

    I'm in a mood.
    What if Lucifer wrote the scripts and played the parts of ALL the Gods and Goddesses?
    Think about it...

    Thank-you SuiGeneris! Cool poem! I generally consider the razzmatazz to have mostly been a mind-game or a test of sorts. In fact, most of what I have participated in online just seems like a silly nightmare. I really want to get completely away from all of this. I just want to be a happy and successful human being. So far, I have achieved neither, despite numerous opportunities. I'm liking the idea of focusing on reading books and listening to music, and just skipping the online tussles. What I would really like to know, is who have I REALLY been dealing with online? I may never know - but I suspect that I might be shocked if I knew. I really just want to live in a sane world. But, in a sense, I doubt that I will ever be happy - because of the history of the world - and my part in it - no matter how good things get in the future. I almost don't want to continue. I'm tired of the BS.

    What do you think about this? I lean toward Dana's perspective - but I have learned a lot from Sherri and TREEE.


    I so don't want to keep dealing with this madness - but I so don't want the madness to continue. It is interesting to compare these three interesting ladies with each other. It's sort of like a cat-fight, in a way - even though they don't usually refer to each other. Once again - I am not a follower of any of these three - but I do like to keep my eye of them...

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 0 Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Eve

    Posts : 13421
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:37 pm

    What would it be like to live in an underground base or city, with Reptilians, Greys, Hybrids, Dracs, Jesuits, Alphabet Agents, Nazis, Masons, Magicians, and Delta Force Soldiers? Is this even a good thing to think about? There may be a very strange world down under. Would this necessarily be a bad or evil world? I keep thinking that it would be cool to live in an old decomissioned missile silo. This would sure help one imagine what it would be like to live in the hypothetical, highly-classified environment described above. I suspect that there might be several factions of underground civilizations. It's not really fun to think about this - but I feel compelled to do so. But as I do so - I feel myself sinking lower and lower. I don't recommend this mental exercise in futility - but someone might find comfort in the fact that another individual is trying to think way, way outside of the box. Misery loves company - and the company loves misery. I have to dream about the highly classified realm - because dreaming is as close as I will ever get to actually experiencing any of it. The price of admission is undoubtedly very, very expensive. But I do think that the general public should start considering as many possibilities as possible, in a calm and quiet manner. I have decided to do nothing more, and nothing less, than what I'm doing right now - regardless of where my passive, pseudo-intellectual research and speculation leads me. I'll just keep blurting out my little brainstorms, on this little forum. If this one ever gets shut down, I'll just post on another one. If the whole internet gets shut down - I'll just read books and review what I have saved in my word processor. If an agent comes to take me away - I will go without a fuss. I'll continue to be an internet smart@$$, but I don't ever want to physically fight with anyone. My dreamworld is really a nightmare in many ways. I really and truly keep trying to stop posting. I think about angelic and demonic realms, star wars, nuclear war, chemical and biological warfare, Armageddon, Hybrid v Human race wars, enslavement, extermination, riding on mag-lev trains, 'flying' in UFO's, living on Phobos, facing the Creator God of the Universe, interviewing Amen Ra, meeting the Queen of Heaven, arguing with Jesuits, swearing at Raven, and on and on and on into the night. The thing I want to keep emphasizing is that I feel absolutely no hatred or animosity toward anyone - human or otherwise. I am motivated by curiosity, and by the desire to help clean-up the mess which everyone seems to be in. Hell - if everything goes up in smoke - so do I. I have gone on record, saying that a world human population of four billion (two billion surface dwellers, and two billion sub-surface dwellers) - and four billion humans living throughout the rest of the solar system - would be optimal. What do you think about this? If this were the plan - there would be no need for an extermination event of any kind - would there? Responsible Reproduction is a good thing. Eugenics and Exterminations are bad things. Any questions?
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    These pictures are amazing!! Why would we want to be 'rescued' - and taken to a 'better place'??? It seems to me that we simply need to take proper care of what we have right here in this solar system. Try meditating on these pictures while listening to this music. We seem to run around like retarded chickens with our heads cut off - and we miss the beauty of the earth - and the beautiful music which harmonizes with the majesty of nature. Can you imagine listening to this music while travelling throughout the solar system in an antigravity craft? I try to - but my attention span is pretty limited! I'm fast coming to the conclusion that we miss a lot of the really terrific stuff in life. I've been doing a lot of thrashing around on the internet - but I'm going to try to refine this into a more positive and balanced approach to just about everything. These are REALLY COOL PICTURES! Try looking at them while listening to your favorite music. People speak of meditation, with various techniques and mantras - but what about just going for long walks in nature - and looking at beautiful scenery or starry skies for hours on end? I think we need to gradually reduce the world population to around four billion (with responsible reproduction) - with a lot of underground living and work areas (and with four billion throughout the rest of the solar system) - to recreate a pristine Earth. I also think we need a lot more pure science - and a lot less applied science. The out of control industrialization and technological development (especially weaponry) is truly reprehensible - and constitutes gross malfeasance.
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    If you didn't like the William and Charles Show - then try watching this. Jason Martell is the kind of person I wish I was. He rocks!









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    What is the complete story regarding Lucifer, Pagan Rome, Alexander the Great, Constantine the Great, and Papal Rome? What occurred between the time of Alexander the Great and Constantine the Great? 250-350 A.D. is a pivotal time period - but how important is it, really? What really transpired during this time? Why am I even asking these questions? How does this all tie together? Does it tie together at all? Then - what transpired over the next 500 years? Did anything of special significance occur at the end of this 500 year period? I'm obviously on yet another fishing expedition. Is something fishy going on? I just sort of randomly threw this together - and I'm not sure why.

    1. Lucifer:

    2. Pagan Rome:

    3. Alexander the Great:

    4. Constantine the Great:

    5. Papal Rome:

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    December 9, 2010 Wall Street Journal - 16 Tycoons Agree to Give Away Fortunes

    I think this is very, very cool. I hope this spreads. This is the way things are supposed to work. But I feel very guilty and small right now. I don't think I'm as happy and appreciative as I should be. I'm still an insignificant nobody - while the rich and famous are at the center of things - like they always are. It's probably too late for me to become rich and famous - but this internet warrior bit - and trying to be innovative and profound - really seems to be a lost cause. It seems that if you are rich and famous - people hang on your every word - whether you are innovative and profound, or not. Money talks and BS walks - right? Call it sour-grapes or whatever, but I sometimes wonder how a lot of wealth is really generated. I'm a paranoid and suspicious type of person - and I keep thinking about human/et deal-making and such - in connection with politics, religion, technology, and business. But still - I view this latest development as extremely positive. I wish I could make lots of money - and give away 90% of it - and still keep the Ferrari and the beach-house! Go Bill Gates and Warren Buffett!

    The following is a concept derived from the principles and concepts contained in the Teachings of Jesus, but not stated directly. It is simply something I have found to be helpful regarding the ethical pursuit and use of money. I call it the 50-50 rule, derived from 'love your neighbor as yourself' and 'do unto others as you would have others do unto you.' Basically, one makes as much money as possible in the most ethical way possible, and then sets aside 50 percent of the gain for taxes and charity. Then, with the remaining 50 percent, they live a comfortable, though not ostentatious life style, and use a significant portion of this 50 percent to make even more money! Then, this additional profit again becomes subject to the same rule. Finally, when one dies, the estate is divided, with 50 percent going to taxes and charity, and 50 percent to relatives, etc. We should avoid rich versus poor class-warfare, jealousy and hatred, or feelings of superiority! We all have a part to play in this vast mosaic of life. The poor should not neglect to learn how the rich make money, and the rich should not neglect the poor…regardless of the reasons for their poverty! It's my way of saying that one can have their cake and eat it too! Perhaps it is a rationalization…but I don't think so! I believe that God is reasonable, and that sincere attempts to do the right thing are received with joy in Heaven!

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    What if I were the alien in charge of all of the alleged madness? How would I conduct business? Once again - this sounds delusional - but does that which is alleged regarding aliens really make sense? I'll get right to the point. If I were an alien who wished to exploit humanity - I would probably be a lot more secretive than whoever is in charge currently is. The whole thing is making less and less sense to me. If the alien race needed humans for experimentation, slave-labor, food, and human-sacrifices - why not just raise humans in underground or off-planet bases - and never abduct a single human from the surface of Earth - for any reason? Why not completely cloak all UFO's - or avoid flights altogether - especially around populated areas - or on clear nights? Why not forbid all aliens from roaming the surface of Earth - especially where they might be seen? Why use surface humans to work in underground bases - such as Dulce or Area 51? Again - why not raise humans underground - and keep them underground - to work as scientists, laborers, technicians, miners, etc? Why not eliminate all art and literature hinting at aliens and ufo's. If these guys are so advanced - why can't they keep themselves hidden - and keep a damn secret? Why? Why? Why? What the hell is going on here??? Do you see where I'm going with this? A lot of this seems like a lot of propaganda - serving some hidden agenda. But what might this agenda be? Do aliens really need to eat us? What purpose would human sacrifices serve? On the other hand - if I came to a planet as an alien - and wished to enslave the indigenous race - I would probably pick the best continents - make them alien-only - let the indigenous live everywhere else - and tax the hell out of them - but otherwise leave them alone - except that they could possess no weaponry or implements of war whatsoever. But I wouldn't kill them or be unkind to them. Of course - I wouldn't do any of the above - but this is a what-if game. It seems as if we are experiencing a form of punishment or terrorism. Whatever the case may be - something really, really wacky is going on here. It doesn't make sense to me at all. Could world leaders start out being flattered by the darkside - and then be progressively degraded and demoralized - as a submission/control process? Could the human race be on it's knees at the highest levels? There is someone I have communicated with who has been to Bohemian Grove several times (outskirts and infiltration) and who seems to be constantly in contact with the darkside (while seemingly being able to remain in the light) - and tells horrific stories about what really goes on there (including live human sacrifices and necrophilia). The 'Cremation of Care' ceremony is just the tip of the iceberg. Fools! Pull out all the stops people - and get to the bottom of this NOW. Here is some classic (1996) Alex Collier. I don't endorse or believe everything he says, but I always learn a lot from listening to Alex. I especially appreciate the Andromedan Perspective as it relates to a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. Think about these words as you listen to Alex Collier.



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    This documentary involves the KGB and an alien mummy! Enjoy!

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    Is Greed Good? Greed may be good - but Responsibility Rocks! Here is a thread on "Healthy Competition?" from AV1: This is sort of related to my 'Lucifer' thread, and my 'Tibet, Kali, and the Trinity Goddess' thread. If one were in a perfect Garden of Eden or a Harmonious Heaven - with a Kind and Loving God in charge - what more could one want? But what if one wished to exercise their creativity, curiosity, and ambition - in forbidden ways? Something has been bothering me a lot for a long time. It has to do with why we seem to be killing ourselves with industrialization, high-technology surveillance and warfare, designer diseases, massive pollution, bitter science vs religion battles, acute-care drugs and surgery medicine instead of prevention, and running around like chickens with our heads cut off instead of smelling the roses and savoring the creation. There's a lot more to it than what I just said - and I will try to elaborate on this in subsequent posts. I'm really trying to get at why Lucifer rebelled against God (assuming that this actually did occur in some way, shape, or form). I seem to be enamored with Lucifer - to an unhealthy degree. My speculations are causing me a significant amount of mental anguish - but I'm beginning to think that a Lucifer Centered Search for Truth - might yield the clearest view of the way things really are. I have no particular animosity toward Lucifer (assuming that Lucifer actually exists) - and I simply want to try to figure things out - and eventually try to find some peace of mind. I have very little presently - and I feel a bit like Elvis Presley - who wished for a single day of peace. Sometimes I wonder if I might even be Lucifer with amnesia - or a potential Lucifer of the future. Thinking about Lucifer related subjects and issues is scaring the hell out of me. I love it in one way - but I seem to keep sliding down the slippery slope - into I know not what. The horror.

    If you can - get DVD's of 'Contact' and 'Avatar' - and watch them several times - noting especially the philosophical and theological aspects. Also - watch 'The Lucifer Effect - MIT Lecture'. This is just a start. I continue to think that unconventional and heretical theological pursuits will provide many solutions - possibly even disclosure. I continue to contemplate a harmonization of the Teachings of Jesus, the U.S. Constitution, and the Latin Mass. This may be a dead-end, and we may need to move way beyond such a historical approach, but I think there is merit in exploring this possibility - as a mental and spiritual exercise - if nothing else. I'm just rambling now. I'm concerned that society may be on the verge of getting a lot meaner and nastier. If half of what I have speculated about is true - this could cause a lot of societal problems - some of them possibly violent. Waking people up could backfire - if we're not very careful. Are we creating mass-hysteria? Should maybe 10% of the key people of the world be properly woken-up? I think I might be trying to do this in my various postings and threads. I wonder who really reads them? I do not wish to yell 'FIRE!!!' in a crowded theater. I continue to seek a top-down non-revolution - to make the world and solar system a better place. I'm too lazy, stupid, and squeamish to run in the streets with torches and pitchforks. I much prefer armchair blogging. Born to blog. The incredible blog.

    Has technology and industrialization made us better and happier people? Have any wars in the history of the universe really done anyone any real good? Why do we compete with each other? What if we stopped competing with each other? Would we have a greater or lesser chance of survival? Would the breed improve if we ceased to compete? Was it John D. Rockefeller who said 'Competition is a Sin'? Why do we need jets, trains, busses, nukes, cities, cathedrals, mansions, space-travel, etc, etc? Why can't we live in teepees or grass huts? We seem to be killing ourselves in very sophisticated and clever ways. If we destroy ourselves - then what?Are love and pity really signs of weakness? Are positive-thinking and self-esteem really delusions? Would a focus on responsibility result in appropriate levels of love, pity, positive-thinking, and self-esteem? A long, long time ago - I proposed a Religion of Responsibility to a well-known theologian - and he liked the idea - but I never followed-through - until now, that is. This general subject may be more important than you can imagine. How did a pristine solar system get so screwed-up? How do we make this solar system pristine again? How do we keep it that way? This gets right at the core of Solar System Governance and my pet Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System. Once again, I don't really know if this is the correct approach, but I do know that the subject needs to be discussed extensively - rather than gravitating to the latest fad, sensation, guru, or freak-show.

    "In that vast throng are multitudes of the long-lived race that existed before the Flood; men of lofty stature and giant intellect, who, yielding to the control of fallen angels, devoted all their skill and knowledge to the exaltation of themselves; men whose wonderful works of art led the world to idolize their genius, but whose cruelty and evil inventions, defiling the earth and defacing the image of God, caused Him to blot them from the face of His creation."- 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen White. Did these beings, spoken of above, survive the Deluge (in Tibet perhaps?) and proceed to rule over us? Think of Ancient Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Papal Rome, the Nazi Party, and the New World Order - as being ruled over by this race. Does the shoe fit? If so - what can be constructively done? Might they be sort of like the Ori and the Goa'uld in Stargate SG-1? Could they be the equivalent of the Reptilians which Alex Collier describes? Or could they be in league with the Reptilians? Or did they CREATE the Reptilians in a Hybridization Program? Might Reptilians be the Ultimate Human/Reptile Super-Soldiers? Hallowed Be the Ori? How Much Philosophical, Spiritual, and Technological Trouble Might We Really Be In? Talk to Me Lucifer.

    Where should I post this sort of thing? Should I post this sort of thing? My concern is not so much with the faithful folks from AV1 and MOA - but where are the other researchers from across the world? There is a fleeting window of opportunity to get this thing right - and I'm just not seeing it happen. Is there a site somewhere on the internet with tens of thousands of regular posters - who are interested in what we discuss? I'm thinking that Kali, the Jesuits, and the Alphabet Agents have me all figured out (knowing more about me than I know about myself) - and on the proper lists (probably including the Red-List) - but that very few others really notice - in a world of seven billion human beings - and goddess knows how many hybrid humanoids. The subjects are driving me crazy - but the lack of interest and response is driving me even crazier. The cumulative effect is not positive - and there really does not seem to be a bright future in whipping a dead horse (or whipping a live Whore of Babylon). I wonder if Kali is into that sort of thing? Sticks and stones may break my bones - but whips and chains excite me! What about that debate-date Kali? You bring the whips - and I'll bring the chains!

    I just keep imagining what it might be like to be a fly on the wall when people who REALLY know what's going on are deep into a several hour long discussion/debate regarding the most sensitive issues in the solar system - which is completely off the record - with no recordings or minutes kept. THAT would be completely different than anything we have been exposed to (I think). This might sound hokey - but I'm trying to look at things through the hypothetical eyes of the goddess who I think MIGHT have been at the center of things in this solar system - going back tens of thousands of years - with complete reincarnational recall - and massive learning. It's easy to get very lost in the process of doing this - and I don't necessarily recommend it. I think theology is central - but that the sacred texts, visions, preachers, scholars, gurus, and channeling cannot be trusted. If I wasn't so afraid of them - I would love to study with renegade Jesuits and Alphabet Agents - who I think - know more than just about anyone else. But I really don't want to venture away from the illusory security of my own home and my spyware laden PC. I once attended a lecture given by a black Jesuit from San Francisco. He was a very eloquent scholar. I just think these people are ultimately working for the wrong boss. Unfortunately, this boss may really be in the driver's seat in this solar system - whether anyone likes it or not. I used to be Christocentric - but I am toying with the possibility that a goddess created virtually all of the sacred texts and religions. This is just more speculation, of course - but thinking this way might provide insights, unobtainable in any other way. Obviously, I don't worship or venerate this hypothetical minor deity. In fact, I am down-right irreverent. I keep asking this hypothetical goddess out on a debate-date - but so far, I have received no response - and I doubt that I ever will - even if they do actually exist.

    Back to the subject at hand - which is so central and far-reaching - It takes a lot of hard mental work to really get some productive thought processes going. I think that RESPONSIBILITY tempers and qualifies each word we use - such that they all become constructive in nature. Art Bell has said a lot about 'The Quickening'. IRRESPONSIBILITY seems to be the major culprit in the melt-down and destruction of our civilization. Once again - the movie 'Contact' contains a lot of food for thought. I think we may have to be hard-driving Illuminati-types - but without the corruption and creepy ritual rubbish. Are touchy-feely types going to save the world? I've been way, way too easy-going, accomodating, and gullible in my life - and I have paid a terrible price for not being more aggressive. If we sing kumbaya - the rich and powerful are going to keep right on observing the golden-rule (He who has the gold - RULES). How do we achieve a proper balance of exoteric/esoteric, cooperation/competition, etc/etc? I have been somewhat skeptical regarding the 'galactic wave', 'crossing the galactic plane', 'earth changes', 'global warming', '2012', etc. I fear that they are distractions, covers, or red-herrings designed to enable a hidden-agenda. There are aspects of the goddess concept which I adore - and there are aspects which I despise. I found the 'eight limbs of yoga' to be intriguing. Doesn't Kali have at least eight limbs? Jesus seems to be a perfect blend of masculine and feminine, humanity and divinity.

    Is the Quickening a recipe for disaster? Is it a perfect storm of destruction? "Knowledge increases. Men run to and fro." I guess I'm thinking in terms of scaring people, rushing to judgement, making people angry, creating hatred, etc. - as opposed to informing people through entertainment, or in a round about way - without pressuring them to make major changes or sacrifices. I have seen religious leaders speak authoritatively about the immanent Second Coming of Christ - and that only those who believe and live in certain ways will be saved and rewarded - while the other unlucky souls will be punished and lost. People come forward in altar calls (many of them in tears) to receive salvation. I used to think this was a good thing - but now I think that it is sort of a mass hysteria or mind control phenomenon. We seem to be emotional and irrational in counter-productive and destructive ways. I've recently considered that it is more blessed to learn how to think, and to teach people to think - than it is to coerce them or convince them regarding anything. At this point - I think I just want to become more responsible and more response-able - and then to encourage others to do the same - and just leave it at that. Then they can wake themselves up - in their own way - and in their own time. Eventually the 100th monkey will wake-up - and a positive paradigm-shift will occur.

    I am uneasy with the term 'harvest'. Does this term imply that not everyone will survive or make it? I insist that everyone survives and makes it - even if some have to exist in sort of an isolated state for a while. Are the PTB tightening the noose by their own free will - or are they being commanded to do so by those who are not human as we know human to be? Are there executive orders stating that the human race shall not gain their freedom - regardless of whether they are responsible or not? Are we serving a life-sentence, with an eventual final-judgment and a final harvest/execution/sacrifice? Do the orders still stand? What would Dick Cheney say? I'm working hard to reject traditional religion - and I'm working hard to reject the new age. I really don't know which way to jump at this point. Definitions and perceptions are very important. I simply do not wish to be exclusive or to exclude anyone as we journey into the future. Has anyone considered the distinction between 'pure science' and 'applied science'? I think 'pure science' is a good thing - but often 'applied science' is a bad thing. But how does one pay the bills with 'pure science'? Are we happier with all of our technology and industrialization? I am trying very hard to get back to my childhood scientific experience. I really enjoy going through all of the forbidden knowledge on the internet - and openly discussing it - even if it puts me on lists - and places several more interdimensional beings on my case. Maybe I'll get to meet them someday - but not today - ok?

    There are approximately 20 words which we really need to spend a lot of time thinking about. You pick your own 'Top 20'. I am very apprehensive regarding the low numbers of participants on MOA. This site should have thousands of members. I'm still very suspicious regarding the closure of AV1. I continue to be mystified as to whether the PTB want us to be researching and discussing forbidden information - or not. I really and truly don't know. I don't know if I'm helping or hurting. Perhaps the PTB could care less. Perhaps no one monitors this site. Everything is a big question mark for me. Is it really possible to make money without hurting someone in some way? Doing the right thing seems to get in the way of making money. How does this fit in with pure and applied science? Can we be so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good? OK - what about pure and applied science? That's what I really wish to talk about.

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    I'm starting to write and say 'Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System' more and more. I know that's a mouthful - but try saying these words over and over, as sort of a mantra. This is more of an intellectual exercise and a spiritual battle than you might think. It's going to take a lot of time, effort, and repetition, to really get it right. I keep thinking that I'm going to discover something about my reincarnational past which will floor me, and be very difficult to deal with. I also keep thinking that the editorial content of this thread will be implemented over the coming decades. If these two premonitions are correct - I will probably wish that I were dead (because of a harsh truth, responsibility, and blame) - and there will probably be a lot of beings (human and otherwise) who will wish that I were dead, as well. (because of them being exposed, prosecuted, deposed, imprisoned, expelled, not getting their way, etc, etc.) I wish that I were joking - but I am very serious - and I am very worried. They say to be careful what you ask for - because you just might get it. The future will probably be very rocky - no matter which way we go. I'm just trying to face reality - even if it kills me. I feel like I'm in the Mafia - and that I'm in too deep to get out alive. I'd like to see things work out well in this solar system - but I'd also like to be happy - if it isn't too much trouble. Well, even if it is too much trouble! I don't mean to sound like an ingrate (even though I probably am sometimes) - and I deeply appreciate all of the efforts of those (human and otherwise - past, present, and future) who have been working to make things better for everyone here in this solar system. Washington D.C. City of London. Vatican City. Three City-States. Three Domes. Three Obelisks. One Queen? 1. 2. 3. 4. I don't object to glory, grandeur, pomp, circumstance, reverence, awe, elegance, splendor, historical continuity, and artistic excellence. It's the corrupt, evil, creepy, and violent BS behind the scenes (in underground bases, smoke-filled rooms, and on battlefields) that I object to. Think long and hard about the following images (note the Goddess Persephone on top of the Capitol Building): 1. 2. 3.
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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:57 pm

    This tempest in a teapot began on Avalon 1, on August 6, 2009. A day which will live in infamy. There have been approximately 15,000 views - 3 dozen posters - and hundreds of posts - so far. (AV1 and MOA) So, what, if anything, has been accomplished? Has this mostly been a religious, political, exoteric, esoteric exercise in futility? Or - have the right beings (human and otherwise) made fundamental changes in solar system governance? Again - I really wish for a perfected humanity (with other races?) living in a perfected solar system - without any war or enslavement whatsoever. This has mostly been an attempt to change my own thinking - and to get others to think about solar system governance. Please consider using this thread as a study-guide - as you seek your own truth. It is intended to make YOU think - and achieve your own answers. I wish to retain all of the best which history has to offer - and to discard all of the worst. I really just wish to move-on in the right direction - with a minimal amount of drama and fuss. I wish for this solar system to be run like a highly-ethical, well-run corporation - where the employees (we the people of the solar system) are the owners. I don't want murder, mayhem, terrorism, corruption, crime, anarchy, pollution, war, sickness, suffering, starvation, etc, etc. This isn't rocket-science. This is simply common-sense. I don't have to have anything to do with any of this. I just wish to see those who are in positions of responsibility, doing that which is in everyone's best interest. I don't necessarily have a problem with peacefully coexisting with hybrid or et civilizations - provided they are completely benevolent - and that there are no trojan-horse scenarios lurking in the shadows. Obviously, I don't have enough information to make any determinations in this regard. I wish to be at peace with the Creator God of the Universe - but I do not wish to submit to Vengeful Deities. The proper relationship between Responsibility and Freedom may be the most important study anyone can engage in. Responsibility is the truth which sets us free - and keeps us free. I'm going to try to spend a lot of time editing and studying this thread. My work here on MOA might be mostly over. Things are going to be difficult - no matter what we do. I simply wish for things to work out well for ALL CONCERNED. I do not wish to take advantage of anyone - and I do not wish for anyone to take advantage of me. Again - I am very, very sorry if I have hurt anyone with my posting. It's very hard to attempt to be honest and innovative, without hurting someone. I've stood-up and spoken. Perhaps the time has arrived for me to sit-down and shut-up. We need to be idealistic - even though things may very well get a lot worse before they get better. I'm just pleading for ALL CONCERNED TO SEEK PEACEFUL AND FAIR SOLUTIONS. NO ENSLAVEMENT AND/OR EXTERMINATION PLEASE. But now I see through a glass darkly. Perhaps someday I will know as I am known. We need to be highly ethical and logical. Your move. Godspeed.
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    Once again, I tried to quit, but I am addicted to trying to save the solar system - and to the subject of solar system governance. I am really worried about the solar system arsenal of really, really, really destructive weaponry - which could probably turn the solar system into one big asteroid belt. Chemical and Biological Warfare seems to be a very real and underdiscussed threat to the continued existence of the human race. Weaponry which kills people, but leaves the buildings unharmed are of particular concern to me - especially regarding dealing with any race or nation which wishes to reclaim 'their' planet. I sure wish I knew the REAL history of this solar system - including all of the wars and power struggles. But as a preventive and curative measure - I would like to see representatives of the 150 largest nations (by population) in the solar system, meeting together in one room - 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - 365 days a year (in shifts, of course - with probably three groups). They would serve as a think-tank of sorts, in an advisory capacity. They would discuss various topics, follow current events, formulate position papers - and when the $h!+ hits the fan - they could immediately interact with each other to seek satisfactory resolutions to any crisis - and then pass recommendations on to their respective countries. This type of a situation should already exist - and I sincerely hope that it does. If it does not - I'd like to know why the hell not.

    To all of the nations of the solar system - I really hope that you know, that once a really big war or extermination event commences, that there may be no stopping the complete destruction of life in this solar system - human and otherwise. Think long and hard. Do we really understand the consequences of using the weaponry in the secret arsenals throughout the solar system??? We have way, way too much technology and weaponry in relation to our level of ethical development and responsibility. We are technological giants - and moral dwarfs. We really need to get our acts together. We need to do this NOW. I am absolutely committed to helping create a paradise in this solar system - regardless of the history of all races and factions, throughout the universe. At some point, someone has to stand up and say 'No More BS! Peace! Be Still!' Past wrongs may need to be righted - but not with violence. I Am Declaring War On War. War is a Sin.

    I have no problem with learning from all races and cultures, from throughout the universe - but I have a real problem with bullies. In a very passive sense, I invite everyone - throughout the universe - to support the quest for a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System - here in this solar system. Allow us a few hundred years to attempt to get solar system governance right. Please assist us in an advisory capacity - but please don't arrive with a fleet of spaceships - with vengence, retribution, enslavement, and extermination as your goal. I understand that rebellion has to be dealt with, in order to keep the disobedience from spreading throughout the universe. But how you all deal with this solar system mess, will be precedent setting, and it will be closely watched throughout the universe. If you deal harshly and unjustly with us - you may be setting yourselves up for more trouble than you can comprehend. Consider this solar system to be a laboratory - to note what works, and what does not work. I really do not seek rebellion and conflict. I seek peace, resolution, law, and order. I don't want more trouble. I want less trouble. I am a reasonable person - and I will consider all proposals, from all sources. I really do try to listen. I really do try to not be stubborn and stupid. Sometimes I even succeed.

    Has anyone used this thread as a study-guide? I'm not claiming any special inside information, or any significant experience or ablities connected with solar system governance. But who knows what I might have done in previous lives? I just wish to discuss the past, present, and future of this solar system. I feel as though I am marching into battle without training, armor, weaponry, or any support from anyone. I feel as though I am a lone ranger or a rebel without a clue. I feel as though I am being laughed at, for a variety of reasons. I feel as though I might feel more comfortable on a UFO or in an Underground Base, than I am trying to live in the 'real world'. The 'regressives' may be manipulating us and taking advantage of us - but I'm thinking that we make it very, very easy for them to do so. We might be less responsible than the 'regressives'. Alex Collier hinted at this in the 90's. I'm really looking for some intelligent conversation regarding solar system governance. What do the enemies of humanity think of this thread? I really don't care who talks to me - friend or foe. I think I might like to have some sort of communication with Lucifer, on an ongoing basis. I don't know what their current status is, or what their moral or spiritual condition might be. They undoubtedly exist in a realm which I know very little about. I just wish to talk and learn.
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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 FatimaVision3

    Lucifer is only mentioned once, by name, in the entire Holy Bible! Satan and the Devil are mentioned in surprisingly few passages - and very little is revealed about them. God is both good and evil in the Bible. I have speculated that we are dealing with minor gods and/or goddesses in history and the Bible. The Creator God of the Universe (with a very large 'G' - seems to be strangely absent). This has caused me to seek a common-sense foundation for politics, religion, church, and state - based upon Responsibility and the U.S. Constitution - namely a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. I'm not shaking my fist at God (with a large 'G'). I'm simply shaking - especially when I keep hearing about vengeful deities, retribution, extermination, reclaiming 'their' planet, etc. I've just about had it with all of this. I will respond to comments - but I'm really not going to keep posting like I have in the past. All of this seems as though it were a great, big puzzle - which is not meant to be solved. The goal seems to be confusion, misery, punishment, and even extermination. I am more disillusioned and miserable than you can imagine. I just want things to be peaceful and happy for everyone - but I keep hearing the universe laughing behind my back.

    Half of the verses (54 of 107) in the Holy Bible which refer to Lucifer, Satan, and Devil are found in the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). I find this highly significant. Think about it...

    LUCIFER occurs 1 time in 1 verse in the KJV.

    Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    SATAN occurs 56 times in 49 verses in the KJV.

    1Ch 21:1 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

    Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
    Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
    Job 1:8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that [there is] none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?
    Job 1:9 Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?
    Job 1:12 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath [is] in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.
    Job 2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.
    Job 2:2 And the LORD said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
    Job 2:3 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that [there is] none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause.
    Job 2:4 And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.
    Job 2:6 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he [is] in thine hand; but save his life.
    Job 2:7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.

    Psa 109:6 Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand.

    Zec 3:1 And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.
    Zec 3:2 And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: [is] not this a brand plucked out of the fire?

    Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

    Mat 12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

    Mat 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

    Mar 1:13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.

    Mar 3:23 And he called them [unto him], and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?
    Mar 3:26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

    Mar 4:15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.

    Mar 8:33 But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.

    Luk 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

    Luk 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

    Luk 11:18 If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.

    Luk 13:16 And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?

    Luk 22:3 Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.

    Luk 22:31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired [to have] you, that he may sift [you] as wheat:

    Jhn 13:27 And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.

    Act 5:3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back [part] of the price of the land?

    Act 26:18 To open their eyes, [and] to turn [them] from darkness to light, and [from] the power of Satan unto God by faith that is in me.

    Rom 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you. Amen.

    1Cr 5:5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

    1Cr 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except [it be] with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

    2Cr 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

    2Cr 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

    2Cr 12:7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.

    1Th 2:18 Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us.

    2Th 2:9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    1Ti 1:20 Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

    1Ti 5:15 For some are already turned aside after Satan.

    Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
    Rev 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, [even] where Satan's seat [is]: and thou holdest fast my [was] my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
    Rev 2:24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.

    Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    Rev 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
    Rev 20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

    DEVIL occurs 61 times in 57 verses in the KJV.

    Mat 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
    Mat 4:5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,
    Mat 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
    Mat 4:11 Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

    Mat 9:32 As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil.
    Mat 9:33 And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.

    Mat 11:18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.

    Mat 12:22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw.

    Mat 13:39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

    Mat 15:22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, [thou] Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

    Mat 17:18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.

    Mat 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

    Mar 5:15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.
    Mar 5:16 And they that saw [it] told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and [also] concerning the swine.
    Mar 5:18 And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him.

    Mar 7:26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.
    Mar 7:29 And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter.
    Mar 7:30 And when she was come to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed.

    Luk 4:2 Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.
    Luk 4:3 And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.
    Luk 4:5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
    Luk 4:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
    Luk 4:13 And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.

    Luk 4:33 And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice,
    Luk 4:35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not.

    Luk 7:33 For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil.

    Luk 8:12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

    Luk 8:29 (For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For oftentimes it had caught him: and he was kept bound with chains and in fetters; and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.)

    Luk 9:42 And as he was yet a coming, the devil threw him down, and tare [him]. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child, and delivered him again to his father.

    Luk 11:14 And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake; and the people wondered.

    Jhn 6:70 Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

    Jhn 7:20 The people answered and said, Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee?

    Jhn 8:44 Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning , and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
    Jhn 8:48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?
    Jhn 8:49 Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me.
    Jhn 8:52 Then said the Jews unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death.

    Jhn 10:20 And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?
    Jhn 10:21 Others said, These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?

    Jhn 13:2 And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's [son], to betray him;

    Act 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

    Act 13:10 And said, full of all subtilty and all mischief, [thou] child of the devil, [thou] enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?

    Eph 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.

    Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    1Ti 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
    1Ti 3:7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

    2Ti 2:26 And [that] they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

    Hbr 2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;

    Jam 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    1Jo 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
    1Jo 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

    Jud 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

    Rev 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast [some] of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

    Rev 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
    Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, [ye] heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

    Rev 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
    Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

    As I just mentioned, the Bible doesn't reveal a helluva lot about Lucifer, Satan, or the Devil. We need to consider ALL sources - and do a lot of reflecting and speculating. I think our quest for the truth is made impossibly difficult, on purpose. I continue to argue for a Responsible Solar System - where the truth is freely revealed - but also where responsible behavior is required. Riotous and sensual living can be responsibly engaged in, I think. I have never done such a thing - but I might try it someday. Presently - I wouldn't know how to have a good time - even if my eternal life depended on it. I wish I were joking.

    What if a harsh theocracy existed in an ancient 'Heaven'? What if this situation existed because of a rebel faction who was manipulating and exploiting the government of 'Heaven'? What if this hypothetical rebel faction instigated a righteous uprising against this hypothetically infiltrated and subverted government of 'Heaven'? What if the rebel faction financed both sides of the 'War in Heaven'? What if all of us were deceived by this rebel faction? What if we continue to be deceived by this rebel faction? Would a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System be a possible solution to this nightmare? Should this hypothetical rebel faction be rehabilitated or utterly destroyed?

    I wish I didn't have to continue with this fishing expedition. I wish I knew the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But perhaps 90% of us really and truly cannot handle the truth. I might be part of the 90%. I am 90% crazy, as it is - but not in a dangerous way. It's sort of a controlled craziness, if you know what I mean. Reality is so harsh and confusing, that it might be necessary to treat it as science fiction - and be sort of flippant, sarcastic, irreverent, and crazy - in a very cold and calculating manner. I have decided that Responsibility is the most significant word in the solar system - and that love, positive thinking, self esteem, faith, hope, and whatever - all take their proper and appropriate places - when Responsibility is focused upon. This may be the first, and most significant, step in our quest for truth, freedom, and happiness. First things first. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness - and all these things shall be added unto you. I think that 90% of the mythologies and theologies are BS - but I still think that theology should be a major part of our quest for the truth. Read the Teachings of Jesus - as you continue to research aliens, ufo's, earth-changes, ancient technology, forbidden archeology, NDE's, OBE's, DUMB's, etc. Check this out. 1. 2. 3.

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Warinhvn Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Satan
    Spiritual Luke Fighters Toast

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:18 pm; edited 3 times in total

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:02 pm

    Testimony of Dr Carol Rosin

    December 2000
    From Duncan Roads

    Dr Carol Rosin was the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life. She founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington DC and has testified before Congress on many occasions about space based weapons. Von Braun revealed to Dr Rosin a plan to justify weapons in space based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial threat. She was also present at meetings in the '70s when the scenario for the Gulf War of the '90s was planned.

    CR: Dr Carol Rosin
    SG: Dr Steven Greer

    CR: My name is Carol Rosin. I am an educator who became the first woman corporate manager of an Aerospace Company, Fairchild Industries.

    I am a Space and Missile Defense Consultant and have consulted to a number of companies, organizations, and government departments, even the intelligence community. I was a consultant to TRW working on the MX missile, so I was part of that strategy, which turned out to be a role model for how to sell space-based weapons to the public. The MX missile is yet another weapon system that we didn't need. I founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, a Washington DC based think tank. I am an author and have testified before Congress and the President's Commission on Space.

    When I was a Corporate Manager of Fairchild Industries from 1974 through 1977, I met the late Dr Wernher Von Braun. We first met in early 1974. At that time, Von Braun was dying of cancer but he assured me that he would live a few more years to tell me about the game that was being played- that game being the effort to weaponize space, to control the Earth from space and space itself. Von Braun had a history of working with weapons systems. He escaped from Germany to come to this country and became a Vice President of Fairchild Industries when I had met him. Von Braun's purpose during the last years of his life, his dying years, was to educate the public and decision-makers about why space-based weapons are dumb, dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, unworkable, and an undesirable idea, and about the alternatives that are available.

    As practically a deathbed speech, he educated me about those concepts and who the players were in this game. He gave me the responsibility, since he was dying, of continuing this effort to prevent the weaponization of outer space. When Wernher Von Braun was dying of cancer, he asked me to be his spokesperson, to appear on occasions when he was too ill to speak. I did this.

    What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again during the approximately four years that I had the opportunity to work with him. He said the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare tactics That was how we identify an enemy. The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and control us-that they were "Commies."

    Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.
    The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it.

    Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.

    And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."

    I think I was too naïve at that time to know the seriousness of the nature of the spin that was being put on the system. And now, the pieces are starting to fall into place. We are building a space-based weapons system on a premise that is a lie, a spin. Wernher Von Braun was trying to hint that to me back in the early 70's and right up until the moment when he died in 1977.

    What he told me was that there is an accelerated effort in place. He didn't mention a timeline but he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine. That the effort to put weapons into space was not only based on a lie but would accelerate past the point of people even understanding it until it was already up there and too late.

    When Von Braun was dying in front of me, the very first day that I met him, he had tubes draining out of his side. He was tapping on the desk telling me, "You will come to Fairchild." I was a schoolteacher. He said, "You will come to Fairchild and you will be responsible for keeping weapons out of space." The way he said it with this intenseness in his eyes, and added that very first day, the first time I met him, that space-based weapons were a dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, untestable, unworkable idea.

    The last card that was being held was the extraterrestrial enemy card.

    The intensity with which he said that, made me realize that he knew something that he was too afraid to mention. He was too afraid to talk about it. He would not tell me the details.

    I am not sure that I would have absorbed them if he had told me the details or even believed him in 1974. But there was no question that that man knew and had a need to know, I found out later.
    There is no doubt in my mind that Wernher Von Braun knew about the extraterrestrial issue. He explained to me the reasons why weapons were going to be put into space, the enemies against whom we were going to build these weapons, and that all of that was a lie. He mentioned that extraterrestrials were going to be identified as the final enemy against whom we were going to build space-based weapons back in 1974.

    The way he said it to me, there was no doubt in my mind that he knew something that he was too afraid to talk about.

    Wernher Von Braun never spoke to me about any of the details that he knew related to extraterrestrials except that one day extraterrestrials were going to be identified as an enemy against whom we are going to build an enormous space-based weapons system. Wernher Von Braun actually told me that the spin was a lie-that the premise for space-based weaponry, the reasons that were going to be given, the enemies that we were going to identify-were all based on a lie.

    I have been tracking the space-based weapons issue for about 26 years.

    I have debated Generals and Congressional Representatives. I have testified before the Congress and the Senate. I have met with people in over 100 countries. But I have not been able to identify who the people are who are making this space-based weapons system happen. I see the news. I see the administrative decisions being made. I know that they are all based on lies and greed.

    But I have yet to be able to identify who the people are. That is after tracking this issue for 26 years. I know that there are big secrets being kept and I know that it is time the public and decision-makers pay attention to the people who are now going to be disclosing the truth. Then we need to make some definite changes and build a system in space that will benefit every single person, and all of the animals, and the environment of this planet. The technology is there. The solutions to Earth's urgent and long-term potential problems are there. I have a feeling that once we start studying this extraterrestrial issue, all of the questions are going to be answered that I have had for 26 years.

    But I have concluded that it is based on a few people making a lot of money and gaining power. It is about ego. It is not about our essence and who we really are on this planet and loving each other and being at peace and cooperating. It isn't about using technology to solve problems and heal people in the planet. It isn't about that. It is about a few people who really are playing an old, dangerous, costly game for their own pocketbooks and power struggle. That is all it is.

    I believe that this entire space-based weapons game is initiated right here in the United States of America. What I hope is that with this information that is being disclosed, the new administration will to do what is right. That is to transform the war game into a space game so that we use the technologies that are available not just as spin-offs of war technology, but as direct technological applications to build a cooperative space system that will benefit the entire world and that will allow us to communicate with the extraterrestrial cultures that are obviously out there.

    Who would benefit from these space-based weapons? They are the people who work in that arena, people in the military, in industries, in universities and labs, in the intelligence community. This is not just in the United States but it is worldwide. This is a worldwide cooperative system. Wars are cooperative. Just as peace will be when it breaks out. But right now there are a lot of people benefiting.

    This is what our economy has been based on in this country and spreading around the world-war. People suffer as a result. It is not fair. It never has been. People have screamed: "out of swords let us build plow shares, let's have peace and hold hands around the world," but it hasn't worked because too many people are benefiting. Not only are they benefiting financially, but from what my experience is there are people who actually believe that Armageddon should happen so we have to have these wars.

    So, it is going from the pocketbook, to the religious right: some people actually believe that we have to have wars for these religious reasons. There are people who just love war. I have met warriors who just love to go to war. Then there are the good people, the soldiers, who just take orders. They have to feed their children and send them to college so they want to keep their jobs.

    People in laboratories have told me that they don't want to work on these technologies for war but if they don't they won't get a paycheck. Who is going to pay them? But what I see is that there are not only dual uses for these technologies but there are many uses for the same technologies.
    We can build space hospitals, schools, hotels, laboratories, farms, industries. It may sound far out but if we don't do that we are going to build battle stations and weapons pointed down all of our throats and into space. Apparently we have been doing some of that already.

    We have a choice now that can be made. We can all benefit-all of the people in the military industrial complex, in the intelligence community, in universities and labs, in the United States and all over the world-we can all benefit. We can just transform that industry so easily with just a decision based on our highest consciousness, our spirituality, and on the fact that we have no choice unless we all want to die. And we don't. So we can all benefit financially, spiritually, socially, psychologically; it is technologically and politically feasible to transform this game now and everybody will benefit.

    In 1977, I was at a meeting in Fairchild Industries in a conference room called the War Room. In that room were a lot of charts on the walls with enemies, identified enemies. There were other more obscure names, names like Saddam Hussein and Khadafi. But we were talking then about terrorists, the potential terrorists. No one had ever talked about this before but this was the next stage after the Russians against whom we were going to build these space-based weapons. I stood up in this meeting and I said, "Excuse me, why are we talking about these potential enemies against whom we are going to build space-based weapons if, in fact, we know that they are not the enemy at this time?"

    Well, they continued the conversation about how they were going to antagonize these enemies and that at some point, there was going to be a war in the Gulf, a Gulf War. Now this is 1977, 1977! And they were talking about creating a war in the Gulf Region when there was 25 billion dollars in the space-based weapons program that had yet to be identified. It wasn't called the Strategic Defense Initiative, at least. Not until 1983. This weapons system, then, had obviously been going on for some time and I didn't know anything about. So I stood up in this meeting in 1977 and said, "I would like to know why we are talking about space-based weapons against these enemies. I would like to know more about this. Would someone please tell me what this is about?" Nobody answered. They just went on with this meeting as though I hadn't said anything.

    Suddenly, I stood up in the room and said, "If nobody can tell me why you are planning a war in the Gulf when there is a certain amount of money in a budget so that you can create the next set of weapons systems that will be the beginning of the sell to the public about why we need space-based weapons, then consider this: my resignation. And you will not hear from me again!"

    And nobody said a word, because they were planning a war in the Gulf and it happened exactly as they planned it, on time.

    SG: Who was at this meeting?

    CR: The room was filled with people in the revolving door game. There were people that I had seen once in a military uniform and other times in a gray suit and an industry outfit. These people play a revolving door game. They work as consultants, industry people, and/or military and intelligence people. They work in the industries and they revolve themselves through these doors and right into government positions.

    I stood up in this meeting and asked if I was hearing correctly. That when there was 25 billion dollars expended in the space-based weapons budget, that there was going to be a war in the Gulf, stimulated, created, so that they could then sell the next phase of weapons to the public and the decision-makers. This war was going to be created so that they could dump the old weapons and create a whole new set of weapons. So I had to resign from that position. I could no longer work in that industry.

    In about 1990 I was sitting in my living room looking at the money that had been spent on space-based weapons research and development programs and I realized that it had come to that number, about 25 billion dollars, and I said to my husband, "I am now going to stop everything. I am now going to stop and sit and watch CNN television and I am going to wait for the war to happen." My husband said, "Well, you have finally gone over the edge. You have flipped out."
    Friends said, "You have really gone too far this time. There is not going to be a war in the Gulf, nobody is talking about a war in the Gulf."

    I said, "There is going to be a war in the Gulf. I am going to sit here and wait for the war in the Gulf." And it happened right on schedule.

    As part of the war game in the Gulf, we in the public were told that the United States was successful in shooting down Russian Scud Missiles. We were rationalizing new budgets based on that success. In fact, we found out later, after the budgets were approved for the next phase of weapons, that it was a lie. We did not have successful shoot-downs the way we were told. It was all a lie, just to get more money put in the budget to make more weapons.

    I was one of the first people to go independently to Russia when I heard that they had "killer satellites."
    [See the testimony of Dr Paul Czysz. SG]

    When I went to Russia in the early 70's, I found out that they didn't have killer satellites, that it was a lie. In fact, the Russian leaders and people wanted peace. They wanted to cooperate with the United States and with the people of the world.

    Another time I called Saddam Hussein when he was lighting his oil fields on fire. My husband was in the kitchen while I was making this phone call. I got a call back from his First Attaché with Saddam Hussein nearby and he asked, "Are you a reporter? Are you an agent?

    Why do you want to know?"

    I said, "No. I am just a citizen who helped to start the movement to prevent the weaponization of outer space and I have found that a lot of stories that I have been told about weapons systems and the enemies are not true. I wanted to find out what would satisfy Saddam Hussein so he would stop making these oil fields catch fire and stop antagonizing people." He said, "Well, nobody has ever asked him that question, what he wants."

    So, when I hear that there is a possible threat of extraterrestrials-and I look at the history of thousands of years of possible ET visitations, and hear the disclosures of honest military-intelligence- industry people who have had experiences with UFO's, with crashes and landings, with live and dead bodies of extraterrestrial beings-I know it is a lie. And if I am ever told that these are enemies against whom we have to build space-based weapons systems, based on my own personal experience of having worked in the military industrial complex on weapons systems and military strategy, I am going to know it is a lie.

    It is a lie.

    Not only will I not believe it, but I am going to go out as loudly as I can and tell everyone to take a look. They [the ET's] have not taken us away yet. We are still here after thousands of years of visits. If in fact they are still visiting us now and we have not been harmed then we have to look at this as something that is not a hostile occurrence.

    It would be my hope and my intention to do everything I could to work with people who are working to communicate with and cooperate with these extraterrestrial beings. They are clearly not hostile. We are here. That is enough proof for me.

    There is no limit to how people can choose to live on this planet. We have a chance to do that and I think that the window is closing rapidly. I don't think that we have much time in which to make that decision. We are too close in too many ways to having some horrible disaster happen, having some sort of war take place, whether it is from high technology or an exotic weapons system.

    We need leadership and it has to start with the United States President and that is who we all have to reach. If you are international, if you are around the world, if you are in the United States of America, whether you are from any party, any belief system or religion- the United States Commander in Chief, the President of the United States is the person that needs to be reached.

    We need to say that we want an ultimate, comprehensive, verifiable ban on all space-based weapons.

    Duncan M. Roads, Editor, NEXUS Magazine
    PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
    Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381

    "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
    (Aldous Huxley)

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Rosin

    I am really trying to be neutral in all of my internet posting - including this thread. It might not seem like it, at times, but I am moving passively in the direction which I think might approximate at least some of the somewhat hidden truth. If it weren't for the internet, and my insecurity, I wouldn't be doing any of this. I'm really just trying to make sense out of what is already in the public domain. All I am is a repeater, speculator, dot-connector, smart@$$, et al. I continue to be mystified as to why so few humans (and otherwise) are speaking with me. It seems as though I am in a completely different world (or solar system). I think a lot of the visitors to this site could interact with me in a very intelligent manner, but I sense a certain amount of fear and censorship connected with all of this. I think if I knew who or what I was really dealing with, I would never touch a lot of these subjects ever again. Ignorance is Bliss. Absolute Ignorance is Perpetual Orgasm. But if I'm a completely ignorant fool, as Raven has pointed out, why am I not deleriously happy? Why can't we turn this thread into a big science fan-fiction episode? I suggested doing so at the beginning of this MOA thread. I started an online book - but then I got genuinely scared. It seemed way too real. So I stopped. Once again, I apologize if I have hurt anyone with my posting. I probably am a two-faced, back-stabbing sob. So, all of you are probably wise to steer clear of me. Most of you probably know that I'm a bad accident waiting to happen. If I knew what you knew, I'd probably stay away too. Perhaps, if the opportunity presents itself, I should get out of Dodge. But where in the universe does an orthodoxymoron really fit in? Probably nowhere. Perhaps I will burn forever in an eternally burning hell - as an incurably rebellious sinner in the hands of a loving god...

    If you or I were Lucifer - what would we think of the irreverent posting of orthodoxymoron? Would we feel threatened or hurt? Would we be angry - or would we just laugh at the naive innocence? I hate to say it, but I feel guilty regarding my posting. I think that I am too harsh, sarcastic, and unkind. I poke, prod, and post disrespectful pictures. I also feel guilty regarding my gestures of friendship and reconciliation toward Lucifer. So, in a very real sense, I am a two-faced, back-stabbing sob who is dealing with a phenomenon which might be more problematic and volatile than even I can imagine. I'm not going out of my way to be nasty - but I'm not going out of my way to be nice, either. I could be deceived if I were too nice - but I could be zapped if I were too nasty. But really, I think I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing - for better, or for worse - till death do me part...

    Actually, I think I'm going to concentrate on finishing 'The Art of War' and 'Family of Secrets' - and finish watching some new DVD's. This will be a bit of a break for me and who knows who? What this whole nasty episode has revealed - more than anything else - are my shortcomings and inadequacies. I keep feeling smaller and smaller. I keep speaking of how I feel - because this is really an experiential journey - and my online activities are sort of a journal. So - it is a bit of a self-centered journey - even though I think 'self-centeredness' is a bad thing. I continue to wish for everything to work out well for ALL CONCERNED (throughout the universe - good and evil). This might not be possible - but I wish for this to be the case, just the same. I will really be receptive and appreciative of any and all reasonable solutions. I don't have to have my own way. I just feel that most everyone should consider this thread or similar quests for truth, justice, and the American Way! Namaste.

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Familysecrets Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Dick-and-prescott1

    The following is a potpourri from the past. I got to thinking...we debate just about everything...even forbidden knowledge...which must certainly attract the attention of Echelon, the Alphabet Agencies, Motherships, and Deep Underground Military Bases. One big happy family! But do we discuss the problem of an exhaustive and academic manner? Should we declare War on Violence? Is that an oxymoron? Is violence a sin? I've opened some Pandora's Boxes since I arrived at Avalon...and I'm going to open another one. As usual...I have no mapped-out agenda. I just think and speculate out-loud...for better or worse. What really brought this on...was going to see 'Legion'...which profoundly disappointed me. The plot was weak...and the violence was sickening. But the previews for other violent motion-pictures really floored me. I don't go out much...and I shy away from I was shocked by the glorification of violence on the silver-screen. Our phones are tapped. Our internet activities recorded. Our houses searched without warrants. All for our safety...of course. But violence is promoted and glorified EVERYWHERE. But that's just fine. But why is that fine? Aren't Hollywood and the Game-Makers teaching people to commit violent crime? Aren't they educating future terrorists? I'd like to discuss this online with someone from Homeland Security. There's this supposed fear of social unrest and rioting...and preparations are being made to deal with this threat. But what about the violent movies, books, games, cartoons, and toys? What the hell is going on? Should there be a Sin-Tax on Violent Entertainment which would be used to help victims of war and violent This is a day which will live in infamy. I DECLARE WAR ON VIOLENCE!

    I remembered a comment by Martin Scorsese (I think)...where he said that violence on the screen should show the pain and suffering of the victims...including surgery, physical-therapy, psychotherapy, etc. So much violence is just 'Bang...your dead! Ha! Ha!' If the number of violent acts depicted were drastically reduced...and the goriness drastically increased...including ER and OR scenes...this might be the way to go. Certain storylines require some violence...but it should never be glorified...and it should never be non-stop gratuitous violence. I'm not advocating sugar-coating everything...holding hands and singing kumbaya. What if they had a war...and nobody came? Supposedly the Russians were getting their butts kicked so badly by the exotic German weaponry...that they had to post guards with shoot to kill orders (to improve morale) keep the Russian soldiers from running away. Very, very sad.

    I just opened a Pandora's Box with a brief comment on violence. Now I'm opening another one regarding Abortion, Euthenasia, Suicide, and Murder. I realize that this is probably one of the most painful and sensitive topics imaginable. But I think it needs to be focused upon at this time. Ethics are supremely important. Responsibility is at the Heart of Ethics....and Responsibility is the Truth Which Sets Us Free. Abortion, Euthenasia, Suicide, and Murder are all about the willful termination of life. Most of the terminated life involved with these four words are normal and healthy lives. There is a small minority of terminated life which involves horrible medical problems and gross genetic abnormalities...some of which involve unimaginable pain and suffering. I mostly wish to deal with the termination of normal and healthy life. I'm reading a book titled 'How We Die' by Dr. Sherwin Nuland. Hopefully this will help me to properly deal with this difficult subject. We really do live out of harmony with nature. We go to extrordinary lengths to keep very abnormal, sick, and suffering people huge expense. Yet we willfully kill perfectly normal and healthy people...sometimes at huge expense. According to some...the gods and goddesses...human and non-human...want to kill 90% of us. God drowned the whole damn world in the Great Flood...according to the Bible. What's wrong with this picture? A person is declared 'dead' when they no longer have a heartbeat or brainwaves. Shouldn't a person be declared 'alive' when they have a heartbeat or brainwaves? Shouldn't a person be declared a 'murderer' if they willfully cause heartbeats and brainwaves to cease? Would this make an abortion acceptable up to the point at which heartbeats and brainwaves are present? Think this one through. The pro-choice people could have their way up until the point at which heartbeats and brainwaves were present. The pro-life people could have their way after heartbeats and brainwaves were present. This is sort of a Solomon-like distinction...which would probably make everyone angry...but it just might be the pragmatic thing (if not the right thing) to do.

    Why is fame, fortune, and power at the center of healthcare? Why is prevention not at the center of healthcare? Preventing accidents and disease should be the top priority. Why is this so hard? There seems to be a resistance in our society to anything that makes sense...and which would make the world a better place. What the hell is going on? A fence at the top of the cliff makes a lot more sense than an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. But that's bad for the doctor, hospital, and drug business. Healthcare is a BIG CORRUPT BUSINESS. Our approach to healthcare is utterly irresponsible. But as long as we worship the God of Fame, Fortune, and Power...instead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...nothing will change. Did I miss 'Prevention Specialist' in the list below?

    U.S. Physician Salaries - Ongoing Salary Survey

    *Survey includes base salaries, net income or hospital guarantees minus expenses

    June, 2003 - Present

    SPECIALTY Years 1-2 >3 Max
    Allergy/ Immunology $158,000 $221,000 $487,000
    Ambulatory $ 80,000 $112,000 $152,000
    Anesthesiology: Pediatrics $ 283,000 $311,000 $378,000
    Anesthesiology: General $207,000 $275,000 $448,000
    Anesthesiology: Pain Management $315,000 $370,000 $651,000
    Cardiology: Invasive $258,000 $395,000 $647,000
    Cardiology: Interventional $290,000 $468,000 $811,000
    Cardiology: Noninvasive $268,000 $403,000 $599,000
    Critical Care $187,000 $215,000 $320,000
    Dermatology $ 195,000 $308,000 $452,000
    Emergency Medicine $192,000 $216,000 $295,000
    Endocrinology $171,000 $187,000 $260,000
    FP (with OB) $182,000 $204,000 $241,000
    FP (w/o OB) $161,000 $135,000 $239,000
    FP - Sports Medicine $ 152,000 $208,000 $363,000
    FP - Urgent Care $ 128,000 $198,000 $299,000
    Gastroenterology $265,000 $349,000 $590,000
    Hematology/Oncology $181,348 $245,000 $685,000
    Infectious Disease $154,000 $178,000 $271,000
    Internal Medicine $154,000 $176,000 $238,000
    IM (Hospitalist) $161,000 $172,000 $245,000
    Medicine/Pediatrics $139,000 $168,000 $271,000
    Medical Oncology $198,000
    $257,000 $455,000
    Neonatal Medicine $286,000 $310,000 $381,000
    Nephrology $191,000 $269,000 $447,000
    Neurology $180,000 $228,000 $345,000
    Obstetrics/Gynecology $211,000 $261,000 $417,000
    Gynecology $159,000 $213,000 $358,000
    Maternal/Fetal Medicine $286,000 $322,000 $610,000
    Occupational Medicine $139,000 $185,000 $290,000
    Ophthalmology $138,000 $314,000 $511,000
    Ophthalmology Retina $280,000 $469,000 $716,000
    Orthopedic Surgery $256,000 $342,000 $670,000
    ORS - Foot & Ankle $228,000 $392,000 $791,000
    ORS - Hand & Upper Extremities $288,000 $459,000 $770,000
    ORS - Hip & Joint Replacement $330,000 $491,000 $715,000
    ORS - Spine Surgery $398,000 $670,000 $1,352,000
    ORS - Sports Medicine $266,000 $479,000 $762,000
    Otorhinolaryngology $194,000 $311,000 $516,000
    Pathology $169,000 $321,000 $610,000
    Pediatrics $135,000 $175,000 $271,000
    Pediatrics - Cardiology $145,000 $282,000 $607,000
    Pediatrics - Critical Care $196,000 $259,000 $398,000
    Pediatrics - Hematology/Oncology $182,000 $217,000 $251,000
    Pediatrics - Neurology $175,000 $189,000 $362,000
    Physiatry $169,000 $244,000 $313,000
    Podiatry $128,000 $168,000 $292,000
    Psychiatry $149,000 $169,000 $238,000
    Psychiatry - Child and Adolescent $158,000 $189,000 $265,000
    Pulmonary Medicine + Critical Care $215,000 $288,000 $417,000
    Radiation Oncology $241,000 $385,000 $787,000
    Radiology $201,000 $354,000 $911,000
    Rheumatology $179,000 $229,000 $378,000
    Surgery - General $226,000 $291,000 $520,000
    Surgery - Cardiovascular $336,000 $515,000 $811,000
    Surgery - Neurological $354,000 $541,000 $936,000
    Surgery - Plastic $237,000 $412,000 $820,000
    Surgery - Vascular $270,000 $329,000 $525,000
    Urology $261,000 $358,000 $619,000

    SOURCE: Allied Physicians, Inc., Los Angeles Times and Rand McNally

    I sometimes wonder if all of the people should vote on a daily basis. With the advent of the we really need representatives to think for us? I've been pushing the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights a lot...but within that general framework of government...should the people represent themselves rather than electing representatives who represent corrupt special interests...rather than the people who elected them? Are we the irresponsible delegating authority to the even more irresponsible...who we then blame for being irresponsible? Should the elected representatives make their case on the internet...and then let we the people vote? That would solve that pesky money problem...wouldn't it? The hearings would be conducted with live internet coverage. I don't think it is too much to expect most citizens to take the time to do this important work.

    I modified (long ago) Article 1, Section 1 of the Founding Documents of the United States of the Solar System. Note the following:

    We the People of the United States of the Solar System, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of the Solar System.

    Article 1.

    Section 1
    All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States of the Solar System, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. All Elected Representatives of We the People of the United States of the Solar System shall vote according to the Will of the People as Recorded Daily by Internet Voting.

    I continue to be deeply concerned with the lack of dialogue regarding deeply important issues. The patient does not seem to be responding to repeated defibrillation attempts, and massive doses of adrenaline. CLEAR!!!!

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Sexynurse

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:14 pm

    I thought I'd start looking more closely at the nations of the world. I'm trying to be a man without a country. I promote the application of the U.S. Constitution throughout the solar system - but I do not promote American rule or uber alles. There are some subtle distinctions here. I am for improved working conditions and reduced environmental destruction - achieved through global standards - but I am not nationalist or protectionist. I haven't crunched the numbers - but I think that things would eventually balance out at a higher level for nearly everyone on the planet. But, as I have said before, no matter what we do, things will continue to be difficult for the people of the world. Pain may be the cost of doing business in the universe. Anyway, here is a list of the countries of the world. Enjoy. This is a list of countries by population. The list includes independent countries and inhabited dependent territories. Also given, as a percentage, is each country's population compared to the population of the world, which is currently about 6,895,800,000. Areas that form integral parts of sovereign states, such as the countries of the United Kingdom, are counted as part of the sovereign states concerned. Not included are other entities, such as the European Union, that are not sovereign states, and dependent territories that do not have permanent populations, such as various countries' claims to Antarctica.

    Perhaps meditating on each country would be a beneficial mental and spiritual exercise. What if each of these countries were states of the United States of the Solar System? I'm sure this would make a lot of people bristle - for a lot of reasons - but the potential extinction of the human race really makes me bristle. Can't we just all get along? Each country could continue to govern themselves internally, as they always have. This would not be a militaristic New World Order. Ideally, it would become a kinder, gentler, and smaller government going forward. The more responsible everyone becomes - the less we have to be managed. We seem to be more compartmentalized and isolated than necessary. The more we get together - the happier we'll be. One more thing. If we double our nuclear arsenals - will we be twice as safe? If we had no weapons of mass destruction - would we be less safe than we are presently? Who REALLY controls the WMD's? Are they in the best of hands - or the worst of hands? We need to contain this madness NOW. Remember - once the mass murder commences - it may not stop until there is no one left to kill. Think about THAT. Again - I would like to see representatives of the 150 largest nations (by population) in the solar system, meeting together in one room - 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - 365 days a year (in shifts, of course - with probably three groups). They would serve as a think-tank of sorts, in an advisory capacity. They would discuss various topics, follow current events, formulate position papers - and when the $h!+ hits the fan - they could immediately interact with each other to seek satisfactory resolutions to any crisis - and then pass recommendations on to their respective countries. This type of a situation should already exist - and I sincerely hope that it does. If it does not - I'd like to know why the hell not.

    1 China 1,341,970,000
    2 India 1,193,250,000
    3 United States 310,000,000
    4 Indonesia 237,556,363
    5 Brazil 190,732,694
    6 Pakistan 171,671,000
    7 Nigeria 158,259,000
    8 Bangladesh 149,937,000
    9 Russia 141,927,297
    10 Japan 127,390,000
    11 Mexico 112,322,757
    12 Philippines 94,013,200 Mid-2010 1.36% National Statistics Office medium projection
    13 Vietnam 86,930,000 April 1, 2010 1.26% Official estimate
    14 Germany 81,802,000 December 31, 2009 1.19% Official estimate
    15 Egypt 79,711,000 January 26, 2011 1.16% Official Egyptian Population clock
    16 Ethiopia 79,455,634 July 2010 1.15% Official estimate
    17 Iran 75,078,000 2010 1.09% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    18 Turkey 72,561,312 December 31, 2009 1.05% Turkish Statistical Institute estimate
    19 Dem. Rep. of Congo 67,827,000 2010 0.98% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    20 Thailand 67,070,000 December 1, 2009 0.97% Official estimate
    21 France 65,821,885 January 1, 2011 0.95% Official INSEE estimate
    The population figure for metropolitan France (that is, without its
    overseas departments and oveseas collectivities) is 63,118,000.[4]
    22 United Kingdom 61,792,000 Mid-2009 0.9% Official estimate
    23 Italy 60,494,632 July 31, 2010 0.88% Official ISTAT estimate
    24 Myanmar (Burma) 50,496,000 2010 0.73% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    25 South Africa 49,991,300 July 1, 2010 0.72% Statistics South Africa
    26 South Korea 48,501,000 2010 0.7% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    27 Spain 46,152,925 January 1, 2011 0.67% Official INE estimate
    28 Colombia 45,816,000 January 26, 2011 0.66% Official Colombian Population clock
    29 Ukraine 45,795,911 December 1, 2010 0.66% Official UKRSTAT estimate
    30 Sudan 43,192,000 2010 0.63% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    31 Tanzania 43,187,823 2010 0.63% Official estimate
    32 Argentina 40,091,359 October 27, 2010 0.58% Provisional census results
    33 Kenya 38,610,097 August 24-25, 2009 0.56% Official census results
    34 Poland 38,092,000 2010 0.55% Official estimate
    35 Algeria 36,300,000 January 1, 2011 0.53% Official estimate
    36 Canada 34,334,000 January 26, 2011 0.5% Official Canadian Population clock
    37 Morocco 32,044,000 January 26, 2011 0.46% Official Moroccan Population clock
    38 Uganda 31,800,000 2010 0.46% Official estimate
    39 Iraq 31,467,000 2010 0.46% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    40 Peru 29,461,933 June 30, 2010 0.43% Official INEI estimate (in Spanish)
    41 Afghanistan 29,117,000 2010 0.42% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    42 Venezuela 29,086,000 January 26, 2011 0.42% Official Venezuelan Population clock
    43 Nepal 28,584,975 2011 0.41% Official estimate
    44 Malaysia 28,250,500 July 2010 0.41% Statistic Department of Malaysia
    45 Uzbekistan 27,794,000 2010 0.4% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    46 Saudi Arabia 27,136,977 2010 0.39% Official Saudi estimate
    47 North Korea 23,991,000 2010 0.35% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    48 Ghana 23,951,519 July 1, 2010 0.35% Official estimate
    49 Republic of China (Taiwan) 23,157,178 November 30, 2010 0.34% Official National Statistics Taiwan estimate
    50 Australia 22,544,000 January 26, 2011 0.32% Australian Official Population Clock
    51 Yemen 22,492,035 2009 0.33% Official estimate
    52 Mozambique 22,416,881 2010 0.33% Official estimate
    53 Côte d'Ivoire 21,571,000 2010 0.31% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    54 Romania 21,466,174 January 1, 2010 0.31% Eurostat estimate
    55 Syria 20,903,000 January 26, 2011 0.3% Syrian Official Population Clock
    56 Sri Lanka 20,410,000 2010 0.3% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    57 Madagascar 20,146,000 2010 0.29% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    58 Cameroon 19,406,100 January 1, 2010 0.28% Official estimate
    59 Angola 18,993,000 2010 0.28% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    60 Chile 17,182,900 January 26, 2011 0.25% Official INE projection (page 36)
    61 Netherlands 16,644,000 January 26, 2011 0.241% Official Netherlands population clock
    62 Kazakhstan 16,417,000 December 1, 2010 0.24% National Statistics Agency estimate
    63 Burkina Faso 15,730,977 July 1, 2010 0.23% Official estimate
    64 Malawi 15,692,000 2010 0.23% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    65 Niger 15,203,822 2010 0.22% Official estimate
    66 Mali 14,517,176 April 1, 2009 0.21% Preliminary 2009 census result
    67 Guatemala 14,361,666 2010 0.21% Official estimate
    68 Ecuador 14,319,000 January 26, 2011 0.21% Official Ecuadorian population clock
    69 Cambodia 13,395,682 March 3, 2008 0.19% Cambodian 2008 Census
    70 Zambia 13,257,000 2010 0.19% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    71 Senegal 12,861,000 2010 0.19% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    72 Zimbabwe 12,644,000 2010 0.18% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    73 Chad 11,506,000 2010 0.17% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    74 Greece 11,306,183 January 1, 2010 0.16% Eurostat estimate
    75 Cuba 11,239,245 2010 average 0.16% Official estimate
    76 Belgium 10,827,519 January 1, 2010 0.16% Eurostat estimate
    77 Portugal 10,636,888 January 1, 2010 0.15% Eurostat estimate
    78 Czech Republic 10,515,818 June 30, 2010 0.15% Official estimate
    79 Tunisia 10,439,600 July 1, 2009 0.15% National Statistics Institute of Tunisia
    80 Bolivia 10,426,154 2010 0.15% Official estimate
    81 Rwanda 10,412,820 2010 0.15% Official estimate
    82 Guinea 10,324,000 2010 0.15% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    83 Haiti 10,085,214 2010 0.15% Official estimate
    84 Hungary 10,014,324 January 1, 2010 0.15% Official estimate
    85 Dominican Republic 9,884,371 2010 0.14% Official estimate
    86 Serbia 9,856,000 2010 0.14% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    87 Belarus 9,484,300 November 1, 2010 0.14% National Statistical Committee
    88 Sweden 9,412,851 November 30, 2010 0.14% Statistics Sweden
    89 Somalia 9,359,000 2010 0.14% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    90 Azerbaijan 8,997,400 January 1, 2010 0.13% State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan
    91 Benin 8,778,646 2010 0.13% Official estimate
    92 Burundi 8,519,000 2010 0.12% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    93 Austria 8,396,760 2010 0.12% Official estimate
    94 Switzerland 7,782,900 December 31, 2009 0.11% Official Switzerland Statistics estimate
    95 Israel 7,683,900 November 30, 2010 0.11% Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics
    96 Honduras 7,616,000 2010 0.11% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    97 Bulgaria 7,528,103 2010 0.11% Official estimate
    98 Tajikistan 7,075,000 2010 0.103% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    99 Hong Kong 7,061,200 July 31, 2010 0.102% Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department
    100 Papua New Guinea 6,888,000 2010 0.1% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    101 Togo 6,780,000 2010 0.098% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    102 Libya 6,546,000 2010 0.095% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    103 Jordan 6,472,000 2010 0.094% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    104 Paraguay 6,460,000 2010 0.094% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    105 Laos 6,230,200 2010 0.09% Official estimate
    106 El Salvador 6,194,000 2010 0.09% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    107 Sierra Leone 5,836,000 2010 0.085% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    108 Nicaragua 5,822,000 2010 0.084% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    109 Denmark 5,557,709 September 30, 2010 0.081% Statistics Denmark
    110 Slovakia 5,429,763 June 30, 2010 0.079% Statistics Slovakia
    111 Kyrgyzstan 5,418,300 2010 0.079% Official estimate
    112 Finland 5,377,600 January 26, 2011 0.078% Official Finnish Population clock
    113 Eritrea 5,224,000 2010 0.076% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    114 Turkmenistan 5,177,000 2010 0.075% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    115 Singapore 5,076,700 June 30, 2010 0.074% Statistics Singapore
    116 Norway 4,934,300 January 26, 2011 0.072% Official Norwegian Population clock
    117 United Arab Emirates 4,707,000 2010 0.068% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    118 Costa Rica 4,563,538 2010 0.066% Official estimate
    119 Central African Republic 4,506,000 2010 0.065% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    120 Ireland 4,470,700 April 2010 0.065% Irish Central Statistics Office estimate 2010
    121 Georgia 4,436,000 January 1, 2010 0.064% National Statistics Office of Georgia
    122 Croatia 4,435,056 January 1, 2009 0.064% Eurostat estimate
    123 New Zealand 4,397,700 January 26, 2011 0.064% Official New Zealand Population clock
    124 Lebanon 4,255,000 2010 0.062% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    125 Liberia 4,102,000 2010 0.059% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    126 Palestinian territories 3,935,249 2009 0.057% Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
    127 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,843,126 June 30, 2010 0.056% Official estimate
    128 Republic of the Congo 3,759,000 2010 0.055% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    129 Puerto Rico 3,725,789 April 1, 2010 0.054% 2010 census
    130 Moldova 3,563,800 January 1, 2010 0.052% National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova
    131 Panama 3,405,813 May 16, 2010 0.049% Final 2010 census results
    132 Mauritania 3,366,000 2010 0.049% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    133 Uruguay 3,356,584 June 30, 2010 0.049% Official estimate
    134 Armenia 3,254,300 September 2010 0.047% Monthly official estimate
    135 Lithuania 3,249,400 December 2010 0.047% Monthly official estimate
    136 Albania 3,195,000 January 1, 2010 0.046% Institute of Statistics INSTAT Albania
    137 Kuwait 3,051,000 2010 0.044% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    138 Mongolia 2,788,900 January 26, 2011 0.04% Official Mongolian population clock
    139 Jamaica 2,730,000 2010 0.04% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    140 Oman 2,694,094 December 12, 2010 0.039% Preliminary census results
    141 Latvia 2,231,100 December 1, 2010 0.032% Official Statistics of Latvia
    142 Namibia 2,212,000 2010 0.032% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    143 Lesotho 2,084,000 2010 0.03% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    144 Slovenia 2,049,730 January 26, 2011 0% Official Slovenian population clock
    145 Republic of Macedonia 2,048,620 January 1, 2009 0.03% Eurostat estimate
    146 Botswana 1,800,098 2010 0.026% Official estimate
    147 Gambia 1,751,000 2010 0.025% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    148 Qatar 1,696,563 April 20, 2010 0.025% Preliminary 2010 Census Results
    149 Guinea-Bissau 1,647,000 2010 0.024% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    150 Gabon 1,501,000 2010 0.022% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    151 Estonia 1,340,127 January 1, 2010 0.019% Official estimate
    152 Trinidad and Tobago 1,317,714 July 1, 2010 0.019% Official estimate
    153 Mauritius 1,280,925 July 1, 2010 0.019% Official estimate
    154 Swaziland 1,202,000 2010 0.017% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    155 East Timor 1,171,000 2010 0.017% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    156 Djibouti 879,000 2010 0.013% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    157 Fiji 854,000 2010 0.012% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    158 Bahrain 807,000 2010 0.012% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    159 Cyprus 801,851 January 1, 2010 0.012% Eurostat estimate
    160 Guyana 784,894 2010 0.011% Official estimate
    161 Bhutan 695,822 2010 0.01% Official estimate
    162 Equatorial Guinea [5] 693,000 2010 0.01% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    163 Comoros 691,000 2010 0.01% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    164 Montenegro 641,966 2010 0.009% Official estimate
    165 Macau 542,200 December 31, 2009 0.008% Macau Statistics and Census Service
    166 Solomon Islands 530,669 2010 0.008% Official estimate
    167 Western Sahara 530,000 2010 0.008% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    168 Suriname 524,000 2010 0.008% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    169 Luxembourg 502,100 2010 0.007% Official estimate
    170 Cape Verde 491,575 June 16, 2010 0.007% Official estimate
    171 Malta 416,333 January 1, 2010 0.006% Eurostat estimate
    172 Brunei 407,000 2010 0.006% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    173 Bahamas 353,658 May 3, 2010 0.005% Official estimate
    174 Belize 333,200 Mid-2009 0.005% Statistical Institute of Belize
    175 Iceland 318,236 December 1, 2010 0.005% Statistics Iceland
    176 Maldives 317,280 2010 0.005% Official estimate
    177 Barbados 257,000 2010 0.004% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    178 Vanuatu 246,000 2010 0.004% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    179 Samoa 187,032 2010 0.003% Official estimate
    180 Guam 180,000 2010 0.003% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    181 Saint Lucia 174,000 2010 0.003% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    182 São Tomé and Príncipe 165,000 2010 0.002% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    183 Curaçao 142,180 January 1, 2010 0.002% Official estimate
    184 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 109,000 2010 0.002% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    185 U.S. Virgin Islands 109,000 2010 0.002% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    186 Aruba 107,000 2010 0.002% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    187 Grenada 104,000 2010 0.002% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    188 Tonga 104,000 2010 0.002% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    189 Federated States of Micronesia 102,624 April 4, 2010 0.001% Preliminary census results
    190 Kiribati 100,000 2010 0.001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    191 Jersey 92,500 December 31, 2009 0.001% Official estimate
    192 Antigua and Barbuda 89,000 2010 0.001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    193 Northern Mariana Islands 88,000 2010 0.001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    194 Seychelles 86,525 July 1, 2010 0.001% Official estimate
    195 Andorra 84,082 December 31, 2009 0.001% Official estimate
    196 Isle of Man 80,000 2010 0.001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    197 American Samoa 69,000 2010 0.001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    198 Dominica 67,000 2010 0.001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    199 Bermuda 64,566 July 1, 2010 0.001% Official estimate
    200 Guernsey 62,274 March 31, 2009 0.001% Official estimate
    201 Cayman Islands 57,000 2010 0.001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    202 Greenland 56,452 2010 0.001% Official estimate
    203 Marshall Islands 54,305 2010 0.001% Official estimate
    204 Saint Kitts and Nevis 52,000 2010 0.001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    205 Faroe Islands 48,545 October 1, 2010 0.001% Official statistics of the Faroe Islands
    206 Turks and Caicos Islands 40,357 2010 0.0006% Official estimate
    207 Sint Maarten 37,429 January 1, 2010 0.0005% Official estimate
    208 Liechtenstein 35,904 December 31, 2009 0.0005% Official estimate
    209 Monaco 33,000 2010 0.0005% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    210 San Marino 31,871 October 31, 2010 0.0005% Monthly official estimate
    211 Gibraltar 31,000 2010 0.0004% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    212 British Virgin Islands 28,213 2008 0.0004% Official estimate
    213 Cook Islands 23,400 September 2010 0.0003% Official monthly estimate
    214 Palau 21,000 0.0003% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    215 Anguilla 15,236 2011 0.0002% Official estimate
    216 Nauru 10,000 0.0001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    217 Tuvalu 10,000 0.0001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    218 Montserrat 6,000 0.0001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    219 Saint Helena 4,000 0.0001% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    220 Falkland Islands 3,000 0.00005% 2008 UN estimate for year 2010
    221 Niue 1,500 0.00003% UN estimate
    222 Tokelau 1,200 0.00003% UN estimate
    223 Vatican City 800 0.00002% UN estimate
    224 Pitcairn Islands 50 0.000001% UN estimate
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    I really liked President Obama's speech. I haven't been paying much attention to national politics lately - but I figured that I should watch the State of the Union Address. I really liked the integrated audience. I felt happy to be an American - and I would like to share this feeling with the rest of the Solar System.

    Obama! I Wanna! Take Us to Nirvana!

    Don't be frightened. They mean no harm - but the State of the Union trumped 'V' tonight. The Visitors return next Tuesday. I won't bother reminding anyone next week. In fact, I just might stop trying to brainstorm regarding the plight of the human race. No one really seems to be that interested. How is the general public being told the truth regarding who we really are, and what is really going on? How should they be told? Should they be told? Should the PTB just carry on with the long-term plans of their masters? Despite it's weaknesses, I think 'V' is a big step in the right direction. But I really think they could have made the show a lot more than it has turned out to be. I use 'V' as an imagination-crutch to help me visualize a wide variety of possibilities. I still like the ideal side of Anna and the Visitors. I would like to see a 2112 version of 'V' featuring a perfected humanity, living in a perfected Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System - which has been up and running for at least 60 or 70 years. Everything has to begin somewhere. It's only the beginning. I am of peace. Always.

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    "They Live" Trailer: Complete Movie: The important thing is to attempt to consider every conceivable possibility (both good and bad) - all of the time. Science Fiction should be an integral part of unconventional research. It's a visual-aid. The whole subject of supernatural phenomenon, aliens, ufo's, etc. should probably be mostly treated as science fiction - which might contain some truth. A lot of it is speculative - and difficult to prove. It can also be upsetting and disruptive. Unemotional Detachment and a Sea of Salt are essential ingredients. It could be this way. It could be that way. It could be up. It could be down. It could be white. It could be black. It could be forward. It could be backward. It could be in. It could be out. (I got that from a scene [on Air Force One] in 'Independence Day'. Awake can equal Anarchy - which I do not support. I support rational thinking, responsible behavior, law and order. I really like the concept of Lifelong Research Into All Subjects - rather than just getting riled-up by a book, movie, show, or powerful speaker. I like the Joseph Farrell's of the world. I'd rather convince someone to become a skilled researcher - than to believe anything that I believe. I'm really trying to be on everyone's side - even though it often doesn't seem like it.
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    Has anyone gone completely through this thread - using it as a study-guide? I'm interested to see how it might affect humans (and otherwise). I'd like to hear from some of you Dracs and Greys! I'm interested in finding out if there is anyone in the solar system who thinks like I do - or is even close. Do I resonate with anyone at all? I don't think I've really utilized my own thread to any great extent, but my intention is to go completely through it at least a half-dozen times, and really let it sink in. I might end up in a completely different place of knowing than I exist in presently. This perspective is neither traditional religion or new age. I'd really like to know how unique the end result of studying this thread really is. Is it old news? Is it heresy? Is it the next logical step in an ancient plan - or does it throw a monkey wrench into the gears of an ancient plan? Am I endearing myself to the local gods and goddesses - or do they hate my guts? I'm still interested in the nature and chronology of all hybridization, technology, and colonization programs - going back thousands, millions, or even billions of years - with absolutely no BS. But I do worry about my reincarnational past in connection with all of this. I sort of wish my soul were only a few decades old - instead of potentially being an old-soul with massive karmic-debt. What might the Creator God of the Universe wish to do with me? Have I doomed myself to hell? I keep getting the sinking feeling that I am being disapprovingly watched by the universal powers that be, and that I will be on the receiving end of their wrath very shortly. I feel as though I can do nothing right. Nothing helps or works. But I still think this thread might be an excellent study-guide. I really don't see things working out well for myself - but I think that others might be helped by some of the insights which occasionally surface in this thread. It just mostly seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Should I do market research - and then tell people what they want to hear - and give them what they want?

    Have things gone too far wrong for the world to be saved? Would the end of the world be an act of mercy? Do we need to be put out of our misery? The more I try to conceptually save the world - the more miserable I become. I would really like to see things work out well for everyone - but I'm really not seeing myself being a part of a bright future here. I'm feeling like I don't really belong here. Mission Not Accomplished. Not yet, anyway. Have there been any sci-fi movies or sci-fi series which were completely positive? I like the idea of futuristic sci-fi which is completely idealistic. Why is there always chasing and killing? I've been saying lately that I would hang out for a couple of months with Dracs and Greys on Phobos, if and only if, they wouldn't hurt me, abduct me, experiment on me, or mess with my mind or soul in any way, shape, or form. Strange appearance or behavior (to me) would be of interest, rather than prompting my ridicule or condemnation. What is the definition of 'regressive'? Sometimes I think that humanity is 'regressive'. I'm not all that happy with the human race right now. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really terrestrial human. I feel as though my body and soul are mismatched, and that I'm living on the wrong planet. Once again, I would like to see this solar system become a paradise for everyone - but this probably wouldn't include out of control technology and materialism. Life might need to be quite simple - with more pure science than applied science. I'd still like to try living in an old decommissioned missile silo - complete with an old (or entry-level) Cray supercomputer, an observatory, and an electric car. Then I could take my solar system sci-fi fantasy to the next level - down. But then I might need a maid to tidy things up! You spooks know what I'm talking about! 1. 2. 3.
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    Has anyone tried imagining an idealized United Nations, Washington DC, Vatican, City of London, Secret Government, Secret Space Program, Underground Bases, Jesuits and Alphabet Agencies? Do you see what I'm saying? I like the idea of all of the above becoming much more pure and transparent. I know that I'm hopelessly naive - but hope springs eternal. I am looking at a NASA website for information regarding the solar system. I realize that this is not the Secret Space Program - but getting familiar with NASA, and that which is in the public domain - is a start. We should be aware of the good and bad sides of all of the above. Positive reinforcement is probably a good thing. We should turn on the bright lights - rather than just cursing the darkness. I really do want solutions. I don't just wanna b!tch! Aren't these pictures really cool? Notice the shadow of the spacecraft Hayabusa on the asteroid Itokawa. Hayabusa actually landed on Itokawa, obtained samples, and returned them to Earth. How cool is that? There are tears streaming down my face as I type.
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    ITOKAWA Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Snowstorm
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    LUTETIA AND SATURN Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Pluto_System Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Saturn_Glow Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 PIA01384

    Check this out! Were there ancient nuclear wars? If so - will we ever learn - or will we just keep blowing each other up? Are nuclear weapons sort of a galactic reset button? Game Over?

    1. 2.

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    Here are some interesting-looking videos. There are dozens of long-playing fringe videos, for hours and hours of fun! JACKPOT!!! I really liked the following video of C.B. Jones, PhD (especially toward the end). This is the sort of man who I really like. I have so much material to review and edit, and I'm feeling very sad regarding everything, for a variety of reasons. I'm sort of drowning in problems, so I'm going to try to back off of all of this controversial material. Even though very few follow this thread - I think I've probably stirred things up enough already. Once again - I really don't wish to reinvent the wheel. I simply wish to make it perfectly round and true. I wish to change everything - and yet I wish to change nothing. I do not wish to be disruptive, and I wish to avoid Armageddon completely. Again - I'm sorry if I have been unkind or unfair to anyone. I really just want to give all of this a chance to sink in. I have talked the talk - and now I'm going to try to walk the walk. It's morning in the solar system. Namaste.
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    Wow! I just tried to post a comment which contained something which I hesitated to post, and the comment disappeared. Hi guys! Glad to see someone's paying attention to me! Thank-you for the link, Floyd. Thank-you for the encouragement, TRANCOSO. Thank-you ?????? for the gentle reminder. Perhaps I have been attempting the impossible on this thread. But perhaps a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System would become a reality if I just had a little more DETERMINATION!

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    I really like what I have heard from Robert Morning Sky. I listened to this original Veritas Show, but now I am listening to it again. Robert's website has been closed because of abuses of his material. At least this is the public reason he is giving. I hope there has been no strongarming. Someone needs to make sure that Robert is OK, and that he is free to present his information to the general public. His material is quite revealing (perhaps too revealing). Watch this lecture by Robert Morningsky. I found the first 20 minutes especially interesting. This is important stuff. We go on and on about the craziest things, while we often ignore the really important subjects. I am very troubled and confused by this phenomenon. In many ways, disclosure has already occurred, yet the public is either non-responsive or inappropriately reactive. I'm thinking that the human general public may be as problematic (or more problematic) than any regressive et or hybrid presence in this solar system. We might have more of a mess than we realize. Here is a link to a site where I hope we can still access some of Robert Morning Sky's material.

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:22 pm

    Has anyone taken a look at 'The Holy Tablets'? Take a look at this, and especially note the artwork. Here is a link to get a PDF download of 'The Holy Tablets' Take a very close look at all of this. This might be highly significant. Here is another source for 'The Holy Tablets'. Here is the wikipedia link for Nuwaubianism. (See Text Below) I'm going to spend some serious quality time with this material. I can't vouch for it - but I feel a burning in my bossom, and a tingling in my...never mind. As I have said before, there is an African History which is mostly unknown (especially to us pale-faces). Egypt is a part of Africa - and Egypt is extremely significant regarding who we are. Consider 'The Red Pill' thread by Brook. Consider Kemet - and who ruled. But don't get caught-up in the racism which seems to accompany this subject. I just try to look past it - and stick to the facts - or purported facts. Is my quest leading me to an African Hybrid Hermaphrodite Queen of Heaven? I honestly don't know - but I am leaning in that direction. Again - this is just a pseudointellectual, intuitive, speculative journey - which is really quite passive. I'm treating all of this as though it were just another Stargate movie. Take all of this with a Sea of Salt. Namaste.

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Holyt_l Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Tyth2

    Nuwaubian doctrine is given in hundreds of booklets, or “scrolls,” written by Dwight D. York. Nuwaubianism is an esoteric cosmology, a collection of religious teachings, a group of religious, tribal, and fraternal organizations, and a set of cultural practices that is multifaceted and ever-changing. York developed Nuwaubianism by drawing on a wide range of sources which include Theosophy-derived New Age movements such as Astara as well as the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, the Shriners, the Moorish Science Temple of America, the revisionist Christianity and Islam of the Ahmadiyya Movement founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the numerology of Rashad Khalifa, the ancient astronaut theories of Zecharia Sitchin, Robert Temple’s The Sirius Mystery, J.J. Hurtak’s The Keys of Enoch, the works of Richard Shaver (a proponent of the Hollow Earth theory), David Icke, the UFO mythology of greys and reptilians, the political and legal theories of patriot mythology, modern scientific and pseudoscientific legends like those of Area 51, the Philadelphia Experiment, Project Blue Book, Montauk Project, and MJ-12, popular conspiracy theories such as those about the Illuminati or the Bilderberg Group, and even a paperback on fortune-telling.

    Journalist Adam Heimlich reviewed a number of York’s booklets in 2000 and wrote: A partial list, from my notes, of places I’d encountered Nuwaubian notions before includes Chariots of the Gods and the Rael’s [sic] embellishments on that book, conspiracy lit, UFO lit, the human potential movement, Buddhism and new-age, astrology, theosophy and Blavatsky, Leonard Jeffries and other Afrocentrics, Cayce, LaRouche, alternative medicine, self-help lit, Satanism, the Atkins diet, numerology and yoga. Many of these York mentions by name. There are also extensive discourses on the Torah, Gospels and Koran, as well as on Rastafarianism, the Nation of Islam and the Five Percent Nation.[1] The Southern Poverty Law Center has categorized the Nuwaubians as a black supremacist hate group.[2]

    York’s first booklet, Bible Interpretations and Explanations, was published in 1967 when he was 22 years old. It taught a heterodox biblical theology. At that time York referred to himself as “Amunubi Rahkaptah,” an Egyptian/Semitic hybrid name (Amun=Faithful, Nubi=Informer, Rah=Soul, Ka=Spirit, Ptah=Opener). His follow-up publication, along the same line of thought, was a four-part series called The Nine Ball, published in 1971, that he credited to three divine incarnations or avatars called "Wu Nupu, Asu Nupu and Naba Nupu." The Nine Ball’s subtitle was "Liberation Information for the Woolly-Haired People called the Ethiopian Race." It focused on cosmology with an Afrocentric slant. In later lectures, York says that his initial attempts at reaching his people through this teaching failed, and so he decided to adopt a more mainstream religious form.[citation needed]

    In 1967 York began to teach under the name “Imam Isa Abdullah Ibn Abu Bakr Muhammad” and started what he called the “Ansar Pure Sufi″ community. This eventually progressed, under morphing organizational titles into various religion-based subgroups: Islam (Ansaarullah), Sufism (Sons of the Green Light), Judaism (Nubian Islamic Hebrews), Christianity (The Holy Tabernacle Ministries, The Egyptian Church of Karast), Freemasonry (The Nuwaubian Grand Lodge, The Supreme Grand Lodge, The International Supreme Council of Arab Shrinedom), Sumerian (Ancient Mystic Order of Melchizedek), and finally Egyptology (The Ancient Egyptian Order) in which he began once again to refer to himself as "Amunubi Rahkaptah." In each school York used a plethora of titles for himself, all befitting a “High Priest.″

    During the 1980s York began using the phrase “I came giving you what you wanted, so that you would want what I have to give,” to explain his ever-morphing and -growing doctrine. Some of York’s followers consider him to be a living god.[3] At times he has encouraged this interpretation,[4] and at other times, York has suggested that he is merely channeling the divine through various personalities.[5] He has also identified himself as Al-Khidr (“the green one”) and as Melchizedek (who York says is also the archangel Michael).[6] In later years York dismissed bodily worship of himself in a preface that was published within all of his books: I am not the Lord Adonai, Jesus Messiah “The Christ”; nor am I a holy man, nor a preacher. I am a Master Teacher, a guide.[7] Nuwaubians also may view themselves as gods, using such sources as the Bible and Torah to validate their claims.[8] Nuwaubians do not see the use of the word “god” as just referring to a universal creator, but also a title that one receives upon reaching a state of perfection or absolute power.[9]

    York was arrested in 2002, and was later sentenced to 135 years in prison for sexually molesting boys and girls whose parents were members of the Nuwaubians and for RICO violations.[10] His followers continue to disseminate his teachings as he continues to develop them from behind bars.

    “The spell of Leviathan”Much of the purpose of Nuwaubian doctrine and practice is to counteract what is called “the spell of Leviathan” or “the spell of Kingu.” In Nuwaubian mythology, Leviathan is a god associated with the moon, sex, and spirit — also known as Lucifer, Sin, Set, Thoth, Siva, Hermes, Jehovah, Poseidon, and the biblical serpent.[11] Nuwaubians believe that the Spell of Leviathan was cast by the devil thousands of years ago to hypnotize Black people into “spiritual ignorance and racial indifference”[12] through such media as the Bible and certain elements of popular culture.[13] Leviathan has many aliases and hides in many guises, as this example shows: Sam is short for one of his titles, SamaEl meaning “poison those of EL.” He knows his name. He calls himself Uncle Sam or Dr. Seuss (Zeus) with his famous statement, “Sam I Am, I Am Sam.” This is what they teach the children; not ours however, for they will get right knowledge.[14]

    Some of Nuwaubian racial doctrine borrows from Moorish Science and the Nation of Islam. York’s racial philosophy explicitly indicates that certain blacks – “Nubians” or “Melanites” – are of a superior race. Periodically Nuwaubians will claim not to adhere to a racist doctrine, for instance quoting York’s statement: “We accept as fact that no one race of people is better than the other. In fact no one wins the race in racism.”[15] However, other statements from York and his followers indicate that his philosophy does rank moral worthiness based on race. For instance, in one lecture York said: “White people are the devil. They say the Nuwaubians are not racist – bullcrap! I am. He might not be; that’s his prerogative. I am. White people are devils — always was, always will be.”[16] The races and their origins“ We must realize that when a people is trying to make themselves look bigger than others, they may take the main characters and heroes of a false or true story in religion and/or mythology and build their own story around the heroes and characters, and this means that the story may be greatly changed to suit the purpose of those rewriting it.” —Rakhptah, Amunubi (Malachi York), Bible Interpretations and Explanations booklet one (1967), p. 22

    While race is a centrally important concept in Nuwaubian thought, York’s teachings include many different racial origin myths that are difficult to reconcile with each other. One version has the “Mongoloid” and “Caucasoid” races descending as inferior mutant versions of the original “Negroes,” with the Caucasians suffering from genetic albinism as evidence that they are at "the end of their genes."[17] However, most whites are said in this mythology to not really be Caucasian, but Negroid Mulattos or "coloreds"; it is only those with blond hair and blue eyes who are Aryan Caucasians.[18] White people (sometimes also referred to as “Amorites,” “Hyksos,” “Heka Khasut,” “Canaanites,” “Tamahu,” or “Mankind”) are said in one Nuwaubian myth to have been originally created as a race of killers to serve blacks as a slave army, but this plan went awry:

    The Caucasian has not been chosen to lead the world. They lack true emotions in their creation. We never intended them to be peaceful. They were bred to be killers, with low reproduction levels and a short life span. What you call Negroid was to live 1,000 years each and the other humans 120 years. But the warrior seed of Caucasians only 60 years. They were only created to fight other invading races, to protect the God race Negroids. But they went insane, lost control when they were left unattended. They were never to taste blood. They did, and their true nature came out.… Because their reproduction levels were cut short, their sexual organs were made the smallest so that the female of their race will want to breed with Negroids to breed themselves out of existence after 6,000 years. It took 600 years to breed them, part man and part beast.[19]

    Nubians are said to be only accidentally a “brown” race – they have rusted in Earth’s atmosphere from their original green color because the magnesium in their melanin has been replaced by iron. The original, supreme, “Ether 9 beings” in Nuwaubian mythology were also green because of chlorophyll in their skin.[20] Some human varieties are explained by variations in extra-terrestrial descent. Morbidly obese people, for instance, may be descended from the grotesque and elephant-nosed Deros; people with Down’s Syndrome may be descended from the 48-chromosomed Teros. (Some Teros are said to live underground on Earth today, with some resembling humans so much that they can come to the surface and mingle with us without being noticed.)[21] (The “Deros” were originally a fictional creation of the science-fiction author Richard Sharpe Shaver.)

    Another Nuwaubian explanation of racial difference has various human types evolving from various primate species, with some Caucasians deriving from cross-breeding the baboon and orangutan, Pygmys from the chimpanzee and gibbon, and so forth.[22] Other Nuwaubian explanations of racial differences draw on the Hebrew creation myths from Genesis: “Nubians are Hamites through the sons of Ham and Mizraim (Genesis 10:6). The paleman is a Hamite through Ham’s fourth son, Libana (Canaan) whose descendants inherited his curse of leprosy (Genesis 10:15–18).”[23] (This is one of a variety of theories about the races based on the Noah myth that racist theorists have created.)

    The pale man originated from the Caucasus mountains, where there was very little plant life and not much means for salt. This condition forced him to rob the Nubian female of her chastity in order to keep his seed alive, it’s called integration. The Caucasian woman who was left in the mountains, resorted to lying with and having sex with beasts: such as the jackal, which is an ancestor of today’s dog. The phrase “dog is man’s best friend” came from this situation. The dog would lick the festered sores of the leper and clean them for him. His seed was kept alive because the Caucasian woman and the jackal mated. This is where you get people who possess an animalistic nature.[24]

    A more recent explanation of racial differences[25] is that white people were bred to be food, and that the "rapture" expected by Christians is really the return of the "raptors" who will dine on the now-ripe delicious white flesh. Sad but true they were always being bread [sic] for food. Just as they did the wild boar to the domestic pig. They were grafted with simian = Homo simians you can see it in their face and ears. As well as canine = Homo canine you also see this with their body fur and canine teeth and love of red meat and the sow = Homo-sow you see this is colour of skin and many other traits.

    Nuwaubians believe that miscegenation is causing a new race to develop, the “Neutranoids,” who are of no discernible distinct race and are being encouraged and exploited by sinister forces who are against “right racism” and humanity’s natural diversity.[26] The code of the racesIn Nuwaubian doctrine, there is a moral law that people are required to respect each other, and also a moral law that races are required to respect each other. The “Code of Races” requires that a person not do something wrong to another person because they are of a different race (“unless justice requires it”), and also requires that people be loyal to their own race.

    During a 6,000 year “moon cycle,” people are said to be freed to violate these moral laws — but the consequences of this are not avoided but only deferred, and may fall upon the children of the wrong-doer, or their children. We are said to be currently at the end of this cycle and the guilty people and guilty races are due to meet their just punishment in an Armageddon in which only the innocent will survive.[27] York once explained the "Tamahus" (whites) this way: "[They] have an unlit solar plexus sun, they only have a moon or lunar plexus. It reflects your sun light as they take your soul (sun)." White people with their "thin yellow or opaque hair" reflect the sun, and so "the sun’s energy can’t keep them charged with sol (soul)."[citation needed]

    The Tam’a-hu’s Time Is Over And They Are Falling Out Daily Because They Are Not Sun People. They Are Moon People, And The Moon Cycle Is Over. They Are Dying Of Cancer And Diseases Caused By The Intense Heat And Rays Of The Sun’s Ultraviolet Rays That’s Depleting The Ozone Layer. The Luciferian Which Means "Light Bearer" Is Using His Same Tactic Of Depleting The Ozone Layer On This Planet Like He Did On Rizq.[28] Furthermore: The Caucasoids Has Thinner Skin Than You, Thinner Flank Hair, Lighter Eyes, With No Soul. The Caucasoid Try To Claim That The Only Difference Between A White Man And A Black Man Is The Skin Color, However, The DNA Analysis Which Is Under Your Black Or White Skin, Determines That Under The Skin, The Whole Structure Of These Two Races Are Totally Different. The Caucasoid Breath Differently Than The Negroids Do. We As Negroid, Breath In Thru Our Nose, While The Caucasoids Breathe Mostly In Their Mouth. The Caucasoids Are Trying To Intake Your Breath That You Breath Out, Because They Need It To Keep Their Pilot—Lunar Plexus Lit Inside To Try And Re-light Their Central Light. That's Why Those That Hang Around, Live With Or Marry Blacks, Change, Act And Think Like Blacks. Other Caucasoids Walk Stiff, While Negroids Walk With Soul And Life. The Caucasoid Breed In Litters Like Animals, 6 Or 7 At A Time, While Negroids Give Birth To 1 Or 2 Babies At A Time. Their Hair Grows Lank And Lifeless Towards The Ground, While Our Hair Grows Up, And Is Full Of Energy Toward The Sun. We As Negroids Are Physically, Mentally, And Spiritually Different Than The Caucasoids.[29]

    The cover of York’s Man From Planet Rizq "scroll"[edit] Cosmology: Illyuwn and RizqYork has claimed to be an extraterrestrial master teacher from the hypothetical planet Rizq. York wrote, "We have been coming to this planet before it had your life form on it.… My incarnation as an Ilah Mutajassid or Avatara was originally in the year 1945 A.D. In order to get here I travelled by one of the smaller passenger crafts called SHAM out of a Motherplane called MERKABAH or NIBIRU."[30] This version of York came to Earth on 16 March 1970. (Comet Bennett, which was visible on that date, is said to have really been York’s spacecraft).

    York taught that the Motherplane/NIBIRU would launch the Crystal City or New Jerusalem (see: Book of Revelation 21:2) to our solar system from its position in Orion Job 9:9. A 40-year process of taking the 144,000 Chosen Few (see: Book of Revelation 14:1) — 12,000 each from the Twelve Tribes of Israel — into the Planet Craft NIBIRU(The same ship on which Noah and Enoch witnessed the birth of Michael from the womb of a dead woman Sopanim) began on 12 August 2003 and will end on 12 August 2043. These Chosen Few will be groomed for 1,000 years and returned to Earth for the final battle against the Luciferians and also to redeem man from the 6,000 year rulership of the Devil and his seed. Though August 12, 2003, the beginning of this process, passed without incident, it has been taught that the August 14, 2003 blackout of the Eastern United States and Canada marked the beginning of this Rapture-like event. The superficial similarity of these teachings to those of the Heaven’s Gate cult led to some worried newspaper articles after that cult’s mass suicide during the appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997, in which the cult was reported to have said that a spacecraft was following the comet.[31]

    York told his followers that in 1952, grotesque extraterrestrial Andromedeans that resembled the Predator met with and frightened U.S. President Harry S. Truman.[32] Other extraterrestrials have been trading with Earth since the Eisenhower administration, and are responsible for giving us technologies ranging from the polio vaccine to the hula hoop.[33] Earth is said to still be visited by extraterrestrials, some of which prey on human children.[34] Currently, there are said to be over 70 different species of "Grey" and 16 different species of "Reptilians" on Earth. Human fetuses are said to go through Reptilian and Grey stages during their development (and if they are born prematurely, they will remain Reptilians or Greys).[35]

    Among the reasons why these things are not widely acknowledged, according to York, is that extraterrestrials plant ideas and images in the minds of the makers of Hollywood movies about extraterrestrials so that these fictional stories can be used to discredit people who know the truth.[36] Examples of movies with such encoded content about the reality of aliens among us are those in the Star Wars series: Yoda… is short for Judah. Freemasons are inspired by one entity and that is a grey, by the name of Yoda. Yoda guides Freemasonry back to Judah, with the ancient Israel masonry. The British "Covenant Of Man" symbolizes the empire striking back. America is the empire fighting to overthrow Europe.… The word Yoda is not an English word as you have been led to believe. Its root word yawdaw appears 111 times in the Old Testament, means "to give thanks or praise, throw down, cast, shoot." The word Yadah meaning, to "to praise, give thanks" stems from the root word Yawdaw and appears only two times in the Old Testament (Daniel 2:23, Daniel 6:10). Not to mention the fact Yoda played in [the film] Return of the Jedi, and the word jedi is the same as yeti, it’s just a matter of a letter, it’s really the same word. Yeti is the name of Sasquatch (Bigfoot), also called Seti which is equivalent to the Extraterrestrials called the Sirians[37]

    The term Rizq in Arabic means "sustenance" or "God's gift(s)". A verse in the Quran mentions rain as Rizq from the heavens, and that is perhaps where Dwight York got the term from. Similarly, Illywun is another Quranic term derived from the Arabic root for "High". Everyone is originally conceived as twins, but usually only one of the twins survives to be born.[38] It is important to bury the afterbirth so that Satan does not use it to make a duplicate of the recently-born child.[39] Furthermore, some aborted fetuses survive their abortion to live in the sewers, where they are being gathered and organized to take over the world.[40] People were once perfectly symmetrical and ambidextrous, but then a meteorite struck Earth and tilted its axis causing handedness and shifting the heart off-center in the chest.[41]

    Reincarnation has a physical as well as spiritual aspect: The physical body, when one dies, recycles from the ground in which it’s planted, it then penetrates into the atmosphere as film or dust particles and are breathed into the nostrils of human beings where they are recycled by triggering nerves in the sinus cavity. This sinus cavity works like a kidney to sift out the unneeded particles and relates the chemical composure [sic] of that which is needed into the mother’s blood stream and the human flesh is reanimated and this is the process by which a child is given form or flesh in the Mother’s womb.[42] Each of us has seven clones: Clones are in tune with each other unconsciously and linked etherically, which means anything that happens to you the cloned counterparts of you feels also. For instance you may feel a sharp pain, for no apparent reason like your hand may feel like it has been cut and that is because your clones hand may have been. You can have an emotional break down out of the "clear blue sky" because one of your counterparts did. For instance me, I have had smoke come out of my mouth, it was a strange tobacco, for no apparent reason. It turned out my duplicate in Tibet smokes and the smoke came through me. I do not smoke anything.[43]

    Women existed for many generations before they invented men through genetic manipulation.[44] – yet: The great pharmacist and chemist Nergal Shar’etsar Ruler of the Underworld, was also involved in the breeding process of the new beings (Homo Sapiens). When Adam was a child of two years of age, three years of real time, the scientist Nergal went into his bone marrow to take blood to mix it in to create Eve, which was then implanted into the womb of Anath, Mother of Eve. This bone marrow is what religious scholars say is the rib (tsala’) in the Bible.[45] Homo sapiens is the result of cloning experiments that were done on Mars using Homo erectus.[46] "When the Earth shifts, babies will stop being born and that day will come soon. Babies are not really being born anymore. They are being cloned."[35] Edward Leedskalnin and Nikola Tesla were Venusians.[47] Birds evolved from fish, not from reptiles.[48] And some species of dinosaur, for instance the Tyrannosaurus rex, evolved from extra-terrestrial greys.[49] The pig was created by Imhotep and Zoser during the time of Abraham, by grafting cells from the dog, cat and rat together, and was designed to help dispose of leprous corpses.[50] "Haven’t you ever wondered why for the simplest blood tests your doctor needs 4 tubes of blood? Where is all this blood going? The albino man’s ‘blood bank’ is just a sophisticated way of getting all the blood he needs! It is still a form of vampirism."[51] Alcoholic beverages are made cheaply available to Nubians by the powers that be in order to preserve their blood and organs better "(just like they preserve organs in jars in laboratories)" for later extraction.[52]

    Disco was created by the devil to win the souls of the Nubians: "The evil one knows that he can control the music world as long as his agents are within the A & R (Artists and Repertoire, who are responsible for choosing who makes it in the music world) of the well known companies. He cannot evaluate Latin or Black music because he (the evil one) has no soul. He only duplicates it… He had to come up with something to win our souls through his means, and he did it with disco."[53]

    There is an underground road connecting New York and London. Furthermore, Alternative 3 is a fact, and Mars is being prepared for the evacuation of Earth’s intellectual and political elite.[54] "[P]eople like the Pope, and Queen of England and various political leaders of various countries and some members of the clergy gather at the major Sabbats to invoke the malevolent one. On each of these occasions a Nubian man is sacrificed."[55] The Illuminati have nurtured a child, Satan's son, who was born on 6 June 1966 at the Dakota House on 72nd Street in New York to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis of the Rothschild/Kennedy families. The Pope was present at the birth and performed necromantic ceremonies. The child was raised by former U.S. president Richard Nixon and now lives in Belgium, where it is hooked up bodily to a computer called "The Beast 3M" or "3666."[35] The barathary gland (sometimes seen as “baradjedi”, “barithary” or “barathory”) is claimed to initially be a gland of the human brain that was later maimed by the Anunna (those who came down in sets of 50) in the creation(s) of mankind when they were mutated from the ape. This gland is claimed to provide four higher senses 1. telepathy, 2. clairvoyance, 3. intuition, and 4. psychometry, enabling direct communication to the Annunaqi/Elohim/Neteru.

    Nuwaubian leader Dwight York says that humans (other than York himself),[56] are missing an important part of their brains, the “barathary gland,” which once enabled various forms of extra-sensory perception, or, as he would have it, normal sensory perception that is currently disabled in humans.[57] York writes that he visited a spacecraft that is preparing to rescue loyal Nuwaubians, and that on this spacecraft he saw representations of barathary glands: They showed me these little what looked like glass round balls about the size of a pool ball with 1 green light inside and names written on them, floating in this room around this big one about the size of a small car maybe 9x9 it glowed violet and rays of light would touch each green ball, it would turn yellow then blue then red. I knew them to be barithary glands that would need to be replaced if you can visit other worlds.[58]

    In its crudest form, Nuwaubic is a simple substitution cipherNuwaubic (sometimes “Nubic”, “Meroitic”, “Nuwaupic”, “Nuwaupik”, or “Napata”), is a constructed language and alphabet used by the Nuwaubian students of Dwight York. It seems to mix various elements such as Arabic and Hebrew (see the "M," (מּ) "F," (ف) and "T" (ﻄ) letters substituted in the small print of the above book cover, Man from Planet Rizq). One can also note the similarities between the H and U in the key to the right and the Arabic letters Ha (هـ‎) and Waw (و). York has also claimed that there are revealing etymologies of English words, often at odds with scholarly consensus.

    According to York, just as with our missing barathary glands we have lost our ability to sense many things, our relationship to time has also degraded and restricted our ability to see certain dimensions: The time and space relationship is linked to the human and Earth’s bio-rhythms, and that determines how many dimensions for a world, which in your case is a third-dimension reality, are up for grabs. This is dealing with the extra space we have in our time. Let me explain. The clocks on Earth used to have a "tick" and a "tock." Now there is only the "tick." So time has been changed, and that missing "tock" is up for grabs that can be utilized by extraterrestrial beings who overstand this "altered time," and they can come in and out of this dimension at will.[59]

    Nuwaubians try to discover the deeper meanings of words by using a method of folk etymology in which words are decomposed into syllables (often to words far newer than the actual root morphemes) and then phrases are created using similarly-sounding syllables (often to words far newer than the actual root morphemes, making the etymologies impossible), so that for instance caucasian becomes "carcass-asian,"[citation needed] extraterrestrials becomes "extra-terra-astrals,"[60] gospel becomes "ghost spell,"[61] Jesus becomes "Jah+Zeus,"[62], library becomes "lies that are buried", planet becomes "plan E.T.,"[63] and television becomes "tell lie vision."[35] In 2001, the Nuwaubians put up their own (Republican) candidates for public office in Putnam County, Georgia — including sheriff. Prior to the primary, the county Board of Registrars declared 196 Nuwaubians ineligible to vote because they had not established residence in the county.[64]

    In 2000, Bob Young, the mayor of Augusta, Georgia, issued a proclamation to celebrate a Nuwaubian parade that read in part:

    WHEREAS, the Black race’s greatness has been accepted in America and many books as people of Timbuktu Africa or the Olmecians from Uganda, Africa who migrated and walked here to North and South America to setup [sic] colonies way before the continentail [sic] drift, and were accepted as running the richest trading expeditions ever; and…

    WHEREAS, Imperial Grand Potentate Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York, 33 degree Deputy Grand Master of the State of Georgia and Rameses 2 Lodge No. 9, affiliated with the Most Worshipful Pride of Georgia Grand Lodge AF7Am. And Noble of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Mecca Temple No. 1, 33-degree Inspector General of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry and Supreme Grand Hierophant of the Ancient Egiptian [sic] Order, who’s [sic] brain child, was a whole Egiptian [sic] Village built in Eatonton, Georgia’s Putnam County based on Egiptian Masonic Architecture, thus circumventing the plan eliminating the Nuwaubian culture, tradition, and beliefs; and…

    When Young was asked why he issued such a proclamation, he reportedly said: “Typically, the organization or individual that’s asking for the proclamation will write up the information, and then what my staff does is put it into the proper format.”[65]

    In 2004, seven officers of the Macon, Georgia police department resigned from their jobs in protest against the prosecution of York. Five of those officers were later hired by the Clarke County jail as guards. Four of them were fired in 2006 (the fifth resigned) in the wake of charges that they were smuggling Nuwaubianist literature into the jail, corresponding with the prisoner York, encouraging inmates to rebel against white guards, and showing favoritism to Nuwaubian prisoners. The jail commander was fired after he began an investigation of Nuwaubianist influence at the jail and has said he believes that his decision to investigate triggered his being fired.[66]

    "The Ourstory (history) of the Holy Tabernacle Ministries!"[67] is mostly an explanation for why York’s clothing-related taboos and requirements changed so radically throughout the years, and why this is not an indication of the instability of the Nuwaubian doctrine.

    …in nineteen sixty and seven A. D.… [o]ur official garb at this time was a black tunic, we called a budlah and black loose fitting pants, with a tarbush and shoes which became known as Romeos.… Then the dress changed to African robes and the people, we called ourselves Nubians. In nineteen sixty and nine A. D.… the dress changed to a more elaborate style of dashiki, a black fez and a small bone in the left ear for those who wished to wear it and a ring in the right nostril. We donned black tarbushes and our symbol was simply a crescent, a six-pointed star and an ankh…

    At this point we were wearing what had been established as the international garb of the Ansaaru Allah Community, which consisted of the thawb, dress and khimar, face veil for the female. This face veil which was not apart of the Sudanese original dress was introduced by the women of the community who mostly left immediately after and went back to wearing western attire leaving the devoted women behind veiled. I told them the day would come when his veil would have to be removed while living in the West, and it has. And the jallaabiyya, a long white garment and bantaluwn, loose fitting pants and immah, head covering for the male with an azzaba. Then on into adulthood, our code of dress changed from time to time, to suit the time we were in. Our garb had mutated again in the year nineteen ninety and two A. D., to the kathnuwth, tunic and bantaluwn, loose fitting pants with a sash around the waist in various colors for the male, and the budlah nubi of the female which also consists of a tunic and bantaluwn and a shawl as a head covering of many colors. The dress then changed to western attire in order to get everybody away from doing their own thing; those that truly followed the Lamb wherever he may lead them, trusted in him and wore western clothes and even listen to country western music…

    Now you are ready to move on toward the next level, and ready to accept what I was giving you originally… So we are at the beginning again with Sufi and fezes. Adam Heimlich, in the New York Press, noted the effect of Nuwaubian teachings on hip hop: By the time hip hop started taking off, Dr. York was already a prominent teacher of alternative black cultural knowledge, working extensively with young people. He was also an active musician and producer (played disco/r&b), with knowledge of the industry and access to studio equipment. Doug E. Fresh and Afrika Bambaataa were among the old-schoolers who benefited from Doc’s guidance, according to the teacher’s adopted son, Tariq L., of the Atlanta-based duo the Hemisphere… “I just happen to be Nuwaubian,” says Tariq. “It’s not like I’m telling the world, ‘You got to be one.’” That attitude is common among Nuwaubians in hiphop. So the teachings are a lot less prominent in rap lyrics than, say, Five Percent Nation lessons, which tend more toward the directive… Posdnuos from De La Soul… has been down with the Nuwaubians for years, but his rhymes lend De La fans nary a clue. Prodigy from Mobb Deep, among the most respected of active rhyme writers (sure to be published in The New Yorker as soon as its editors drop their bias against verse about why one shouldn’t step to the poet), revealed in a chat last summer that he adopted a strict vegan diet on advice culled from Dr. York’s books, which he recommended to a fan with questions about nutrition. MF Doom’s Operation: Doomsday, has on its back cover a photo of the artist and his late brother and KMD partner, Subroc, at the upstate New York Nuwaubian facility. It is not labeled as such.[1]

    Musician Afrika Bambaataa donated a red fez with the legend “Proud Nuwaubian” to the Smithsonian for their upcoming Hip-Hop Won't Stop: The Beat, the Rhymes, the Life exhibit at Washington's National Museum of American History.[68] Nuwaubians in indie hip hop have developed a style they call Nu-wop, such as Daddi Kuwsh, Twinity, Nefu Amun Hotep,Aslaam Mahdi,Tos-El Bashir, Ra Serch, 9thScientist, Scienz Of Life, 720° Pure Sufi's,Ntelek,Toledo's rapper/ producer Nynetjer and The Lost Children of Babylon to name a few. A report on the hip-hop group Lost Children Of Babylon says: Together, they made an album rife with quotes from The Matrix and rhymes about ancient Egypt, outer space and chromosomes, all laid over futuristic/sci-fi beats that seem transplanted from other worlds. It’s really much more than a musical creation; it represents a new, somewhat complicated religion called Nuwaubu (new-ah-boo). “You can dance to our music,” Rasul [Allah: The Face of the Golden Falcon] explains of the group’s aim, “but it’s strictly to stimulate certain latent forces inside your chromosomes.” On Where Light’s “Swords of Malachai,” Rasul lets loose: “When my tongue swings in the form of a double-edged sword, it brings forth Nuwaubu, which is right Knowledge, wisdom and understanding.”[69] In an article for Honor Nation,[70] A. L. JakeAl Reum speculated that the controversial Native American kitsch costumes and props from OutKast’s 2004 Grammy Awards performance were inspired by the Nuwaubian belief that the original Native Americans were Moors who came to America over a land bridge from Africa.

    The actor Wesley Snipes has apparent links to this sect.[71] Dwight York, calling himself "Chief Black Eagle" and at times wearing a feathered headdress, led a group called The Yamassee Native Americans of the Creek Nation (he has since backed away from this affiliation[72]) York is serving a life sentence after pleading guilty and being convicted January 23, 2004 on charges of racketeering, child molestation, transporting minors for unlawful sex and tax evasion.[73] Before his trial, many members of the United Nuwaubian Nation (then called the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors), including York himself, had filed a letter of intent for federal recognition with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, claiming to be Yamassee Native American Moors.[citation needed] During the trial, York attempted to convince the court that he was a Native American Moor, and should be returned to the jurisdiction of his tribe. The Putnam County Sheriff's Office also received a number of documents from the Yamassee Native American Government and the Mt. Arafat Embassy demanding York's release.[74] His release, as well as claims of sovereignty, were denied by the Judge. York’s attorneys also came to the conclusion that his claims of sovereignty had no legal merit.[75] The court decided that there was no evidence that the group was a sovereign state worthy of recognition by the United States government, nor any other government. After York was convicted, he began claiming that he was a diplomat of Liberia and had diplomatic immunity. Since the trial, the United Nuwaubian Nation has dropped the “of Moors” suffix from their name and purged most of the Yamassee Native American Moors information from their web site. They appear to be trying to present a more law-abiding and less patriot mythology-influenced image.
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    I really liked this music video. Tell me what you think.
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    Consider the combination of Alex Collier, Bill Cooper, Courtney Brown , Robert Morning Sky , Malachi York (The Holy Tablets) , "Star Wars", "Stargate", "Stargate SG-1", and "V". This is not necessarily an endorsement. It is simply a suggested journey of possibilities. The entire truth may be stranger and more difficult to comprehend than we can possibly imagine or handle - but we need to seek the truth with all deliberate speed. I wonder what all of the beings throughout the solar system are really thinking about, right at this moment? What do you think? I don't have a problem with respecting and interacting with a stern and authoritarian, theocratic Annunaki. I'm just very concerned about enslavement and extermination issues - and the potential incompatability of our temperaments and methods of governance. No matter what happens in the immediate future - I wish to study the Annunaki, and interact with them. I would be very respectful to them - but I don't do the blind submission and unquestioning loyalty thing very well. I really like the term 'Namaste'. I understand the need for order, discipline, rules, hierarchy, structure, continuity, respect, etc. But I also see the need to earn respect and loyalty - on an ongoing basis - through an organized system of accountability. I'm not happy with human society at all. We are a mess. But the Annunaki scare the hell out of me. Again, I wish to emulate the best of their culture and attributes - but I am absolutely committed to the concept of a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. I am not shaking my fist at the Annunaki. I am simply shaking. This could be Heaven - or this could be Hell. Welcome to the Hotel 'Solar System'. It's a lovely place.

    Some have referred to the United States as being 'Babylon' or 'The Head of the Snake'. Is it possible that the Underground Bases, Secret Space Program, and Secret Government aspects of the United States are 'Babylon' and 'The Head of the Snake'? Alex Collier suggested in 2010 that 'disclosure' would be more likely to originate in India or China - rather than the United States. I find it interesting that Area 51 is located close to Las Vegas, which is sometimes called 'Babylon'. Has anyone looked at 'The Holy Tablets'? They are an AMAZING read. As usual, I don't know how much of this is true, but it presently has me spelbound. I look at history with curiosity, rather than condemnation. But the general public might be a helluva lot less forgiving when the truth really emerges, and the excrement hits the air-conditioning. Anyone heard if Robert Morning Sky is OK? That site closing was spooky.

    I love the content in Avalon 1 and Mists of Avalon - but I am very frustrated by the small numbers of participants, and with all of the frustration exhibited by many of the participants (including me). I've seen 'em come 'n go - and I've only been at this for a couple of years. I've really settled on just making this thread into sort of a home, and not really worrying about what anyone thinks, or being too troubled by the lack of posting on this thread. I actually feel closest to those who might be tasked with watching potential trouble-makers, such as myself. They probably get paid to watch us, so they are sort of a captive audience! I don't talk about any of this esoteric stuff with friends and co-workers. This site and YouTube is pretty much it for me - and I intend to keep it that way. At this point, I'm treating all of this as self-flaggelating entertainment! It makes me miserable in a pleasurable sort of way! I'm one sick puppy! My journey is not proceeding as I had hoped, and it is obvious that others are not completely happy with their semi-public journeys. I think this whole thing could be a lot more productive and enjoyable. But perhaps I should simply be thankful that this sort of site exists at all. The future might be a lot more restrictive and censored. I'm trying to be prepared for just about anything. I really don't know which way to jump, or which way things are going to go in this neck of the woods.

    The Holy Tablets seem to be a mixture of truth and bs. Some of the time periods seem to be ridiculously long (such as 76,000,000,000,000 years ago!!!). But still, I am finding it to be a very enjoyable read (especially while listening to my favorite sacred classical music). It's probably just one more piece of the puzzle. I think we should look in every nook and cranny - don't you? I recently tried to post something (not on this site) - and it didn't post. I changed something (which I won't describe) - and the comment posted. What I changed, profoundly troubled me, for a variety of reasons. It wasn't anything derogatory, politically incorrect, or containing bad language. I don't know why I'm mentioning this, but I guess I wanted to place something on the record. It could have been a fluke - but I will not test the theory. Let me just say that this whole thing is getting stranger and stranger. I just want a peaceful and happy solar system, which is responsible and free, on a long-term basis. That's pretty much it. I will continue to make 'almost over the edge' posts. I think this is a good part of being human. I wish for everyone to have a laugh regarding all of the madness. So much of it is so insane and so dark. I just HAVE to lighten things up. Once again - I am trying to be good - without being too good. If you retentive hypocrites can't handle that - well too bad! I don't know you - and I don't want to know you! (Don't take the last couple of sentences too seriously! I really do wish to know everyone. If I didn't feel so rotten - I probably wouldn't post a lot of things. Some of this is catharsis!) Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 1518 Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 1520

    I've been listening to sacred classical organ music as I have been reading 'The Holy Tablets'. They seem to be a match. I love this sort of thing. Again, I don't know how true all of this is, but this is a helluva lot better than most science fiction I have encountered. I think I'll be doing this every day, for the next couple of months. I'm also going to be reading 'The Keys of This Blood', 'The Jesuits', and 'Windswept House' - all by Malachi Martin. Once again, don't leave the Roman Catholic Church out of your search for truth. Remember, all roads lead to Rome. History is really a mixture of good and evil - as are the beings in terrestrial and extraterrestrial history. We really do need to learn from the past - to know how to rationally and productively proceed into the future. But this quest will require much discipline and persistence. As I continue with my quest, I don't feel like I'm living on Earth anymore. I feel as though I am about half-way between the Darkside of the Moon and Cydonia. This is a very strange feeling. Please consider using the following music to enhance your quest.

    Saint Ouen,_Rouen

    1. Boellmann

    2. Widor

    3. Saint Saens

    4. Vierne

    5. Mulet

    6. Sophie-Veronique Cauchefer-Choplin

    7. Sophie-Veronique Cauchefer-Choplin

    Saint Sulpice,_Paris

    The time of the cathedrals may have arrived.

    Latin Masses:









    Latin Mass Society of England and Wales

    Latin Mass Magazine

    Latin Mass Wikipedia

    A Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System should have balls. It should not be a wishy-washy, milktoast governmental system. It's a bit of a contradiction - yet combining opposites is actually a productive concept. The firm enforcement of Responsible Freedom is something to at least consider. This thing is really going to require massive doses of malice and forethought. It's a very simple concept - yet the implications and ramifications are complex and far-reaching. Perhaps we need a 'Federalist Papers' and 'Anti-Federalist Papers' type of book, which comprehensively examines various theories of solar system governance - including a United States of the Solar System. I'm going to keep running with my pet concept - yet I will continue to be open to all other concepts. But it's going to take some very pursuasive arguments to change my mind to any great extent. I'm really just trying to allow the concept to sink in, and to really take root in my soul. I continue to wish for a critical mass of individuals, from throughout the solar system, to use this thread as a study-guide, and then to make up their own minds regarding what they think would be in the best interest of everyone in the solar system. Once again, I am not shaking my fist at the Galactic or Universal Powers That Be. I'm simply VERY disillusioned and disgusted with Earth history - going back tens of thousands of years. The corruption, violence, cruelty, and atrocities are most upsetting to me. I wonder if anyone with any real power or clout really gives a rats @$$ about the pain and suffering in this solar system. I am encountering mostly cold indifference or lame excuses. Someone please prove me wrong. It almost seems as if Earth history is a very sick version of 'The Most Dangerous Game'. What would Rainsford say? I once wrote a paper titled 'War - the Ultimate Sport'. It seems as if the murder, mayhem, violence, and warfare is just a great big sport - to prove one's manhood, appease the vengeful deities, or some goddam thing. Again, please prove me wrong. Pretty please. When we eliminate warfare (and I believe that we will) - should there be some provision for war-games, which are conducted in an isolated area of the world, where those who really wish to fight, can get it out of their systems, without endangering the civilized masses of humanity? Think long and hard about this. When we create a 'good' solar system - how good is too good? Should millionaires be able to participate in F-16 dogfights (after signing pages of waivers - and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars up-front, in cash)?

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    I found this Dr. Frances Cress Welsing lecture by accident. It is titled 'The Isis Papers'. The title caught my eye - but I was surprised by the content. I continue to think that black thinkers should be listened to very carefully - especially by a lot of us pale-faces. I think they have something which I need to hear - over and over again. Here's a lecture by Dr. Jewel Pookrum. The sound quality in these videos are not very good - but the messages are quite powerful. Is there some sort of an Annunaki connection in all of this? As usual, I really don't know. But what if there is a White vs Annunaki issue, which is hidden deep in memories and genetics? Could there be Male vs Female issues as well? This could all be very complex and messy. I'm trying to deal with a lot of possible issues, by thinking of myself as being a composite of all races (terrestrial and extraterrestrial), male and female. I keep hinting at an African Hybrid Hermaphrodite Queen of Heaven. I don't know if this is the ultimate seat of power in the solar system - but, as strange as it sounds, I sometimes try to imagine what it would be like to be such a being. Don't try this at home kiddies! Talk about a mind f@#$%!! Tell me what you think...

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    I think it would be cool to do a paraphrase of 'The Holy Tablets'. This idea is probably heresy, and I don't have the time, energy, or ability to do this properly - but it would still be fun. This thread is really melting together into a composite exegetical monstrosity! What sort of a monster have I given birth to??? Hell hath no fury, like an orthodoxymoron scorned!!! The revenge of a completely ignorant fool!!! Elites in the Hands of an Angry Goyim!!! I'm going to stop singing 'Kumbaya' pretty soon!!! I'm running out of pearls and patience!!! I'm going to start playing the 'Sonata on the 94th Psalm' by Julius Reubke, on the largest pipe-organ I can find!!! Probation is closing!!! Conduit closing!!! Lift up the trumpet!!! Loud let it ring!!!

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Ahcc-index

    I was half-joking and half-serious in my last post. Here's a link to the music. Here's the 94th Psalm:

    1 O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself. 2 Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud. 3 LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph ? 4 How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves? 5 They break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage. 6 They slay the widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless. 7 Yet they say , The LORD shall not see , neither shall the God of Jacob regard it. 8 Understand , ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise ? 9 He that planted the ear, shall he not hear ? he that formed the eye, shall he not see ? 10 He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct ? he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know? 11 The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity. 12 Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest , O LORD, and teachest him out of thy law; 13 That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be digged for the wicked. 14 For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance. 15 But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it. 16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers ? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? 17 Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence. 18 When I said , My foot slippeth ; thy mercy, O LORD, held me up . 19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul. 20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? 21 They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. 22 But the LORD is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge. 23 And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the LORD our God shall cut them off.
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:50 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Posts : 13421
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:35 pm

    I really continue to wish for things to work out well for everyone - but I continue to feel very sluggish and burned-out. I've felt this way for a very long time. Perhaps someday I'll understand why. So, don't expect too much from me. I'm just going to continue to do what I'm doing. I continue to find this pursuit simultaneously painful and pleasurable. The agony and the ecstasy. I continue to be committed to the contents of this thread - but this doesn't mean that I'll be stubborn and stupid regarding legitimate and reasonable alternatives. My mind is made up - but continue to confuse me with the facts. Darn! The Queen of Heaven finally caught-up with me! Ouch!!! Bagged and Tagged!!!
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    I really feel like meandering through the solar system without any particular goal in mind. This thread is my intellectual home, but the beings of this solar system can take it, or leave it. I have offered this up as one possible solution - but I'm sure there are many. There's a lot of shouting and anger out there, and I prefer not to yell like hell. I'll just whimper off into the sunset, and nurse my wounds. It's sort of liberating to not be on any sort of a hard-driving mission. I like to watch. I'm going to try to spend more time looking at the various countries and cultures of the world, including that of a hypothetical Interdimensional, Grey, Drac, and Annunaki presence. I just finished watching a documentary about UFO Disclosure in South America. I live in the USA, but I am trying to think of myself as simply being a Citizen of the Solar System. I am trying to identify with beings from throughout the solar system - human and otherwise. I realize that there may be some VERY dangerous factions - but I wish to give EVERYONE a fair shake - before I get REALLY nasty. Check this out!!

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    icecold wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:So...what was the original sin? Was this the unpardonable sin? What motivated the rebellion and war in heaven? Who really owns and operates this solar system? Does most of the universe wish to exterminate the human race? What will it take for this solar system (and universe?) to become a truly peaceful and happy place for all concerned? Why do I keep feeling as though, no matter how hard we try, that everything is a lost cause? Is the universe laughing behind our backs? What the hell is really going on? Why are lies compounded with more lies? Why is everything important, a great big military secret? Why is common sense a threat to national security? The silence is deafening and sickening. Is this the quiet before the final storm? The final jihad?
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    Why is everything important, a great big military secret?

    The main reason for this is the problem of religion. That has been articulated fairly clearly. Funny isn't it? All other issues have been dealt with. This one seems impossible to deal with. This is the final reason for the secrecy.

    Why is common sense a threat to national security?

    Power wants to sustain itself. It has a life of its own.

    Until we get rid of the religious baggage we will continue to go down this road. Its, as you suggest...inevitable.

    UPON THIS ROCK I think the Vatican is both a big part of the problem, and potentially a big part of the solution. I really hope that ALL of the materials in the Vatican Library, Archives, and Vaults are being very carefully preserved - and that NOTHING is being destroyed or hidden away - including the rest of the Holy Bible. The world will know the truth - no matter how much it hurts - and I'm sure there will be things which will be nearly impossible for humanity to handle. I am very fearful regarding my potential historical-reincarnational part in the madness. Things might have to get a lot worse before they get better. Things seem to have gone wrong - almost past the point of no return. We need to act wisely and quickly. I have worried that the United Nations, the City-States, the Secret Government, etc. - are ultimately governed by forces who might be somewhat regressive - and that the visible leaders - who we often love to hate - are not necessarily in the driver's seat. I don't wish to be more specific in my speculation, at this time. I long for a completely purified and reformed United Nations, City-States, Secret Government, etc. - which is responsibly free and transparent. Unfortunately, so much sewage has passed under the bridge - that cleaning things up is going to be very messy - to say the least. I have suggested some reasonable levels of immunity for complete disclosure and cooperation. This might be quite unpopular - but might it be necessary - to quickly resolve things - and move on? I don't really know. I continue to fly blind and stupid. It just seems as though trench-warfare might be counter-productive. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12 KJV (I know these are fighting words - but I'm already too deeply into this thing).

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    9.5 Theses:

    1. Replace Canon Law with the Teachings of Jesus.

    2. Institute a Modified Latin Mass (with no communion - emphasizing the remembrance of Christ and His Teachings - rather than His Sacrifice) - offering Masses seven days a week - with no preference regarding the day or days of attendance.

    3. Base All Homilies, Theology, and Ritual Upon the Teachings of Jesus.

    4. Eliminate Penance and Confession (replacing both with psychological and spiritual counseling).

    5. Allow Women to be Priests and Popes.

    6. Allow Priests to Marry and Popes to Marry (and eliminate all blasphemous titles).

    7. Eliminate All Crucifixes (The bloody, dying, and mostly naked Jesus should not be paraded and displayed).

    8. Be Completely Honest Regarding the History of the Church, the World, the Solar System, the Galaxy, and the Universe.

    9. Institute a Program of Responsible Reproduction (lifting the ban on birth-control).

    9.5. Base Civil and Church Governance on the U.S. Constitution.







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    Does the rest of the universe love us, hate us, or are they mostly indifferent? What is the state of responsibility and freedom - throughout the universe? Is the rest of the universe at peace - or is it just one big star war? I really believe that a concise document exists - which lays out the true state of affairs - throughout the universe. Don't expect to see this document printed in 'The New York Times' anytime soon. Would most of us go insane if we read such a document - really believed it - and internalized it? I recently joked that if such a document were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act - that the whole document would be blacked-out - except for the last two words 'We're Screwed'. Thinking we know - and really knowing - are two very different things. Would the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - really set us free - or would it drive us completely insane? I tend to think that we need to stop being deceived and destroyed - but that truth should be revealed in appropriate stages. There are right ways, and wrong ways, to handle 'disclosure'. Will it be necessary to massively arm this solar system - not to fight with each other - but to defend this solar system from the rest of the universe? I hope not. I really don't wish to fight with anyone. I keep requesting that this solar system become a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System - and that the rest of the universe honor this request. I know not what I ask - because I have incomplete information - and I'm not doing all that well - physically, mentally, or spiritually. I will keep contemplating a perfected humanity, living in a perfected solar system. I'm sure there are many possible variations on this theme - but this is a theme which we should never lose sight of. Is anyone studying this thread - even a little bit? I really do need some feedback. I don't think I have it all figured out - but I do think I'm on the right track. Namaste.
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    The following amateur video highlights some of my motivations for a United States of the Solar System. There seems to be so much hidden technology - which can be used constructively or destructively. How should this solar system properly keep this technology from spinning completely out of control? I am very fearful of the possible destructive uses of advanced technology and genetic hybridization. I'm not anti-anyone. I simply wish for business in this solar system to be conducted in a reasonable and rational manner - which harms no one - and benefits everyone. Is this too much to ask? The star-chart shown below is pretty significant, isn't it? I am particularly interested in Aldebaran, Sirius, and M-42. The mean-looking dude shown below is supposed to be Aldebaran - but I think it's Bull. It might even be Ra! Note how small our Sun is, compared with some other stars. We are obviously not the biggest game in town. But who knows, perhaps we have something to offer the rest of the universe - with all of the crap we have been through over the last few thousand years. On the other hand, the rest of the universe might be desperately attempting to extinguish the flame of freedom in this solar system. I really don't know what to think about much of anything. Who really knows what's really going on? I presently distrust everyone and everything. I'm basically trying to be neutral with everyone - including those who are supposedly the worst of the worst. But I'm really a friend of no one. I don't even like myself. My computer really seems to be under attack today. I just removed a virus. The computer is running very slowly - and the fan sounds like a jet preparing for takeoff. Entering my computer via the back-door leads me to believe that you guys are gay! If you just follow my posts on the Mists of Avalon - you will learn everything of any significance about me (especially regarding aliens, ufo's, theology, governance, etc.). I am purposely just blurting everything out. I'm trying to be tactful - but I'm not hiding anything (not much, anyway!). You really don't need to sneak and snoop to figure me out. There's really not a helluva lot to figure out...
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    I am trying to nurture a Solar System View - rather than a World View. I don't think I'll ever be really friendly - or really hostile - with anyone - regardless of who they are - human or otherwise. I want to really try to be detached and neutral - for the rest of my life. I'd love to travel the world - and the solar system - meeting with various groups - human and otherwise - to try to help turn this war-zone into a paradise. If I'm not going to go to heaven - I will try to bring heaven to this solar system. I just finished watching a 'Stargate Universe' episode - and I got to thinking about where I should live. I settled upon imagining living on a large asteroid - which can move throughout the solar system at superluminal speeds (up to twice the speed of light). The catch is that it has to remain within the orbital path of Pluto - or face the wrath of Nibiruan Warships - which are tasked with confining the Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System TO THIS SOLAR SYSTEM! Nibiru is now orbiting our sun - approximately one astronomical unit beyond the orbital path of Pluto. The Nibiruans are now neither friend or foe. They keep hostile elements out - and keep us in. That's the deal. Nibiru is also operating as a galactic halfway house for those who don't fit in anywhere else. It is also serving as a prison planet - now that this solar system has been converted into a paradise. It's sort of a Galactic Checkpoint Charlie! Wow! That Maui-Wowie is some really good $h!+! Seriously - I have thought about living underground, and I have thought about travelling throughout the solar system as sort of an ambassador - to make sure no one gets too disgruntled in paradise!! The plan is to have 2,500 representatives onboard. A small shuttlecraft will be used to visit the various planets, moons, asteroids, and craft - throughout the solar system. I'm going to imagine a completely self-contained asteroid, the size of Phobos. But we'll leave Phobos alone (for now) - so no one gets worried. Besides - the Dracs might not be too keen on giving it up! Let's see - the asteroid needs a name. How 'bout the 'USSS Namaste'? USSS = United States of the Solar System. World Without War. Amen. Please don't read too much into what I just said. This is just a fantasy!

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    USSS NAMASTE  Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Orion13

    Consider 'Behind the Mythology of Stargate SG-1'. This is really a must-see. It kind of ties everything together. Who knows how much of this series is true? Consider 'Stargate SG-1: True Science'. To me, the important thing is to consider a wide variety of possibilities - in preparation for the disclosure of the real truth of who we are, where we have been, and where we might be headed. I think this universe might be stranger than we can possibly imagine.

    Just an update. The Dracs have agreed to provide Phobos (presently orbiting Mars) as a mobile embassy for the United States of the Solar System. (2,500 representatives) The Roman Catholics have agreed to provide St. Mary's Cathedral (San Francisco) as the United States of the Solar System Headquarters. (2,500 representatives). The remaining 5,000 representatives will be spread throughout the solar system - and all will communicate via the Solar System Internet. (Don't call your psychiatrist just yet - this is only fiction. But be forewarned - I am trying to make this a reality!)

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    What is the true source of anything? I think it might be EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to trace EVERYTHING back to it's true genesis. This goes for science, philosophy, politics, religion, and the origins of the theories of our origins. Could some things have been 'given' to us with malicious intent? I tend to think so. I think we have been messed with throughout history - and that we continue to be messed with. But we think we're too damn smart to be fooled. Perhaps we need to think again. Forget about the damn tenure, professor. It's all about truth, right? That call from the college president, that letter from an angry parent, that visit from the CIA - didn't keep you from pursuing the truth with all deliberate speed, did it? Hmmmmmmmmmmm......
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    So - has anyone done a comprehensive analysis of this thread - and itemized the problems and inaccuracies? Has anyone answered all of the questions - with convincing answers? I tend to think that some of this has been done - but that the results will never see the light of day. If various ideas are used - they will probably be introduced in a round about manner. But really - this is probably as it should be. This is really what I had in mind. But still - I am very curious regarding what effect - if any - all of this aimless posting has had. I know that I simply need to spend a lot more time reviewing everything. I really don't know what I have created. Probably a mess. But hopefully the right individuals have thought thoughts which they would not have otherwise thought - and possibly some of these thoughts have made a significant positive difference. But again - I am very curious. I am seeing a growing body of confirming evidence for my random acts of posting madness. Again - the purpose of this thread is not to provide answers. It is to make YOU think - and to achieve your own answers. It just gets very lonely making post after post after post - with very little response. I understand and appreciate the reasons for this. But it still gets lonely - and feels like a monumental exercise in futility. I've tried to spice things up with lots of funny pictures and pretty girls - and this seems to have made absolutely no difference. It's like a brick wall exists between me, and everyone else. It has been this way my entire life. I really and truly wonder how human I really am - and if I really belong on this planet. Something feels very, very wrong...

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    I've been thinking about continuing the fantasy with which I began this thread - but perhaps there should be some missing time. Indeed, the missing years of orthodoxymoron! The Phobos Phantasy is really a continuation of the original line of thinking. So, I am quite undecided regarding what to do. Any ideas? Perhaps I should post that original piece of fiction - and then continue it - right up to the Phobos acquisition (thanks to Draconian cooperation). Why don't I do that? The next post will be that old post. I'll add some artwork or photographs - and then I'll just keep adding to the story until we board the USSS Namaste - and embark on her maiden voyage through the solar system. Here's another interesting video regarding UFO's and Black Projects. I'd really like to be cool, calm, and low-key about all of this esoteric and secret stuff. It really should involve nearly all disciplines. I can't really work for anyone - because then I would be controlled. But I can't be too crazy - because then the Greys would take me away. I like the presentation-styles of people like John Lear, Joseph Farrell, Alex Collier, and Bill Cooper. There are others - and this is not an endorsement of their information - just their method of presentation. I would LOVE to have an all-night fireside chat with people like George H.W. Bush and Henry Kissinger - even though these are people who many of us hate. I think a lot of people have sold-out, but do we really know the circumstances? I really just wish to see a lot of the secret stuff continue to be made public. I realize this creates it's own problems - but 90% of the public will not grasp the gravity of things - regardless of how plainly the secret information is presented to them. It's really just unbalanced people like me, who really go off the deep-end with all of this. I admit that I'm just thrashing around in the dark. The more I try to figure things out - the more confused I become. I will continue to attempt to be neutral toward everyone - good or evil - human and otherwise. I presently seek understanding, rather than condemnation. But condemnation might surface later, when the true state of affairs becomes painfully clear. Unfortunately, I might have to condemn my historical-reincarnational self. I might have the most karmic-debt of anyone. I really worry about this. I require pretty music to calm my troubled soul. Someone I know, used to sing 'The Holy City' a lot. It brings back fond memories...

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    I just wanted to interject that, during this transitional period, as little destruction as possible, should take place. Documentation, artifacts, spacecraft, bases, and perhaps even weaponry - should probably not be destroyed. I value the labor of everyone - and it would be a shame to destroy things of great value - just to cover up the madness. I tend to think that we should all know the truth - and that we should benefit as much as possible from that which has transpired in secrecy. There are both legitimate and illegitimate reasons for secrecy. What concerns me most is not the secrecy - but rather the darkness. If a lot of this secret stuff were properly supervised - with proper funding methods and proper ethical guidelines - I might not have much of a problem with it. A lot of it sounds really cool. But stop the financial corruption and the international illegal drug trade. You know what I'm talking about. I don't see why most of the exotic stuff can't continue in a purified atmosphere of transparent openness. But I am pragmatic - and I do understand that there has to be some secrecy - but not the kind which the human race has been subjected to for way too long. Again - you know what I'm talking about. I just want this solar system cleaned-up. I might be a completely ignorant fool, as Raven has suggested, and I didn't disagree - but I am open to anything and everything which truly makes sense. Come, let us reason together.

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    Posts : 13421
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:27 pm

    I'm going to watch 'MOON'. Then, I'm going to start reading 'The Jesuits' by Malachi Martin. Once again, I don't hate either the Jesuits or the Roman Catholic Church - even though the history of both are quite dark, at times. I'm really more fascinated than condemning. I will be interested to learn what they have really had to deal with, throughout the centuries. Could it have involved something like this? Or even this? The book I am about to read probably only scratches the surface. I continue to think of myself as a Renegade Roman Catholic (even though I have never been a church member - in this life anyway!). I really do bring peace, rather than a sword. But something tells me that this wasn't always the case. 'MOON' is really a creepy movie - but I'd still like to travel the solar system. I try to be idealistic - but at this point, I'm expecting a harsh future - even in paradise. I'm really just hoping for the survival of my soul (lifetime after lifetime) - and some semblance of a meaningful life. But frankly - I'm not expecting too much. In fairness, I do think unimaginably idealistic and grandiose thoughts, but I am aware of some of the negative and destructive challenges which could throw a monkey-wrench into the machinery of paradise. Beware of sour-grapes, poison-pills, and scuttling in absentia. We can perform a solar system exorcism - but will the evil ever completely leave? If we kick the bad guys and gals out - what is to keep them from banding together with other bad guys and gals throughout the universe - and then returning, when we least expect it - and kicking our asses all the way to hell? This could just be the beginning of the madness. I certainly hope not - but we really should consider every conceivable possibility and probability. But please - if all of this gets too heavy - just stop - and think about something else. Get informed, without getting mad, or going mad. Namaste.

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    I just use science fiction as a launching pad for my imagination. My solar system fantasy is not militaristic - yet I keep thinking about how to defend the solar system from potential invaders. How do we really know what evil lurks throughout the universe? Or are we the only evil beings in the universe? Damned if I know. Or - Damned if I don't submit (with reverent contrition) to the Universal Church? I find most everything to be somewhat disappointing - so I tend to not stick with any one thing for any significant length of time. I formulate a composite insight - and then I move on. Some people think about other mates. I think about other gods and goddesses. Just kidding. Or am I? What would Minerva say?

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Zw-Minerva-2

    I just hijacked the following Joseph Farrell interview from Andromeda's thread 'Cosmic War'. Try reading 'The Holy Tablets' in conjunction with 'Cosmic War'. This is very nerve-wracking for me to contemplate. Is this the music of 'cosmic war'? Consider joining me on the USSS Namaste - as I journey through the solar system with representatives of the United States of the Solar System. I hope you don't mind the Draconian Crew and Guards! I hope the Dracs don't mind having us aboard! Also - consider a "Good Anna v Bad Anna" theme. Consider 'V' as being only the beginning of such a conceptualization. I can't even begin to describe what I think about in this regard. I am somewhat disappointed with the 'what big teeth you have' side of Anna. I support the idea of exploring the dark side of the Anna character - but this aspect of the show seems to miss the mark. But what do I know? In considering models of solar system governance - we must be careful to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are many shades of Grey - and many species of Chimera - in this Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World! I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day reading 'The Jesuits' and listening to Latin Masses. I might even go to church tomorrow...

    Well, I didn't go to church, and I didn't watch the Super-Bowl. But I did find the following words of wisdom, buried in this thread. I think I was having a bad day...

    The 'Law of Confusion' is a descriptive and appropriate term...but I tend to eschew obfuscation...and to espouse elucidation. A Christocentric eschatological theological approach to scriptural studies which utilizes the concept of comprehensive concentration...which assumes the red-letter teachings of Jesus as being fundamental...with the remaining portions of the biblical canon as being merely contextual...cross-referencing utilizing a Strong's Concordance...and applying the accepted norms of grammatical-historical supremely beneficial regarding definitively and devotionally ascertaining the Christ Conscious Aspects of the First Source and Center of All fully experience Jesus as Lord in modernity...being careful to exegete...rather than eisegetically twisting and corrupting the sacred texts to conform to canon law (there is no substantial body of evidence which substantiates transubstantiation) as not to become a reprehensible and reprobate hermeneutic whore...a cursed Judas Iscariot in dire need of prostrate penetance, confession, repentance, and reconciliation...and in grave danger of burning for all eternity as a sinner in the hands of an angry God. World Without End. Amen.

    As of this moment, We Are At War!

    I don't see why this solar system can't be a paradise. But there seems to be:

    1. An Annunaki Faction which wishes to exterminate the Human Race.
    2. An Annunaki Faction which has been exploiting the Human Race - while fighting with the other Annunaki faction - to see who gets to be the Masters of the Universe.
    3. A Responsible Human Faction - who seems to have been driven off-world thousands of years ago.
    4. An Ignorant and Irresponsible Human Faction - who seems to be living on this Prison Planet called Earth.

    Consider the possibility of: (Extraterrestrial Humans + Extraterrestrial Hybrids) vs (Terrestrial Humans + Terrestrial Hybrids)

    Unfortunately, I get the impression that everyone hates the Terrestrial Humans (Us). As I keep posting on this thread - I keep feeling that I am fighting for the survival of the best aspects of the Human Race - or simply for survival. Period. What was the Original Sin? What is the solution for the Original Sin and Karmic Debt - other than Slavery and Death???

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Planet-in-Rebellion-sm Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Star_wars_rebellion_box Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 2-62

    Did Regressive Interdimensional Reptilians deceive the Human Race (by promising them freedom and enlightenment?) into creating a Genetic Hybridization Program to give the Regressive Interdimensional Reptilians Hybrid Bodies? Who bears ultimate responsibility for what seems to be a Hybridization Program Gone Bad? Are the two Annunaki Factions under the direction of even more powerful beings? Check this out, and tell me what you think. One more thing. What is the relationship between Jesus and Lucifer? Just wondering. Namaste.

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    Ohh, can't anybody see
    We've got a war to fight
    Never found our way
    Regardless of what they say

    How can it feel, this wrong
    From this moment
    How can it feel, this wrong

    Storm.. in the morning light
    I feel
    No more can I say
    Frozen to myself

    I got nobody on my side
    And surely that ain't right
    And surely that ain't right

    Ohh, can't anybody see
    We've got a war to fight
    Never found our way
    Regardless of what they say

    How can it feel, this wrong
    From this moment
    How can it feel, this wrong


    How can it feel, this wrong
    This moment
    How can it feel, this wrong

    Ohh, can't anybody see
    We've got a war to fight
    Never found our way
    Regardless of what they say

    How can it feel, this wrong
    From this moment
    How can it feel, this wrong

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 CopyofDoveRaven

    The bottom-line of all of this madness is to

    1. Determine who the major players have been in this solar system going back thousands of years.
    2. Determine the governmental systems in this solar system going back thousands of years.
    3. Determine the true history of the human race and this solar system.
    4. To establish the best possible governmental system in this solar system - with the best long-term chances of facilitating responsible freedom.

    Perhaps, like Sybil Dorsett, the Human Race needs someone like Dr. Wilber - to try to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.


     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 LevisKIDS_HumptyDumpty

    I am bracing myself for some possibly very complex and upsetting information. I think a whole lot of information is being released presently - with maybe 10% of it really being the truth. They probably have to do it this way, to keep us from going crazy. I've been trying to connect the dots in a somewhat tactful and light-hearted manner - even though I can be quite irreverent and sarcastic. I'm not expecting very many high-level press-conferences, which spill the beans about all of the deep, dark secrets. There will probably be a lot of whistle-blowers with questionable credentials and information - who get the truth into the public domain - little by little - while keeping the big-names out of the disclosure process. I frankly don't know if I am stepping on any toes, or not. I have sort of targeted the Queen of Heaven - who I think might be a mixture of good and evil. But I don't know the truth about this hypothetical being. I don't know if I'm making things better - or making things worse. I frankly don't know when to stop. I've decided to just keep doing what I'm doing - and see who or what comes out of the woodwork, so to speak. But I really do think, that at the highest levels, the decision has been made to inform the public, but in a very round about manner. This is probably as it should be - but I find this to be very frustrating. I'd prefer to just go down into an underground base for a couple of days - and learn the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - with a psychiatrist at my side (with a tranquilizer gun!), the entire time. I'm not kidding. I think the truth might be that bad...

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    I obviously don't know how good or bad the truth about everything might be - but I think we should be prepared for both the best and the worst. We often wish to be entertained, and to be told what we want to hear. We have expectations which might be unrealistic. We are sometimes led around by the hooks in our noses. We're often not as smart as we think we are. At this point, I think I'd like to see everyone become a lifelong researcher - to learn how to properly process information - and to be able to tactfully communicate the results of a relentless pursuit of the truth. Seriously, how do we make things better, without making things worse? How do we save the patient, without killing the patient? How do we save the world, without destroying the world? Save us from our Saviors! I once asked a shaman what non-natives should do to help the natives? He answered, 'Leave us the f*&% alone!' Perhaps we should try to understand others, rather than trying to help them. Missionaries can end up being Cultural Imperialists. Remember 'The Mission'? I am open to living with various types of beings - but I certainly do not wish to be taken advantage of - and I doubt that they wish to be taken advantage of, either. I have recently joked about travelling the solar system with representatives of the United States of the Solar System - on Phobos aka USSS Namaste - with a crew of Draconian Reptilians! I really wouldn't mind - if, and only if - I knew, for certain, that they wouldn't turn on us! I'm pretty damn naive, aren't I?

    I think we have to judge and sentence - but I desire a kinder and gentler system of rewards and punishments - without damning anyone to hell. I wish for a more sane way to manage the insanity. BTW - how do you define 'Regressive'? Sometimes I think we made a jailbreak - and ended up in a worse jail - with our liberators as our new jailers. I'm thinking we might've been set-up, and then enslaved and exploited. But once again, we don't really know who we are or where we came from. Vengeful deities seem to have the upper-hand - for now. Someone who serves others, might be a slave. Someone who serves self, might simply be self-sufficient. When I think of 'regressive' - I think of harsh, cruel, and tyrannical beings, who exalt themselves at the expense of others. Namaste, Responsibility, and Freedom would probably just be a big joke to such individuals. This is just my impression. Are Draconians 'regressive'? Are the Annunaki 'regressive'? Is most of the human race 'regressive'? I tend to think so. I guess there are many roads home. Or, perhaps we are trail-blazers, in this neck of the woods. Might a destructive rebellion be in the process of morphing into a constructive reformation? I don't know. They never tell me anything.

    Have I been unkind and unfair regarding my speculations about a hypothetical Queen of Heaven? I worry about this. I'd like to know the truth - but how should I unveil the Queen of Heaven - without making her furious? I really don't know who I might be dealing with. Perhaps we need to get together - and straighten things out. My insecurity regarding the true state of affairs of the human race is nearly out of control. I am very worried. I wish to get along with the various beings of the universe - but I do not wish to be a doormat. I am not a potted plant! I am somebody! What should the next step be for a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System? Should there even be a next step? Might some of the best aspects of ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome be incorporated into a United States of the Solar System? What about the best of the rest of the ancient world? Should there be historical continuity? How do we operate a civilization which has an identity, and has balls - without it becoming harsh and cruel regarding rebellion and other challenges? How do we have a military which is highly trained and disciplined - yet never has to go to war? I like duty, country, honor - without the blood and guts part. What lessons can we learn from the rise and fall of the Roman Empire? Could a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System last for millions of years? I'd still like to really know who our enemies are - throughout the universe - and if their hatred of us might have some justification. I wish for a solar system paradise - but I do not wish to sweep problems under the rug - in hopes that they'll just go away. I continue to worry about all of the really nasty weapons of mass destruction (throughout the solar system?). Are they in the best of hands - or the worst of hands? How do we REALLY get the WMD problem under control? We really could blast ourselves to the brink of extinction - in a matter of minutes. Are there weapons which destroy all traces of the soul? The whole question of soul survival is extremely important. I wish I were a badass intellectual leader - with a 200 IQ - and had bigger balls than Atlas! But such is not the case. However, I would like to continue to think about all of this - even though it is making me quite miserable. Here is an example of why I have declared war on war:
     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Nina-berman

    Posts : 13421
    Join date : 2010-09-28
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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:34 pm

    What if a harsh theocracy existed in an ancient 'Heaven'? What if this situation existed because of a rebel faction who was manipulating and exploiting the government of 'Heaven'? What if this hypothetical rebel faction instigated a righteous uprising against this hypothetically infiltrated and subverted government of 'Heaven'? What if the rebel faction financed both sides of the 'War in Heaven'? What if all of us were deceived by this rebel faction? What if we continue to be deceived by this rebel faction? Would a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System be a possible solution to this nightmare? Should this hypothetical rebel faction be rehabilitated or utterly destroyed?

    How should we view ancient Babylon? Should we attempt to go back as far as we can into antiquity - and then build upon the best which we discover? Has Roman Catholicism attempted to do this? It certainly is not built upon the Teachings of Jesus. But should there be an integration of the Words of Christ - with the artistic and cultural aspects of antiquity? I like the concept of the Teachings of Jesus - in the context of Roman Catholicism - in the context of the Ancient World - complete with U.S. Constitution style governance. Strange bedfellows? Oxymorons? Waves of the Future? What are we really doing on this planet? How did we get here? Why did we come here? Are we even supposed to be here? Who the hell do we think we are? Who are we - really? The PTB aren't exactly blurting out everything they know regarding all of the above. Should we Goyim just get back to work - and let Megalomaniacs Anonymous do what they do best? Consider these images of ancient Babylon:
     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 The-hanging-gardens-of-babylon Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Z160541813 Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Lg_Hanging_Gardens_of_Babylon Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Babylon_cover-b Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 IshtarGate Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 4445183271_8fc207b841_z Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Babylon-2 Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Ishtar Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Redtower_a  Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFGFO5oYhxO0EV6wSrWpLnQ779z84yT8YJ5UoF3H4pLHmmy0Nb94mqeTUORg

    I really hesitate to make this post - for a variety of reasons - but here I go - where angels fear to tread. I keep thinking about the possibility of an Annunaki Queen of Heaven - in both positive and negative ways - and the following images are possible positive aspects of this still hypothetical being. I do support the concept of the Divine Feminine - and I am attempting to incorporate the best aspects of this idea into my life. If the Annunaki rule Humanity - what do you think the God of This World and the Queen of Heaven might look like? Or is the Queen of Heaven really the God of This World? I'm not trying to be funny here. I am very serious. But once again, just about everything important is nearly impossible to really pin down. Perhaps this is a good thing. Who knows? The Shadow? The Shadow Government? Gizeh Intelligence?
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    I think I've gotten myself in enough trouble for one day (my computer has been attacked a couple of times today) - so I'm just going to continue reading 'The Jesuits' and possibly 'The Keys of This Blood' - while listening to Latin Masses. That ought to keep me out of trouble...

    OK - I'm back. I fell asleep, listening to a Latin Mass. When I woke-up, I found that my computer security system was attempting to deal with a Trojan. Sometimes I wonder if I am onto something, when my computer starts behaving strangely, and receives attacks and Trojans. Again - I am more curious about life and history, than I am condemning. But, on the other hand, there may be those who do not share my neutrality. How does one seek the truth about a lot of things, without getting into lots and lots of trouble? My goal, is for things to work out well for all concerned. My view, is that if most of us were in different circumstances, we would behave differently, and perhaps reprehensibly. Many of us are good, simply because we lack the opportunity to be bad. And there is a phenomenon known as 'Righteousness by Senility'.

    Don't read too much into my posting activities. I continue to thrash around in cyberspace, without knowing what I want, and without really knowing much of anything for certain. As always, my posts are intended to create discussion, and to make you think. I am also attempting to change the way I think - for better or for worse - who knows?

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Englehart2

    Floyd wrote:Oxy
    Did you ever read Angels of the Cosmos by Masao Murata. Its little known in the west but there you may find something akin to your namaste constitution. He travelled quite wildely throughout this solar system and documented his findings. Check it out.

    I just started reading it Floyd. Thank-you for the heads-up. I found Courtney Brown to be quite interesting regarding this sort of thing, as well. But once again, who knows how much of any of this is true? I just add all of this to my list of that which is possible.

    Was/is Jesus really the Archangel Michael? Was Jesus the equivalent of Horus? Was Horus the equivalent of Tammuz? Was Jesus the Last Pharaoh? Is there a continuing Horus mythology beyond the Life of Christ? Are there any Pharaohs beyond the Life of Christ? Was Jesus a Rebel Pharaoh? Was Jesus banished from Earth because of his rebellion? If so, will he return when a critical mass of Humans become Christ-like - resulting in a Final Jihad - culminating in a Human Independence Day? Semiramis = Annunaki Isis (Queen of Heaven)? Nimrod = Annunaki Amen Ra (God of This World)? Tammuz = Human Pharaoh (Head of the Human Race)? Horus Aha to Ptolemy XV Cesarion? Can the Annunaki and Humans peacefully and happily coexist? Are the Popes really Pharaohs/Emperors and Proxy-Christs (in place of Christ or anti-Christ) who answer to the God of This World and the Queen of Heaven? Could the God of This World and the Queen of Heaven really be one Hybrid Hermaphrodite Being? We? Will Horus/Jesus eventually replace the Pope, the God of This World, and the Queen of Heaven? How would this gel with a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System? Would Jesus RULE AS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS - or simply be a very low-key observer and consultant? Which would you prefer? I think that Jesus would be entirely capable of the former - but would prefer the latter - and would exercise supreme authority only when absolutely necessary. Do you think he would be a Palmer Joss type ('Contact')? I really don't know - but I thought I'd ask. I seem to know less and less, each and every day. Pretty soon, I'll know less than nothing - and become an Intellectual Black Hole. I once spoke with a very theologically literate attorney, who told me that the church wouldn't know what to do with Jesus if he were to appear in their midst. Perhaps a lot of religious leaders are scratching their asses - trying to figure out what to do - right at this very moment. What if Nimrod and Semiramis were the male and female aspects of one Hermaphrodite Annunaki being - inhabited by the Archangels Gabriel and Lucifer? We? The God of This World and the Queen of Heaven? What if Tammuz were a male Human Being - inhabited by the Archangel Michael? What if this trinity reincarnated or soul-transferred into body after body? Think about the implications and ramifications - which I prefer not to elaborate upon at this point. Could the Pharaohs have been hostages and front-men for the Annunaki? Did Jesus just say 'NO' to the Annunaki? Was Jesus the Last Pharaoh, as Ralph Ellis has suggested? Did the Annunaki then work through the Roman Emperors and Pontiffs? Does the God of This World and the Queen of Heaven preside over a Controlled Patriarchy and a Subjugation of Women? Michael = Adam = Tammuz = Dumuzi = Horus = Pharaohs = Jesus = Head of Humanity (living in Exile for 2,000 years)? Read between the lines - and tell me what you think. This is new to me, and I have not really thought it through.

    Egyptian Kings (Pharaohs), Governors and other Rulers

    The Kings of Egypt were not called Pharaohs by the ancient Egyptians. This word was used by the Greeks and Hebrews, and today is commonly used for the ancient Kings of Egypt. We really do not know how many kings ruled in Egypt, for at times in its ancient past the country was split up, and there were at least several kings at the same time. There was also probably kings who ruled regions of Egypt before recorded history, and in fact, several ancient historians record legendary Pharaohs who became Egyptian gods.


    1st Dynasty

    (3050 - 2890)

    Little actual history is known of the pharaohs of the early dynasties. Their monuments, however, are some of the most studied artifacts in the world.

    Horus Aha
    Djer (Itit)
    Djet (Wadj)
    Den (Udimu)

    2nd Dynasty

    Hetepsekhemwy (Hotepsekhemwy)
    Reneb (Nebra)
    Ninetjer (Nynetjer)
    Peribsen (Seth-Peribsen)


    The age of the Pyramid. The pyramids of Giza and Dahshur are built during this period.

    3rd Dynasty

    Sanakhte (Nebka) 2650 - 2630
    Netjerykhet (Djoser) 2630 - 2611
    Sekhemkhet (Djoser Teti) 2611 - 2603
    Khaba 2603 - 2599
    Huni 2599 - 2575

    4th Dynasty

    Snefru 2575 - 2551
    Khufu (Cheops) 2551 - 2528
    Djedefre 2528 - 2520
    Khafre (Chephren) 2520 - 2494
    Menkaure (Mycerinus) 2490 - 2472
    Shepseskaf 2472 - 2467

    5th Dynasty

    Userkaf 2465 - 2458
    Sahure 2458 - 2446
    Neferirkare Kakai 2477-2467
    Shepseskare Ini 2426 - 2419
    Neferefre 2419 - 2416
    Niuserre Izi 2453 - 2422
    Menkauhor 2422 - 2414
    Djedkare Izezi 2388 - 2356
    Unas 2375-2345

    6th Dynasty

    Teti 2345 - 2333
    Pepy I (Meryre) 2332 - 2283
    Merenre Nemtyemzaf 2283 2278
    Pepy II (Neferkare) 2278 - 2184


    This was a very troubled time. There was a breakdown of centralized government, with many kings having overlapping reigns. Montuhotep established order from his capital at Thebes.

    7th and 8th Dynasties

    2150 - 2135



    Neferkare II

    Neferkare III

    Djedkare II

    Neferkare IV


    Menkamin I


    Neferkare V


    Neferkare VI

    Neferkamin II

    Ibi I



    Neferirkare II

    Attested Kings about whom nothing more is known







    9th and 10th Dynasties

    2135 - 1986


    several kings named Kheti

    Meri-Hathor (?)

    Merikare 11th Dynasty

    Inyotef I (Sehertawy) 2134 - 2117

    Inyotef II (Wahankh) 2117-2069

    Inyotef III (Nakhtnebtepnefer) 2069 - 2060


    This period is marked with foreign trade and enormous building projects. There is a refinement in the making of jewelry. Prosperity and renaissance existed for a long period of time, but eventually, internal problems become apparent.

    11th Dynasty

    Mentuhotep II 2055 -2004
    Mentuhotep III (Sankhkare) 2004 - 1992
    Mentuhotep IV (Nebtawyre) 1992 - 1987

    12th Dynasty

    Amenemhet I (Sehetepibre) 1991 - 1962
    Senusret I (Kheperkare) 1956 - 1911
    Amenemhet II (Nubkaure) 1911 - 1877
    Senusret II (Khakheperre) 1877 - 1870
    Senusret III (Khakaure) 1836 - 1817
    Amenemhet III (Nimaatre) 1817 - 1772
    Amenemhet IV (Maakherure) 1772 - 1763
    Neferusobek (Sobekkare) 1763 - 1759


    The Hyksos invade and conquer.

    Eventually the Theban princes regain power.

    Kamose defeats the Hyksos. 13th Dynasty

    Wegaf 1783-1779



    Amenemhat V

    Sehetepibre I


    Amenemhat VI


    Sehetepibre II



    Sobekhotep I


    Hor I

    Amenemhat VII

    Sobekhotep II



    Antef IV


    Sobekhotep III

    Neferhotep I 1696 - 1686

    Sihathor 1685 - 1685

    Sobekhotep IV 1685 - 1678

    Sobekhotep V 1678 - 1674

    Iaib 1674 - 1664

    Ay 1664 - 1641

    Ini I




    Sobekhotep VI

    Dedumes I

    Ibi II

    Hor II


    Sekhanre I



    14th Dynasty











    Ankhkare, ...

    15th Dynasty



    Apachnan (Khian)

    Apophis (Auserre Apepi)


    16th Dynasty







    Pepi III



    Nikare II










    Amu, ...

    17th Dynasty

    Antef V


    Sobekemzaf I


    Mentuhotep VII

    Nebirau I

    Nebirau II


    Sobekemzaf II

    Antef VI
    Antef VII
    Tao I (Senakhtenre)

    Tao II (Sekenenre)

    Kamose (Wadjkheperre)


    Extreme prosperity and renaissance in art and building projects mark the beginning of this period. Towards the end of the 19th Dynasty the increasing power of the priesthood corrupts the central government. During the 20th Dynasty tomb robbing is done by officials. The priesthood becomes hereditary and begins to assume secular power. The government breaks down.

    18th Dynasty

    Ahmose (Nebpehtyre) 1539 - 1514
    Amenhotep I (Djeserkare) 1514 - 1493
    Thutmose I (Akheperkare) 1493 - 1481
    Thutmose II (Akheperenre) 1491 - 1479
    Hatshepsut (Maatkare) 1473 - 1458
    Thutmose III (Menkheperre) 1504 - 1450
    Amenhotep II (Akheperure) 1427 - 1392
    Thutmose IV (Menkheperure) 1419 - 1386
    Amenhotep III (Nebmaatre) 1382 - 1344
    Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten 1350 - 1334
    Smenkhkare (Ankhkheperure) 1336-1334
    Tutankhamun (Nebkheperure) 1334 - 1325
    Ay (Kheperkheperure) 1325 - 1321
    Horemheb (Djeserkheperure) 1323 - 1295

    19th Dynasty

    Ramesses I (Menpehtyre) 1295 - 1294
    Seti I (Menmaatre) 1394 - 1279
    Ramesses II (Usermaatresetepenre) 1279 - 1213
    Merenptah (Baenrehotephirmaat) 1213 - 1203
    Amenmesse (Menmire) 1203 - 1200
    Seti II (Userkheperuresetepenre) 1200 - 1194
    Siptah (Akhenresetepenre) 1194 - 1188
    Tausert (Sitremeritamun) 1185-1187

    20th Dynasty

    Setakht (Userkhauremeryamun) 1186 - 1184
    Ramesses III (Usermaatremeryamun) 1184 - 1153
    Ramesses IV (Hekamaatresetepenamun) 1153 - 1147
    Ramesses V (Usermaatresekheperenre) 1147 - 1143
    Ramesses VI (Nebmaatremeryamun) 1143 - 1136
    Ramesses VII (Usermaatresetepenre) 1136 - 1129
    Ramesses VIII (Usermaatreakhenamun) 1129 - 1126
    Ramesses IX (Neferkaresetepenre) 1126 - 1108
    Ramesses X (Khepermaatresetepenre) 1108 - 1099
    Ramesses XI (Menmaatresetepenptah) 1099 - 1069


    The capital moves from Tanis to Libyan, to Nubia, to Thebes, to SAIS, and then back to Nubia and Thebes.

    21st Dynasty

    Northern Kings
    Southern Rulers at Thebes
    Smedes 1070-1044 Herihor 1080-1074
    Amenemnisu 1040 Piankh 1074-1070
    Psusennes I 1040-992 Pinedjem I 1070-1032
    Amenope 993-984 Masaherta 1054-1046
    Osochor 984-978 Menkheperre 1045-992
    Siamun 978-959 Smendes II 992-990
    Psusennes II 959-945 Pinedjem II 990-969
    Psusennes III 969-945

    22nd Dynasty

    Shoshenq I 945-924
    Osorkon I 924-909
    Takelot 909--?
    Shoshenq II ?--883
    Osorkon II 883-855
    Takelot II 860-835
    Shoshenq III 835-783
    Pami 783-773
    Shoshenq IV 773-735
    Osorkon IV 735-712

    23rd Dynasty

    Pedubaste I 828-803

    Osorkon IV 777-749

    Peftjauwybast 740-725

    24th Dynasty

    Shepsesre Tefnakht I 725-720
    Wahkare Bakenranef 720-715


    The Nubians fall under the Assyrians invasion.

    The Greeks help re-establish order. A renaissance in the arts of the 25th Dynasty shows a return to the Old Kingdom style.

    25th Dynasty

    Piye 747-716 BC
    Shebaka 712-698
    Shebitku 698-690
    Taharqa 690-664
    Tantamani 664-657

    26th Dynasty

    Psammetichus I (Psam-tik) 664-610
    Nekau (Necho) II 610-595
    Psammetichus II 595-589
    Apries 589-570
    Amasis 570-526

    Psammetichus III 526-525

    27th Dynasty

    Cambyses 525-522
    Darius I 521-486
    Xerxes I 486-466

    Artaxerxes I 465-424

    Darius II 424-404

    28th Dynasty

    Amyrtaios 404-399

    29th Dynasty

    Nepherites I 399-393

    Psammuthis 393

    Hakoris 393-380
    Nepherites II 380

    30th Dynasty

    The 30th Dynasty contains the last of the Egyptian-born Pharaohs. Nectanebo I 380-362
    Teos 365-360
    Nectanebo II 360-343


    31st Dynasty

    The 31st Dynasty is also known as the Second Persian Period and was added after Manetho created his list of kings..

    Ochus (Artaxerxes III) 343-338
    Arses 338-336
    Darius III Codomannus 335-332

    GRECO-ROMAN PERIOD (332 B.C. - 395 A.D.)

    Macedonian Kings - Alexandria

    Alexander the Great 332-323

    Philip Arrhidaeus 323-316

    Alexander IV 316-304

    Ptolemaic Dynasty

    This period is confusing due to all of the co-regencies. Scholars are not always in agreement on the order of reigns and, in some case, the reigns themselves, from Ptolemy VI through Ptolemy XI. In any event, Egypt's authority and wealth was intact until the death of Cleopatra, at which time, Egypt was overpowered by Rome.

    Ptolemy I Soter I 323-285
    Ptolemy II Philadelphus 282-246
    Ptolemy III Euergeter I 246-222
    Ptolemy IV Philopator 222-205
    Ptolemy V Epiphanes 205-180
    Ptolemy VI Philometor 180-164 163-145
    Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator 145
    Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II 170-163 &
    Cleopatra III & Ptolemy IX Soter II 116-107 &
    Cleopatra III & Ptolemy X Alexander I 107-88
    Cleopatra Berenice 81-80
    Ptolemy XI Alexander II 80
    Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos 80-58 &
    Berenice IV 58-55
    Cleopatra VII & Ptolemy XIII 51-47
    Cleopatra & Ptolemy XIV 47-44
    Cleopatra VII & Ptolemy XV Cesarion 44-30 BC

    Roman Emperors

    Augustus 30 B.C. - 14 A.D.
    Tiberius 14-37

    Gaius Caligula 37-41

    Claudius 41-54

    Nero 54-68

    Galba 68-69

    Otho 69

    Vitellius 69

    Vespasianus 69-79

    Titus 79-81

    Domitianus (Domitian) 81-96

    Nerva 96-98

    Trajanus (Trajan) 98-117

    Hadrianus (Hadrian) 117-138

    Antoninus Pius 138-161

    Marcus Aurelius 161-180

    Lucius Verrus

    Commodus 180-192

    Pertinax 193

    Didius Julianus 193

    Septimus Severus 193-211

    Caracalla 211-217

    Macrinus 217-218

    Heliogabalus 218-222

    Alexander Severus 222-235

    Maximinus 235-238

    Pupienus 238

    Gordianus 238-244

    Philippus 244-249

    Decius 249-251

    Gallus 251-253

    Valerianus 253-260

    Gallienus 260-268

    Claudius II 268-270

    Aurelianus 270-275

    Tacitus 275-276

    Florianus 276

    Probus 276-282

    Carus 282-283

    Numerianus 283-284

    Diocletian 284-305

    Galerius 305-311

    Licinius 308-324

    The Byzantine Christian Period

    Coptic Patriarch Name Year Monastery Melkite
    Name Year Actual Ruler Year

    Constantine I 306-37
    Athanasius 328-73 ---

    Constantine I 306-37

    Constantius II 337-61

    Julian 361-63

    Jovian 363-64

    Valens 364-78
    Peter II 373-78 ---

    Valens 364-78

    Gratian 367-83

    Valentinian 375-92
    Timothy I 378-84 ---

    Theodosius I 379-95
    Theophilus 384-412 ---

    Theodosius I 379-95

    Arcadius 395-408

    Theodosius II 408-50
    Cyril I 412-44 Abu Maqar

    Theodosius II 408-50
    Dioscorus 444-54 ---

    Theodosius II

    Marcian 450-57
    Timothy II 457-77 ---

    Marcian 450-57

    Leo I 457-74

    Zeno 474-91
    Peter III 477-89 ---

    Zeno 474-91
    Athanasius II 489-96 ---

    Zeno 474-91

    Anastasius I 491-518
    John I 496-505 Abu Maqar

    Anastasius I 491-518
    John II 505-16 Zugag (Ennaton)

    Anastasius I 491-518
    Dioscorus II 516-18 ---

    Anastasius I 491-518

    Justin I 518-27
    Timothy III 518-36 ---

    Justin I 518-27

    Justinian I 527-65
    Theodosius I 536-67 --- Paul of Tabennensi
    Justinian I 527-65

    Zoilos 549-51

    Apollinarios 551-70

    Justin II 565-78
    Peter IV 567-76 Zugag (Ennaton)
    John II 570-80 Justin II 565-78
    Damian 576-605 Abu Yuhinnis

    Justin II 565-78

    Eulogios 581-08 Tiberius II 578-82

    Maurice 582-602

    Theodore Skribon 608-09 Phocas 602-10
    Anastasius 605-16 ---

    Phocas 602-10

    John III the Almoner 610-19 Heraclius 610-619
    Andronicus 616-23

    Chosroes II
    (Persian) 619-629

    George 620-30 Heraclius 629-34
    Benjamin I 623-62 Qibriyus Cyrus 630-43 Heraclius 629-34

    Islamic Period (most, particularly of the early Islamic rulers of Egypt, were governors operating under the authority of foreign Caliphs)

    Abbasid Rulers

    Saleh Ibn Ali Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abbas Ibn Abdul Mottalib Ibn Hisham (750-750 AD)

    Abu Awn Abdul Malik Ibn Yazid (751-753 AD)

    Saleh Ibn Ali Ibn Abdullah ibn Abbas Ibn Abdul Motallib Ibn Hisham (753-755 AD)

    Abu Awn Abdul Malik Ibn Yazid (755-758 AD)

    Moussa Ibn Ka’b Ibn Oyayna Ibn Aisha Ibn Amro Ibn Serri Ibn Aeiza Ibn al-Harith Ibn Emro’a al-Quays (758- 759 AD)

    Mohammed Ibn al-Aha’th al-Khoza’i (759-759 AD)

    Hamid Ibn Quahtaba (760- 762 AD)

    Yazid Ibn Hatim al-Mohalabi (762- 772 AD)

    Mohammed Ibn Abdul Rahman Ibn Muawya Ibn Hodeig (772 - 772 AD)

    Moussa Ibn Ollai Ibn Rabah al-lakhmi (772- 778 AD)

    Eissa Ibn Loquman al-Gomahi (778- 779 AD)

    Wadih, Mawla of Abu Ga’far (779- 779 AD)

    Mansour Ibn Yazid Ibn Mansour al-Re’ini (779- 779 AD)

    Yahya Ibn Daoud al-horashi (Ibn Mamdoud) (779- 780 AD)

    Salim Ibn Sawada al-Tamimi (780- 781 AD)

    Ibrahin Ibn Saleh Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abbas (781- 784 AD)

    Moussa Ibn Mous’ab al-Khath’ami (784-785 AD)

    Asama Ibn Amro al-Ma’fri (785-785 AD)

    Al-Fadl Ibn Saleh Ibn Ali al-Abbassi (785-785 AD)

    Ali Ibn Salman al-Abbassi (786- 787 AD)

    Moussa Ibn Eissa Ibn Moussa al-Abbassi (787-789 AD)

    Muslima Ibn Yahia al-Bagli (789- 790 AD)

    Mohammed Ibn Zoheir al-Azdi (790-790 AD)

    Daoud Ibn Yazid al-Mouhallabi (790-791 AD)

    Moussa Ibn Eissa Ibn Moussa al-Abbassi (791-792 AD)

    Ibrahim Ibn Saleh Ibn Abdullah al-Abbassi (792-792 AD)

    Abdullah Ibn al-Mousayyeb Ibn Zoheir al-Dabbi (792-793 AD)

    Ishak Ibn Soliman (793-794 AD)

    Harmatha Ibn A’youn (794-795 AD)

    Abdullah Ibn al-Mosayyeb al-Abbassi (795 795 AD)

    Abdullah Ibn al-Mahdi al-Abbassi (795-795 AD)

    Moussa Ibn Eissa Ibn Moussa al-Abbassi (796-797 AD)

    Oubeidullah Ibn al-Mahdi al-Abbassi (796-797 AD)

    Ismail Ibn Saleh al-Abbassi (797-798 AD)

    Ismail Ibn Eaissa al-Abbassi (789-798 AD)

    Al-Layth Ibn al-Fadl (798-803 AD)

    Ahmed Ibn Ismail Ibn Ali Ibn Abdullah al-Abbassi (803-805 AD)

    Abdullah Ibn Mohammed al-Abbassi (Ibn Zeinab) (805-806 AD)

    Al-Hussein Ibn Gamil (806-808 AD)

    Malik Ibn Dalhem al-Kalbi (808-808 AD)

    Al-Hassan Ibn al-Takhtakh (809-809 AD)

    Hatim Ibn Harthama Ibn A’youn (810-811 AD)

    Gaber Ibn Asha’th al-Ta’i (811-812 AD)

    Abbad Ibn Mohammed Ibn Hayyan (812-813 AD)

    Al-Mottab Ibn Abdullal al-Khoza’I, Rabei Awwal (813-814 AD)

    Al-Abbass Ibn Moussa Ibn Eissa al-Abbassi (814-814 AD)

    Al-Mottalib Ibn Abdullah al-Khoza’i (814-815 AD)

    Al-Serri Ibn al-Hakam (815-816 AD)

    Soliman Ibn Ghalib Ibn Gebril al-Bagli (816-817 AD)

    Al-Serri Ibn al-Hakam (817-820 AD)

    Abu al-Nassr Ibn al-Serri, Gomadi al-Akhera (820-822 AD)
    Obeidullah Ibn al-Serri (822-822 AD)

    Khalid Ibn Yazid Ibn Mazid al-Shibany (822-826 AD)
    Abdullah Ibn Tahir Ibn al-Hussein (826-827 AD)

    Eissan Ibn Yazid al-Gloudi (829-829 AD)
    Omair Ibn al-Walid (829-829 AD)

    Eissa Ibn Yazid al-Gloudi (829-830 AD)
    Abd Waih Ibn Gabla (830-831 AD)

    Caliph al-Ma’moun (831-832 AD)
    Quaidar Nassr Ibn Abdullah (832-834 AD)

    Mozzaffar Ibn Quaidar (834-834 AD)
    Moussa Ibn Abi al-Abbass (834-839 AD)

    Malik Ibn Quaidar (839-841 AD)
    Ali Ibn Yahia al-Armani (841-843 AD)

    Eissa Ibn al-Mansour (843- 847 AD)
    Harthama Ibn al-Nadr al-Gabali (848- 849 AD)

    Hatim Ibn Harthama Ibn al-Nadr (849-849 AD)
    Ali Ibn Yahia al-Armani (849-850 AD)

    Isshac Ibn Yahia Ibn Mo'az, (850-850 AD)
    Khout Abdul Wahid Ibn Yahia (851-851 AD)

    Anbassa Ibnn Isshac al-Dabbi (852-856 AD)

    Non-Abbasid Rulers

    Yazid Ibn Abdullah al-Tourki (856-867 AD)
    Mozahim Ibn Khaqan (867- 868 AD)

    Ahmed Ibn Mozahim Ibn Khaqan (868-868 AD)
    Azgour al-Torki (868-868 AD)


    Ahmad B. Tulan (Ibn Tulan)(868-884 AD)
    Khumarawayh B. Ahmad (884-896 AD)

    Abu al-Assaker Gaysh Ibn Khmaraweih Ahmed Ibn Tulan (896-896 AD)

    Haroun Ibn Khmaraweih Ibn Ahmed Ibn Tulan (896-904 AD)
    Sheiban Ahmed Ibn Tulan (Abu al-Manaquib) (904-904 AD)

    Abbasid Rulers (Note: Some rulers such as Abu Mansour Tekin ruled more than once)

    Eissa al-Noushari (905-910 AD)

    Abu Mansour Tekin (910-915 AD)

    Zaka Al-A'war (915-919 AD)

    Abu Mansour Tekin (920-921 AD)

    Hilal Ibn Badr (921- 923 AD)

    Ahmed Ibn Keghlegh (923-924 AD)

    Abu al-Mansour Tekin(924-933 AD)

    Fatimid Rulers

    Gawhar El-Sakali (969-973AD)

    Al-Mezz Leideinallah (973-975AD)

    Al-Aziz Leideinallah (975-996AD)

    Al-Hakim Biamrallah (997-1020AD)

    Al-Zahir Lazazdinallah ( 1020-1094AD)

    Al-Mustansir Biallah ( 1035-1094AD)

    Al-Mustali Biallah (1094-1101AD)

    Al-Amir Biahkamallah (1101-1130AD)

    Al-Hafiz Ledeinallah (1130-1149AD)

    Al-Zafir Biamrallah (1149-1154AD)

    Al-Faiz Binasrallah (1154-1160AD)

    Al-Adid Leideinallah (1160-1171AD)

    Ayubbide rulers (Second Ayubbide Period)

    Saladin (Salah al-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub)


    Aziz Emad Eddin (1192-1198AD)

    Mansour Nasser Eddin (1198-1200AD)

    Adel Seif Eddin (1200-1218AD)

    Kamil Nasser Eddin (1218-1238AD)

    Seif Eddin Abu Bakr (1238-1240AD)

    Salih Nigm Eddin (1240-1249AD)

    Turanshah (1250AD)

    Queen Shajarat El-Dur(1250AD)

    Bahari Mamlukes

    Sultan Ezz Eddin Aybak (1250-1257)

    Sultan Nur Eddin ben Aybak (1257-1259)

    Sultan Muzafar Seif Eddin Qutuz (1259-1260)

    Sultan Zahir Rukn Eddin Baybars (1260-1277)

    Sultan Said Nasser Eddin Baraka (1277-1279)

    Sultan Adel Badr Eddin Salamish (1279)

    Sultan Mansour Seif Eddin Qalawoon (1279-1290)

    Sultan Ashraf Salah Eddin Khalil (1290-1293)

    Sultan Nasser Mohamed Ben Qalawoon (first time) (1293-1294)

    Sultan Adel Zeen Eddin Katubgha (1294-1296)

    Sultan Mansour Hossam Eddin Lagin (1296-1298)

    Sultan Nasser Mohamed Ben Qalawoon (second time) (1298-1309)

    Sultan Muzafar Rukn Eddin Bybars (1309)

    Sultan Nasser Mohamed Ben Qalawoon (third time) (1309-1340)

    Sultan Mansour Seif Eddin Ben Mohamed (1340-1341)

    Sultan Ashraf Alladin Ben Mohamed (1341-1342)

    Sultan Nasser Shahab El-Dein Ben Mohamed (1342)

    Sultan Saleh Emad Eddin Ben Mohamed (1342-1345)

    Sultan Kamil Seif Eddin Ben Mohamed (1345-1346)

    Sultan Muzafar Zein Eddin Ben Mohamed (1346-1347)

    Sultan Nasser Hassan Ben Mohamed (first time)(1347-1351)

    Sultan Salah Eddin Saleh Ben Mohamed (1351-1354)

    Sultan Nasser Hassan Ben Mohamed (second time) (1354-1361)

    Sultan Salah Eddin Mohamed Ben Hagi (1361-1363)

    Sultan Ashraf Zeen Eddin Ben Hassan (1363-1376)

    Sultan Mansour Aladin Ben Shaban (1376-1381)

    Sultan Salih Zeen Edin Hagi (1381-1382)

    Circassian (Burgi) Mamlukes

    Sultan Zaher Barqooq (1382-1399)

    Sultan Farag Ben Barqooq (first time) (1399-1405)

    Sultan Abd El-Aziz Ben Barqooq (1405)

    Sultan Farag Ben Barqooq (second time) (1405-1412)

    Sultan Muyaid Sheikh (1412-1421)

    Sultan Ahmed Ben Muyaid (1421)

    Sultan Zaher Tatar (1421)

    Sultan Nasser Mohamed Ben Tatar (1421)

    Sultan Ashraf Barsbay (1422-1438)

    Sultan Aziz Gamal Ben Barsabay (1438)

    Sultan Zaher Gaqmaq (1438-1453)

    Sultan Mansour Osman Ben Gaqmaq (1453)

    Sultan Ashraf Inal (1453-1460)

    Sultan Muayaid Ahmed Ben Inal (1460)

    Sultan Zaher Khoshkadam (1461-1467)

    Sultan Seif Eddin Yalbai (1467)

    Sultan Zaher Tamarbagha (1467)

    Sultan Khair Bey (1467)

    Sultan Ashraf Qaitbay (1468-1496)

    Sultan Ashraf Mohamed Ben Qaitbay (first time)(1496-1497)

    Sultan Qansuh Khumsamaah (1497)

    Sultan Ashraf Mohamed Ben Qaitbay (second time)(1497-1498)

    Sultan Qansuh Ashrafi (1498-1500)

    Sultan Ganblat (1500-1501)

    Sultan Adel Tumanbay I (1501)

    Sultan Ashraf Qansuh Ghori (1501-1516)

    Sultan Tumanbay II (1517)

    Ottoman Rulers

    Khayer Pasha (1517-22)

    Moustafa Pasha (1522-23)

    Kouzlagah Pasha (1523)

    Ahmed Pasha (1523)

    Ibrahim Pasha (1524)

    Suliman Pasha (1524-34)

    Khissru Pasha (1524-36)

    Suliman Pasha (second time)(1536-38)

    Daoud Pasha (1538-49)

    Moustafa Pasha (1549)

    Ali Pasha (1549-54)

    Mohamed Pasha (1554-56)

    Iskander Pasha (1556-59)

    Ali Pasha (1559-1560)

    Mustafa Pasha (1560-63)

    Ali Pasha (1563-1566)

    Mohamed Pasha (1566-67)

    Sanan Pasha (first time)(1567-68)

    Garkas Pasha (1568-71)

    Sanan Pasha (second time)(1571-73)

    Hussein Pasha (1573-74)

    Massih Pasha (1575-80)

    Hassan Pasha (1580-83)

    Ibrahim Pasha (1583-85)

    Sanan Pasha (1585-87)

    Ouis Pasha (1587-91)

    Hafiz Pasha (1591-95)

    Mohamed Pasha (1595-96)

    Mohamed Pasha El-Sharif (1596-98)

    Khedr Pasha (1598-1601)

    Ali Pasha (1601-3)

    Ibrahim Pasha (1603-4)

    Mohamed Pasha (1604-5)

    Hassan Pasha (1605-7)

    Mohamed Pasha Moamar (1607-11)

    Mohamed Pasha Sadafi (1611-15)

    Ahmed Pasha (1615-18)

    Moustafa Pasha (1618-19)

    Gaafar Pasha (1619)

    Moustafa Pasha Hamidi (1619-20)

    Hussein Pasha (1620-22)

    Mohamed Pasha (1622)

    Ibrahim Pasha (1622-23)

    Moustafa Pasha Qurah (1623)

    Ali Pasha (1623)

    Moustafa Pasha (1624-25)

    Bairam Pasha (1626-28)

    Mohamed Pasha (1628-30)

    Moussa Pasha (1630)

    Khalil Pasha (1631-32)

    Bekeirgi Pasha (1632-35)

    Hussein Pasha (1635-37)

    Mohamed Pasha Gawan (1637-40)

    Moustafa Pasha (1640-42)

    Mansour Pasha (1642-44)

    Ayub Pasha (1644-46)

    Haydar Pasha (1646-7)

    Moustafa Pasha Sanari (1647)

    Mohamed Pasha (1647-49)

    Ahmed Pasha (1649-50)

    Abd El-Rahman Pasha (1650-52)

    Khasky Pasha (1652-56)

    Moustafa Pasha (1656-57)

    Mohamed Pasha Zada (1657-60)

    Moustafa Pasha (1660-61)

    Ibrahim Pasha (1661-64)

    Omar Pasha (1664-67)

    Ibrahim Pasha Sufi (1667-68)

    Qurah Qash Pasha (1668-69)

    Katkhuda Pasha (1669-73)

    Hussein Pasha (1673-75)

    Ahmed Pasha (1675-76)

    Abd El-Rahman Pasha (1676-80)

    Osman Pasha (1680-83)

    Hamza Pasha (1683-87)

    Katkhuda Hassan Pasha (1687)

    Hassan Pasha (1687-89)

    Ahmed Pasha (1689-91)

    Ali Pasha (1691-95)

    Ismail Pasha (1695-97)

    Hussein Pasha (1697-99)

    Qurah Pasha (1699-1704)

    Suliman Pasha (1704)

    Mohamed Pasha (1704-06)

    Muslim Pasha (1706-07)

    Hassan Pasha (second time)(1707-09)

    Ibrahim Pasha (1709-10)

    Khalil Pasha (1710)

    Wali Pasha (1711-14)

    Eibedi Pasha (1714-16)

    Ali Pasha (1716-20)

    Ragab Pasha (1720-21)

    Mohamed Pasha (1721-25)

    Ali Pasha (1725)

    Mohamed Pasha (second time)(1726-27)

    Abu Bakr Pasha (1727-29)

    Kaburli Pasha (1729-33)

    Mohamed Pasha (1733)

    Osman Pasha (1733-34)

    Abu Bakr Pasha (second time)(1734-36)

    Suliman Pasha (1739-40)

    Ali Pasha (1740-41)

    Yehia Pasha (1741-43)

    Mohamed Pasha (1743-44)

    Mohamed Ragheb Pasha (1744-48)

    Ahmed Pasha (1748-1750)

    Abdallah Pasha (1750-52)

    Mohamed Amin Pasha (1752)

    Moustafa Pasha (1752-55)

    Ali Hakim Pasha (1755-57)

    Mohamed Said Pasha (1757)

    Moustafa Pasha (1757-60)

    Ahmed Pasha (1760-61)

    Bakir Pasha (1761-62)

    Hassan Pasha (1762-65)

    Hamza Pasha (1765-67)

    Mohamed Raqim Pasha (1767-68)

    Mohamed Orphalli (1768)

    Mohamed Abu El-Dahab (1773)

    Khalil Pasha (1774)

    Moustafa Pasha (1774-75)

    Ibrahim Pasha (1775-76)

    Mohamed Ezzat Pasha (1776-78)

    Ra’ef Pasha (1778-79)

    Ibrahim Pasha (1779)

    Ismail Pasha (1779-81)

    |Mohamed Yakin Pasha (1781-82)

    Sharif Pasha (1782-83)

    Mohamed Salahdar (1783-84)

    Sharif Mohamed Pasha (1784-86)

    Ebeidi Pasha (1786-89)

    Ismail Pasha Tunsi (1789-91)

    Mohamed Pasha (1791-94)

    Salih Pasha (1794-96)

    Sayyid Pasha (1796)

    Aha in Tour Egypt 1st Dynasty. Many people believe that Aha was actually King Menes of Memphis. Menes was the founding king of the 1st Dynasty, and was the first king to unify Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom. Ancient Egypt's most predominant form of civilization began with his crowning, and did not end permanently until the beginning of the Roman era, which started with Augustus Caeser. Menes founded the city of Memphis, and chose as its location an island in the Nile, so that it would be easy to defend. He was also the founder of Crocodopolis. During his time, the Egyptian army performed raids against the Nubians in the south and expanded his sphere of influence as far as the First Cataract. His chief wife was Queen Berenib, though she was not the mother of his heir, King Djer, and his mother was probably Neithotepe, if that lady was not also his wife. His death is a mystery, for, according to legend he was attacked by wild dogs and Nile crocodiles in the Faiyum . Aha's tomb resides at Saqqara, the famed necropolis of Memphis.

    Hor-Aha in Wikipedia The commonly-used name Hor-Aha is a rendering of the pharaoh's Horus-name, an element of the royal titulary associated with the god Horus, and is more fully given as Horus-Aha... Around the thirty-second century BC, his father, Narmer, had united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Hor-Aha became pharaoh at about the age of thirty and ruled until he was about sixty-two years old.[citation needed] Legend had it that he was carried away by a hippopotamus, the embodiment of the deity Seth. Provided that Hor-Aha was the legendary Menes, another story has it that Hor-Aha was killed by a hippopotamus while hunting...

    Cleopatra VII in Tour Egypt CLEOPATRA VII PTOLEMAIC DYNASTY In the springtime of 51 BC, Ptolemy Auletes died and left his kingdom in his will to his eighteen year old daughter, Cleopatra, and her younger brother Ptolemy XIII who was twelve at the time. Cleopatra was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, Egypt. She had two older sisters, Cleopatra VI and Berenice IV as well as a younger sister, Arsinoe IV. There were two younger brothers as well, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV. It is thought that Cleopatra VI may have died as a child and Auletes had Berenice beheaded. At Ptolemy Auletes' death, Pompey, a Roman leader, was left in charge of the children. During the two centuries that preceded Ptolemy Auletes death, the Ptolemies were allied with the Romans. The Ptolemies' strength was failing and the Roman Empire was rising. City after city was falling to the Roman power and the Ptolemies could do nothing but create a pact with them. During the later rule of the Ptolemies, the Romans gained more and more control over Egypt. Tributes had to be paid to the Romans to keep them away from Egypt. When Ptolemy Auletes died, the fall of the Dynasty appeared to be even closer. According to Egyptian law, Cleopatra was forced to have a consort, who was either a brother or a son, no matter what age, throughout her reign. She was married to her younger brother Ptolemy XIII when he was twelve, however she soon dropped his name from any official documents regardless of the Ptolemaic insistence that the male presence be first among co-rulers. She also had her own portrait and name on coins of that time, ignoring her brother's. When Cleopatra became co-regent, her world was crumbling down around her. Cyprus, Coele-Syria and Cyrenaica were gone. There was anarchy abroad and famine at home. Cleopatra was a strong-willed Macedonian queen who was brilliant and dreamed of a greater world empire. She almost achieved it. Whether her way of getting it done was for her own desires or for the pursuit of power will never be known for certain. However, like many Hellenistic queens, she was passionate but not promiscuous. As far as we know, she had no other lovers other than Caesar and Antony. Many believe that she did what she felt was necessary to try to save Alexandria, whatever the price. By 48 BC, Cleopatra had alarmed the more powerful court officials of Alexandria by some of her actions. For instance, her mercenaries killed the Roman governor of Syria's sons when they came to ask for her assistance for their father against the Parthians. A group of men led by Theodotus, the eunuch Pothinus and a half-Greek general, Achillas, overthrew her in favor of her younger brother. They believed him to be much easier to influence and they became his council of regency. Cleopatra is thought to have fled to Thebaid. Between 51 and 49 BC, Egypt was suffering from bad harvests and famine because of a drought which stopped the much needed Nile flooding. Ptolemy XIII signed a decree on October 27, 50 BC which banned any shipments of grain to anywhere but Alexandria. It is thought that this was to deprive Cleopatra and her supporters who were not in Alexandria. Regardless, she started an army from the Arab tribes which were east of Pelusium. During this time, she and her sister Arsinoe moved to Syria. They returned by way of Ascalon which may have been Cleopatra's temporary base. In the meantime, Pompey had been defeated at Pharsalus in August of 48 BC. He headed for Alexandria hoping to find refuge with Ptolemy XIII, of whom Pompey was a senate-appointed guardian. Pompey did not realize how much his reputation had been destroyed by Pharsalus until it was too late. He was murdered as he stepped ashore on September 28, 48 BC. The young Ptolemy XIII stood on the dock and watched the whole scene. Four days later, Caesar arrived in Alexandria. He brought with him thirty-two hundred legionaries and eight hundred cavalry. He also brought twelve other soldiers who bore the insignia of the Roman government who carried a bundle of rods with an ax with a blade that projected out. This was considered a badge of authority that gave a clear hint of his intentions. There were riots that followed in Alexandria. Ptolemy XIII was gone to Pelusium and Caesar placed himself in the royal palace and started giving out orders. The eunuch, Pothinus, brought Ptolemy back to Alexandria. Cleopatra had no intentions of being left out of any deals that were going to be made. She had herself smuggled in through enemy lines rolled in a carpet. She was delivered to Caesar. Both Cleopatra and Ptolemy were invited to appear before Caesar the next morning. By this time, she and Caesar were already lovers and Ptolemy realized this right away. He stormed out screaming that he had been betrayed, trying to arouse the Alexandrian mob. He was soon captured by Caesar's guards and brought back to the palace. It is thought that Caesar had planned to make Cleopatra the sole ruler of Alexandria. He thought she would be a puppet for Rome. The Alexandrian War was started when Pothinus called for Ptolemy XIII's soldiers in November and surrounded Caesar in Alexandria with twenty thousand men. During the war, parts of the Alexandrian Library and some of the warehouses were burned. However, Caesar did manage to capture the Pharos lighthouse, which kept his control of the harbor. Cleopatra's sister, Arsinoe, escaped from the palace and ran to Achillas. She was proclaimed the queen by the Macedonian mob and the army. Cleopatra never forgave her sister for this. During the fighting, Caesar executed Pothinus and Achillas was murdered by Ganymede. Ptolemy XIII drowned in the Nile while he was trying to flee. Because of his death, Cleopatra was now the sole ruler of Egypt. Caesar had restored her position, but she now had to marry her younger brother Ptolemy XIV, who was eleven years old. This was to please the Alexandrians and the Egyptian priests. Surely Caesar went through all of this trouble for more than his infatuation with the queen of Egypt. It must have been out of arrogance and his desire to get his hands on Egypt's vast resources. However, Cleopatra's intelligence and inheritance did have some influence as well. In what must have been very calculated on his part, she became pregnant rather quickly. For him to have a son to carry the throne was very appealing to him. Caesar and Cleopatra took an extended trip up the Nile for about two months. They stopped in Dendara where Cleopatra was worshipped as a Pharaoh. Caesar would never have this honor. Caesar only left the boat to attend important business in Syria just a few weeks before the birth of their son, Caesarion (Ptolemy Caesar) who was born on June 23, 47 BC. During July of the year 46 BC, Caesar returned to Rome. He was given many honors and a ten-year dictatorship. These celebrations lasted from September to October and he brought Cleopatra over, along with her entourage. The conservative Republicans were very offended when he established Cleopatra in his home. Her social manners did not make the situation any better. She upset many. Cleopatra had started calling herself the New Isis and was the subject of much gossip. She lived in luxury and had a statue made of gold placed by Caesar, in the temple of Venus Genetrix . Caesar also openly claimed Caesarion as his son. Many were upset that he was planning to marry Cleopatra regardless of the laws against bigamy and marriages to foreigners. However, on the Ides of March of 44 BC, all of that came to an end. Caesar was assassinated outside the Senate Building in Rome. He was killed in a conspiracy by his Senators. Many of the Senators thought he was a threat to the republic's well-being. It was thought that Caesar was making plans to have himself declared king. After Caesar's murder, Cleopatra fled Rome and returned home to Alexandria. Caesar had not mentioned Cleopatra or Caesarion in his will. She felt her life, as well as that of her child, was in great danger. Upon returning to Alexandria, she had her consort, Ptolemy XIV, assassinated and established Caesarion as her co-regent at the age of four. She found Egypt suffering from plagues and famine. The Nile canals had been neglected during her absence which caused the harvests to be bad and the inundations low. The bad harvests continued from 43 until 41 BC. Trying to help secure recognition for Caesarion with Caesar's former lieutenant Dolabella, Cleopatra sent Dolabella the four legions that Caesar had left in Egypt. Cassius captured the legions which caused Dolabella to commit suicide at Laodicea during the summer of 43 BC. She was planning to join Mark Antony and Octavian (who became Augustus) with a large fleet of ships after Dolabella's death, but was stopped by a violent storm. Cleopatra watched in the time that followed, who would be the next power in Rome. After Brutus and Cassius had been killed and Antony, Octavian and Lepidus were triumphant, Cleopatra knew which one she would have to deal with. Octavian went back to Italy very ill, so Antony was the one to watch. Her son gained his right to become king when Caesar was officially divinized in Rome on January 1, 42 BC. The main object was the promotion of Octavian, but the triumvirs knew of Cleopatra's aid to Dolabella. Cleopatra was invited by Mark Antony to Tarsus in 41 BC. She already knew enough about him to know how to get to him. She knew about his limited strategic and tactical abilities, his blue blood, the drinking, his womanizing, his vulgarity and his ambition. Even though Egypt was on the verge of economic collapse, Cleopatra put on a show for Mark Antony that even Ptolemy Philadelphos couldn't have done better. She sailed with silver oars, purple sails with her Erotes fanning her and the Nereid handmaids steering and she was dressed as Aphrodite, the goddess of love. This was a very calculated entrance; considered vulgar by many. It was a vulgar display to attract the attention of a vulgar man. Mark Antony loved the idea of having a blue- blooded Ptolemy woman. His former mistress as well as his current wife, Fulvia, were merely middle class. Cleopatra and Antony spent the winter of 41 to 40 in Alexandria. According to some sources, Cleopatra could get out of him whatever she wanted, including the assassination of her sister, Arsinoe. Cleopatra may not have had so much influence over him later on. He took control of Cyprus from her. Actually it may have been Cleopatra who was the exploited one. Antony needed money and Cleopatra could be generous when it benefited her as well. In the spring of 40 BC, Mark Antony left Cleopatra and returned home. He did not see her for four years. Antony's wife, Fulvia had gotten into a serious movement against Octavian over veterans' allotments of land. She fled to Greece and had a bitter confrontation with Antony. She became ill and died there. Antony patched things up with Octavian that same autumn by marrying Octavian's sister, Octavia. She was a beautiful and intelligent woman who had been recently widowed. She had three children from her first marriage. In the meantime, Cleopatra had given birth to twins, one boy and one girl, in Alexandria. Antony's first child by Octavia was a girl. Had Octavia given him a son, things might have turned out different. Antony kept the idea of the treasures of the Ptolemies and how much he wanted it. When he finally did get the treasures, the standard interest rate in Rome fell from 12 percent to 4. Mark Antony left Italy and went to deal with the Parthians. Octavia had just had another daughter and went with him just as far as Corcyra. He gave her the excuse that he did not want to expose her to the dangers of the battles and sent her home. He told her that she would be more use to him at home in Rome keeping peace with her brother, Octavian. However, the first thing that he did when he reached Antioch, was to send for Cleopatra. Their twin children were officially recognized by Antony and were given the names of Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene. Mark Antony gave her much land which was very essential to Egypt. He gave her Cyprus, the Cilician coast, Phoenicia, Coele-Syria, Judea and Arabia. This allowed Egypt to be able to build ships from the lumber from Cilician coast. Egypt then built a large fleet. Antony had planned a campaign against the Parthians. He obviously needed Cleopatra's support for this and in 36 BC, he was defeated. He became more indebted to her than ever. They had just had a third child. On their return to Syria, she met him and what was left of his army, with food, clothing and money. Early in 35 BC, he returned to Egypt with her. Antony's wife, Octavia was in Athens with supplies and reinforcements waiting for her husband. He sent her a letter telling her to not come any further. Her brother, Octavian, tried to provoke Antony into a fight. Octavian would release troops as well as ships to try to force Antony into a war, which, by this time was almost inevitable. Antony might have been able to patch things up with Octavia and her brother had he returned to Rome in 35 BC. Cleopatra probably did her best to keep him in Alexandria. Octavia remained completely loyal to Antony through all of this. In 34 BC, Antony had a campaign into Armenia, which was successful and financially rewarding. He celebrated his triumph with a parade through Alexandria with Cleopatra presiding over as the New Isis. Antony presented himself as the New Dionysus as part of his dream of the Graeco-Roman rule. Within a few days, a more political ceremony took place in which the children were given their royal titles with Antony sitting on the throne as well. Ptolemy XV (Caesarion) was made the co-ruler with his mother and was called the King of Kings. Cleopatra was called the Queen of Kings, which was a higher position than that of Caesarion's. Alexander Helios, which meant the sun, was named Great King of the Seleucid empire when it was at its highest. Cleopatra Selene, which meant the moon, was called Queen of Cyrenaica and Crete. Cleopatra and Antony's son, Ptolemy Philadelphos was named King of Syria and Asia Minor at the age of two. Cleopatra had dreams of becoming the Empress of the world. She was very close to achieving these dreams and her favorite oath was, "As surely as I shall yet dispense justice on the Roman Capital." In 32 to 31 BC, Antony finally divorced Octavia. This forced the Western part of the world to recognize his relationship with Cleopatra. He had already put her name and face on a Roman coin, the silver denarii. The denarii was widely circulated throughout the Mediterranean. By doing this, Antony's relationship with the Roman allegiance was ended and Octavian decided to publish Antony's will. Octavian then formally declared war against Cleopatra. Antony's name was nowhere mentioned in the official declaration. Many false accusations were made against Cleopatra saying that she was a harlot and a drunken Oriental. These accusations were most likely made out of fear of Cleopatra and Antony. Many probably thought that the New Isis would prevail and that Antony would start up a new wave of world conquest and rule in a co-partnership from Alexandria. However, Octavian's navy severely defeated Antony in Actium, which is in Greece, on September 2, 31 BC. Octavian's admiral, Agrippa, planned and carried out the defeat. In less than a year, Antony half-heartedly defended Alexandria against the advancing army of Octavian. After the defeat, Antony committed suicide by falling on his own sword in 30 BC. After Antony's death, Cleopatra was taken to Octavian where her role in Octavian's triumph was carefully explained to her. He had no interest in any relationship, negotiation or reconciliation with the Queen of Egypt. She would be displayed as a slave in the cities she had ruled over. She must have had memories of her sister, Arsinoe, being humiliated in this way. She would not live this way, so she had an asp, which was an Egyptian cobra, brought to her hidden in a basket of figs. She died on August 12, 30 BC at the age of 39. The Egyptian religion declared that death by snakebite would secure immortality. With this, she achieved her dying wish, to not be forgotten. The only other ruler to cast a shadow on the fascination with Cleopatra was Alexander who was another Macedonian. After Cleopatra's death, Caesarion was strangled and the other children of Cleopatra were raised by Antony's wife, Octavia. Her death was the mark of the end of the Egyptian Monarchs. The Roman Emperors came into to rule in Egypt. The Ptolemies were Macedonian in decent, but ruled as Egyptians, as Pharaohs. Cleopatra was the last Pharaoh of Egypt. What is often not associated with Cleopatra was her brilliance and her devotion to her country. She was a quick-witted woman who was fluent in nine languages, however, Latin was not one of them. She was a mathematician and a very good businesswoman. She had a genuine respect for Caesar, whose intelligence and wit matched her own. Antony on the other hand almost drove her insane with his lack of intelligence and his excesses. She dealt with him and made the most of what she had to do. She fought for her country. She had a charismatic personality, was a born leader and an ambitious monarch who deserved better than suicide.

    Cleopatra VII in Wikipedia Cleopatra VII Philopator (in Greek, Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ; (Late 69 BC[1] – August 12, 30 BC) was the last person to rule Egypt as an Egyptian pharaoh – after her death Egypt became a Roman province. She was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Ancient Egypt, and therefore was a descendant of one of Alexander the Great's generals who had seized control over Egypt after Alexander's death. Most Ptolemeis spoke Greek and refused to learn Egyptian, which is the reason that Greek as well as Egyptian languages were used on official court documents like the Rosetta Stone.[2] By contrast, Cleopatra learned Egyptian and represented herself as the reincarnation of an Egyptian Goddess. Cleopatra originally ruled jointly with her father Ptolemy XII Auletes and later with her brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, whom she married as per Egyptian custom, but eventually she became sole ruler. As pharaoh, she consummated a liaison with Gaius Julius Caesar that solidified her grip on the throne. She later elevated her son with Caesar, Caesarion, to co-ruler in name. After Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, she aligned with Mark Antony in opposition to Caesar's legal heir, Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus (later known as Augustus). With Antony, she bore the twins Cleopatra Selene II and Alexander Helios, and another son, Ptolemy Philadelphus. Her unions with her brothers produced no children. After losing the Battle of Actium to Octavian's forces, Antony committed suicide. Cleopatra followed suit, according to tradition killing herself by means of an asp bite on August 12, 30 BC.[3] She was briefly outlived by Caesarion, who was declared pharaoh, but he was soon killed on Octavian's orders. Egypt became the Roman province of Aegyptus. Though Cleopatra bore the ancient Egyptian title of pharaoh, the Ptolemaic dynasty was Hellenistic, having been founded 300 years before by Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general of Alexander the Great.[4][5][6][7] As such, Cleopatra's language was the Greek spoken by the Hellenic aristocracy, though she was reputed to be the first ruler of the dynasty to learn Egyptian. She also adopted common Egyptian beliefs and deities. Her patron deity was Isis, and thus, during her reign, it was believed that she was the re-incarnation and embodiment of the goddess. Her death marked the end of the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Hellenistic period and the beginning of the Roman era in the eastern Mediterranean. To this day, Cleopatra remains a popular figure in Western culture. Her legacy survives in numerous works of art and the many dramatizations of her story in literature and other media, including William Shakespeare's tragedy Antony and Cleopatra, Jules Massenet's opera Cléopâtre and the 1963 film Cleopatra. In most depictions, Cleopatra is put forward as a great beauty and her successive conquests of the world's most powerful men are taken to be proof of her aesthetic and sexual appeal. In his Pensées, philosopher Blaise Pascal contends that Cleopatra's classically beautiful profile changed world history: "Cleopatra's nose, had it been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed."[8] Contents [hide] 1 Biography 1.1 Accession to the throne 1.2 Relation with Julius Caesar 1.3 Cleopatra in the Roman Civil War 1.4 Cleopatra and Mark Antony 1.5 Death 2 Character and cultural depictions 3 Ancestry 4 Notes 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External links 7.1 General 7.2 Paintings Biography - Accession to the throne The identity of Cleopatra's mother is unknown, but she is generally believed to be Cleopatra V Tryphaena of Egypt, the sister or cousin and wife of Ptolemy XII, or possibly another Ptolemaic family member who was the daughter of Ptolemy X and Cleopatra Berenice III Philopator if Cleopatra V was not the daughter of Ptolemy X and Berenice III.[9] Cleopatra's father Auletes was a direct descendant of Alexander the Great's general, Ptolemy I Soter, son of Arsinoe and Lacus, both of Macedon. Centralization of power and corruption led to uprisings in and the losses of Cyprus and Cyrenaica, making Ptolemy's reign one of the most calamitous of the dynasty. When Ptolemy went to Rome with Cleopatra, Cleopatra VI Tryphaena seized the crown but died shortly afterwards in suspicious circumstances. It is believed, though not proven by historical sources, that Berenice IV poisoned her so she could assume sole rulership. Regardless of the cause, she did until Ptolemy Auletes returned in 55 BC, with Roman support, capturing Alexandria aided by Roman general Aulus Gabinius. Berenice was imprisoned and executed shortly afterwards, her head allegedly being sent to the royal court on the decree of her father, the king. Cleopatra was now, at age 14, put as joint regent and deputy of her father, although her power was likely to have been severely limited. Ptolemy XII died in March 51 BC, thus by his will making the 18-year-old Cleopatra and her brother, the 10-year-old Ptolemy XIII joint monarchs. The first three years of their reign were difficult, due to economic difficulties, famine, deficient floods of the Nile, and political conflicts. Although Cleopatra was married to her young brother, she quickly made it clear that she had no intention of sharing power with him. In August 51 BC, relations between Cleopatra and Ptolemy completely broke down. Cleopatra dropped Ptolemy's name from official documents and her face appeared alone on coins, which went against Ptolemaic tradition of female rulers being subordinate to male co-rulers. In 50 BC Cleopatra came into a serious conflict with the Gabiniani, powerful Roman troops of Aulus Gabinius who had left them in Egypt to protect Ptolemy XII after his restoration to the throne in 55 BC. This conflict was one of the main causes for Cleopatra's soon following loss of power. The sole reign of Cleopatra was finally ended by a cabal of courtiers, led by the eunuch Pothinus, removing Cleopatra from power and making Ptolemy sole ruler in circa 48 BC (or possibly earlier, as a decree exists from 51 BC with Ptolemy's name alone). She tried to raise a rebellion around Pelusium, but she was soon forced to flee with her only remaining sister, Arsinoë...

    Ptolemy XV Cesarion in Wikipedia Ptolemy XV Philopator Philometor Caesar (June 23, 47 BC – August 23, 30 BC), nicknamed Caesarion (little Caesar) Greek: Πτολεμαῖος ΙΕʹ Φιλοπάτωρ Φιλομήτωρ Καῖσαρ, Καισαρίων, Ptolemaĩos Philopátōr Philomḗtōr Kaĩsar, Kaisaríōn was the last king of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, who reigned, as a child, jointly with his mother Cleopatra VII of Egypt, from September 2, 44 BC. For eighteen days, up to August, 30 BC he was sole pharaoh, when he was killed on orders of Octavian, who would become the Roman emperor Augustus. He was the eldest son of Cleopatra VII, and possibly the only son of Julius Caesar, for whom he was named. Life - Ptolemy XV, sometimes referred to as "Ptolemy Caesar", most commonly known by his nickname Caesarion, was born in Egypt in 47 BC. His mother insisted that he was the son of the Roman dictator Julius Caesar. Caesarion was said to have inherited Caesar's looks and manner, but Caesar apparently did not officially acknowledge him. Nevertheless he may have allowed him to use his name.[1] The matter became contentious when Caesar's adopted son Octavian came into conflict with Cleopatra. His supporter Gaius Oppius wrote a pamphlet which attempted to prove that Caesar could not have fathered Caesarion. Cleopatra also compared her relationship to her son with the Egyptian goddess Isis and her miraculous child Horus.[1] Caesarion spent two of his early years, from 46–44 BC, in Rome, where he and his mother were Caesar's guests. Cleopatra hoped that her son would eventually succeed his father as the head of the Roman Republic as well as Egypt. After Caesar's assassination on March 15, 44 BC, Cleopatra and Caesarion returned to Egypt. Caesarion was named co-ruler by his mother on September 2, 44 BC at the age of three, although he was King in name only, with Cleopatra keeping actual authority all to herself. During the tense period of time leading up to the final conflict between Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony) and Octavian (future Emperor Augustus), Antony shared control of the Republic in a triumvirate with Octavian and Lepidus, but Lepidus was forced into retirement by Octavian in 36BC, leaving Antony and Octavian as rivals. Two years later, in 34BC, Antony granted various eastern lands and titles to Caesarion and to his own three children with Cleopatra. Caesarion was proclaimed a god, son of god[disputed – discuss] and "King of Kings". This grandiose title was "unprecedented in the management of Roman client-king relationships" and could be seen as "threatening the 'greatness' of the Roman people".[2] Most threatening to Octavian (whose claim to power was based on his status as Julius Caesar's grandnephew and adopted son), Antony declared Caesarion to be Caesar's true son and heir. These proclamations, known as the Donations of Alexandria, caused a fatal breach in Antony's relations with Octavian, who used Roman resentment over the Donations to gain support for war against Antony and Cleopatra.[3] After the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium, Cleopatra seems to have groomed Caesarion to take over as "sole ruler without his mother."[1] She may have intended to go into exile, perhaps with Antony, who was hoping he would be allowed to retire, as Lepidus had. When Octavian invaded Egypt in 30 BC, Cleopatra sent Caesarion, at the time 17 years old, to the Red Sea port of Berenice for safety, with possible plans of an escape to India. Octavian captured the city of Alexandria on August 1, 30 BC, the date that marks the official annexation of Egypt to the Roman Republic. Mark Antony had committed suicide prior to Octavian's entry into the capital; Cleopatra followed his example by committing suicide on August 12, 30 BC. Caesarion's guardians, including his tutor, either were themselves lured by false promises of mercy into returning the boy to Alexandria or perhaps even betrayed him; the records are unclear. Plutarch says that Caesarion had actually escaped to India, but was falsely promised the kingdom of Egypt, Caesarion, who was said to be Cleopatra's son by Julius Caesar, was sent by his mother, with much treasure, into India, by way of Ethiopia. There Rhodon, another tutor like Theodorus, persuaded him to go back, on the ground that [Octavian] Caesar invited him to take the kingdom.[4] Octavian is supposed to have had Caesarion executed in Alexandria, following the advice of Arius Didymus, who said "Too many Caesars is not good" (a pun on a line in Homer).[5] The exact circumstances of his death have not been documented; it is popularly thought that he was strangled. Octavian then assumed absolute control of Egypt. The year 30 BC was considered the first year of the new ruler's reign according to the traditional chronological system of Egypt. In lists of the time Octavian himself appears as a Pharaoh and the successor to Caesarion. Depictions - Few images of Caesarion survive. He is thought to be depicted in a partial statue found in the harbor of Alexandria by Franck Goddio in 1997. He is also portrayed twice in relief, as an adult pharaoh, with his mother on the Temple of Hathor at Dendera. Egyptian names - In addition to his Greek name and nicknames, Caesarion also had a full set of royal names in the Egyptian language: Iwapanetjer entynehem Setepenptah Irmaatenre Sekhemankhamun These are usually translated as: "Heir of the God who saves" "Chosen of Ptah" "Carrying out the rule of Ra" or "Sun of Righteousness" "Living Image of Amun"...

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:41 pm

    I really have to do a lot of imagining and extrapolating to achieve realistic possibilities in my mind's eye. I wish I could share what I really think about in connection with 'V'. Perhaps someday I will be able to. On the other hand, perhaps what happens in orthodoxymoron's mind should stay in orthodoxymoron's mind. Sometimes, the less said, the better. I just wish I could learn that simple rule. I still like the best aspects of Anna - and I still despise the worst aspects. I continue to think in terms of Good Anna v Bad Anna. I don't think there is a script-writer and actress alive, who could properly portray a Hybrid Hermaphrodite Annunaki Queen of Heaven - if he/she actually exists. I doubt that there is anyone alive who could properly understand such a hypothetical being. I'm attempting to - but it's not going very well. I'll keep trying - but don't expect too much.

    I continue to like the Problems in Prison model of dealing with regressives - human and otherwise. Eternally burning hells, bottomless pits, the second death, the annihilation of body and soul, etc, etc - particularly bother me. If regressives are properly, safely, and kindly incarcerated - they can be educated to become progressives - I believe. Perhaps Titan should become a Prison Planet - or maybe even Nibiru. They say to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. I have promoted the idea of a Solar System Exorcism - but should this involve the imprisonment of those who are exorcised - so that they don't just team-up with all of the really bad@$$ beings of the universe - come back - and REALLY kick our @$$? Or - am I just very naive regarding how evil some beings really are? Are some of them too dangerous to be kept alive - in any way, shape, or form? Remember Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars? Saving his life was probably a bad idea, wasn't it? On the other hand - someone like me might be considered to be a grave threat to a Regressive Theocratic Reptilian Universe. I might be near the top of some Galactic Most Wanted List. I really and truly don't know the true nature of our predicament. The situation could be completely different than what I think it is. I am truly in limbo. I am VERY insecure.

    One more thing. Remember O.H. KRLLL? Original Hostage? Omnipotent Highness? Both? Who REALLY arrived on Earth in 1947? What would Bill Cooper say?

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    Try reading 'The Holy Tablets' while listening to a Latin Mass. I am not vouching for the validity of 'The Holy Tablets' or the purity of the Roman Catholic Church - but I think this is an excellent mental and spiritual exercise. I could be very wrong - so proceed with caution. This is something I am doing presently - and I am finding it quite interesting. Try it for a couple of days - and then tell me what you think. Here is a link to the Vatican website. I continue to think that everyone should keep a watchful eye on Rome - regardless of their faith, or lack thereof.

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    Could someone please take a close look at the last couple of pages of this thread - and tell me what you think. I'm too close to all of this, to be really objective. I know there are individuals out there in cyberspace, who could provide some guidance, yet either choose not to, or are being kept from doing so. I keep hearing the Sonata on the 94th Psalm. It might be later than we think. Let those who are righteous, be righteous still? Let those who are filthy, be filthy still? Think long and hard about what I just said...
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    Has anyone read any of (Egyptologist) Gerald Massey's books? I wish to learn so much - but I am so burned-out. I feel like a deer in the headlights. I don't know which way to jump. Anyway, here are some Massey links:

    1. Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World

    2. The Natural Genesis

    3. The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ

    Gerald Massey (29 May 1828 - 29 October 1907) was an English poet and self-styled Egyptologist. He was born near Tring, Hertfordshire in England.

    Biography: Massey's parents were poor. When little more than a child, he was made to work hard in a silk factory, which he afterward deserted for the equally laborious occupation of straw plaiting. These early years were rendered gloomy by much distress and deprivation, against which the young man strove with increasing spirit and virility, educating himself in his spare time, and gradually cultivating his innate taste for literary work.

    "During the later years of his life, (from about 1870 onwards) Massey became interested increasingly in Egyptology and the similarities that exist between ancient Egyptian mythology and the Gospel stories. He studied the extensive Egyptian records housed in the British Museum, eventually teaching himself to decipher the hieroglyphics." [1]

    Writing career: Massey's first public appearance as a writer was in connection with a journal called the Spirit of Freedom, of which he became editor, and he was only twenty-two when he published his first volume of poems, Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love (1850). These he followed in rapid succession with The Ballad of Babe Christabel (1854), War Waits (1855), Havelock's March (1860), and A Tale of Eternity (1869).

    Many years afterward in 1889, Massey collected the best of the contents of these volumes, with additions, into a two-volume edition of his poems called My Lyrical Life. He also published works dealing with Spiritualism, the study of Shakespeare's sonnets (1872 and 1890), and theological speculation.

    Massey's poetry has a certain rough and vigorous element of sincerity and strength which easily accounts for its popularity at the time of its production. He treated the theme of Sir Richard Grenville before Tennyson thought of using it, with much force and vitality. Indeed, Tennyson's own praise of Massey's work is still its best eulogy, for the Laureate found in him a poet of fine lyrical impulse, and of a rich half-Oriental imagination. The inspiration of his poetry is essentially British; he was a patriot to the core. His poem "The Merry, Merry May" was set to music in a popular song by composer Christabel Baxendale.

    In regards to Egyptology, Massey first published The Book of the Beginnings, followed by The Natural Genesis. His most prolific work is Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World, published shortly before his death.[2] His work, which draws comparisons between the Judeo-Christian religion and the Egyptian religion, is not considered significant in the field of modern Egyptology and is not mentioned in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt or any other work of modern Egyptology.[3]

    Claimed Parallels between Horus and Jesus: One of the more sensational aspects of Massey's writings were the parallels he drew between the Christian god Jesus of Nazareth and the Egyptian god Horus. These comparisons are primarily contained in his book The Natural Genesis. Massey's writings on this subject have influenced various later authors such as: Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Tom Harpur, and Acharya S.[4]

    Some of the similarities that Massey claimed existed are that they both

    Were born of virgins on December 25
    Taught in a temple as a child at age 12
    Were teachers who had 12 Disciples
    Were baptized in a river
    Gave a sermon on the mount
    Healed the sick
    Raised men from the dead (El-Asar-Us for Horus, Lazarus for Jesus)
    Died by crucifixion
    Were resurrected three days later.[5]

    References^ Gerald Massey Collection-Upper Norwood Joint Library
    ^ Massey, Gerald. "Gerald Massey". Classic Encyclopedia World Wide Web edition, based on the 1911 encyclopædia.. Retrieved 2008-03-19.
    ^ The Leading Religion Writer in Canada ... Does He Know What He's Talking About?
    ^ Parallels between the Lives of Jesus and Horus, an Egyptian God
    ^ Massey, Gerald. The Natural Genesis. Cosimo Classics, 2007.

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    Consider the Scorpion in Ancient Egypt.
    Consider this relevant video.
    Notice the Serqet/Horus connection...

    Serqet, Goddess of Scorpions and Venomous Creatures, Magical Protection and the Afterlife - by Caroline Seawright

    Serqet (Serket, Selqet, Selket, Selkit, Selkis) was the ancient Egyptian scorpion goddess of magic. As with other dangerous goddesses, she was both a protective goddess, and one who punished the wrong doers with her burning wrath. She could punish those with the poison of a scorpion or snake, causing breathlessness and death, or she could protect against the same venom. Yet just as she could kill, she was thought to give breath to the justified dead, helping them be reborn in the afterlife.

    Serqet was often shown as a woman with a scorpion on her head, and occasionally as a scorpion with the head of a woman, though this was rare. She was sometimes shown wearing the headdress of Hathor - a solar disk with cow horns - but this was after Isis started to be shown wearing it. (Serqet was closely connected with Isis and her twin sister Nephthys.) By the XXI Dynasty, she was sometimes shown with the head of a lioness, with a protective crocodile at the back of her neck.

    The Egyptian scorpion-goddess is srq.(j)t ... A fuller form, srq.(j)t-Ht.w exists, that has been rather surprisingly translated "She Who Lets Throats Breathe", a rather unusual role for a poisonous arachnid. I believe rather that srq is cognate with Indo-European streng/k-; and that it means "to tighten, stiffen" so that srq.(j)t-Ht.w should be translated as "She Who Stiffens (Paralyzes) the Throats", rather more keeping with the usually anticipated effects of a scorpion's bite. This is a suitable epithet for a deity that is so closely connected with seasonal death.

    As a protective goddess, she was called on by the people to protect and heal them from snake bites and scorpion stings. She was thought to be the one who helped Isis protect Horus from scorpions, either by providing the goddess with seven scorpions to protect her, or by calling to Isis for the royal barque of Ra to stop, forcing the other gods to help bring Horus back to life. She also joined Ra's solar journeys through the underworld each night, and helped to protect the barque from the attack of the snake-demon Apep. It was believed that she had power over all snakes, reptiles and poisonous animals. She was thought to especially protect children and pregnant women from these creatures.

    "Rejoice, most fortunate of women, for you shall bear a daughter who shall be the child of Amen-Ra, who shall reign over the Two Lands of Egypt and be sovereign of the whole world."

    The monument in the temple shows their bodies interlocked, the god offering her the ankh to breath life, and throwing some rituals on her foot. Nit, the goddess of life, and Serqet the protectoress of the living were holding the god and queen's feet.

    In the underworld, she helped in the process of rebirth of the newly deceased, and oriented them as they came to her, giving them the breath of life. She was given the title "Mistress of the Beautiful House", associating her with the Divine Booth where mummification took place. She was the protector of the canopic jar that held the intestines, along with Qebehsenuef - a falcon headed Son of Horus. She was associated with the western cardinal point.

    (I am) Serqet, mistress of heaven and lady of all the gods. I have come before you (Oh) King's Great Wife, Mistress of the Two Lands, Lady of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nefertari, Beloved of Mut, Justified Before Osiris Who Resides in Abtu (Abydos), and I have accorded you a place in the sacred land, so that you may appear gloriously in heaven like Ra.

    Originally she was worshiped in the Delta, but her cult spread throughout the land of Egypt, with cult centers at Djeba and Per-Serqet (Pselkis, el Dakka). The priests of Serqet were doctors and magicians - in ancient Egypt, medicine was a mixture of folklore, magic and science - who dedicated themselves to healing venomous bites from poisonous creatures. The goddess herself was invoked by the people to both prevent and heal poisonous animal bites. Although she had a priesthood, there have been no temples to this goddess found as yet.

    She was believed to be either the mother or daughter of the sun god Ra, and thus her wrath was thought to be like the burning, noonday sun. It was probably because of her very close connection with Isis and her twin sister Nephthys that in Djeba (Utes-Hor, Behde, Edfu), she was believed to be the wife of Horus and the mother of Harakhety (Horus of the Horizon). The Pyramid Texts claim that she was the mother of Nehebkau, a snake god who protected the pharaoh from snakebites. She was also identified with Seshat, the goddess of writing. With Nit, she was a watcher of the sky who, in one story, was thought to stop Amen and his wife from being disturbed while they were together, making her a goddess of marriages.

    Egypt was a land of snakes and scorpions, so it is only natural that the worship of this goddess spread through Egypt. The people worshiped her for her protection against these dangerous creatures, and revered her for her power and protective qualities. She guarded all of the people, including the pharaoh, mothers and children. Her followers were priestly doctors, healing the people affected by venom. She extended her protection from life into the land of the dead, not only helping to revive the dead, but to introduce them with the afterlife. She even protected the other gods from the serpent-demon, Apep. Although having no temples, she was worshiped throughout the land of Egypt.

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    This is just an invitation to join me on my journey through the solar system - in a mostly passive and non-paranoid manner. I'm really trying to take a road less travelled - with even a little trailblazing. I jump around a lot, but the title of this thread remains a constant theme. This is a combination of accident and design. I'd really like to do a lot more discussing. I'm really trying to learn - but I'm finding this to be rather difficult. I need some help with this thread. I can't do it all by myself. There is strength in numbers - which is one reason I keep referring to a solar system government with 10,000 representatives. That might seem like too many - but this is a big solar system - especially when at least half of the moons and planets become significantly populated. If there are too few representatives, we will probably end up with another corrupt mess. But these representatives will have to be highly, highly competent - and not just a bunch of bought-off nitwits. There should be competency-tests and qualifications - which must be met - prior to running for any of these 10,000 slots. If someone wants to perform brain-surgery, they have to go to school, and prove that they know what the hell they are doing. But do politicians have to prove their worth, in a similar fashion? I just wish to discuss these and other issues. There seems to be virtually no interest in any of this. I am very worried about the future of this solar system. There are so many unknowns. I've mostly been nervously rambling on this thread. There is very little that I know for certain - and I'm not ashamed to admit this - but I continue to think that this thread is an excellent study-guide. Has anyone used it as such? Anyone? Is there anybody out there?

    Perhaps now would be a prime time to take the 'Red Pill'.

    Perhaps this would be an optimal time to review the original 'Amen Ra' thread from AV1.

    Perhaps this would be a splendiferous moment to really study the infamous 'Thuban Q&A' thread from AV1.

    I haven't really felt as though I were ready to do any of the above. I still don't feel ready. I would advise caution to anyone who might be considering immersing themselves in these threads. Perhaps hit and run guerilla warfare might be a better idea. I think one could potentially be programmed with who knows what? I feel a bit strange when studying these threads - but maybe it's just me. Who knows who I might've been in antiquity. I won't ever do regression hypnosis - so I'll probably never know. But maybe I subconsciously remember - and it makes me feel weirder than normal. But what is normal, exactly? This pursuit could involve some serious spiritual warfare. Do you feel lucky?

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    What if it turns out that Jesus was just as much of a rebel as Lucifer - only in a different way? Might they have had a common enemy in the beginning - but then clashed regarding how to manage paradise? Might they become friends in the end? Damned if I know. I'm more confused than you can possibly imagine. I continue to see this whole fiasco as being incomprehensibly insane. At what point did things go very wrong - or have things ever really been right? The muzzle-order seems to militate against any positive outcome for this mess. Everything important is classified - and common sense is a threat to national security. Or so it seems. If you are easily offended, don't watch this!

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    Where do I go from here? I really just want things to make sense, and become peaceful and happy. There is so much that is right with the world - and so much that is so very wrong. I like the concepts of positive reinforcement and historical continuity. I once again invite you to read through this entire thread - and watch the links. I mostly point to the work of other people. I mostly wish to discuss various subjects, in the context of this thread. This continues to be an experiment, and a work in progress. One Nation Under Construction - and I'm not referring to the New World Order. I am a firm believer in Kaizen, or Continual Improvement. Kaizen and Namaste are two very fine exotic words. I'm thinking mostly in broad solar system management terms - rather than the micro-management of individual countries and religions. Superpatriotic Totalitarianism and Cultural Imperialism is NOT what I have in mind. So, I guess I'll just keep reviewing this thread (and the threads of others) and keep researching a wide variety of sources. I really don't wish to beg, scold, or b!+ch! I like the idea of reviewing the solar system, and occasionally asking questions, making suggestions - and being taken seriously, rather than being ignored. I'm still not sure what the proper balance-point is in all of this. I will continue to study the Four Gospels and the U.S. Constitution - while listening to Latin Masses and Classical Sacred Music. Try it. You'll Like It. This is only the beginning. Don't be frightened. I mean no harm. I am of peace. Always. Namaste.

    I love the art, architecture, and music of the Roman Catholic Church - including the Latin Mass. I do, however, have serious issues with the confessional, penetential, and sacrificial aspects. I'm also not too keen on crucifixes. I love to read the Teachings of Jesus and the U.S. Constitution, while listening to Latin Masses. I'm really seeking a Spiritual and Political Switzerland. And don't forget to study Egyptology along with your Christology! Here is an old 1941 video of a Latin Mass (explained by Archbishop Fulton Sheen). I have a love/hate relationship with the Roman Catholic Church. In some ways, I am more Catholic than most Catholics. In some ways, I am more Protestant than most Protestants. In some ways, I am more critical of religion (old and new age) than most Atheists or Agnostics. This is why I call myself 'orthodoxymoron'. Does anyone see where I'm coming from, and where I'm going with this thread? You really have to absorb the thread, as a whole, to understand my mumbling in the darkness. Don't crucify me, based upon a couple of posts or pictures.

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    Traditional Latin Mass Explained: The theology of the Catholic Faith is expressed in the rich symbolism of the extraordinary form of the Roman rite, commonly known as the Traditional Latin Mass.

    Orientation of the Priest and People: Everyone—priest and people—faces East towards the Lord. This orientation was used at the Last Supper and by the early Christians, and it continues to be used at the Traditional Mass.

    This common direction of prayer should not be viewed as the priest having his "back to the people"; rather, this eastward orientation fully expresses the meaning of the Mass—the priest leads the faithful towards the eternal goal of the Heavenly City, and he offers the Sacrifice that is Christ, to God, facing God. For Catholic tradition sees Christ as coming from the East, the direction of the rising sun.

    This orientation also makes the priests' personality fade away. He becomes a servant to the sacred act that he performs, controlled by the ancient rubrics.

    Ceremonies of the Traditional Mass: Lex orandi, lex credendi: "Law of prayer is the law of belief." This ancient statement exhorts us to pray as we believe, and it explains in simple terms how to worship God.

    Incensation of the Altar: For example, in the Classical Liturgy, constant reference is made to the Holy Trinity. But in addition to the vocal part of prayer, the physical part of prayer is expressed through the common use of gestures in groups of three's: three "Domine, non sum dignus" ("Lord, I am not worthy"), three rings of the bells during the consecration, three double swings of the censor, and more. Other gestures in groups of five, such as five signs of the Cross made over the Host and Chalice, represent the five wounds of Christ.

    During the Canon, the priest consecrates bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. This summit of the Mass is recited silently by the priest, as God descends upon the earth in silence. Then-Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) calls this "silence with content." This silence should not be viewed as "shutting the faithful out of the liturgy." On the contrary, prayer needs silence, which demonstrates respect for Christ. Popes such as St. Pius X have encouraged the faithful to actively take part by "Praying the Mass" with priest, which is accomplished through the use of a hand missal.

    In Solemn Masses, incense is used, which demonstrates respect for the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. Also at Solemn Masses, three ministers are present, mirroring the Trinity: a priest, a deacon, and a sub-deacon.

    Language and Catholic Identity: Latin is the maternal language of the Roman Catholic Church. Most important documents are issued in Latin. The Latin language was introduced into the Mass very early. For a brief period before that, Greek was used, and this Greek is preserved in the Kyrie.

    While the Eastern Catholic Churches use their own sacred languages, for the greatest number of Catholics, Latin is the universal language of the Liturgy. Thus, the unity of prayer and faith has been preserved over all national differences for centuries.

    Latin has also inspired literature and Gregorian chant, and is the language of the Second Vatican Council.

    Sacred Music and Gregorian Chant: Sacred music brings the Liturgy to life. The music of the Traditional Latin Mass is timeless. It comes to us from ancient times in the form of chant and, more recently, from great composers such as Bach and Mozart.

    As the Second Vatican Council said, "The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore, . . . it should be given pride of place in liturgical services." This is certainly so in the Classical Mass. Gregorian chant comes to us from the Jewish traditions that existed before the time of Christ. Pope St. Gregory the Great cultivated the art. During medival times, chant became ever more beautiful while keeping true to its tradition.

    Musical Elements of Mass: The music of Mass can be separated into two categories: propers (the parts that change) and the ordinary (the parts that don't change).

    The proper music includes the Introit, Gradual, Tract or Alleluia, and Communion Verse. The text of these usually comes from the Scriptures, and are particular for each Mass.

    The ordinary music includes the Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei. The text of these pieces do not change, but the music that they are sung to can. The church has put together a collection of seventeen "Masses" that may be used for various feasts. For example, Mass IX is often used for feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and is particularly joyful. Others include Mass VIII, which is popular for Sundays, and Mass XI, which has a more monastic character.

    Vestments and their Significance: The vestments worn by the priest and ministers at Mass are reminiscent of those worn by the early Christians, and each article of clothing has a particular meaning.

    Vesting before Holy Mass: The amice represents the hood of humility. It is worn around the back of the shoulders, but when putting it on, the priest rests it on the top of his head and says a prayer.

    The alb is put on next. It symbolizes purity. Albis in Latin means "white."

    The stole—the sign of the priestly office—is worn over the shoulders. A cincture is worn. The maniple (which looks like a minature stole) is worn over the left arm and is symbolic of the weight that the priest bears in offering the Sacrifice.

    Finally, the chasuble—the outer vestment—covers the priest. The color of this vestment, the stole, and maniple are reminiscent of the feast: gold or white on feast days, red for memorials of martyrs, violet on penititial days, black for funerals, rose on Gaudete and Laetare Sundays, and green for days without a particular commemoration; also blue vestments according to local custom, which is universally spreading.

    Monsignor Klaus Gamber, The Reform of the Roman Liturgy, (Roman Catholic Books), 139.
    Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Spirit of the Liturgy, (Ignatius Press). For excerpt, see
    Father Joseph Fessio, SJ, "The Mass of Vatican II,",

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Ms1368image4

    THE CANON OF THE MASS (Latin and English)

    Te ígitur, clementíssime Pater, per Jesum Christum Fílium tuum Dóminum nostrum súpplices rogámus ac pétimus (osculatur altare) uti accépta hábeas, et benedícas (jungit manus, deinde signat ter super oblata), hæc dona, hæc múnera, hæc sancta sacrifícia illibáta (extensis manibus prosequitur): in primis quæ tibi offérimus pro Ecclésia tua sancta cathólica: quam pacificáre, custodíre, adunáre, et régere dignéris toto orbe terrárum, una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro N. et Antístite nostro N. et ómnibus orthodóxis, atque cathólicæ et apostólicæ fídei cultóribus.

    Wherefore, O most merciful Father, we humbly pray and beseech thee, through Jesus Christ thy Son, our Lord (he kisses the altar), that thou p. 465 wouldst vouchsafe to receive and bless (he joins his hands together, and then makes the sign of the cross thrice over the offerings) these gifts, these offerings, this holy and unblemished sacrifice (he extends his hands and continues), which in the first place we offer thee for thy holy Catholic Church, that it may please thee to grant her peace: as also to protect, unite, and govern her throughout the world, together with thy servant N., our Pope N., our bishop, as also all orthodox believers who keep the catholic and apostolic faith.
    The Commemoration for the living.

    Meménto, Dómine, famulórum famularúmque tuárum N. et N.

    Be mindful, O Lord, of thy servants and handmaids, N. and N.

    He joins his hands, prays a little while for those he wishes to pray for, then with his hands stretched out he continues:

    Et ómnium circumstántium, quorum tibi fides cógnita est, et nota devótio: pro quibus tibi offérimus, vel qui tibi ófferunt hoc sacrifícium laudis, pro se, suísque ómnibus, pro redemptióne animárum suárum, pro spe salútis et incolumitátis suæ; tibíque reddunt vota sua ætérno Deo, vivo et vero.

    And of all here present, whose faith and devotion are known unto thee; for whom we offer, or who offer up to thee, this sacrifice of praise for themselves and theirs, for the redeeming of their souls, for the hope of their safety and salvation, and who pay their vows to thee, the eternal, living, and true God.

    Infra actionem.

    Communicántes, et memóriam venerántes, in primis gloriósæ semper Vírginis Maríæ, genitrícis Dei et Dómini nostri Jesu Christi: sed et beatórum Apostolórum ac Mártyrum tuórum, Petri et Pauli, Andréæ, Jacóbi, Joánnis, Thomæ, Jacóbi, Philíppi, Bartholomæi, Matthæi, Simónis et Thaddæi, Cleti, Cleméntis, Xysti, Cornélii, Cypriáni, Lauréntii, Chrysógoni, Joánnis et Pauli, Cosmæ et Damiáni et ómnium sanctórum tuórum: quorum méritis precibúsque concédas, ut in ómnibus protectiónis tuæ muniámur auxílio. (Jungit manus.) Per eúmdem Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

    Within the action.

    Communicating, and reverencing the memory first of the glorious Mary, ever a virgin, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ; likewise of thy blessed apostles and martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew, p. 466 Matthew, Simon and Thaddeus; of Linus, Cletus, Clement, Xystus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence, Chrysogonus, john and Paul, Cosmas and Damian, and of all thy saints; by whose merits and prayers grant that in all things we may be guarded by thy protecting help. (He joins his hands together.) Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    With his hands spread over the offerings, he says:

    Hanc ígitur oblatiónem servitútis nostræ, sed et cunctæ famíliæ tuæ, quæsumus Dómine, ut placátus accípias, diésque nostros in tua pace dispónas, atque ab ætérna damnatióne nos éripi, et in electórum tuórum júbeas grege numerári. (Jungit manus.) Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

    Quam oblatiónem tu, Deus, in ómnibus, quæsumus,

    We therefore beseech thee, O Lord, to be appeased, and to receive this offering of our bounden duty, as also of thy whole household; order our days in thy peace; grant that we be rescued from eternal damnation and counted within the fold of thine elect. (He joins his hands together.) Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Which offering do thou, O God, vouchsafe in all things.

    He makes the sign of the cross three times over the offerings.

    benedíctam, adscríptam, ratam, rationábilem, acceptabilémque fácere dignéris: bless , consecrate , approve , make reasonable and acceptable:

    He makes the sign of the cross once over the host and once over the chalice.

    ut nobis Corpus et Sanguis fiat dilectíssimi Fílii tui Dómini nostri Jesu Christi.

    Qui prídie quam paterétur (accipit hostiam), accépit panem in sanctas ac venerábiles manus suas (elevat oculos ad cœlum), et elevátis óculis in cœlum, ad te Deum Patrem suum omnipoténtem, tibi grátias agens,

    ...that it may become for us the Body and Blood of thy most beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Who the day before he suffered took bread (he takes the host) into his holy and venerable hands (he raises p. 467 his eyes to heaven), and with his eyes lifted up to heaven, unto thee, God, his almighty Father, giving thanks to thee,

    He makes the sign of the cross over the host.

    benedíxit, fregit, dedítque discípulis suis, dicens: Accípite, et manducáte ex hoc omnes.

    ...he blessed , brake, and gave to his disciples, saying: Take and eat ye all of this,

    Holding the host between the first fingers and thumbs of both hands, he says the words of consecration, silently with clearness and attention, over the host, and at the same time over all the other hosts, if several are to be consecrated.

    Hoc est enim Corpus meum.

    For this is my Body.

    As soon as the words of consecration have been said, he kneels and adores the consecrated host. He rises, shows it to the people, puts it on the corporal, and again adores. Then, uncovering the chalice, he says:

    Símili modo postquam cœnátum est,

    In like manner, after he had supped,

    He takes the chalice with both hands.

    accípiens et hunc præclárum Cálicem in sanctas ac venerábiles manus suas, item tibi grátias agens,

    ...taking also this excellent chalice into his holy and adorable hands; also giving thanks to thee,

    Holding the chalice with his left hand, he makes the sign of the cross over it with his right.

    benedíxit, dedítque discípulis suis, dicens: Accípite, et bíbite ex eo omnes:

    ...he blessed , and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take, and drink ye all of this;

    He utters the words of consecration over the chalice silently, attentively, carefully, and without pausing, holding it slightly raised.

    Hic est enim Calix Sánguinis mei, novi et ætérni testaménti; mystérium fidei: qui pro vobis et pro multis effundétur in remissiónem peccatórum.

    For this is the Chalice of my Blood, of the new and eternal testament; the mystery of faith: which shall be shed for you and for many unto the remission of sins.

    As soon as the words of consecration have been said, he puts the chalice on the corporal, and says silently:

    Hæc quotiescúmque fecéritis, in mei memóriam faciétis.

    As often as ye shall do these things, ye shall do them in memory of me.

    He kneels and adores; then rises, shows it to the people, puts it down, covers it, and again adores. Then holding his hands apart, he says:

    Unde et mémores, Dómine, nos servi tui, sed et plebs tua sancta, ejúsdem Christi Fílii tui Dómini nostri, tam beatæ passiónis, necnon et ab ínferis resurrectiónis, sed et in cœlos gloriósæ ascensiónis: offérimus præcláræ majestáti tuæ de tuis donis ac datis,

    Wherefore, O Lord, we thy servants, as also thy holy people, calling to mind the blessed passion of the same Christ thy Son our Lord, and also his rising up from hell, and his glorious ascension into heaven, do offer unto thy most excellent majesty, of thine own gifts bestowed upon us,

    He joins his hands and makes the sign of the cross three times over the host and chalice together.

    hóstiam puram, hóstiam sanctam, hóstiam immaculátam,

    ...a pure victim, a holy victim, a spotless victim,

    He makes the sign of the cross once over the host and once over the chalice.

    Panem sanctum vitæ ætérnæ, et Cálicem salútis perpétuæ.

    ...the holy Bread of eternal life, and the Chalice of everlasting salvation.

    He continues with his hands stretched out:

    Supra quæ propítio ac seréno vultu respícere dignéris: et accépta habére, sícuti accépta habére dignátus es múnera púeri tui justi Abel, et sacrifícium patriárchæ nostri Ábrahæ, et quod tibi óbtulit summus sacérdos tuus Melchísedech sanctum sacrifícium, immaculátam hóstiam.

    Upon which do thou vouchsafe to look with a propitious and serene countenance, and to accept them, as thou wert graciously pleased to accept the gifts of thy just servant Abel, and the sacrifice of our patriarch Abraham, and that which thy high priest Melchisedech offered to thee, a holy sacrifice, a spotless victim.

    Bowing low with his hands joined together and then laid on the altar, he says:

    Súpplices te rogámus, omnípotens Deus: jube hæc perférri per manus sancti Ángeli tui in sublíme altáre tuum, in conspéctu divínæ majestátis tuæ: ut quotquot (osculatur altare), ex hac altáris participatióne, sacrosánctum Fílii tui,

    We most humbly beseech thee, almighty God, to command that these things be borne by the hands of thy holy angel to thine altar On high, in the sight of thy divine majesty, that as many of us (he kisses the altar) as, at this altar, shall partake of and receive the...

    He joins his hands together and makes the sign of the cross over the host and once over the chalice.

    Corpus et Sánguinem sumpsérimus (seipsum signat), omni benedictióne cœlésti, et grátia repleámur (jungit manus). Per eúndem Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

    ...most holy Body and Blood of thy Son (he makes the sign of the cross on himself), may be filled with every heavenly blessing and grace (he joins his hands together). Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    The Commemoration for the dead.

    Meménto étiam, Dómine, famulórum famularúmque tuárum N. et N. qui nos præcessérunt cum signo fídei, et dórmiunt in somno pacis.

    Be mindful, O Lord, of thy servants and handmaids N. and N., who are gone before us, with the sign of faith, and sleep in the sleep of peace.

    He joins his hands, prays a little while for those dead whom he means to pray for, then with his hands stretched out, continues:

    Ipsis, Dómine, et ómnibus in Christo quiescéntibus, locum refrigérii, lucis et pacis, ut indúlgeas, deprecámur.

    To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, we beseech thee, grant a place of refreshment, light, and peace.

    He joins his hands together, and bows his head.

    Per eúmdem Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

    Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    He strikes his breast with his right hand, and slightly raising his voice, says:

    Nobis quoque peccatóribus, fámulis tuis, de multitúdine miseratiónum tuárum sperántibus, partem áliquam et societátem donáre dignéris, cum tuis sanctis Apóstolis et Martyribus: cum Joánne, Stéphano, Mathía, Bárnaba, Ignátio, Alexándro, Marcellíno, Petro, Felicitáte, Perpétua, Ágatha, Lúcia, Agnéte, Cæcília, Anastásia, et ómnibus sanctis tuis; intra quorum nos consórtium, non æstimátor mériti, sed véniæ, quæsumus, largítor admítte. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Per quem hæc ómnia, Dómine, semper bona creas, sanctíficas, vivíficas, benedícis, et præstas nobis.

    To us sinners, also, thy servants, hoping in the multitude of thy mercies, vouchsafe to grant some part and fellowship with thy holy apostles and martyrs: with John, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicity, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecily, Anastasia, and with all thy saints, into whose company we pray thee admit us, not considering our merit, but of thine own free pardon. Through Christ our Lord; through whom, O Lord, thou dost create, hallow, quicken, and bless these thine ever-bountiful gifts and give them, to us.

    He uncovers the chalice, kneels, takes the blessed sacrament in his right hand, and holding the chalice in his left, makes the sign of the cross three times over it from lip to lip, saying:

    Per ipsum, et cum ipso, et in ipso,

    By him, and with him, and in him,

    He makes the sign of the cross twice between the chalice and his breast.

    est tibi Deo Patri omnipoténti, in unitáte Spíritus sancti, to thee, God the Father almighty, in the unity of the Holy Ghost,

    Lifting up the chalice a little with the host, he says:

    omnis honor et glória.

    ...all honour and glory.

    He puts back the host, covers the chalice, kneels, rises, and sings or reads:

    Per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. R. Amen.

    Orémus. Præcéptis salutáribus móniti, et divína institutióne formáti, audémus dícere:

    For ever and ever. R. Amen.

    Let us pray. Taught by the precepts of salvation, and following the divine commandment, we make bold to say:

    He stretches out his hands.

    Pater noster, qui es in cœlis, sanctificétur nomen tuum: advéniat regnum tuum: fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cœlo et in terra panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie; et dímitte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris: et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem.

    R. Sed líbera nos a malo.

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name: thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation.

    R. But deliver us from evil.

    The priest says, Amen. He takes the paten between his first and middle finger, and says:

    Líbera nos, quæsumus Dómine, ab ómnibus malis prætéritis, præséntibus, et futúris, et intercedénte beáta et gloriósa semper Vírgine Dei genitríce María, cum beátis Apóstolis tuis Petro et Paulo, atque Andréa, et ómnibus sanctis,

    Deliver us, we beseech thee, O Lord, from all evils, past, present, and to come; and by the intercession of the blessed and glorious, Mary ever virgin, Mother of God, together with thy blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and Andrew, and all the saints,

    He makes the sign of the cross with the paten from his forehead to his breast and kisses it.

    da propítius pacem in diébus nostris: ut ope misericórdiæ tuæ adjúti, et a peccáto simus semper líberi, et ab omni perturbatióne secúri.

    mercifully grant peace in our days: that through the help of thy mercy we may always be free from sin, and safe from all trouble.

    He puts the paten under the host, uncovers the chalice, kneels, rises, takes the host and breaks it in half over the chalice, saying:

    Per eúmdem Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum,

    Through the same Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord,

    He puts the portion that is in his right hand on to the paten; he then breaks off a small piece from the portion which is in his left hand, saying:

    qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus sancti Deus.

    who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God.

    He puts the other half with his left hand on to the paten, and holding the particle over the chalice in his right hand, and the chalice with his left, he says:

    Per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. R. Amen.

    For ever and ever. R. Amen.

    He makes the sign of the cross three times over the chalice with the particle of the host, saying:

    Pax Dómini sit semper vobíscum.

    R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

    The peace of the Lord be always with you.

    R. And with thy spirit.

    He puts the particle into the chalice, saying silently:

    Hæc commíxtio et consecrátio Córporis et Sánguinis Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, fiat accipiéntibus nobis in vitam ætérnam. Amen.

    May this mingling and hallowing of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ avail us that receive it unto life everlasting. Amen.

    He covers the chalice, kneels, rises, and bowing before the blessed Sacrament, with his hands joined together and striking his breast three times, says:

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis.

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi, miserére nobis.

    Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi, dona nobis pacem.

    Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

    Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

    Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

    At mass for the dead, instead of saying: miserére nobis, he says: dona eis réquiem, rest. And the third time he adds, sempitérnam, everlasting.

    Then with his hands joined together above the altar he bows down and says the following prayers:

    Dómine Jesu Christe, qui dixísti Apóstolis tuis: Pacem relínquo vobis, pacem meam do vobis: ne respícias peccáta mea, sed fidem Eccelésiæ tuæ: eámque secúndum voluntátem tuam pacificáre et coaduráre dignéris. Qui vivis et regnas Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

    O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst say to thy apostles, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; look not upon my sins, but upon the faith of thy Church; and vouchsafe to her that peace and unity which is agreeable to thy will; who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen.

    If the kiss of peace is to be given, the priest kisses the altar, and giving the kiss of peace, says:

    Pax tecum.

    R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

    Peace be with you.

    R. And with thy spirit.

    At masses for the dead the kiss of peace is not given, neither is the above prayer said.

    Dómine Jesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, qui ex voluntáte Patris, cooperánte Spíritu sancto, per mortem tuam mundum vivificásti: líbera me per hoc sacrosánctum Corpus et Sánguinem tuum, ab ómnibus iniquitátibus meis, et univérsis malis, et fac me tuis semper inhærére mandátis, et a te numquam separári permíttas. Qui cum eódem Deo Patre et Spíritu sancto vivis et regnas Deus in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

    Percéptio Córporis tui, Dómine Jesu Christe, quod ego indígnus súmere præsúmo, non mihi provéniat in judícium et condemnatiónem: sed pro tua pietáte prosit mihi ad tutaméntum mentis et córporis, et ad medélam percipiéndam. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitáte Spíritus sancti Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

    O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who, according to the will of thy Father, through the co-operation of the Holy Ghost, hast by thy death given life to the world, deliver me by this, thy most holy Body and Blood, from all my iniquities and from every evil; and make me always cleave to thy commandments, and never suffer p. 473 me to be separated from thee; who with the same God the Father and Holy Ghost livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen.

    Let not the receiving of thy Body, O Lord Jesus Christ, which I, all unworthy presume to take, turn to my judgement and damnation: but through thy loving-kindness may it avail me for a safeguard and remedy, both of soul and body. Who with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen.

    The priest kneels down, rises, and says:

    Panem cœléstem accípiam, et nomen Dómini invocábo.

    I will take the Bread of heaven, and call upon the name of the Lord.

    Then, bowing a little, he takes both parts of the host with the thumb and first finger of his left hand, and the paten between his first and middle finger. He strikes his breast with his right hand, and, slightly raising his voice, says three times reverently and humbly:

    Dómine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanábitur ánima mea.

    Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed.

    He makes the sign of the cross with the host in his right hand over the paten, and says:

    Corpus Dómini nostri Jesu Christi custódiat ánimam meam in vitam ætérnam. Amen.

    May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul unto life everlasting. Amen.

    He receives both portions of the host reverently, joins his hands together, and remains for a little while quietly meditating on the most holy Sacrament. Then he uncovers the chalice, kneels, gathers up the crumbs, if there are any, and wipes the paten above the chalice, whilst he says:

    Quid retríbuam Dómino pro ómnibus, quæ retríbuit mihi? Cálicem salutáris accípiam, et nomen Dómini invocábo. Laudans invocábo Dóminum, et ab inimícis meis salvus ero.

    What return shall I make to the Lord for all he hath given unto me? I will take the Chalice of salvation, p. 474 and call upon the name of the Lord. Praising I will call upon the Lord, and I shall be saved from my enemies.

    He takes the chalice into his right hand, and making the sign of the cross on himself with it, he says:

    Sanguis Dómini nostri Jesu Christi custódiat ánimam meam in vitam ætérnam. Amen.

    May the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ keep my soul unto life everlasting, Amen.

    He receives the precious blood with the particle. Then, if there are any communicants, he should give them communion before purifying. Afterwards he says:

    Quod ore súmpsimus, Dómine, pura mente capiámus; et de múnere temporáli fiat nobis remédium sempitérnum.

    Grant, Lord, that what we have taken with our mouth we may receive with a pure mind; and that from a temporal gift it may become for us an eternal remedy.

    Meanwhile he passes the chalice to the server, who pours into a little wine, with which he cleanses his fingers; then he continues:

    Corpus tuum, Dómine, quod sumpsi, et Sanguis quem potávi, adhæreat viscéribus meis: et præsta; ut in me non remáneat scélerum mácula, quem pura et sancta refecérunt sacraménta. Qui vivis et regnas in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

    May thy Body, O Lord, which I have received, and thy Blood which I have drunk, cleave to my bowels; and grant that no stain of sin may remain in me, whom thy pure and holy sacraments have refreshed; who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

    He washes his fingers, wipes them, and takes the ablution; he wipes his mouth and the chalice, which he covers, and after folding up the corporal, arranges it on the altar as before. Then he continues mass. After the last Postcommunion the priest says:

    Dóminus vobíscum.

    R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

    The Lord be with you.

    R. And with thy spirit.

    Then either:

    Ite, missa est.

    Go, you are dismissed.

    or, according to what mass is being said:

    Benedicámus Dómino.

    R. Deo grátias.

    Let us bless the Lord.

    R. Thanks be to God.

    At mass for the dead, he says:

    Requiéscant in pace.

    R. Amen.

    May they rest in peace.

    R. Amen.

    After saying, Ite missa est or Benedicámus Dómino, the priest bows down at the middle of the altar, and with his hands joined above it, says:

    Pláceat tibi, sancta Trínitas, obséquium servitútis meæ: et præsta; ut sacrifícium quod óculis tuæ majestátis indígnus óbtuli, tibi sit acceptábile, mihíque, et ómnibus pro quibus illud óbtuli, sit, te miseránte, propitiábile. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

    May the homage of my service be pleasing to thee, O holy Trinity; and grant that the sacrifice which I, though unworthy, have offered in the sight of thy majesty, may be acceptable to thee: and through thy mercy win forgiveness for me and for all those for whom I have offered it. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Then he kisses the altar, and raising his eyes upward, stretching out, lifting up, and joining his hands, bowing his head before the cross, he says:

    Benedícat vos omnípotens Deus,

    May God almighty bless you,

    and turning towards the people, he blesses them once only, even at high mass, and continues:

    Pater, et Fílius et Spíritus sanctus. R. Amen.

    Father, and Son and Holy Ghost. R. Amen.

    At a bishop's mass a triple blessing is given. At mass for the dead no blessing is given.

    Then at the Gospel corner, after saying Dóminus vobíscum, and Inítium or Sequéntia sancti Evangélii, and making the sign of the cross on the altar, or on the book and on himself as at the Gospel in the mass, he reads the Gospel of St. John, as below, or another Gospel as appointed.

    Inítium sancti Evangélii secúndum Joánnem. R. Glória tibi, Dómine.

    In princípio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. Hoc erat in princípio apud Deum. Ómnia per ipsum facta sunt, et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est. In ipso vita erat, et vita erat lux hóminum, et lux in ténebris lucet, et ténebræ eam non comprehendérunt. Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui nomen erat Joánnes. Hic venit in testimónium, ut testimónium perhibéret de lúmine, ut omnes créderent per illum. Non erat ille lux, sed ut testimónium perhibéret de lúmine. Erat lux vera quæ illúminat omnem hóminem veniéntem in hunc mundum. In mundo erat, et mundus per ipsum factus est, et mundus eum non cognóvit. In própria venit, et sui eum non recepérunt; quotquot autem recepérunt eum, dedit eis potestátem fílios Dei fíeri; his qui credunt in nómine ejus, qui non ex sanguínibus, neque ex voluntáte carnis, neque ex voluntáte viri, sed ex Deo nati sunt. (Hic genuflectitur.) Et verbum caro factum est, et habitávit in nobis: et vídimus glóriam ejus, glóriam quasi Unigéniti a Patre, plenum grátiæ et veritátis.

    R. Deo grátias.

    The beginning of the holy Gospel according to St. John. R. Glory be to thee, O Lord.

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God: the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was made nothing that was made: in him was life, and the life was the light of men; and the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend p. 476 it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness to give testimony of the light, that all men might believe through him. He was not the light, but was to give testimony of the light, that was the true light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, he gave them power to become the sons of God: to them that believe in his name, who are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh (here the people kneel down), and dwelt among us; and we saw his glory, the glory as it were of the only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

    R. Thanks be to God.

    While leaving the altar the priest says silently the antiphon Trium puerórum, &c.

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:27 pm

    Is there such a thing as a non-theocratic theocracy? What is a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System? Under what circumstances would a union of church and state become acceptable to those who oppose such marriages? Is a separation of church and state always good? Is state as church - or church as state - always bad? These are not rhetorical questions. This solar system governance thing might be simultaneously simpler - and more complex - than we imagine that it could be. If one superimposed the United Nations, the City of London, and Washington D.C. upon the Vatican - rather than the other way around - what might we end up with? I hate to say it - but I am almost conceptually placing myself within the walls of the Vatican - to think about some of these issues - even though I am not, and have never been, a member of the Roman Catholic Church. This is very strange territory to be traversing. I am presently reading 'The Jesuits', 'The Keys of This Blood', and 'Windswept House' by Father Malachi Martin - and I am very familiar with 'The Great Controversy' by Ellen G. White. I just made a post regarding the Latin Mass - and I have been looking at the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian connections with Rome - both Pagan and Papal. I really need help negotiating through the intricacies and minutia of solar system governance. Ideally, it should almost run itself - and require no heroics, angry debates, or drastic measures. It should be very dull and boring. Everyone should be able to just sit in hot-tubs and watch science-fiction movies - waiting for something of interest to materialize in the real world of a brave new solar system. I really would like to learn from other civilizations - progressive and regressive - sacred and secular. I will continue to traipse through the valley of the shadow of death - as though the force were with me - instead of against me - and try to make sense out of millions of years of non-sense. I really don't know what I'm saying. I'm just rambling and mumbling - as I attempt to learn the Universal Language of a Legitimate Universal Church. What am I saying? Can anyone decipher my heretical heiroglyphics? Somehow, I feel as though I might be a lot more at home in underground bases and spaceships - than I am on the Prison Planet Earth - trying to live in the insanity of the 'Real World'. O wretched man that I am. Who shall deliver me an eyes-only, classified-file, outlining the true State of the Universe, without too many, or too few, words - and with absolutely no bullshit whatsoever? I shouldn't hold my breath, waiting for the man with the briefcase chained to his wrist, should I? Besides, I gave-up waiting for hell to freeze over - right around the onset of puberty. Unfortunately, my puritanical morality and guilt-complex would not allow me to enjoy the joys and follies of a reckless and irresponsible youth. I actually took what they taught me - SERIOUSLY. I was, and am, a completely ignorant fool - just like Raven said. Imagine John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe as being Co-Popes (Copes) in a Post-Vatican III Church - which might be comfortably at home in antiquity and modernity. Look at me! Now I've graduated from pontificating - and gone to meddling. I just crossed-over - into the Twilight Zone. They have ways to make me stop...

    Don't take the previous paragraph too seriously! I was really tired, and I was trying to stay awake while watching an episode of 'Stargate Universe'. I'm going to leave what I wrote, because it sort of sounds cool, and some of it actually makes sense. I guess I just try to stir things up enough, to make you all think new thoughts, which just might help you solve some pressing problems. I sincerely hope that I don't create more problems than I solve. I'd still like to know what REALLY goes on in the United Nations, the City States, the Underground Bases, and the Darkside of the Moon. I'd like to see a map of the Solar System, showing where ALL LIFE is located - and what the nature of that life is, exactly. I want to know EVERYTHING. But if I really did know it all, I really would need to be institutionalized - and I'm not kidding. Did you know that Jesus is an Institutionalized Liberal? Once again - they really do have ways to make me stop...

    One more thing. Tehuti is important. Liberate Tehuti. I don't have the time or energy to embark on yet another wild goose chase - but I will give it some careful consideration, at some point. I just feel as though we can struggle and fight - and end up right back where we started - if we're lucky. Sometimes, I think we need to just stop. Or, perhaps I should just speak for myself. Perhaps I simply need to regain a sane and meaningful life - before getting into any more hornet's nests. You know, I really probably don't need to travel anywhere - on Earth or Beyond. A simple, thousand square-foot home, and an entry-level Cray, might be all I ever need. Or maybe I don't even need that. Is Paradise even possible? Will we have to work our asses off - just to remain in Purgatory? I'm just presently thinking that we need to do the very best we can with this solar system. I really don't know what the true state of affairs are, throughout the universe - but I don't think we should abandon this solar system - in retreat or conquest. I think we need to make things work - right here, and right now. Then we can deal with any other eventualities, as they arise. We might have much better success, with friend and foe alike, if we simply get our house in order - make our bed, and sleep in it. I stand by virtually everything I have posted on the internet - and I will work outward from this perspective - in a rather passive manner. I just wish that I had some company. My more aggressive and questionable posts are probably expressions of desperation. Take everything I say, seriously - but not too seriously...

    How do I start playing hardball? Should I start playing hardball? Am I even capable of playing hardball? Jesus played hardball, didn't he? If Jesus was really the Archangel Michael - then he might've played hardball with a sword - and who knows what else? I keep hoping that this low-key approach is actually accomplishing something - but should I attempt to do the Alex Jones routine? I think I would fall flat on my face if I tried. I am so burned-out and disillusioned, that I'd probably fall flat on my face, doing anything more complicated than tying my shoes. I really am a completely ignorant fool - but I still think this thread is basically heading in the right direction. On the other hand, I think Jesus was heading in the right direction with His Teachings - but what has the world done with them? Which church, in 2,000 years of Christian history, has made the Teachings of Jesus, plus nothing, their doctrinal statement - and their sole rule of faith and practice? Are there any doctrinal purity studies which answer this question? It seems as though it helps to sell your soul to you know who, in order to rise to the top. Do Christlike people hold the highest positions in church, state, finance, and industry? It helps to be a morally-ambiguous, back-stabbing, two-faced, son of a bitch - doesn't it? I don't know what I'm going to do, exactly - but I'm going to attempt to be a lot tougher, and a lot more focused. Completely Ignorant Fools UNITE!! Don't laugh! We constitute 90% of the world population! The fools will inherit the earth!

    I'm interested in Alien and Hybrid Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, Ethics, and Spirituality. I just wish I had a pass to visit any facility, speak with anyone, attend any meeting, view every file - anywhere in the solar system. Am I crazier than normal? (get it?) I might choose not to do any of the above. I might not be able to handle any of the above. But wouldn't it be cool to be able to do so? (for a while, anyway?) I don't know what really brought this on. I'm watching another episode of 'Stargate Universe'. Perhaps that has something to do with it.

    What if we authorized someone to toughen us up (in antiquity - prior to the War in Heaven) - to be able to eventually become a sovereign humanity? I don't know what brought that on - and it is based upon next to nothing. But someone, who seems to have the capability to exterminate us, seems to have been a harsh taskmaster to us, for a very long time. The truth could really be just about anything. How would we know when we hit bedrock truth?

    It feels like we escaped from something ominous - and were then ruled-over by something nearly as ominous - and that this problematic existence continues, even as I type. I keep seeing two BADASS SUPERPOWERS - with humanity in the middle. Nimrod, Semiramis, and Horus - repeated over and over - throughout history? Will Horus be able to successfully exist - without the intervention of Nimrod and Semiramis? I've tried to keep this thread light - but all of this could be more serious than ANY of us can imagine. All of this could be stranger than ANY of us can comprehend. Remaining sane might be impossible for most of us. Perhaps this is why 'Disclosure' is slower than constipation. I wish I were kidding.

    Regardless what happens, I would like to remain in touch with all of the beings of the universe - both progressive and regressive - going forward indefinitely. I really do seek a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System - but this doesn't mean that I don't wish to learn from all races and civilizations - throughout the universe. I think we are a mess, presently - but that everything is in place, to really achieve a united yet free humanity - if we don't exterminate ourselves. We seem to be in Purgatory - and on the brink of Heaven or Hell. Which is it gonna be? Choose wisely. Act quickly. Godspeed.

    Carol wrote:OXY, I love reading your posts as they often have me laughing as you are so brilliant in how you explore all of this while also maintaining a wicked sense of humor. No wonder your threads are so popular (read by so many members and guests). I dare say you keep them speechless because you cover the topic so throughly there isn't much left to say.

    Reading your text is like taking a multi-vitamin aa it has everything in there to think upon. You take us on a journey of self-exploration to a very deep level... and still demonstrate how one can dive down deep into the psyche and pop back up like a cork. It's like watching Jack Horner in the corner pulling out delicious plumbs.

    Thank-you Carol. This really is self-exploration, more than anything else. And I am inviting others along for the ride. This really is more about asking questions - than it is about providing answers. I'm really just scratching the surface. I fully realize that You, Brook, Anchor, TRANCOSO, Lionhawk, Raven, et al - all know a helluva lot more than I do. But I still have to try to launch out on my own - to try to find my own way. If I didn't keep bumping this thread - I doubt that there would be so many views.

    I think we should watch a lot of science fiction. But I think we should superimpose our research onto this science fiction. We really should be prepared for just about anything. We should consider all of the possibilities - all of the time. Check-out this episode of 'Stargate Universe'.

    I appreciate a multi-disciplinary approach to learning. I like the idea of exploring a variety of subjects - without deadlines or pressure. I'm liking my little dreamworld of travelling the solar system - which includes everything - ancient, modern, terrestrial, extraterrestrial, theological, political, architectural, musical, etc. A lot of what I am presently considering is quite dark (like 'Windswept House') - but I try to counterbalance the darkness with as much light as possible. This is not an easy thing to do - and I worry that a lot of people are going to get burned badly - as we transition into a brave new solar system. I really don't think there is any easy way to do this. We just have to keep on keeping on. When the going gets tough - the tough watch science-fiction. Even in the middle of the darkness - I try to find solutions - which is really sort of fun - once you get used to it.

    I just decided to read the following post outloud - each and every day. I will attempt to commit them to memory - but this will take me quite a while! Repetition, repetition, repetition - and ACTION! I'm going to pretend that the content of these posts are already a done-deal. Fake it - till you make it. Thank-you W. Clement Stone and Robert H. Schuller! Study the books and sermons of Dr. Schuller. Especially during the 70's and 80's. Concentrate on the principles and concepts. Consider his ministry to be corrective, rather than normative. This is a subtle yet important distinction. I think we need to concentrate on foundational principles, concepts, and documents. This process should simultaneously be simple and complex. We should make things as simple as possible, yet consider the far-reaching implications and ramifications, in excruciating detail. I'm hoping that some Philadelphia lawyers are taking a long, hard look at all of this. I mean well, but my personal resources are somewhat limited. I need lots and lots of help - to really get this thing right. Come-on humanity! Let's go!

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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:37 pm

     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Pharaoh


    WE THE PEOPLE OF EARTH are determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain interplanetary peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ interplanetary machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.

    Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people. It is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law. It is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between Member States. We the people of Earth have reaffirmed our faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United States of the Solar System the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms. A common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance.

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible the context of The United States of the Solar a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all Member States, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping these principles, concepts, and documents constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, interstate and interplanetary, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance among the peoples of Member States.

    All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms inherent in the United States of the Solar System, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, territorial or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political or jurisdictional status of the Member State to which a person belongs.

    Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent Member State tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under state or interplanetary law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each Member State. Everyone has the right to leave any Member State, and to return. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other Member States asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United States of the Solar System. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

    Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, state or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

    Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his state, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his Member State. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through state effort and interplanetary co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each Member State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

    Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Everyone has the right to work to achieve a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

    Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all Member States, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United States of the Solar System for the maintenance of peace. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

    Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United States of the Solar System.

    We, the People of Earth, extend greetings to all races in the Greater Community of the Universe. We acknowledge our common heritage before the Creator of all the Universe, both visible and invisible. We declare the planet Earth as our sacred inheritance. We pledge henceforth to sustain and preserve the Earth for all generations to come. We call upon all humanity to treat all races everywhere with wisdom and justice, here on Earth and throughout the Universe.

    We, the People of Earth, regard the need for freedom to be universal. Therefore, we hold that all individuals in all worlds are created equal and are endowed by the Creator with sacred and inalienable rights. Fundamental among these are the right to live as a free race; the right of self-determination, self-sufficiency, and creative expression; the right to life without oppression; and the right to pursue in life a higher purpose and a higher calling that the Creator has provided to all.

    Before the Greater Community of the Universe, we, the People of Earth, do now invoke these fundamental rights for ourselves, along with certain rights that naturally derive from them, including:

    -The right of sovereignty. The People of Earth shall be self-governed and independent, neither subject to nor dependent upon any other authority. No extraterrestrial force shall contravene or abrogate the human sovereignty of this planet.

    -The right of planetary sanctity. Earth shall be free from extraterrestrial intervention, intrusion, interference, or exploitation, both mental and physical. No extraterrestrial force shall make close approach, or assume close orbit, or make any landing, or engage in trade, except openly and with the expressed consent of the People of Earth achieved through a democratic means.

    -The right of sanctity of biological and genetic material. No extraterrestrial power shall take, possess, or manipulate human biological or genetic material for any purpose whatsoever.

    -The right of occupation. We the People of Earth claim this Solar System as our sphere of influence. No extraterrestrial bases may be established on bodies or stations orbiting the Earth, nor on other planets or bodies of this Solar System, except with the expressed consent of the People of Earth.

    -The right of peaceful navigation. We claim the right to travel and explore within our Solar System without interference or restraint from extraterrestrial forces, and maintain the right to deny access to this Solar System by any extraterrestrial forces.

    We, the People of Earth, consider it our rightful responsibility to assert and defend these fundamental rights, and to give and receive aid consistent with these rights.

    When in the course of their evolution it becomes necessary for the native people of a planet to unite, to transcend the conflicts and differences that have separated them from one another, and to assume among the powers of the Universe a separate and equal sovereignty, a respectful consideration of that sovereignty requires that they declare the causes which impel them to this present course of action.

    Although the Earth has undergone a long history of extraterrestrial visitation, the current situation is that the People of Earth are now suffering the effects of a global extraterrestrial intervention into human affairs. This intervention employs a strategy of deception, manipulation, and exploitation, the goal of which is control over humanity, which will result in the loss of human freedom and self-determination. It is now the sacred right and duty of the People of Earth to oppose, resist, and repel this extraterrestrial intervention, to declare and defend our sovereignty, our freedom, and our independence from all extraterrestrial forces.

    Let these violations be considered by those supporting the cause of freedom throughout the Greater Community:

    -Intervening extraterrestrial forces have refused to openly disclose and reveal the nature and intent of their activities on and around Earth. This extraterrestrial presence is clandestine, covert, uninvited, and unapproved by the People of Earth. These extraterrestrial forces have concealed their own identity, their political or economic alliances and allegiances, as well as the authorities and powers which they serve.

    -As is becoming increasingly apparent from their actions, extraterrestrial forces intend to exploit the Earth, its resources, and its people, and are engaged in a systematic program of colonizing humanity into a subservient client state to be ruled by agents of these extraterrestrial forces. The extraterrestrial intervention and occupation seeks commercial gain, economic power, and the strategic advantage offered by this world in relation to other worlds.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have repeatedly and with impunity violated national and international laws of the Earth’s people. These offenses, which still continue today, have included violation of restricted airspace; abduction and transportation of humans without their consent; murder, rape, torture, sexual abuse, interbreeding with humans, and cruel experimentation; theft and trade of human biological and genetic materials; theft and trade of Earth’s natural resources; covert mental and psychological influence; mutilation of humans and animals; tampering with and disabling of military defense systems; and clandestine infiltration into human society.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have secretly negotiated treaties and agreements with human individuals and groups, without the informed consent of the People of Earth.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have systematically attempted to persuade and mislead humans through extending false hopes and promises of wealth, power, and protection; rescue from planetary catastrophe; membership in a “galactic federation”; and spiritual salvation and enlightenment.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have exploited and exacerbated human conflicts to serve their own ends.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have been disempowering humanity by leading us to believe that we can only survive with their help and their advanced technology, thus fostering our complete dependence upon them and denying our ability to ensure our own survival.

    Accordingly, we, the People of Earth, do hereby declare all previously existing agreements or treaties between any human government, group, or individual and any extraterrestrials to be forthwith null, void, and permanently suspended. We demand that any such previously existing treaties or agreements be fully and publicly disclosed. Any future agreements or treaties between human governments, groups, or individuals and extraterrestrials must be negotiated only with the full consent of the People of Earth, publicly and openly expressed by an international democratic body representing the nations and peoples of Earth.

    We demand that all extraterrestrials now cease all operations and activities and immediately vacate and depart from the Earth and its surroundings including the Sun, Earth’s Moon, and all planets of this Solar System. This includes vacating any natural or artificial satellites, as well as all space within the Solar System.

    We demand that all extraterrestrial organizations who have established or operated bases on the Earth, its Moon, or anywhere else within this Solar System, to vacate these bases, and fully disclose their nature. These bases should then be used to defend the Solar System.

    We further demand that all living humans who are now in custody of extraterrestrials be returned immediately in good health; further, we demand a full accounting of all humans who have been taken or held by extraterrestrials, including those who have died in captivity. In addition, we demand that all human biological or genetic materials taken from any individuals be accounted for and destroyed, and their intended use be identified. Any devices implanted in living individuals must be identified so that they may be safely removed.

    We demand full public disclosure of the purpose and details of the extraterrestrial hybridization program, including the location, identity, and activities of all living human-extraterrestrial hybrids, whether on Earth or elsewhere.

    Be it known throughout the Universe that from this time forward, extraterrestrials may only enter our Solar System, approach our Earth, fly in our skies, set foot on our soil, or enter our waters with the explicit consent of the People of Earth.

    We, therefore, do solemnly declare that the People of Earth are and should be a free and independent people; that all humans are hereby absolved from all allegiance to extraterrestrial powers, and that all political and economic connections between them and the People of Earth are totally dissolved; that as a free and sovereign race in the Greater Community of the Universe, we assume full power within this Solar System to conclude peace, levy war, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to undertake all other actions which a sovereign planetary race may rightfully and ethically do.

    Let it be understood that in making this Declaration of Human Sovereignty, we, the People of Earth, affirm our future and destiny as a free race within a Greater Community of intelligent life. We recognize that we are a part of this Greater Community and that we are destined over time to encounter many different races from beyond our world.

    To them and to all others, we hereby declare that our intention is not conquest or domination in space. We declare that the rights and privileges that we affirm here for ourselves, we also affirm for all races of beings whom we might encounter.

    In making our Declaration of Human Sovereignty, we proclaim our rights, responsibilities, and privileges as a free race in order that we may pursue greater unity, peace, and cooperation within the human family without unwanted or unwarranted intrusion and interference by any outside nation or force from the Greater Community. We make this proclamation as an expression of our Divine right and honorable intent for the human family and for all races in the Universe who seek to be free.

    We the People of the United States of the Solar System, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of the Solar System.

    All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States of the Solar System, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. All Elected Representatives of We the People of the United States of the Solar System shall vote according to the Will of the People as Recorded Daily by Internet Voting. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which they shall be chosen.

    Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

    The Senate of the United States of the Solar System shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.

    No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which they shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States of the Solar System shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States of the Solar System. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States of the Solar System is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

    Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States of the Solar System: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

    The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of Choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

    Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal. Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

    The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States of the Solar System. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States of the Solar System which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States of the Solar System, shall be a Member of either House during their Continuance in Office.

    All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States of the Solar System; If they approve they shall sign it, but if not they shall return it, with their Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to them, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

    Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States of the Solar System; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by them, or being disapproved by them, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

    The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States of the Solar System; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States of the Solar System;

    To borrow money on the credit of the United States of the Solar System. To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States of the Solar System. To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures. To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States of the Solar System. To establish Post Offices and Post Roads. To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court. To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high seas and outer space, and Offenses against the Law of Nations. To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land, Water, and in Space. To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years. To provide and maintain a Navy and a Space Force. To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land, naval, and Space Forces.

    To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States of the Solar System, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress. To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States of the Solar System, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings. And to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States of the Solar System, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

    The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

    The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

    No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken. No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State. No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States of the Solar System: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States of the Solar System; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress. No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

    The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of the Solar System. They shall hold their Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

    Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States of the Solar System, shall be appointed an Elector. The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not lie an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States of the Solar System, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; a quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two-thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall choose from them by Ballot the Vice-President.

    The Congress may determine the Time of choosing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States of the Solar System. No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States of the Solar System. In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States of the Solar System, or any of them.

    Before they enter on the Execution of their Office, they shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States of the Solar System, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System."

    The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, and Space Force of the United States of the Solar System, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States of the Solar System; they may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States of the Solar System, except in Cases of Impeachment. They shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States of the Solar System, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. They shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as they shall judge necessary and expedient; they may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, they may adjourn them to such Time as they shall think proper; they shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; they shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States of the Solar System.

    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States of the Solar System, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

    The judicial Power of the United States of the Solar System, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office. The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States of the Solar System, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority; to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; to all Cases of admiralty, maritime, and space Jurisdiction; to Controversies to which the United States of the Solar System shall be a Party; to Controversies between two or more States; between a State and Citizens of another State; between Citizens of different States; between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

    In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. Treason against the United States of the Solar System, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

    Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

    The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on demand of the executive Authority of the State from which they fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime. No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, But shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.

    New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States of the Solar System; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States of the Solar System, or of any particular State. The United States of the Solar System shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

    The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

    The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States of the Solar System and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States of the Solar System.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the people or things to be seized.

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against themself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

    In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States of the Solar System, than according to the rules of the common law.

    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    The powers not delegated to the United States of the Solar System by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    The Judicial power of the United States of the Solar System shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

    The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the persons voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States of the Solar System, directed to the President of the Senate;

    The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;

    The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.

    The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no persons have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States of the Solar System.

    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States of the Solar System, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States of the Solar System, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States of the Solar System and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States of the Solar System; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of people in each State. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States of the Solar System, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any citizen of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States of the Solar System, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such citizens shall bear to the whole number of citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States of the Solar System, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

    The validity of the public debt of the United States of the Solar System, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States of the Solar System nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States of the Solar System, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    The Senate of the United States of the Solar System shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

    When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the persons fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of sex.

    The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.

    The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.

    If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

    The Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the House of Representatives may choose a President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them, and for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the Senate may choose a Vice President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them.

    No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President, when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

    The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States of the Solar System shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment.

    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

    In case of the removal of the President from office or of their death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

    Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

    Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that they are unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, and until they transmit to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

    Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, they shall resume the powers and duties of their office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of their office.

    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of age.

    No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.
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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:44 pm

    There is a problem in Article 1 - Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution. There is a remnant of the slavery era - which really doesn't apply to anything existing today - but should be removed, nonetheless. Here it is in it's original form:

    "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free , including those bound to Service for a Term of Years."

    Here is the appropriate modification:

    "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers."

    I am making this modification everywhere I can still edit. Obviously, this can't be done in the old Avalon 1 thread - or at the beginning of this thread - where I no longer have access to the 'Guest' portions.

    I should have caught this earlier. I really am trying to leave as much of the Constitution, "as is". If one keeps changing things - pretty soon you end up with nothing resembling the original document. I really am aiming for historical continuity. We need to build upon the best which has existed for a significant period of time - and which is currently widely used.

    I really am disappointed that no one has discussed the contents of the Founding Documents to any great extent. There were a couple of interesting comments on AV1 regarding constitutional particulars - but that was about all. I really feel as though this world might be in the process of going down hard. We seem to be living in a damn dreamworld - with very little real common-sense. We gawk at aliens and dimensions - yet we can't seem to deal with the most basic components of our civilization. Are we really all that civilized? Do we need a New World Order Theocracy to kick our asses into some semblance of reality? I fear that we are in for a very rude awakening - very soon. We have a brief period of opportunity to avoid a really nasty theocracy. We don't seem to realize how much trouble we're really in. We may have to find out the hard way. Then everyone will probably bitch about why no one told them how bad things really were. This whole mess makes me sicker than anyone can imagine. I want to quit - each and every day. This all seems to be a monumental exercise in futility. Is everyone brain-dead? Is there anyone out there? Anyone at all?

    We can bitch about the elites, regressive aliens, and Lucifer - and I've done my fair-share of bashing - but I think most of the blame for our plight should be directed toward ourselves. When I listen to people like Bill Cooper, Alex Collier, Jordan Maxwell, and Alex Jones - I hear them expressing extreme frustration with the ignorance and apathy of the general public. NO ONE WISHES TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING. WE HAVE MADE IT VERY, VERY EASY FOR THE ELITES, REGRESSIVE ALIENS, AND LUCIFER TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF US. WE HAVE BROUGHT MOST OF THIS MESS UPON OURSELVES.

    I don't mean to be shrill - but I said that I was going to become tougher and more focused - and I meant it. I've been way too soft - for way too long. The honeymoon is over! Sometimes I think that Responsible Freedom might have to be Theocratically Imposed - even though this seems to be a Supreme Contradiction. Think about it...

    This probably makes the Vatican livid (if they have even read it) - but my 9.5 Theses and Orthodoxymoron Guidestone is sort of a kinder, gentler, minimalist theocracy. I contradict myself everytime I open my mouth! I think I make everyone angry!

    9.5 Theses:

    1. Replace Canon Law with the Teachings of Jesus.

    2. Institute a Modified Latin Mass (with no communion - emphasizing the remembrance of Christ and His Teachings - rather than His Sacrifice) - offering Masses seven days a week - with no preference regarding the day or days of attendance.

    3. Base All Homilies, Theology, and Ritual Upon the Teachings of Jesus.

    4. Eliminate Penance and Confession (replacing both with psychological and spiritual counseling).

    5. Allow Women to be Priests and Popes.

    6. Allow Priests to Marry and Popes to Marry (and eliminate all blasphemous titles).

    7. Eliminate Most Crucifixes (The bloody, dying, and mostly naked Jesus should not be paraded and displayed. Remove most and clothe most of the rest. Obviously, stained-glass windows, and such, should mostly be left alone).

    8. Be Completely Honest Regarding the History of the Church, the World, the Solar System, the Galaxy, and the Universe.

    9. Institute a Program of Responsible Reproduction (lifting the ban on birth-control).

    9.5. Base Civil and Church Governance on the U.S. Constitution.







    I'm beginning to place a lot of my thinking and conceptualizing, within the walls of the Vatican - even though I have a love/hate relationship with the Roman Catholic Church. I love reading the books by Father Malachi Martin - especially regarding his mixing of politics and religion. He simultaneously supports and attacks the church - which is probably as it should be. One must be both critical and pastoral. The Jesuits scare the hell out of me - but I respect their grasp of what is really going on in this universe. If they had a new boss - I think they would all be just fine. You guys know exactly what I'm talking about! Sometimes I think the gods and goddesses who are found in artwork and sculpture - in and around pyramids, temples, churches, museums, state-houses, concert-halls, cathedrals, etc. - should be viewed as being idealized human beings - who we can all become. There should be a certain robustness and loftiness to the human family. We should all be Pharaohs, Presidents, Emperors, and Pontiffs - and I really do think that Jesus Christ would approve. Some say that Jesus was/is the Archangel Michael, and an Egyptian Pharaoh. Jesus was ROYALTY! Jesus was not some goddamned whimp!

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    What sort of a Pope might Jesus be? Would Jesus even be a Pope? If Jesus became the Pope - would anyone believe that it was really Jesus? Would people be disappointed? I have speculated that the Queen of Heaven might be the God of This World. If he/she were removed - who might take their place? If it were Jesus - would he remain hidden - due to the reality of deception and unrealistic expectations? Will many people be deceived by a counterfeit second-coming of Christ? This world is in confusion - and I am very apprehensive that 90% of the world population might not be able to properly determine the difference between truth and bs. There are many sincere people, who have believed various things for decades - and they do not wish to become confused by the facts. I suspect that Jesus might remain in the shadows - even if he were placed in charge of the Roman Catholic Church. The reality of divinity might not match-up with any of our expectations. You have no idea how concerned I am about all of this. My roots are conservative Christian - but I have been very rudely awakened and disillusioned. My search for truth has mostly been a solitary journey. Just look at my threads on AV1 and MOA. Some of them might have a lot of views - because I kept bumping them - and commenting on my own threads. But look at the comments - other than my own. There are very few - and most of them do not really engage me intellectually. There are some very notable and commendable exceptions.

    Sometimes I think that the only ones who really get what I'm talking about - are what some of us refer to as 'regressives'. Just a feeling, sometimes. They might not be on my side - and they might see me as a threat - because I'm poking and prodding where most mere mortals fear to tread. I continue to think that the real truth will surprise nearly all of us - if we ever 'get it'. I sometimes think that a 'benevolent shadow government' will have to replace a 'malevolent shadow government' - and gradually move humanity in the right direction. I so hope that I'm wrong - but I think we have been screwed-with for so many thousands of years - that we're not going to really get well for hundreds of years - even if this solar system is placed in the very best of hands. I am very troubled tonight. I really don't see a 'happily ever after' scenario materializing anytime soon. What if Michael/Jesus reincarnated as Pharaoh after Pharaoh after Pharaoh - until Michael/Jesus just said 'NO!' to the Annunaki Queen of Heaven / God of This World? What if Jesus got himself crucified - and paraded on crucifixes - while the Annunaki controlled the Roman Emperors and Pontiffs - as Proxy-Christs (in place of Christ - or anti-Christ)? If the Annunaki are removed from this solar system - and Jesus is placed in charge of the Roman Catholic Church - and the Solar System - would anyone believe that such a thing had even occurred? What would it take to convince people? Would this change for the better - really be a change for the better? Would people prefer to continue to be misused, abused, and lied-to? I wonder. It really makes me wonder. I am very depressed. So what am I going to do? I'm going to keep reading 'Windswept House'! O wretched man that I am!

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    Carol wrote:Oxy, Jesus was and still is royalty. His life on earth by his choice was that of a humble man. He led by example so that the poorest individual he came across would know that Jesus was there for him or her too.

    No he was not a wimp. He was a learned man who had great courage and changed mens and womens hearts. His message was that he and god were available to everyone and that all were equal and worthy in Gods eyes who loved Jesus and God.
    Thank-you Carol. Forgive my impatience and shrillness. I'm still trying to consider a lot of different possibilities - which might tie a lot of loose-ends together. The humility thing can be used against Jesus, and His followers, by the proud and aggressive - who are very skilled at throwing their weight around - without compassion. I guess I'm considering the possibility that we will all be reincarnating endlessly on Earth - for millions of years into the future - and that we should make a very clean, soft, and comfortable bed to sleep in. I know people who don't think their wonderful bodies, or this beautiful Earth is good enough for them. They are expecting Jesus to appear in the sky, in a glorified-form, surrounded by shining angels - with their dead relatives literally emerging from their graves. Then they expect to leave this Earth for Heaven - while the majority of the human race is exterminated - and Earth is destroyed by fire. Then the Earth is supposed to be recreated into a much better form - and the saved select will return to Earth - and live forever - without dying - and with Jesus reigning as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The second-coming of Christ has been expected to be just around the corner for 2,000 years - yet the professed followers of Jesus have not reverenced and obeyed the Teachings of Jesus - and they still don't. While they are living in a pie in the sky dreamworld - the world is going to hell around them - and they don't resist this - because it is prophecied in Daniel and Revelation that bad things will happen before Jesus returns to Earth in glory. So, really, the bad things are actually good things - because this means that the second-coming of Christ is imminent. I sincerely hope that no one is disappointed. What if Jesus was here, throughout antiquity, as various versions of Horus or Tammuz? What if he truly became a persona non grata to just about everyone, especially the Annunaki, after His crucifixion - and has been largely ignored for 2,000 years? What if He surfaces presently as a broken and despondant man - who is pretty much disgusted with everyone and everything - is rude, sensual - and even swears? The church would reject Him. Everyone would reject Him. Then, they'd all probably get on 150 mile-long spaceships - destined for Sirius slavery. Once again - I hope everyone is happy - and no one is disappointed. Would a serious study of the Archangels and Solar System Governance - in the context of the Vatican - be a productive pursuit? I really don't wish to be a ufo-sighting chaser. I have seen ufo's. I have had supernatural experiences. And I think I may have spoken with those who were more than human - both online and in person. I am more interested in what is behind the phenomenon than I am in sensational observations. Now I'm going to go back to reading my books by Father Malachi Martin. Then I might continue reading 'The Holy Tablets' by Malachi York. Then I will probably read Gerald Massey. A word to the wise...Don't neglect the 'M's'. Damn! I'm late for my exorcist appointment! Too hip! Gotta go! Take me to your therapist!

    Memorable quotes for Sphere (1998)

    Barnes: Ask him for his last name.
    Harry: What?
    Barnes: I want a full name for my report. I'm not putting in my report that I lost a crew member on a deep-sat expedition to find an alien named "Jerry."

    Barnes: If this translation is right this alien sounds like an idiot.
    Beth: That's something to consider - a stupid alien. Well, they must have them.

    Beth: Is there heat coming off this thing or is it just happy to see me?

    Interviewer: I see you have a scar on your neck.
    Beth: Car accident.
    Interviewer: Were you drinking?
    Beth: Yeah - but I wasn't driving.

    Harry: Are you a religious man, Norman?
    Norman Goodman: Atheist, but I'm flexible.

    Harry: So that's what the little green men are saying now? "Take me to your therapist"?

    Harry: Whatever it is, it was inside the Sphere. Now it's out, free to act.

    Norman Goodman: I would be happy if Jerry had no emotions whatsoever. Because the thing of it is once you go down that road... here's Jerry, an emotional being cooped up for 300 years with no one to talk to... none of the socialization, the emotional growth that comes from contact with other emotional beings...
    Harry: So...?
    Norman Goodman: What happens if Jerry gets mad?

    Barnes: Oh, you are a hell of a woman. I wish I knew you in the old days. Norman told me you were...
    Beth: [defensive] Norman told you what?
    Barnes: Let's put it this way - that if Jerry could read your mind, he'd be bored with ours!

    Beth: Are you telling me that by Harry going into the Sphere, he now has the power to manifest his dreams, his fantasies.
    Norman Goodman: MANIFEST! MANIFEST! He made it happen. It's not that different from a child. A child imagines something that believes its real and its not there, but with Harry, He not only makes it real from himself, he makes real for all of us.

    Harry: [sympathetically] Are you afraid of dying, Norman?

    Harry: See? It's not impossible - it's ridiculous.

    Harry: [quoting "Jerry"] "I make a journey. You make a journey. We make a journey together."
    Beth: I think Jerry's channeling Deepak Chopra.

    Harry: I forgive you, Norman. I forgive you! But I *don't* forgive you for Ted - he's a pain in the XXX.

    [the group is breathing helium]
    Dr. Ted Fielding: [high pitched voice] Oxygen is a corrosive gas, in the same family as fluorine and chlorine - hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid. That's why we're breathing helium down here, because oxygen at any level higher than 2.3 becomes toxic.
    Norman Goodman: [high pitched voice] Can you run that by me again, Ted? I don't speak balloon.

    Norman Goodman: What is it, Harry?
    Dr. Harry Adams: Take a look. It's chipped!
    Captain Harold C. Barnes: Alright, it's chipped - so what?
    Dr. Harry Adams: Well I thought you said this thing wouldn't damage when it crashed and that this titanium alloy was so superstrong there's no way you can hurt it.
    Captain Harold C. Barnes: I did.
    Dr. Harry Adams: So how come it chips when this scientist just bangs on it with a hammer?

    Dr. Harry Adams: Anybody else wonder who the hell opened that door?

    Dr. Ted Fielding: We come in peace. Hm - I always wanted to say that.

    Norman Goodman: What the hell is it?
    Captain Harold C. Barnes: Whatever it is - it seems to be what this bird was designed to do. Go out in the space and gather things like this up and bring it back.
    Norman Goodman: Yeah, but back from where?
    Dr. Harry Adams: Don't get too excited, Ted - turn this thing over and it'll probably say 'Made in Korea'

    Dr. Harry Adams: We're all gonna die down here.
    Norman Goodman: What?
    Dr. Harry Adams: You see? It's curious. Ted did figure it out - time travel. And when we get back, we gonna tell everyone. How it's possible, how it's done, what the dangers are. But then why fifty years in the future when the spacecraft encounters a black hole does the computer call it an 'unknown entry event'? Why don't they know? If they don't know, that means we never told anyone. And if we never told anyone it means we never made it back. Hence we die down here. Just as a matter of deductive logic.

    Captain Harold C. Barnes: Break out your five-day deodorant pads - we're here for the duration.

    Dr. Harry Adams: I'm not choking, you Xxxxxxx! I hate squid!

    Dr. Ted Fielding: Harry!
    Norman Goodman: Harry.
    Dr. Ted Fielding: 19! Wunderkind!

    Captain Harold C. Barnes: If the habitat is full of water, you'll be dead!

    Dr. Harry Adams: Calling Dr. Halperine... Dr. Beth Halperine... Please return to reality.

    Alice 'Teeny' Fletcher: They're stingin' me through my suit!

    Beth: I wanted to thank you for saving my life.
    Norman Goodman: ...An interesting life to save...

    [last lines]
    Norman Goodman: Why are you holding my hand?
    Harry: YOU'RE holding MY hand.

    Harry: Follow the yellow brick road.

    Norman Goodman: ['Jerry' types on the screen "I WANT TO TALK TO TED"] You can't Jerry he's dead.
    Norman Goodman: ['Jerry' types on the screen "I WANT TO TALK TO BARNES"] You can't talk to him either Barnes is dead too.
    Norman Goodman: ['Jerry' types on the screen "I WANT TO TALK TO THEM NOW!"] You can't Jerry they're dead you killed them

    Norman Goodman: ['Jerry' types on the screen "I WILL KILL YOU!"] No Jerry don't do that.

    Norman Goodman: Can I ask you something about this reflective surface?
    Barnes: Yeah, it appears to be mercury, doesn't it? Except mercury is liquid at this temperature.
    Norman Goodman: Oh, no. That's not what I'm talking about. What worries me is that it's reflecting everything but us.

    Dr. Harry Adams: Where's Teeny? I thought she did all the cooking around here.
    Captain Harold C. Barnes: She had an unfortunate accident Harry, she was killed.
    Dr. Harry Adams: Killed? how?
    Captain Harold C. Barnes: Jellyfish.
    Dr. Harry Adams: Jellyfish? That's strange.
    Captain Harold C. Barnes: Yes that is strange isn't it.
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    Carol wrote:Go to that still quiet place within and there you will find him as he is indwelling once he has been invited into your heart. JT

    By the way, the picture of Millar's second coming is hysterical.
    Thank-you Carol. The indwelling Christ brings me both peace and a sword. In a world of evil and contradictions - one should not be too content. Christ in you - the hope of glory. What if Jesus turns out to be a lot like Millar? I think Jesus would be comfortable and competent in both formal and informal situations. Indeed - a combination of the royal and servant models of leadership. But it might take a couple of lifetimes for Jesus to really get used to being listened to! One gets sort of rusty and bitter - when they are disenfranchised and out of power - for thousands of years. Once again - I am not shaking my fist at the Creator God of the Universe. I am simply shaking. I don't have a problem having a Genuinely Benevolent Divinity at the Center of Solar System Governance - but I do have a problem with malevolent charlatans who use God's Name in vain. My guess is that Jesus would serve as a low-key, yet very powerful, authority of last resort - in a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. Forgive me if I am wrong about this speculation. Once again - I don't know the whole story. I continue to fly-blind - yet I am supposed to make important decisions. This really doesn't seem fair. What's really going on here? Check this out. It might be later than we think.

    Who would be the winners and the losers in a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System? I'd like to think that everyone would be a winner over the long haul. There might seem to be a stratification of winners and losers in the short term - but I think things would even out - long term. All of the ancient Star Wars, Masters of the Universe, Hybridization, and Technology issues would obviously have to be resolved. They could not just be swept under the rug - so to speak. How might all of this be peacefully resolved - without the erruption of brand-new Star Wars? The forces and hatred in this universe might be deeper and more powerful than we can possibly imagine. I intend to pursue a peaceful solution by promoting the spirit and letter of this thread. I am presently reading 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu. I intend to win without fighting. I will attempt to be a Peaceful Intellectual General. The gloves are coming off - and I will be much more aggressive in the promotion of Responsible Freedom. The regressives won't know what hit them. It will be over before it starts. In fact - it might already be a fait accompli or a cou de gras or a never mind...Q.E.D.

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    Jesus is Coming Soon...Or Perhaps He Never Left.

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    I love Roman art, architecture, and sculpture!

    Pleiades (Greek mythology)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    This article is about Greek mythology. The Pleiades star cluster also appears in many other mythologies.

    The Pleiades (pronounced /ˈplaɪ.ədiːz/, also /ˈpliːədiːz/; from the Greek Πλειάδες [pleːˈades], Modern [pliˈaðes]), companions of Artemis, were the seven daughters of the titan Atlas and the sea-nymph Pleione born on Mount Cyllene. They are the sisters of Calypso, Hyas, the Hyades, and the Hesperides. The Pleiades were nymphs in the train of Artemis, and together with the seven Hyades were called the Atlantides, Dodonides, or Nysiades, nursemaids and teachers to the infant Bacchus.

    There is some debate as to the origin of the name Pleiades. Previously, it was accepted the name is derived from the name of their mother, Pleione. However, the name Pleiades may derive from πλεῖν (to sail) because of their importance in delimiting the sailing season in the Mediterranean Sea.

    Several of the most prominent male Olympian gods (including Zeus, Poseidon, and Ares) engaged in affairs with the seven heavenly sisters. These relationships resulted in the birth of their children.

    Maia, eldest of the seven Pleiades, was mother of Hermes by Zeus.
    Electra was mother of Dardanus and Iasion by Zeus.
    Taygete was mother of Lacedaemon, also by Zeus.
    Alcyone was mother of Hyrieus by Poseidon.
    Celaeno was mother of Lycus and Eurypylus by Poseidon.
    Sterope (also Asterope) was mother of Oenomaus by Ares.
    Merope, youngest of the seven Pleiades, was wooed by Orion. In other mythic contexts she married Sisyphus and, becoming mortal, faded away. She bore to Sisyphus several sons.

    After Atlas was forced to carry the heavens on his shoulders, Orion began to pursue all of the Pleiades, and Zeus transformed them first into doves, and then into stars to comfort their father. The constellation of Orion is said to still pursue them across the night sky. One of the most memorable myths involving the Pleiades is the story of how these sisters literally became stars, their catasterism. According to some versions of the tale, all seven sisters committed suicide because they were so saddened by either the fate of their father, Atlas, or the loss of their siblings, the Hyades. In turn Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods, immortalized the sisters by placing them in the sky. There these seven stars formed the constellation known thereafter as the Pleiades.

    The Greek poet Hesiod mentions the Pleiades several times in his Works and Days. As the Pleiades are primarily winter stars, they feature prominently in the ancient agricultural calendar. Here is a bit of advice from Hesiod:

    "And if longing seizes you for sailing the stormy seas,
    when the Pleiades flee mighty Orion
    and plunge into the misty deep
    and all the gusty winds are raging,
    then do not keep your ship on the wine-dark sea
    but, as I bid you, remember to work the land."
    (Works and Days 618-23)

    The Pleiades would "flee mighty Orion and plunge into the misty deep" as they set in the West, which they would begin to do just before dawn during October–November, a good time of the year to lay up your ship after the fine summer weather and "remember to work the land"; in Mediterranean agriculture autumn is the time to plough and sow.

    The poet Lord Tennyson mentions the Pleiades in his poem Locksley Hall:

    "Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade,
    Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid."
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     Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System - Page 3 Empty Re: Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:05 pm

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    Try reading this post (Condensed Founding Documents), and the next one (9.5 Theses, Orthodoxymoron Guidestone, Sermon on the Mount, and King Speech Rewrite) outloud, over and over, as a mental and spiritual exercise. Try listening to a Latin Mass while doing this!

    WE THE PEOPLE OF EARTH are determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain interplanetary peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ interplanetary machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.

    Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people. It is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law. It is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between Member States. We the people of Earth have reaffirmed our faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United States of the Solar System the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms. A common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance.

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible the context of The United States of the Solar a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all Member States, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping these principles, concepts, and documents constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, interstate and interplanetary, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance among the peoples of Member States.

    All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms inherent in the United States of the Solar System, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, territorial or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political or jurisdictional status of the Member State to which a person belongs.

    Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent Member State tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under state or interplanetary law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each Member State. Everyone has the right to leave any Member State, and to return. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other Member States asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United States of the Solar System. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

    Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, state or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

    Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his state, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his Member State. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through state effort and interplanetary co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each Member State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

    Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Everyone has the right to work to achieve a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

    Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all Member States, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United States of the Solar System for the maintenance of peace. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

    Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United States of the Solar System.

    We, the People of Earth, extend greetings to all races in the Greater Community of the Universe. We acknowledge our common heritage before the Creator of all the Universe, both visible and invisible. We declare the planet Earth as our sacred inheritance. We pledge henceforth to sustain and preserve the Earth for all generations to come. We call upon all humanity to treat all races everywhere with wisdom and justice, here on Earth and throughout the Universe.

    We, the People of Earth, regard the need for freedom to be universal. Therefore, we hold that all individuals in all worlds are created equal and are endowed by the Creator with sacred and inalienable rights. Fundamental among these are the right to live as a free race; the right of self-determination, self-sufficiency, and creative expression; the right to life without oppression; and the right to pursue in life a higher purpose and a higher calling that the Creator has provided to all.

    Before the Greater Community of the Universe, we, the People of Earth, do now invoke these fundamental rights for ourselves, along with certain rights that naturally derive from them, including:

    -The right of sovereignty. The People of Earth shall be self-governed and independent, neither subject to nor dependent upon any other authority. No extraterrestrial force shall contravene or abrogate the human sovereignty of this planet.

    -The right of planetary sanctity. Earth shall be free from extraterrestrial intervention, intrusion, interference, or exploitation, both mental and physical. No extraterrestrial force shall make close approach, or assume close orbit, or make any landing, or engage in trade, except openly and with the expressed consent of the People of Earth achieved through a democratic means.

    -The right of sanctity of biological and genetic material. No extraterrestrial power shall take, possess, or manipulate human biological or genetic material for any purpose whatsoever.

    -The right of occupation. We the People of Earth claim this Solar System as our sphere of influence. No extraterrestrial bases may be established on bodies or stations orbiting the Earth, nor on other planets or bodies of this Solar System, except with the expressed consent of the People of Earth.

    -The right of peaceful navigation. We claim the right to travel and explore within our Solar System without interference or restraint from extraterrestrial forces, and maintain the right to deny access to this Solar System by any extraterrestrial forces.

    We, the People of Earth, consider it our rightful responsibility to assert and defend these fundamental rights, and to give and receive aid consistent with these rights.

    When in the course of their evolution it becomes necessary for the native people of a planet to unite, to transcend the conflicts and differences that have separated them from one another, and to assume among the powers of the Universe a separate and equal sovereignty, a respectful consideration of that sovereignty requires that they declare the causes which impel them to this present course of action.

    Although the Earth has undergone a long history of extraterrestrial visitation, the current situation is that the People of Earth are now suffering the effects of a global extraterrestrial intervention into human affairs. This intervention employs a strategy of deception, manipulation, and exploitation, the goal of which is control over humanity, which will result in the loss of human freedom and self-determination. It is now the sacred right and duty of the People of Earth to oppose, resist, and repel this extraterrestrial intervention, to declare and defend our sovereignty, our freedom, and our independence from all extraterrestrial forces.

    Let these violations be considered by those supporting the cause of freedom throughout the Greater Community:

    -Intervening extraterrestrial forces have refused to openly disclose and reveal the nature and intent of their activities on and around Earth. This extraterrestrial presence is clandestine, covert, uninvited, and unapproved by the People of Earth. These extraterrestrial forces have concealed their own identity, their political or economic alliances and allegiances, as well as the authorities and powers which they serve.

    -As is becoming increasingly apparent from their actions, extraterrestrial forces intend to exploit the Earth, its resources, and its people, and are engaged in a systematic program of colonizing humanity into a subservient client state to be ruled by agents of these extraterrestrial forces. The extraterrestrial intervention and occupation seeks commercial gain, economic power, and the strategic advantage offered by this world in relation to other worlds.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have repeatedly and with impunity violated national and international laws of the Earth’s people. These offenses, which still continue today, have included violation of restricted airspace; abduction and transportation of humans without their consent; murder, rape, torture, sexual abuse, interbreeding with humans, and cruel experimentation; theft and trade of human biological and genetic materials; theft and trade of Earth’s natural resources; covert mental and psychological influence; mutilation of humans and animals; tampering with and disabling of military defense systems; and clandestine infiltration into human society.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have secretly negotiated treaties and agreements with human individuals and groups, without the informed consent of the People of Earth.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have systematically attempted to persuade and mislead humans through extending false hopes and promises of wealth, power, and protection; rescue from planetary catastrophe; membership in a “galactic federation”; and spiritual salvation and enlightenment.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have exploited and exacerbated human conflicts to serve their own ends.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have been disempowering humanity by leading us to believe that we can only survive with their help and their advanced technology, thus fostering our complete dependence upon them and denying our ability to ensure our own survival.

    Accordingly, we, the People of Earth, do hereby declare all previously existing agreements or treaties between any human government, group, or individual and any extraterrestrials to be forthwith null, void, and permanently suspended. We demand that any such previously existing treaties or agreements be fully and publicly disclosed. Any future agreements or treaties between human governments, groups, or individuals and extraterrestrials must be negotiated only with the full consent of the People of Earth, publicly and openly expressed by an international democratic body representing the nations and peoples of Earth.

    We demand that all extraterrestrials now cease all operations and activities and immediately vacate and depart from the Earth and its surroundings including the Sun, Earth’s Moon, and all planets of this Solar System. This includes vacating any natural or artificial satellites, as well as all space within the Solar System.

    We demand that all extraterrestrial organizations who have established or operated bases on the Earth, its Moon, or anywhere else within this Solar System, to vacate these bases, and fully disclose their nature. These bases should then be used to defend the Solar System.

    We further demand that all living humans who are now in custody of extraterrestrials be returned immediately in good health; further, we demand a full accounting of all humans who have been taken or held by extraterrestrials, including those who have died in captivity. In addition, we demand that all human biological or genetic materials taken from any individuals be accounted for and destroyed, and their intended use be identified. Any devices implanted in living individuals must be identified so that they may be safely removed.

    We demand full public disclosure of the purpose and details of the extraterrestrial hybridization program, including the location, identity, and activities of all living human-extraterrestrial hybrids, whether on Earth or elsewhere.

    Be it known throughout the Universe that from this time forward, extraterrestrials may only enter our Solar System, approach our Earth, fly in our skies, set foot on our soil, or enter our waters with the explicit consent of the People of Earth.

    We, therefore, do solemnly declare that the People of Earth are and should be a free and independent people; that all humans are hereby absolved from all allegiance to extraterrestrial powers, and that all political and economic connections between them and the People of Earth are totally dissolved; that as a free and sovereign race in the Greater Community of the Universe, we assume full power within this Solar System to conclude peace, levy war, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to undertake all other actions which a sovereign planetary race may rightfully and ethically do.

    Let it be understood that in making this Declaration of Human Sovereignty, we, the People of Earth, affirm our future and destiny as a free race within a Greater Community of intelligent life. We recognize that we are a part of this Greater Community and that we are destined over time to encounter many different races from beyond our world.

    To them and to all others, we hereby declare that our intention is not conquest or domination in space. We declare that the rights and privileges that we affirm here for ourselves, we also affirm for all races of beings whom we might encounter.

    In making our Declaration of Human Sovereignty, we proclaim our rights, responsibilities, and privileges as a free race in order that we may pursue greater unity, peace, and cooperation within the human family without unwanted or unwarranted intrusion and interference by any outside nation or force from the Greater Community. We make this proclamation as an expression of our Divine right and honorable intent for the human family and for all races in the Universe who seek to be free.

    We the People of the United States of the Solar System, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of the Solar System.

    All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States of the Solar System, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which they shall be chosen.

    Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

    The Senate of the United States of the Solar System shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.

    No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which they shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States of the Solar System shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States of the Solar System. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States of the Solar System is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

    Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States of the Solar System: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

    The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of Choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

    Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal. Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

    The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States of the Solar System. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States of the Solar System which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States of the Solar System, shall be a Member of either House during their Continuance in Office.

    All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States of the Solar System; If they approve they shall sign it, but if not they shall return it, with their Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to them, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

    Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States of the Solar System; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by them, or being disapproved by them, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

    The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States of the Solar System; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States of the Solar System;

    To borrow money on the credit of the United States of the Solar System. To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States of the Solar System. To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures. To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States of the Solar System. To establish Post Offices and Post Roads. To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries. To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court. To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high seas and outer space, and Offenses against the Law of Nations. To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land, Water, and in Space. To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years. To provide and maintain a Navy and a Space Force. To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land, naval, and Space Forces.

    To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States of the Solar System, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress. To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States of the Solar System, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings. And to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States of the Solar System, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

    The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

    The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

    No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken. No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State. No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States of the Solar System: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States of the Solar System; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress. No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

    The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of the Solar System. They shall hold their Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

    Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States of the Solar System, shall be appointed an Elector. The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not lie an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States of the Solar System, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; a quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two-thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall choose from them by Ballot the Vice-President.

    The Congress may determine the Time of choosing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States of the Solar System. No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States of the Solar System. In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States of the Solar System, or any of them.

    Before they enter on the Execution of their Office, they shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States of the Solar System, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System."

    The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, and Space Force of the United States of the Solar System, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States of the Solar System; they may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States of the Solar System, except in Cases of Impeachment. They shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States of the Solar System, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. They shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as they shall judge necessary and expedient; they may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, they may adjourn them to such Time as they shall think proper; they shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; they shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States of the Solar System.

    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States of the Solar System, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

    The judicial Power of the United States of the Solar System, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office. The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States of the Solar System, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority; to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; to all Cases of admiralty, maritime, and space Jurisdiction; to Controversies to which the United States of the Solar System shall be a Party; to Controversies between two or more States; between a State and Citizens of another State; between Citizens of different States; between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

    In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. Treason against the United States of the Solar System, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

    Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

    The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on demand of the executive Authority of the State from which they fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime. No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, But shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.

    New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States of the Solar System; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States of the Solar System, or of any particular State. The United States of the Solar System shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

    The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

    The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States of the Solar System and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States of the Solar System.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the people or things to be seized.

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against themself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

    In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States of the Solar System, than according to the rules of the common law.

    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    The powers not delegated to the United States of the Solar System by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    The Judicial power of the United States of the Solar System shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

    The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the persons voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States of the Solar System, directed to the President of the Senate;

    The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;

    The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.

    The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no persons have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States of the Solar System.

    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States of the Solar System, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States of the Solar System, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States of the Solar System and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States of the Solar System; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of people in each State. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States of the Solar System, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any citizen of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States of the Solar System, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such citizens shall bear to the whole number of citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

    No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States of the Solar System, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

    The validity of the public debt of the United States of the Solar System, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States of the Solar System nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States of the Solar System, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

    The Senate of the United States of the Solar System shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

    When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the persons fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of sex.

    The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.

    The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.

    If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

    The Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the House of Representatives may choose a President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them, and for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the Senate may choose a Vice President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them.

    No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President, when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

    The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States of the Solar System shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment.

    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

    In case of the removal of the President from office or of their death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

    Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

    Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that they are unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, and until they transmit to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

    Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, they shall resume the powers and duties of their office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of their office.

    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of age. No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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