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    Cancer Cures & Therapies


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    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:40 pm

    Curing Cancer with Baking Soda:
    What MDs and Naturopaths Don’t Know
    by Gregory Delaney
    Wouldn’t the delusional physicians and the big pharmacology swindlers be embarrassed to find that cancer could be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda? Well, no, they wouldn’t be embarrassed because they would be outraged. All of their billions in profits vanishing in a twinkle, would not have these betrayers of Mankind at all happy with such a simple cancer cure. And yet, cancer can be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda. And I will explain how.

    While the greedy physicians and the cancer industry robber barons have been using every imaginable method for treating the symptoms of cancer, and while millions of people have suffered and died under the most astounding variety of mechanical, chemical, bio-technological and radiological absurdities, little progress in curing cancer has actually been made. And why? Well, to understand why, you would have to understand who is treating cancer before you can understand why it is not being cured. Who are these cancer physicians who claim to know so much yet fail to do anything useful?

    Firstly, they are people who admit that they don’t know the cause of cancer or how to cure it. And yet they insist that they be allowed to “practice medicine” anyway! These oncologists admit that no matter what they do, you are going to die anyway, and so why not let them do something since they can make better use of your money than you can. Even though they admit that they don’t know what they are doing, they offer you just two (and only two) choices: (1) let them cut-poison-irradiate-and-transplant you which includes a free estimation of how long you will live or (2) do nothing at all which also includes a free, but much shorter, estimation of how long you will live. And so, with such limited choices, most people prefer to bequeath their savings account to the doctors for choice number one. At best, the physicians promise to drug you into unconsciousness so that you do not feel any pain either from your tumors or from their billing department.

    But what happens if you don’t take their advice and choose alternative medicine, instead – you know, the choice that the doctors never mention to their patients? Since it has been proven that hospital patients live longer when the doctors go on strike, then alternative medicine is obviously better than a placebo. But they never mention that, either.

    Secondly, these oncologists with all of their fancy degrees and years of microscopic confusion are really nothing more than disciples of fraud. This fraud is known as “symptomatic medicine” and these cancer physicians prove their idiocy on a daily basis by classifying cancer as a “disease.” Would it be a joke on them if it was discovered that cancer really is not a disease at all but merely a “symptom” of something else? Hundreds of millions of dying cancer patients would certainly not be laughing. And millions of billionaire Big Pharma

    swindlers would not be laughing, either. Would it be a joke if it was discovered that cancer is not a disease at all and that these swindling greed-bags were actually mistaking the symptoms for the disease? I don’t think there would be much laughter in finding this to be true; but it is true and here’s how this simple cure works.

    The cancer quacks who are known as “modern physicians” (or oncology engineers), all know that there are many things that cause cancer. Does this ring a bell in their mighty brains? No, of course not. If there are many things that cause cancer, then how can cancer be classified as a disease? Isn’t it true, rather, that the many causative agents are the disease while the manifestations of tumors and malignancies are actually the symptom? This may seem strange but think about it a bit. And you alternative practitioners had better think about it a bit since the physicians have already proven that they are on the wrong track and haven’t thought about it enough.

    If many things cause cancer (radiation, chemicals, viruses, sunlight, etc.) then even the dumbest physician knows enough to remove the primary cause. So, patients who work in the bright sun or in chemical factories are advised to avoid these situations. Hooray for the doctors who have common sense! But why are they so few?

    Once you remove the primal cause, you are still left with a growing malignancy. (I am referring to the growing tumor and not to the doctors and the Big Pharma executives, themselves.) This cancerous growth has certain attributes that the idiot doctors overlook because they have been trained to use the most expensive methods possible for producing the largest possible profit for themselves and for their hospitals and for their drug suppliers. And after extracting all possible savings accounts, checking accounts, real property and insurance benefits, they send the dying patient home after saying, “We have done everything that we can do.” No, I don’t think many people will be laughing to discover that cancer can be cured with baking soda.

    But even after the primary cause of the cancer is removed, why do the cancer cells keep growing? The doctors say because cancer is a disease. However, these practitioners of “symptomatic medicine” are mistaking the disease for the symptom. It is more accurate to say that the cancer is not the disease, itself, but is rather the symptom.

    The maniac oncologists cut and radiate and poison and burn the cancer cells in an attempt to kill them. But the alternative practitioner prefers to let the powerful defenses of the body do all the work. And why? Because the body can take care of itself just fine as long as you provide it with what it needs to do the necessary healing. In this case, first remove the causative factors of cancer (such as the oncologists and Big Pharma robber barons) and then get to work on the underlying causes.

    All cancer has some common denominators that the physicians think are inconsequential. But, if you think about it a little bit, you will see that the oncologists are full of themselves and not full of knowledge. What they think is the disease, is actually the symptom. And what they think is inconsequential is actually the tiny, little cause for all of this suffering and disease. It’s a joke on the doctors, but nobody is laughing.

    Here’s how it works. Normal cells that turn cancerous have specific jobs to do. Brain cells do brainy things, heart cells are on a bungee jumper's rush, liver cells strain today’s whiskey, kidney cells strain the beer and save the water, bladder cells hold the nasty stuff that the others strain, and skin cells enjoy a good suntan on a summer day. They all do different jobs. But when they turn cancerous, they throw all of that specialization aside.

    Cancer cells do not evolve; they devolve. They do not perform the task specified in the blueprints of DNA, but they rebel and go it alone. Cancer cells give up being a high level technical worker in the body and become instead the lowest form of life. Worse than any truant teenager – all they do all day is eat, excrete, reproduce and do it all while holding their breath. While holding their breath? What is this little detail that is overlooked by the oncologists?

    That’s right. Cancer cells don’t require a lot of oxygen to live. In fact, it is this low oxygen level that allows them to thrive. Or to put it in a way that even a physician can understand, cancer cells become cancerous not because they are the disease, but because they are normal cells reacting to the causative factors of disease. That is, cancer cells become cancer cells because they are normal cells that cannot live in any other way. They are following the First Commandment of Life, “Thou must live” and in order for them to live, they must give up their specific functions in the body and devolve to a lower level of Life that is not so demanding of them. They become cancer cells in order to survive, not because they want to be cancer cells.

    From this perspective you can say that cancer is normal. It is not a disease, but rather it is the reaction of certain cells in the body to stress factors that cause these cells to choose de-evolution to a cancerous state as a means of cellular survival. They give up being highly advanced cells – brain, heart, liver, kidney, skin, etc. – and take a step downward to a lower function. They become cancerous as a survival strategy because nature only gives them this choice – or they must die. Cancer is the reaction of cells to various factors that will cause their death if they do not devolve to a lower, cancerous state.

    Of course, the Big Pharma scoundrels and the physicians-for-hire want to “treat” cancer. Yes, they have devised a trillion “treatments” none of which do any good except to their bank accounts. There is a lot of money in “treatments.” You can talk about “treatments” for years. You can offer your customers … I mean, your “patients” … years and years of the latest and greatest of treatments. Treatments! Treatments! Treatments! Forever! And all of this time, while the victims are suffering and dying and giving the hospitals their last pennies in vain, the doctors can avoid ever, ever mentioning that most forbidden word of modern medicine – “cure.” Why? Because if they actually cure anyone of cancer, then they can’t get them back for any more treatments!

    Cancer is easily cured with nothing more complicated than baking soda, but before telling you how this is done, I want to review something that the Johns Hopkins Hospital has stolen from the alternative medical professionals. They sent out a newsletter in 2007 that has also been circulated by the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Although their newsletter did not credit any alternative health practitioners or natural healing groups as to the source for their information, it was gratifying to see that what Naturopaths have been saying for over seventy years is finally being acknowledged by the swindlers of the Medical Monopoly. I will briefly review the main points of this newsletter below so that you Naturopathic Health experts and you idiots in the entrenched Medical Monopoly are all using the same language when you yell at each other.

    All naturopaths already know these things, but because it was new to the physicians and oncologists, here briefly is what the Johns Hopkins Hospital newsletter stated:

    1. “Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells.

    2. “Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with un-sweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved.”

    3. “Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.”

    4. “A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).”

    5. "Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water – best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic. Avoid it.”

    6. “Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.”

    7. "Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells."

    8. “Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs, etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted or unneeded cells.”

    9. “Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment.

    10. “Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.”

    And this ends the good advice that the Johns Hopkins Hospital tosses out … then forgets entirely about. Although they make some basic errors with their assertions because they don’t really understand natural nutrition, it does contain almost everything that naturopaths of all varieties have been practicing and teaching for many years. But, it does not give credit where credit is due. The physicians purloin our knowledge and take it for their own discovery and then they bill their patients for the information that we freely give while pretending to be physicians of great learning. And so, let’s leave these medical maniacs and show how cancer is easily cured with nothing more than baking soda. You will need the above ten points to put the puzzle together. And I will leave you and the physicians to argue about the above data which they have plagiarized without fully understanding.

    The newsletter makes much of the importance of avoiding acidic and seeking alkaline but they do not know how to put two-and-two together to make any sense out of the information that they have stolen from us. They do not understand the cheap and easy and effective Naturopathic Way because they follow the fraudulent and profitable and expensive way of symptomatic medicine.

    One of the much-overlooked “minor” details of cancer cells is that they thrive in a low oxygen environment. When the body is not able to fully oxygenate, these cells must either die of asphyxiation and toxic build-up or they must devolve to a lower state of existence where they can live and grow without so much oxygen. They become cancerous because there is not enough oxygen for them to remain normally functioning.

    In point #1, above, the physicians rightfully state that cancerous cells feed on sugar. Actually, all cells feed on glucose. They absolutely do not seem to understand the difference between what glucose and sucrose do to the blood. What the physicians are missing is that the sucrose table sugar, the white flour products, the red meats, dairy products, coffee, candy and soda pop that the hospital provides from the hospital kitchen and from the Coke and candy machines on every floor, are bad enough on their own. These are the junk foods that the patients, themselves, got sick on. What the physicians do not understand is the blood chemistry that these junk foods unbalance. Yes, they take the necessary chemical tests. But they do not understand their own data because they are looking for a complicated treatment when the simple cure is staring them in the face.

    Everybody knows how to stick a toy balloon on the wall after rubbing it on your head. It will stick tightly during dry weather but maybe not at all during damp weather. This is because the electro-static charge is strong during dry weather but gets leaked away during damp weather. Well, the same principle applies to how oxygen sticks to the blood cells during oxygenation, but in an ionic fluid instead of in an electrostatic gas.

    As blood cells pass through the lungs, there is a very delicate balancing act that takes place between their cell surfaces and the ionic charges of the surrounding plasma. As they pass through the lungs, these purple-colored blood cells have the ionic charge that they received when picking up carbon dioxide. In contact with lung oxygen, this charge gets reversed so that the carbon dioxide drops off and the reversed charge attracts and picks up oxygen molecules. As their ionic charge reverses as they pick up a full supply of oxygen and their color changes from purple to red, these oxygenated blood cells are carried along through the body until they get into the vicinity of body cells that have a surplus of carbon-dioxide and need some oxygen. At that point, the ionic charges again reverse as the oxygen drops off and the carbon dioxide is attracted and sticks to the blood cell which once again changes to a purple color and is carried to the lungs. Yin and yang, a changing balance of polarities.

    But, just like a toy balloon that cannot stick to the wall in wet weather, oxygen cannot stick to a blood cell if the ionic balance of the blood is acidic. This is what the physicians and oncologists are overlooking. Every damned one of them has observed the ringing alarm bell going off but have muffled their ears and closed their eyes because they are looking for some expensive and complicated cure for cancer when both the cause and the cure are actually very simple.

    They observe that cancer thrives in an acidic environment but they feed their patients sugar, white flour, red meats, ice cream and cake for dessert at just about every meal. They observe that cancer dies in a high oxygen environment, but they treat their patients to a choice between Coke and Pepsi from the vending machine down the hall. It is either much too simple for them to understand or else they are a witless part of a greedy and voracious conspiracy against the health of all of Mankind. Those are the only two choices. Doctor, take your pick.

    The ringing alarm bell that the physicians are overlooking is the blood pH. Every cancer patient that I have ever seen, all without exception, had an acidic blood pH. But while the oncologists are pumping the patient full of chemotherapy, pizzas, pancakes, cokes, ice creams, hamburgers and fries, sweet rolls and jams, followed by radiation and surgery, they are ignoring the fact that cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment.

    Oxygen cannot stick to blood cells if the pH of the blood is acidic. And rather than do everything that they can to raise the pH back up to a normal pH of 7.4 so that the blood can function properly, they prefer surgery. All of the advice that they have stolen from Naturopathic medicine about “deep breathing” will do them no good at all. You can breath pure oxygen until you catch on fire but if the blood pH is acidic, then the oxygen will not be able to be picked up by the blood cells. It is chemically impossible. The blood must be normal and normal blood has a pH of around 7.4 pH. Any vestigial traces of oxygen that the acid-drenched blood cells manage to pick up are stripped off early by the oxygen-starved cells along the way and never reach the deeper parts of the body where oxygen is most needed. And because the pH is acidic, carbon dioxide also is not transported efficiently and so builds up within the tissues leading both to cell death and to a cell-to-cancer de-evolution for survival.

    So, yes, cancer can be cured with ordinary baking soda. Bicarbonate is found in the blood naturally for the very real purpose of neutralizing acids. Therefore, those who want to cure your cancers should first follow the stolen advise found in the above newsletter. Not that the oncologists understand or follow this advice, themselves, but since they stole it from Naturopathic medicine at least we can all agree that it is good advice. So, go to the health food stores and change your diet immediately.

    But also do this: Take a pinch of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into your mouth, run it around your teeth and gums with your tongue while being sure to reach into the deepest parts of your gums and teeth and swallow it three times a day – more or less depending on how you feel. Also, drink a glass of water containing a teaspoon of baking soda before going to bed each night. But don’t over do this. Baking soda can kill you if you take too much of it. Take just a little bit and see how it makes you feel. If you feel okay, then take some more. Don’t overdo it but don’t be afraid to experiment. After all, the doctors experiment on you every time you go to see them as they “practice medicine”. So, why not experiment on yourself and save the money and the pain. But by all means change your diet to a natural and alkaline diet. And make baking soda a part of that diet.

    The physicians will charge you a lot of money to take a pH test of your blood, but you can start monitoring the pH, yourself, by purchasing some pH test strips from a pharmacy. Test your tongue pH in the morning as well as your urine pH. Practice some yoga or Tai Chi Chuan or other deep breathing exercises and go on long walks to enjoy fresh air and your days on Earth. As your blood pH moves back up to the alkaline side of the chart, your deep breathing will fully oxygenate your blood. The cancer cells cannot survive all of that fresh oxygen so they die. And your T-killer cells, being full of vigor, will kill the cancer cells that remain. It’s as simple as that.

    This is not advice that a cancer doctor will give you but it is advice that you can take whether you accept his treatments or not. After all, the normal pH of your blood is 7.4 but if the doctor wants to treat you without regard to what is normal, then maybe you should put yourself in Nature’s hands rather than his. If cancer is normal, then it would be normal for everybody to have cancer. But since it is not normal and since it thrives in situations that are not normal, then doesn’t it make sense to seek the things that are normal so that the cancer just disappears? A physician or oncologist who ignores the pH of your blood and does not know how to make it normal once again, is not qualified to be treating you in any way whatsoever.

    And whoops, oh dear! I am afraid that tooth decay is also cured with this simple remedy because baking soda kills decay-causing germs on contact.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:43 pm

    Cansema - cancer remedy (skin cancer) - a few recipes below but the basic active components of "black salve" are just Blood Root, Chapparal and Zinc Chloride.

    Unfortunately you need a binder of some kind and there is a problem with zinc chloride being deliquescent forming zinc oxide and HCl. One easy way around this if you inted to make your own is to use Desitin Cream (tm). Desitin is 40% Zinc Oxide and the other components are hypoallergenic and generally soothing which is nice and will act as a binder for the other two ingredients.

    In short the easiest way to make a "black salve" is to grind up Blood Root and Chapparal then mix in some Desitin (tm) until you have a thick salve/paste.

    For those who may think the HCl is important ... you can add a drop of pool acid to the mixture but I wouldn't advise it. Acid burns 'n such

    Keep in mind that there are a number of different recipes some include Graviola or Artemesia for additional anti-cancer effects ... then there are additions like lanolin, vitamin E, emu oil or DMSO for either skin soothing or carrying the components deeper into the dermis.

    Quote from:

    Cansema is a natural skin cancer treatment. The active ingredients of Cansema are Zinc, bloodroot, and chapparal. It can be ordered from Alpha Omega Labs in the Bahamas. Alpha Omega was shut down by the FDA, due to making unsubstantiated claims, and due to the spectacular success of some of their products.

    This is a recipe for a black paste very similar to the cansema. But this is a preferred paste for melanoma and all suspect skin cancer like lesions. This paste also has worked well for all manner of cancers provided that they have become exposed to or close to the surface of the skin.

    1/2 cup powdered Blood Root (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
    1/2 cup Zinc Chloride, crystals or liquid
    1/2 cup common white flour
    1 1/2 cup warm water
    100ml Chaparral extract or 100gm of powdered Chaparral (Larrea mexicana)

    Pre-mix all but the water, thoroughly, before adding to the water. Using a stainless steel double boiler. Put in water, then stir in the other ingredients. Stir in well using a wooden spoon. Cook for thirty minutes over boiling water, stirring constantly. Application is much the same as cansema. Apply a thin layer (2-3mm) of the paste over the affected area and cover for 24 hours. Then remove the covering but do not disturb the lesion at all, do not attempt to pull the cancer out at any time, it should fall out in 10 days or so. Some people with sensitive skin put vaseline around the cancer so that the paste does not irritate the skin.

    Below is the ingredient list from a Cansema Black Salve meant for pets. There are some issues with the FDA and selling of cansema for humans but less so for animals apparently. Anyhow one can purchase this from an australian company here

    They add a few extra ingredients Graviola and Galangal but they are good ingredients. DMSO is a transdermal that helps bring the components deeper into the skin which is also likely a good thing here.

    Quote from:
    Centreforce Cansema Black Salve for Cats, Dogs & Horses Ingredients: Bloodroot, Galangal, Chaparral, Ginger root, Zinc Chloride, Graviola and pharmaceutical-grade DMSO. True to the original “Cansema Black Salve for Cats, Dogs & Horses” from Alpha Omega Labs, with the same proven effectiveness off penetration as “Cansema Deep Tissue”.

    Quote from:

    Chaparral (Larrea tridentata, Larrea mexicata) -- An herb long reverred for its miraculous medicinal properties by Indians of the Southwest U.S., chaparral's secret is known to be contained in a substance known as NDGA (nordihydroguauretic acid). This organic anti-oxidant is the basis of several recent cancer cures which have been filed with the U.S. patent office, most by Chemex Pharmaceutical of Fort Collins, Colorado (USA). The FDA has granted drug status to Chemex for a remedy for a pre-cancerous skin remedy (actinic keratosis) which uses NDGA as its base.

    Graviola (Annona muricata) from the Amazonia, Specific acetogenins in graviola and/or extracts of graviola have been reported to be selectively toxic in vitro to these types of tumor cells: lung carcinoma cell lines; human breast solid tumor lines; prostate adenocarcinoma; pancreatic carcinoma cell lines; colon adenocarcinoma cell lines; liver cancer cell lines; human lymphoma cell lines; and multi-drug resistant human breast adenocarcinoma.

    Galangal (Alpina officinalis) -- A relative of ginger, the root of galangal is effective in making the actions of Cansema products milder to the stomach. It is also a suporific, helping to cleanse the system through perspiration and acting as an adjuvant to the overall action of chaparral.

    Zinc Glutomate / Zinc Chloride are used to impart zinc, which work as an adjuvant. It is now known why zinc increases the antineoplastic and antiviral activity of NDGA, but the effect has long been known

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:46 pm

    « on: April 22, 2009, 02:59:03 PM »

    Al Sears, MD
    11903 Southern Blvd., Ste. 208
    Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

    April 20, 2009

    With summer just a couple of months off,
    I’ve got some great news. You can completely ignore the
    medical establishment’s war on sunlight and go outside without

    It just got harder to argue that the sun
    is bad for you. The evidence of sunlight’s cancer-fighting power
    keeps mounting.

    Researchers at the University of San
    Diego recently looked at rates of breast cancer in 107
    countries.1 They found a direct link
    between amounts of sunlight and breast cancer risk.

    If you’re a woman living far from
    the equator, your chances of developing breast cancer are much higher.
    The data also show that sunshine protects women who live
    closer to the equator.

    This is true regardless of other risk
    factors like smoking or being overweight.

    The reason? Vitamin D: The
    “sunshine” vitamin. Your skin makes it automatically when
    sunlight hits your skin.

    It also happens to be one of
    Nature’s most potent anti-cancer agents. (Women who live closer
    to the equator also have a lot more vitamin D in their

    So if you’re a woman, consider
    sunshine one of your best friends.

    For men, the news is just as good . .

    Cancer researchers in Sweden wanted to
    see if it was true that the vitamin D from sunlight protects against
    prostate cancer.

    This led to a remarkable discovery. Even
    if you already have prostate cancer, you’re
    still 7 times less likely to die from it if you get enough
    vitamin D.2

    In other words, sunlight can slow
    the progress of prostate cancer—and increase your chances
    of survival.

    This only adds to what I’ve said
    over the years. Sunlight has the unique ability to prevent or even
    halt cancer of all kinds. The science has consistently backed this

    Take a landmark 2007 report out of a
    university in Nebraska. Scientists there found that vitamin D has the
    potential to lower the risk of all cancers in women by 77

    That same year, another amazing study
    came out in Anticancer Research. It showed that sunlight
    exposure alone — about 20 minutes a day for fair-skinned folks
    and two to four times that much for those with dark skin — can
    reduce the risk of 16 types of cancer in both men and

    If you find that you can’t get out
    in the sun that often, you can ramp up vitamin D through

    Fish are a great source. Here’s a
    list, including amounts of vitamin D:

    Selected Food Sources of
    Naturally Occurring Vitamin D5

    Food Source



    Cod Liver Oil

    1 tablespoon

    1360 IU


    3.5 ounces

    360 IU

    Sardines (canned)

    3.5 ounces

    270 IU

    Tuna (canned)

    3 ounces

    200 IU

    Egg (yolk)

    1 egg

    25 IU

    Beef Liver

    3.5 ounces

    15 IU

    Swiss Cheese

    1 ounces

    12 IU

    Go wild-caught for fish, cage-free for
    eggs, or grass-fed for meats whenever possible.

    To Your Good

    Dr. Al Sears, MD

    The term "Vitamin D" refers to a group of compounds not just one ... and of the five major D vitamins ONLY D3 is metabolized by light.

    While it is true that certain cancers decrease as one moves towards the equator it is also true that other cancers especially skin cancers dramatically increase. It should also be noted that the benefits of D3 in regards to cancer do not increase beyond a threshold level. In other words more than 5 to 10 minutes a day of sun exposure for those in the US and perhaps 20 in those countries farther north is pretty much all one needs to reach the maximum benifit threshold

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:27 pm

    Louise Hay; You Can Heal Your Life
    If you want good health you tell yourself
    I have good health and eventually it will
    happen. Healing is a lot of hard work; when
    it happens outside mainstream medicine, it's
    called a miracle.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:29 pm

    "A new cancer paradigm; one that is based on an understanding that
    cancer is ultimately caused by multiple interacting factors that
    combine to invite primary yeast and fungi infections to destroy your life."

    "What will come as a surprise to most allopathic physicians is that the healing agents we have selected are not pharmaceutical medicines but highly concentrated nutritional substances. We are talking specifically about magnesium chloride, iodine and sodium bicarbonate. These basic emergency room substances, along with ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) make up our core protocol which together, along with other minerals and vitamins like selenium, zinc and vitamin C, can beat back the ravaging power of cancer and even diabetes.

    These substances offer a power unequalled in the world of medicine
    that we can harness to cure cancer. As cancer rates surge upward
    human survival is directly related to a safe and effective protocol for
    cancer, diabetes as well as heart and a host of neurological diseases.

    In the emergency room medicines have to be safe while delivering an instant life saving burst of healing power. Obviously if they are safe and strong enough for emergency situations they are going to help us with chronic diseases and acute ones as well. Thus what is presented here is truly astounding in terms of safety, low cost and proven effectiveness. This protocol offers a power unequalled in the world of medicine, which we can harness to cure cancer and other chronic diseases."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:34 pm

    Healing Cancer:Edgar Cayce On The Preventative-Health Value of Almonds

    Almonds in the Cayce Readings Compared to Current Medical Research

    pertinent extracts relating to the healing of cancer excerpted by Healing Cancer Naturally from article by Douglas G. Richards (© 2001 Meridian Institute)

    Mentions of almonds in the Cayce readings fall into several categories: (1) as general sources of nutrition, (2) as sources of fats (in low or no meat diets), (3) as cancer/tumor preventatives, (4) as a skin lotion/therapy, (5) as a spiritual symbol. The use of almonds as a source of fats was most commonly found in low or no meat diets recommended as a cancer preventative or part of a cancer cure.
    Nutritional Properties of Almonds

    Cayce makes occasional references to specific nutritional properties of almonds (e.g., 1861-10). In one reading he says, "The almond carries more phosphorus AND iron in a combination easily assimilated than any other nut." (1131-2) Almonds were also suggested to a pregnant woman as a good substitute for milk as a source of calcium (480-46) and to a woman with lymph and uterine tumors as a source of calcium (1140-2). In reading 659-1, a general reading on the vitamin biotin, he identifies the almond as a good source of biotin, and remarks that it is useful as a cancer preventative. Cayce most commonly identifies almonds as a good source of fat/oil for people on a meatless diet, recommended for cancer (4438-1, 3515-1, 1012-1, 1000-11, 967-2, 787-1).

    Current research confirms the validity of all these statements. The primary research on almonds in the prevention of disease looks at them as a source of healthy fat (as opposed to highly saturated animal fats). Most has focused on heart disease and lowering of cholesterol rather than cancer.

    The nutritional information provided by the Almond Board (Fisher & Lachance, 2000; USDA, 2001) gives the following values for phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E (biotin was not measured), for 1 ounce of nuts:

    Mg %DV
    Phosphorus 134.379 NA
    Iron 1.219 6
    Calcium 70.308 8
    Magnesium 77.963 21
    Vitamin E 7.422 35

    Fisher and Lachance (2000) also calculate the "nutrient density" of the major nutrients compared to the percent daily value (DV) for 100 grams. Almonds top the list of nuts at 37%, followed by cashews at 33%, and filberts (hazelnuts) at 32%. Walnuts and Brazil nuts are substantially lower in nutrient density (both at 27%). Pecans (24%) and macadamia nuts (15%) are at the bottom of the list. Note in the Cayce readings below, that filberts and cashews were often recommended as well as almonds.

    This makes almonds a good source of these vitamins and minerals, though there is nothing on the specific relationship of phosphorus and iron. Almonds are also a particularly good source of Vitamin E and magnesium.

    In addition, Fisher and Lachance (2000) discuss some other nutrients that may also contribute to the health benefits of almonds. These include dietary fiber, the mineral boron, and phytochemicals. A number of phytochemicals have been identified in almonds, including flavenoids and plant sterols. Phytochemicals have been associated with the prevention and/or treatment of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and osteoporosis. More research is needed to explore the role of phytochemicals in almonds.

    Nutrients: Calcium

    Two readings (480-46, 1140-2) recommend almonds as a source of calcium, as an alternative to milk.

    For a woman with lymph and uterine tumors (as an alternative to milk for calcium):

    “(Q) With lacteal area disturbed, shall I continue to drink so much sweet milk?
    (A) This is not so well, for the casein as well as the quantity of calcium in same makes for a hardening of those activities through the lymph flow in the intestinal system.
    If this is altered to the milk that is a natural creation from nuts it would be much better; particularly as almonds and filberts; not so much of those that carry too much grease or oils in same as the Brazilian nuts, but particularly almonds and filberts will be helpful and carry with same elements that are much preferable to so much milk.” (1140-2)

    Are Raw Almonds Better Than Roasted Almonds?

    The Cayce readings do not discuss whether raw almonds are better than roasted almonds. Some of the studies state explicitly that the almonds were raw (e.g., the Davis et al. [2001] study on cancer). Others, such as the retrospective epidemiological studies, do not, but it is likely that roasted almonds were commonly consumed, since they are much more available in stores than raw almonds. Is there a difference?

    Based on the USDA (2001) nutrient database, most nutrients in the almonds are not affected by roasting, with the exception of three vitamins. The amounts of the minerals, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, are not affected, although there could conceivably be a change in their bioavailability. Likewise the amounts of vitamin E, and the fatty acids, of known importance in heart disease and cancer, remain the same. However, three vitamins decrease substantially in roasted nuts:

    Thiamin (2/3 is lost), pantothenic acid (1/3 is lost), and vitamin A (90% is lost). There is no information on biotin. An Almond Board bibliography lists two additional studies of the effects of roasting on almond quality (Cunningham, 1989; Perren, 1997).

    It seems reasonable, therefore, until more is known about the effects of specific components of almonds, to consume raw almonds in preference to roasted almonds. Roasted almonds, however, still have substantial nutritional value.
    Almonds as Sources of Fats

    The Cayce readings address almonds as sources of fats almost entirely in the context of cancer or tumors, rather than cholesterol or heart disease. Several readings refer explicitly to almonds as a preferred non-meat source of fats.

    For cancer tendencies, as a fat source:

    “(Q) Are there any foods that should be eliminated, and if so, suggest diet?

    (A) Rather use the fruit and vegetable diet. The fats should be more from nuts than meats; for these, as we find, would be most helpful - and especially cashew nuts, almonds, filberts, and the like.” (1000-11)

    For tumor tendencies, as a fat source:

    “Citrus fruit juices should form the greater portion of the morning meals, as should the RAW vegetables the noon meals; while the fruits, cooked or prepared vegetables or the other activities for the system should furnish the evening meals. Nuts, especially almonds, filberts and the like, should form the greater portion of the oils or fats for the body.“ (967-2)

    For tumors, as a fat source:

    “Hence, there should be a reduction in sugars - only taking those sugars from fruits and from the vegetables; with the fats that would be from nuts, preferably. Use rather almonds and filberts than black walnuts, English walnuts or even Brazilian nuts; though these will be helpful at times, but very small amounts of same.” (787-1)
    Almonds as Cancer/Tumor Preventatives

    Several Cayce readings specifically recommend almonds in the context of cancer prevention, usually with other elements of diet.

    The most often quoted readings say:

    "Those who would eat two to three almonds each day need never fear cancer." (1158-31)

    "If an almond is taken each day, and kept up, you'll never have accumulations of tumors or such conditions through the body." (3180-3)

    Almonds were recommended in cases of breast cancer in the following readings, as part of a diet emphasizing leafy vegetables and low (or no) meat and fat:

    "Eat an almond each day - one almond - the body will have no more trouble or recurrence of this nature through the system." (3515-1)

    "Almonds, Brazilian nuts, cashew nuts, and the like, are well. Almonds, especially." (4438-1)

    The scientific research of the potential of almonds to prevent cancer is just beginning to be done. There is a report in the April 2001 issue of the medical journal Cancer Letters that suggests that Cayce was on target, although we still don’t know how strong the preventative effect is in humans. Paul Davis and Christine Iwahashi of the University of California at Davis studied the effect of eating almonds on colon cancer in rats. They fed the rats whole almonds as well as almond oil and almond meal. They also injected a chemical that induces cancer. After 26 weeks on the almond diet, they looked at the colons of the rats to see whether cancer was developing. For control groups, the researchers used rats who were fed either wheat bran or cellulose, two high fiber foods that can help prevent cancer. The whole almonds and the oil and meal all had cancer preventative effects. The whole almonds were especially effective, and were better at inhibiting the cancer than either wheat bran or cellulose. The authors suggest that a combination of compounds only found in the whole almonds is necessary for the full effect. They conclude that "almond consumption may reduce colon cancer risk and does so via at least one almond-associated lipid component."

    But compare Cancer Research Based Upon Animal Models of Human Disease, particularly Better Science: Limitations of Animal Tests, On Differences Between Species: Animal Experiment Results Often Not Transferable to Humans, The Harms to Humans from Animal Experimentation, Better Science: Benefits of Using Non-Animal Tests, Animals in Cancer Research, Cancer: Why We're Losing the War and Cancer Research - A Super Fraud?.

    The Davis study is not the only one looking at the potential anti-cancer components of almonds. Takeoka et al. (2000) isolated three triterpenoids from almond hulls (the outer part of the almond, as opposed to the part usually eaten). They note that almond hulls are a rich source of these triterpenoids, which have reported anti-inflammatory, anti-HIV, and anti-cancer activities.

    Almonds as a Source of Biotin

    In reading 659-1, a reading specifically on the biological role of the biotin, Cayce stated that it is useful as a cancer preventative, and that almonds are a good source.

    Biotin is one of the B vitamins. Good sources include nuts according to, which also states: "The RDA (recommended daily allowance) for biotin is 150-300 mcg. The adult daily supplement range is 300-600 mg. Deficiencies are rare since biotin can be produced in the intestines from foods such as those mentioned below. Adequate dietary intake would provide 30-100 mcg (micrograms) daily. For example a 3 ½ ounce serving of peanut butter would provide approximately 39 mcg of biotin."

    The information published by the Almond Board, and the USDA Nutrient database for Standard Reference (2001), does not provide information on biotin in almonds. However, they do provide data for the other B vitamins. Almonds are a good source of riboflavin (13% of the DV (0.22 mg) in one ounce), niacin (5% of the DV (1 mg) in one ounce), as well as the other B vitamins (Fisher & Lachance, 2000).

    Is biotin a factor in cancer prevention? Despite substantial interest in vitamins and cancer prevention (Young & Newberne, 1981), there appears to be little work involving biotin. A Medline search on biotin and cancer yields many references, but most refer to the use of biotin in an immunoassay, not to the effect of biotin on cancer. There are only a few relevant studies, none of which involve a direct experiment on supplementation of biotin and its effect on cancer. Cherbonnel-Lasserre et al. (1997) found a strong decrease in biotin content in colorectal tumors, in comparison to normal tissue. On the other hand, Baker et al. (1981) found increased levels of vitamins including biotin in colon cancer cells, hypothesized that tumors need these vitamins for enhanced growth, and suggested antivitamin therapy. Some other studies have bound biotin-containing intranuclear inclusions in cancer cells (Okamoto et al., 1995; Tanaka et al., 1998; Sasaki et al., 1999), but see these primarily in terms of their potential for interference with biotin immunoassays.

    Since there has been substantial work on Vitamins A, C, E, and some B vitamins in regard to cancer, biotin would seem to be overdue for some serious research as a cancer preventative.

    Almonds as a Constituent of a Skin Lotion

    Several readings mention almonds as a constituent of a skin lotion, in an acne reading, for sunburn, for skin blemishes, and as an ingredient of a commercial skin cream being developed. Almonds apparently were a constituent of skin creams in Cayce’s time. The high Vitamin E content of almonds would make a skin application reasonable. Topical Vitamin E has been shown in several studies to inhibit cancer caused by ultraviolet radiation (Gensler & Magdaleno, 1991; Lopez-Torres et al., 1998; Krol et al., 2000). One study (Gensler et al., 1996) found that the form of Vitamin E found in some skin lotions (thermostable esters, used to increase shelf life) may actually increase skin cancer, rather than prevent it. This may turn out to be relevant to using natural almonds, rather than modified Vitamin E.

    One article on Medline, Maiche et al. (1991), referred to almond ointment in the context of its protective effect in acute radiation skin reaction. Reading 1206-13 is especially interesting in this regard, as it links the protective effects of almonds to both skin blemishes and cancer. Relevant to almonds ingested to prevent skin blemishes and cancer, Gerrish and Gensler (1993) found that dietary Vitamin E was also a skin cancer preventative.
    Almonds as Skin Blemish Preventer (and Cancer Preventer):

    "And know, if ye would take each day, through thy experience, two almonds, ye will never have skin blemishes, ye will never be tempted even in body toward cancer nor towards those things that make blemishes in the body-forces themselves." (1206-13)
    Almond as a Spiritual Symbol:

    "Other characters of nuts (other than coconut) are well, though especially almonds are good and if an almond is taken each day, and kept up, you'll never have accumulations of tumors or such conditions through the body. An almond a day is much more in accord with keeping the doctor away, especially certain types of doctors, than apples. For the apple was the fall, not almond - for the almond blossomed when everything else died. Remember this is life!" (3180-3)

    Laetrile [Vitamin B17] and Bitter Almonds

    People sometimes associate the Cayce statements about almonds and cancer with the alternative cancer treatment of laetrile. Laetrile is an anticancer drug made from the pits of apricots, closely related to almonds. Laetrile is also known as amygdalin (the scientific name of the almond is Prunus amygdalus). It has been very controversial, with questions about both its efficacy and safety, and is not approved by the FDA for use in the United States. Compare Amygdalin/Laetrile background and details, the book World Without Cancer and background on the FDA.

    Laetrile is most likely not relevant to the Cayce recommendations or to the health effects discussed above. All the studies cited above involve sweet almonds, the type that is commonly available in the United States, and was likely the only type easily available in Cayce’s time. Bitter almonds, a source of laetrile, are used to make almond extract, but are very difficult to eat due to the bitter taste. No studies have been conducted on the health properties of bitter almonds. The bitter taste is due to the presence of cyanide, which is also the hypothesized source of the effect on cancer. Shragg et al. (1982) warn about cyanide poisoning after bitter almond ingestion.
    Compare background article on Laetrile, Ernst Krebs lecturing on Vitamin B17, The Ultimate Cancer Conspiracy: Vitamin B17 Laetrile/Amygdalin), Vitamin B17 quotes and the book World Without Cancer.

    Notes on almonds and other nuts

    by Leonard (leonardleonard1 at

    Almonds contain the anticancer substance arginine; high "bioenergetic value" (Dries); Gonzalez has prescribed up to 20 almonds/day; Kelley also recommended them; associated with "spontaneous remissions".
    Walnuts-- contain Omega 3 fatty acids, ellagic acid, IP6; keep refrigerated.
    Coconuts--antiviral, antifungal; contain lysine.
    Filberts [hazelnuts]-recommended by Cayce.
    Brazil nuts-contain much selenium.

    More on Cayce & Almonds at

    For detailed coverage of Edgar Cayce’s view of cancer genesis and healing, see The Causes and Treatment of Cancer: A Research Report Based on the Readings of Edgar Cayce.

    More on health & healing cancer by Edgar Cayce:
    Edgar Cayce's Perspective of Cancer
    Edgar Cayce Concise Reading on Vitamins
    Edgar Cayce’s Recommendations re Cancer & Diet
    Edgar Cayce’s General Nutrition & Diet Recommendations
    Edgar Cayce on Keeping Our Bodies in Balance Nutritionally
    A Summary of Edgar Cayce’s Readings’ View of Illness, Health & Healing
    Edgar Cayce’s Readings on Health & Healing of the Human Body: Spirit Is the Life, Mind is the Builder, the Physical Is the Result.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:39 pm

    A MUST SEE for everyone who believes that cancer is a mysterious disease

    Until 2007, I didn't know Italian cancer specialist, Tullio Simoncini, M.D., nor did he know me. Seemingly worlds apart, we were on identical paths; unlike millions of cancer researchers before us, we discovered the cause of cancer. Then God placed us together and a most amazing interview ensued.

    Watch now as this millennium's most important cancer discovery is told. Then please send it to loved ones who need this information. Tell everyone you know to sign up for our free newsletter, because the information is simply too important to be without the next time you find yourself in a hospital or doctor's office.

    The Fungus, Yeast, Mould Connection to Cancer

    "I have studied more than 300 different alternative cancer treatments. I have studied dozens of different theories about why various alternative treatments work. But what is the thread that ties all of these treatments together?

    Solving the cancer issue is like a puzzle. You hear many things, but it is sometimes difficult to put the pieces together. For example, several of the key alterntive doctors, such as Royal Rife, Hulda Clark, Virginia Livingston, and many others, all claimed that cancer is caused by a micro-organism. That sounds good, but what is that micro-organism? And even if there is a micro-organism, is it a cause of cancer or merely a harmless symptom of cancer or a laboratory contaminant?

    Another common theory is alkalinity. Why is alkalinity so good for cancer treatments?

    You also see articles on diet, such as not to eat meat. You see articles to avoid certain other foods as well.

    Many of the best cancer treatments, such as Gerson and Moerman, were developed largely by trial and error. Yet the diets these people put together are almost identical to the best cancer diets designed today.

    So what is the "glue" that links all of these things together?

    Some time ago I came across an article, quite by accident (in fact the article heading had nothing to do with cancer and if I hadn't had a cold at the time I probably would have ignored it), which started a chain reaction in my mind that allowed piece after piece of the cancer puzzle to start to be put together. Major pieces of the puzzle were bridged and seemingly independent theories and discoveries suddenly were related to each other.

    That "glue" was a better understanding of alkalinity, fungi, moulds and yeasts. For example, in Dr. Gerson's book on cancer, he stated that when cancer patients came to him he noticed that several diseases were common to his cancer patients. He stated: "I found cancer frequently combined with chronic osteo-arthritis, high or low blood pressure, chronic sinus trouble, or other chronic infections ..." Page 40

    So what is so special about this list? First of all, chronic sinusitis is caused by a fungus. Even orthodox medicine admits that. Osteoarthritis is an inflamatory disease. The foods most suspected of creating this inflammation are rich in fungi, moulds and yeasts. The natural foods used to treat or prevent hypertension are very similar to the natural foods used to treat or prevent cancer, meaning these two diseases have something in common. Furthermore, these two diseases have many of the same causes, such as tobacco, which is loaded with fungi and yeasts.

    My point is that there is some common link to cancer and the list of diseases Dr. Gerson noticed were common in his cancer patients.

    I have recently bought several books on cancer and alkalinity, fungus, moulds and yeasts (and a type of bacteria). It will not be until the end of 2005 (or later) before I have had an opportunity to read most of them. The list of books is at the bottom of this page."

    The Articles

    In the mean time, here are some superb articles that will get you thinking that in fact there is a connection between these things and cancer:

    This is a short book which gives the big picture of what is going on: (Requires Adobe Acrobat) (Free, online book: How you Rot and Rust) (See testimonial at bottom on cancer!!)

    Such things as grains (e.g. flour raised with yeast) and fruit juices, such as orange juice (but not grape juice), and nuts, especially cashews are in the Raw Food diet as being OK. However, if the fungi/mould/yeast theory of cancer is valid (and I am beginning to think it is), we should be treating the fungus/mould/yeast AT THE SAME TIME we are treating the cancer!!! We should also be treating the acidity (generally using diet), which allows these things to thrive.

    The Books

    Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain (excellent)
    by Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc. with Shelley Redford Young, L.M.T.
    (Note: This book replaces: One Sickness, One Disease, One Treatment)

    Four Women Against Cancer (the best book on the history of research on pleomorphic microbes)
    by Alan Cantwell Jr., M.D.

    The Cancer Microbe
    by Alan Cantwell Jr., M.D.

    The Germ that Causes Cancer
    by Doug A. Kaufmann
    (Note: This is the specialized book that replaces: The Fungus Link)

    Cancer: Cause, Cure and Cover-up
    by Ron Gdanski

    The Cure For All Cancers
    by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.

    The Cure For All Advanced Cancers
    by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.

    The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Suppression
    by Barry Lynes

    Choose Life or Death
    by Carey A. Reams with Cliff Dudley
    (Note: This is a book on the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization)

    The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
    by Robert Becker and Gary Selden

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:40 pm

    Cancer is Caused by Infected Injuries

    By Ronald Gdanski, Author of the book CANCER, Cause, Cure and Cover-up.

    Throughout history the medicine man, tribal doctor or shaman has kept medical secrets from the tribe in order to maintain his position of power and wealth. Today’s modern medicine man has not abandoned this lucrative practice. Rather, they have taken control of the media and indoctrinate the public with false information creating false perceptions. The cancer epidemic is just the tip of the iceburg, but lets take a close look at cancer.

    What causes cancer? We are all told by mainstream medicine that the cause of cancer is unknown. Defective genes are suspected because enzymes, produced by genes, control all life functions of the cell. We are led to believe that carcinogens and mutagens or lifestyle and hereditary factors “predispose” one to genetic defects that cause cancer. Cancer starts when a defective oncogene (controller gene) combined with the loss of a suppressor gene mysteriously results in unrestrained growth. Much more genetic research is needed. Please give generously. We are making great strides….

    I believe the defective gene theory of cancer is totally false. We are being purposely misled. Genes are stable molecules that account for the stability of life. There is a cancer epidemic raging. How can we have a defective-gene epidemic?

    Just look at the mysteries regarding cancer. Up to 96% of cancer cells have membrane traits. Why? Bone cancer does not result in unrestrained bone growth. Why not? We never have cancer of the heart, arteries or veins. Why not? Injuries that do not heal cause cancer. Why? Cancer occurs most frequently within liquid storage vessels such as the stomach, colon, bladder, breast, prostate, etc. Why? There are far too many cancer observations that cannot be answered by the defective gene theory, including growth itself.

    Genes do not control growth any more than a steering wheel controls an automobile or a traffic cop controls traffic. The traffic cop does not make cars drive down the street, the steering wheel does not power the automobile, and genes do not cause cells to divide and multiply. Biology texts state that genes have only two functions: store information and duplicate it in the form of RNA. Genes control the direction of growth and maintain the continuity of life. All genes are combinations of 2 functionally equal base pairs called AT and CG. There are only 64 possible combinations known as the “Universal Genetic Code”. All genes produce amino acids, none of which control other genes. The very existence of oncogenes has never been proven. It’s just a theory totally lacking in a scientific basis.
    Parasitic Larvae Cause Cancer

    Reliable historic data shows that a cancer researcher initiated cancer in healthy laboratory animals by infecting them with parasitic larvae from a worm found in horses. He proved that parasitic larvae can cause cancer, and that cancer starts with an infection of them. Have you ever heard that someone was able to prove that parasites cause cancer? Can you name the researcher? Ask your doctor if this is true.

    If you refer to, (1926) you will discover that a Dr. Fibiger of Denmark initiated cancer in the laboratory in 1913. Mainstream medicine is fully aware of his discovery because Fibiger received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this achievement. Why is this 80 year old cause of cancer research ignored and suppressed? Is there a cover-up in progress?

    How do parasitic larvae cause cancer? Perhaps they didn’t know then, but we do know now. Read on.
    Infection Plus Injury Causes Cancer

    Oncologists advise: “At the first sign of abnormal bleeding, call your doctor.” The terms “benign growth, cyst, polyp and pre-cancerous lesion” describe a mass of abnormal and infected cells closely related to cancer when something triggers rapid growth. Physical injuries that do not heal, due to infection, also lead to cancer.

    Healing of a cut finger, or lack of healing if the cut becomes infected, demonstrates the all-natural cause of cancer. Rapid doubling of cells to repair injuries is due to an increased energy field called the current-of-injury. The autonomic current-of-injury stays on until the injury is healed. If the injury is infected healing does not take place but cells continue to divide and multiply endlessly. These mutated cells are rejected like a skin graft that does not take and collect mainly in our storage vessels.

    The current of injury that causes human cells to double rapidly also causes the pathogens inside the cells to double rapidly. Fungi and other infectious microbes have genes to produce growth factors for membrane cells, just as mushrooms, a fungi, produce the skin of a mushroom. Human and parasitic life-form cells simultaneously produce growth factors for membrane cells to repair the membrane. The resulting daughter cells end up with mutations in the cell wall. The new cells do not knit with original cells and fail to heal. The current-of-injury stays on. Infected cells and pathogens continue to divide, mutate, and multiply. Lack of knitting results in metastasis. That’s cancer explained with all-natural causes and existing data.

    The reason why only membrane cells multiply is that pathogens have growth factors for membrane walls but none to differentiate cells into bones, muscle, fat or other body organs. Cancer does not occur often in muscle or fat tissue because there are very few membrane cells in muscle and fat tissue. We do not have cancer of the heart, arteries or veins because the oxygen level is too high for cancer cells. Cancer occurs in liquid storage vessels because the oxygen level is suitable for cancer cells and relatively thick membranes form the container walls. The frequency of our major cancers—lung, colon, breast, bladder, prostate, etc. — are directly proportional to the size of the vessel and the frequency of infection. Virus do not cause cancer directly. Virus cause growths, such as warts. Injuries trigger rapid growth.

    Leukemia is a fungal infection of white blood cells, called leukocytes. Leukemia does not form tumors because leukocytes do not form membranes. Brain tumors initiate in membrane walls within the skull. Cancer consumes only those cells that require growth factors parasites don’t have.

    The trigger that causes a pre-cancerous lesion to become malignant cancer growth is a break in the membrane wall. That’s why up to 96% of cancer cells have membrane cell traits. That’s why investigative surgery of a benign growth often triggers cancer.

    Cancer occurs when the repair-of-injury mechanism is trapped in high gear multiplying infected membrane cells that fail to heal the intended injury. Rate of cancer growth is dependent upon the size of the injury, the vitality of the body, and the quantity of nutrients and other growth factors essential for DNA division and cellular growth. “Yeast Artificial Chromosome” from yeast infections such as Candida also increases the rate of cancer cell growth. Eliminating parasites eliminates the source of these essential growth factors.
    Microbial DNA Polymerase Essential for Cancer

    It is a scientific fact that DNA cannot replicate without growth factors called DNA polymerase. It follows that unrestrained growth we call cancer is dependent upon unrestrained production of DNA polymerase. The all-natural source is from fungi or other pathogens such as rapidly growing larvae that infect the injured cells or the surrounding tissue. Parasitic larvae cause cancer because they burrow into and consume membrane walls, infect adjacent cells, initiate the repair of injury process and supply DNA polymerase.

    Amazingly, all known cancer cell traits and the cancer process can be explained by applying this theory. All of the so-called carcinogens, mutagens, virus, toxins, pollutants, nutritional deficiencies, stress, fatigue, lifestyle and hereditary factors that “predispose” one to defective genes more accurately “predispose” one to infection, inflammation, immune system deficiency, and membrane breakage. Cancer is an all-natural process. Microbial enzymes produced by normal microbial genes cause cell mutations. The theory cannot be challenged by any known cancer observation. Based on the scientific method, the cause of cancer has been proven. The peer review process to confirm that the cause of cancer has been proven is in the hands of those who are concerned with keeping this knowledge from the public.

    Cancer has now reached epidemic proportions with over 6 million new cases per year. The cancer epidemic is the first epidemic in history in which mainstream medicine denies knowing the cause and does nothing to stop it. If left unchecked, illness and treating cancer victims will totally overload and bankrupt our medical system. That’s why our medical system is failing now. What can we do to stop it? What can you do to avoid cancer for yourself and loved ones?
    How to Prevent and Cure Cancer

    Armed with the knowledge that infections produce essential growth factors for cancer and that injuries initiate rapid doubling of cells, you no longer need to live in total fear of this disease. You cannot eliminate so-called inherited genetic defects, but you can eliminate the growth factors produced by parasites and you can support rapid healing of injuries to shut down the current of injury. Converting your body from acid conditions to alkaline conditions is the key to beating cancer.

    For more information read my book, CANCER, Cause, Cure and Cover-up (ISBN 0-9685665-0-2 -available at bookstores or by mail). We don’t need more genetic cancer research or a new drug to cure cancer. We need the freedom to use the cures we have now. For a 40-page booklet ($3.00 —includes postage) explaining how to prevent and help cure cancer please fax your name and address to 1-800-656-7606 or 905-945-0404. Additional copies $2.00 each. To reach me for discussion or to arrange a speaking engagement, Email

    1650 words. The above information may be duplicated on the Internet, in whole or in part, providing references are given regarding the author Ronald Gdanski, and the book, CANCER, Cause, Cure and Cover-up, ISBN 0-9685665-0-2

    ©Ron Gdanski, March, 2001

    The Fungal Nature of Cancer

    by R. Gdanski

    By reference to information posted on the Internet, I can demonstrate that:


    Cancer tumors are composed of fungal tissue called ergosterol.

    The mechanism of chemotherapy is to block or destroy ergosterol.

    The fungal enzyme fumonisin blocks normal growth, knitting and healing processes.

    Cancer, in the sense of rapid and out-of-control growth, initiates from an invasive fungal infection. The repair-of-injury process initiates rapid doubling of mature cells for repair. Fungi inside the cells, or nearby, also multiply rapidly. Fungi produce fungal enzymes that prevent knitting and healing. As a consequence, the autonomic repair-of-injury process becomes trapped into a continuous rapid doubling of fungal cells. That's cancer.

    The cause of cancer is well known, and effective cures for cancer are available.

    This cause-of-cancer theory is elegant in its simplicity. Human cells produce human tissue. Parasitic fungal cells produce fungal tissue. There are no defective human genes, no oncogenes and no suppresser genes that fail to function. The repair-of-injury process initiates rapid growth, and lack of healing sustains it. Malignancy is dependent upon rate of fungal growth. Cancer is an all-natural fungal disease.

    Mushrooms, a fungi, demonstrate the capacity for fungi to produce a fruiting body, complete with growth factors, a skin-like covering, structural parts, arteries, blood-like internal fluid, and reproductive spores. For information on fungal tissue, surf for plectenchyma, or go directly to Here you will observe that there are 3 main types of fungal tissue:

    1) aggregates composed of fungal hyphae fusions called granuloma or cysts; 2) growth factor that infiltrate host tissue as found in polyps; and 3) morphologically distinctive tissue as found in tumors.

    Up to 96% of cancers initiate in epithelial tissue, because fungi produce competitive enzymes and growth factors. There are no tumors formed of any tissue fungi do not have, such as muscles. About 70% of a membrane is composed of fibres in the extracellular matrix that knits cells together. Cancer occurs in the extracellular matrix of cells when fungal enzymes and tissues block normal growth and healing. Cancer in infants and children occurs, not necessarily due to an injury, but due to the normal rapid growth capacity of the infant cells. An abundance of growth factor receptors in the cell wall accounts for rapid growth. This theory is the only theory capable of explaining cancer tumors in children, when the tumor is too large to have generated from a single renegade cell within the child's lifetime.

    The Fungal Process offers the following picture of cancer cells. Here you can see the fungal ergosterol forming a "keratin pearl" or necklace around one cell with claw-like strands branching out to enclose a second cell. You are looking at the essence of a cancer cell with ergosterol "dedifferentiating" human tissue.

    The fact that ergosterol stains differently than human tissue provides a mechanism to identify it. The website offers for sale the Fungi-FlurTM staining kit that is used for the "rapid identification of various fungal infections". One single kit will stain 11 fungi, 9 bacteria, and 3 tissues. The 3 tissues are collagin, elastin and keratin. Cholesterol is not mentioned. The same stain is used to identify keratin and fungi because they have the same ergosterol base. That's why we can see ergosterol in the above photograph of a cancer cell.

    Every known cancer observation can be explained if you realize cancer initiates within a mass of fungal-infected human cells. Carcinogens do not cause genetic defects. Carcinogens are of 3 types: toxins and pollutants that block normal cellular function allowing fungi to thrive; fungi and parasites that cause injury and infection; and conditions that prevent rapid healing.

    The early warning signs of cancer and the known causes of cancer also fall into these categories. Smoking, for example, causes cancer by causing fungal infections. Tobacco contains fungal residue, spores and fumonisin. Drawing air through a tube containing fungal spores and toxins results in fungal infections. Some parasites cause cancer, some don't. Parasites such as larvae that burrow into colon walls, for example, cause injury and infection. Physical injuries that do not heal also cause cancer by allowing infections to persist. Unexplained persistent bleeding, the most common early warning sign of cancer, indicates fumonisin is possibly present.

    Cancer Industry Knows Fungi Cause Cancer

    The most amazing evidence that the cancer industry knows fungi cause cancer can be found by researching the mechanism for chemotherapy. The 1927 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Dr. Heinrich Otto Wieland M.D. for "his investigations of the constitution of the bile acids and related substances". Ergosterol is named from the common grain and corn fungi called Ergot, from which the cell-wall membrane was named. Cholesterol was named for the Greek word "Chole", for bile, from which it was first identified. Since about 1927, the mechanism of toxic drugs to cure cancer has been to block ergosterol or kill fungi.

    A web search for chemotherapy and ergosterol will amaze you. Here you will find hundreds of medical university cancer-related sites. The following university lecture describes how chemotherapy functions. (I have added boldface type for emphasis of the ergosterol-blocking mechanism statements.) The lecture notes read as follows:

    Antifungal agents are classified according to their chemical structure as macrolides, azoles, allylamines, pyrimidine analogs and miscellaneous.

    The polyene antifungals are amphotericin B and nystatin which bind to ergosterol in the plasma membrane, thus disrupting it.

    The azole antifungals include fluconazole and keto-conazole plus numerous others. They all block ergosterol synthesis by binding to cytochrome P-450.

    The allylamines include naftifine and terbinafine which inhibit squalene epoxidase, thus blocking ergosterol systhesis.

    The pyrimidine analogs such as flycytosine incorporate into RNA and/or DNA, thus blocking protein synthesis or DNA systhesis.

    Purpose of Chemotherapy

    I'll bet you thought the function of chemotherapy was to kill all rapidly growing cancer cells. Whatever gave you that idea? Is there a cover-up in progress?

    At we learn that "P450 enzymes (mentioned above) constitute a superfamily of haemthiolate proteins, widely distributed in bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. The enzymes are involved in...both exogenous (outside of cell membrane) and endogenous compounds." Haemthiolate means these enzymes substitute sulfur for oxygen, making the resulting tissue more solid. In addition, information on the fungi, Fusarium can be found here.

    Fumonisin From Corn & Grain Products

    Fusarium plays a pivotal role in the cancer process. The study of Fusarium led to the discovery of an enzyme which became known as fumonisin. Fumonisin blocks the growth of animal cells by blocking the knitting process of cholesterol fibres. Fumonisin can be ingested in food made from corn or grain products. Calves and colts are often still-born due to this problem. Racehorces and cattle have died from fodder containing fumonisin. Fumonisin explains why infected injuries do not heal.

    Estrogen Therapy Spreads Fungal Infection

    Urine collected from pregnant mares, used as a source of estrogen, also contains fungal estrogen and fumonisin from the fodder. These fungal growth factors cause abnormal growths. That's how estrogen therapy causes cysts and breast cancer. The same applies to hormonal therapy for prostate cancer

    Further proof that all cancer tumors are formed of fungal tissue can be found by surfing the web for "keratin pearls". Keratin pearls are another name for ergosterol. Here you can view thousands of photographs of cancer tumors.

    Fungi in Heart and Stroke Disease

    You will also find arteries blocked with ergosterol. Suddenly you will realize the cancer industry knows fungi cause cancer, and the heart and stroke industry knows fungi cause hardened arteries, blocked arteries and heart attacks.

    John Hopkins U Patent States Case

    The most useful proof that fungi cause cancer, can be found at the Patent Office. To review an effective but suppressed cure for all fungal related diseases such as cancer and diabetes, go to the United States or Canadian Patent Office and look up "fatty acid syntheses". Locate the 1992 patent document number 2,181,031: Inhibitors of fatty acid syntheses as antimicrobial agents. Also go to the John Hopkins University website for additional details. Here you will discover, pardon me, uncover, a patent for a non-toxic method to block ergosterol production.

    The mechanism is very simple. Fungi must first make a fat or lipid (sterol) to make ergosterol. Fungal cells can only make sterols from carbohydrates. Human cells can make sterols from both carbohydrates and ingested fats. By blocking the enzymes required to produce sterols from carbohydrates, fungi cannot produce ergosterol. However, human cells can continue to produce cholesterol from ingested fats and stored fats. As a consequence, there is no toxicity to the human cells, but fungi cannot multiply.

    By reviewing the patent claims, you learn that the fatty-acid-synthesis blocker is a common drug called cerluenin. Stedman's Medical Dictionary defines cerluenin as effective for stimulating digestive secretions, gallbladder contractions, and release of insulin. It also inhibits fatty acid synthesis. [from: Cephalosporium caerulea, from which it is isolated] (Hydrazine sulphate acts in much the same manner in cancer patients - Editor, Alkalize For Health).

    Ergo: There is a Non-Toxic Cure for Cancer

    Obviously, the cause of cancer has been known for decades. There is a non-toxic cure for cancer and all fungal diseases. Think about it. The medical monopoly in health care is the primary cause for the modern era of fungal epidemics. Toxic drugs that destroy the immune system function are a major cause.

    Would you like to do something about it, or just become another victim? Why not learn how to eliminate the conditions that allow fungi to thrive in your body?

    ©Copyright 2002, R. Gdanski. All rights reserved. Permission hereby granted to duplicate this report with appropriate references.

    Reprinted from Planetary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter Volume 11, Number 4 & 5, February 2003, pages 26 - 28.

    For best results, treat fungal infections simultaneously on four fronts

    1. detoxify cells and organs of toxic metals and toxic chemical; avoid ingesting more;

    2. eliminate fungi and other parasites; avoid reinfection;

    3. adapt lifestyle habits that maintain a strong immune system;

    4. adapt nutritional habits to maintain all metabolic processes at an oxidative level.

    - Gdanski, Ron, Fungi and the Cancer Connection, Workshop Edition #1, Nadex Publishing, Grimsby (1-800-656-7606), page 32.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:43 pm

    Dietary Sources of Laetrile

    (mg of Laetrile per 100 grams)
    Laetrile is found in the seeds (stones or kernels) of most members of the Rose (Rosaceae) family.

    Fruit: Apple (seeds) >500 mg
    Apricot (kernels) >500 mg
    Cherry (stones) >500 mg
    Nectarine (stones) >500 mg
    Peach Stones >500 mg
    Pear Pips >500 mg
    Lime Pips
    Plum Stones
    Prune Seeds >500 mg
    Elderberries >500 mg
    Boysenberries 100-500 mg
    Raspberries 100-500 mg
    Blackberries - Wild >500 mg
    Currants 100-500 mg
    Gooseberries100-500 mg

    Cassava Large Amounts
    Buckwheat 100-500 mg (Also known as Tapioca)
    Millet 100-500 mg

    Mung Bean -sprouts >500 mg
    Chick Peas 100-500 mg
    Alfalfa Sprouts 100-500 mg
    Black-Eyed Peas 100-500 mg
    Kidney Beans 100-500 mg
    Lentils 100-500 mg
    Lima Beans 100-500 mg

    Almonds >500 mg
    Macadamia Nuts >500 mg
    Flax Seeds 100-500 mg

    * Heat generated during Cooking destroys Laetrile.

    Toxic Effects of Laetrile
    Laetrile is a controversial substance. Debate is continuing on whether it has beneficial properties or whether the Cyanide component of Laetrile can be extremely detrimental:

    - Excess consumption of Laetrile (i.e. amounts greater than 3,000 mg per day) may cause Cyanide toxicity.

    - To help to debunk the myth that Laetrile could cause Cyanide poisoning, the discoverer of Laetrile - Dr. F. Krebs injected himself with a syringe filled with pure Laetrile and suffered no ill-effects.

    Dosage Recommendations
    Therapeutic dosage: 250-1,000 mg per day
    Toxic Level: 3,000 mg per day

    Myths Dispelled: Cyanide Toxicity
    Laetrile has been widely discredited due to the Cyanide molecule contained in its chemical structure - the Beta-Glucosidase enzyme that unlocks Cyanide from the Laetrile molecule, allowing its toxic effects to destroy Cancer Cells, is present throughout the body, but normally only in very minute amounts; however this enzyme is present in amounts 100 times stronger in Cancer Cells. The Cyanide in Laetrile is thus bound up, unavailable and harmless to non-cancerous cells. Much of Laetrile's discreditation is due to a planted news story about a couple who supposedly poisoned themselves by eating raw Apricot Kernels. The couple's identity was never established and it is doubtful that they ever existed.

    Commercial Availability of Laetrile Supplements
    The use of Laetrile for the treatment of Cancer is illegal in most regions, however Laetrile is available from some specialized mail order nutrient suppliers in the USA.

    Chemical Data
    Laetrile is composed of 4 molecules: 2 Glucose + 1 Benzaldehyde + 1 Cyanide (normally all bound tightly together).
    Chemical Name: Laevo-mandelonitrile-beta-glucuronoside
    Molecular Formula: C20H27N011

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:48 pm

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Sm_19_1fig1
    Electric fields have potential as a cancer treatment
    August 2007
    Johanna Miller

    Low-intensity alternating fields can hinder or destroy dividing cells and slow the growth of brain tumors in cancer patients.

    Healthy cells have regulating mechanisms that generally limit how rapidly they can divide. Skin cells, for example, normally divide about once every 30 days, but they can divide faster in response to a wound that needs healing. Cancer, however, is characterized by cell division that has gone out of control. In cancer cells, the mechanisms that regulate division break down, and the cells spend less time in the quiescent state and more time dividing.

    Many chemotherapy drugs work by interfering with the cell-division cycle. The drugs reach healthy cells and cancer cells alike, but they do most of their damage to the cancer cells. Unfortunately, some types of healthy cells divide as rapidly as cancer cells and are badly damaged as well. Such cells are found in bone marrow, the lining of the digestive tract, and hair follicles, so chemotherapy patients often lose their hair and are susceptible to infection. The damage to healthy cells limits the drug dose that a patient can tolerate and therefore limits the treatment's effectiveness.

    Yoram Palti, of the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, and his colleagues have demonstrated another way to disrupt cell division: alternating electric fields with intensities of just 1–2 V/cm. The fields they use, with frequencies in the hundreds of kilohertz, were previously thought to do nothing significant to living cells other than heating them. But Palti and colleagues have conducted a small clinical trial showing that the fields have an effect in slowing the growth of tumors.

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Sm_19_1fig2
    Proposed mechanisms

    In studies of tumor cells in vitro, Palti and colleagues observed two distinct effects, both of which depend on the direction of cell division with respect to the applied field. First, they found that cells in the electric field take longer than usual to divide. Second, they found that dividing cells sometimes disintegrate just before the division process is complete. They offer an explanation for each effect.

    The researchers suggest that cell division is slowed because the electric field hinders the formation and function of the mitotic spindle, the structure that guides the newly replicated chromosomes as they separate into the two daughter cells. The mitotic spindle is made up of microtubules, formed by the polymerization of dimers of the protein tubulin. (Microtubules and other cellular structures are illustrated in PHYSICS TODAY, September 2006, page 80.) The tubulin dimers and polymers have large dipole moments, so they are affected by the electric field. But most other biochemical processes also involve polar molecules and structures, and small oscillating electric forces don't appear to have much of an effect on them. The difference, says Palti, is that when the tubulin dimers assemble into the mitotic spindle, they all line up in the same direction. If that direction happens to be orthogonal to the direction of the electric field, the microtubules are less likely to function normally.

    The proposed mechanism for the destruction of dividing cells stems from the distribution of the electric field in each cell. The cell membrane, a lipid bilayer, acts as a capacitor with high impedance at the frequencies used, so the electric field doesn't readily penetrate the cell membrane. In a quiescent cell, the electric field inside the cell is much smaller than the field outside the cell and is largely uniform. But in the late stages of cell division, a higher-field region forms at the bottleneck point, or furrow, between the two newly forming cells. The nonuniform electric field generates a so-called dielectrophoretic force that draws polarizable molecules and structures in the direction of the higher-field region. The researchers calculate that the force, which can be as large as 60 pN, is enough to cause the organelles to pile up at the furrow within a few minutes.

    Just how that pileup destroys the cell is still largely a matter of speculation, but Palti and his colleagues have a few ideas. "The organelles are attached to a cytoskeleton," Palti says. "They're not just floating around in the cytoplasm," so maybe the dielectrophoretic force rips them from that connective structure and kills the cell. Also, the pinching-off mechanism, by which the furrow closes and one cell becomes two, is a sensitive process that could be disrupted by the presence of molecules and organelles that are supposed to be elsewhere in the cell.

    Palti's 100-kHz fields are not the only form of electrical stimulation that can hinder cell division. Luca Cucullo, Damir Janigro, and their colleagues at the Cleveland Clinic have found that low-intensity alternating current with a much lower frequency—about 50 Hz—can keep some types of cells from dividing.3 They don't yet know exactly how the process works, but their experiments suggest that the mechanism involves a particular protein that forms pores in the cell membrane to transport potassium ions into the cell. Cells whose division was halted by electric current contained more than the usual amount of the protein. And when the stimulated cells were exposed to cesium or barium, which block the potassium-transport pores, they divided at the same rate as unstimulated cells.

    Clinical trial

    Palti and colleagues had extensively studied the effects of the electric fields on tumor cells in vitro and in laboratory mice and rats when in 2003 they began their first clinical trial on human patients. They used their electric fields to treat glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a type of brain tumor with a very low survival rate. When the tumor is treated by surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, it nearly always progresses, or starts to grow again. The tumor usually kills the patient, often by the buildup of intracranial pressure that results from the tumor's sheer size.

    The researchers recruited 10 patients for their trial. All had recurrent GBM, meaning that their tumors had been treated by other methods and had begun to grow again. The patients were fitted with electrodes that applied a 200-kHz electric field to their brains. At one-second intervals, the field orientation switched between front to back and side to side, so that the field would have the greatest effect on tumor cells dividing in all directions. Patients wore the electrodes 18 hours per day for up to 18 months.

    Healthy cells in an adult brain don't divide, so there was little danger that the electric field would damage the normal tissue surrounding the tumor. In fact, because of the way applied fields are distributed in the body, the researchers are confident that when they apply their treatment to tumors in other parts of the body, the fields will do little damage to the bone marrow or the digestive tract. The field strength that could be used was limited not by toxicity to healthy tissues but by thermal effects in the skin: The field intensity was automatically lowered if the skin was heated enough to be in danger of thermal damage. The patients didn't lose their hair, but they had to keep their heads shaved in order for the electrodes to make good contact.

    Because their small trial had no control group, the researchers compared their device's performance with historical data from other studies of GBM patients. Palti's trial found a median time to progression of 26 weeks and a median survival time of 62 weeks, whereas studies of recurrent GBM treated by other means found a time to progression of about 10 weeks and a survival time of about 30 weeks. Two years after their treatment began, 3 of the 10 patients in Palti's trial were still alive, and two were progression free.

    To better evaluate their treatment's effectiveness, Palti and colleagues are currently working on a controlled study in which patients are randomly assigned to receive either the electric-field treatment or a chemotherapy regimen. They are also looking into combining the electric-field treatment with low-dose chemotherapy.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:51 pm

    Hulda Regehr Clark - cures zapper etc.
    One of the prevalent alternative theories on cancer causes is the idea that cancers and in fact all disease is the result of parasite/virus or bacterial infections. Hulda Clark is the author of a number of books and I believe the originator of the "Zapper" therapies.

    The use of wormwood, clove and black walnut extract do indeed act as antiparasitics and there are many testimonials to her methods as being cures for many diseases even beyond cancer.

    If you are interested in this take a look at her basic protocol here ...

    The Parasite Cleanse

    Below is the synopsis for the parasite cleanse ... she also recommends taking Arginine (500mg per capsule) and Ornithine (500mg per capsule) but the actual cleanse prtion is based on the use of Black Walnut Hull Extract, Ground Clove and Wormwood. There is some risk with wormwood so be sure to investigate it before trying the cleanse.

    The parasite cleanse appears to be the starting point for all of her cures and if you know what you are doing can be very cheap.

    * Keep in mind that you assume all risk for anything you try *

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
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    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:56 pm

    This is synthetic cannabis oil with sesame seed oil used for nausea in cancer / aids patients.

    MARINOL®, a synthetic formulation of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is approved as an appetite stimulant for HIV/AIDS patients and as an antiemetic to stem the nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy. MARINOL® should be used with caution in patients with cardiac disorders, a history of substance abuse, mania, depression or schizophrenia.

    The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) rescheduled MARINOL® from Schedule II to Schedule III, a move that indicates a lower abuse potential for the product, and allows doctors to write refills for MARINOL®.

    Please see full prescribing information.

    The real thing would likely be more effective.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31733
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    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:03 pm

    Astounding Research in Graviola Tree; Curing Cancer and AIDs
    "Colon and breast cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy

    Since our inception in 1996, Health Sciences Institute has scoured the world to find cutting-edge treatments few people have access to or have even heard about. And sometimes, what we uncover startles even the medical mavericks on our board.

    Two months ago, we learned about an astounding cancer-fighting tree from the Amazon that has literally sent shock waves through the HSI network.

    ... continued

    Graviola shows provides possible cures for cancer and just about everything else!

    The graviola, a tree growing in the Amazon River basin, has shown great promise as a cancer treatment, as its extracts are extremely effective at finding and killing cancer cells up to 10,000 better than regular chemotherapy. As well, its bark, fruit, and leaves are used as antidepressants, painkillers, antiparasitics, antifungals, and a host of other uses. Research, however, is very slow due to the fact that drug companies cannot patent natural products. If you find this article interesting, be sure to also read 'Cancer Industry Spreads Fear and Disinformation To Scare People Away From Learning About Alternative Treatments for Cancer on the Internet.'

    See more articles like this one at
    Original news summary: (

    * 1. Graviola Annona Muricata By Christian Drapeau, BSc., MSc.
    * It produces a fruit the size of a large cantaloupe with a delicious white flesh.
    * Indigenous Traditional Use: Graviola has a long history of use by Indigenous people of the Amazon Basin who use all parts of the Graviola tree -the bark, leaves,
    roots, fruits and seeds -for various ailments.
    * For example, the fruit and seeds are used for intestinal health, namely to eliminate intestinal parasites and for stomach and bowel discomforts.
    * The calming effect on the whole body has been linked to the ability of Graviola leaf extract to lower blood pressure.
    * Cytotoxic often refers to the ability to kill cells that are not functioning properly and which can put the whole body at risk.
    * Colon and breast cancer conquered with miracle tree from the Amazon found to be 10, 000 times stronger than chemotherapy.
    * All parts of the graviola tree are used in natural medicine in the tropics, including bark, leaves, roots, fruit, and fruit-seeds.
    * Generally, the fruit and fruit juice are taken for worms and parasites, to cool fevers, to increase mother's milk after childbirth (lactagogue), and as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery.
    * The crushed seeds are used as a vermifuge and anthelmintic against internal and external parasites and worms.
    * In the Peruvian Andes a leaf tea is used for catarrh (inflammation of a mucous membrane), and the crushed seed is used to kill parasites.
    * Many bioactive compounds and phytochemicals have been found in graviola, as scientists have been studying its properties since the 1940s.
    * Much of the recent research on graviola has focused on a novel set of phytochemicals found in the leaves, seeds, and stem that are cytotoxic against various cancer

    Other links:

    Rain-Tree Graviola

    Concentrates of Leaf and Stem...

    Colloidal Platinum it is the next most touted alternative cure to otherwise terminal cancers and there is good evidence to support it.

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Graviola_pp_lg

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:12 pm

    Johns Hopkins Update -
    This is an extremely good article.


    Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins:

    1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer
    cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have
    multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients
    that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after
    treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the
    cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable

    2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a
    person's lifetime. b

    3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer
    cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and
    forming tumors.

    4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has
    nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic,
    but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

    5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing
    diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day
    and by including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

    6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing
    cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells
    in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can
    cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

    7.. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars
    and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

    8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often
    reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of
    chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor

    9. When the body has too much toxic burden from
    chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either
    compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb
    to various kinds of infections and complications.

    10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to
    mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy.
    Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other

    11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer
    cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


    a. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made
    with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute
    would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small
    amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in
    color Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

    b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the
    gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting
    off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer
    cells are being starved.

    c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based
    diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat,
    like chicken. Meat also contains livestock
    antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all
    harmful, especially to people with cancer.

    d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole
    grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into
    an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked
    food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live
    enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to
    cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance
    growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building
    healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most
    vegetables including be an sprouts) and eat some raw
    vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at
    temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C)..

    e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high
    caffeine Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer
    fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or
    filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap
    water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

    12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of
    digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the
    intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic

    13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By
    refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes
    to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the
    body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

    14. Some supplements build up the immune system
    (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals,
    EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy
    cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known
    to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's
    normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or
    unneeded cells.

    15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.
    A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior
    be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put
    the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to
    have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy

    16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated
    environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to
    get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen
    therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer

    1. No plastic containers in micro.

    2. No water bottles in freezer.

    3. No plastic wrap in microwave..

    Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters.. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Centeras well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer.Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager atCastle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

    Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Sanicle Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:52 am

    Thank you for posting these articles Carol. I guess it's too late to use them to help our Mums (mine sneers at everything I believe in) but it does help to understand what caused it to happen to them and so, so many others. And, of course, this knowledge can help stop us and others from following that course also.

    Again, much love and thanks for posting these. I love you

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    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:26 am

    Indeed, too late when a mind is closed.

    Cancer Cures & Therapies 51H0eBAfxwL._AA160_
    Phinex Diagnostic Ph Test Strips, 80ct -2 pack (160 strips) Results in 15 Seconds Balance Your pH today $12.95

    I'm going to start using these ph strips. With everything going on it seems time to get some more.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 15
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    Age : 34
    Location : New York City

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Chris Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:46 pm

    Carol wrote:Indeed, too late when a mind is closed.

    Cancer Cures & Therapies 51H0eBAfxwL._AA160_
    Phinex Diagnostic Ph Test Strips, 80ct -2 pack (160 strips) Results in 15 Seconds Balance Your pH today $12.95

    I'm going to start using these ph strips. With everything going on it seems time to get some more.

    Cannabis or hemp oil is awesome for fighting cancer. The cannabinoids in it stop the cancer from growing.

    Also I remember a thread on project avalon or ATS saying baking soda is good treatment for cancer.

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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Jenetta Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:28 pm

    Thanks Carol for these postings...the baking soda news and Graviola is fantastic news for cancer sufferers...


    As above so below...

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    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:08 am

    You're welcome Jenetta. Many of us have been exposed to radiation or other toxins in our environment which contribute to creating cancer, so the key is to learn how to keep our physical body in an alkaline state where we can hopefully remain healthy.

    One of the earlier symptoms of some cancers is night sweats as the body is fighting this condition. Having been close up and personal with what this disease does makes me much more aware of what can be done for it not to happen in the first place. Given all of our friends in Japan the least we can do is get as much information out there so they can take what measures possible to remain healthy in a toxic environment.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 191
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    Location : Idaho

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Arrowwind Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:48 am

    Other things that are known to cure cancer:

    Lugol's iodine
    MMS1 and MMS2
    Ozone therapy
    Hydrogen Peroxide therapy
    Rife therapy
    Gerson Diet Therapy
    Essiac Tea
    Hoxey Formula (only if it has Lugols in it)
    Bugwig Protocol Diet
    Homeopathic Remedies per Protocols by Dr Ramakrishnan

    Posts : 31733
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    Location : Hawaii

    Cancer Cures & Therapies Empty Re: Cancer Cures & Therapies

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:57 am

    Combating Cancer:

    In the first hour, Dr. Leonard Coldwell talked about the dangers of chemotherapy as well as the benefits of alternative cancer treatment. Calling chemotherapy "assault with a deadly weapon," Coldwell contended that "nobody dies of cancer anymore, they die from the side effects of the so-called 'treatment.'" To that end, he cited a UK study which showed that 27% of patients undergoing chemotherapy die within the first 30 days. In espousing the benefits of alternative cancer treatments, he claimed that flax seed oil has been proven to fight breast cancer better than chemotherapy. Additionally, Coldwell advised that cancer cannot survive in an "alkaline, oxygen-rich environment." Therefore, he suggested people consume a gallon of water with half a tablespoon of sea or pink salt every day and switch to a raw food diet.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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