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    Death and Taxes


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    Death and Taxes Empty Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:41 am

    I'd like to look at warfare and taxation - past, present, and future. I have no particular agenda or direction here. I will add more to this post as I get more ideas. 'America - Freedom to Fascism' is probably a good place to begin. 'The Money Masters' is probably a good second video to view. Even though it covers a lot of unrelated territory - 'Behold a Pale Horse' should probably be included in this thread. It will help us to grasp the big-picture in all of this.

    I am partial to reversing the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - and disbanding the IRS and the Federal Reserve. I support replacing the current tax-form system with a 5% point of sale consumption tax to directly fund legitimate governmental activities. I am in favor of getting the entire world completely out of debt. I am also in favor of getting the entire world completely out of war. All of this seems to be interrelated. We can't simply deal with one thing. We have to deal with everything.

    The following is a composite of my recent posts on another website:

    OK...I just received another letter from the IRS...which is prompting probably a dozen internet comments today...with more to follow tomorrow. What percentage of our tax-dollars (from all taxation) goes to the United Nations, Washington D.C., the City of London, the Vatican, the Royal Family, the Secret Space Program, the Secret Government, and the Underground Bases - which may be hostile to the visible and constitutional United States of America? Could paying taxes be a treasonous act? Just as I posted my last comment - Internet Explorer stopped working. Is this coincidental? What percentage of the Worldwide Illegal Drug Trade goes to the entities listed above? Take a very close look at who was behind the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, World War I, the Great Depression, Looting Fort Knox, World War II, Project Paperclip, the Alphabet Agencies Worldwide, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the Kennedy Assasinations, the Iraq Wars, and the New World Order. Is all of this related? Repeal the 16th Amendment. Disband the Federal Reserve. Retroactively audit all taxation - and if there is any fraud, misuse, and abuse - return all relevant funds to all affected parties - with penalties and interest. Institute a 5% Federal Consumption Tax (with no tax forms) to fund LEGITIMATE governmental activities. Who really owns the property in the United States of America? Is the U.S. scheduled to undergo a controlled demolition? Keep asking the questions. No rest for the wicked. Are there any class-action lawsuits challenging the taxation system in the U.S.? Do you guys really want to keep writing the nasty letters? I can write some pretty nasty letters myself. I'm small-fry. Going after me could be VERY expensive for you. You know who I am. The electronic surveillance, and even supernatural surveillance, is reprehensible. The taxation system has very little to do with the legitimate and constitutional United States of America. We've been had - BIG TIME...

    How much does it cost to administer all taxation in the U.S.? Isn't this a monumental waste of money? Isn't this an activity which is hostile to the citizens of the U.S.? Why wouldn't a point of sale consumption tax (for all taxation) be a huge improvement in effeciency and morale? All taxation funds should go directly to the various legitimate governmental agencies - without passing through corrupt and private hands. This mess needs to be completely exposed NOW. Sorry you wrote that letter? OK...Internet Explorer just shut down again. Twice in 30 minutes - while I was posting the comments and questions above. Coincidental? Get a copy of 'Behold a Pale Horse' by Bill Cooper, and read it twice. Then, watch everything with Bill Cooper on Google and YouTube. There are others - but Bill seems to get to the heart of the matter - in a calm and rational manner. We the People of Earth need to get informed - without getting mad - or going mad. Then we need to clean-up this mess. We the People of Earth have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves, and for future generations...a True World Order. A world where Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...not the Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy...governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful...and we will be...we have a real chance at this True World order in which a credible United Nations can use Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to fulfill the promise and vision of All Races. Some people lead. Some people follow. Some people have ideas which are so far ahead of their time - that these ideas will be only be implemented long after their originator has left this world. Things are going to get worse - before they get better - but Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom will rise from the ashes of the New World Order - like the Flight of the Phoenix. I realize that these four BIG words are perplexing to those with small minds and no vision. My apologies.

    The following is some advice I received from an anonymous poster - and I cannot vouch for it's accuracy or validity> 'Step one. Google IMF transcripts (Individual Master File) and 'VAL-1". Second send a FOIA request to your local IRS office asking for a copy of your IMF transcripts so that you can see with your own eyes, the 'VAL-1" error code on your transcripts. VAL-1 = Invalid SSN Freeze which means IRS has tricked the computer to believing you owe income tax. (they use other codes as well) This is the foundation of their proof of claim againtst you. NOT THE CONSTITUTION. The Constitution contains 4400 words and was meant to be *understood* by everyone. The Tax Code contains 10,000,000 words and was intended to *steal* from everyone. Any questions? The 16th Amendment wasn’t legally ratified, (see “The Law That Never Was”) and the income tax has been declared unconstitutional by the SCOTUS. Join the nearly 70 million *law abiding* Americans who refuse to pay this extortion.'

    Thank-you. You have made me curious enough to try this! Once again - why don't we replace the whole mess with a 5% national federal consumption tax - which goes directly to legitimate governmental activities. Why don't we eliminate nearly all debt - personal and public? Why don't we back the dollar with silver? Why don't we audit the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and the Underground Bases? Why don't we REALLY stop the illegal drug trade worldwide? Why is this so hard? I think that the real solutions are really quite simple - but the lies, corruption, hatred, complexity, confusion, and insanity - are so ingrained in our thinking and society - that we can't see the forest for the trees. I really desire a solution - and I really don't wish to rant and rave. Taxation should be simplified. The Secret Government should be transparent. Globalism should be based upon Responsible Freedom. Black Projects should be revealed to the public. Let freedom ring! If you research the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, Deep Underground Military Bases, Magneto Leviton Trains, The New World Order, Black Projects, etc. - and how they are financed - you will understand why Solar System Governance is a relevant and important issue. We need a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System aka The United States of the Solar System. Study the words separately. Then study them as a whole, and the light should shine into your dark soul.

    Here is the response to the last couple of sentences in the previous paragraph> 'There is no "Secret Space Program" nor "Deep Underground Military Bases", so your strange plans of solar system domination have no meaning. My soul is just fine, thank you.'

    Tell us what you think about this subject.

    Posts : 13410
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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:53 pm


    JUST FOR REVIEW. 'America - Freedom to Fascism' is probably a good place to begin. 'The Money Masters' is probably a good second video to view. Even though it covers a lot of unrelated territory - 'Behold a Pale Horse' should probably be included in this thread. It will help us to grasp the big-picture in all of this.

    Posts : 13410
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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:46 pm


    JUST FOR REVIEW. 'America - Freedom to Fascism' is probably a good place to begin. 'The Money Masters' is probably a good second video to view. Even though it covers a lot of unrelated territory - 'Behold a Pale Horse' should probably be included in this thread. It will help us to grasp the big-picture in all of this.

    You guys and gals have collected a helluva lot of drug-money, blood-money, insider-trading money, tax-money, tithe-money, etc. for corrupt and destructive activities which are hostile to responsible-freedom and the human-race. We don't owe you. You owe us. The judgment is set, and the books are open. The recording angels haven't missed a thing. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    Don't think I don't know how much I'm owed. We need to talk. Soon. Game Over.

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:11 pm

    Knowing what I now know about how things really work, would willingly funding the private and corrupt Federal Reserve be rightly considered to be a treasonous act against the legitimate and constitutional United States of America? They pull money out of my paycheck, and now they are garnishing nearly my entire paycheck, and I will probably lose my house by the end of the year. I refuse to do the food-stamp non-sense. I obey all laws. I am reasonably patriotic. I don't abuse the system. But now the system is screwing me. I don't think I owe anything. I think they owe me. I'm going to do that FOIA thing, to find out what's really going on with me. I might even have to write a book to make enough money to survive. I wasn't going to do either. I was just going to keep posting on this little website, and call it good, as sort of a back-channel with the solar system. But everything changed when I received my last paycheck, or rather didn't receive it. My patience is wearing very, very thin, and I am becoming less and less accommodating. You people are awakening a sleeping giant. You people who are cooperating with the New World Order and all of the Nazi Krapp are going to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, in the very near future. Especially regarding fraud, abuse, neglect, the undermining of the United States, and who knows what? All I know is that the whole taxation situation stinks. It's rotten, from top to bottom. And you people know better, but yet you do nothing. I understand being afraid, but this involves the future of the human race, or even the survival of the human race. Research the secret government. I'm not necessarily opposed to the infrastructure of the secret government, but I am opposed to the deception, corruption, and even violence connected with it. I don't necessarily wish to reinvent it. I just want it cleaned-up, and completely reformed. The tax-money, drug-money, blood-money, and who knows what other sources of illegitimate-money are funding this madness. This needs to stop now. Right Now. I was an unhappy camper before, but now I'm a very angry camper, and I'm getting my torches and pitchforks out of storage. Tax-Collectors in the Hands of an Angry Tax-Payer!!

    President Ronald Wilson Reagan invigorated both Democrats and Republicans with a message of freedom and limited government! Remember the “Reagan Democrats?” Here is what Ronald Reagan had to say about freedom and government, “…man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.” Americans have been conditioned to believe that democracy equals freedom. But democracy means majority rule, and may be antagonistic to freedom. A republic protects pre-existing rights. Our founding fathers clearly understood this, as is revealed in the Constitution and the Federalist Papers. Democracy is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Our form of government is a republic, not a democracy! Freedom is freedom from government coercion. Our founding fathers created the least coercive government in history! The Constitution provides for a limited, decentralized government to primarily engage in foreign diplomatic relations, to secure national boundaries, and to provide a military defense of these boundaries. In other deal with threats from without. The states were given the responsibility of primarily protecting individuals against criminal deal with threats from within. Uniquely, our government was created to protect the rights, liberties, and property of its citizens. The founding fathers believed that a democracy could quickly degenerate into tyranny! According to the Constitution, redistribution of wealth is none of the government's business! Hands off! Well meaning liberals support taking money from one person and giving it to another through taxation! If it’s not voluntary…it‘s stealing! Liberals believe in a God-like government which exists to create heaven on earth. This creates a hell of a mess! Liberals once defended civil, political, and economic liberties. What happened? Conservatives seek national greatness through all-powerful military and industrial strength. This creates a complex problem! Neo-conservatives are eager to create a one-world police state. Is this assessment inaccurate and unfair? Our military is in 130 countries! We are spending trillions of dollars overseas to violently promote democracy! Do the math! A theocracy is a constitutional theocracy on steroids! No freedom here. Not even the illusion of freedom. Believe and do what the state-church says God says...or face persecution...including death! The teachings of Jesus Christ reveal a minimalistic, decentralized religion. Certainly not a monolithic, dogmatic, dictatorial, arrogant union of Christ-less Christianity with a New World Order! America is a republic, not a democracy! We need to remember that the Constitution places limits on government that no majority can overrule. Both liberals and conservatives have forgotten this! Conveniently? No…they wouldn’t do that…would they?

    Tangentially, Teutonic Zionism, Teutonic Knights, Knights Templer, et al is getting into an area of study which frankly scares the hell out of me. When I got into the subject of Amen Ra, on Avalon 1, I felt the same way. By the way, the 'Amen Ra' thread on Avalon 1 presently has nearly 20,000 views, with nearly half of these views occurring after the shut-down. Could the two subjects be related? I'm beginning to think so. Here is a link to some related links. Incidently, I'm thinking that Eric Jon Phelps is an excellent resource for this topic. He mostly deals with the Jesuit and Catholic aspects, but perhaps they are important pieces of the puzzle. I still do not wish to be angry at anyone, and I still wonder what my reincarnational role might've been in all of the historical madness. I've been completely out of the loop throughout this incarnation, with the exception of my recent internet expedition into madness. I will continue to blurt things out, in a tactful and tentative manner, on this little site. I hope this helps more than it hurts, but I am open to a redirection of my attention, with the appropriate use of reason, rather than meanness. I want to help to clean things up, but I want to do it the right way. There is a right and a wrong way to do the right thing, you know. Think about religious-ritual human-sacrifice and military human-sacrifice. Are the two related? Is there a religious and a military branch of a secret government, which specializes in blood, death, and sacrifice? And what about blood-money banksters? What about the City-States? Like I said, this subject is getting too scary and creepy for me. I was just going to stop posting, while I wait for Armageddon. How far out on a limb should I venture, if I am to follow my own advice concerning responsibility? I'm going to stop whimpering and rambling, and just listen to Eric Jon Phelps, Leo Zagami, Alex Jones, Bill Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, and Sherry Shriner. That should calm me down, and help me get my head together...

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:06 pm

    "You know, gentlemen, that I do not owe any personal income tax. But nevertheless, I send a small check, now and then, to the Internal Revenue Service out of the kindness of my heart." -- David Rockefeller (1915-), before a Congressional Committee

    I am preparing to lose my house, as I have nearly my entire paycheck garnished to pay taxes I don't owe, to pay for the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and Deep Underground Military Bases -- all of which seem to not be under the control of the People of This World, and which seem to be hostile toward the People of This World. What's wrong with this picture?

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:49 am

    Everything is wrong with this picture Oxy. I'm sorry to see this happening to you. We had it happen to us back in 97 when I got ill. I see more and more people buying RVs or camper vans just to have a place to live because housing is out of sight and so are taxes.

    I was watching this program where people around the world were looking for houses to buy and they all cost a fortune. It's insane. I know we do the best that we can but given how our own government has sold out its citizens when they bailed out Wall Street instead of main street it makes it more and more difficult to pursue the American dream.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:25 am

    Thank-you Carol. I just wish I knew more about what's really going on in this solar system. I wish I knew all about the various factions, and what they are really all about. What if it turned out that Teutonic Zionism, the Nazis, the Fed, the IRS, the CIA, the Secret Government, the Vatican, the City of London, Washington DC, the UN, the Secret Space Program, etc. and et al -- were all necessary in some twisted way??!! I am still very worried about the ancient history of the human race, and it's relevance to what is occurring presently. The creation, rebellion, original sin, unpardonable sin, war in heaven, the arrival of the moon, the origins of monotheism, the nature of the soul, battling archangels, vengeful deities, reptilians, greys, dracs, reptilian queens, etc, and et al --- could have everything to do with what Alex Jones bitches about for three hours every week-day. We might have a helluva lot more to worry about than the elites, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, et al. It just seems that the current taxation system is sinister, corrupt, and even illegal. But really, I endorse a 5% point of sale tax, with funds going directly to our government, without passing through private hands. I would not be opposed to the funding of legitimate underground bases and exotic spacecraft. I just get the feeling that we've been had big-time. But how high up the universal chain of command does the madness go? Or what did the human race do to possibly deserve such treatment? I'm pursuing a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System, to try to properly manage what seems to be a prison planet in rebellion -- and to establish a proper and constructive relationship with the universal powers that be, who we might have HUGE karmic-debt issues with. Something went very wrong in antiquity, but I don't know what it was, exactly. Blood, death, taxes, war, and human-sacrifice are sore-subjects with me presently. Once again, I am not necessarily against scales and tails, especially if these beings are somehow related to us. I'd even tour the solar system on a Draconian Mothership, if and only if, nothing bad would happen to me. But how could one be sure? It just seems that the history of this solar system is insanely violent and bloody, and that much of the politics and religion seem to be absurd, in retrospect. This is even more sigificant if we had advanced technology and culture in the antedeluvian world. It seems as though we lost a war, and then got royally screwed. I'd still like to know the real connection between the Ashkenazi Jews, Teutonic Zionism, and Ancient Egypt. What if the New World Order began in Ancient Egypt? The tax-money, war blood-money, illegal drug-money, etc. seems to get sucked into a deep underground black hole, that even the President is not allowed to visit or know about. I suspect that the Bankster Bailout had a lot to do with feeding that underground black hole. This is very frightening to me, especially when I no longer leave everything in the Lord's Hands. How can one be truly responsible when they 'let go, and let God'? BTW, I'm sick and tired of being spied on. Akashic-Survaillance should violate some universal laws...

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  Carol Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:25 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Carol. I just wish I knew more about what's really going on in this solar system.

    Me too.

    I wish I knew all about the various factions, and what they are really all about.

    Me too.

    What if it turned out that Teutonic Zionism, the Nazis, the Fed, the IRS, the CIA, the Secret Government, the Vatican, the City of London, Washington DC, the UN, the Secret Space Program, etc. and et al -- were all necessary in some twisted way??!!

    I suspect without duality (good vs. evil) we would never have a chance to make choices that advance the development of our soul. After all, being on this planet is where one is to learn about compassion. If not here, where else? I've come to believe that any soul that takes an earth incarnation on as an assignment is hero material. Many came thinking they could do this - only to discover the snake pit it really can be and suffer greatly at a soul level being in a position of having to both experience and witness just how evil and depraved some life forms can be.

    I am still very worried about the ancient history of the human race, and it's relevance to what is occurring presently.

    I too wonder if we are going to make it. The level of corruption is so pervasive that most view corruption as the norm and something to aspire to - as compared to being in alignment with spiritual integrity.

    The creation, rebellion, original sin, unpardonable sin, war in heaven, the arrival of the moon, the origins of monotheism, the nature of the soul, battling archangels, vengeful deities, reptilians, greys, dracs, reptilian queens, etc, and et al --- could have everything to do with what Alex Jones bitches about for three hours every week-day. We might have a helluva lot more to worry about than the elites, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, et al.

    Given with what I'm dealing with now with just 'one' deviant family member and attempting to protect our sister who is a vulnerable adult my attention and focus is much more narrow these days. I have learned that these battles span the Universe so they are fought at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level by those who chose to do their soul growth and development in this particular realm of time and space. I don't waste energy on worry. Instead, I invest it in the fight against evil.

    It just seems that the current taxation system is sinister, corrupt, and even illegal. But really, I endorse a 5% point of sale tax, with funds going directly to our government, without passing through private hands.

    I've always like the idea of a flat tax for everyone. In addition, I personally think insurance companies are a scam and should be eliminated and replaced with systems that are workable and fair. For instance, car insurance. A flat tax on gas would cover this where everyone who is driving pays. Those who drive the most end up paying the most tax and those who are not on the road all that much pay very little. Health insurance is a whole other can of worms.

    I would not be opposed to the funding of legitimate underground bases and exotic spacecraft. I just get the feeling that we've been had big-time. But how high up the universal chain of command does the madness go?

    "Had big time" doesn't even begin to cover the crimes against humanity by its own governments. The madness originates in the demon realm which is another dimension that bleeds through and lives off (feeds on) the energy of pure human spirit. Think of it in terms of parasites who need hosts in order to survive. The human spirit is in the truest sense the "host" or spirit of god.

    Or what did the human race do to possibly deserve such treatment?

    As usual you come up with a question that could take pages and pages to respond too. The brief answer is, it's a mystery.

    I'm pursuing a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System, to try to properly manage what seems to be a prison planet in rebellion -- and to establish a proper and constructive relationship with the universal powers that be, who we might have HUGE karmic-debt issues with.

    I've always admired this about you Oxy. You are consistent with your intention and pursue integrity. You may not realize it but your threads are very well read and very popular with many people around the world. This is based on Omnipotence and getting a look at the statistics in the back room. You may think you are whistling in the wind. You're not. It takes a lot of thought and effort to come up with the ideas that you present as fodder for us to chew on.

    Something went very wrong in antiquity, but I don't know what it was, exactly.

    Indeed. Possibly because there is more that we don't know as compared to what we do know.

    Blood, death, taxes, war, and human-sacrifice are sore-subjects with me presently.

    Understood. I suspect this perspective is the same with many others as well as there is so much of this going on now. As we move closer to the collapse of time, all of this intensifies. Think of threads being pulled through a fulcrum. Time-lines merging where we see a more expansive picture of the misery of others - perhaps to accelerate and expand our ability to feel empathy toward our fellow human being. You know they are not going to let us go join our space brothers and sisters until we get this lesson integrated down into the deepest level of our beingness.

    Once again, I am not necessarily against scales and tails, especially if these beings are somehow related to us. I'd even tour the solar system on a Draconian Mothership, if and only if, nothing bad would happen to me. But how could one be sure? It just seems that the history of this solar system is insanely violent and bloody, and that much of the politics and religion seem to be absurd, in retrospect.

    I agree. Scales and tails aren't so bad if those beings are of a consciousness that is in alignment with Divine spirit and intention.

    This is even more sigificant if we had advanced technology and culture in the antedeluvian world. It seems as though we lost a war, and then got royally screwed.

    There are various factions within the secret government that has access to very advance technology. 50 years or more ahead of what the general populace views via MSM. Jump-rooms with time travel and ability to go to different planets actually exist. Stargate 1 is real and what is really going on is so far out there that it makes the SGI series look archaic.

    I'd still like to know the real connection between the Ashkenazi Jews, Teutonic Zionism, and Ancient Egypt.

    Would this help?

    What if the New World Order began in Ancient Egypt?

    What if it didn't?

    The tax-money, war blood-money, illegal drug-money, etc. seems to get sucked into a deep underground black hole, that even the President is not allowed to visit or know about.

    I suspect this is an accurate assessment.

    I suspect that the Bankster Bailout had a lot to do with feeding that underground black hole.

    Perhaps. Or part of the the illuminati plan for the one-world government,

    This is very frightening to me, especially when I no longer leave everything in the Lord's Hands.

    This is a very personal statement. I think we are also to use our head, think for ourselves and act in alignment with gods plan that unfolds from within. There are things I have absolute faith in and other areas where I know I'm suppose to take a stand. I know god has a plan. I know that I don't know what that plan is. I know I have a small role in the plan based on agreements made at a soul level prior to incarnation. I also know I have my own personal challenges to deal with just as everyone else has their challenges as well. Hopefully, we all do the best that we can. Somewhere along the line that has to be good enough.

    How can one be truly responsible when they 'let go, and let God'?

    We have to use discernment to pick our battles Oxy.

    BTW, I'm sick and tired of being spied upon. Akashic-Survaillance should violate some universal laws...

    Then put your attention elsewhere because, my dear, there is a spiritual record of all that we do that is never-ending. Best to accept a reality that one cannot escape. Would you rather just be a little drop of consciousness lost in the vastness of time and space; dimension and space without time?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : The Matrix

    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:01 pm

    Thank-you for the detailed and thoughtful answers, Carol. I still try to be Christ-Centered, but now my Christocentricity seems to be centered in Ancient Egypt, and embellished with a combination of science and science-fiction. Robert Morningsky has had a bit to do with this. I'm trying to look at the major currents through history, rather than just looking at isolated texts and events. There seem to be strong and deep undercurrents, which are mostly invisible, yet which have everything to do with everything. The Teutonic Knights and Teutonic Zionism has opened-up a can of worms that I can't believe. And now I'm looking at it's origins, and the dates keep getting earlier and earlier. I'm down to around 700 A.D., and I'm sure this trend will continue. But I sense that 800-900 A.D. is really crucial and pivitol. I think the New World Order has everything to do with this history. It's not just the modern errand-boys, which include the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bilderberg Members, et al. I think we've had world government for thousands or millions of years. I'm just seeing battling factions within world government. But this is mostly an imaginary vision presently. I'm just stubbornly following my intuition and sketchy research. In many ways, I'm not sure I really want to know the truth. I think I might've been a reincarnational piece of work. I continue to have a mental-block connected with Ancient Egypt. I've had a very difficult time concentrating on the 'Red Pill' thread. In fact, despite making semi-coherent posts, I'm not doing very well at all, and this pseudo-intellectual pursuit is sort of like reinventing the wheel. I have a crazy vision of getting things all figured-out while in the nut-house, shouting out the 'hidden-truth' to the men in white coats! I recently heard of various agencies accessing the Akashic Records as a method of spying on people. This is what I found repulsive, and not that our various activites might be noted and recorded in a rather impersonal manner. And I do have a problem with being personally watched 24/7. I feel like a lab-rat in Pinky and the Brain's laboratory. I guess I have a problem with Watchers who like to watch...

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:40 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for the detailed and thoughtful answers, Carol. I still try to be Christ-Centered, but now my Christocentricity seems to be centered in Ancient Egypt, and embellished with a combination of science and science-fiction. Robert Morningsky has had a bit to do with this. I'm trying to look at the major currents through history, rather than just looking at isolated texts and events. There seem to be strong and deep undercurrents, which are mostly invisible, yet which have everything to do with everything. The Teutonic Knights and Teutonic Zionism has opened-up a can of worms that I can't believe. And now I'm looking at it's origins, and the dates keep getting earlier and earlier. I'm down to around 700 A.D., and I'm sure this trend will continue. But I sense that 800-900 A.D. is really crucial and pivitol. I think the New World Order has everything to do with this history. It's not just the modern errand-boys, which include the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bilderberg Members, et al. I think we've had world government for thousands or millions of years. I'm just seeing battling factions within world government. But this is mostly an imaginary vision presently. I'm just stubbornly following my intuition and sketchy research. In many ways, I'm not sure I really want to know the truth. I think I might've been a reincarnational piece of work. I continue to have a mental-block connected with Ancient Egypt. I've had a very difficult time concentrating on the 'Red Pill' thread. In fact, despite making semi-coherent posts, I'm not doing very well at all, and this pseudo-intellectual pursuit is sort of like reinventing the wheel. I have a crazy vision of getting things all figured-out while in the nut-house, shouting out the 'hidden-truth' to the men in white coats! I recently heard of various agencies accessing the Akashic Records as a method of spying on people. This is what I found repulsive, and not that our various activites might be noted and recorded in a rather impersonal manner. And I do have a problem with being personally watched 24/7. I feel like a lab-rat in Pinky and the Brain's laboratory. I guess I have a problem with Watchers who like to watch...

    I love you Oxy and how you try to pull it all together and make sense of it all. It's all connected - this river of time and eddies of unfoldment. I sometimes wonder what you are doing to yourself with this quest and think perhaps you are triggering your own ancient past lives via your DNA memory, which is the sum total of your various past-life experiences. I like how your questions open up new areas of thoughts and ideas for me to consider.

    Now here is something for you to consider that I'll share with you. Many years ago I learned that we all have asses and that these asses tend to hang out the window for everyone else to see. In this case asses is metaphorical for ego. Only most folks are unaware of ego and the role it takes on in ones life. Ego is also fraught with fear because it does not want to be exposed for the illusion it really is. Subsequently, ego sets up many an intellectual maze to run through with little hamster wheels along the way for self-entertianment.

    Now Oxy - can you imagine what human life is without ego?

    Can you imagine what it is just to experience yourself as a pure drop of cosmic consciousness?

    When one enters into the upper spiritual dimensions, as a drop of cosmic consciousness, one exists within the heart of all knowledge and has an understanding that stretches in all directions - is the sun, the rays, the light. There is no fear, no need to do anything other then to exist is perfect harmony and knowingness.

    I suspect you know this. The dilemma is that your spirt and ego are at odds with one another as spirit doesn't need ego, and - oftentimes, ego can be split off from spirit. In your situation what I see is that your spirit wants what you already know - at a heart level, to manifest in a realm where ego exists to test the measure of a person. Ones spirit is much larger then an ego. Ego is the car your spirit drives around. Only ego thinks its the one which is in control. Spirit steps back as the observer and lets ego have its joy-ride. And then, if one is really determined or has a NDE, one realizes ego for what it is and finally identifies with spirit as the real source of cosmic consciousness.

    Your desire for a unified constitution exists but is not yet manifested in this 3rd dimension. Your struggle is the voice - the trail blazer, laying the groundwork for these types of conditions to manifest somewhere down the road. They may never manifest on this timeline or in this dimension - but rest assured, you are either building a energetic neuronet pathway to what already exists somewhere and/or are trying to birth it here in this time/space reality.

    There were many a day where I would sit with my thoughts and think I was so far out there I had to be crazy - as I had no one to validate what I envisioned. Confirmation sometimes came years later as life continued to unfold. And I finally accepted that what I know is real. All of the pieces fit together somewhere. We just have to be patient and keep working with the different puzzle pieces that are presented to us until they match up.

    Another thing Oxy - sometimes I avoid your topics because what is going on in my own life is so overwhelming that I'm not in the space to contemplate what you bring to the table. By this I mean that to respond to you requires deep thought on my end where I have to reconnect to universal knowledge which exists within each of us. My path these days is more of a long distance runner filled with activity and taking care of others. I've not even had the time to get back to work on the two books I was in the middle of some 18 months ago or unpacked my suitcase from returning home a month ago and am still, in part, living out of it.

    I sense that you too are going through a lot of unsettling changes now as well. Change is stressful even in the best of circumstances. Just know we love and support you and that I have complete "faith" everything is working out exactly as it needs to unfold for each of us - and for you too The Karen

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:35 pm

    Thank-you Carol for that long, detailed, reasonable, and kind response! I'll need to read it several times, over several days, so that it really sinks in. I have an idealism, on a spiritual level, which I desire for myself and others. I have an idealized self-image, which I would like to achieve. But really, as I dig deeper, I actually seem to be moving away from these idealistic conceptualizations. The battle for the ideal seems to be making me destitute in a physical, mental, and spiritual sense. The corrupt Washington and Wall Street people seem to have it together a lot more than I do. Reflecting, questioning, and trailblazing seems to take so much out of a person, that they can't seem to do much. I speak endlessly about responsibility, yet I am quite irresponsible in many ways. I feel like I'm fighting an unseen war. Someone who plays the game, becomes a Mason, does what they're told, is morally ambiguous, doesn't try to do the right thing, just takes the money and runs -- gets a lot farther in this world, than someone like me. My quest has really destroyed me, as far as I can tell. This wouldn't be so bad, if it had actually done some good. I can see clearly now. The rain is gone, and so is my life. Just competing for fame, fortune, power, and pleasure seems to be a lot more productive in this world. Then, one can make a significant tax-deductable donation to charity, attend a prestigious church, and be considered a pillar of the community -- even though they live like the devil, and are more corrupt than hell. My idealism is morphing into a realism, wherein a modus operandi is devised, such that the good-guys can go head to head with the bad-guys -- and actually win. Hence, a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System, which does not hamstring the good-guys, and which neuters the bad-guys. Once again, those who study these concepts are the ones who are going to make great strides forward. I think I've pretty much cooked my own goose. Someone else is going to have to pick up my flag and rifle, and press forward into battle.

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:10 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Carol for that long, detailed, reasonable, and kind response! I'll need to read it several times, over several days, so that it really sinks in. I have an idealism, on a spiritual level, which I desire for myself and others. I have an idealized self-image, which I would like to achieve. But really, as I dig deeper, I actually seem to be moving away from these idealistic conceptualizations. The battle for the ideal seems to be making me destitute in a physical, mental, and spiritual sense. The corrupt Washington and Wall Street people seem to have it together a lot more than I do. Reflecting, questioning, and trailblazing seems to take so much out of a person, that they can't seem to do much. I speak endlessly about responsibility, yet I am quite irresponsible in many ways. I feel like I'm fighting an unseen war. Someone who plays the game, becomes a Mason, does what they're told, is morally ambiguous, doesn't try to do the right thing, just takes the money and runs -- gets a lot farther in this world, than someone like me. My quest has really destroyed me, as far as I can tell. This wouldn't be so bad, if it had actually done some good. I can see clearly now. The rain is gone, and so is my life. Just competing for fame, fortune, power, and pleasure seems to be a lot more productive in this world. Then, one can make a significant tax-deductable donation to charity, attend a prestigious church, and be considered a pillar of the community -- even though they live like the devil, and are more corrupt than hell. My idealism is morphing into a realism, wherein a modus operandi is devised, such that the good-guys can go head to head with the bad-guys -- and actually win. Hence, a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System, which does not hamstring the good-guys, and which neuters the bad-guys. Once again, those who study these concepts are the ones who are going to make great strides forward. I think I've pretty much cooked my own goose. Someone else is going to have to pick up my flag and rifle, and press forward into battle.

    Understood. The dark night of the soul and learning how to let go of ego is never easy because it demands that we take responsibility for our life and the choices one makes. And after all one does grow weary. I've been engaged in battle for a very long time and the current one isn't very pretty either. I'm not really interested in fame (yuk - to much unwanted attention). However wealth could be a different type of challenge as one must also become a steward and not fall into self-gratification or ego. I've been giving this a lot of thought as I tend to like to work behind the scenes and make things better for others where I go unnoticed.

    Learning how to be humble is always a challenge to and my fire spirit tends to fail in this arena more often then I care to admit. I would love to live in a realm where the good guys always win but that hasn't been the case, has it. There is frequently a sense of despair when one realizes the bad guy got away with it yet again. Yet, this despair tends to manifest just at the moment of darkest before the dawn.

    Have you ever considered going on a quest staying at various monasteries? I did spend time at a buddhist retreat and a franciscan retreat. These places are very nurturing to the spirit.

    Perhaps god is giving you a gift in disguise. May your life is being freed up so that you can move onto a new level of experience. None of us know how much time we have but making the best of what we have at hand does seem to work for many.

    Maybe its time to let go of your focus on evil. I know this is not easy from my own personal experience. Finding a sanctuary for your spirt on this planet is a worth goal. I suspect in this type of quest one tends to meet up with like-minded individuals.

    First just take stock of your personal situation. Write down the pros and cons. Write down a variety of alternative scenarios as to how you can meet the various challenges. Use your imagination. Write out a list of what you wold like to do and also what needs to be done just to get by and through the next month. You can do this. Think of yourself as a map maker who is designing his route for the journey ahead. You may need to travel lightly. Sort out what is important and if you can - let go of the rest. Easier said then done. Good luck with this.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : The Matrix

    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:04 pm

    Ego and humility are tricky terms. We're supposed to have self-esteem, yet we're supposed to be humble. We're not supposed to engage in self-exaltation or self-agrandizement, but look at who's winning in politics, religion, and entertainment!! Worshipping and Praising God opens a can of worms regarding humility, self-esteem, self-exaltation, self-agrandizement, etc. I keep imagining myself as being a Renegade French Jesuit Organist -- so living in a French Monastery with Fast Internet and Access to the Organs at Notre Dame, St. Ouen, and Saint Sulpice might be sort of cool! I like the Roman Catholic Context, in many ways, but I hate a lot of the theology and history. I've even joked about getting some R&R in a Deep Underground Reptilian Monastery under the Vatican!! I like the idea of working behind the scenes, with very little personal wealth and luxury, but with access to a lot of interesting people and information, yet with no real authority. Just analyzing situations and writing reports (which would actually be taken seriously) would be neat. I've been in an active television control room, and in many ways that seemed more attractive than being on stage. I think I have a pretty good idea how the world works, at this point, and in a sense, my reaction is 'so what?' I just wish to conceptualize things being better for everyone. Speaking of behind the scenes, I once made a televangelist mad at me when I made what I thought was a pretty neutral observation regarding the relationship of self-esteem and self-forgetfulness. I moved on after that, but I often wish that I hadn't. Good and Evil might be two sides of the same coin. I recently spoke with someone who told me that no one was really good. I didn't agrue the point. I then asked them 'how good is too good?' They didn't have an answer, and neither do I. Terrorism, Murder, and Warfare really bother me. I can tolerate a certain amount of naughtiness, mischief, and corruption -- but suffering and violence are at the top of my fecal-list.

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:17 am

    I just received another nasty letter from the IRS, and they are becoming increasingly shrill and overbearing, even though they are garnishing at least 75% of my paycheck. They have been taking the standard amount out of my paycheck for years, just like for everyone else, but a complicated financial situation has resulted in this madness. I don't think I owe what they say I owe. I won't apply for food-stamps, because I don't believe in participating in that sort of thing. From what I have seen, the international banking system, the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the United Nations, and the Secret Government are not friendly to the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and those who reverence the Responsible Freedom provided for in the Founding Documents of the United States of America. It feels like the Showdown and the OK Corral. Where did ALL of the Bankster Bailout Money REALLY go? Are we the people being robbed at nuke-point? I really wonder. I feel a bit like the Chinese student standing in front of the tank. They do have the power, authority, and satanic zeal to crush me, and frankly I don't give a damn. It sounds as though everything is going up in smoke anyway. I'm ready to go to hell and back again, so bring it on. Let's go. But what if the whole system is a fraudulent and illegal sham, which continues because of smoke, mirrors, intimidation, and strong-arming? I would like to know where every cent collected REALLY goes. I want audits of virtually EVERYTHING, including the secret stuff. Where are the fraud, abuse, and waste police? All of this madness seems to be imposed upon the visible government by the secret government. I don't necessarily have a problem with a lot of the high-technology and underground bases. I can even see a need for some sort of unifying underground global governing structure, but I would much prefer a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System, which would bring an appropriate level of supervision and transparency to the present solar system governance infrastructure. If there are alleged threats to the human race, they should be carefully researched and well defined. We shouldn't just have a bunch of compartmentalized nitwits being herded into signing shady treaties and executive-orders which are hostile to the Legitimate United States, and to the Whole World. What's wrong with a 5% Federal Point of Sale Tax on all sales, without exception, to replace the existing collection system? What's wrong with this money going directly to the U.S. Government? And why is Washington D.C. a City State like the City of London and the Vatican? It seems as if we have one big corrupt undergound global system, which might very well be holding the Human Race hostage. I don't think this problem is isolated within the borders of the United States. The evil and corruption might be more extensive and far-reaching than we can possibly imagine. So should we just keep feeding that which is destroying us, because we're afraid to stop feeding the monster, for fear that it will eat us? What if the monster intends to eat us anyway, no matter what we feed it? What if the more the monster gets, the more the monster wants? And what if what the monster gets, enables the monster to better get what it wants. The human race seems to be in a graveyard spiral on final approach. But really, guys, I'm not afraid to die. In fact, that might be a sweet release. I've passively spoken of some sort of reasonable amensty for those who make full disclosure, and who are completely cooperative, so as to end the madness, but I'm beginning to back off of this idea. Perhaps those who have raped and pillaged the people of the world should pay dearly and without mercy for what they have done, even if this approach slows down getting things turned around, and on the right track. Justice should be served up in heaping portions, and believe me when I say that it will...

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:11 pm

    This is an amazing interview. All roads really do lead to Rome, and I continue to think that everything we discuss should be viewed from the Roman context. I continue to imagine myself as being a well-connected Renegade French Jesuit Organist. I continue to love the artistic aspects of Rome, but the history, theology, and politics are horrible, and I'm sure that most upper-level and well-informed Roman Catholics know this, but they have a Dragon by the Tail, and they are probably terrified of what might happen if they let go. As the general public finds out about all of this, things could get very, very nasty. I'm interested in this area of research, but it scares the hell out of me. I'm trying to be open and fair in all of this, and I'm trying to look at both the positive and negatives in all of this. All roads lead to Rome, but where did all of these roads originate?

    My present working assumption is that the solar system probably contains thousands of unconventional craft, including asteroid and moon spacecraft, which might be friendly or unfriendly toward the human race. I get the feeling that this solar system is like the wild, wild west -- and that we might be facing a showdown at the ok corral. I certainly do not desire peace at any price, nor do I desire to end-up as space-dust. What would Anna Hayes say? I'd still like to hang-out on Phobos for a while, regardless of whether it is populated by friend or foe. But I would have to have a solid guarantee that I wouldn't be harmed or kidnapped. I still like the idea of a Theocratically-Implemented, Responsibility-Based, United States of the Solar System -- with the governmental personnel mostly located within the University of Solar System Studies and Governance campuses throughout the solar system. I've spoken of using a deconsecrated cathedral as the headquarters of a New Solar System, so just for the fun of it, today I'm thinking of either the Crystal Cathedral or St. Mary's Cathedral (or both!!) as being the headquarters, with the University of California system serving as the core of the University of Solar System Studies and Governance system. Again, this is just for the conceptual heck of it. This is a test. This is only a test. And yes, I realize that I am insane, but it's more fun that way! The UC system has solid ties to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. I don't wish to reinvent the wheel. I just wish to have 10,000 PhD's with clipboards and safety-goggles, watching it rotate...
    Death and Taxes Crystal-cathedral-exteriorDeath and Taxes 4544568915_4d4f30d30cDeath and Taxes UC-Berkely-CampusDeath and Taxes UCLADeath and Taxes California_UCs_smaller_nobg

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:23 pm

    I wasn't going to mention this again, but I need to raise some tax-cash fairly quickly, to save my house, so I am interested in putting something together for publication, using this thread. I wish to remain anonymous, so if anyone knows anyone in publishing who might be interested, please PM me. I'm timid and paranoid, because of the controversial subject matter, so I'd really like to remain incognito with a pseudonym, and with all tracks well covered. There would have to be some sort of insider involvement, because I don't know how accurate I have been, or how potentially problematic some of my thoughts might be, if more than a dozen people read them. This thread has really been 'in house'. Also, it might be cool if insider types could answer some of the questions I've asked as a part of the potential publication. An interview with the Queen of Heaven and God of This World might be cool! They could just interject their answers and comments into a refined and well-edited manuscript. The book might involve a pictorial tour of the solar system, including some of the secret stuff. Just a thought. I'll pledge 50% of any profits to a worthy charity, such as A.D.R.A. I need help with things like pictures and copyright issues. I will continue rewriting the thread, and I might possibly put it into novel form. I will self-publish if I have to, and I probably will have to. I continue to wish to resolve things, rather than creating more problems, so I really am receptive to working with 'the man'. The reality-checking, spell-checking, selecting, editing, packaging, marketing, and those interviewed, would make all the difference in the world. I think there is a basic style, contextual superimposition, and editorial slant, which might make all of this madness of interest to someone. I might even buy five copies for my mother to drive up the numbers. This paragraph is sort of dumb and out of place, but I'm sort of desperate. Thanks in advance! My mailbox continues to be empty regarding this request, and this doesn't surprise me. I was once rejected by Harper and Row, and I just walked away from writing because of that negative experience. That happened a long time ago. One problem with a book, is that it sort of locks a person into a certain perspective. Also, I rely heavily upon links, quoted material, forum member comments, pictures, and paintings - and these things cannot be contained between the covers of a book. Unfortunately, very few people subject themselves to my tripe, and I don't get paid for doing this! My tripe is an acquired-taste! Nuff said!

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:06 pm

    Just let the various Eric Jon Phelps videos play, for a real education. I don't share his white-bias, even though I'm white. I don't share his Baptist-bias, even though I am a non church-going follower of the Teachings of Jesus. I appreciate his vast grasp of history, and his ability to connect dots. Tell me what you think. I continue to wish to understand, rather than condemn. So, really, I'm a lot softer than Eric Jon Phelps. I really wish for things to work out well for virtually EVERYONE, with some notable exceptions perhaps, which I'm not prepared to name, at this point in time...

    I continue to think that science fiction is an important part of this thread. Most of us don't have Cosmic Clearance - so we have to make due with the scraps of information we get fed in the mass media. The higher ups don't want us simple cattle to stampede! Run! Goyim! Run!! My computer is running very poorly - so I assume that someone doesn't like what I'm posting. Could you guys and gals just monitor me by going online, like everyone else - instead of doing all of that fancy back-door Cray Supercomputer BS? I'd really like to have my computer back. Besides, the interdimensional reptilian spies are keeping me under constant watch. I couldn't resist. I know you are just doing your jobs. But really - I mean absolutely no harm. Check out these BBC clips from 'Dr. Who':

    1. Hungry Earth:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3

    2. Cold Blood:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3

    Death and Taxes 5x08-The-Hungry-Earth-promo-photos-doctor-who-12300352-550-366Death and Taxes 5x08-The-Hungry-Earth-promo-photos-doctor-who-12300408-550-772Death and Taxes 5x08-The-Hungry-Earth-promo-photos-doctor-who-12300414-550-367

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:37 pm

    With the garnishment of my wages, I am left with less than $400 every two weeks. The Goon Squad Collection Agency is PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA. I haven't been dealing with the U.S. Government in any way, shape, or form. I know exactly where my garnished wages are going -- straight to hell -- just like all of those who are willing participants in this madness. The extortion-letter reads "Although we have told you to pay the amount you owe, it is still not paid. This is your copy of a notice of levy we have sent to collect this unpaid amount. We will send other levies if we do not get enough with this one. If you decide to pay the amount you owe now, please bring a guaranteed payment (cash, cashier's check, certified check, or money order) to the nearest IRS office with this form, so we can tell the person who received this levy not to send us your money."

    You people don't know what you have unleashed. You have awakened a sleeping giant. This is the beginning of the end.

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death And Taxes

    Post  Jenetta Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:50 pm

    Its very troubling for you Oxy...and so many others. I will keep an ear open for a publisher although someone in your area might be better.


    As above so below...

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    Death and Taxes Empty Re: Death and Taxes

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:35 pm

    Thank-you Jenetta. I see how this game is being played, and I don't like it, but I wonder how high and how low all of this goes? The ancient and galactic aspects might be quite startling. All I know is that I wish to see the evil and corruption removed from this solar system. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

      Current date/time is Wed May 08, 2024 9:58 pm